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M i M hMapping MashuURPL 590 – Spring 2009Applied GIS Workshoppp p

David HartDavid HartDepartment of Urban and Re

University of WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin

A.J. WortleyWisconsin State CartograpWisconsin State Cartograp

Thursday, May 7,


egional Planningn-Madisonn Madison

ypher’s Officepher s Office2009

Presentation Outline

• Background– What is a Mashup?– Workshop Goals– Collaborative Technologies

P t ti /D t ti– Presentations/Demonstrations– Workshop Structure

St d t P t ti (10 @• Student Presentations (10 @• Observations on mapping m• General Q&A (15 min.)



@ 5 i h)@ 5 min. each)mashup methods (10 min.)

What is a Mashup?

“In web development, a mashucombines data or functionalii t i l i t t d liinto a single integrated appli



up is a Web application that ity from two or more sources i ti ” iki diication.” – wikipedia


Workshop Goals

• Develop a better understandphenomenon

• Gain hands-on experience wweb mapping applications

• Learn to effectively communmashups to society

• Build and promote a mappinto society

• Utilize technology that prom• Learn to work effectively in a• Sharpen writing skills directe

ding of the mapping mashup

with software tools to develop

nicate the benefits of mapping

ng mashup that has benefits

otes collaborationa group settinged at a professional audience

Collaborative Tech

P t ti ll b ti• Presentation on collaborativ– Jeff Bohrer and John Thomso

C ll b ti Bl (W d• Collaborative Blog (Wordpre• Social Bookmarking (Delicio• Web Hosting (MyWebSpace• Web Conferencing (WisLine• Discussion Forum (Learn@


t h l ive technologieson, DoIT




• Overview of Mapping Mashu• Mashup Tools/Data Sources• MapBuilder Demo (AJ)• KML for Mapping Mashupspp g p

– Web Conference on April 28th


ups (AJ)s (David)

h by Pete Giencke, Google

Workshop Structurp

• Mashup Gallery – weeks 1 t– discover an innovative mappi– prepare a summary and post – share your discovery through

• Mashup Tutorial – weeks 3 t– build proficiency in mashup m

those methodsthose methods– tutorial format – instructions, d

• Mashup Project weeks 6 to• Mashup Project – weeks 6 to– develop a mapping mashup th

purposep p


o 2ng mashup in your area of interestit on a collaborative webloga presentation to the class

to 5methods and share knowledge of

datasets, screencasts/YouTubeo 10o 10hat meets a social or business

Mashup Galleryp y

• SeeClickFix• CTA Bus Tracker• Weather BonkWeather Bonk• CO2 Emission

Mapping• America’s Most• America s Most

Unsafe Cities• 511• Active Trails (2)• Planet Hazard• The College g

Outlook• Price Watch vs. Gas

Buddyy• Winery Bound

Mashup Tutorialsp

• Time, KML and Google Earth (V)

• Overlay WMS into Google Maps (V)

• PHP for Mapping Mashupsp

• gvSIG and WFS• ArcGIS API for

FLEXFLEX• Excel to KML• ArcMap – Layer to

KMLKML• Flickr Photostream

to Google MyMaps• Export to KML

Mashup Projectsp j

• Bicycle Tour around Lake M– Janice Baudewig Poehlman

• Travel Route Choice– Kaushik Bekkem (Google Ma

• Shipwrecks of the Great Lak– Danny Bera (Goolge Maps, G

• Bayou Bienvenue Wetland TRestoration– Lydia Bi (KML, Google Earth,

• Biking Suitability in Madison– Nicholas Kasang (Google Ear

Michigan(ArcGIS Server, Flex IDE)

ps API, mySQL)kesGoogle Earth, FlickrTriangle Community-Based

Google Maps API, geocoding), WIrth, KML)

Mashup Projectsp j

• City of Madison Plan Comm– David Kress (KML, EarthPoin

• Madison Area Networking E– Jamie Krug (KML, Google Ea

• Amtrak Station Ridership in Maps and Time Data– Michael Rodriguez (Google E

• Seeing the Wisconsin Idea (– Nick Terrible (Google Earth, K

• Massachusetts Maritime He– Tim Wallace (Flash ActionScr

Google Earth, Dreamweaver,

ission Meeting Itemst's Excel to KML, Google Earth)ventsrth, Google Maps, geocoding)Wisconsin - Proportional

Earth, time animation)(and beyond)KML, Log Parser, SQL Server)ritageript 3.0, Illustrator, Photoshop, AFComponents Umap API)

Next Steps

Workshop ProductsWorkshop Products– Promote Gallery, Tutorial

H l i l d id– Helping people decide onFuture Mashup Workshops

– Modular or full semester?


D id H t (dh t@David Hart (dhart@A.J. Wortley (lwo


s, Projectsh t l /t h l in mashup tools/technologies



@ i d )@aqua.wisc.edu)ortley@wisc.edu)90-spring09/mashups/index.htm

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