mfj antenna tuners -, . i - dx...

Post on 25-Mar-2018






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• MFJ Antenna Tuners 200 Watt MlghtyMite lnleiiiTUner· Al)ust 6.5' x 2.15' x 825'. the MightyMrte complements today's compact HF transcetvers like the IC-706MKIIG, IC-7000. FT- 8570, OX-70TH and TS-50S. It can also be used as a stand-alone automatic antenna tuner for any !Jansceivcr that has an output power of 2 to 200 watts SSBJCW from 1.8-30 MHz, with antenna Impedances lrom 6 to 1,600 n. MFJ-925 .................................................. .................. ................................................ $169.95

200 Watt Automatic lnteiiiTuner,.. with Weather Protection This unrt lets you rapidly tune any unbalanced, single-Wire or aluminum verbcal antenna automatically. The tuner features a highly efficient SW1tchmg L -networ1< with wide matching capability. 1.8 to 30 MH2 coverage. a radio mterface port, and heavy-duty 10 aml)'1,000 VOlt relays. It is rated at 200 watts SSBICW. The tuner is part of the cost-effective DXE-MBV-AlU-1 Remote Tuner Package, wrth IS perfect for automabc bandswitching of popular 43 fool multi-band vertical antennas MFJ-927 200 Watt Automatic lntelliTuner" witb Weather Proteclion ................ $249.95 MFJ-9268 200 Watt Automatic Antenna Tuner for HF SSB .................................... $299.00

200 Wattlntelllfuner· The lnteliiTUner" tets you rapidly tune any antenna­unbalanced or slngle·wire-automa!ically. It is a comprehensive automatic antenna tuning center willl a SWR!wattmeter and antenna switch for two antennas. The tuner Includes a highly effiCient switching L -network with wide matching capability, 1.8 to 30 MHz coverage, a radio interface port. and


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heavy-duty 10 amp/1,000 vott relays. It is rated at 200watts SSB/CW. MFJ-929 ...................... ---------------··-·- ··-· .. ···- ................................. -$209.95

1.81o 30 MHz Artificial Ground ThiS artifi~at RF ground resonates a random length of wire thrown along the Door and produces a tuned counterpoise. This ground effectively places your rig near actual earth ground potential even ff the rig is on the second floor or higher with no earth ground possible. It reduces tho olectricallength of llle ground connection wire to virtually zero by tuning out Its reactance. The artificial ground connects be!lveen your rig and a random length of wire or a connecting ground wire. It's luned tor maximum ground current using the built-in RF ammeter. MFJ-931..... .. ........................................................................................................... $104.95

300 Watt Antenna Tuner/Artificial Ground This unh COmbines a versatile anlenna tuner wrth an artifiCial ground It turns a random wire into an elfecliVe antenna that war1<s. trs great for traveling, emergency use, or as a makeshift antenna. The 300 wan. geoeral purpose antenna runer covers 1.8 to 30 MH2. H features a two 111fl9l!, lighted cross-needle meter that lets you read SWR, to1V1ard. and reHected power all at a glance. and a 4:1 balun for balanced lines. You atso get an efficient airwound inductor, a special high-currenvvottage 12 position induc­tor switch, and live 1,000 vall air-variable capacitors. It tunes all types of antennas and feed­lines including random wire, coax, and balanced lines. MFJ-934 ........................................................................................................................ $194.95

300 Watt Antenna TUner This 300 watt RF output power antenna tuner will match any transmitter or transceiVer to vlrtuaDy any antenna. Peak or average forward and reflected power plus SWR can be read on the illuminated cross-neeclle meter. The tuner uses a 'T matching networ1< and covers all bands bet\veen 160 and I 0 meters. This networ1< Yllll tune dipoles. inverted-vees. vertlcals, mobile whips, beams, random w1res and many other antenna types. The wner has rear panel connectors lor coaxlal, s1ngle wire or two 1111re feedlines. A b01tt-in 4:1 balun allows the use of balanced open wire, !VIintead, or twin-axial feedtines. MFJ-949E ..................................................................................................................... $154.95

HF 1,500 Watt Antenna Tuner with Wattmeter & Antenna Switch This tuner llandles 1,500 watts PEP SSB ampl!fiCr input power (800 watts PEP SSB amplifier output palver)­idcal for usc with Amcritron's best-selling 800 watt AL-811H or 600 watt AL-811 amplrtrersl The

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unra-compact (10. 75' x 4' x 10.875") tuner features an aluminum-skirted knob set with a weighted deluxe spinner knob and a scratch-proof. multi-colored Lexall'" front panel. Two transmitting tuning capacitors and MFJ's exclusive AlrCore roller Inductor gives you precise control to get your SWR down to an absolute minimum. MFJ-9620 .................................................................................................................... $259.00

300 WaU Roller Inductor Antenna Tuner This wner's AirCore Roller Inductor, gear-dri'len turns counter, and sprnner knob gives you exact •nductlnce control for absolute mlmmum SWR. You get the Widest matching range, ultra-high-Q, the lowest loss. highest effi~ency and highest power handling of any roller Inductor In ham radiO. Other features •nclude a full size lighted cross-needle SWR/Ivattmeter 111at reads true peak forward power. QRM-Free Pre TUne. eight-position antenna switch, built-in 50 fi dummy load, and a heavy-duty 4:1 balun, all enclosed In a tough, attractive cabinet. MFJ-969................................ . ................................................................................. $184.95

1,500 Watt Fully Balanced Antenna Tuner This is a full legal tirrut, tully-balanced antenna tuner You get superb balance, very wide matching ranges (12-2,000 n }-and coohnuous 1.8 to 30 MHz coverage lllCludlng aR WARC bands! n handles a full 1,500 wans SSB and ON. You can tune any balanced lines lncliJding 600 n open wire line, 4501300 llladder lines, and 300172 Q twin teatl--$hlelded or unshielded. You can also tune random wires and coax-fed antennas. MFJ-976 ...................................................................................................................... $479.00

1,500 Watt Antenna Tuner with Dummy load This roller inductor tuner Is a r:w antenna tuner rated to the US amateur legal limit of 1,500 warts. It is designed to match 50 n output amplifiers. transmitters, or trans­ceivers 1o virtually any antenna. Peak and average forward power. renected power, and SWR are displayed on the illuninated cross-needle meter. The rOller inductor 'T matchlllO networlt contJnuous!y tunes all frequencies from 1.8 through 30 MHz. You can match dipoles, lrtverted-vees. verticals, mobile whrps. beams. random Wires and many other anll!nna types. The tuner has rear panel connectors for coaxial, single wire or two wire leedt1nes. A billtt-in 4:1 balun allows the use of balanced open wife, twinlead, or !lvln-axial feedlines. MFJ-9890 ..................................... ....................... ...................................................... $319.00

Dual 300/150 WaH lnle!IIThner"' Automatic Antenna TUner This tuner lets you rapidly tunc any antenna-lialanced, unbalanced. or single·wire-automaticalty. The tuner is a comprehensive automatic antenna tuning center with SWR/wattmeter, antenna switch for two antennas, and a 4:1 current balun for balanced fines. Other features lllclude a highly efficient swrtching L -ne1VIOII< Vtlth vllde matching capabilrty, 1.8 to 30 MHz coverage, cross-needle povter meters. backlight LCD display. a port for an accessory remote control, a radio interface port, and heavy~uty 16 amp/1.000 vott relays. The tuner is rated at 300 watts to match 6 to 1,600 n antennas (SWR up to 32:1) or 150 watts to match wider range ol6 to 3,200 n (SWR up to 64:1). MFJ-9938 ..................................................................................................................... $239.00

Easy Tuner Selector Chart

To help find the nght tuners for your application, simply select a power rating and tuner type (manual or automatic), then use tile matrix above to too~ at the exact spec»ications of the tuners at your power level. If U1e desired features don't exist at your power tevet, just move up a level and check again.


600 WattlnteiiiTuner· Automatic Antenna Tuner This tuner lets you rapidly tune any antenna -tJnbalanced, sinQI&-wire or balanced (with

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an external balun)-automabcally. The tuner Includes a highly efficient switching L-networt< wrth WMle matching capabJIJIY, 1.8 to 30 MHz coverage. cross-needle power meters, a port for an accessory remote control, a radio interface port and heavy-duty 16 ampfl ,000 volt relays. It is rated at 600 watts PEP SSB and 300 watts CW. MFJ-9948 ..................................................................................................................... $320.00

1,500 Wall lntelltTuner·

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This automatiC antenna tuning center has an SWR!wan meter and an antenna switch for two antennas. It lets you 111pidly tune almost any unbalanced or smgle-wne antenna automatically Balanced teedlmes may be used l'litl1 an external 4:1 balun connected to tile tuner's antenna OIJIPut The tuner features MFJ's exclusive Amptlf>er Bypass Controf". It fully prOieCIS your ampfifief durtng tuning and willll\lell tak8 your ampiHier oft-line H SWR increases above a user-defined, pre-set fimit The tuner tndudes a hiQhly-efficient sWitChing L -netwof1t wtth wide matchmg capability, 1.8to 30 MHz coverage, cross-needle power meters, bacldtghl LCO diSPlay. a radiO interface port, and heavy-duty 16 amp/1 ,000 von relays. It is rated at 1,500 watts SSBICW and vrlH rnatch impedances from 12 to 1,600 n antennas (SWR up to 32:1 ). MFJ-998 ..................................................................................................................... $639.00

2.500 Wall Continuous Carrier Tuner This high-power antenna tuner operates at power levels up to 2,500 watts SSB or C:W. It uses an edge wound roller Inductor in a matching "T" network to conbnuously tune toads between 1.8 and 30 MHz. The tuner also features a true peak or average readtng SWR/wattrneter. It Will match drpoles, WNerted-vees, verticals. mobile wtvps. beams, random wrres, and many other antenna types. There are rear panel connectors for coaxial and Single wire or balanced feedfines. The balanced feed6nes are ISOlated from the tuner chassis with a fiberglass panel to reduce capacttiVe couphng, wtthstand high vottages, handle high currents. The tuner is designed to match 50 n output amplifiers, transmrtters or transceivers to virtually any antenna with an impedance ranging from 12.5-2,000 Q on 3.5-30 MHZ It will match loads ranging from 12.5-300 non 1.8-3.5 MHz. An internal si~·position antenna selector switch selects a buiH-in 50 n dummy toad, 11vo coaxial line outputs, or a single wire/balanced line output. MFJ-9982 ...................................................................................................................... $629.00

Amerllron 3 kW Edge Roller Antenna Tuner This hljjh power antenna tuner has a roller Inductor "T" matching network that continuously tunes all treqtlenCies trom 1 8 dlrough 30 MHz. It also features a buill·in 3 ~ ~ or average detedlng directJonal power meter. There are rear connectors for coaxtal and vnre feedlines A heavy-duty. high-voltage insulated, current-type balun allows use witll balanced teedlines. AME·ATR-30 ................................................................................................................ $549.00

300, 400, and 1 ,500 NetNJ) Watt Remote Autotuners • These automabe tuners are moooted m durable. weather res1Siant hard-j)laslic cases for remote outdoor applications. They cover 1.8 to 30 MHz. use heavy-duty 16 amplt .000 volt relays, and fealure a htghly efficlentl-networt. TheY also include tile MFJ-4117 BiaS Tee Power Injector to send OC down your coax.

MFJ·9938RT handles 300 watts SSBICW power level and matches 6-1,600 o antennas MFJ-9948RT handles GOO watts SSBICW power level and matches 12-800 n antennas MF J-998RT handles 1,500 watts SSBICW power level and matches 12-1.600 0 antennas MFJ remote tuners let you quiCkly tune aJIY antenna, balanced or unbalanced, automatM:ally. tt's a comprehensMl automatic antenna tuner ideal for MuHiband ~rticals ~Ice tile popular 43 fOOl models.

MFJ 300 Wall Remote Autotuner The MFJ·993BRT l ntetiiTuner•~ is a 300 watt remote automabe antenna tunlflO unn mounted in a durable hard·plasbC case Measuring just9 'A' x 3' x 14 W. it covers 1.8to 30 MHZ. has heavy-duty 16 amp/1.000 von relays and Is a highly effiCient L-network. It also Includes tile MFJ-4117 Bias Teo Power tn,cctOr to send OC/RF down your coax. It's intended to be mounted outside at the feedpoint of your antenna, providing a 50 Q match to your coaxtal cable feed line and eliminating additional feedline loss caused by SWR. The MFJ·993BRT lets you Quickly tune any 6-1.600 'l antenna. balanced or unbalanced, automatically. MFJ-993BRT .................................................................................................................... $299.95

MFJ 600 WaH Remote Autotuner The MFJ-994BRT tntelliTuncr'" is a 600 wan rem01e automa!IC antenna tumno un~ similar is size to tile Mf J-9938RT. AI 600 watts, ll's a perlect match for Amerrtron's soltd Slate ALS-60Mi solid state ampltber and popular tube-type Al-811/H amplifiers! You can elimma1e extra feedYne toss caused by SWR by turnng your 31\tenna outdoors at liS feedpoint. This tuner includes tile MF J-4117 Bias Tee Power Injector to send OCIRF down your coax. The Mf J-994BRT lets you quictdy tune 3J1Y 12-1,600 o antenna. balanced or unbalaooed, automatically. MFJ·994BRT .................................................................. ............................................... $379.95

MFJ 1500 Wall legal Limit Remote Autotuner The MFJ·998RT lnteiiiTuner'" Is a comprehensive Full Legal Umit remote automatic antenna tuning unit. It lets you rapidly tune almost any unbalanced or single-wire antenna automati­cally. Balanced feedllnes may be used witll an MFJ-912 1.5 WI 4:1 balun connected to the MF J-998RT antenna output. MFJ's exclusive lnstaniRecaW•, tnteiiiTune'" and AdapliveSearch'" algorithms giVe you fast automabc tumng with more than 20,000 non-volatile VirtuaiAntenna"" memones. Each of tile tiYO antenna banks has tour banks of mertlQIY: each memory bank has over 2,500 llOO-'IOiable memones for tuner settings The banks allow you to save seltlnos for several antennas, giving you tile flexibllily to move your tuner between antennas or to different locations without losing tile old settings. The tuner Includes a highly efficient swrtched-t networl< with wide ma1Cillng capabtllly. 1.8 to 30 MHz coverage, bacld t LCO dl$play, and heavy-duty 16 ampfl,OOO volt relays. llts rated at 1,500 waHs SSB/CW and Will match impedances trom 12to 1,600 o (SWR up to 32:1 ). II includes tile MFJ-4117 BtasTee Power lnjeotorto send OC/RF down your coax. MFJ-998RT ...................................................................................................................... $769.95

Mail: P.O. Box 1491, Akron, OH 44309 • E-Mail: • Web: 13

Surge Protection Products A power surge can amve by m!f ol any conductor entenng your home One WlY is a strike to the AC power hne somewhere olllside your nome. creating a suroe whiCh travels to your equipment via the power line. Another IS a direct strike to an antenna or tower, or a VOI!aoe-lllducing near strike where energy is coupled 1nto your antenna system and transmission line. A surge can also enter VIa the telephone I ne Willie these sources seem to be independenl they an share ground return paths wh1ch can co· mingle the eHects of a surge on any one ol them. These sources need to ll1l addressed to provide maximum protection for your electromc equipment. OX Engineering provides an extensive line of lightning and surge protection products.

Alpha Delta Transi· Trap Broadband Coaxial Surge Protectors 1 These gas surge arresters are designed to protect sensitive electronic equipment from damaoe due to excess voltage or current generated by lightning or static buildup The 50 n. DC voltage pass-through des1gn makes the protectors ideal for applications requiring the coaxial cable to cany both RF and DC volt­age, such as remote antenna switches that use coaxial cable lor both RF and DC switl:hing. The protectors have a 114'-20 stud for easy mounting and effectlv8 ground1ng. The TraOSI-Trap suroe protectors use a replaceable ARC-PLUG' cartridoe that can ll1l changed 1n the field WithOut tools and witllout removing the surge protector from the e~rcu~. The Defense LogiStics Agency (DlA) has assigned National Stock Number (NSN) 5920 01 5470278 to the Model TT3G50 Coax Surge Protector and NSN 5325 01 5466841 to the 3G50 ARC· PLUG' cartridge lor use in all U.S. Military and NATO applications worldwide. Alf·ATT3GSO Protector with N-connector, 3 GHQ200 watts ....................... $59.95 Alf·ATT3GSOHP Protector with N-«>nnector, 3 GHl/21N/ .............................. $59.95 Alf·ATT3GSOU Protector with 50·239, 500 MHz/200 watts ......................... $49.95 Alf·ATT3GSOUHP Protector with S0-239, 500 MHz/2 kW ................................. $49.95 Alf·3G·ARCPLUG Replacement ARG-PLUG, 200 watts ..................................... $14.95 Alf-3G·ARCPLUGHP Replacement ARC-PLUG, 2 kW ........................................... $14.95

Polyphaser Broadband Coaxial Lightning Protectors, 50 n, DC Blocked These broadband protectors are lor oeneral, Single transm1her use In the 1.5 to 400 MHz ln!quency range. The tightmng protectors are e~her bulkhead or flat surface (flange) mount The units use a DC blocked gas tube design that has no DC conllnurty between the center pins. PolyPhase(s Mult1.Stnke products are designed to pass RF rrequencles and block an DC. The protectors appear as a DC open ll1ltween surge and protected ports and oller the ll1lst protection 1n the Industry. PPR-IS·SOUX·CO UHF Female, Flange, 2 kW HF, 1.5·400 MHz ............................ $62.70 PPR·I5-SOUX·C1 UHF Female, Flange, 375W, 50-700 MHz.. ............................. $62.70 PPR·IS·SONX·CO N Female. Range, 2 kW HF, 1.5·400 MHt ................................ $62.70 PPR-IS·B50LN·C1 N female, Bulkhead, 375W, 50·700 MHz ................................. $65.50 PPR·IS·BSOLN·CO N Female, Bulkhead, 2 kW HF, 1.5·400 MHz ............................ $65.50 PPR-15-BSOLU..Cl UHF Female, Bulkhead, 375W, 50·700 MHz ............................. $65.50 PPR·IS·BSOLU.CO UHF Female, Bulkhead, 2 kW HF, 1.5-400 MHz ....................... $65.50 PPR·IS-BSQ-HU·CI UHF Female, Bulkhead, 500W VHF, 50·700 MHZ.. .. ............. $76.00 PPR-IS·B50HU-co UHF Female, Bulkhead, 3 WI HF. 1.5-400 MHz ....................... $76.00

Lightning Surge Protector, Receive 75 Q, DC Pass, F Connectors This unique ln·l.IM' des>gn Is impedance-matched to 75 n and vutually transparent to botll analog and diOitll bi-directional signals hom OCto 1.0 GHz. The patented and proprieta/}' coaxial gas tube design has an integrallaJishort mechan1sm lor a power-cross condition that shunts both the cable's center conductor and sheath lor a common path to ground. The protection element resets alter each over-voltage event. DXE·RLP-75FF Lightning Surge Protector .................................................... $13.95

Rotor Control Line Protector The PPR·IS·RCT Is a lightning protector lor up to 8 line rotor controllers. It protects the controllers by prell1lnting strike energy from entering the promises. Usc Jt or J2 clamps to mount the PPR·IS·RCT to tower legs or ground rods. Features • Multi-strike capabilrty • Faster than gas tubes • Shunt·type deYM:e lor up to Stines Speclllcallons • Number ol Wires: up to 8 • Maximum Operating Current: 2A • Operating Voltage: +1- 70 Vdc • Let· Through Voltage: 230 Vpk • Maximum Surge Current: 6.5 kA • Tum·on Time: 4 ns • Turn-on Voltage: +I· 82V • Temperature Range: ·40' to +B5" C PPR·IS·RCT Rotor Control Protector.. ................................... ......... ................. $133.00

Data/Phone Line Lightning Protector The PPR·IX·IT is a llghtmng protector lor two-wire telephone trunks It Is a weatherizl!d, modular hiOil-speed digital data!OC hne protector. It incorporates 1 Hoard lor use in high speed network and DC voit<lge applications. The un1que des1gn or this I device allows it to be used In a variety or dillerent vofce and data applications. • Fast response times • Lower dllferentlal vollages and harmonic energies than gas tubes • Application: Telco Tmnks. POTS • Data Rate: up to 25 Mbps • Max Holding Current: 400 mA@ +20• C • Operating Temperature: -40• to +65• C • Turn-on Voltaoe: +or ·210 volts typical PPR·IX·1T Data/Phone Une Protector. one twisted pair ................................ ,$57 .00

ACIDC Power Protectors Protecting your equ1pment from incorni~ lightning surge energy is accomplished at two levels. Both levels require a Single pomt ground (SPG) system. First install an AC power shunt protector on the incoming power mains. It IS important that the AC shunt protector Is located at the SPG entry point. Second: have the equipment connected to an AC series protector, which is also tied to the SPG. Keepmg all eQuipment plugged into the same outlet and grounded to the same point allows them to rise and tali in potential at the same time with no other paths to a lower potential.

AC Shunt Protectors For residential applications, you should use an AC shunt protector at the AC main box. This works on AC main mstallations that consist of two hot, a neutral and a ground coming from a single, center-tapped transformer. typical of most U.S. residential installations. The AC shunt protector takes the surge energy on each hot lead to ground rather than the neutral line. Each hot lead is protected and includes a resettable circurt breaker on the path to ground. The AC shunt ~ protector also 1ncludes a d/Y contact alarm indicator. ~

AC Series Protector1 Use the PLOD line of protectors 111-llne to protect sensitive equipment. The unit has a master onlolf switch and circu~ breaker lor added protection. It Is capable ol handling multiple strikes. Mount the housing on the PPR·CU·SPGP grounding plate and be the plate to your single point ground. PPR·PLD0120US20A Protector, AC Series, 120 Vac, 20A ............................ $229.00 PPR·PLD0120US15A Protector. AC Series, 120 Vac, 15A ............................ $209.00

OX Engineering Utility Enclosure Package The Util~ Enclosure Package Is a high-Impact thermoplastic enclosure ideal lor outdoor mounbng of all types of lightning protectors or other equipment. Its weather·bght design protects the components from rain and direct water spray. It resists degradation from enwonmental contaminants, chemical lertliaers and insecticide ·~~.,....., sprays that can ruin metallic housings. ~ The thermoplastic hous1ng and wfre entrance grommet material fire retardant and UV stabilized. The enclosure can be pamted with latex or oil base paints if needed to blend it in witll its location. Mounting hardware. aluminum component mounting plate, and lour weather tight large leed·through grommets lor RG-213 and LMR-400 sized cable are included. Optional reed· through grommets lor smaller cables are available. Exterior dimensions: 13" x 14" x 4". DXE·UE·2P Utility Enclosure Package ........................................................ $49.95 DXE·CFT·1P Large Gable Feed-Through Grommets. pack ol6 .................... $14.95 DXE·CFT·2P Small Gable Feed-Through Grommets, pack ol6 .................... $14.95

Low Voltage AC 2·Wire Protector The PPR·tS·SPTV IS designed to protect twcrwire low voltage AC applications, such as closed cin:urt 1V cameras •. ----lrom hghtmng damage. It leatures last response time and lower -r--..1 differenhal voltage and harmonic energies than gas tubes. PPR·IS·SPTV Protector, CCTV power, 24 Vac, SA max ...................................... $75.05

Copper Grounding Plate Kit The OXE..CU·SPGP pi'OVIdes a convenient means to mount multiple lightnino protectors and lie them to a oommon ground. The plate 1s an 18 x 12 inch painted NeW!~ board with a t5 x 10 x 0.063 ,nch piece of oopper mounted to it ~ The board should be mounted to wall studs set on 16 inch centers. OXE·CU·SPGP Copper Grounding Plate Klt... ................................................. $189.95

ECLS·Serles Q Band Clamps with Stud ,,........_ The ECLS-Series clamps feature a 314 inch long, 10·24 welded stud ~ ( 1 for easy connection of feed wire, baluns, current chokes, etc. to tubular ~ \.. ~ elements. Stainless steel hardware included. Sold In packs ol 2. o r See Page 47 for complete application list.

Copper Strap to Tower The PolyPilaser TK clamp senes has a stainless steel plate to go between the capper strap and galvaruzed tower teo to prevent oorrosion due to dissimilar metals For use With tower teo diameters from 518 inches 10 3 1/4 i es. PPR-TK-1 Strap to Tower Leo Ground Clamp, 5/8' to 1114' ...................... $8.55 PPR·TK-2 Strap to Tower leg Ground Clamp, 1 114' to 2 114" .•.•.•.....•••.••.. $8.55 PPR·TK-3 Strap to Tower Leo Ground Clamp, 2 114' to 3 314" ................. $11.40 PPR·TK-4 Strap to Tower Leg Ground Clamp, 3 1/2' 10 5' ..............••....... $11 .40

Copper Strap to Copper Ground Rod Clamp TJTT This clamp bonds a 518 Inch ground rod to copper 0 0 0 0 strap 18·8 stainless steel hardware included.

0 0 0 0 OXE-58R·112S Slrnp to Copper Ground Rod Clamp ......•••......•.•...................••. $29.95

Ground Wire to Copper Ground Rods r J -The PolyPhaser J series clamps are used to connect ground wire ., f:£ to copper ground rods si2ed from 112 inch to 2 114 inches. They u • ... accept wire rano1ng from 12 stranded to 110 solid. These clamps are made of cast bronze and include 18-a stainless steel hardware. OXE.J-1 Wire to Rod Transition Clamp, 1/2' to 1113' ........................... $1 4.25 PPR-J-2 Wire to Rod Transition Clamp, 1 l/2' to 2114 ........................ $19.00

Copper Strap Use copper strap to achieve a low inductance ground system. Copper strap has a larger surface area and lower inductance per foottllan equivalent cross-section wire. Use ground strap to tie equipment back to a common ground point. Copper strap should also be used to make a non-resonant counterpoise for towers mounted on mountain· tops or other rocky terrain. All copper strap is 2 inches wide and 0.011 inches thick.

OXE·CS2-25 Copper Strap, 2" bY 25' ........ $62.95 0 OXE·CS2·50 Copper Strap, 2" by 50' . ... $125.95 OXE.CS2·100 Copper Strap, 2" by 100' .... $251.95

Copper Strap to Copper Strap Clamp The OXE-MSC-3 bondi119 clamp is ideal for bonding two copper straps tooether, for extending an existing run or to add drops to eQUipment It accepts ground straps fror includes 18·8 stainless steel hardware. OXE-MSC-3 Multi-Strap Clamp ...... ......... $38.95

Copper Cleaning Kit Proper preparation of the copper surfaces and application of copper joint compound prior to bonding is essential to maintain the low resistance properties ot the strap connection. The copper cleaning kit has everything needed to establish the bond. The kit Includes a non-abrasive scrub pad, oopper joint compound. and oomplete instructions. OXE-cGK Copper Cleaning Klt .............. $1 6.95

Copper Strap to Copper Wire Clamps These wire bondrng clamps provide a convenient way to bond heavy-gauge oopper wire to cower grounrfmg straps. These .. clamps handle from 6 AWG to 610 AWG. depending on tile model. L.,_..,-,.._, Cl \:11 ~ ~ 18·8 stainless steel hardware is included. o o o o OXE·I C·112S Copper Wire to Strap Bonding Clamp, 6 to 1 AWG ................. $29.95 OXE-10C·112S Copper Wire to Strap Bonding Clamp, 110 lo 6fO AWG ........... $34.95

Coax Shield Ground Kits These kits provide a low inductaJlce pall1 for proper ground contact between a round member made from copper, brass, aluminum. tin, or steel to corresponding copper, brass,

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• 0 ~ • 0

aluminum, ttn, or steel groundmg llklterial. Examples: grounding llle coax sh1eld as lhe coax leaves the tower or connecting a round to1ver leg to llle ground system. Three kits are available for various combinations of shield material to grounding material, and they fit coax shield or lower leg diameters from 114 inch to 2 118 1nches. These kits Include a perforated strap, an ad1ustable angle, 24 inch long tail strap, weatherproofing kit and all stainless steel brackets and hardware. PPR-UNI·KIT·2CC Copper to Copper Ground Kit ................................................... $47.50 PPR·UNI·KIT·2CT Copper to Aluminum Ground Kit .............................................. $47 .50 PPR-UNI·KIT-2TC Aluminum to Copper Ground Kit .............................................. $47 .50 PPR·UNI·KIT·2TT Alumtnum to Aluminum Ground Kit ......................................... $47 .50

Weatherproofing Kit Use PolyPhaser's WeatherprooflllQ Kit PPR-WK-1 when moontino lightning protectors or malof19 groond connections outdoors. The kit prevents mOisture ingress and easily handles extreme temperatures, the sun's W rays and san spray. PPR-WK-1 Weatllerproofino Kit... ............. $8.55

Ground Braid Assemblies OX Engineering Ground Strap is available preassembled willllugs for both 110 and 1/4 inch boll siZes. A grounding strap is ideal tor grounding a rig, amp, etc. to a copper strip running behind the desk: the strip becomes the central ground point for the equipment. This central ground can be routed away with heavy copper strap to join any other slmllarty protected branches for single point grounding (SPG) lightning protection. Other possible uses Include noise reduction bY ground1ng a vehicle exhaust, establishing a connection between a radial plate. balun, and a vertical antenna to keep current oN of tile teedline, and any custom ground1119 application where a reliable connectiOn Is needed. Assemblies with 1/2 Inch Wide Braided Strap Assemblies with 1 1nch Wide Braided Strap OXE·TCBOS-RTOI 110 nno luos 1' ... $4.95 OXE·TC81o-RT01 114' nno lugs, 1' $5.95 OXE-TCBOS-RTIXI 110 nno tugs. L ... $5.95 OXHC810.RT181 114' nno tugs, ur ... 56.95 OXHC805·RT05 /10 nnotugs. 5 .... $6.95 OXE·TCBIO.RT241 114' nno lugs 2' .... $7.95 DXE· TC805-RT10 110 ri119 lugs, 10 .. "$9.95 OXE-TCBIO.RTIXI 1{4' ~119 lugs, 3' ..... $8.95 OXE·TCBOS-RTI81 1f4' nno lugs, 18" ... $5.95 OXE·TCBIO.RTOS 1f4' nno lugs, 5' ... $12.95 OXE-TCBOS-RT241 1f4' nnolugs, 2'.. ... 56.95 OXE·TCBIO.RTIO 1f4' ri119lugs, 10': $18.95 OXE·TCB05·RT361 114' rif19lugs, 3' ..... $7.95 ----3/4 Inch Wide Braided Strap OXE· TCB075·RT1 81 114' ~ng lugs, 18" ... $6.50 OXE·TCB075-RT241 114' nnolugs. 2' ..... $7.50 DXE-TCB075·RT03 114' ring lugs, 3' ..... $8.50

Coaxial Cable Grounding Brackets The CGB-Senes Coax Grounding Brackets are a versable solution for additional groundif19 of coaxial cable shields. The stainless steel bracket is supplied Ylrth a stainless steel V-bolt and hardware in your " choice of two sizes for a solid oonnection to the tower teo Each bracket '-lias hOles for use Willi OXE-363-SST bull<head comectors. or dlaSSis · · mount SD-239 oonnectors. or OXE-1 023 for N connectors. The Groundino Bracket Is an Ideal junction point for the coax pigtails lhat fonn the rotor loop to connect to the down leads. The bracl<et can also be used at the base of the tower to provide a solid grounding point before tile coax cable rs routed away from tile grounded tower. The braCket has serrated teeth to bite through paint and corrosion. Additional fasteners are supplied if you wish to extend a ground braid or copper strap for secure grounding. OXE-CGB-150 Coaxial Cable Grounding Bracket, fits 112" to 1 112' 0.0. tube ....... $15.95 OXE·CGB-200 Coaxial Cable Grounding Bracket, fits 1" to 2" 0.0. lube ............... $15.95

Ground Strap 1-OX Engineenng oNer; quality tinned copper braid in 5 widths for grounding applications. " is sold per foot to accommodate almost any project Very long per-footlengths may not be continuous-contact Customer SeiVice to discuss your lef19th needs II oonllnuous lengtll is required. The strap is avadable in these sizes: OXE·TCB-o38 318' Wide x 1132" thiCk ...................... ................................ per foot $0.45 OXE·TCB-050 112' wrde x 030" thief< ........................................... ...... per foot $0.60 OXE-TC8·063 5/8' Wide x .03G' lllltk ................................................ ...... per foot $0.80 OXE·TCB-075 3/4' wide x .040" thick ..................... . ..................... per foot $1.10 OXE·TCB-100 1" wide x .045" thiek ...................................... ................ .... per foot $1.25

I .. I ~

An often-overlooked aspect of antenna systems is port· to-port isolation. Poor isolation manifests itself as receive noise ~eing coupled from any unused antennas to the single selected antenna. For example. if you are using antenna 11, but arrtenna #7 is rcceiwing a lot of noise, poor isolation will allow the noise to bleed over into your selected antenna port. There's a lot of RF out there-your antennas are immersed in it. Sometimes. the signals from two or more antennas can mix up to give you more interference issues. Poor isolation ralses your noise floor and affects your ability to tei:eive weak signals.

The Solution?

OX Engineering Remote Antenna Switches!

Ameritron RCS·4 Remote Antenna Switch The Ameritron RCS-4 is a Four Position Remote Antenna Switch which is powered through the coax cable. The relay switch box may be tower, mast or wall mounted- the control console is located at your operating position. It features bright LEO indicators, a steel enclosure. 50 ms switching time, and S0-239 connectors. It uses three heavy-dUty 10 ampere contact relays on a rugged G-10 fiberglass circuit ~oard. The RCS-4 operates from 120 Vile power source, and covers 1.8 to through 30 MHz at 1,500 watts. AME·RCS-4 1.5 kW Four Position

RF Switch ................................. $149.95

Manual Antenna Switches Alpha Delta antenna swttches have precision-machined, low loss components for reliable service. Grounded unselected antenna ports and ARC·PLUG"IIghtning surge proteotors provide the final line of protection. ALF·DELTA·2B 2-Position Coax swnch,

S0-239 connector ........... ..... $59.95 ALF·DELTA-2B·N 2-Positlon Coax Switch,

N-connector ....... .. ..... $75.95 ALF-DELTA-4B 4-Positon Coax SWitch,

S0-239 connector ................. $89.95 ALF-OELTA-4B·N 4-Positon Coax Switch,

N·connector ....... .. .... .. $99.95 ALF-ASC-4B 4-Position Desk Console Switch

S0-239 connector ......... ..... $149.95 ALF-ASC-4B-N 4-Posl!ion Desk Console Switch,

N-connector ................... ..... $159. 95 ALF-04 Replacement ARC-PLUG ........ $9.95 MFJ Manual Antenna Switches MFJ-1702 2-Position Antenna SWitch ... $19.95 MFJ-1 702C 2-Posltion Antenna Switch

with grounding... .. ..... $39.75 MFJ-1 704 4-Position Antenna Switch

with grounding ...................... $79.50 MFJ-2702 1GHz/2kW 2-Position Antenna

Switch, S0-239 connector .... $32.95 MFJ-2702N 3GHz/2kW 2-Position Antenna

Switch, N-connector ............. $42.95

OX Engineering's Symmetrical Design­Highest Reliability and Performance! Remote Antenna Switches Installation of U1ese remote antenna switches is hassle-free! There's no need to remove the cover to install the control ca~le-it plugs In with an external connector. You can use inexpensive CAT·S cable to connect between the relay svlnch and the control!er at the operator position. The OX Engineering RF Swhch also provides great SWR and superior port-to-port isolation. To understand tile importance of port-to-port isolation, see the sidebar to tile left. OX Engineering RF Switches have a port-to-port isolation of greater than 60db lor ALL ports, not just the best porl This is the finest port isolation or all the coax switches we have tested-and we have tested All of the major brands. In fact, one particular major manufacturer's sWitches tested as low as 30dB! None of the tested switches have a port-to-port isolation as high as OX Engineering's switches.

This is one component In your station /bat sl1ould be /be very best! Features


~· $ ·<t ox·r . -,.,. --.. ,. .., -, .. -. ,., <D


• Fully RF-shielded witll high strength, UV-resistant cover, stainless steel mounting bracket and hardware

• Can select individual or multiple ports for stacking and phased array applications

• lightning protection standard • Safe 12-vott relay operation • Solde~ess, removeable plug for easy installation of

control line with no dlsassem~ly • Unused antenna ports can ~e )umpered for open

or shorted to ground • Can be wired without disassembly

DXE·RR8B-HP 5 kW Key-Down RF Switch • Highest isolation • 5 kW rating • Usable to 150 MHz

DXE-RR8B-SO 10 kW Key-Down RF Switch • 1 o kW rating • Usable to 60 MHz • Excellent isolation

The DXE·RR8B-HP uses 16 relays (2 per port) in a star arrangement to provide greater than 70 dB of port-to-port isolation. It is designed to switch coaxial lines in RF systems operating up to 5 kW continuous duty. The DXE·RR8B·SD is the largest swtlch in the RR8B selies, designed to switch coaxial lines In high power RF systems up to 10 kW continuous duty. Specifications

• Port Isolation (Worst Case): 70 dB (RR8B·HP). 60 dB (RR8B-SO) • Seated RF Relays: 20 amps (HP), 25 amps (SO) • Power Rating (<2:1 SWR at 30 MHZ): 7 kW ICAS/5 kW CCS (HP),

10 kW ICAS/CCS (SO) • Control Voltage: 10.14 Vdc/100 mA (HP), 10.14 Vdc/160 mA (SO) • l oss (HP): <0.03 dB below60 MHZ, <0.25 dB below ISO MHZ • l oss (SO): <0.03 dB below 30 MHz, <0.16 dB below 60 MHz • f mpedance: 50 !l • Control Une: 8-wire plus ground. #24 up to 1,000 ft. (DXE-CW9S)

Single-Input S·Port OX£-RRBB·SO·P2


5 kW Key-Down Switch ................. ............................................................................. $349.00 5 kW Key-Down Switch with CC-8A Console........ .. ........ $505.00 5 kW Key-Down Switch with EC-8 Console ............................................................... $415.00 10 kW Key-Down Switch .......... .......... .. ....... $435,00 10 kW Key-Down Switch wltl1 CC-8A Console ............................................ ............... $595.00 10 kW Key-Down Sw~ch witll EC-8 Console................... .. ........ $505.00

Amerilron Automatic Antenna Switch Controller.... .. ...... $234.95 Ameritron Cable, RCS-12C to !com 706170001718 ..... ................... .. .... $23.95 Ameritron Ca~fe, RCS-12C to lcom ACC2 ......................... ........................................... $23.95 Ameritron Cable, RCS-12C to Kenwood TS-2000/570/870 .......... ................................ $23.95 Ameritron Cable, RCS·12C to Kenwood TS-480 .......................................................... $23.95 Ameritron Cable, RCS-12C to Yaesu 8-pin band data .................................................. $23.95 SPOT 5 kW Sealed RF Relay, board·mount........... ................... .. ............ $9.95 SPOT OM/DB 10 kW RF Relay, ~oard-mount... ............................................................ $19.95 Shielded Control Wire, 9-conductor stranded .................... ............................ per foot $0.36

DXE·RR2X8B S02R RF Antenna Switch The RR2X8 IS a dual·input, 8·port coaxial line switch for uSli In low· to medium110wer RF antenna systems, like lhOSli typically USlid in a singltHlperator/lwo·radiO (S02R) cn'liron­ment. It has the same h!llh port·to-port isolation and retiab1lity as OX Engineenng's famous RRfi.Sllries single·lllput, 8·port remote antenna switches. ---.rti.!!M:;... ... • Dual·input. 8·pon. 4 kW key-(!own 11 • ExceUent port·IO·port ISOlatiOn-

greater than 70 dB at 30 MHz worst case • High RF·tolerant UHF connectors • Enclosed 16 ampere RF relays • Safe 12·vott relay operation • 16 MOVs tor surge protection on control lines • 16 RF bypass capacitors • Hlgh·lmpact, RF·shlelded cover • Includes one DXE·SSVC·2P Stainless Steel

V·Ciamp lor mounting The DXE·RR2X8B Is designed to Interface with a customer-supplied logical swftchlng unit, which should provide protection against hot swilthing and prevent the master or slave from attempting to select the same output port at the same Ume. Manual operatiOn IS poss~ble With two separate 1..of-8, control consoles such as the OX Engineering CC·BA or EC·8. In !his case, care must be exertASed as the master lr.lnsteiver takes precedence over the slave when attempbng to use the same antema pon. DXE·RR2X88 S02R RF Antenna Switch ..................................................... $595.00

CC·8A Deluxe Control Console The CC·8A is a flexible 8·position controller for OX Engineering RRB Series Antenna Switches or any product that uses a 12/24 Vdc, 1·of·8 or BCD control format. The powdercoated metal housing features an on/off switch, ergonomic selector knob, and eight front·panellEDs (with adfUSiabte brightness) to indicate switch position. Stainless steel base plate. Operates from 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc source. DXE-CC·8A Deluxe Control Console .......................................................... $169.95


EC-8 Control Console The EC-8 IS a versatile 8-posibon controller for

• • • • • ~ : _.,

OX Engineering RRBA Series Antenna Switches, or any other product that uses a 12124 Vdc, 1·of·8 control fonnat. The powdercoated metal housing features an onlolf switch 1vith green power LED and an ergonom1c selector knob with scratch pad areas to mark the switch position function. Stainless steel base plate. Operates from a 12 Vdc source for baltery backup or EMCOMM. DXE·EC·8 B·Position Control Console ....................................................... $79.95

EC-4 Control Console The DXE·EC-4 Is a flexible, four-position controller used to control the OX Eng10eering ReceiVe Four Square series or any other product using a four·postlion (three wire plus ground) BCD control format. It features a powdereoated housing With an ON/OFF s1'1ttch and green LEOs with scratchpad areas to mark the switch position function. It requires 12 Vdc for operation-ideal lor EMCOMM. Additional Features: • Stamtess steel housing • Non-skid feet • Four green position-indicating LEOs • An internal automatic rcsettable fuse • Includes a 2.1 mm power plug tor + 12 Vdc power connection DXHC·4 4·Posltlon Control Console ....................................................... $79.95

Multi-Conductor Control Wire DXE-CW9 Shielded Control Wrre. 9-conductor ............................. per foot $0.32 OXE-cw9·1K Shielded Control Wue, 9-conductor. 1 ,1100-loot reel ........... .$229.00 DXE-cw9S Shielded Control Wife, 9-conductor stranded .. .... per loot $0.36 oxe-cwe Control Wire, 8-conductor ........................................... per foot $0.48 OXE-GW8-HD Control Wire, 8-ronductor. heavy-(!uty ........... . .. .... per foot $0.89 DXE-GW8·HD·1000 Control Cable, 8·conductor, heavy· duty, 1,000 foot spool ..... $835. 75 COM·CW3 Cable. 3-conductor ........................................................ per foot $0.25 COM·CW4 Cable, 4-conductor ........................................................ per foot $0.25

DXE·PS·2B PRO-STACK Broadband TWo Antenna Phasing System The PS·2B PRQ-STACK combines two identical Vagi, log periodiC, or vertical antennas 111 a phased anangemenl It is a broadband system that operates lrom 160 through t 0 meters with no need for coaxial delay lines. The PS·2B can be used in applicallons requll lng these four basic antenna feed selections (impedance matching automatically changes when any antenna port is disconnected): • Both antenna ports In-phase (default) • Both antenna ports out·of·phase • Antenna port 1 only !'-• Antenna port 2 only ~ I Additional Applications • Scalable Multi· Antenna Systems The PS·2B easrly adapts to larger arrays. For example, lour stacked Yag~s can be combined "' by creating two sets of two and using a third PS·28 to combine the first two sets. • Phased Verticals The system can feed three vertical antennas in a lour-pattern array. In thiS arrangement the three antennas are rndividual quarter-wave resonant antennas. The center #2 passive element must be directly grounded at all times. Bements 11 and 13 aro then led in various phaSli relationships. Additional Features • 50 n system~wltched by applying 12·15 volts DC to three control wires • Power handling up to 5 kW • High-impact RF·shielded cover • High RF·tolerant. silver·Teflorl" UHF connectors • Proven high-performance OX Engineering RF Relays • Safe t2·volt relay operation • MDV surge protC(tion on control lines • RoHS-i:OmpUant DXE·PS·2B PRO· STACK Two Antenna Phasing SWI!ch .......................... $499.00 OXE·PS-28-P PRO· STACK Two Antema Phasing Sw~ch/Controner . $575.00 Note: Information on the appropriate separation 1/etween stacked Yaol antennas in versatile. hioh-perlormance array is discussed fully in the ARRL Antenna Book, 20tl1 Edition. Generally. stacked Yagi antennas are separated vertically by oreilter than t/2·wavelengll1 free space.

DXE·PS·3B PRO-STACK Broadband Three Antenna Phasing System The PS·3B PRD-STACK combines three identical Vagi. log periodic. or vertical antennas 1n a phased arrangement. It is a broadband system that operates from 160 through tO meters with no need for coaxial delay Unes. llke the PS·2B. you can uSli the PS·3B to create scalable mulli·antenna systems. For example, six stacked Yag1s can be combined by crea11110 Ulree sets of two (using the PS·2B). and then using a PS·3B to combine the three sets. • 50 .\1 system~witched by applying

12·15 volts DC to three control wires · • Power handling up to 5 kW ~ • High·impact RF·shielded cover • High Rf.toterant, sliver· Teflon .. UHF connectors • Proven high-performance OX Engineering RF Relays · Safe 12-vott relay operation • MDV surge protection on control tines • RoHs-compllant

- ·JM.'•· ~ f . :"' . .. ~-= __ · .. _.

DXE-PS·3B PRO·STACK Three Antema Phasing Swrtch....... . ..... $699.00 DXE·PS·3B·P PRO· STACK Three Antenna Phasing SWitch/COntroller ......... $775.00 Note: Information on tho appropriate separauon 1/etwcen stacked Yaol antennas in a versatile, hlgh·perlormilnce array Is discussed fully in the ARRL Antenna Book, 20th Edition. Generally. stacked Yagi antennas are separated vertically by greater than 112·waveleng/ll tree space.

Mail: P.O. Box 1491, Akron, OH 44309 • E·Ma/1: • Web: 17


How often have you heard the old saytng "II you can, hear 'em, you can't work 'em?" Thts os never more true than when you are in the ptleup calling that rare contact that you need. wondenng "Did he come back to me?" OX Engineenng prOVIdes all tile tools you need to construct fabulous receiVing antennas­the kind that let you work stations that Others can't even heart These W8JHiesfilned

Single Direction Beverage Feed System The OXE·BFS·t Is a SJngle·wire Beverage Feed System. This W8JI design is Immune to strong signal overload and core saturation common in multi·transmitter contesting environments, and Is used by winning contest stations and tow-band DXers. The unit uses an lsolatcd·wlndtng, matching transformer system to sognificantly tncrease the ratio in Beverage and other high impedance antennas. The OXE·BFS·1 works With antenna impedances from 4()()-500 n. Included with the OXE·BFS· t is a 470 !l. 2 wan nOIHOductJVe resistor that withstands nearby lightning strikes significantly beltet than hard· to-find carbon compos~ion resistors. Feed line Impedance on the OXE·BFS.1 IS designed lor 75 n, a111lough h wil work with 50 n coax. The DXE-BFS. t uses an industry standard CATV type F connector. OX Engineering sells qualily 75 n coax and type F connectors lor outdoor installations. Benefits

• 100 kHz to 30 MHz operating range • Spark gaps minimize damage from lightning • Wing nut terminals eliminate soldering • Metal housings usod lor superior shielding and improved IHe • Flange-mount hOles for easy mounting • Ground Isolated secondary essential lor building beverage arrays

OXE-BFS·t Beverage Feed System ............................................................ $49.95 OXE·ECM·R470.2 470 n, 2 watt resistor. lightning darnage-resostant.

pack of 10..................................... .... .. ............... $20.00

Reversible Beverage System The OXE·RBSA· I P allows two Beverage antennas receoving in opposing directions to share the same space. Woth the DXE·RBSA·1 P.

amplifiers and antenna controllers are known worldwide lor thetr unequalled perlormance. Record·breaking OXpedihOns--loke VP60X Oucie !stand-know and use OX Engtneenng receiving equtpment. You should follow their lead and enjc7f hearing lltose weak stations like you have never heard them before.

Active Receive Antenna Systems DX Engineering's Active Rceclve Antenna Systems offer excellent receiving performance using a 1 02 inch whip antenna. The unique destgn is vastly superior to trnditional active antennas In both signal handling and fccdline decoupUng. You ge1 slgnlfteantly better weak Stgnal reception. Available in veltlCal or honzonlal dipole conftQurations. the systems indUde a non-i:Onductl'le mounting plate, clamps, active matching system, and the 102 Inch stainless steel whip elements. The horizontal dipole element uses two 102 inch whips for an overall length of 210 inches; the vertical configuration uses a single whip. Whip antennas have excellent wind survival and are very Inconspicuous. When space is limited, use the OXE·ARAV3·1P or OXE·ARAH3·1P in conjunction with the OXE·TVSU·1 to provide for operation within 1/10·wavelength of a transmit antenna. The active antennas have relay protection to prevent overload of the transmit signal. The OXE· TVSU·1A sequencer controls switching times to ensure the receive system is protected before transmit power Is applied. Use the OXE·ARAVJ.4P, OXE·TVSU·1A and OXE·RFS·2 to provide four-square operation within 1/10·wavetength of a transmit antenna. The vertical configurahon can be used as a single element or in combinallOn vnth OX Engtneenng's RFS·2 Recetve Four-Square Antenna System to butld a broadband direcdonaJ array that can be SVIttched In tour directions to peak the sfijnal or null out noise. Vertical conftgurations are lor suburban or rural locations with low levels of ground wave propagated noise. The dipole configurabon makes a very sensitive, horizontally polarized receiving antenna. Honzontal polarization can greatly reduce ground wave propagated noise in congested urnan environments. Light weight and tow wind resistance reduces support requirements. The output connector is a Type F. allowing use of readily avaJiabte high performance CATV feed lines and connectors (see page 40).

•..:~:".:;~~' Features you can build a 2·wire reversible Beverage antenna system with superior slgnal·to·nolse ratio, most useful at 40, 80 and 160M bands. The WBJI design consists of a Feed point System and Reflection Transformer. You can operate and even confirm the F/R ratio of this antenna at any time from the operating position. This system is Immune to strong signal overload and core saturat1011 common In muhHransmitter contesting environments. and tS used by wmmng contest stabons and tow·band OXers. The DXE·RBSA· t P has two antenna ports. The standard configuration of the OXE·RBSA·1P has one port terminated (termination Included) so both antennas share a common leedline. Applying 10 to 18 Vdc to the teedline switches between the antenna, and the direction of reception. For simultaneous reception from opposing directions, each of the two leedllnes connect to a separate receiver. While the DXE·RBSA·IP Is optimized to use 450 Oladder line lor the antenna element, the system will work with any 300.600 0 2·wlre line. 450 n ladder line Is available from OX Engineering. sold separately. OX Engineering also sells quality 75 n coax and Type F connectors lor outdoor lnstallabons. DXE· TB·SP Benefits

• Broad operating r.mge, 0.2 to 30 MHz • Fully isolated grounds used to prevent common-mode noise

and unwanted Signals • 75 0 design enables the use of high quality, tow cost cable • Metal hOusings used lor superior shielding and improved rde

DXE·RBSA-1P Reversible Beverage Feed System .................................. .... $199.95 OXE·TB·5P Tilt Base ....... .......................................................................... $19.95


• Sensitive-weak signal sensitivity rivaling lull size antennas • Wide bandwidth- tOO kHz to 30 MHZ • Excellent strong signal handling-outstanding third order Intercept of +JO dBm • Reduced not~uiet FET followers and high leedline shield isolation • Easy mounting and installatton-pre-dnlled mountmg plate and unrversal clamps OXE-ARAH3· t P Active Recetve Antenna, horiZontal conftQuration with relay ... $349.95 OXE·ARA\13-1 P Active Receive Antenna, verlical configuration With relay .......... $289.95

2·Port Receiving Antenna Switch Select one of two output ports (generally connected to different recetving antennas) from one reedline using the OXE-RlS·2. Install the DXE·RlS·2 with two DXE·RB$·1 P Reversible Beverage Antenna Systems and select four directions using a single main feed line. Install one or more DXE·RlS·2s to expand larger Beverage arrays and share the feed line back to the operating position. Applying a nomonal 12 Vac or DC control voltage through the feed line actiVates transfer to port 2. Use OX Engineering's OXHVC..1 Voltage Coupler to supply the control vohage through the leedtine. Benefits

• Metal housings used for superior shielding and improved lite • High-quality components • Reliable CATV type F connectors standard • Broad 0.3 to 30 MHz operattng range with 75 n systems • Jumper·selectabte-control voltage pass-through to the selected port

DXE·RlS·2 Receiving Antenna Switch ........................................................ $79.95

Splitter/Combiner Use the OX Engineering DXE-RSC-2 to combine two receiving antennas to form an am~y or to spirt the signal from an antenna to feed two re<:eM!rs. The OXE-RCS-2 reduces problems and performance shortlalls caused by impedance errors in less-than-perfect antenna systems. Benefits • High-quality components • Reliable weathertight connectors • Broad, 0.3 to 30 MHz operating range • Metal housings used for superior shielding and improved life • Economical solution to potential Impedance errors • Spark gaps minimize damage I rom lightning

Combining Use the DXE-RSC-2 to combine, with negligible loss. two antenna systems into a single feedllne. Some examples are two antennas forming an in-phase (broadside) receiving array, Cross-fire Echelon Beverage array. or any type of array with fixed phasmg. There are a number or advantaQes ol using the DXE·RSC·2 for combmmg antenna systems over a standard parallel connection. • The DXE-RSC-2 matches the entire antenna system to the cable 1mpedance • Unlike quarter-wave matching sections that only work on one band. the DXE-RC$-2

has an extremely v11de bandwidth • With antennas connected directly in parallel, rt either one develops a high impedance

open, becomes shorted, falls dovm or has a feedflne problem, the entire antenna system may become unusable. By using the DXE·RSC·2, only the problem antenna is unusable-the anlenna on the other port can still be used. Due to the built·in isolation and balancing, the DXE·RSC·2 limits the total signal toss to approximately 6 dB

• The DXE·RSC·2 provides very high isolation between ports 1 and 2. This prevents either antenna from interfering with the other during normal operation

Splitting Use the DXE·RSC·2 to split an antenna signal in two, typically to food two receivers. l)'plcal signal level reduction through the DXE·RSC-2 when used as a splitter is JUSt over 3 dB per port. Th1s IS because each port receives haij the ava1lable input power. and the DXE-RSC-2 haS some very small additional loss in internal components. As with any system. losses are based on source and load 1mpedances being equal. The DXE-RSC·2 normally prOVIdes equal power. wltage, and current to matched loads on ports t and 2. The primary advantaQe of the DXE-RSC·2. when feeding multiple receivers flom one antenna. is that indMdual receM!r will not senously affect the signal level of the other receiv· er. This prevents receiver band filters attached to one port from "shorllng" or loading the SIOnaf or another receiver tuned to a different band. In add1t1on. any spurious signals generated in one receiver are greatly attenuated by the other OXE·RSC-2 before reaching the second receiver. DXE-RSC·2 2-Port Splitter and Combiner ................................................... $49.95

Receive Feedline Current Choke The Receive Feedllne Cunent Choke (RFCC) 1s the most effective solution to common­mode noise or unwanted s~gnal Ingress 1n receiving systems available. It prOVIdes thousands of ohms Isolation between the input and output coaxial shield connections while passing desired signals, including DC or low frequency AC control signals. The RFCC has extremely high isolation impedance, which effectively blocks common-mode noise or unwanted signals, even in the presence of very poor grounding. The RFCC is effective from 300kHZ to 30 MHz. It comes with standard type F female connectors, although It can be used in any 50 to 75 n receiving system. DXE-RFCC·t Receive Feedllne Current Choke, 50/75 il, 0.3·30 MHz .... ........... $64.95

Feedpoint Voltage Coupler • Inject control voltages onto feedfine • Injects +I· 12 Vdc or 12 Vac • For use with DXE·RBS· I P Revers1ble

Beverage System or Remote 2·Positlon SWitch OXE-RLS-2

• AC supply included DXE·FVC·1 ....................................... $84.95

Time Variable Sequence Unit Protect your active antennas. transmiVrece1ve relays and other equipment Willi oxr:-~ the DX Eng1neering Sequencer. You have full control of the timing between your

-..... -rig and amplifier. This microprocessor· •

-- •

controlled device provides 0.30 milliseconds of delay In 2 millisecond steps to as many as five outputs tied to the key-In bne. You can sequence tile switching of critical devices such as the transmiVreceive relay, amplifier, and exciter. In addition, the DXE·TVSU·1A has an internal side tone generator for CW. You listen to what you are keying while Ills being held in the bucket brigade delay for transmn alter the programmed delay. The side tone is adjustable from 300 to 1,000 Hz in 50 Hz steps. Benefits • Control tlm1ng on Pll tum-on. hang delay of Pll, hang delay of amphfl8r, hang delay

of antenna relay. and tum-on c!day of auxi6ary output • Dip switch sellable delays of o-30 mifliseconds in 2 millisecond steps • Side tone generator that follows input of ~r or hand key, not transmitter • Side tone can be programmed for 3oo-1.000 Hz in 50 Hz steps, adjustable volume · Supports CW lull break in • Allows use ol our Actfve Receive Antennas in close proximity to transmit antennas DXE-TVSU-1A Time Variable Sequence Unit.. .............................................. $199.95

Receiver Preamplifier This is the best HF low· noise amplifier available. The DXE·RPA·1 is optimiZed for a o 3·35 MHz operating range. The push-pull amplifiBr design and robust components enable It to withstand h1gh SIOnalle¥eis and operate when you need rt mosl The dynamic range of the DXE-RPA-1 IS better than most receivers.

.. <rolilt- .....


DX 1i tlrr.IOINEStNfC o--..:o. - .. --·-

The DXE·RPA·1 is suitable for indoor or outdoor installation, with tho option of being powered through the coaxial feed. The metal housing provides shielding and Improved lifespan. The unit uses an RCA type phono jack and a Type F connector for the input and output connections, and has a relay that automatically bypasses the amplifier when DC power is removed. Benefits

• Push-pull operation eliminates harmonic distortion • High Quiescent current Increases ability to handle strong signalS

without distortiOn or overtoad • Meticu1ous cra1tsmansh1p and durable components provide superiOr

dynamic range • RCA type phono jack and type F connector ease instillation • Stmpfmed switch1n9-3utomatk: bypass relay efim1nafes ga10 when

DC power 1s oil • 10.18 Vdc power through coaxial feed or separate supply jack • 10·18 Vdc through coax enables remote operation at antenna

Speclllcallons • Gain: 16 dB, 0.3·35 MHz (+ 1.5/-1.5 dB over this range) • Output Third Order Intercept: 43 dBm • Noisa Rgure: 3.5 dB • One dB Compression; +26 dBrn (-0.4 W output) • 500 Hz BW 1M3 Dynamic Range: 110 dB or greater • Power Requirement 10·18 Vdc@ 140 rnA maximum • Dimensions: 5. 75 W x 3 875 0 x 1.375 H inches

DXE-RPA·1 Receiver Preampllfl8r, 0.3·35 MHz ......................................... $119.95

See pages 40-41 for 75 Q flooded cable and connectors!


Receive Antenna Variable Phasing Controller Allows control of signallll'lel and phasing of two recerve antennas-see speclflcatlons below It Is available separately for those who want to des1gn !herr own vatiable receive antenna system. OXE-NCC-1 Receive Antenna Vanable Pllasmg Controller ··············- ·············$599.95 See NCC-f speclfHAfrons below.


Phase two Receive antennas at proper spacing. For optimal results, use identical antennas.

Electronically Rotatable Receive Antenna System Phased receive-only antenna systems arc used to create a directional pattern which C3n peak desired signals and remove interlering signals. Variable phase nulling allows an operator to improve reception by electronically reducing a stronger lnterlering signal arriving from a different direction. This system includes two Actlvc Receiving VertiC31 Antennas and tile OXE-NGG-1 Receive Antenna Variable Phasing Unit. II combines tile two vertiC31s to produce a steerable directional array. The system improves your reception olweak OX by: • Combmmg two omni-directional antennas to produce an adjustable direclional pattern • Reducing overload from a strong signal tn a dtlferent direction • Reducing interlerence from distant signals or noise in a d1fferent directlon · Nulling directional strong signals to hear weak slations on the same lrequency Features • Vertical antenna elemeniS only 102 inches long • Ideal !()( Amateur Radio or Shortwave listening • Antenna elements are grounded when power IS lumed off • Use with OXE-lVSU-t sequencer for best protectiOn before tranSillltling NCC-1 Phasing Unit Specifications • Usable Frequency Range: 300 kHlto 30 MHl • Optunum Performance Range· 500 kHl to 15 MHz • Third Order Output Intercept: t32 dBm each mput. t38 dBm both tnputs combined • Gain Ratness: •/- t dB over complete phase rotation • Gain: Adjustable from 0 dB to ·Ml dB • Available Phase Rotabon: >360 degrees between 500kHz and 15 MHz • Power: NCC·I t l3 Vdc nominal C 1 A minimum (2A recommended) • Antenna Port Power: 1 G-30 Vdc@ 300 rnA maximum, TX muting available DXE·AAPS3·1 P Active Antenna Phasing System .......................... .................... $1,099.95

MFJ 1.5-30 MHz Deluxe Noise Canceller This unit is designed to reduce noise or lnterlerence-or improve desired signals­before the noise affects sensitive receiver circuits. Unlike conventtonal noise blankers. it

' Mfl ... :" "" ·::::·,::-· ~ ::; """:·, ...

~~· -::~ • ,...., - ~ : •• ":" ~ ~= : s -·-

is effective on all types of noise, Including interference (ORM) from unwanted signals. You C3n adjust both phase and amplnude 1vhite combining two antenna inputs. The antenna Inputs C3n be from two exte1 nal antennas, or an external antenna and tile unit's internal whip antenna The signal output for the receiver is tile vector addition or subtractlon of signals from the two separate antennas. This removes unwanted noiSe and enhances desired signals The Deluxe Notse Canceller Is opbmlled over the range of 1 8 to 30 MHz and has the interlace cii'CIIitry necessary for operation w1th most modem HF trallSceivers. MFJ-1026 1.5-30 MHz Oetuxe NoiSe Canceller ...................................... $179.95

Typical Installation for OX Engineering NCC-1 This diagram shows the OX Engmeering NCC·I in a station w1th a single transceiver that has a separate receive antenna port. The two active receive antennas are shoWil deployed In tile recommended posrtlon. The OX Engineering RPA-1 Preamplifier is nomnally not needed as most of today's transcervers have buitt-in preamps to compensate for over'alltower signal levels obtained from small receive-only antennas. What is most important IS the NCC-1 's ability to Improve the overall signal·lo-noise ratiO Improvement and null out tnterference from other directions. The cftagram shows llle transcerver keying line set up to allow the NCC·1 to shut off the power to the OXE ActiVe Recerve Antennas. whlc;h have an internal relay which groundsllle antenna lor protectlon I rom Tx RF The OX Engineenng NCC·1 C3n be used with many receiVIng antenna combinations induding Single and Reverstble Beverages, Aecerve Four-SQuare Arrays, K9AY loops, and more. It will increase the directrvity of any properly spaced Q()(Obination of two similar antennas as long as the signal levels are wrthin the range of the balancing controls.

114 Woveleng111 nominal spaoing

1/10W~ MinimtJm 1 Wavelength Maxmum

Prtmary Receive Antenna

Noise Source

112 Waveleflgll1 Mlnlm<Jm Spacing

Tral"ddnil Anlenna

DXE·RFS·SYS-..P Complete Package --_o•••• •

.J .... ' • -- •

Receive Four·Square System • W8JI design • Excellent d1rectivrty In a small space for better signal·tcrnoisc ratio • SW!tehable In lour 90 degree spaced directions • Reduced suscepbbdily to high angle signals compared to EWE, Flag. Pennan~

or K9AY arllYS • Operales from 100 kHz to 30 MHz • Each complete system package includes four active verlleal antennas. RF5-2 switch.

CC·8A controller, 1,000 teet ot Ri flooded cable, connectors and tools • TVSU·1 Time Yariable Sequencer Unn included to protect active

antennas installed as close as 1/10 wavelength from transmitting antenna DXE·RFS·SYS-4P Receive Four-Square System Package .............................. $1 ,650.00 DXE·RFS·SYS·2P Four·Square Controller and Switch Package .......................... $389.95 DXE·RFS·SYS·3P Four-Square 160/ll0/40M Electronics Package ...................... $799.00 DXHC·4 Four·Square Controller, 4-posii!On BCD output... ..................... $79.95 System components also available individually.

Complete Electronically Steered Receiving System • More than 5 S·units of tronl·tcrback on optimized systems • Works best on 160M, 80M & <WM • Uke having a rotatable Beverage antenna • Fits In YOUR yardl • Easily 111s~no radials requited Want to know what people are saying aboouf this system7 Visit:

Four-Square Receiving Syetem

102 ln. Whipe; on Active Anunr~tlr;;

lis Small As: ' _ 40m 14Ft·---.. ~~ 80m 28 Fi Optimal sl~nal·to·nulss

160m 54 Ft. ratto oc 11~ 1111/4 wavelengt s111e length

DXE·ARAV3·8P Active Receive Antenna Array Package The OX Engineering Active Receive Antenna Array Package contains eight DXE·ARAV3·1 P ActNe Receive Antennas. They offer excellent receMng performance from 100 kHz to 30 MHz while UStng only 102" whips as the vertical elements This resuhs in sign1f1CanUy better weak signal receptiOn due to tower spurious signal interference and reduced noise. The package also Includes mounting blocks, wiring, and mounhng clamps. OXE·ARAV3·8P Active Receive Antenna array package .......... ,. ................... $1,899.95 OXE·TVSU·IA Time Variable Sequencer Unit ............................................... $199.95

OX Engineering Receive 8 Circle Packages

-These packages are built around the OX Engineering Receive 8 Circle Array Controller and the EC·RCA8 Recerve Eight Circle Control Console. They are designed to be used With eight ideniical, symmetrically-spaced vertical elements-active or passive-to proVTde swrtching tor an e~ght·direction receivmg antenna system. (Passive elements will generally proVTde you with a monoband receiVIIJO system). The Receive 8 C1rcle system uses 1tme-delay phasing (rather than conventional nanow­band, frequency dependent phasing) to provide eight 45 degree-spaced d1recbonal patterns. The bme-delay phasUlQ IS dlrectMty-ophmized to produce wider and deeper rear nulls and a narrower mam lobe. The resuh is greatly reduced noise and undeSirable signals for a superior fronl·lo·rear ratio (FIR). Better control of phase and currents provides a cleaner pattern than lound on vertical antenna transmit arrays. The system also offers greater reliability in receiving applications. The RC8 controller uses sealed relays-sized for receiving applications~with oxidation-resistant silver contacts. Mostlransmltting four-square swttches use large open· frame relays with exposed brass contacts, which can lead to contamination. oxidation, and poor conductivity. The DXE·RCA8B·SYS·2P Controller and Switch Package Includes: • DXE·RC8B·1 Recolve 8 Circle Auay Controller • DXHC·RCAS Receive 8 Circle BCD Control Console • OXE·SSVC·2P Stainless Steel V..Ciamp for mounting the RCSB to a 1'·2" 0.0 post The DXE·RCA8B·SYS·3P Electronics Package Includes everything from OXE·RCA8·SYS·2P, plus: • Bght OXE·AVA2 Active VOitaoe Amplifiers vtith internal disconnect relays • OXE-RPA·I Receiver Preamptnler. 0.3-35 MHz · Custom· made delay llne--75 n Ri flooded coaxial cable with Snap-N·Seal"

connectors Installed The OXE·RCA8B·SYS·4P Complete Electronics Package Includes everything from DXE·RCA8·SYS·2P, plus: • DXE·ARAV3·8P Active Rucelve Antenna Array Package (see below) • Two DXE·Ri·1000 F6 flooded coax cable, 75 fl (1,000 tt. each) • DXE·CPT·659 Coax Cable Prep Tool • DXE·SNS·CT1 Snap·N·Seal• crimp tool for 75 Q coax • DXE·SNS6·25 Snap-N·Sear• connectors for f6 COil)(, 25 pieces OXE·RCA8B·SYS·2P Receive 8 Circle Controller and Switch Package ............... $449.95 OXE·RCA8B·SYS·3P Receive 8 Circle Electronil:s Pa~e ............................. $1 ,375.00 DXE·RCA8B·SYs-4P Receive 8 Circle Complete System Package .... .. ... $2,575.00

RTR·1 Receive Antenna Interface for Transceivers Now you can add a dediCated rece1ve antenna to HF transceivers which lack a separate RX antenna input port! The OX Engineering RTR·l Receive Antenna Interface is a un1que. multi-purpose switch un" which aulomabcally or manually switches the RF output antenna connector on any HF transceiVer betlveen reception using a separate receiving antenna system and transmitting with a standard transmitting antenna. The RTR·1 enables operalors to enjoy the improved reception that a low noise receiving anlenna system offers. Connection to a Beverage, receive tour-square, actiVe receiVe antenna, and other receiving antennas and accessories is now possible. • Stainless steel enclosure • 200 watt switching capab1lily • Supports CW full break·in • Switches out active receive antennas

for dose proximity to transmn antennas • Allows usc of RF preamp Vllth

single antenna • Main antenna has S0.239 connector • Rece1ve outputs usc RCA phono and Type f connectors • Safe switching-transmtt antenna is always connected to transceiver on power-off • Hot swnchlng lockout disables receive antenna during transmh mode DXE·RTR·1 Receive Transmit Relay Switch ........................................................... $159.95


DX Engineering Transmit Four-Square Hybrid Controller-4 Directions plus Omni ox Engineering's TFS4 Senes Four·Square Controllers combine a h1gh level of eng,neenng excellence with attention to operator convenience and ease of Installation. The controllers are available for 160, 80175. nnd 40 meters. They allow tho operator to receive or transmit with 5.5 dB gain In any one of four directions with 20+ dB front-to· back ratio lor Interference reduction from unwanted directions. You can also switch to a single omni·dlrectional pattern with the push of a button. This combination permits you to listen "all·around" -unhindered by pattern nulls- and then select the besl d1recb0n lor signal relleption and noise rejection. The TFS4 controllers are designed for use with a four monoband vertical antenna array spaced at the corners of a square thai IS 1/4-wavelength on a side. The vertical antennas musl be ungrounded and resonam ln the desired band, and Should be dlreclly base-fed by coaxial cable phasing !Illes from the centrally located conl/ol!er. OX Engineering has vertical anlennas that are well suned for this application. Above an, a proper1y designed and Installed rad131 system is necessaJY for top antenna performance, whether using a single vertical or a full array. OX Engineering strongly recommends our optional awe Series 1/4-wavelenglh cables. They are constrocted of the highest quality Belden 8213. an RG·11/U foam dielectric cable with a velocity factor of 84% (0.84). These cables are cut to a precise electrical length based on your choice of cenler operallng frequency. They are terminated wllh hand-soldered Silver· Te11on"' PL·259 connectors and wealher·sealed with shrink tubing. Finally, each cable Is tested for high voltage breakdown for maximum reliability and power handling. If you already have a Four-Square array with a hybrid controller (suCh as COMTEK SYSTEMS. etc.) and would like to upgrade to improved performance and 111e Omni feature. the OX Englne~ling TFS4 Series is a direct lransplanl BCD logic swnthing allows the use of a four·w~re control cable to perform 111e neceSS3JY switching functions when powered by the incjuded DXE-CC-4SOR Control Console. Features • Classic Hybnd Design-easy to inslall • 5 kW CW Power Rating-lngh reliability • Hot Swrtchlng Lock·Oul- dasables amplifier while switching • Drop-In Replacement for COMTEK SYSTEMs-easy upgrade • Proven OX Engineenng RF Relays-high performance • High-Impact Shielded Weatherproof Housing-unique protection DXE·TFS4·160B·P 160 Meter Four·Square Controller will1 Control Console ..... $609.00 DXE-TFS4·80B·P 80 Meter Four-Square Controller with Control Consote ....... $599.00 DXE·TFS4-40B·P 40 Meter Four-Square Conlroller wrth Control Console ....... $589.00 OX Engineering Customer Support personnel will be happy to help you select alf the components necessarv for a complete Installation.

Contact Us for New Antenna Products and System Recommendations!

~ .... ~ . . . -·~

Accessories OXE·075·160-4P DXE·075-80-4P DXE·075-40-4P VEC.Dl650M OXE·PSW·12DtA OXE·CC·4SOR COM.CW4 DXE-CW9

Hybnd Array Cable, 160M, DXE· 11U,PI.259 connectors .... $439.95 Hybnd Array Cable, 80M, OXE·11U. Pl.259 connectors ...... $259.95 Hybod Array Cable, 40M. OXE·1 tU. Pl259 connectors ...... $169.95 Vectronics Ol650M Dummy Load ......................................... $79.95 AC Adapter. 12 Vdc/1 .000 rnA ............................... .. .......... $19.99 Control Console, Four-Square .............. ................................. $199.95 Control Wire, 4·conductor ......................................... per foot $0.28 Shielded Control Wire, 9-conductor ............................ per foot $0.32

COMTEK SYSTEMS ACB·4 Phased Array Systems for 2· or 4·Eiement Vertical Arrays COMTEK SYSTEMS uses state of the art design and lechnology to produce lhe most advanced amenna systems possible. These Phased Array Syslems are affordable. simple to Install, and easy to use. A phased array consists of two or more elements fed In a phase relationship and power rauo 10 obtain a directional patlern. COMTEK SYSTEMS' phased array swrtehboxes can be used with 2· or 4-etement homontal or vertical arrays lo provide the greatest directivity. We offer the ACB-4 for all amateur bands from 10 meters to 160 me1ers. The ACB·4 is band specific-you cannot use an 80 meter ACB"' for any band other than 80 meters. Power Supply/Switch Control • 12 Vdc operation • Custom USA·made switch permils 360• rotation

In either direction will1 no stops • Current limiting resistor protection for each LED • Chassis and cover custom manufactured to

COMTEK SYSTEMS specrficalionS • leX3~ label for recordang favored direcbons • Compact sue: 2' H x 6 t/4' W x 5' 0

90 Degree Hybrld·Relay Matrix • 15 amp gold-plated contact relays with

dust covers • Belden Tenon" silver stranded wire over

3M Fiberglass tape· wound torolds • Sprague 5% balanced temperature, frequency,

and voltage stable capacitors • Laboratory analyzed for imp1oved performance • OoubtO"sided printed circuh board • 2 kW conservative rating for

Amateur Rad1o SeiVice • HarriS MOVs for lightning surge protection

1Wh Sprague RF bypass caps • Brushed alummum Z·chaSSis and cover

with riveted seams • Si2e:4' H x 6'Wx81/2' 0 COM·ACB·160·A Hybrid Phased Array Four Square System,

160M. 12Vdc ................ .................................................. $459.95 COM·ACB·8Q-A Hybrid Phased Array Four Square System,

80M, 12 Vdc ..................................................................... $449.95 COM·ACB·40·A Hybrid Phased Array Four Square System,

40M, 12 Vdc ............................ ......................................... $439.95 COM·ACB·30·A Hybrid Phased Array Four Square System,

30M, 12 Vdc ..................................................................... $429.95 COM·ACB·2Q-A Hybrid Phased Array Four Square System.

20M, 12 Vdc ..................................................................... $419.95 COM·ACB·15·A Hybrid Phased Array Four Square System.

150M. 12 Vdc ...................................... .................. .. ... $409.95 COM·ACB-1 Q-A Hybnd Phased Array Four Square Syslem,

Hybrid Array Cables OXE·075-16Q-4P OXE·075·80-4P OXE·075·4Q-4P OXE·075·30-4P OXE·075·2Q-4P DXE·075·15·4P DXE·075·10-4P Accessories COM·CW4 COM·VFA·l GOM.YFA·4 DXE·RADP·3 DXE-SSVC·2P

10M. 12 Vdc ............................... - ........ - ........................ $364.95

Hybnd Array Cable. 160M, OXE·11U,PL259 connectors ... $439.95 Hybod Array Cable. BOM, OXE·11U. PL259 connectors .... $259.95 HyMd Array Cable, 40M, OXE·11U, PL259 connectors .... $169.95 Hybrid Array Cable. 30M, OXE· 11 u. Pl259 connectors .... $144.95 Hybrid Array Cable, 20M, OXE·11U, PL259 connectors .... $129.95 Hybrtd Array Cable, 15M, OXE·11U, PL259 connectors .... $119.95 Hybrid Array Cable, 1OM, OXE·1 1U, PL259 connectors .... $114.95

4·Conductor Control Cable ....................................... per foot $0.28 Vertical Feedpoint Assembly ............................................... $1 5.95 Vertical Fecdpolnt Assembly, set of 4 .................................. $56.95 Stainless Steel Radial Plate wrth 20 bof1 sets...... ........ ..$54.50 V·Saddle Clamp, fits 1" to 2' tube ....................................... $11.95

For more COMTEK SYSTEMS Products visit www. ComtekSystems. com

The Experts in Phased Antenna Systems! COMTEK SYSTEMS Hybrids are used worldwide by senous contesters. OXers. and Hams. With property inslaOed anays and our hybrid couplers. you can achieve gain and impressive FIB at a lower cost !han most low band beams at proper I!Eugllts. Vertical antenna anays otter inherently better DX pertonmance than common horizontal antennas. CDMTEK SYSTEMS knows how to provide optimum performance from phased antenna arrays. Stacked horlzonlal arrays can be combined for selective vertical angle switching. Combined w~h DX Engineering quality and technical support. you are assured that your engineered system will deliver top results.

COMTEK SYSTEMS PVS·2 Two-Element Phased Vertical Systems


For those who do not have space for a Four-Square phased vertical array, COMTEK SYSTEMS offers the superior PVS-2 two-element phased vertical system. Quality components are used throughout, yet the system Is very affordable. • Three direction switching includes seleclabte end-fire and broadside directions • Typlcal 18 dB lronHo·back reJection and 3 dB gain • Rated at 3 kW continuous Amateur Service duty • <.05 dB insertion toss • Includes MOVs for maximum ESD protection · Am phenol Sliver bp 50-239s and Potter & Brumfield relays • Includes a custom, in-house wound UNUN and a 90 degree toroid • A 4-conductor control hne IS required COM·PVS·160-A Phased Vertical System, 160M, 2-Element, 12 Vdc ........... $333.95 COM·PVS·SO·A Phased Vertical System, BOM, 2·Eiement. 12 Vdc ............. $333.95 COM·PVS·40·A Phased Vertical System, 40M, 2-Eiement, 12 Vdc ............. $333.95 COM·PVS-30-A Phased Vertical System, 30M, 2-Etement, t2 Vdc ............. $333.95 COM·PVS·20·A Phased Vertical System, 20M, 2-Eiement. 12 Vdc ............. $333.95 Accessories COM·P213·16()..P COM·P2 t3·80·P COM·P2 t3-40·P COM·P213-30·P COM·P213·20·P COM.CW4

RG-213 Phasing Cable, 160M, set of 2 .............................. $189.95 RG·2 t3 Phasing Cable, BOM, set of 2 ................................ $119.95 RG-213 Phasing Cable, 40M, set of 2 .................................. $89.95 RG-213 Phasing Cable, 30M, set of 2 .................................. $69.95 RG-213 Phasing Cable, 20M, set of 2 .................................. $59.95 4-Conductor Control Cable ....................................... per foot $0.28

See Page 25 lor Value-Priced Antenna Packages!

COMTEK SYSTEMS Antenna Switches STACK-2 Yagl Antenna Switch New, affordable, 2-hlgh slack switch lor tribanders, log periodics, or monohanders from 40 to 10 meters. Amphenot sliver 11p connectors. MOVs (a COMTEK SYSTEMS standard since 1994), Potter & Bnunfleld relays, and a 2.4' O.D. UNUN proVide reliability at 3 kW maximum power levels. Simply run two equal lengths of 50 n coax from tho switch to each antenna and a 3-conductor control line and enjoy Increased pertonnance In contests or chasing OX. COM·STACK·2·A 2·Siack Antenna Switch System, 12 Vdc ............................... $259.95 COM·CW4 4·COnductor Control Cable ......................................... per foot $0.28 Stack-3 Stacked Vagi Switch Based on K3LR's des~gn. the SYS-3 is designed for monoband 3-slaek Yagis. You can select any one antenna. all antennas, or any combination of IV/0 antennas. tnd~cator lights for each antenna tell you at a glance which antennas are selected. Features Include a double-Sided pnnled clrcurt board, Amphenot 50-239s, and MOV protection tor all six control cable lines. The SY5-3 incorporates the same USA-made. gold·plated OPOT relays used in COMTEK SYSTEM's ACB-4 Series Hybrid Phasing Systems, proven in hundreds of systems since 1990 COM·STACK·3·A 3·Stack Vagi Switch System, 12 Vdc ..................................... $399.95 OXE·CW9S 9·Conductor Control Cable .... ..................... per loot $0.36 so and 75 n Choke Baluns ChOke batuns ensure lllat RF does not flow on the outside shield of feed lines. phasing lines. etc. COMTEK SYSTEMS' baluns feature 100 Amidon beads on a length of RG-400 Teflon• double-shielded Sliver coax tenninated wrth S1lver Tellon Pl-259 UHF connectors. Assembled baluns are covered with 3M heat shnnk tub1ng RF bead kits are available II you wish to assemble your own chokes. COM·CFC-50 son Balun, assembted ................................. ~ ........ _ ............... $93.90 COM·CFC·SOK 50 !l Balun, kit ......................................................................... $72.85 COM·CFC-75 75 n Balun, assembted ............................................................ $95.90 COM-RFB-160 RF Choke Bead Kit, l GOM ....................................................... $124.90 COM·RFB·BO RF Choke Bead Ki~ SOM ................................................... ........ $64.80 COM-RFB-40 RF Choke Bead Kit, 30 and 40M ............................................... $47 .95 COM·RFB·20 RF Choke Bead Ki~ 10, 15 and 20M ........................................ $38.95 Accessories DXE·RADP-3 DXE·SSVC·2P

Stainless Sleet Radial Plate with 20 bolt sets ......................... $54.50 V·SaddJe Clamp, Ills 1' to 2' tube ............................................. $11.95

VFA·1 Vertical Feedpoint Assembly The VFA-1 Vertical Feedpoint Assembly for vertical antennas eases the lask of attaching a coaxial cable to your aluminum tubing. Silver S0·239s and stainless hardware ensure tong fife and reliability. The assembly is available in a set of four for four-square anays. COM-VFA-1 Vertical Feedpomt Assembly .... $15.95 COM.VFA-4 Venical Feedpo111t Assembly,

set of 4 .................................. $51;.95 Accessories COM·CW3 Control W1re.

3-conductor .................. per foot $0.25 COM·CW4 Control Wire.

4-conductor .................. per foot $0.28

top related