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© Copyright of Children’s Innovation Center

Research Article

Microplastic Filtering System

(MFS: Reducing the Threat of Microplastics)


Sadhana Chari

Grade 9

July 19, 2019

Research Project for:

Emerging Innovators Program at

Children’s innovation Center

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Microplastic Filtering System (MFS)

By, Sadhana Chari

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Table of Contents

1. Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

2. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

3. Solution Scope ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4

4. Biological Inspirations ------------------------------------------------------- 5

5. Solution Design --------------------------------------------------------------- 13

6. Next Steps: Preparing for the Prototype ----------------------------------- 19

7. Discussion ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

8. Acknowledgements ----------------------------------------------------------- 20

9. References --------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

Microplastic Filtering System (MFS)

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Spectacularly small, microplastics are the threat we have not seen coming - until now.

Microplastics are constantly affecting organisms in oceans, rivers, and other water bodies. Soon

enough, this will come to bite us and because of this, I was inspired to research and find ways to

help reduce the imposing threat of microplastics. I turned to biomimicry or looking to nature to

find solutions to the problem of microplastics.

This methodology known as biomimicry allowed me to create my solution - a filtration

system for microplastics known as MFS or Microplastic Filtering System. My hope is that with

the help of MFS, the number of microplastics entering water bodies would be phenomenally



Though not many people know about them, microplastics are one of the world’s top ten

threats, according to MIT. This means that we need to solve this as quickly as possible as this

can impact us for generations beyond. But what are microplastics? Microplastics are pieces of

plastic that are 5 mm to 0.33 mm that threaten Earth’s oceans and wildlife. They often come

from plastic pieces that are degrading. Microplastics are also found in microbeads, or pieces of

tiny beads of plastic put in as exfoliants into health and beauty products, ie: toothpaste, cleansers,

etc. Last, but not least, microplastics are found in fibers from synthetic clothes and materials.

Why are microplastics such a threat? This is because they can get into and harm animals

in the sea by blocking passages in them, physically hurting them, and even chemicals getting into

animals because of chemicals leaching off of the plastics. Not only does this affect animals but

Microplastic Filtering System (MFS)

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when we consume animals, we consume microplastics as well. Microplastics can also get into

other food we consume as well. Though research is still being done, we already see all of these

adverse effects, making it a huge threat the further we look into it. So all this being said, how

can we reduce the threat and impact of microplastics?

Solution Scope

Define: My solution would be easy to retrofit at the water treatment plant in their existing pipe

system to help reduce the number of microplastics that enter bodies of water that the pipes lead

to. It should easily filter out microplastics while still allowing water to pass through. The system

must not harm the environment - especially animals in the sea. This system will be able to take

microplastics into a safe storage area where chemicals cannot leach of.

Identify: These are a few things I plan on making sure my solution will do -

● Prevent microplastics from entering natural water bodies

● Exist without harming wildlife and other organisms

● Use natural forces and no additional energy to operate, while managing to effectively stay

as a barrier between microplastics and organisms in the water

● Must be easy to clean

● Must be reusable or replaceable

● Never rust or corrode

● Be stable enough to stay in place for a long amount of time

● Have a microplastics collection area that ensures no toxins from plastic degradation

leaches into the surroundings

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● Be Resource Efficient:

○ Only uses low energy processes to function

○ Must be easily recyclable and reusable for other purposes

○ Should have a carefully selected form based purely out of necessity

○ Use multi-functional design

○ Recycle all materials

○ Fit form to function

● Use Life-friendly Chemistry:

○ Use materials that are safe

○ Ensure all materials will remain benign even when it breaks down

○ Assemble relatively few elements in elegant way

Biological Inspirations

Discover: These are some of the biological models from which I was inspired to create my


● Pegea Confoederata

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The Pegea Confoederata is a tiny salp with a transparent body that appears in a long,

cylindrical shape. Generally found in warm oceans and water, this salp is extremely tiny,

growing up to 10 centimeters only. However, “a whole chain can measure up to several meters in

length, and up to 2000 individuals (Peer Into Your World).”

It uses a filter to trap tiny particles of food for it to eat. When it comes to eating, the salp

isn’t picky, allowing anything to enter its filter. The salp does this by pulling seawater filled with

its food into itself with the help of its oral and anal muscles. Meanwhile, the salp also makes the

surrounding water calmer and more orderly. “By eliminating the effects of turbulence, particles

smaller than the mesh, such as bacteria, viruses, and colloidal masses, pass extremely close to the

net material (AskNature)” which is also found in the salp. This net-like material is extremely

sticky and mucus-like, making it an extremely vital tool when it comes to the salp catching food,

which can be as small as 0.01 microns in diameter. “ “The specific fluid mechanical conditions

which P. confoederata creates in its filtration systems enable it to trap particles… though the

filter mesh measures ~ 1.5 x 6 microns (AskNature).” With the help of this fluid, the salp can

prey on the smallest biological creatures, known to be as small as and even smaller than bacteria

and viruses can enter the salp through its net material.


https://asknature.org/strategy/mucus-filters-trap-particles-smaller-than-mesh-size/ - (Citations 2

& 3)


salp/ - (Citation 1)

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● Wetland Ecosystems

Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil through the year, including marshes and

swamps. While generally overlooked, wetland ecosystems are an extremely crucial part of our

environment. Wetlands are also able to hold onto large amounts of water at a given time, making

them extremely helpful when it comes to preventing flooding. Wetland ecosystems are quite

dense and thick, making them very hard to go through.

On top of all this, wetlands are extremely good at purifying water. This water often ends

up in open bodies of water, making this even more helpful and vital. One main way that wetlands

manage this is with the help of the thick areas of plants that grow in it. These plants “slow down

water flow, which gives more time for solid particles to settle out (AskNature).” This means that

the water no longer has most of its pollutants, ending up exceptionally clean and purified. In such

ways and more, wetlands end up removing both chemicals as well as other things that could

potentially harm other wildlife. Because of the sustainability and resilience of wetland

ecosystems, they are even being grown and used as wastewater treatments in a few cities! To

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state simply, “the presence of plants and their interaction with other organisms in the ecosystem

facilitate the wetland’s ability to clean water flowing through (AskNature).”

Sources for Image and Data:

https://asknature.org/strategy/interacting-organisms-remove-nutrients/ (Image and Data -

Citations from this Website)

https://www.nps.gov/keaq/learn/education/water-filtering-of-wetlands.htm (Data)

● Baleen Whales

Baleen whales are diverse, including

the gray whale, the humpback whale, and

more. These whales also have two

blowholes, unlike their relatives, the

toothed whales. Baleen whales are ancient,

having existed for over 30 million years.

All this time has allowed baleen whales to have diversified into four main categories. These are

the Family Eschrichtiidae, Family Balaenopoteridae, Family Balaenidae, and the Family


However, baleen whales are unique in one more keyway. Instead of teeth, baleen whales

have baleen plates that allow them to, “filter, sift, sieve or trap (Whale and Dolphin

Conservation)” prey from the ocean. Baleen itself is extremely flexible and is made up of

keratin, just like our hair and fingernails. “The baleen plates are… smooth on the outer edge but

have a hairy fringe on the inner edge. The fringe on the plates overlaps and creates a mesh-like

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strainer inside the whale's mouth (ThoughtCo).” This is what allows baleen whales to eat their

prey while filtering out large amounts of seawater at the same time. Every baleen whale has a

slightly different way of filtering out water and trapping prey. For example, the humpback whale

simply takes down prey and forces seawater out with the help of its tongue. “Other whales, like

right whales, are skim feeders and move slowly through the water with their mouths open as the

water flows in the front of the mouth and out in between the baleen. Along the way, tiny

plankton is trapped by the right whale's fine baleen hairs (ThoughtCo).” These different methods

show how versatile and useful baleen can be.

Sources for Images and Data:

https://us.whales.org/whales-dolphins/what-is-baleen/ (Image and Data) (Citation 1)


whales/ (Image and Data)

https://animals.howstuffworks.com/mammals/baleen-whale.htm (Data)

https://www.thoughtco.com/baleen-definition-2291694 (Data)(Citations 2 & 3)

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● Common Mussel

The common (or blue) mussel is especially known for its blue or brown exterior. This

mussel is rather small, growing only up to 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. Despite this, blue

mussels are extremely popular - especially when it comes to eating. While they do not seem like

much, these mussels are tough and, “able to withstand great temperature extremes, including

freezing, excessive heat, and drought (Edc).” All this comes to show how hard and strong the

mussels are. However, this is not all that the mussel is known for.

Common mussels are made up of a strong shell that is not only flexible but sticks well to

surfaces such as rocks and more. This shell is made up of three layers and makes sure that

predators are unable to “bore into (AskNature)” the shells of the mussels. This shell also

manages to make sure smaller organisms are unable to enter the mussel. The outermost layer of

the shell is made up of organic material while the middle and innermost layers are both made up

of calcium carbonate.

Source for Image and Data:

https://asknature.org/strategy/ridged-surfaces-resist-biofouling/ (Image and Data) (Citation 2)

https://www.edc.uri.edu/restoration/html/gallery/invert/bluem.htm (Data) (Citation 1)

http://www.museum.state.il.us/ismdepts/zoology/mussels/intro_anatomy.html (Data)

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● Sharklet

Inspired by the skin of sharks, Sharklet was created by Anthony Brennan of Sharklet

Technologies Inc. It started out as a program funded to find a way to prevent ships from

biofouling, which, “led Brennan to investigate which marine animals did not foul, a search that

eventually led him to sharks and their unique structure of denticles (QMed).” however, sharklet

has come to work its way up into being used in other things as well, including hospitals. All this

being said, how does sharklet work?

Sharklet, “is comprised of a highly-ordered

series of bars arranged in an interlocking diamond

fashion that creates a surface that prohibits

microorganisms from attaching to and growing on the

surface (QMed).” This texture makes it hard for microorganisms to settle on, thus making the

surface extremely clean and useful. But not only does this help with microorganisms but also

with algae and other organisms in general. In fact, “the first test of Sharklet yielded impressive

results. Sharklet reduced green algae settlement by 85 percent compared to smooth surfaces

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(AskNature).” All this comes to show how reliable Sharklet is when it comes to creating a clean

surface. This invention from biomimicry is indeed changing the world and helping us rethink

many areas of our lives.

Source for Images and Data:

https://www.mddionline.com/how-shark-skin-inspired-antibacterial-surface-technology (Image

and Data) (Citations 1 & 2)

https://asknature.org/idea/sharklet-surface-texture/ (Data) (Citation 3)

Abstract Design Strategies: I plan on incorporating ideas and strategies used in all of these

biological models to help create my filtration system (MFS) to filter out microplastics:

1. Dense, Thorough Form: I also plan on using the wetland ecosystem’s dense areas of

plants as an inspiration for my model. I wish to make MFS contain several levels of

filters to make sure as many microplastics as possible are able to be removed from the


2. Basic Layers - Baleen Filters: The layers will imitate the way baleen plates work in

baleen whales. They will appear in thin, flexible strands that are also very durable. To

make this, I plan on using silicone to mimic this flexibility. Silicone is extremely

environmentally friendly as well as hardy. Spacing between each strand will continuously

decrease from 3mm to 0.5mm.

3. Mucus/Sticky Coating:

a. Based on the Pegea Confoederata’s mucus secretion, I plan on using a sticky

substance as a filter in the MFS. This will allow microplastics to stick to the filter

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in case they slip through other layers because of their small size, so even the

smallest microplastics will be caught before entering the bodies of water.

b. This layer will be placed in through a very thin slit in the pipe (which will be

covered up by the layer). Periodically, it will have to be replaced manually with

an exact replica of the layer. This replica will have been clamped on top of the

pipe. The layers constantly alternate being in the pipe and being outside the pipe

to maximize the amount of time the layers can be used.

c. As the filter only needs to catch pieces of plastic that haven’t been filtered

already, it will be able to accumulate microplastics for a long amount of time.

4. Structure: To create the structure, I plan on using a material like the mussel’s hard and

flexible material - a strong ceramic. This will help make the MFS extremely durable

despite the amount of water rushing to it and pressure applied. Because of the durability

of this material, the structure will be able to withstand the pressure for a long period of

time. In turn, this allows the material to have very little need to be replaced.

5. Layer Structure Coating: This attachment is to be created out of Sharklet. It is to be

placed in such a way that it covers up the ceramic. This is so that the ceramic that

remains in water all the time never gets dirty with bacteria growths and other particles

that get in the water of the pipes. So, the layers’ frame (structure) is always clean, it will

serve as an extraordinarily reliable barrier that doesn’t require to be cleaned.

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Solution Design

Depicted here are diagrams of the entire system as well as certain aspects of it.

1) The MFS contains several layers in the system of pipes. This is what the entire system looks

like as a whole:

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2) As the drawing of the entire system depicts, at the very end is a sticky filter. This is a closer

look at it:

As is shown above, in the whole system, water rushes through the space in between filters while

microplastics are unable to do so. Microplastics larger than 0.5 mm are caught at the basic filters.

Anything smaller than 0.5 mm is then caught in the sticky filter. This ensures that most of the

microplastics are caught before entering other bodies of water.

3) Shown below is a cross-section of the ‘basic layer’ filter - with both the 1.0 mm gap and the

0.5 mm gap. Note that the drawing is not to scale.

Microplastic Filtering System (MFS)

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More on the MFS:

The MFS is meant to be added into sewage water treatment system. The system is to be

added to the pipes that we currently have in our waste-water management system so that

microplastics are also removed along with all other waste. The process of cleansing out

microplastics begins after all other larger waste has been removed so as to not clog up the

system. It will most likely be one of the last sets of filtration before the water goes back to any

open bodies of water. Like sewage water treatment, the MFS could be added to other types of

water filtering treatments, including water filtering in industrial settings as well.

The system of MFS manages to complete several different processes as water rushes

through it. To get a better outlook on all of these processes, two flowcharts have been depicted


MFS is connected through a series of pipes and filters. To better show the processes

going on, the flowchart below has been constructed:

Microplastic Filtering System (MFS)

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Microplastic Filtering System (MFS)

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A process that will have to be done manually is the replacing of sticky filters. This has been

shown as the alternate process (known as ‘Replacing Filter Process’) in the previous flowchart.

Shown here is a flow chart of how this process would work:

Microplastic Filtering System (MFS)

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Next Steps: Preparing for the Prototype

1. After Storage: As mentioned earlier, microplastics will travel through pipes into a large,

open storage container made out of concrete (to prevent leaching of chemicals). As

microplastics - like any other plastic - are non-biodegradable, finding a way to reduce and

recycle this plastic will need a different solution entirely.

2. Green Chemistry: Some materials need to be created by scientists - such as the sticky

filter inspired by the P. Confoederata.

3. Funding: To fully be able to make my design a reality, I will need to collaborate with

several organizations such as Alameda County’s Onsite Wastewater Treatment System

Commission and Environmental Protection Agency’s Wastewater Research and

Development Departments. Other non-profits and industries focusing on microplastics

issues would also be a good funding source.

4. Collaborations: I will need to work with multiple experts to be able to make this system

as effective and efficient as possible.

5. Sharklet: To have a Sharklet-coated exterior for all my ceramic structures, I will need to

work with Sharklet Technologies, Inc.

All these next steps come to show that while much of the prototype has been thoroughly planned,

to truly be able to develop this prototype, several steps need to be taken. By preparing for the

prototype, we now have a place to start from and then further develop this innovation.

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As of right now, plastic is being dumped into the ocean in extremely large quantities and

one contributor that many are still unaware of is microplastics. While small in size, they are able

to harm organisms in the ocean of all size and shape. However, the threat of microplastics is

getting worse and as time goes on, it will come to bite us in the end. So, the best and most

obvious thing to do would be removing the threat of microplastics. Because of this, I was

inspired to come up with a solution that would filter out microplastics before they entered our

natural bodies of water, such as the ocean.

My solution - the MFS will be able to do this by fitting into pipe systems. The MFS is

easily removable and attachable to any pipe system, making it easy and efficient to use.

With the help of this research program, I have been able to use fundamental skills such as

observing things in nature to transition into learning new ideas and methods such as biomimicry.

These skills have allowed me to identify ways to help reduce the risks of microplastics, trying to

create a better future for tomorrow.


I would like to thank Ms. Shanti Balaraman for guiding me whenever I was stuck and helping me

with this research project.

I would also like to thank my peer, Shobha Srinivasan for supporting me throughout this entire

research project.

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When it came to researching on microplastics, these are the sites that helped me.

- “Facts on Microplastics and Microfibers.” Marine Litter Solutions,


- “FAO.org.” The Impact of Microplastics on Food Safety: the Case of Fishery and

Aquaculture Products | GLOBEFISH | Food and Agriculture Organization of the

United Nations, www.fao.org/in-action/globefish/fishery-information/resource-


- “Microplastics: What Are They and What Can We Do about Them?” IISD,


- Talks, TEDx. “Microplastics Are Everywhere | Sarah Dudas |

TEDxBinghamtonUniversity.” YouTube, YouTube, 8 May 2018,


- US Department of Commerce, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration. “What Are Microplastics?” NOAA's National Ocean Service, 13

Apr. 2016, oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/microplastics.html.

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