message from jci fukuyama mon. 02...mon. 0208 july 2013 schedule modules are finally getting started...

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02Mon. 08 July2013


Modules are finally getting started today. July 8th begins with prayers for the success of Academy at the Fukuyama Hachiman-gu Shrine, followed by Opening Ceremony, exciting modules and Welcome Party.

Welcome to Fukuyama !

Welcome to you all, members of the delegates, to the 26th JCI Academy.Rose i s t he c i t y flowe r o f Fukuyama, and we call people’s mind of care and compassion as ‘Rose mind’. All members from Fukuyama JC will operate this academy with this ‘Rose mind’. For this Academy, we prepared programs for you to experience our local culture near the beautiful Seto Inland Sea that includes Tomonoura-area, Sensuijima-island and Fukuyama castle. I wish you to interact with citizens from our city and feel their ‘Rose mind’.

And I hope you to learn through th i s academy to show your leadership in your community and country, and to play an active role in community development and world peace.With Rose mind in our hart, we as JCI Fukuyama welcomes you and wish you to have a great time in our city.

デリゲイツの皆さん、ようこそ第26回国際アカデミーにお越しくださいました。福山青年会議所メンバー一同、心より歓迎いたします。私たちは今回受入れLOMのテーマとして「ローズマインド」を掲げています。「ローズマインド」とは市花であるばらを愛で、優しさ・助け合い・思いやりの心をもって育くむ福山市民の精神を示す言葉です。今回は、美しい瀬戸内海に面する鞆の浦や仙酔島、福山城を会場として様々な体験をしていただく地域プログラムを用意しています。地域の方々とふれあい、福山人の心を感じていただきたいと思います。 この国際アカデミーは、 通訳


Naoki Hatada JCI Fukuyama President

Message from Local President24時間デリゲイツサポートデスク今日からモジュールの行われるホテル鴎風亭1階に国際アカデミー開催期間中、デリゲイツサポートデスクを設けます。クリーニングサービス、買物代行サービスなど「あったらいいな」を形にしてまいりますので、困ったことがあればいつでも相談にお越しください。そのほか絵はがきブースやオリジナル法被の作成ブースもありますので、日本人と海外デリゲイツが楽しく交流できるサロンとして活用ください。

Delegates Support Desk will be open on the first floor in Hotel Ohutei. Please feel free to make a stop at any time when you need assistance for such as dry cleaning, shopping, first aid, or anything else to make you feel comfortable.There are booths for you to try Origami or make original “happi,”Japanese jacket for special occasions like festivals, where you can interact with the Japanese delegates and other international delegates as well.

It is with great excitement that I welcome you to this incredible life-changing experience. The 26th JCI Academy in Fukuyama provides the framework to develop individuals by taking members to the next level of active citizenship. We will use this time together for transforming our thoughts into powerful actions to create positive change in our respective communities and around the world.In today’s world, it is very important to have a strong foundation with an understanding of your community

Kentaro Harada2011, the 66th JCI President Graduate from 2003, the 16th JCI Academy in NAGANO

Message from JCI Fukuyama

and the world around you. By attending this JCI Academy, you have chosen to expand your knowledge by opening your mind to new ways of thinking and acting. This is how young active citizens acquire the mindset required in order to take the necessary initiative and become the leaders which each community needs.It is really honor for my home Local Organization, JCI Fukuyama, to host this JCI Academy together with JCI Japan. And I am confident this academy will be of tremendous benefit to all participants, since the work that goes into preparing this academy has been magnificent.Please remember that we are the biggest global network of young active citizens. If we move as one team, we can change the world. And I believe you are the one to be the bridge connecting members and citizens beyond sovereignties of nation. Besides, this program provides the development opportunities and life long memories with which you would become an excellent global networker. So please work seriously on each

issue and enjoy every moment at the 26th JCI Academy in Fukuyama. I look forward to the momentum we will create through leading actions with members around the world.As one global team, let’s go impact the world!

24 hours Support Desk

One week Forecasts :


Monday,  July  8Monday,  July  89:00-­‐10:00 Registra9on

10:00-­‐10:30 Delegates  Briefing

10:30-­‐11:30 Prayers  for  the  successof  the  2013  JCI  Academy

11:30-­‐12:15 Lunch

12:15-­‐13:00 Transfer13:00-­‐14:00 Opening  Ceremony

14:15-­‐16:45 Module  1

16:45-­‐18:00 Transfer18:00-­‐20:30 Welcome  Party


21:30-­‐22:00 Hotel  check  in

22:00-­‐23:30 Friendship  Salon  1

As part of the homestay program, some overseas delegates visited the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine in Miyajima, and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima city on July 6th. Overseas delegates learned about Japanese culture and history by v is i t ing the awesome Itsukushima Shrine, which is registered as a World Heritage Site. Also, visiting of the Peace Memor ia l Park gave delegates the opportunity to increase the awareness toward the realization of world peace.

Meetings with Host Families


The 60 overseas delegates met their host families at the Rose-com on the afternoon of July 5th. Some of the delegates seemed a little nervous at the beginning, but they quickly broke the ice through self-introductions and befriended their new family members. All the oversea delegates left with their host families to their home in Fukuyama where they’ll be spending time with their Japanese families until the morning of the 8th.

Excursion to Hiroshimaホームステイ中の7月6日、希望者は厳島神社(宮島)・広島平和記念公園へ行きました。世界遺産にも登録されている宮島の古き良き歴史の一端を見て頂く事で日本の素晴らしさを感じてもらいました。また、広島平和記念公園を訪問することで、海外デリゲイツの世界平和の実現に向けた意識の向上が図れる機会となりました。


Fukuyama Program 1

School Visiting ProgramIn closing, delegates planted trees of roses and attended the farewell ceremony where students promised to report how those roses are growing by emails and letters to the delegates, and to meet again in the future.There were some pupils in tears when they finally had to say good-bye.Interaction with overseas delegates gave students and families from those 5 primary schools important opportunities to have interest in foreign countries.

Overseas delegates were welcomed at five primary schools in the city of Fukuyama in Fukuyama Program 1, School Visiting Program. Each school pupils prepared hearty welcome ‘Omotenashi’ to greet delegates by giving high fives and flower arch as well as Japanese drum and harp per fo rmance . De lega tes had memorable time by experiencing Mochi (rice-cake) making, photo shooting in Japanese traditional clothing Kimono, playing Japanese traditional games, having school lunch and cleaning together with students.

Registration and Orientation for Japanese Attendants


Japanese delegates arrived today in Fukuyama, one after another. M e m b e r s c o m p l e t e d t h e registration, and attended the orientation that continued for about 5 hours. During the orientation, the delegates reconfirmed the goals of this JCI Academy as well as JCI Mission and Vision, and prepared for the programs starting from today.

First of all, before passing through the “Torii” the shrine gate, you cleanse both of your hands with water at the "Temizusha." The way which leads to the alter is called “Sando,“ the approach step to shrine.

How to pray at a Shinto Shrine1. Ring the bell 2. Make a deep bow twice.3. Clap your hands twice.4. Make a deep bow once again.

Today’s lesson At a Shito Shrine Torii

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