memoire_banui barragan

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Memoria de investigacion



final project’s scriptb a n u i b a r r a g á n

Ariel Guersenzvaig – Space Profile


Within these pages I explain the theme and essence about my Bachelor Final Project. I deal with topics such as: corrupted society,

lack of self knowledge, and liberation of imposed generational/social manners. To conclude with a reflection into observing

and enjoying what surrounds us in a more positive way, leading to a personal reflection about our lives and values as human beings.


“We are all so frightened. You say, how will I live, what will I do if I am not corrupt when all the people around me are

corrupt?”. – Krishnamurti.


“La vida es aquello que sucede

mientras hacesotras cosas”.


“El placer ha sido denigrado en nuestra época al entretenimiento superficial, a la distracción, a la

facilidad, a la satisfacción egoísta. Confundimos in-formación con conocimiento, terrorismo con política, juego con habilidad manual, valor con dinero, respeto mutuo con tolerancia altiva, equilibrio social con co-modidad personal. Creemos que estar contentos (o

creer que estamos contentos) es ser felices. Quienes están en el poder nos dicen que para sentir placer tenemos que olvidarnos del mundo, someternos a

normas autoritarias, dejarnos subyugar por míseros paraísos, deshumanizarnos. Pero el auténtico placer, el que nos alimenta y nos anima, tiende a lo contra-rio: a tomar conciencia de que somos humanos, que existimos como pequeños signos de interrogación en

el vasto texto del mundo.” – Alberto MAnguel.


“The chaotic configuration of physical urban space reflects the inner psychology of its

denizens. They represent, being the product of a doctor´s pen, certain facets of the health of the city. They are, in general, sick beings. But this sickness is more appropriately of a psychosomatic character. The world in

which they live, whether it is the richest of the hautebourgeoisie, the haste of the working

class or the malice of the subworld, affects the individual and destines him eternally to a kind of silent autism”. – SpAniSh urbAn experience,

lefebvre henri.



Economic crisis, climate change, consumption, co-rruption, materialism, debts, hateful jobs. Humans in today’s society are highly influenced by bad inten-tions and habits, we’re living without taking in account the real value of what surrounds us, forgetting about the most important thing in life: our innerselves. We are who we are, or what we are supposed to be ?

Our purity is corrupted since early age. Capitalism, consumption, television or society changes the way we look or perceive things in life and the value we give to them. Human value can not be bought, is not an object, is based in real time experiences and intense feelings. Few people have started to spread out this philosophy through different kinds of the-rapies, ancestral methods, using our own bodies as expression tools, going back to higher ancient values and relocate it’s true and meaningful purpose into the collective mind, part of the society is already set in motion.

Unfortunately we spend our days worrying about responsibilities, banalities, social class, as expressed by Andy Puddicombe “We live in an incredibly busy world. The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we’re always doing something”.

The way society works and makes us fall into it has reached a point where we realize it can not run like that anymore, speciallly within young generations. We are tired of the system, our needs have change and a shift of mind and human values is mandatory. And as David Brooks afirms: “And so this is part of


Marcelo Aurelio

New York City


what life is, but it’s not all of what life is. And over the past few years, I think we’ve been given a deeper view of human nature and a deeper view of who we are. And it’s not based on theology or philosophy, it’s in the study of the mind, across all these spheres of research, from neuroscience to the cognitive scien-tists, behavioral economists, psychologists, sociology, we’re developing a revolution in consciousness. And when you synthesize it all, it’s giving us a new view of human nature. And far from being a coldly materia-listic view of nature, it’s a new humanism, it’s a new enchantment”. Recent trends can be appreciated in cities worldwide of communities awakening against the system, they take action searching for answers, in order to have some peace of mind in relation to a near and safer future (ex: downshifting).

Cities hold the most important thing, us, we are the main part for which cities are made of, it is us who form these spaces, these streets, this living organism, in the path involving new technologies. How cities emerge and grow truly is in the hands of citizens, adapting to our needs. But if everything surrounding it is about to explode, is making us sick, is driving us to do things we regret, is corrupting the uncorrup-ted, is leaving stains unable to remove, affecting our future, then what is it we must focus on? What sort of goals should we fight for? What is going to guide us on the safe road, towards a community with values, and respect for each other, for the city holding us together, and the social and collective well being?


Our integrity as humans is more than that, means we must take a look at the bigger picture (beyond our screens) and realize we are a whole, a society that can live in harmony and respect for each other, aiming to relations attached by values and trust. It is time to start letting go on stress, image, hate, sha-llowness, consumption, mass media ... instead adopt a philosophy centered in live meaningful experiences, sensations, get lost, play, enjoy life, wander, moved by moral behaviour, honesty, humbleness, dreams, feelings, love .... in order to steer things in a positive direction.





Producción Imagen

Corrupción del ser

Clases sociales

Sistema económico

















Pérdida de principios




Pérdida de respeto






Sin prejuicios

































GastosCrisis Horas




Self Knowledge


Buenos recuerdos



SaludPaz mental





Pink Floyd “The Wall”

Photography: Alamy

“Black Mirror” serie




But what is it with the city that drives everyone mad? It’s just a huge machine generating robots drown in technology who spend their time doing meanin-gless tasks.

Sometimes we are so deep into routines and work, we never actually visit the city, or get lost in it, exploring new places, meeting new people, living different experiences.

We run so fast from place to place, pac-ked in the subway surrounded by ads, blind, we don’t perceive small changes, people looks wretched or under stress.

Maybe is time to revisit the city in a different kind of perspective, break with the routine, open to physical experiences and learn to free our minds for a better coexistence in society, as a community.


speed of life

free your mind




methods of communication

An easy place to connect with common people is at the public space, therefore, an urban intervention is the right communication tool to express and reach participants, and be able to awake in them certain level of conscious-ness. Plus the use of marketing tools to promote the project and future challenges people may attend to.

Giving a wink to the subconscious that will aid meditate about our everyday life, way of thinking, helping to open our eyes to changes and evolution happening at such a speed of the world now days, we may not be aware of the impact it can have over us in a few years.

We must start with our own insides, our minds, our be-haviour, see everything from a different point of view, to connect, interact with others, approach things with the truth and the best of ourselves. Take small challenges into our everyday habits.

The most important is at least trigger a reflection in somebody, it may be a small reaction, it may only last 5 min, or it may last all day inside someone’s mind, making them think, doubt. Or maybe it wont hit them today, but perhaps next week, and the interaction they experienced would mean a greater significance in their life.

mind shifting





Guy Debord “Dérive”. A dérive is an unplanned journey through a landscape, usually urban, on which the subtle aesthe-tic contours of the surrounding architec-ture and geography subconsciously direct the travellers, with the ultimate goal of encountering an entirely new and authen-tic experience. Situationist theorist Guy Debord defines the dérive as “a mode of experimental behavior linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambian-ces.” He also notes that “the term also designates a specific uninterrupted period of dériving.”

Ultimate goal of encountering an entirely new and authentic experience.

“The Pleasure of ...”, by Vitùc.


The pleasure of ...

... little whims


Lygia Clark October 23, 1920. Brazilian artist known for her paintings and installations. She believed that art ought to be subjective and organic. Throughout her career trajectory, Clark discovered ways for museum “participants” to interact with her art works. She sought to redefine the relationship between art and society.

Clark’s work deals with inner life and feelings.


Awareness Through the Body started in July 1992 in the schools Auroville as a program to help children increase their capacity for attention, concentration, and relaxation, and to enhance their ability for self awareness and their sense of responsibility. Nowadays it is offered to children as well as to adults.

Through a wide variety of exercises and games, ATB offers individuals opportunities to come to know themselves better, to explore the complexity of their being, and find ways to integrate and harmonise this complexity around the inmost center of their being.

A way to enhance concentration, relaxation

and self-knowledge in children and adults


Raúl Goñi “Roca del Garraf” El visitante del recorrido de Can Grau debe llegar a comprender que la humildad del planteamiento ha de ser inversamente proporcional al grado de sentimiento que le debe aflorar.


Przetwory Design Festival ‘11 Workshop of social intervention with garbage in Warsaw, with the partici-pation of ELISAVA. The festival was about recycling design and options to redo o relive the products. The goal was to create an interaction between people and give garbage a new use through a social interaction and games. Incredible success to create happiness through a reinterpretation of garbage.

True, formerly known as “David Riggins” is an American ar-tist who lives and works in New York City (he began using the

word “True” in place of his birth name in 1995).He did an intervention in New York’s subway, by replacing the

signage with more positive pictograms (2004), such as:

“Riding with despair prohibited, keep hopes up.”“Do not hold grudges”

100 people action at Juárez, border between México and USA.


JR “INSIDE OUT” is a large-scale participatory art project that transforms messages of personal identity into pieces of artistic work. Everyone is challenged to use black and white photographic portraits to discover, reveal and share the untold stories and images of people around the world. These digitally uploaded images will be made into posters and sent back to the project’s co-creators for them to exhibit in their own communities. People can participate as an individual or in a group; posters can be placed anywhere, from a solitary image in an office window to a wall of portraits on an abandoned building or a full stadium. These exhibitions will be documented, archived and viewable virtually.

K J Vogelius


The Fun Theory: This project is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Trying it for your-self, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.

The Social Coin es una empresa sin ánimo de lucro que se dedica a

fabricar monedas con vida propia que simbolizan el compromiso social de

las personas, quienes inician cadenas de acciones desinteresadas que se

pueden medir. Las monedas se llaman SEEDi y con cada una de ellas se

inicia una cadena de acciones des-interesadas que quedan escritas en

la web. Cada SEEDi tiene un código único con el que podrás seguir todas

las historias de ayuda que ha gene-rado. Además, todos son biodegrada-bles y como contienen una semilla en

su interior, se pueden plantar al final de su vida.


A group of young creative who aim to change ordinary ways. We want to wink at you during your daily routine.





MANIFIESTO:Sadly, the fast paced lifestyles of our generation

result in many not taking the necessary step back (unplug) to soak in the existing, fascintating world

around us (take a break). Our goal is to help participants into further behaviour appreciation and

take notice of the beauty in life and people that lives within our city, our world....

By forming a group of young individuals who dream of different deriving people, with concerns in today’s tech-society, who looks forward to generate

certain awareness into society through different kinds of projects such as public interventions and

social actions. This approach to life and people not only redefines our perception of the world and

empowers us but also highlights the effect our actions can have on others.



The greatest projects and schemes die for no grander reasons than that we don’t dare. Confidence isn’t arrogance, it’s based on a constant awareness of how short life is and how little we ultimately lose from risking everything.

The capacity to connect imaginatively with the sufferings and unique experiences of another person. The courage to become someone else and look back at yourself with honesty.

We’ve grown so good in some areas, we’re ever less able to deal with things that still in-sist on going wrong; like traffic, government, other people... We should grow calmer and more forgiving by getting more realistic about how things actually tend to go.

To know oneself is to try not to blame others for one’s troubles and moods; to have a sense of what’s going on inside oneself, and what actually belongs to the world.





space analysis





My intention is to take this until the end, the most important part for me is to develop the project and actually doing it and having positive results from it.

1. OBSERVE: In a first stage of the project, the idea is to analyse the chosen space (or spaces) and be an observer, see how people moves and develops in the spot. Keep a journal with data and notes about the interaction or events happening there, register the fluxes of people. 2. QUESTIONS: Afterwards, approach some of the recurrent persons in transit and ask some basic questions regarding habits, knowledge about Barce-lona, hobbies, etc. Take in account inputs. Be more aware of the type of people willing to participate and giving response.3. BODY STORMING/TESTS: Recreate situations, interactions, with possible subjects as tests (colla-borators). Special attention in steps and inputs.4. USER: Implicate myself as an experiment, deve-lop a user role, and record my honest reactions and changes in my kind of life or view of the city and part of society. Special attention to every step taken and improvements.


ideo cards





bang bang / june 11, 2013

1. Indicates a state of connectivity2. Virtuality or cyberspace

1. Indicates a disconnected state2. Reality







everybody knows what you’re doing


no intimacy


human touch



offline = outsiders

big data/ cloud

unplug once in a while


bang bang / june 11, 2013


let go

“Go with the flow” is sometimes really hard that we even think we’ve lost the total ability of doing something without meditate the matter al least fifty times, of relaxing and leaving things derive. Being in the right place, at the right moment, luckiest strike of your life, just gotta live a little bit more.

Through a challenge, experience, interaction, react with a deep thought relating our own habits and behaviours towards society and our environment. Inlay a consciousness of the limits to take in accou-nt in technology’s affair in our everyday lives.

Vice President of Creative and Software Innovation Paul Pugh ex-pressed: “Devices on our bodies will multiply. Sensors, cameras, input methods, and displays will work their way into our clothing. They’ll listen for commands and whisper in our ears. Our environ-ment will respond to us in new and interesting ways” taking it from here, embrace all the positive aspects, without forgetting the physical ones.

As expressed by Dan Hill “... the subcons-cious focus on what technology can do, as opposed to what it should do ...”


new horizons


bang bang / june 11, 2013


My ultimate aim for the project is that it ignites a vital conversation around moral

character to increase public interest in becoming more virtuous and connected as a

society in a more personal and physical level.





PEREC, George. “Especies de Espacios”. Literatura y Ciencia, Barcelona. April 1999. MOLES, Abraham A. “Psicología del Espacio”. Editorial Ricardo Aguilera, Madrid. 1972. “Post-it City. Ciutats Ocasionals”. Centre d’Art SantaMònica, CCCB. 2008. BACHELARD, Gastón. “La Poética del Espacio”. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México. 2000 (1957). BENEDIKT, Michael. “For an Architecture of Reality”. Lumen Books, New York. 1987. LEFEBVRE, Henri. “Everyday Life in the Modern World”. Editorial Gallimard, Paris. 1971. LEFEBVRE, Henri. “The Urban Revolution”. University of Minnesota Press, Minnea-polis (USA). 2003. FRASER, Benjamin. “Henri Lefebvre and the Spanish Urban Experience: Reading the Mobile City”. Bucknell University Press, USA. 2011. HUXLEY, Aldous. “Un Mundo Feliz”. Debolsillo, España. March 2003. DUBATTI, Jorge. “Teatralidad y Cultura Actual: la Política del Convivio Teatral”. Uni-versidad de Buenos Aires. CID, Daniel. “Urbanismos Efímeros”. Barcelona. January 2012. ( ORWELL, George. “1984”. MANGUEL, Alberto. “Elogio a la Lectura”, en El País, April 22, 2006. MOROZOV, Evgeny. “Los Peligros de la Perfección”, en El País, March 31st, 2013. SÁEZ, Cristina. “¿Dónde están mis datos?”, en El País, July 19, 2012. PARCERISAS, MITRANI, PERAN, SOLER. “Space Invaders. Intervencions artistiques a Barcelona”. 22A, Barcelona. 2004. STRAUSS, Carolyn, ALASTAIR, Fuad-Luke. “The Slow Design Principles”, at SlowLab. SOLER, Jordi. “La Lentitud”, en El País, February 17, 2013. HILL, Dan. “On the smart city; A call for smart citizens instead”. Feb 1st,2013. IVAIN, Gilles, DEBORD, Guy, JORN, Asger. “Teoria de la deriva i altres escrits situa-cionistes sobre la ciutat”. MACBA/Actar, Barcelona. 1996. KHOVANSKAYA, V. BAUMER, E. COSLEY, D. VOIDA, S. GAY, G. “Everybody Knows What You’re Doing: A Critical Design Approach to Personal Informatics”. Cornell University, USA. 2013.



“Amélie”, Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. April 2001. [DVD]. “Matrix”, Written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski. March 1999. [DVD]. “Searching for Sugarman”, Directed by Malik Bendjelloul. July 2012. [Movie Theater]. “Mon Oncle”, Jaques Tati. 1959. [DVD]. “Black Mirror”, Created by Charlie Brooker. February 2012. “Lost”, Emitted by ABC. Sep 2004-May 2010. [TV]. “Awareness Through the Body”, ATB. February 2010 [Youtube]. “El Mundo en Rumbo de Colisión”, Manfred Max-Neef. September 2011. “What if money was no object “, Alan Watts, Posted by The School of Life on May 1st, 2013. “Flying Lotus - Small Moments (Until The Quiet Comes previews)”, From Warp Re-cords. October 2012. (Vimeo). “The Pleasure of”, by Vitùc. August 2012. [Vimeo]. “The Social Coin”, by The Social Coin iniciative. [Vimeo]. “It doesn’t matter if you die for it”, Krishnamurti talking with children in 1984. Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes [TEDtalks]. Stefan Sagmeister: Happiness by design [TEDtalks]. David Brooks: The social animal [TEDtalks].


“Concrete Jungle” Bob Marley. “What shall we do now” Pink Floyd. “One Day” Matisyahu.


“Columpiate” ( ATB ( The Viking Way: (


thank you

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