melanesian land: the impact of markets and …

Post on 11-Apr-2022






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Tim Anderson

New formal markets often have a damaging impact on rural livelihoods

in Melanesia by displacing undervalued and sustainable informal

economic activities. The regular focus on large formal markets also

serves to distract attention from the promising potential of emerging

‘hybrid’ livelihoods. This interaction warrants attention because around

80 percent of people in Melanesia live in rural livelihoods with a quite

unique and fairly well distributed access to customary land.

Colonial occupation of the south west Pacific was late, diverse and

(unlike in Australia, Latin America and large parts of Asia and Africa)

left traditional land tenure systems largely intact. To this day more than 96 percent of all land in Papua New Guinea, and 80 to 85 percent of all

land in the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, is held under legally

recognised but unwritten customary title held by clans and families.

Attempts to ‘reform’ this customary land appeared more strongly in the

post-colonial period. However such programs have faced popular

resistance as well as constitutions and land law which explicitly

recognise traditional law and customary tenure.

While island communities have engaged in various new cash economies,

customary land and its associated small farming, along with varieties of

informal and cultural exchange, remain strong and underwrite viable

livelihoods. These land systems remain vehicles for food security,

housing, widespread employment, social security, biodiversity protection, and ecological stability; they are also a store of natural

medicines, as well as a source of social cohesion and inclusion and

cultural reproduction (see Lee and Anderson 2010). There are pressures

from overpopulation in some areas, such as the islands and parts of the

highlands (Bourke and Allen 2009), but land is mostly good quality and

generally quite well distributed and there are no large, feudal


landowners. As Bourke (2005: 7, 11) points out, subsistence agricultural

production in PNG is ‘arguably the most important component of PNG

agriculture’ and has kept up with population growth.

The diverse production and social value from customary land embodies

many elements of what elsewhere has been called the

‘multifunctionality’ of small farming. Small and diverse rural social and

productive relations make multiple economic and social contributions,

many of which escape the normal measurements of formal economies

(Rosset 2000; Moxnes Jervell and Jolley 2003). Nevertheless, modernist

‘land reform’ programs persist. These are driven by commercial interests and modernist mindsets, which insist on the economic benefits of land

registration, individual property rights and commercial land markets. The

enthusiasm for such ‘reform’ seems barely dampened by the serious

environmental and social problems catalysed by land rationalisation and

the dismal legacies of large chemically-intensive monocultures (see e.g.

Shiva 1993; Kimbrell 2002; Altieri 2004).

This article will discuss the impacts of formal markets and

‘modernisation’ in Melanesia, with special attention to Papua New

Guinea, the largest of the Melanesian nations. It will follow the

‘economic logic’ of land modernisation and related formal rural markets,

along with the problems generated. Using a critical institutional method, which disaggregates macroeconomies, the paper traces the historical

development of land modernisation ideas and their application in

Melanesia, looking beyond ‘the economy’ to particular economies. It

considers the sometimes competing livelihood options open to

Melanesian families, and then looks to the social relations of land for an

explanation of the manifest failure of the new formal land ‘markets’.

Colonialism and Land Modernisation

The history of land modernisation is rooted firmly in the late colonial era

when ‘modernist’ processes of formal registration and commercialisation

came to replace overt colonial privilege. The more inclusive sounding

British arguments in East Africa, from the 1950s onwards, were that the

modernisation of customary lands would benefit the natives by bringing

about: (i) greater security of title, (ii) a strong boost to formal economies,

(iii) improvements in agricultural productivity, (iv) access to rural credit,

and (v) benefits for subordinate groups (in particular women) which had


been excluded in traditional systems (Swynnerton 1955; Lawrence

1970). The rationale was to ‘develop African agriculture’, by providing

‘greater security to landholders, and to enhance the freedom to transact

land and serve as a basis for agricultural credit’. However, it was also a

response to indigenous rebellions, with the strategic aim of creating ‘a

class of African freeholders, yeoman farmers’ who would have a stake in

colonial and post-colonial regimes (Dickerman et al 1989: x-xi).

Kenya, with the greatest extent of registered land in Africa, did not show

the claimed benefits. A leading Kenyan expert concluded that any

benefits of registration were outweighed by specific disadvantages. Economic disparities and a political disequilibrium were generated, there

was a failure to develop rural credit and a general failure to build

agricultural productivity. Of the new registered land owners, less than 5

percent were women; further, the new land regime was ‘creating new

forms of stratification and status differentials’ amongst the small farming

sector (Okoth-Ogendo 1982). Yet, the processes continued and similar

criticisms were subsequently repeated. A more recent study by Cotula et

al (2004) concluded that ‘the hoped for benefits of registration do not

accrue automatically and, in some circumstances, the effects of

registration may be the converse of those anticipated’. Elite groups

claimed land beyond their entitlements, those without education or influence found their land registered to someone else, rural credit did not

advance and women were ‘expropriated’ by simply not appearing in

registers (Cotula et al 2004: 3-5).

Nevertheless, during the ‘Green Revolution’ period of the 1960s, land

modernisation was given a boost by economic theorists. Ester Boserup,

for example, saw agricultural growth as a means of escaping population

pressures, arguing for land tenure systems which supported the growth of

the new large scale monocultures. She suggested an induced response to

higher ‘shadow prices’ of land would encourage longer term investments

(Boserup 1965). Greater formalisation would lift productivity. This idea

was picked up by others, for example Deininger and Feder (1998: 35), who back the classical liberal ‘transition from traditional to [individual]

private property rights’ to help ‘productivity enhancing land-related

investments’. They did concede that ‘traditional systems are associated

with a wide range of equity benefits not all of which can normally be

preserved in a system characterized by private land ownership’

(Deininger and Feder 1998). Deininger went on to write more

comprehensive reports on land for the World Bank (e.g. Deininger 2003),


which urged modernisation and new markets, yet also partially

recognised the problems of imposing outside land tenure models in

distinct cultures.

In a more forthright way, and while claiming a developing country voice,

the Peruvian-born Hernando de Soto urged greater formalisation of

property rights (De Soto 2000). He argued that failures in such

formalisation held back capitalism in developing countries. Clearly

documented property rights were an essential foundation for systems of

credit, share ownership, contracted services and so on. De Soto (2002:

349) argued ‘capitalism requires the bedrock of the rule of law, beginning with that of property’. These ideas were not new. De Soto

followed the British in East Africa, Boserup, Deininger and others in

claiming that the ‘greater security’ of (registered, individual and

transferable) land tenure would stabilise investment and help increase

agricultural productivity and the growth of formal economies.

As with the East African case, there has been an abundance of empirical

refutation of De Soto’s ideas. It has been pointed out, a number of times,

that imported models of formal rights are ‘too often … not grounded in

local realities’ and can make things worse for ordinary people (Meinzen-

Dick 2009: 5; see also Lavigne Delville 2006: 18-19; Hunt 2004: 174). A

South African study observes that greater formal property rights had not increased tenure security, nor promoted greater lending to the poor, and

had instead been expensive, exposing many poor people to homelessness

(Cousins et al 2005: 4).

Land modernisation in the Pacific persists, based on similar arguments

and backed by powerful interest groups. For example, the World Growth

Institute (WGI) and International Trade Strategies Global (ITS Global),

contracted by logging, wood pulp and oil palm industries, present

arguments on the value of giving over Melanesian land to those ‘high

productivity’ industries (see ITS Global 2011). Similarly an Australian

corporate ‘think tank’, the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS), backed

by banks and mining companies, regularly produces reports asserting the need to convert customary land systems into systems of individual

property rights. For example, Helen Hughes (2004:4) claims that

customary land is ‘the primary reason for deprivation in rural Pacific

communities’; and that PNG is not ‘viable’ with customary tenure

(Gosarevski, Hughes and Windybank 2004). Similarly, and referring to

the Solomon Islands, Gaurav Sodhi argues ‘[a]griculture is the key …


without land surveys, registration and long term leases there can be no

progress.’ (Sodhi 2008).

The attacks on customary tenure from the corporate-funded ‘think tanks’

such as the CIS have led to published responses from researchers and

community activists. One compilation was titled ‘Privatising land in the

Pacific - a defence of customary tenures’ (Fingleton et al 2005); another

was ‘In Defence of Melanesian Customary Land’ (Anderson and Lee

2010). Both volumes stressed the productivity of customary land, its

social value and the livelihood possibilities it continues to support. An

important point made was that the productive value of customary land is far greater than (and not accommodated by) the value allowed for by

financialised ‘dollar a day’ or ‘two dollars a day’ poverty measures

(Anderson and Lee 2010: 8, 17, 32).

AusAID, which has run land titling and administration projects for

decades, claims that its projects enhance the security of land rights and

target rural poverty (AusAID 2000). However, AusAID has become

more cautious in its demands for ‘land reform’ since the mass protests of

the late 1990s and early 2000s over ‘land mobilisation’ in PNG and

following the resistance offered to land registration under RAMSI in the

Solomon Islands (see Anderson 2008b). Yet the agency urges updating

land registers, as a pre-condition for commerce in land, and looks for a ‘middle way’ with new forms of leases (AusAID 2006) or to ‘assist’

customary land owners get better value from their land (AusAID 2008).

Similarly, New Zealand’s aid agency, under its ‘markets that work better

for the poor’ objective, says it will ‘[a]ssist partners to review and where

necessary implement changes to traditional land management and tenure

systems’ (NZAID 2007: 19). Some Papua New Guinean academics and

officials (e.g. Yala 2010) have joined in this ‘land reform’ chorus,

apparently oblivious to the achievements of their own cultural systems.

Growth Arguments and Land Modelling

Contemporary arguments for formal land markets in Melanesia come

from the international aid agencies, companies with direct interests in

resource extraction, foreign academics and some Melanesian government

officials. The main arguments address economic growth, government

revenue and development finance; only occasionally do they touch on


family livelihoods. For example ITS Global, an Australian company

contracted by the peak logging group body in Papua New Guinea

(dominated by Malaysian companies), has prepared a series of reports

that argue the case for logging and oil palm plantations. These arguments

focus on the contribution of those land-intensive industries to PNG’s

gross economy, the contributions to public finances (in the case of

logging, through export taxes) and consequent revenue for development

spending. In the case of oil palm there is a partial discussion of

livelihoods, through ‘smallholder’ incomes.

ITS Global thus calls for an expansion of PNG’s wholesale log exports, on the basis that logging generates a substantial amount of income (about

300 to 400 million Kina per year). Even though most of this accrues to

the logging companies, it is said that the PNG government reaps almost

one third (about K100 million) in export taxes per year, while local

landholders receive ‘substantial’ royalties (ITS Global 2006: 12).

Furthermore, there are said to be ‘significant benefits’ to local people

from infrastructure spending (airstrips, roads, health centres), although it

is acknowledged that such works ‘are constructed primarily for the

purposes of the project’ (ITS Global 2006: 39, 41). This report refutes

the claims of environmental damage, unsustainability and limited benefit

to landowners (e.g. IFRT 2004), and boldly asserts that ‘there is no economic case against fostering a vibrant and productive forestry

industry in PNG’ (ITS Global 2006: 27).

However, in addition to the constant environmental criticisms of

wholesale logging (e.g. Laurance et al 2011), the economic returns to

customary landowners are poor. For example, local communities are paid

$11 per cubic metre of Kwila wood, which typically returns $240 in

China (EIA-Telapak 2005; Bun, King and Sherman 2004). Meanwhile,

the roads and bridges built by the loggers are not maintained and do not

survive much beyond the logging operation, while the importance of

logging taxes is falling rapidly as mining and gas revenues rise. Many

agencies have accepted the need to support more sustainable alternatives, such as eco-forestry.Yet logging survives in league with large plantation

developments, which in South East Asia and Melanesia has meant oil

palm. Logging permits have been made conditional on ‘back end’ oil

palm development, and all the major international financial agencies in

the region (AusAID, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank)

have subsidised oil palm development, often under the guise of


‘community participation’ and enhancing the ‘productivity’ of

smallholder agricultural development (e.g. World Bank 2007).

Here we see some departure from the more general, modernist arguments

about growth and government revenue into a limited engagement with

livelihoods and family incomes. The World Bank (2010), for example,

claims that incomes for landowners who give over part of their land to oil

palm are equivalent to 2,793 Kina per hectare per year, a figure greater

than an estimated K1,136 for cocoa cultivation. On this basis the Bank

claims that ‘oil palm currently provides small holders with higher returns

on their land and labour than most other agricultural commodities’ (World Bank 2011: 2). ITS Global makes use of this data, urging a

removal of the ‘restraints’ on land availability for logging and oil palm

(ITS Global 2010; ITS Global 2011).

Yet there are several problems with the World Bank’s calculations. First,

the returns on oil palm are gross income, and oil palm is a more

expensive crop to maintain, using a great deal of fertiliser and other

chemicals. Second, oil palm is a very productive but greedy plant, which

cannot be companion planted. It competes with and reduces the diversity

of other local crops. Third, the comparison made is with export crops,

without reference to incomes in domestic markets. Yet returns on crops

like peanut, taro, melons and betel nut can be much higher, and with no chemical inputs (Anderson 2008a). Fourth, the environmental damage

from oil palm is stark: rivers are silted up and algae clogged from

fertiliser run-off. Like other large chemical-intensive monocultures (see

Kimbrell 2002), oil palm has a range of costs.

Limited and selective engagement with livelihood issues does not seem

to dent the enthusiasm for generalised growth arguments. A modelling

exercise developed by two Papua New Guinean academic-officials and

an Australian purports to show a several billion dollar addition to PNG’s

GDP by extending formal tenure over just another 2.5 percent of land

over a decade (Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala 2010: 29). However, they

abandon the old idea that land registration will enhance rural credit for small land owners, because of the consistently negative evidence

(Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala 2010: 26). They also maintain the modernist

notions that private, individual title will allow capitalisation, investment

and thus a more productive agriculture. These authors build on a PNG

process, backed by international agencies, which included a ‘land

summit’ in 2005 and a ‘land taskforce’ to put PNG faces on what had


previously been an unpopular foreign process, driven by the World Bank

(see World Bank 1989; Seneviratne 1995).

Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala (2010) suggest that only those who

individually invest in land and engage in projects separate from the needs

of the clan or family are to be considered ‘productive’. Individual

investment and benefit - contrary to the customary ethos of land as a

shared community asset - is implied. These ‘productive’ people (whether

clan members or outsiders) are said to be denied (by customary law)

‘exclusive access’ to ‘optimal amounts’ of the clan’s best land, as well as

‘exclusive access’ to the income that might be generated from that land. Thus individuals who make exclusive business for themselves through

clan or family land are said to be the superior economic agents. Yet the

pre-condition for such ‘success’ is that the clan is specifically excluded

from sharing the benefits of land development. This would amount to an

anti-social act (and probably a criminal act) under customary law. The

reference to ‘productive’ and ‘non-productive’ people is backed by

reference to ‘the bankability of land’ (Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala 2010: 3).

This is the idea that land is productive only when it becomes a financial

asset. Customary land is therefore not ‘valuable’ until it can be

financialised, and thus separable from its community. These concepts

make it certain that the model which follows both undervalues the current productive functions of customary land and constructs a

‘productivist’ argument for land commercialisation.

The computer generated model used by Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala (2010)

was a modification of the Australian ORANI and Austem techniques,

even though Australia’s land tenure system is entirely different to that of

PNG. Cash crops are important inputs to the model, but there is no

indication that there is any estimate of non-market production (i.e.

subsistence, cultural exchange and ceremonies). Yet even one AusAID

study estimated that Melanesian staple food production (of sweet potato,

cassava, taro, banana and coconut) was about 0.92 tonne per person, with

a money equivalent of between A$693 (wholesale) and A$876 (retail) per person (Bourke et al 2006: 24). That is before we talk about other

agricultural produce. Apparently none of this went into the model. Nor is

there any indication that the authors considered productive exchange in

informal markets, including domestic produce markets. They rely instead

on an old Rural Development Handbook which said that “93% [of rural

residents] … earned less than 200 [Kina] per year from the cash

economy” (Hansen et al 2000: 25). In fact, that estimate was based on


1990s data, a highly valued Kina and only on incomes from ‘21

agricultural cash crops’, mostly export crops (Hansen et al 2001: 2, 296).

The failure to include an economic value of subsistence production, and

the apparent failure to properly include exchange in domestic markets,

should render the model’s results of little consequence. Yet there is

another serious flaw in the model. The authors explain that:

Given the significance of land for this analysis, the PNG CGE database has been expanded to include land as a separate primary factor for each industry … [by using] the weighted sum of the

land price in each industry (Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala 2010: 12).

Very interesting. So how do they calculate a price for land in a country

which has virtually no rural land market? If it were on the western basis

of previous land sales, the value could be zero. Alternatively, based on

local practice, it might be the tiny 20 Kina per hectare per year (plus 10

percent royalties) that is charged as rent for oil palm ‘mini-estate’ leases

in Oro Province (Gou and Higaturu 1999). On the other hand, if it were

on the basis of the opportunity cost of productive land lost, it could be more than 17,000 hectare per year (Anderson 2006: 146). Which method

do they use? None. Without any attempt to develop or apply a PNG-

based method of land valuation, they borrow some land prices from Fiji,

another Melanesian country, but one with a quite distinct land tenure

history. They say: ‘Given that forestry and subsistence agricultural

practices across the Pacific are not dissimilar, this [Fijian] data is used in

the PNG database’ (Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala 2010: 13). The whole

model, therefore, is made dependent on whether land valuation in Fiji

had any reasonable and comparable basis or, better said, whether such

prices reflected values that might enhance rather than undermine rural


The model goes on to set a baseline estimate for GDP growth in PNG, without land reform, then a model giving three possible growth outcomes

(low, medium and high impact) with land reform. The overall conclusion

– predictable, given the assumptions and input valuations – is that the

economy will grow strongly with land reform. They assert there would

be additions of between six and sixteen billion Kina to national income,

if only a few percent more customary land would enter the formal system

(Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala 2010: 29). For the reasons given above, I

suggest these calculations are worthless.


Yet ‘the sting is in the tail’ of the argument. The authors say that the

investor demand for land must be met ‘by customary landowners

bringing their land into the cash economy’ (Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala

2010: 27). They claim that customary owners could benefit from this

‘land reform’ as it would:

open up alternative income earning opportunities for rural residents, leading to a strong shift away from subsistence to

market based agriculture, employment and income generation (Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala 2010: 25).

Yet no reference is made to any particular ‘alternative income earning

opportunities’ for those PNG landowners who have leased or otherwise

alienated their land. The major benefits are said to be a general expansion

of the formal economy, large agricultural projects and other land based

investments, and an assumed increase in formal sector jobs.

This modelling exercise relied heavily on growth arguments that embody

generic problems particularly as they relate to rural-livelihood dominated

developing countries. These problems could be spoken of under three themes: economic formalisation, distributional issues and environmental

concerns. ‘Growth’ strategies always favour the rise of new, formal

economies and private businesses with formal employees, especially

export industries. This emphasis ignores, undervalues and often actively

displaces more traditional rural ‘hybrid’ livelihoods, which combine

informal and subsistence economies. Growth models are also quite blind

to key distributional issues, including the marginalisation of large

populations and the development of critical shared services, such as in

education and health. Finally, it is notorious that environmental benefits

and costs are perversely included or excluded by economic growth

measures. Economic measures grow with the impetus of environmental

disasters and wars, yet fail to incorporate the costs of degradation and unsustainable practice.

Comparative Rural Livelihood Options

There is often a jaundiced view of ‘subsistence’ and informal sectors

(which might better be seen as the basis of a range of livelihood

‘hybrids’) alongside overly-sanguine notions of new formal economies

(mainly leasing land and employment). To resolve this, it is useful to


compare the actual returns on the various elements of rural livelihoods in

PNG, bearing in mind that families with customary land can engage in

several forms of income earning activities, some of which have greater

‘opportunity costs’ (i.e. excluding valuable alternative options) than

others. Table One below shows a range of income options (or income

equivalents, in the case of subsistence consumption), based on fairly

recent PNG experience.1 The main division in the table is between formal and informal sector incomes. In rural PNG both often supplement

subsistence production for consumption.

The first thing to note is that rural rents in PNG bear little relationship to

the productive capacity of land. Rents return only 1 percent or less the

value of subsistence production for family consumption; between 1 and 2

percent the value of marketing garden produce; and between 1 and 5

percent the value of a range of other formal and informal sector

activities. These fractions grow even smaller for the more economically

active families engaged in livelihood ‘hybrids’. Why anyone would agree

to lease out their land in these circumstances deserves consideration.

The second matter deserving attention is the great variability in informal sector incomes, in particular the marketing of garden produce, which can

draw in just a few hundred Kina per year, or many thousands. Typically,

we see those lower incomes coming from an unplanned marketing of

surplus production, while the higher incomes are seen amongst those

who focus on specific crops for domestic markets (Anderson 2008a).

1 Additional data in Tables 1 and 2 comes from the June 2011 surveys of roadside sellers in three PNG provinces. These surveys were carried out by a small team led

by this author and were identical to those reported from the earlier Madang study in 2007 (Anderson 2008a). Sample sizes, population sizes, and estimated sampling errors were: Morobe (50, 1460, ±13.6); Eastern Highlands (55, 260, ±12), East

New Britain (56, 350, ±11.8). I do not think that weighting individual roadside markets adds anything to these very similar groups of markets (there are almost always greater differences within each market than between them). Nevertheless I

have given ‘raw’ average incomes as well as weighted (% population divided by % total interviews) data, in brackets.


Table 1: Formal and Informal Sector Incomes in PNG

Income AWE (Kina)

Formal Sector Incomes – Ramu Sugar basic wage, 2006 (Madang Pr, 2007) A8 42 RD Tuna factory wage, 2006 (Madang Pr., 2007) A8 34

Ramu Nickel construction wage, 2006 (Madang Pr, 2007) A8 50 VOP/LSS (oil palm) growers (Oro Pr., 2002 / 2009) WAB, WB 60 / 107 Mama Lus Frut (oil palm) income (WNB, 2000 / 2006) WAB, KB 29 / 49

Chicken factory workers (Morobe Pr.,2011) A11 102 Private store workers, Kokopo (ENB, 2011) A11 45 Papindo store workers, Kokopo (ENB, 2011) A11 100

National minimum wage, (2006 / 2011) – IB 37.20 / 91.60 Leasing family land to OP company (per ha, K20-100/year) A6 2

Informal sector incomes –

Family subsistence production (7 people, Kina equivalent) A6 [258] Informal sector business (Central Pr.) S3 158

Informal sector business 2003 (ENB Pr.) S3 124 Informal sector business 2003 (Morobe Pr.) S3 130 Informal sector business 2003 (Western Highlands Pr.) S3 138

Roadside sellers (mainly women), 2006 (Madang Pr) A8 [weighted] 286 [138] Roadside sellers (mainly women), 2011 (Morobe Pr) A11 [wtd] 285 [144] Roadside sellers (mainly women), 2011 (Eastern Highlands) A11 [wtd] 230 [230]

Roadside sellers (mainly women), 2011 (East New Britain) A11 [wtd] 198 [144]

Sources: A6=Anderson 2006; A8=Anderson 2008a; A11=Anderson 2011; S3=Sowei et al

2003; WAB Warner and Bauer 2002; KB=Koczberski 2007; WB=World Bank 2010; IB=Matbob 2011; Notes: AWE = average weekly earnings in Kina

The third feature of note is that the formal economy options listed

(Village Oil Palm, Mama Lus Frut, various basic employment options)

typically have lower incomes than the other informal and small business

options and, in particular, they were less than the incomes of those who

market fresh produce. In my survey of women roadside sellers in

Madang, the weighted average income (for three days a week at market)

was significantly higher than the highest reported incomes for Village

Oil Palm (Anderson 2008a; World Bank 2010). Importantly, there seem

to be ‘ceilings’ on these formal sector schemes, as wages are set by employers and oil palm fruit prices for growers are set by a single local

company. That is, the potential of formal sector options for families is

limited by other powerful players who dominate those markets.

Finally, the opportunity costs are greater, and there is less flexibility, in

the formal sector options that involve leasing of land or turning one’s


own land over to oil palm cultivation. Oil palm allows no companion

planting and ties up good quality land for many years (e.g. Wilcove and

Koh 2010; Danielson et al 2009). On the other hand, land use for high

return domestic crop options such as peanut, taro, betel nut and melons

can be adjusted from year to year. Export crops such as cocoa and vanilla

can be companion planted, and do not consume the fertiliser and other

chemicals that oil palm demands.

Table 2: Roadside Sellers: Additional Livelihood Activities

Also Participate In? Highest Income From?

Exports Other business

Family member


Local markets

Unknown Exports Other business

Morobe 24 (48%) 18 (36%) 9 (18%) 37 (74%) 7 (14%) 4 (8%) 2 (4%) EHP 34 (62%) 9 (16%) 8 (15%) 40 (73%) 9 (16%) 1 (2%) 1 (2%)

ENB 41 (73%) 7 (13%) 27 (48%) 41 (73%) 6 (11%) 7 (13%) 0 (0%) [Madang] 36 (82%) 27 (61%) 5 (11%) 33 (75%) 10 (23%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%)

Sources: rural surveys by this writer in June 2011 (Anderson 2011); further to the Madang rural surveys of 2007 (Anderson 2008a)

Table 2 shows another interesting feature of the roadside seller surveys

(2007 and 2011). Most local fresh produce sellers also participate in

growing and selling export crops; however in very few cases (zero to 13

percent) do the incomes from export produce equal or exceed the cash

income from local markets. This tells us that domestic markets are

usually much more important to these small farming families. Further, a

very high (but variable) proportion of roadside sellers have family

participation in other businesses (like small stores and poultry

businesses) as well as in formal sector employment. This data suggests

the need to rethink the emphasis given to export crops, and to pay more

attention to the multi-faceted or ‘hybrid’ livelihood options being adopted by small farming communities.

The ‘land modernisers’ (e.g. Fairhead, Kauzi and Yala 2010; Hughes

2004) have put the case for the ‘growth and state revenue’ contributions

of land-using formal sector activities, like logging and oil palm, often

ignoring family and community livelihoods. Where it has been suggested

that landowning families would benefit from these activities (ITS Global

2006; ITS Global 2010; World Bank 2010), the evidence neither matches

the assertions nor considers the full range of options. Overall, the


evidence makes it plain that neither rural rents nor engagement with

formal economies in rural PNG provide either the range of options or the

income earning potential of the better hybrid livelihoods. In these

hybrids, families retain their customary land and subsistence production,

while engaging in various supplementary informal and formal sector

activities, some of them quite successful, yet incompatible with land


‘Market Failure’ and the Social Relations of Land

The failure of formal markets in rural Melanesia can be seen in the great

landowner dissatisfaction with existing leases and plantation options.

These formal economy options have been unable to deliver even a

fraction of the benefits of the better hybrid livelihoods based on ongoing

family control of customary land. I suggest this ‘market failure’ is best

understood through a study of the social relations of rural land. This can

help explain the poor logic of substituting viable, emerging hybrid

livelihoods, based on customary land, for low paid formal sector options.

The main obstacle to land registration is PNG is that it is unwanted; a

fatal obstacle, in the view of the chief colonial administrator of land in

colonial Kenya (Lawrence 1970). There is no popular demand for it and,

on the contrary, popular opposition has been expressed strongly on

several occasions (see Uni Tavur 2001).

The second obstacle is the absence of a functioning rural land market

with anything approaching symmetry of power; that is, a market which

might deliver some satisfaction to all parties concerned. The small

amount of rural land that has been given over, leased, sold or simply

stolen from customary owners is ridden with disputes. These disputes

involve complaints about: misappropriation of customary land (e.g.

Yambai 2003; Tararia 2003); environmental damage to land and surrounding areas (e.g. from logging and mining); failure of promised

benefits from land development (e.g. promised roads or health centres);

and unfair sharing of benefits of commercial development (e.g. from

plantation cash crops; Koja 2003). These complaints help illustrate the

widespread dissatisfaction with past land agreements and transactions.

Rural land markets in PNG are highly limited; the customary land

owners are asset-rich, cash poor and have very little information on the

real opportunity cost value of their land and the range of cash economy


options open to them. Of course, better information on the opportunity

costs would encourage higher lease values. However, an oversupply in

the unlikely event of large scale registration and transactions could

theoretically lower them, if existing lease prices were not already at ’rock

bottom’, and fuelling discontent.

Furthermore, the ‘invisibility’ of customary landowners, to the formal

sector, is constantly used against them. For example, in calculating the

‘costs’ incurred by village oil palm farmers, for the purpose of a profit

sharing agreement with milling companies, Burnett and Ellingsen (2001:

31) did not include any rent component. The fixed capital and depreciation costs of the company were considered as costs, but the

villagers’ contribution of customary land was not. It does seem to be a

common assumption that customary land, because of the virtual absence

of rural land markets, has no economic value at all. Apart from the

narrow logic of such ideas, these assumptions have serious consequences

for small families.

The gross undervaluing of customary rural land in business dealings is to

some extent understood by customary owners as evident in the constant

resistance to moves on customary land. Given this, why have some of

them agreed to tiny rents on leased land, or to engage in plantation

schemes with limited returns and high environmental costs? I suggest several elements in the social relations of rural land are at work. First,

landowners generally lease just some of their land, maintaining enough

for houses and gardens. This is not necessarily ‘surplus’ land, as prime

fertile agricultural or forest land is most often targeted by outsiders.

However, at the same time, land that has not been developed for gardens

is not necessarily given an exchange value, and the strong custom of

sharing assets has generally not contemplated a ‘market premium’.

Second, the lessees are most often a single company, often backed by the

regional or national government. There is no real competition, in the

sense of another bidder for the lease, and there is very limited

information on the terms of leases, or on alternative options. In addition, false promises over the likely benefits from ‘development’ are common

in PNG. Logging companies promise roads and health centres, which

often do not materialise. Mining and logging companies do not properly

advise of environmental and social impacts. Oil palm companies promise

inflated income opportunities. Poor families are vulnerable in the face of

such misinformation. Thus competition and full information, key


ingredients of the liberal theory of ‘allocative efficiency’ in markets, are


Third, cash poor, asset rich families are vulnerable in exchange, as there

are pressures to earn money to pay their children’s school fees and health

service fees. They are vulnerable to cash offers, and can easily

undervalue their assets. In addition, cash crops are valued in exchange

terms, but undeveloped or potential cash crops are often not factored into

the calculations of customary land owners. Similarly, the subsistence

value of land (for most villagers with productive land) is usually

regarded as a given (until it is taken away) rather than an equivalent exchange value, which might have to be compensated. This is

particularly the case for customary land owners with little information

and limited education. Not only are the customary landowners vulnerable

to cash offers and not well educated in matters of exchange value, their

own traditions often militate against such exchange calculations.

Finally, there is fraud in the setting up of Incorporated Land Groups

(ILGs) and the leasing of customary land. One such case at Collingwood

Bay (Oro Province) was overturned by the courts, in 2002 (Tararia

2003). Combinations of these factors, I suggest, have led to a massive

undervaluing of customary land in PNG, on the few occasions that there

have been transactions. A general sense of this undervaluation feeds substantial dissatisfaction and disputes over land.

Concluding Remarks

This article has suggested that land modernisation processes began in the

colonial era and continue to this day, with very similar arguments. The

development of land markets was said to be able to deliver greater

security of title, a boost to formal economies, improvements in

agricultural productivity, access to rural credit, and empowerment of women. Little in these claims is supported by the experience of either

East Africa or Melanesia.

While the arguments were broad, the principal aims were establishing

privileged classes, and allied groups, to assist a colonial (and later a neo-

colonial) process of capturing the value of traditional lands. The main

elements of the process were the formalisation and financialisation of

land, and the dismantling of the traditional and complex social relations

of land. Building on this, contemporary growth arguments and models of


the supposed aggregate economic benefits of land modernisation

(through registration and commercialisation) have been applied in

Melanesia, despite considerable resistance. A key theme has been that

the dismantling of traditional land tenure is a precondition for superior

economic options for the general population.

However, when consideration is given to rural livelihoods and emerging

hybrids (incorporating subsistence production and cultural exchange as

well as informal and formal sector activities) rather than just the new

formal economies, we find distinct results. The emerging hybrids (for

families which retain control of their land and do not live in remote areas) are already superior in income terms to most of the formal

economy options. A large number of hybrid livelihoods, which do not

require surrender or leasing of land, provide incomes several times

higher than the formal economies alternatives in rent and wages. While

small farmers like to access export markets, their best opportunities

mostly remain in domestic markets. The higher income earners are those

who exploit specific commercial opportunities or combine employment

and small business with intelligent farm produce marketing.

From the family and community point of view, the integrity of emerging

hybrid livelihoods remains founded on the community and family control

of their own customary lands. Formal sector options, properly calculated, offer little at the base level. Yet ‘transactions’ in rural land markets are

promoted by powerful interest groups. The lessons here are that public

debate needs a much broader view of land and livelihoods, and

Melanesian families need better access to quality information on their

livelihood options.

Tim Anderson is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Economy

at the University of Sydney.


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