merry christmas!christmas! who takes away the sin of the ... · merry merry christmas!christmas!...

Post on 26-May-2018






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“Hope does not disappoint, because the Love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us”

(Romans 5:5)

MerryMerryMerryMerry Christmas!Christmas!Christmas!Christmas!

“Behold the Lamb of God,

Who takes away the sin of the world.”

(John 1:29)

Dear Bellwether friends, family and companions of the Lamb,

May the peaceful stillness and joy of the newborn Lamb of God be with you and your loved ones!

As we celebrate this holy Christmas season, we pray that you will deeply experience Jesus, the Prince of

Peace, as the Heavenly Father’s perfect Gift of Love for each one of you!

May Mary, the Mother of God, teach us how to receive this wondrous Gift of the Heavenly Father’s Love,

Jesus Christ, our Savior, with tender affection, so that we might always respond generously by offering our

lives to Him with prayerful trust and surrender. May our hearts rejoice and be encouraged that Jesus, our

everlasting Hope, is “Emmanuel, God is with us” (cf. Matthew 1:23)! Let us continue to eagerly seek Him

and His Kingdom above all else and bear witness to His promise that “Hope does not disappoint, because

the Love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to

us” (Romans 5:5).

At Bellwether, as we reflect upon this past year, we are deeply grateful to the Lord for His countless

blessings! On June 1-4, companions and friends throughout the U.S. and other countries came to

Bellwether for our “New Pentecost Fire!” Workshop. The Workshop was held on the same weekend as our

Mother Foundress’ anniversary and the celebration of Pentecost, and many spiritual graces were received!

We truly experienced a deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit and His passionate zeal, which fortified us in a

new way to be faithful followers of the Lamb of God in these turbulent times.

Also, on September 16th, we were excited to welcome Michael Brown of Spirit Daily to Bellwether as he gave

a special one day retreat for the Omaha area. Many were in attendance for his powerful and heart-felt

message. Additionally, we enjoyed gathering together for intercessory prayer, praise and fellowship.

Our upcoming summer Workshop marks the 25th Anniversary of our International prayer conferences!

“No Greater Love” Workshop will be on JUNE 7-10, 2018, which

coincides with the beautiful feast days of the Sacred Heart of

Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please prayerfully

consider joining us for “No Greater Love” in June!

May the Love of Christ continue to be born daily in your hearts

this Christmas season and throughout the New Year!

Prayerfully in Mary’s newborn Lamb,

Diana and the Bellwether Lambs

We are praying

a special

novena to Our

Lady, Queen of

Peace, from December

17th to the 25th

for you and all

the intentions in

your heart!

An excerpt from “Prepare the Way of the Lord” by our Mother Foundress

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us, “Seek Me first (My Kingship) and everything

else will be given.” God has priorities. He wants to be first. When we seek

Him first in prayer, day after day, everything else will fall into

place. He will take care of our ministries. He will take care of our families.

He will take care of our problems, our worries, our needs.

Prayer is a journey from our brokenness to wholeness, from our

sinfulness to holiness, from our separateness to unity, from being

just one, in isolation, to being with God. When we are one with God, we

become so much more one with each other. We go from darkness into Light.

God says, “You are either with Me (totally in My Kingdom) or you are

not” (Matthew 12:30). Ponder this. It will help us make the

crossover to the threshold of God’s presence and of His

way. Mary, full of grace, with her whole being magnifying the Lord, is asking that of us. She is

interceding for these graces for us all the time.

Now through January 8th, all Bookstore items

are 30% off (while supplies last)!

To place an order, please call our

Bookstore, Monday-Friday, 2-4:30pm CST

at 402-455-0188.

Thank you for

your prayerful

dedication and


financial support for this

charism of the Lamb! Please

know that all donations are


“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal Life.”

(John 3:16)

Please join us in interceding for the following intentions:

For Our Lady and the Holy Spirit to prepare all hearts to receive the Gift of Love.

For all people to receive the heart of a child this Christmas.

For all people to welcome the Gift of Peace in their hearts and in their homes.

“Do not forget that true love sets no conditions. It does not calculate or complain,

but simply loves.” ~Pope St John Paul II

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