migrate to sap commerce cloud · commerce cloud, which is nothing but the sap commerce hybris...

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MIGRATE TO SAP COMMERCE CLOUDWhite Paper on migrating on-premise and CCV1 SAP Commerce to CCV2

Sanoop Sivan


What is Cloud ? Cloud has been the crush in technology world for quite a while, but the tech world identified its beauty very lately and soon along with others SAP also fell in love with it. To put in short, cloud computing is nothing but storing and accessing data and programs over the internet, which makes it an On-Demand Self-Service.

Cloud Service Models: 1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

SaaS is a distribution model wherein a third party, a vendor or service provider host the applications and make them available to customers over the internet. SaaS applications run directly through the web browser, which takes off the need for local installations.e.g: Cisco Webex, Dropbox

PaaS refers to cloud-based platform services that provide developers with a framework that can be used to build customized applications. In short, PaaS does not distribute software over the internet, instead, it provides an online platform to build software.e.g: Google App Engine, Heroku

IaaS is an instant service provider model that delivers infrastructure via virtualization technology. IaaS customer uses dashboards or API’s to control their infrastructure and abstract away the physical management of the data center resources.e.g: AWS, Microsoft Azure


What is SAP Commerce Cloud ?

It’s already been a couple of years since SAP launched the SAP Commerce Cloud, which is nothing but the SAP Commerce Hybris Platform that supports deployment on to the cloud. SAP Commerce Cloud is a Context-Driven Service and one among the various aspects of SAP C/4 Hana.

SAP Commerce Cloud is one of the driving forces in the field of digital transformation. It assists in building consistent, reliable, and flexible B2B, B2C, and B2B2C e-commerce models with its single-stack architecture. All digital and physical customer touchpoints can be integrated onto a single, robust platform varying from online portals, mobile phones, point of sale, call centers, or social media, thereby providing seamless access points to the customers. It maximizes the flexibility for extension and customization of the services offered. SAP Commerce Cloud equips its customers with all the resources that let them win the global digital marketplace.

SAP Commerce Cloud working modes: • On premise Installation• Sap Commerce Cloud in SAP infrastructure (CCV1)• Sap Commerce Cloud in the public cloud (CCV2)


Why CCV2 ? The Sap Commerce Cloud in the public cloud is a SaaS Solutionprovided by SAP. It is also referred as CCV2, which expands to SAP Commerce Cloud Version 2. There are a lot of advantages that make the CCV2 a very good deal. The below image shows the key differen-ces of CCV2 and its predecessors.

Total Cost ofOwnership



Recoveryand Backup

Self ServicePortal


Patch LevelSoftware Update


Process need to be followedfor the creation of environment


Need help from hosting partner




Process need to be followedfor the creation of environment


Need help from SAP




Immediate access to theenvironments

Not required

Customer or Partner can do it




On Premise CCV1 CCV2


How to migrate to CCV2? Projects using on-premise or CCV1 can be migrated to CCV2 with the help of a good partner, on customer demand. SAP will also assist the migration to ensure the quality of the solution being hosted. The best proven approach for this migration is to divide the project into multiple phases.


• Introduction of SAP Commerce Cloud• Workshop with SAP, Partner and Customer• Migration Assessments• Estimation and Planning


• Env setup DEV, STG & PROD• Code Adaptation• Database and Media Migration (DEV & STG)• Lift and Shift (DEV & STG)• Build and Deploy (DEV & STG)• Cloud Readiness Check Milestone 1


• Performance Testing• User Acceptance Testing• Bug Fixes• Cloud Readiness Check Milestone 2


• Database and Media Migration (PROD)• Lift and Shift (PROD)• Build and Deploy• Smoke Testing


Discover This is the initial phase where the SAP Commerce Cloud is introduced to the customer and the partner along with SAP conducts a detailed workshop to the customer.

One of the other main objectives of this phase is to assess the current solution in deep to deliver a detailed plan with estimates.

• Migration Assessment The partner along with the assistance from SAP will assess the current solution and will generate a detailed plan, effort, and cost level estimate for the migration project. Some of the core assessment topics that are directly proportional to the estimates are:

• GIT Out of the various version control tools, currently, only GIT versioning is supported by CCV2. So if the current project is not in GIT, it should be migrated to GIT first or a scheduled job should be used to move the changes to GIT, every time as the first step of deployment. The solution depends upon the infrastructure requirement of the customer.

• SAP Commerce Version The solution needs to be first migrated to a SAP Commerce version compatible with CCV2. The recommended version is 1905, but CCV2 is supported from version 6.7 onwards.

• PCI Compliance Currently, SAP Commerce Cloud in the Public Cloud is not certified for PCI-DSS 3.2. If this is blocking the project, then it needs to be taken up with SAP.


• Solr Customization If the current solution is using a highly customizable search engine or a third party other than Solr, then customization techniques supported by CCV2 need to be revisited.

• SMTP Server SAP Commerce Cloud does not currently ship with an SMTP-server or service. But there are solutions for it, that need to be considered.

• Hot Folder If there is an in-place Hot Folder/NFS/SFTP based integ-rations, then it need to be moved to the Cloud Hot Folder which uses the blob storage of Azure.

• Integrations / Datahub / DAM Most solutions will have some integrations with a third party or a middleware. So this need to be treated with respect in case of the migration. SAP Cloud supports these integration with SCPI, Cloud Hot Folder, etc.

• Build Customization If the current solution is highly customized on the build part, then a special treatment is needed to move that solution to a more specific way which is supported by the cloud. The assessment needs to be thorough and thus will lead to a high-level effort and cost estimate.


• Planning Next comes the planning phase, the partner need to come up with a strategy that will not affect the live solution. In other words, the migration should take place in parallel with the development cycle of the existing live solution. This should be done in compliance with the terms and conditions opted by the customer.

Develop This is the execution phase where the partner will set up the development and staging environments and then start with the customization of the code. In this phase, SAP will do the data and media migration from the current solutions database of the customer, as agreed upon by the customer and SAP. SAP will use their predefined connectors to migrate the data into the cloud. Once the connection is established, the partner will lift and shift the existing environments to the cloud.

• Recommendations

• It is recommended to migrate the development environment first and then the staging environment. The recommended solution has only 3 environments DEV, STG and PROD. PROD migration will happen on the last phase.

• Pushing major feature releases to the current solution after the start of Develop phase is not recommended.

At the end of this phase, SAP can do the readiness check Milestone 1.

• Cloud Readiness Check Milestone 1 This check-up is also included in the cloud package, in which SAP will do a review on the project setup, including a high-level review of code and solution design.


Test The customer along with the partner will do the performance and user acceptance testing in this phase, along with bug fixes. Then, at the end SAP will do the Cloud Readiness Check Milestone 2 for the go-live.

• Cloud Readiness Check Milestone 2 Same as milestone 1, but this will be more like a pre-go-live review focused on a SAP Commerce Cloud application-level security check, basic application and client-side profiling.

Live The final phase in which the reviewed and customer approved solution will be moved to production, along with the database and media migration done by SAP. Then the customer along with the partner performs a smoke test, which will be followed by the go-live and monitoring of the new cloud system.

• Recommendations Once this phase is started, the operations performed in the current on-premise or CCV1 production should be minimized and need to be closely monitored. After a successful migration, these operations are periodically synchronized with cloud production. This should be repeated until the go-live of the cloud.

Duration Starting with the assessment, which will take a maximum of 7 to 10 days, the detailed plan will then be presented to the customer. Once the customer agrees to the plan, it would ideally take 2 or more months to migrate a project based on the complexity of the customization already done to it.


Success FactorsFor customers thinking about the migration of on-premise and CCV1 SAP Commerce to CCV2, several factors need to be taken into account from the benefits and the risks to the cost and duration that is right for your business.

The leading factor that makes a migration truly successful is the correct choice of an expert level partner with a keen eye for customer-centric approach and marinating a steady collaboration with them throughout the entire project.

Let’s get this done.Contact Us: thomas@pitsolutions.com

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