mind movie

Post on 27-Oct-2014






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This is a presentation that describes how and why to make mind movies.


Mind Movie Seminar

By Rebecca McCormackhttp://realfreeenergy.com/

Today we will be discussing these topics:

• The Divine Matrix/what it is and how it works• How to reprogram your paradigm• Mind Movies

The purpose of this seminar is to introduce you to mind movies. To let you know how and why they work and to show you how to use this form of visualization to achieve your personal and professional goals.

The Quickening

• All around the planet people are awakening to the reality that humanity and the earth are now entering a heightened phase of activity.

• This apparent acceleration is marked by increasing solar flair activity and by the rising temperature of every planet in our solar system.

• The simplest explanation behind this sense of speeding up is that our planets vibrational frequency is raising.

• This acceleration of time increases the vibrations which allows us to manifest our thoughts quicker.

• This event which many ancient cultures have prophetically termed the quickening has begun.

• This evolution of consciousness is effecting each persons life at this moment in history.

• And it is the greatest opportunity in the history of our planet.

Dream Programming

• Famous Greek philosophers from Homer through Plato, continued to believe and teach that dreams are vehicles for divine manifestations.

• Carl Jung, a Swiss scientist agreed that dreams are manifestations of the unconscious mind- the part of the psyche that holds the feelings and drives of which one is normally unaware.

• He also believed that dreams could actually give us clues as to what will take place in the future.

• You cannot begin to understand how you form the physical events of your lives unless you understand the connection between creativity and dreams, and how those events form your waking hours.

• Dreams are the minds free play, while at the same time are forming practical events.

• They are coded biological connections of images that relate to cellular activity in the brain not generally, but specifically.

• Dreaming involves a far greater input of information than is realized, you take in far more data when you are dreaming than when you are awake, although its data of a different kind.

• The dreams themselves are further processed so that they become the fabric for recognizable waking events.

• Even if dreams are not recalled, they are imprinted on your subconscious.

• Many dreams activate the brain, sparking responses that are not pertinent to present events.

• That is, they do not require direct present action but serve as anticipators of action, which triggers the brain to initiate certain actions in the future.

• This proper placement is dependent upon an inner knowledge of probable future events, and your present time would be an impossible achievement if it were not for this unconscious knowledge of the "future.”

• In the dream state such data becomes transformed, into pictures- reflections of events that might occur, previews of probable sequences.

• In the dream state you change the orientation of your consciousness, and deal with the birth of events which are only later physically experienced.

• In dreams you deal with symbols, of course.

• Yet symbols are simply examples of other kinds of "objective" events.

• They are events that are not what they seem to be, and they are equally events that do not " immediately" show themselves.

• Each aspect of a dream, while having personal meaning, is also your version of a symbol that stands for a corresponding event.

• The symbols carry the desired message.

• Those intentions then search the universe for a proper fit.

• Your dreaming and waking experience has a direct effect on the entire universe.

• The difference is that when you are dreaming you are not consciously aware of your thoughts.

• Dreams "stamp" or "impress" the universe with there own imprint.

• In dreams you attain the necessary information, which then manifests in your waking life.

• The dream state itself is like a laboratory in which your waking reality is constructed.

• Your present time would be an impossible achievement if it were not for this unconscious knowledge of the "future.”

• In dreams you deal with symbols- reflections of events that might occur, previews of probable sequences.

• Events are initiated from within you and then appear in the outside world.

How to reprogram your Subconscious

Here I wish to talk about how the Conscious mind and the Sub-conscious mind works and that the body is an expression of the mind.

When you impress an idea upon your sub-conscious mind that idea or image alters the vibrations of the instrument that is our body.

Our body is a molecular structure. It is a mass of energy in a high speed of vibration.

It is important that we understand how the mind works and the relation of mind to body.

It is our results we want to change.

In this stick figure we have the conscious and the sub-conscious mind and the sensory factors hooked up to the conscious mind.

Then you have the sub-conscious and then the body. Now the conscious mind has the ability to choose thoughts. Those thoughts turn into pictures.

We then turn the pictures over to the sub-conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind expresses the action.

The subconscious does not have the ability to reject. It does not know the difference between dreams and reality.

When we arrived on the scene we did not have any conscious factors developed.

The sensory factors weren't even developed. This is how you arrived. This is called the little life.

• That's the baby. No Conscious mind. So the subconscious mind is wide open.

• You can put anything in it.

• Your sub-conscious mind is programmed genetically.

• That's why we look like our relatives.

• It's built right into the genes at birth.

• Then we are programmed environmentally.

Let's stop and think about the environment we were raised in.

Here's the baby.

And look the ideas, thought and images are all being programmed into the sub-conscious mind.

• Now through repetition, over and over again, remember the baby is getting it all day everyday and this goes on for four or five years.

• When the baby reaches the ages where they begin to think. That baby is programmed.

• It is programmed to think like the people it is surrounded by. If the people that surrounded that baby grew up in hard times.

• That baby will grow up and go through hard times.

If the people that surrounded that baby went through school the baby will grow up and go through school.

So here we now have a baby that has been programmed.

Now lets think for a moment, What happens when that baby starts to think for itself?

Now think of this, the paradigm controls the vibration.

The vibration controls that action which then produces the results.

Now you have the baby with the paradigm and the conscious faculties have been developed.

They have the ability to think. There is a power flowing into them.

What are they going to think?

They are going to think thoughts that are in harmony with that paradigm.

• That paradigm is nothing but a multitude of habits.

• A habit is an idea that has been programmed into the sub-conscious mind over and over again.

• The paradigm is literally controlling the behavior.

• Consciencely you can think of one thing, but sub-consciencely the other idea will be controlling you. So the paradigm controls the results.

• The paradigm is literally controlling the behavior.

• Lets think of how the paradigm was formed.

• It was formed through repetition of images. The ideas being planted in your sub-conscious mind.

• Understand your paradigm dictates your logic. • Your paradigm controls how you utilizes your time.

• Your paradigm controls your perception of situations.

• Your paradigm controls your effectiveness.

• Your paradigm controls the amount of money you earn.

• If you want to change your life. You must change your paradigm.

• Now you know why you are getting the results your getting. It has nothing todo with your intellect.

• Your intellect you can figure out how todo things.

• That doesn't mean you are going todo them.

• You hear people say, "I believe that" but there behavior would indicate they have never even heard of it.

• Why? We believe something on a conscious level. On a sub-conscious level the paradigm believes something else.

• We have to take the new beliefs and goals that we have consciousely determined and plant them in the place of the old beliefs.

• When you change your paradigm your whole world will change.

• You can study all you want. But if you don't gain an understanding of how to alter that program. That's what the paradigm is it a program.

• Its a multiple of concepts fixed in your sub-conscious mind that literally control your behavior.

• Its a beautiful concept to understand. It a terrible one if you don't because it literally controls your life.

• We should be taught this is school, but we are not.

• How is the paradigm formed?

• Through the repetition of images and information. This can be achieved through visualization.

• Your paradigm was formed by the age of 5.

• As an adult you can reprogram your paradigm by planting desired images into the subconscious mind.

• That paradigm is nothing but a multitude of habits.

• A habit is an idea that has been programmed into the sub-conscious mind over and over again.

• When you change your paradigm your whole world will change.

The Subconscious vs the Conscious mind

• From the moment we get up -- to the moment we go to bed -- we operate mostly from the subconscious.

• You want to rewrite the Blueprint of your subconscious.

• Otherwise you will keep getting the same results no matter how hard you try to change.

• Think of your conscious mind as the ship captain. The crew and the ship represent your subconscious mind.

• So the difference between the conscious and subconscious is one gives directions and the other follows orders.

• One of the things that is important to understand when it comes to manifesting our intentions is the Subconscious normally does not change immediately.

• Another important point here is that your conscious and subconscious must be in agreement.

• If there are any counter-intentions, you will not get what you want.

• So you need to get your conscious and subconscious in agreement.

• Your subconscious knows what is best for you and all you have to do is ask it to find and get rid of any conflicting beliefs.

• Once you have done this there is nothing that can stop you from achieving your goals.

• It is like those computer programs you buy that clean your hard drive.

• They go through your computer and remove any files that are keeping your computer from operating as it was designed to function.

• You don't have to discover what the files are.

• The program will find, delete and replace them for you.

• Your subconscious is much more powerful than any computer program.

• So rather than search and remove conflicting beliefs, let your subconscious do it for you.

It is not limited by time or space. 

It knows your true purpose and will give you solutions that are in alignment with your goals at all times.

• Once your subconscious knows what you want, you will be guided towards the right people, places, circumstances and opportunities that are in alignment with your desires.

• And, it will show you what is required or what actions you need to make it happen.

• Here is something else that you need to know about the Subconscious. It also has a direct connection to a Higher Intelligence that knows what is best for you.

• From the moment we get up -- to the moment we go to bed -- we operate mostly from the subconscious.

It will allow you to easily and effortlessly live your life’s purpose.

This is where the "Law of Attraction" kicks in and everything you have learned about Quantum Physics comes into play. 

• You want to rewrite the Blueprint of your subconscious.

• Otherwise you will keep getting the same results no matter how hard you try to change.

• It also has a direct connection to a Higher Intelligence that knows what is best for you.

• It knows your true purpose and will give you solutions that are in alignment with your goals at all times.

The Divine Matrix

• There is a place where all things begin, the place of pure energy that simply "is." In this quantum incubator of reality, everything is possible.

• In 1944, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying that this "matrix" is where the birth of stars, the DNA of life, and everything in between originates.

• Recent discoveries reveal substantial evidence that Planck's matrix--The Divine Matrix-- is real.

• It is the missing link in our understanding that provides the "container" for the universe, the "bridge" between imagination and reality, and the "mirror" in our perceptual world.

• The Divine Matrix is an energy field, that behaves like a mirror, for everything we experience in the world within us to the world outside our bodies.

• The experiments show that the Matrix is made of an energy form that's unlike anything we've seen in the past-that's why it took scientists so long to find it.

• This " subtle energy,” simply doesn't work the way a typical, conventional electrical field does.

• Rather, it appears to be a tightly woven web, which makes up the fabric of creation that I'm calling the Divine Matrix.

• The Divine Matrix changes how we view ourselves within our own worlds.

• It shows how powerful we really are.

• It provides an unbiased mirror for our inner experiences and beliefs.

• What makes this field so meaningful to us is that it appears to have "intelligence.”

• So not only does is respond to our emotions it is also magnetic.

• The Divine Matrix gives us the power to imagine, dream, and feel life's possibilities so that it can reflect back to us what we have envisioned.

• This field is the quantum bridge between all that's possible in our minds and what becomes reality in our lives.

• From the place of strength that such a realization offers, we can apply knowing in a way that's useful and meaningful in our lives.

• Additionally, the same emotion that gives us such power within our bodies extends to the quantum world.

• Such knowledge shows us how powerful we really are.

• The Divine Matrix is the missing link in our understanding that provides the "container" for the universe.

• The Matrix appears to provide an unbiased mirror for our inner experiences and beliefs.

• The Divine Matrix gives us the power to imagine, dream, and feel life's possibilities so that it can reflect back to us what we have envisioned.

The Hologram:

• The human body offers us a beautiful example of a hologram.

• The DNA from any part of the body contains our genetic code- the entire pattern of DNA, no matter where in the body it comes from.

• Whether it be a sample of our hair, a fingernail, or our blood, the genetic pattern that makes us who we are is always in the code and it's always the same.

• This is the beauty of the holographic pattern of consciousness.

• Once a pattern changes in one place, every relationship that holds the same pattern will benefit.

• Even if we divide the universe into four smaller fragments, every piece is a mirror of the entire universe.

• The holographic model of the brain interacts with the holographic model of the universe.

• What we see as our universe is really us-our minds-transforming the possibilities of physical reality.

• This radically new way of viewing ourselves gives us nothing less than direct access to every possibility that we could ever wish for, dream, or imagine.

• The DNA from any part of the body contains our genetic code- the entire pattern of DNA.

• In a hologram, every part of "something" reflects every other part, and change is mirrored throughout the whole.

• This is the beauty of the holographic pattern of consciousness.

Computer Analogy

• In many respects, our experience to the Divine Matrix may be compared to the software that runs a computer.

• A computer recognizes a numerical code of 0s and 1s. For

consciousness, a different kind of language is required, one that uses no numbers, alphabets, or ever words, but rather human emotion.

• When we want to see our computer do something different, we don't change the operating system-we change the commands that go into it.

• The reason why this is important is that consciousness appears to work precisely in that way.

• Just as a computer's operating system is fixed and changes must come from the program that speaks to it, in order to change our world, we must alter the programs that make sense to reality: feelings, emotions, desires and beliefs.

• Because we are already part of the Divine Matrix, it makes perfect sense that we would already have everything we need to communicate with it.

• And we do.

Recent research in quantum theory reveals these four discoveries:

• Discovery 1: There is a field of energy that connects all of creation.

• Discovery 2: This field behaves as a mirror for our inner beliefs.

• Discovery 3: The field is nonlocal and holographic. Every part of it is connected to every other, and each piece mirrors the whole on a smaller scale.

• Discovery 4: We communicate with the field through the language of emotion.

• It is our ability to feel as if our dreams have already come to life, and our goals achieved.

• To tap the force of the universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world rather than separate from it, in this way we actively share in what is called the "participatory universe.”

• We are consciousness, and consciousness appears to be the same "stuff" from which the universe is made.

• The language of consciousness appears to be the universal experience of emotion.

• We already know how to love, hate, fear, and forgive.

• Recognizing that these feelings are actually the instructions that program the Divine Matrix, we can hone our skills to better understand how to communicate with this field in order to achieve our desired goals.

• To recognize our true power, we must understand what this field is and how it works.

• It's the language of emotion that speaks to the quantum forces of the universe, feelings is what the Divine Matrix recognizes and responds to.

We must first have the feeling in our hearts before changes can become the reality in our lives.

• Everyone of us has dreams of accomplishing greater things in our lives, and more often than not we rationalize all the reasons why we'll never have them.

• Emotion is a language onto itself.

• When we feel as though we can't achieve our biggest dreams, the Matrix simply gives back to us what we've given it to work with: delays, challenges and obstacles.

• If we want something to change, we have to break the cycle and give the Matrix something different to reflect.

• To recognize our true power, we must understand what this field is and how it works.

• Our experience to the Divine Matrix may be compared to the software that runs a computer.

• For all intentions and purposes, the operating system of a computer is fixed and doesn't change.

• When we want to see our computer do something different, we don't change the operating system-we change the commands that go into it.

• Just as a computer's operating system is fixed and changes must come from the program that speaks to it, in order to change our world, we must alter the programs that make sense to reality: feelings, emotions, desires and beliefs.

The Laws of Nature

The Fibonacci Sequence

• The universe in which we live has indeed been created by a conscious and intelligent mind.

• The bases of everything within creation is that of geometry and mathematics.

• Everything follows the path of sacred geometry and there is no exception to this rule anywhere within creation.

• It is written in the orbital statistics of our solar system our planet and our bodies.

• This sequence exists throughout the entire human body. It is quit literally everywhere throughout all creation.

• The Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. . .) occurs throughout the worlds of nature, art, architecture, music, and mathematics.

• The Nautilus seashell, the proportions of the human ear, the digits of the fingers on the human hand and the double helixes in our DNA are all examples of the appearance of Fibonacci's Golden Spiral.

• This pattern is what many believe to be one example of the creational blueprint, the spiral’s importance is revealed many times in the naturally occurring world.

• Plants tend to have a number of leaves that is a Fibonacci sequence, and flowers have a Fibonacci number of petals.

• Seeds in a flower head are often arranged in spiral patterns that are related to Fibonacci numbers.

• For example, in this flower the number of spirals that curve to the left and the number of spirals that curve to the right will be adjacent numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.

• Each term in the series is produced by adding together the two previous terms, so that 1 + 1=2, 1 + 2=3, 2 + 3=5, and so on.

• The sequence takes its name from a famous thirteenth-century European mathematician, Fibonacci.

• The method used in the creation of this number sequence also holds important clues for every person as to how sequences of events will unfold in their lives.

• For it is in the Fibonacci sequence that combining the present with the past the future presents itself.

Mind Movies

• Mind Movies are a newer concept for visualization.

• They allow you to put together meaningful images and affirmations with music.

• The images and music you choose create an emotional response when you watch your mind movie.

• By watching the movie over and over again you can start to change your paradigm and create your desired future.

• Because the mind functions as a holographic information processor, you are attracting the world around you by images held in your mind.

• You can program your mind, the conscious computer, with images of experiences you choose to have in your life.

• When you add music to these images, that holds some type of emotional meaning, you are giving the matrix a language it can relate to.

• To create your own mind movie, find images of experiences from your past that you would like to recreate and combine them with images that you would like to manifest in the future.

• When you have collected your images find a piece of music that has some emotional meaning.

• Then add affirmations to the images. These affirmations should state that you have already achieved these goals in your life.

• For example, if you choose images of your dream home, your affirmation should state "I love living in my dream home, it brings me so much joy and happiness.”

• Watch your mind movie before you go to bed every night and when you get up in the morning.

• If this is the last thing you see before you go to sleep you are more inclined to dream about it.

• When you watch it as soon as you get up in the morning you start your day with these intentions.

Here is an example of one of my mind movies.


• Our Planets vibrational frequency is raising. This allows us to manifest our thoughts quicker.

• The Divine Matrix is a universal energy field, that mirrors our inner beliefs. It allows us to create the blueprint for our lives by reflecting back to us what we have envisioned in our minds.

• The divine matrix is responding to our thoughts at all times. It is important to change your paradigm so the matrix can reflect your determined goals rather than the beliefs implanted in your sub-conscious by outside influences.

• Your paradigm was formed by the age of 5. As an adult you can reprogram your paradigm by planting desired images into the subconscious mind.

• Mind movies are a form of visualization that allow you to communicate with the matrix in order to achieve your personal and professional goals.

• They allow you to combine images, with affirmations and music. By watching the movie over and over again you can begin to change your paradigm and create your desired future.

This Presentation acknowledges the work of

• Gregg Braden• Max Igan

• Dr. Robert Anthony• Bob Proctor

• Kristen Hall


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