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Post on 17-Mar-2018






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Speaking Comprehension

Form 6

1. (, ).

2. ( ).

3. .

4. .

5. .

6. - .

7. - .

8. .

9. .

10. '.

11. .

12. .

13. .

14. .

15. .

Form 6


Variant 1

The Footprints in the Snow

The snow was falling again. It was cold and the sun was sinking in the sky. Donna and Richard were walking slowly under the tall trees. They were high up the side of a hill. In the distance they could see the small town of Darksville, their destination. But they still had a long way to go before evening.

This is crazy time of year for walking holiday, said Donna.

Its cool, said Richard.

Cool? said Donna. Its freezing!

And they laughed.

But a little later, they were walking through the forest when Donna saw footprints in the snow. They werent human footprints. They were huge.

What made these footprints? asked Donna nervously.

I dont know said Richard. Maybe a bear?

Donna didnt like the idea of a bear. It worried her.

We have to walk faster, she said. I want to get to Darksville.

It was getting dark now. Donna and Richard werent talking. They were worrying about those footprints. They were walking round a frozen pond when Richard said, Look!

Donna saw a small wooden house. But all the windows were broken and the doors were destroyed. And she saw the footprints

Richard, said Donna quietly. Its that thing again.

I dont understand, said Richard.

Did a yeti do this? asked Donna.

Yetis dont exist. Not in America.

Then what was it? asked Donna. Bigfoot? A monster?

Dont be silly, Donna, said Richard. But he was scared. And then they heard a loud sound. A human didnt make it. A bear or a wolf didnt make it. It was terrible! And Richard and Donna started to run.

I. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. Donna and Richard were of a skiing holiday.

2. They were walking to the town of Darksville.

3. The snow wasnt falling anymore.

4. Donna wasnt worried when she saw the footprints.

5. Richard said that it was a cool time of the year for walking.

6. Richard and Donna were talking all the time on their way to Darksville.

7. Richard saw the house before Donna.

8. Richard said that there were lots of yetis in America.

9. There werent any footprints outside the house.

10. They started to run because they heard a horrible sound.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. The sun was in the sky.

a) shining;

b) sinking;

c) hiding

2. This is a time of a year for walking holiday.

a) crazy;

b) wonderful;

c) bad

3. The footprints in the snow were .

a) big;

b) small;

c) huge

4. Donna didnt like the idea of a .

a) wolf;

b) bear;

c) yeti

5. The children saw a house.

a) small;

b) big;

c) huge

6. When Donna and Richard saw a house it was getting .

a) dark;

b) late;

c) early

7. Donna was when she saw the footprints in the snow.

a) happy;

b) nervous;

c) scared

8. The doors in the house were .

a) brown;

b) closed;

c) destroyed

9. The kids had to walk .

a) quietly;

b) faster;

c) slowly

10. Donna and Richard away from the house.

a) walked;

b) went;


Form 6


Variant 2

Robot World

Karel Capek, a Czech writer, used the word robot for the first time in 1921. It comes from the Czech word robota. In his play R.U.R. (Possums Universal Robots), a factory makes robots. Unfortunately, the robots kill all the humans and control the world! Its a scary story.

Today, we find robots in lots of different places from factories to hospitals. In car factories, robots do boring, dangerous or difficult jobs such as cutting metal or painting the body of the car. Some robots guard museums at night. Others vacuum the floors in offices and homes!

These robots dont look like people, but they are similar. In humans, the brain sends messages to different parts of the body and controls its movements. In robot technology, a main computer controls the movements of the robot in the same way.

Robots are very useful for exploring space. Russian robots walked on the Moon in the 1970s, and the Americans landed two robots on Mars in 2004. But why send robots into space? Well, robots can go to places that are dangerous for humans. They dont need oxygen or food and drink, and they can survive extreme temperatures. In space this is important. Temperatures can go from 120 in the sun to -100 in the dark.

These days, the most advanced robots can hear, see and make decisions. They have AL or artificial intelligence. In the future, we will use robots in many more different ways. Doctors will use very small robots called nanobots to treat illnesses. They are so small that you cant see them.

I. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. Karel Capek is a writer from Czech Republic.

2. The word robot was used for the first time in the magazine.

3. Today we can see robots in the hospitals.

4. Robots do interesting and easy work.

5. Robots look like people.

6. The brain controls robots movements.

7. People use robots to explore space.

8. In the 1970s people walked on the Moon.

9. Robots like to eat very much.

10. Some robots can be so small that you cant see them.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. The word robot comes from the word.

a) Polish;

b) Russian;

c) Czech

2. In the play R.U.R. controls the world.

a) humans;

b) robots;

c) animals

3. In car factories robots usually do work.

a) interesting;

b) dangerous;

c) creative

4. To control peoples movements the brain sends to different parts of the body.

a) messages;

b) letters;

c) e-mails

5. Americans sent two robots on in 2004.

a) the Moon;

b) Mars;

c) the Earth

6. Robots can survive temperatures.

a) low;

b) high;

c) low and high

7. Robots can make .

a) friends;

b) decisions;

c) jokes

8. Robots and people are .

a) similar;

b) different;

c) divers

9. Robots can .

a) do the vacuuming;

b) wash dishes;

c) plant flowers

10. Some robots the museums at night.

a) tidy;

b) guard;

c) build

Form 6


Variant 3

The King of Speed

He is the youngest driver to win the Formula One World Championship. Lewis Hamilton was born in Stevenage, UK on 7 January 1985. His parents divorced when he was only two. He lived with his mother for his first twelve years, and then he lived with his father and stepmother.

Lewis became interested in racing when he was only six. His father bought him a radio-controlled car, and soon after, a go-kart. Lewis won his first British karting championship when he was only ten. And 10-years-old Lewis also met the McLaren team owner Ron Dennis and told him. I want to race in Formula 1.

When he was still only 13, Lewis joined the McLaren and Mercedes-Benz Young Driver Support Programme. But he did other sports too, and played for his school football and cricket teams.

He began his car racing career in 2001 when he joined the McLaren racing team. In his first season in Formula One in 2006, Lewis won an amazing four times. In his second season, he came second in the championship. And in 2008, when he was still only 23, he won the trophy.

Lewis is an inspiration to young people all around the world. He has also got his own heroes, including his father, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King.

In his spare time, Lewis enjoys listening to music. His favourite music is R&B, reggae and hip-hop. His favourite artists include De La Soul, 2Pac and Bob Marley. But he also likes playing the guitar, too!

Some of his other hobbies are going to the gym, cycling and tennis. Hes also got a black belt in karate! But Lewis isnt active all the time. He also loves reading, watching DVDs and hanging out with family and friends.

I. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. Lewis Hamilton was born in Great Britain.

2. His parents lived together.

3. When Lewis was seven he became interested in racing.

4. At the age of ten Lewis met the owner of McLaren team.

5. Lewis played football.

6. In 2001 Lewis Hamilton won the trophy.

7. Lewis Hamilton likes listening to music.

8. Hamilton is a rock fan.

9. Lewis doesnt have his own heroes.

10. Hamilton is always active.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. Hamilton lived with his father when he was .

a) 10;

b) 7;

c) 13

2. When the boy was six his father bought him a .

a) radio;

b) go-kart;

c) radio-controlled car

3. Hamilton won his first karting competition at the age of ten.

a) American;

b) British;

c) French.

4. Lewis also played for his school team.

a) tennis;

b) cricket;

c) basketball

5. Lewis won times in his first season.

a) four;

b) five;

c) six

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