michelangelo buonarroti

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Michelangelo Buonarroti. 1475—1564 Painter, Sculptor, and Architect Second most famous artist of the Renaissance Video. David. Tomb of Julius II. Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici. Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici. La Pieta. The Sistine Chapel. Ceiling. St. Peter’s Basilica. Raphael Sanzio. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Michelangelo Buonarroti

1475—1564 Painter, Sculptor, and Architect Second most famous artist of the Renaissance Video


Tomb of Julius II

Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici

Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici

La Pieta

The Sistine Chapel


St. Peter’s Basilica

Raphael Sanzio

1483-1520 The best painter of them all

Sandro Botticelli

Renaissance Architecture

Revival of Roman Architecture with its symmetry and proportions

Orderly columns, arches and domes http://www.learner.org/exhibits/renaissance/

symmetry.html Replaced Gothic structures

St. Peter’s Basilica

Donato Bramante - Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio, Rome.

San Luigi dei Francesi

Gothic Architecture

Renaissance Literature

Renaissance Literature

Many Renaissance authors wrote in the vernacular- the native language of a people

Authors before this wrote in Latin This makes literature more readily available to

all people Authors wrote to express themselves and tried

to show the individuality of the subjects

Renaissance Literature

Francesco Petrarch- Father of Humanism

Wrote in both Italian and Latin

Wrote 14 line poems called sonnets

Most famous sonnets about Laura

Believed to be Laura de Noves

It is believed she died from the plague

Sonnet #56

Se col cieco desir che 'l cor distruggecontando l'ore no m'inganno io stesso,ora mentre ch'io parlo il tempo fuggech'a me fu inseme et a mercé promesso.

Qual ombra è sí crudel che 'l seme adugge,ch'al disïato frutto era sí presso?et dentro dal mio ovil qual fera rugge?tra la spiga et la man qual muro è messo?

Lasso, nol so; ma sí conosco io beneche per far piú dogliosa la mia vitaamor m'addusse in sí gioiosa spene.

Et or di quel ch'i' ò lecto mi sovene,che 'nanzi al dí de l'ultima partitahuom beato chiamar non si convene.

If, through blind desire that destroys the heart,I do not deceive myself counting the hours,now, while I speak these words, the time nearsthat was promised to pity and myself.

What shade is so cruel as to blight the cropwhich was so near to a lovely harvest?And what wild beast is roaring in my fold?What wall is set between the hand and grain?

Ah, I do not know: but I see only too wellthat in joyous hope love led me ononly to make my life more sorrowful.

And now I remember words that I have read:before the day of our final partingwe should not call any man blessed

Niccolo Machiavelli

Wrote “The Prince” One of the most

important books of all time

Helped change peoples ideas about authority and leadership

Still widely read today.

The Prince On Religion

One significant way in which Machiavelli contributed to the new confidence in man was in his separation of politics from religion and his challenge to the secular authority of the Church. The human activity of politics, Machiavelli believed,can be isolated from other forms of activity and treated in its own autonomous terms. In a word politics can be divorced from theology, and government from religion. No longer is the state viewed as having a moral end or purpose.

Its end is not the shaping of human souls, but the creation of conditions which would enable men to fulfill their basic desires of

self-preservation, security, and happiness. Religion has the vital function of personal salvation, of serving as an important instrument of social control--a basis for civic virtue rather than moral virtue.

-Anthony Parel,The Political Calculus, 1972

Themes from The Prince

If you injure someone only lightly they can still take revenge, if you crush them they can not revenge.

"We have not seen great things done in our time except by those who have been considered mean; the rest have failed. "

“A prince should not deviate from what is good, if that is possible, but he should know how to do evil, if that is necessary.”

“The answer is of course, that it would be best to be both loved and feared. But since the two rarely come together, anyone compelled to choose will find greater security in being feared than in being loved.”

How To Rule

The Medici’s

Probably the most influential and important family of the Renaissance.

A good summary of the Renaissance can be seen by looking at them.

Acquired great wealth through banking and trade

By 1400 they are one of the richest families in Italy, if not Europe



The Medici Family

Giovanni de’ Medici Medici’s gain

prominence under his reign

Supports his friends bid to become Pope, when he wins the Medici family gets the Church’s account

Cosimo de Medici Son of Giovanni Takes over after his

father dies Becomes an important

patron to many artists during the early Renaissance

“Godfather of the Renaissance”

Lorenzo de’ Medici

The Magnificent Survives assassination

attempts and takes Medici family to new heights

Patron to Leonardo, Michelangelo, Bottecelli

True Renaissance Man Loves Wine, Women,

and Art

Medici Popes

Giovanni de’ Medici Becomes a Cardinal at

13 Corrupt- Sells jobs to

friends Becomes Pope Leo X at

38 yrs old Failed to control Martin


Guilio de Medici Becomes Pope Clement

VII after his cousin Leo X dies

Trying to hold on to a crumbling empire.

Can’t deal with Henry VIII

Rome is sacked under his watch

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