memorandum of understanding - 2007

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8/8/2019 Memorandum of Understanding - 2007 1/11






ThisMemorandum f Understanding"MOU") datedor conveniencef reference sof Juiy I,

2007,sets orth heagreementsf theCity andCountyof SanFrancisco, alifornia "San

Francisco"),heCity of Oakland,California "Oakland"),heCity of SanJose,.California


Jose,'), lamedaCounty,California "Alameda"), ndSantaClaraCounty,California "Santa

Clara;), elatingo theapplicationor andallocation nddistribution f federalUrbanAreas

Security nitiative "UASI'?;Program rant unds.

ThisMOU is madewith referenceo he ollowing acts ndcircumstances:

A, Theabove amed itiesand ountiescollectivelynd ndividually,he"Parties") re

committedo regional ooperationnd oordinationn building ndsustainingapabilitieso

provide he highesteasibleevelof prevention, rotection,esponse,.andecoveryrom hreats

br actsof terrorism ndothercatastrophicventsn theBayArea egion

B. On January ,2006,theUnitedStates epartmentf Homeland ecurity'.DHS")

announcedhat t hadcombinedheParties ndotherBayAreagovernmentalntitiesntoa

combinedBayArea UrbanArea"or Super-UASI egion 'SUASI region") or thepurpose f

applioationor anddiitributionof FiscalYear2006UASI Program rant unds. DHScontinued

ttratSUeSt regionstructureor application nddistribution f FiscalYear2007UASIProgram

grant ,unds.Th. purti"santicipatehatDHS will continueo use heSUASIregion tructureor

UASI Programgrantsn future iscalyears-

C. For theFiscalYear2006UASIProgram,DHS equiredachUrbanArea o establish n

UrbanAreaWorkingGroup :'UAWG"1toactasanexecutive teering ommitteeo provide

overatlgovernancef tn" homeland ecurity rogram crosshe regional reaencompassed

within the definedUrbanArea" o coordinateevelopmentnd mplementationf all UASI

Programnitiatives, nd o ensurehatallprogrammaticequirementsssociated ith

participationn theUASI Programwere ulfilled. DHScontinuedhe UAWG requirementn the

FiscalYear2007UASI Program.

D. I Fo. the FiscalYear2006UASI Program,DHSrequired lso hat heUAWG provide

eithert irector indirectepresentationor all the urisdictionshatcomprisehe UrbanArea.

DHS continuedhat equirementn the FiscalYear2007UASI Program.

E. DHS also equiredhe UAWGto developa methodologyor allocatingUASI Programfunds hroughouthe SUASIregion.Thatrequirementontinuednto FiscalYear2007.

F- In FiscalYear2006, he Parties ommittedo cooperateor thePurposesf applying or,

allocating nddistributinghe FiscalYear2006 UASIProgramunds,andenteredntoa

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It{erororatrdurmf Undenstandinge€wreenity andCouirtyof,SanFrancisco; ify of Oakland;City or"Sart ose;AlamedaCoung; andSan€a laraCounty.dated uly I ,2A06('2006h4OU"i.

G. The2{!06MOIJ cseatrda layeredgoveFna-ncetrurcture,ncludingan ApprovalAuthori{,aslAdvisoqyGroup and a Ma.nagementeagt'r,ssisted y variousworking groupsbased n theinitiatives escrihedn tfteSUASIregion'sFiscalYear2006grantsubmission.

F{- ThePa!'tieswish to renewand r.rpdatelreinexistingagreeft'rentsegardinghe SUA$Iregiotlmission, overnancefructurg esponsibilities,eporting tructure nd inancialarrangeinrents,ndto use heagreements,trtnctures,rocessesndmechanisms greedo belorryin applyingf,or,allocafingand distributing JAS[ Frogramgrant undingfor theUi-banAreaforFiscal Yea{ 2007zurd uture flscalyears.

ACCOR.D[NG[-Y, hc Faltiesagreeas follows:

l. Bav-,{rPa UASI RegionAppEova! uthoritv: TlreEayArea SUASIRegionApprovalAutftority ('Approvat ,{uthority"), createdby theFartiesn the 2006MOU, shailcontinuefor thepurposes ndon tfte tenms ndcoriditionsset orth betow.

a. Memhership. lreFatties hallappoint nernberso theApprovalAuthorityas ollows:

i. CityandCoun$r f,SanFrancisco, A - 2 members, actrwith full voting.autlnorigl.

ii. Cify of Oakland,C,A- I rnelnberwitlr fhll votingauthorif5r.

. iii. City of San [ose,CA - I rnernberwith firll rrotingauthority.

iv. .A'larnedaoungl, cA - I mernlpr with full votingaufhorit5r.

v- sam{u lara county, cA -i t rnernbervirft fufi voting authority.

vi. flhe.Farties hall nvite theCalifoeniaGovernor'sOffice of Emergencysanvices'oES") coastalfdegiono appoint I advisorymember o the

Authority. TheOESmemben hall haveauthorit5ro voteonly inffieeventof a tie voteamong he otfietvoting members-The role of theOESnnernberhallbe to Facilitate pprovalAuthorityandManagement eamcoordi$dibnwith ttreSfa$e f Califurniahorneland ecurityandemergencyprcparedness cpartrnenfsandsewiccs.

b. Selectionof Representatives- achFarty s responsibleor selecting s ownreprEsertariv{s)

to the Approval Authority. .

c- Pu4gse. The purposcof tfteApprovalAuthority is to provideeffectiveUASI prograrndirci:tion and govemanc€and o coordinateUASI Programdevelopmentairdirnplcmentationur the SUASI region- The ApproValAuthority shallbe responsibleor

8/8/2019 Memorandum of Understanding - 2007 3/11

developilrgheSUASI egicnhomelandecurity trategy,evelopingnvestmetrt

identificationsnd ustifications,.establishingunding llocation ethodologies,

4pproying ll UASI Progranrrantapplications,pprovingll UASl-funded rojects nd.

programs,ndmakinghe inaldecisionsn allocationnddistribution f UASI Progran't

grant unds,

d. UAWC. TheApprovalAuthority,atongwith the Managementeanrandany advisory

andworkinggroups reated y theCeneralManager, lrallconstitutehe UAWG for the

SUASI egion.

e. Ouorum.TheApprovalAuthotity hallholdmeetingsndconduct usinessnly when

quorumspresent. quorum hallmean majority f themembers f theApproval

Authoritywith full voting uthority i.e., t east ourof thesix members ith ull rroting

authority).Thepresencef theOES epresentativehallnotcount owardshequorum


f. Decisionmakine.nless therwisepecified erein, lldecisions f theApproval

Authority equiring voteof the Authorityshall equireheaffirmative oteof a majorityof the ull-votingmembers f theAuthority i.e.,at east ouraffinnativevotes). Each

full-votingmember resent t a meeting hall ote yes"or "no" whena questionsput,

unless xcusedromvotingby a motionadopted y a majorityof the ull-votingmembers


E. VotingAuthoritv.Except sprovided erein, achmember f theApprovalAuthority

shalthave nevoteon ail ssu"s equiring voteof theApproval uthorityunder his

Agreement. hesessues hall ncludei) developingheSUASI egion omeland

security trategy,ii) developingnvestinentdentificationsnd ustifications,iii)

establishingunding llocation ethodologies,iv) approvinghegrant pplication,v)

approvingUASI Program rant-funded rograms,vi) approving llocation nd

distribution f UASI Program rant unds,and vii) other ssues s determinedy the

ApprovalAuthority. TheCaliforniaOESmember hallhaveonevote,butmay voteonly

in the eventof a tie votebetweenhe nrembers ith full votingauthority.

h. OtherFederalGrants.TheApprovalAuthoritymaydecideo appty heagreements,

structures,rocessesndmechanismspecifiedn thisMOU in applyingor, allocating

anddistributing ther ypesof federal rant unding or the SUASIregion.Any such'

decision hallbeby unanimousoteof theApprovalAfuthority'

Citv andCountvof SanFrancisco bligations.During he ermof thisMOU, SanFrancisco

will piovide he ollowingserviceso the ApprovalAuthority:

a. Designate individuals s utl votingmembers f the ApprovalAuthority.

b. Chiir meetings f the ApprovalAuthority.

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'c . Serve s heSUASI egion ointof contact ith he ederalDHSand heCaliforpiaOffice of HomelandSecurity "OFIS") n connection ith UASI Progmmgrant unding.

.d.. Serve s fteFiscal 4gent br fheApprovalAuthority,andestablish roceduiesndprqvldeall financialservicesor distribution f UASI Frogram rant undswithin tlreSUASIrregion,

e. Senre s he granteebr UASI fundsgranted y theDHSandOHS to theSUASI egion,andestablish roceduresndexecute ubgrant greementsor the distribution f UASIFrogratn rant ,undso urisdictions elected y the ApprovatAuthority o receive rantfunding.

City of OaklaridOblieacions.During he ermof this \,[OU,Oaklandwill providehef,ollorv{ngervices0o lre ,ApprovalAuthority:

a. Designate indivldualasa full votingmember f theApprovalAuthority.

City o{SanJoseObligations.During he errh f thisMOU, San osewilt providehe

following seruiceso the ApprovalAuthority:

a. Degigerateindividualasa full votingmember f tlreApprovalAuthority.

AlemedaCou-nt'r bliEations.During he ermof thisMOU, Alamedawill providehefollorvingservices o the ApprovalAuthoiity:

a. Designate individualasa futl votingmember f the,Approval uthority.

S-anfa laraCountyObligations.During he ermof thisMOU, SantaClarawillprovide hefbllowimgsenriceso the Approval.{uthority:

a- Desigulr I individual asa full votingmemberof the ApprovalA.uthority.

GeneralManaeer or the SUASIRegionFroerani.

a: Subjeoto subsectionb) beloq the ApprovalAuthority has he authorityby voreof theAuthority [o selecl evaluate, isciplineandremovea GeneralManager o. itt" SUAS1f'rogtarn- The Approval Au*rority rnayestablish y voteof theAuthority theminimumquatifioationsur tlreGeneralManagerposition,aswell asdesiredand prefepedqualifications..

b. TheGeneralManagershaltbe an employee, onsultant r contractorof a Partyor another

govqrnmentbl ntitywithin the SUASI region,andshall be assignedo work fulltime asdreSUASI ProgramGeneralManager-.TheGeneratManagerpositionshallbe undedthropghgrant tnds to ttreextent irnds areavailable nd atiocaiedby theApprovalAuthority f,or hat purpose-





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c. 1l'he eneral 4anagerhallbe esponsibleor implementingndmanaginghepolicya.nd

progralr ecisionsf theApprovalAuthority, ndpetforming therduiiesasdetermined

anddirected y ttreApprovalAuthority. -TheApprovalAuthoritymayestablish y vsls

ii f theAuthority dditionaljobunctions, uties nd esponsibilitiesor theGeneral


d. TheGeneralManager hallestablish procesdo ensure ither irector indirect

representafionor alljurisdictionshat ornpriseheUrbanArea.Theprocesseveloped

by the General zlanagerhallensure irect epresentationor at lehst he ollowing

jurisdictions:MarinCounty,Sonoma ounty, apaCounty, olanoCounty,Cohtra

CostaCounty, lameda ounty,SantaClaraCounty,Santa ruzCounty,SanMateo

County,heCity andCounty f SanFrancisco,heCityof Oakland, nd heCityof San


e. TheGeneralManagermayestabtishiscipline pecific nd/or eographicallyetermined

. workinggroupso makecomprehensivessessmentsnd ecomntendationshataddress

thg arg-eicaputrititytrengths4nd eaknessesn a regional asis.The Parties hall

providd dequateersonnelo participatenandsupport nyworkinggroups stablishedby theGeneralManager'

f. The GeneralManager hallcoordinate ndcollaborate ith the Bay AreaMetropolitan

MedicatResponse ystems,he Bay AreaTransportationecurityWorkingGroup, he

Bay AreaCitizenCorpsCouncils,he AreaMaritimeSecurityCommittee, ndanyother

stakeholdersdentified y theApprovalAuthorityor Managementeam.As appropriate,

the GeneralManagermay nvitestakeholderso participaten anyadvisoryor working

groups stablishedy theGeneralManager.

Managementeam br theSUAS.IRegionProeram'

a. In consultation ith theApprovalAuthority, heGeneralManager hallselect, irectandmanage Managementeam o supporthe ApprovalAuthorityand heSUASIregion's

initiatives ndprojects, ndshall nakes easonablefforts o balanceegional

representationn theTeam.The members f thisTeamshallbeemployees,onsultants,

oicontractors f the Parties r othergovernmentalntitieswithin the SUASI egion,and

shallbeassignedo serve ull-timeon the Managernenteam.The salaries f the

employees,onsultantsr contractorselectedo serveQn he Managementearn hallbe

funded hroughgrant unds o the extent undsareavailable ndallocated y the

ApprovalAuthority or thatpurpose.

b. tn addition o the members f theManagementeamselected nd6rsubparagrapha)

above, heFiscalAgentshall dentifuanddesignatenemployee,onsultant r contractor

of the FiscalAgent o serve sa member f the Managementeam, o actas he iaison

to theFiscalAgent or. heManagement eam.Thesalary f thatemployee, onsultant

or contractorshallbe unded hroughgrant unds o theextent undsareavailableand

allocated ythe ApprovalAuthority or thatpurpose.

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c- The Managernent'earn, nder hedir-e-ctionf theGeneral 4anager,hallperform hefollorv unctions nddufies:

i. Oversee ndexecute ll administrativeasksassociated ith applicationor anddistribution f UASI Frogram rant undsandprograms.

ii . pogrdinate,monitorandasappropriate anage ll UASI Program rant-fundedprojects ndprograms pproved y theApprovalAuthority.

iii. l4ainfainall Eecordsssociated ith the activities f theApprovalAuthority,lzflanagernenteamandanyadvisory ndworking groups,ncludingbut rrot imitedto recordsegardingUASI Ft'ogram rantapplication,undinganddisbursementprocesses.

iv. lVork with anyadvisoryandworkinggroups, s well as appropriate ayAreastakelrolders,o obtain nputandmake ecommendationso theApprovalAuthorit5ron application,llocation nddistribution f,UASIProgmm rant,firnds,ndpolicy4ndprogrammatic bjectives.

v. Coordinate ndmanage nyadvisory ndworkinggroups, ndserveas he iaisonbet-weenhosegroups.

d. Tl'leApprovalAuthoritymayestablish y voteof theAuthorityadditionalunctions,dutiesand responsibilitiesor theManagementeam

Grantsand ConftacBAwarciedor UASI Grant-Funded rojects.All grantsandcontractsawarded singUASI Program rant unds eceived y theSUASIregionshallconfonn oallapplicable ederalandstategrantandcontracting'tequirements. rantsandcontracts hallbeawarded or particularprojectsandprogram,as ollows:

a. TheApprorralAuthorityshalldetermineheprojects ndprogramso be unded,.andshalldecideu4richurisdictions n theSUASIregionwill receive rants unds("suQrecipients"),he amountof fundsallocatedand heprojectsor programso befunded. A jurisdiction may decline o receivegrant undi for a projectallocatedo thatjurisdiction by theApprovalAuthority. If a urisdictiondoesso, the Management eamshallnoti$ the ApprovalAuthority,whichshall reallocatehe grant unds or that projectto an alternativesubrecipient.

b. SanF'rancisco hallbe the primarygrantee f UASI Programgrant unds. TheIWanagementeamshall nformSanFrancisco f theApprovalAuthority'sgrantalloc4tiondeterminations,nd equesthatSanFrancisco isbursehe fundspursuanto

the ApprovalAuthority's direction

c. SanF'rancisco hall disbursegrantfunds o subrecipients ursuanto guidelinesandrequirements shblishedby SanFranciscon its capacityas iscalagentandprimarysubgrantee.

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d. Eachsubrecipienthallbe esponsibleor all aspects f theUASI grant-funded rojects

.andprograms fiocatedo that urisdictionby the ApprovalA.uthority,ncluding

qontracting, rojectmanageirent,hsuring ompliance ith federalandstategrant

. requirementnddecisionsf theApproval uthority, quipmenturchase,nsfallatiorr

4ndmaintenance,ndanypennitling.eni,ironmentalr other equirementsecessaryor

anyprojector progra.mpproved y Appsov2lAuthority or thaturisdiction.

e. gefbre ssuing ny Requestor.Proposalelatedo a UASI grant-funded rojector

program, subrecipienthallcoordinate itlr lreManagementeam o ensurehat he

$.equestorProposal,ncludinghescope f work,meetsheSUASIProgram

qequirementsor theprojector program.After approval'fromhe Managementeam,

eachsubrecipienthallselect contractor nd ssuehecontract nder ts own contracting

authorityandprocess. n addition, ubrecipientshallcoordihate ith theManagement

Teamas requestedy theManagementeam, o allow heManagementeam o

ooordinate, onitorandasappropriate anage ASI grant-fundedrojects ndprograms

acrossheSUASI egion:

f. For regionalprojects,heManagementeamshallensure oordination f theprojects

4ndprograrnsllocatedo the ndividual ubrecipienturisdictions.

10.FischlAgent-All requestsor funding r reimbursementrom heFiscalAgentshallmeet

gui{elines nd requirementsstablishedy theFiscalAgent. The.guidelineshall nclude

reqriireri,rentsor recordkeeping,nternal udits, ignature uthorityor approval f

reinibursementequests,ubmigsionf financial eports, nd.complianceith professional


FiscalAgentshallbeentitled o reasonableosts or services

perf'prmed. eriodically,he FiscalAgentmaysubmit equestor payment,which he

ApqrovalAuthorityshall eviewandapprovewithin hirty (30)days.

I 1. ndd:mnification.n lieu of and'notwithstandinghe pro rata isk.allocationhatmightothlnvisebe imposed efweenhe Parties ursuanto Govemment odeSection 95.6,he

Fartfes greehatall Lossesasdefined elow) ncumed y aPafi in connection itlr this

MOU or theactivities ontemplatedy this MOU shalInot beshared ro ratabut nsteadhe .

Parties greehatpursuanto Government odeSectibn 95.4, ach f theParties ereto

shal!fully indemnifyandholdeachof theotherParties,ncluding,without imitation, heir

offigers,boardmembers, mployees ndagents, armlessrom any Lossesmposedor

injury(asdefinedby OovErnn'rentodeSection l0.8) arisingn connection ith the

negligent ctsor omissions r willful misconduct f the ndemnifuing arty, nbluding,

without imitation, ts officers,boardmembers,mployees r agents, nderor in connection

with or arisingout of any work, authorityor urisdictiondelegatedo subhPartyunde.rhis

Agreement.No Party, nchiding,without limitation,anyofficer,boardmembeqemployee ragedt hereof, hallbe responsibleor any Losses ccuming y reason f thenegligent ctsor

omissions r willful rnisconductf otherParties ereto,ncluding,without imitation,heir

offigers, oardmembers, qrployeesr agents, nderor in connection ith or arising utof

any worlqauthorityor urisdiotion elegatedo suchotherParties nder hisAgreement. or

purposes f this Section, osses hallmeananyandall claims, emands,osses,iabilities,

8/8/2019 Memorandum of Understanding - 2007 8/11

damagesincludingureseeablendunforeseeableonsequentialanrageso theexteniarisingftom third part5r!2irftt), iens, bligations,nterest,njuries, enalties,ines, avlsuits .nd ther

, procee$ings,udgnetrts ndafiiatds ndcosts ndexpensesincluding,vithout imitation,reasonablettorneys' tes andcosts,andconsultants'uesandcosts)of whatever ind ornatu[e,crownor unknorvn, ontingent r othenvise

12.Tettn. This h{OUshall akeeffecron heEffectiveDateasdescribedn Sectiori7 belowandshallextetrd sltilDecember1, 2010,unless oonererminatedsprovided elorv('Jernr'1'

13.Tennination-Any Farty nay enninatetrisMOU inthe errentlratapotherPartybreachesmateri4l'provisionereofand hebreaching artydoesnot cure hebreach bmplained fwithin fhirty (30)days bllowingreceiirt f wrinennoticeqf ihebreach. n addition, nyFarly may erminate'its articipationn thisAgreement y providing30-days dvance ritten

- noticeof its terminationo all Farties;heAgreerirenthallcontinuen effectbetween iththe emainingFarties.

[n addition,heApprovalAuttroritynray erminatehisMOU at anytime, or convenience

andwiqhout ause, y unanimous ote. Any suchaetionof theApprovalAuthoritystrallspecify he dateon vvhichhe ermination hallbecomOfftctive.

l4'.Jurlsdi4tion nd Venue.The arvsoFtheState f Califbrnia hallgovern he nterpretationandperfurmancefthis MOU. Venue or any itigation elatingo the ormation,interpretation r perf,ormancef rhis Mou shallbe ri san Franiisco,cA.

15.Mqdifi-cation-iris MOU maynot bemodified, or maycompiiance ith anyof its ernrs ewaived,exceptby written instrumentexecuted ndappiovedn the ,u*" *unner as hisMOU.

16. tn{-prp-r-eta-tion.his fulOUshallbe deemedo havebeenpreparedquallyby all partiesandifs individual provisionsshatlnot be construed r interpretedmore avo.ablyfor onepartyontlrebasis hat theottrerFartiespreparedt.

17.Effective Date Uponapprovalby the governingbodiesof eachof the Parties,his MOUshallbecomeeff'ective etroactiveo Jqly 1,2007.

l8- CompldteAereement This isa complete greementndsupercedesny priororator writtenagreementsf the

fa*ies regarding he processor applying or and distributingUASIFrogranr rantfunding fur theSUASI region. Specifitally,thisagreement upJrsedeshe2006MOU.


a- Any notices equiredhereunder hall.begivenasfollows:

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trf o theCity andCout'tt5if SanFratrcisco.o:

laura Fhi lips,Executirre irectorpepartment f Emergency 4anagement

l0l I Turk Street

$anFnancisco,A 94102(4 s)


Sary Massetani, eputyChiefof Administration

FireDepartment698 SecondStreet

$anFrancisco, A 94.107(4 s)

'itfto theCity of Oakland,o:

R.enee . Domingo,Directorof Ernergencyenrices

1605MartinLutherKingJr. Way,2ndFloorpakland,CA 94.612(510) 38-393e


lf to the City of SanJose,o:

Kimberly Shunk,Emergericy reparednessirector855N. SanPedroSt. #4.04

San ose, A 951 0-1718(408)277-4s9skimberly.shunk@sanjseca.ov

If to AlamedaCounty, o:

RichardT. Lucia,Undersheriff

AlamedaCountySheriffs Officel40l Lakeside rive 2th Floor

Oakland,CA 94612


8/8/2019 Memorandum of Understanding - 2007 10/11

Iflto SantaClaraCounty, o:

B;uceH. Lee. nterinrDirectorOffice of Emergency ervices5$ W. YoungerAvenueSan ose,CA 95 I0(408)

lf,to Stateof California,OES, o:

JdhnAnderson, AIA, Regional drninistratorGbvemor'sOfficeof Emergency ervicesCoastaI egion ndC{SN & Earthquake rogram1300Clay Street,Suite400Orikland,Cal fornia94612(5 0) 286-0888

Ngtices haltbedeemed ivenwhen eceivedf given n person, y facsimile r byel$ctronicmeansif a recordof receipts keptby the sending artyshowing he dateandti$e of receipt)or three 3) days ollowingdepositn theUnitedStat6sMail, posrageprgpaid, o the address et prth above.

Ar;VPartVmaycharrgets contactndividualand/oraddressor noticeby giving writtennopice f the changeo theotherParties nd he SUASI ProgramGeneralManager.

City and of SanFrancisco,California




The individuals xecirtinghis MOU representnd varranthat heyhave he legatcapacity ndauthority ]odo so on behalfof theirrespectiveegalentities.

The underpignedpprovehe ermsandconditions f thisMOU.

l 0

8/8/2019 Memorandum of Understanding - 2007 11/11

Ci(r, o'fQrakfland"


Sienaturle: r'.


T'itle: Ofrn .Fose,Ca[nf'onmfa


istant to the CifyManager

l - -l-ts e


SeniorDeputyCttyAttorneyCItyof .San'-Iose

t l

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