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Operative Dentistry Department


at the meeting of the Operative Dentistry department

Report № ____ of ___________ , 2017

Head of department __________ prof. А.V. Borysenko




Academic discipline Propaedeutics of operative dentistry

Module № 1 Propaedeutics of operative dentistry

Content module № 1 The basic dental tools and equipment. The anatomical structure of the permanent teeth

Lesson Focus

Filling materials. Classification. Demands for filling materials. Materials for temporary fillings and hermetic

dressings. Composition, properties, filling techniques. Materials for isolation, curative linings and pulp devitalization. The

objective of use, methods of their preparation, applying techniques.

Course ІІ

Faculty Dental

Number of hours 1

Compiler: prof. Lynovitskay O.V. , Timokhina T.O.

Methodist: Kolenko Y.G.

Kyiv – 2017




І. Actuality of theme

The eventual stage of treatment of caries and his complications is stopping.

Stopping is substituting for the defect of hard fabrics of tooth by the special material for renewal of anatomic form and function of tooth. Stoppings materials are intended for renewal of different parts of tooth on different terms, and depending on it they are different characteristics. To materials which are intended for the temporal closing of carious cavities on short space, less requirements are in relation to their mechanical firmness. In the complement of other different medicinal preparations can be entered, then apply such materials for treatment of caries or pulpit. A separate group is folded by materials for the devitalization of mash.

ІІ. Educational aims of employment General: to know stoppings materials for the temporal stopping of carious

cavities during treatment of the uncomplicated and complicated caries, for an isolation and devitalization of mash, and also for treatment of caries and his complications.

Concrete: To have ((-I):

- general picture of stoppings materials. To know ((-II):

- classification of stoppings materials; - requirements to stoppings materials; - basic descriptions of stoppings materials; - groups of materials for the temporal stoppings; - requirements to temporal stoppings materials; - физико-механические properties of temporal stoppings materials; - requirements to insulating materials; - variants of insulating gaskets; - физико-механические properties of insulating materials; - classification of medical stoppings materials; - the basic requirements to medical stoppings materials; - properties of medical stoppings materials; - basic forms of issue of preparations which contain calcium гидроксид; - groups of preparations for the devitalization of mash; - basic descriptions of preparations for the devitalization of mash.

Занятие №10


Able ((-III, ((-IV): - to involve temporal stoppings materials on instruction; - to involve insulating stoppings materials on instruction; - to involve девитализирующую paste on the basis of параформальдегида; - to lay on девитализирующие pastes; - to capture skills of therapeutic manipulations during work with temporal,

insulating and medical stoppings materials.

III. Purpose of development of personality During employment instrumental in development for the students of

imagination about the technological and clinical aspects of work with temporal, insulating and medical stoppings materials; to form for students sense of professional responsibility for the rightness of the conducted medical manipulations.

IV. Mezhdistsiplinarnaya integration


To know


Previous disciplines

- chemistry

chemical nature of medical, insulating and temporal stoppings materials, materials for the devitalization of mash

- physics

физико-механические properties of stoppings materials.

- pharmacology

groups of medicinal preparations, contained as medicinal additions in medical, insulating and temporal stoppings materials, materials for the devitalization of mash.

- physiology

Reaction of fabrics of tooth and периодонта on stopping material, reaction of mash on the action of девитализирующей paste.

Vnutripredmetnaya integration

Stomatological equipment. Stomatological tool. Temporal, insulating and medical stoppings materials.

Stomatological equipment. Stomatological tool. Temporal, insulating and medical stoppings materials. Materials for the devitalization of mash.

• to carry out the correct choice of material depending on a clinical situation;

• to involve temporal stoppings materials on instruction;

• to involve insulating stoppings

Занятие №10


Materials for the devitalization of mash.

materials on instruction; • to involve девитализирующую

paste on the basis of параформальдегида;

• to lay on девитализирующие pastes;

• to capture skills of therapeutic manipulations during work with temporal, insulating and medical stoppings materials.

V. Table of contents of theme of employment Complete treatment of diseases of hard fabrics of teeth renewal of their

anatomic form and function by different artificial stoppings materials. Stoppings materials are intended for renewal of different parts of tooth,

sometimes on short space, and depending on it possess different properties (chart 10.2). Classify stoppings materials on different signs (chart 10.1): to the term of the use, setting, method of making, chemical composition.

Занятие №10


Chart 10.1. Classification of stoppings materials


По термину использования



По предназначению Материалы для повязок и временных пломб

Материалы для прокладок

Постоянные пломбировочные материалы для восстановления анатомической формы и функции зуба (цементы, амальгама, композиты).

Пломбировочные материалы для заполнения кореневых каналов.

Стоматологические герметики

Материалы для фиксации ортопедических и ортодонтических конструкцій.

По способу изготовления





Полимерные (ормокеры, пластмассы, композиты, компомеры).


По химическому составу





Занятие №10


Chart 10.2. Basic descriptions of stoppings materials

Permanent stoppings materials must answer the followings requirements: 1. Biocompatibility of stopping material. 2. Firmness to the action of mouth liquid and components of food. 3. High mechanical durability and hardness, firmness to elimination. 4. Maintainance of form and volume in default of deformation during a hot-

setting. 5. To have a relatively small heat-conducting. 6. A temperature coefficient of expansion must be equal or very near to the

coefficient of expansion of enamel and dentine. 7. To have a high cosmetic effect. 8. Must keep stability of color. 9. To be good manipulation characteristics. 10. Densely to adjoin to the walls of cavity. 11. Rapid hot-setting (during 15-20 minutes) in presence water or saliva and

relative lightness at treatment and polishing of stopping. 12. Not to contain toxic components, insalubrious and medical personnel

patient. 13. To possess an anticarious action for warning of relapse of caries on the

border of stopping with fabrics of tooth. 14. To be рентгеноконтрастным. 15. To have the protracted term of fitness, not require the special terms of the

use, storage and transporting.


Адгезия (прилипание)

Дезинтеграция (разрушение целого)

Рабочее время

Стирание (потеря массы пломбы)

Коэффициент термического расширения пломбировочных материалов

Краевое прилегание

Оптимальная густота замешивания пломбы (замешивание пломбировочного материала согласно инструкции фирмы-производителя)

Граница прочности пломбы (сопротивление на излом, на давление)

Усадка (уменьшение в объеме)

Занятие №10


Temporal stoppings materials must answer such requirements:

1. To provide the impermeable closing of carious cavity. 2. Easily to be entered and hatch from a carious cavity. 3. To have sufficient mechanical durability. 4. To be indifferent to mash, fabrics of tooth and medicinal matters. 5. Not to dissolve in a mouth liquid and saliva. 6. Not to contain components which violate the processes of адгезии and hot-

setting of permanent stoppings materials. Divide temporal materials into groups:

- chemical hot-setting; - light hot-setting.

Also select temporal bandages and temporal stoppings.

Занятие №10


Table 10.1. Basic descriptions of materials for the temporal stoppings


Zinc-sulfate cement

Tsink-evgenol'nyy cement

Zinc-phosphatic cement

Polikarboksilatnyy cement

Chemical composition

Zinc sulfate and zinc oxide, which in combination with water form the crystals of ZnSO4 2Н2О and salt of Zn2(HE) SО4.

Zinc oxide and eugenol.

Powder – 75-90% zinc of oxide, 10% magnesium of oxide, silicon of дваоксид. Liquid – 45-64% water solution of ортофосфорной acid.

Powder is мелкодисперсное aluminosilicate glass (thinly ground up calcium of фторалюмосиликатное flowed). Liquid – 50% water solution of сополимера of полиакрил-итаконовой acid, containing 5% winy acid.


Hatches from a carious cavity sufficiently easy, by рычаговидными motions of power-shovel.

It is antiseptic and antibacterial characteristics, produces the anaesthetic and противовоспалительное operating on an endodontium, has a low heat-conducting.

Low durability 80-170 MPa, large solubility in water – 0,04-3,3%, large усадка – 0,5. Has good plasticity, адгезию, small heat-conducting, not harmful for mash.

Durability at a compression 90-180 MPa. Malorastvorim in water. Well will save in the cavity of mouth. Does not possess the irritating operating on mash and has good адгезию (8-12 MPa) to the walls of cavity. Has an anticarious action.

Testimonies to the use

Apply for gaskets, temporal stoppings and impermeable bandages.

Apply for insulating gaskets and as temporal stopping material.

Apply as insulating продкладку and as temporal stopping material.

Use as an insulating gasket under the permanent stoppings and as temporal stoppings.

Занятие №10


MATERIALS FOR INSULATING GASKETS Most modern permanent stoppings materials or render the unfavorable

affecting endodontium (chemical, thermal), or does not provide pressurizing of surface of отпрепарированного dentine. Therefore between the permanent stopping and bottom of carious cavity (if a cavity is placed within the limits of dentine) lay on an insulating gasket.

Table 10.3. Classification of insulating stoppings materials


Base gasket (basic):

Tonkosloynaya gasket (liner):

1. Zinc-phosphatic цементы

Insulating varnishes

2. Gidrofosfatnyy cement 3. Polikarboksilatnye цементы 4. Stekloionomernye цементы

An insulating gasket must answer the row of requirements and execute the

row of functions: 1. To protect a dentine and endodontium from the irritating action of permanent

stopping material. 2. To maintain the mechanical loading, related to the redistribution of masticatory

pressure. 3. Instrumental in the improvement of fixing of permanent stopping material. 4. Easily to be entered in a cavity, quickly to harden. 5. To form strong connection with fabrics of tooth and permanent stopping

material. 6. To have an anticarious action (to select a fluorine). 7. To stimulate the protective functions of mash: реминерализацию and

formation of the second dentine. 8. Not to have the toxic operating on mash. 9. To be consonant with permanent stoppings materials. 10. To have a low heat-conducting. 11. To have a coefficient of thermal expansion near to hard fabrics of tooth. 12. To be рентгенконтрастным. 13. In color and to be transparency near to the dentine. 14. Not инактивировать medicinal preparation of medical gasket. 15. Material of gasket must not collapse under act of dentinal liquid, and in the case

of violation of impermeability of the permanent stopping – under act of mouth

Занятие №10


liquid. At stopping of cavities modern composition materials of light

polymerization the function of insulating gasket is executed by the адгезивная system of compo, which forms a hybrid area in a dentine.

MATERIALS FOR MEDICAL GASKETS Basic principle of modern stomatology is sparing attitude toward fabrics of

tooth. With the purpose of decision of this task apply medical gaskets which contain the active matters of the different having a special purpose setting.

Requirements: - to have противовоспалительное, antimicrobial, одонтотропное action; - not to irritate an endodontium; - to provide pressurizing of adjoining dentine, connection with fabrics of tooth,

gasket and permanent stopping material; - to answer физико-механическим properties of permanent stoppings materials,

not to hinder the processes of hot-setting and адгезии of compos. As medical stoppings materials apply a number of preparations which de

bene esse can be divided into such groups: 1. materials, containing calcium hydroxide; 2. цинк-эвгенольные цементы; 3. combined medical pastes.

Table 10.4.

Medical materials. Classification. Representatives.


containing calcium гидроксид



Combined, containing the different groups of medications

1. Water suspension of calcium of гидроксида: - Calcicur (VOCO); - Calasept (Nordika Dental); - Calcipulpe (Septodont); - Super Calcium hydroxid -

Liner (DMG); - Kal'radent (VladMiVa). -

- Zinoment (VOCO);

- Kalsogen Plus (Dentsply);

- Cavitec (Kerr).


1. Odontotropnyy: - calcium hydroxide; - фториды; - calcium Glycerophosphatum; - dentine or bone sawdusts; - artificial or natural

гидроксиапатиты; - альгипор; - collogen. -

Занятие №10


2. Liners: - Contrasil (Septodont); - Hydroxyline; - Tubulitec. -

2. Protivovospalitel'nye: - глюкокортикоиды

(преднизолон, гидрокортизон);

- нестероидные противовоспалительные (салицилаты, Indomethacinum).

- 3. Mastics:

- Gangraena Merz. -

3. Antimicrobial: - chlorhexidine; - метронидазол; - лизоцим; - hypochlorite of sodium; - paste of этония. -

4. Kal'tsiy-salitsilatnye цементы of chemical hot-setting:

- Calcimol (VOCO); - Dycal (Dentsply); - Life (Kerr); - Septocalcine Ultra

(Septodont); - Reocap (Vivadent); - Kal'tsesil (VladMiVa). -

4. Proteoliticheskie enzymes: - профезим; - имозимаза; - стоматозим. -

5. Polymeric materials with a light mechanism polymerizations which contain calcium гидроксид:

- Calcimol LC (VOCO); - Ultra - Blend

(Ultradent); - Kal'tsesil LC

(VladMiVa). -

5. Other facilities: - гиалуронидаза; - EDTA; - димексид; - kaolin; - zinc oxide; - novocaine; - different butters (clove, sea-

buckthorn, peachy, eucalyptus, oily solutions of vitamins).


FACILITIES FOR DEVITALIZATION OF ENDODONTIUM For the devitalization of endodontium apply or мышьяковистую, or

параформальдегидную pastes. In the complement of мышьяковистой paste enter:

Занятие №10


- мышьяковистый anhydride, having the некротизирующее affecting mash; - local anesthetic; - drastic antiseptic (Thymolum, carbolic acid, camphor). - astringent matters (Tanninum).

Basic rules of imposition of мышьяковистой paste: 1. Mysh'yakovistuyu paste recommend to lay on on the unsealed horn of mash.

Sometimes assume imposition of девитализирующей paste on the not unsealed mash.

2. Amount of мышьяковистой paste, necessary for the devitalization of mash of one tooth, to the соответсвует size of head of the spherical coniferous forest № 1 (dose of мышьяковистого anhydride – 0,0006-0,0008 gs);

3. Terms of imposition of «standard» мышьяковистой paste are in chisels, dog-teeth, премоляре – 24 hour, in моляре – 48 hours. Depending on the features of composition the terms of imposition of девитализирующих pastes can change. In this question it is necessary to follow recommendations of firm-producer. Paraformal'degidnaya paste is intended for a devitalization and

mummification of mash. The devitalization of mash takes place in a flow 6-8 days.

Lay on параформальдегидную paste on those rules, what мышьяковистую.

Composition: - параформальдегид; - Anaesthesinum; - clove butter.

Занятие №10


VI. Plan and organizational structure of employment

Basic stages of employment, their functions and maintenance

An educational purpose is in the

levels of mastering

Methods of control and teaching

Materials of the methodical providing

Distributing of time

(in minutes)

I. Preparatory stage

1 Organizational measures

Greeting, verification of presence of students and necessary educational materials, original appearance et cetera

Academic magazine

2 mins

2 Raising of educational aims and motivation

"Educational purpose", "Actuality of theme"

2–3 mins

3 Control of initial level of knowledges, skills, abilities:

20 minutes

3.1. Classification of stoppings materials.


Individual theoretical questioning. Decision of typical tasks ІІ mastering level. Decision of test tasks ІІ mastering level. Writing theoretical control.

Questions. Tables, pictures, sliding seats, stoppings materials. Typical tasks ІІ mastering level. Test tasks ІІ mastering level. Writing theoretical tasks.

3.2. Requirements to stoppings materials. 3.3. Basic descriptions of stoppings materials. 3.4. Groups of materials for the temporal stoppings. 3.5. Requirements to temporal stoppings materials.

Занятие №10


3.6. Физико-механические properties of temporal stoppings materials. 3.7. The basic requirements to insulating materials. 3.8. Groups of insulating materials. 3.9. Физико-механические properties of insulating materials. 3.10. Groups of medical materials. 3.11. The basic requirements to medical materials. 3.12. Properties of medical materials. 3.13. Basic forms of issue of preparations which contain calcium гидроксид. 3.14. Groups of the combined medical preparations. 3.15. Groups of preparations for the devitalization of mash. 3.16. Basic descriptions of preparations for the devitalization of mash.

II. Basic stage

4 Forming of professional skills and abilities: 90 minutes

Занятие №10


4.1. To do the correct choice of material depending on a clinical situation.


Practical training. Individual control of practical skills. The professional training is in the decision of offtype clinical situations.

Algorithm for forming of professional abilities. Plaster casts, equipment. To the test offtype situatioonal tasks

4.2. To involve temporal stoppings materials in obedience to instruction. 4.3. To involve insulating stoppings materials in obedience to instruction. 4.4. To involve девитализирующую paste on the basis of параформальдегида. 4.5. To lay on девитализирующие pastes. 4.6. To capture skills of therapeutic manipulations during work with temporal, insulating and medical stoppings materials.

ІII. Final stage

5 Control and correction of level of professional skills and abilities.


Methods of control of skills: individual control of skills or their results. Methods of control of abilities: decision of offtype situatioonal tasks, test control.

Job performances. Test tasks and tasks ІV level. Reference map for independent work of students with literature.

20 minutes

6 Working out the totals of employment – Evaluation of success of –

Занятие №10


(theoretical, practical, organizational).

student (diagnostics of level of knowledges, skills and abilities).

7 Home task

Reference map for independent work with literature.

Занятие №10


VII. Materials of the methodical providing of employment

VII.1. Control materials for the preparatory stage of employment VII.1.1. Theoretical questions ((-II)

1. Classification of stoppings materials. 2. Requirements to stoppings materials. 3. Basic descriptions of stoppings materials. 4. Groups of materials for the temporal stoppings. 5. Requirements to temporal stoppings materials. 6. Физико-механические properties of temporal stoppings materials. 7. The basic requirements to insulating materials. 8. Groups of insulating materials. 9. Физико-механические properties of insulating materials. 10. Groups of medical materials. 11. The basic requirements to medical materials. 12. Физико-механические properties of medical materials. 13. Basic forms of issue of preparations which contain calcium гидроксид. 14. Groups of the combined medical preparations. 15. Groups of девитализирующих facilities. 16. Basic descriptions of preparations for the devitalization of mash.

VII.1.2. Tests (?-І): 1. Name materials for impermeable temporal bandages at treatment of the

complicated caries: а) «Adhesor», «Argil», «Fritex»; б) «Dycal», «Life», «Alkaliner»; в) «Silidont», «Silitsin», «Unifas»; г) «Aqua-Cem», «Fuji-ІІ», «Ketac-fill»; д) «Cavit», dentine-powder, dentine-paste. Answer: д. 2. Name materials, applied as medical продкладок at raising of the

permanent stoppings: а) «Adhesor», «Argil», «Fritex»; б) «Cavit», dentine-powder, dentine-paste; в) «Silidont», «Silitsin», «Unifas»; г) «Aqua-Cem», «Fuji-ІІ», «Ketac-fill»; д) «Dycal», «Life», «Alkaliner». Answer: д. 3. Specify materials, applied for the devitalization of mash: а) zinc-phosphatic, поликарбоксилатные цементы; б) dentine-powder, dentine-paste; в) calcium гидроксид, oxide of zinc with an eugenol; г) мелкодисперсное glass, сополимер of полиакрилитаконовой acid; д) paste on the basis of anhydride of arsenic, параформальдегидная paste. Answer: д.

Занятие №10


4. Specify the mechanism of action of девитализирующей paste on the basis of мышьяковистого anhydride:

а) stimulation of plastic function; б) противовоспалительный; в) реминерализирующий; г) муммифицирующий; д) necrosis. Answer: д. 5. Specify the mechanism of operating on mash of параформальдегидной

paste: а) stimulation of plastic function; б) противовоспалительный; в) реминерализирующий; г) necrosis; д) mummification. Answer: д. 6. Choose preparations which behave to the group of medical materials: а) zinc-sulfate цементы, стеклоиономеры; б) поликарбоксилатные цементы, zinc-phosphatic цементы; в) dentine-powder, dentine-paste; г) «TempeLayt» (StomaDent), «Clip» (Voco), «Fermit» (Vivadent); д) materials, containing calcium гидроксид, цинк-эвгенольные цементы, combined medical pastes. Answer: д. 7. Name composition of zinc-phosphatic цементов: а) zinc oxide, eugenol; б) zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, water; в) мелкодисперсный aluminosilicate, сополимер of

полиакрилитаконовой acid; г) calcium гидроксид, salicylate; д) zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide, water solution of

ортофосфорной acid. Answer: д. 8. Specify the constituents of поликарбоксилатных цементов: а) цинкы oxide, eugenol; б) цинкы sulfate, цинкы oxide, water; в) цинкы oxide, magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide, water solution of

ортофосфорной acid; г) calcium гидроксид, salicylate; д) мелкодисперсный aluminosilicate, сополимер of

полиакрилитаконовой acid. Answer: д.

VII.1.3. Classification tests ((-II) VII.1.3.1. Find the logically-constrained information:

Занятие №10


1. Zinc-sulfate цементы 2. Zinc-phosphatic цементы 3. Polikarboksilatnye цементы 4. Tsink-evgenol'nye цементы 5. Materials, containing calcium гидроксид 6. Combined medical pastes

а) "Эвгецент-в" б) Dentine-powder в) "Life" г) "Vinoksol" д) "Kal'tsesil" є) pastes, containing antibiotics ж) "Argіl з) "Tsemion" і) Phosphate-cement к) "Saguosan" л) Dentine-paste м) "Adhesor" н) " Adhesor Carbofine" о) «Kal'metsin»

Answer: 1 - б), g), л); 2 -), і), m); 3 - з), н); 4 - and), to); 5 - in), д), oh); 6 - є).

Занятие №10


VII.2. Materials of the methodical providing of the basic stage of employment VII.2.1. Reference map for forming of professional abilities and skills

Educational task

Sequence of implementation of actions at a capture skills

Warning in relation to self-control

1. To capture the method of preparation of artificial water dentine.

1. On the mat surface of glass plate inflict the necessary amount of powder and water in correlation 2:1. 2. Powder gradually add to water in such amount, that he fully ate up water, and then involve a metallic spatula during 25-30 with (no more), adding the two-bit of powder, take grindings motions to stiff сметанообразной consistency. 3. Prepared mass bring in a flatter in a dry cavity by one portion and make more compact a tampon from dry cotton wool no-pressure.

Zinc-sulfate цементы destroy from the cavity of tooth sufficiently easy, by рычагоподобными motions of power-shovel or probe, or coniferous forest.

2. To capture the method of preparation of zinc-phosphatic cement.

1. On a glass plate pour the certain amount of powder (4-6 drops on a 1 g of powder) and necessary amount of liquid. 2. Divide powder of cement into a 4 part. One of them go fifty-fifty and 1/8 once again go fifty-fifty. 3. Carefully mix up fourth parts of powder a spatula with a liquid by grindings motions. 4. Upon receipt homogeneous mass add quarter, eighth and sixteenth parts of powder. 5. Enter the necessary amount of the involved

Consider consistency of test correct, if in the case of tearing away of spatula it is torn off from a test, forming indents the height of 1 мм Does not recommend before stopping to wash a carious cavity an alcohol.

Занятие №10


cement test in a carious cavity 1-2 portions and carefully condense to the walls and bottom by a plugger.

3.To capture a method preparation of цинк-эвгенольного cement of "Sarіosan".

1.On the mat surface of glass plate inflict the necessary amount of powder and liquid (on instruction). 2.Powder gradually add little portions to the liquid and by grindings motions metallic a spatula take to stiff сметанообразной consistency. 3. Prepared mass bring in a flatter or spatula by little portions in a dry cavity and make more compact a tampon from cotton wool. 4. Sometimes from above close an artificial dentine.

During mixing the resinous appears zinc of евгенолят, which binds grains of zinc in doughy mass which hardens gradually.

4. To capture the method of preparation of the combined medical paste.

1.Prepare from combinations of different medications immediately in front of bringing in a carious cavity. 2.Sul'fanilamidnye preparations, antibiotics, enzymes, кортикостероидные hormones, нитрофураны, vitamins, can be included in composition.

The imposed medical paste from above close an artificial dentine.

5. To capture the method of bringing in the carious cavity of preparation of "Life"("Kerr") on the basis of calcium of гидроксида.

1. Consists of two pastes. 2. These two component involve on a paper plate immediately in front of bringing in a carious cavity. 3. Bring in in a carious cavity little a flatter-

Занятие №10


plugger in the places of projection of horns of mash as points. 4. From above close an artificial dentine.

6. To capture the method of preparation of поликарбоксилатного cement.

1. Involve powder of cement on the distilled water (or to the special liquid) during 1-2 mins, in correlation 1:1 on paper plates. 2. Bring in in a carious cavity with some surplus. 3. The hot-setting of material takes place during 2-3 mins 4. Process the surface of stopping polish and cover the special varnish. If apply this material as an insulating gasket, then: - inflict on the bottom of carious cavity - from above lay on stopping from permanent stopping material.

It is necessary not to violate correlation "powder is a liquid" during a premix.

Занятие №10


VII.3. Control materials for the final stage VII.3.1. Classification test ((-IV)



Iskusstven-nyy dentine

Tsink-fosfat- ный


Polikarboksi-latnyy cement



Combined medical pastes

Preparations, containing

гидроксид of Sa


paste on the basis of anhydrite of




1 . Behaves to materials for the temporal stopping.







2. Behaves to permanent пломбировальным materials.



3. And With

П Oh л Ь З

At Ю Т

- for the impermeable closing of cavity of tooth





- for the isolation of medical matters in the cavity of tooth and root ductings





- as insulating gaskets for the permanent stoppings





- as medical stoppings materials




4. Materials which can be used for treatment of sharp deep caries.




Занятие №10


5.1. Materials, defiant necrosis of mash.


5.2. Materials, defiant mummification of mash.


6. Materials, having адгезивное connection with the surface of enamel.

7. Materials, containing soluble foundation, disintegrating on the ions of Sa2+ and ON- badly


8. Materials, containing zinc oxide and eugenol (85%).


9. Material, laid on over a wadding marble with девитализирующей paste.


Занятие №10


VІI.4. Materials of the methodical providing самоподготовки of students

VII.4.1. Reference map for organization of independent work of students with

educational literature on the topic: «Stoppings materials. Classification and requirements to them. Temporal

stoppings materials. Materials for insulating and medical gaskets and devitalization of mash»

Educational task



To learn:

1. Give classification of stoppings materials.

To give classification of stoppings materials.

2. Will transfer requirements to stoppings materials.

To expose essence of requirements to stoppings materials.

3. Cut out basic descriptions of stoppings materials.

To transfer basic descriptions of stoppings materials and expose their essence.

4. Name the groups of materials for the temporal stoppings.

To specify the groups of materials for the temporal stoppings.

5. Name requirements to temporal stoppings materials.

To expose essence of requirements to temporal stoppings materials.

6. Specify mechanical properties of temporal stoppings materials физико-.

To name физико-механические properties of temporal stoppings materials.

7. Name the basic requirements to insulating materials.

To name and expose essence of the basic requirements to insulating materials.

8. Name the groups of insulating materials.

To specify the groups of insulating materials.

9. Name mechanical properties of insulating materials физико-.

To name физико-механические properties of insulating materials.

10. Name the groups of medical To specify the groups of medical

Занятие №10




11. Name the basic requirements to medical materials.

To transfer the basic requirements to medical materials.

12. Name properties of medical materials.

To transfer properties of medical materials.

13. Name the basic forms of issue of preparations on the basis of hydroxide of calcium.

To describe the basic forms of issue of preparations on the basis of hydroxide of calcium.

14. Name the groups of the combined medical preparations.

To describe the groups of the combined medical preparations.

15. Name the groups of preparations for the devitalization of mash.

To transfer the groups of preparations for the devitalization of mash.

16. Name basic descriptions of preparations for the devitalization of mash.

To expose basic descriptions of preparations for the devitalization of mash.

VІІІ. Literature on the topic of employment

Basic 1. Practical work of з терапевтичної стоматології (фантомний course) /

A.V.Borisenko, L.F.Sіdel'nіkova, M.Yu.antonenko, Yu.g.kolenko, O.O.Shekera. – Kiїv, 2011. – 512 p.

2. Danilevs'kiy M.F., Borisenko A.V., Polіtun A.M., Sіdel'nіkova L.F., Nesin O.F. Terapevtichna стоматологія: Pіdruchnik; At 4 т. – Fantomniy course / M.F.Danilevs'kiy, A.V. Borisenko, A.M. Polіtun, L.F. Sіdel'nіkova, O.F. Nesin – Kiїv: Medicine, 2007. – 304 p.

3. Danilevskiy N.F., Borisenko A.V., Politun A.M., Sidel'nikova L.F., Nesin A.F. Therapeutic stomatology: Textbook; In 4 т. – Propedevtika of therapeutic stomatology. it is Kiev: Medicine, 2011. – 400 p.

4. Borovskiy E.V., Ivanov V.S., Banchenko g.v. and other Therapeutic stomatology. – M.: the Medical agency of news, 2004. – 840 p.

5. Nikolaev A.I., Tsepov l.m. Practical therapeutic stomatology. – M.: MEDpress-inform, 2007. – 928 p.

Additional 1. Bykov V.L. Histology and embryology of organs of cavity of mouth of man. –

SPb.: Special literature, 1999. – 247 p.

Занятие №10


2. Falin L.I. Histology and embryology of cavity of mouth and teeth. – M.: Gosmedgiz, 1963. – 220 p.

Electronic sources 1. 2. 3.

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