middle school parent cofffee – jen hammonds & nick hunt

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Let It Go

The How To’s - Learning to Let Go

Middle School Parent Cofffee – Jen Hammonds & Nick Hunt

Enduring Understandings

• Middle school is a time when it is developmentally important for a child to gain a greater sense of independence

• Middle school students need to try new things in order to learn how to fail, recover and gain autonomy

• Middle school parents need to understand that short term pain is an investment in long term gains

• Letting go with reasonable limits leads to a healthy child & parent relationship

Essential Questions

• How do I help my child gain a greater sense of independence and autonomy?

• How do I help my child take risks & try new things? How do I support my child when he/she fails?

• How do I support my child in times of pain & discomfort? What are the gains for my child & our relationship?

• Why are reasonable limits necessary when letting go?

Learning Activity

• Write a list of all the skills (intellectual & personal) you believe a middle school student needs to be able to behave independently by the end of 8th grade

• Choose three skills your child does well

• Choose three skills your child struggles with

• Share about your child with your neighbor

Scaffold for Success• Scaffolding is a learning process designed to promote a deeper level of

learning. Scaffolding is the support given during the learning process which is tailored to the needs of the child with the intention of helping the child achieve his/her learning goals (Sawyer, 2006).

1. Name with child a skill that needs to be learned2. Describe the steps to learn the skill3. Model the steps and the use of the skill4. Offer advice if asked5. Provide positive coaching and encouragement

• Repeat this process. Have the child name the skill that needs to be learned (1) and describe the steps to learn the skill (2).

• Parent completes the remaining steps (3,4, & 5)

• Repeat this process. Have child complete steps (1,2, & 3)• Parent completes the remaining steps (4 & 5)

What a child is able to do in partnership today, He will be able to do independently tomorrow

~ Vygotsky ~

Learning Activity

• Each table has been given a set of different articles.

• Read your article. Underline important ideas & strategies.

• Discuss with your table what you learned

• Write a summary of the article as a group. Bullet points are fine. Focus on HOW TO’S gained from the article

• Share with the whole group some HOW TO’S that you gained that would benefit all



1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

4. ______________________

5. ______________________

6. ______________________

Resources & Links

• Scaffolding http://ow.ly/Dn97T

• Scaffolding http://ow.ly/Dnbcd

• Development of Autonomy in Adolescence http://ow.ly/Dn7Sx

• Supporting Your Teenagers Growing Independence http://ow.ly/Dn92h

• Top 15 Things Your Middle School Kid Wishes You Knew http://ow.ly/Dn8YL

• 7 Crippling Behaviors That Keep Children From Growing Into Leaders http://ow.ly/Dn7tR

• Kid President Video http://youtu.be/pQ4Rnba85o8

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