media* week 2011 events booklet

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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Keep up with developments ~ Week is a rare opportunity to hear what some of the key figures from across Glasgow’s vibrant and youthful Media Industry have to say and to quiz them about just how ‘glitzy’ working in the Media actually is. All of the events are free to attend and open to everyone. The talks and workshops mostly take place in the Williams Room, just up the front stairs in the John McIntyre Building. We’re proud of what we think is a fantastic programme of unique and interesting events organised for the week. Have a browse of the event listings and hopefully we’ll see you soon..


17th - 21st Jan

the media controls what you see and when. It informs, entertains and challenges. It is responsible for the thousands of adverts which bombard us every day. Yet despite its considerable influence on our daily lives, the workings, skill sets and people behind it often remain exotically obscure to consumers.

Media Week is a rare opportunity to hear what some of the key figures from across Glasgow’s vibrant and youthful Media Industry have to say and to quiz them about just how ‘glitzy’ working in the Media actually is. all of the events are free to attend and open to everyone. the talks and workshops mostly take place in the Williams Room, just up the front stairs in the John McIntyre Building. We’re proud of what we think is a fantastic programme of unique and interesting events organised for the week. have a browse of the event listings and hopefully we’ll see you soon.

Luke WintersRC VP MC

The SRC’s job is to support the students of the University of Glasgow and ensure their time here is as enjoyable, safe and interesting as possible. Day-in, day-out we’re here to help, or even just listen to, the concerns of students. We also proudly support the four student media organisations. Keep up with what’s happening from the SRC’s facebook-

thanks to ouR PaRtneRs ~

Mon 17th Jan

Politicians and

the Media

Charles Kennedy / liberal demoCrats

Being a politician can’t be easy. unflat-tering pictures of them are regularly daubed as entertainment across blogs right through to newspapers. We read critiques of their every move; judge their life’s work on one garbled 5 sec-ond soundbite. What’s it like to be on the other side of the lens? the Right honourable Charles kennedy will dis-cuss the complex relationship between politicians and the media.

Charles is MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber and Rector of our fine University. Ex-President of the GUU, he also led the Liberal Democrat party for 6 years and has recently been a vocal critic of increased tui-tion fees, voting against the meas-ures in Parliament.

Mon 2PM ~ WILLIaMs RooM

Writing Workshoprena smith & James Foley / GUm maGazine

“I wanna be a journalist, I can write, easy”. ok, let’s do it. Writing doesn’t have to be rocket science, but univer-sity academics expect far drier prose from your essays than is often needed in the adjective soaked, neon coloured, hyper reality of the media industry. GuM are running this writing workshop on common journalistic techniques and style - transferring the academic

writing skills you university brainboxes already have and looking at how to ap-ply them to working in a print media environment. We need to say a quick thanks to apple for lending us a suite of Macs for the week’s workshop events.

Rena and James both work at Glas-gow University Magazine (GUM) the student magazine at this very University. Published three times a year it prides itself on tight, edgy writing and stylish design.

Mon 4PM ~ WILLIaMs RooM



dr daniel K oi / PhotosoC

Learn how to make interactive, high res, 360 degree panoramas. Photo-soc's in-house technology sage Dr Daniel k oi will demonstrate how to do this in software with photos taken from any camera at all. the talk will be fol-lowed by open questions and then a dash to the pub with a bunch of pho-tographers.

PhotoSoc meet regularly for screenings, talks, workshops stu-dio shoots, trips and exhibitions.

Mon 7-8:30PM - BoYD oRR Lt2 (GRounD fLooR)

tue 18th Jan



bbC sCotland PaCiFiC QUay

the BBC have kindly invited us down to have a look about the nooks and cran-nies of their highly polished operation down on the Clyde. they’re offering a tour of the studio facilities, followed by a special tour of the archive services and talk about digitisation - a rare opportunity given it’s never normally open to the public. Places for this one are limited to 15, and we need to give security names by friday 14th. to book a place email quicksharp.

The BBC make original television and news programming from their shiny Scottish headquarters on Pa-cific Quay in Glasgow.

tue 10aM ~ BookInG RequIReD

Sexing Up The Durex

Social Media Presence

Kirsty bell / yomeGo

have you ever liked a brand on face-book? have you ever tweeted about a brand and wondered if anyone at the company has actually read it? Brands are increasingly investing in social me-dia to increase awareness and drive customer loyalty. Yomego has been working with Durex to sex up their so-cial media - from global strategy devel-opment, to implementation and daily monitoring. If you want to learn how to build a brand on social media, whether

you are a university society or a global company, the principles are the same. Come along to find out more.

Kirsty works for Yomego, a lead-ing social media agency based in Glasgow who help brands to build, retain and monetise digital communities. They were recently featured on BBC News for an app which compiled festive wish lists based on analysis of public mes-sages posted to Facebook and Twit-ter.

tue 12PM ~ WILLIaMs RooM

How I met Benga

94 times - The

mysterious world

of Music Promoting

boom monK ben / mixed bizness

Working in student media can lead you down the rabbit hole of the mu-sic promotion industry - a labyrinth of email addresses, foreign mobile numbers, tour managers, promoters, handshakes and wry glances. If there’s anyone in Glasgow who knows how to de-tangle that mess it’s former subcity head of events Boom Monk Ben. Glas-weigan DJ extraordinaire, he’s toured the world spinning platters for brands who want to matter, and booking some of his fellow super-luminary DJ friends to play at many of his outstanding par-ties in this fair city. he’s also an ace at promotion, both online and offline and he’ll be sharing some of his professional know-how and stories of his exploits.

Ben started Mixed Bizness in 2004 to share music that excited him. In 2010 he put on acts including Big Boi, Starky, Fake Blood, Mag-netic Man and, of course, Benga.

tue 2PM ~ WILLIaMs RooM

How to Get 200

Strangers on a

Bus to a Party in

a Secret Location,

and Why 400 Want

to Come next time

shaUn mUrPhy & sam mUrray / Vitamins

starting up a brand which aims to do things a little differently is no small task, and recently Vitamins have been making a name for themselves in the

Glasgow clubbing scene primarily for a party they threw in august 2010 in a secret wooded location a hundred miles outside the city. shaun & sam will explain how the event was managed - from conception to booking acts, pro-moting it, selling tickets, setting up a tented mini-club in a forest and organ-ising 3 coach loads of people there and back safely. topics will include brand building, online promotion, event or-ganising and general skulduggery.

Shaun has worked at Subcity since 1806 - previously as sta-tion manager and head of events and currently as a general guru. Sam is ex- Subcity head of PR and currently part of the events team. Along with Cheesy and Luke, they’ve been selling out unique parties as Vitamins since May 2010.

tue 3PM ~ WILLIaMs RooM

WeD 19th Jan

Digging For Dirtthe diGGer

after falling spectacularly out of favour with a certain national newspaper, a re-porter who has now landed at the Dig-ger will be coming in to talk candidly about the ups and downs of a roller coaster career in the national news media and how working at the Dig-ger keeps them on their toes as they dig for dirt reporting on stories about Glasgow’s criminal underworld.

The Digger reports on gangs, drug dealing, guns and police. Its bold stance on investigation has led to well-known individuals suing the magazine and harassment from lawyers in a bid to keep them from reporting the news they publish in their weekly paper.

WeD 11aM ~ WILLIaMs RooM



tommy Ga-Ken Wan / PhotoGraPher

everyone’s a photographer now: the notion has quickly become cliche. few, however, make the leap from amateur snapper to professional. the greater the volume of information shared online, the harder it’s increasingly be-coming to stand out amidst the digi-tal deluge. tommy Ga-ken Wan is an exception. arguably Glasgow’s most popular photographer he’s amassed a huge following on flickr and works pro-fessionally for a host of exciting clients. he’s coming in to talk about his work, and life as a professional photographer.

Tommy is a freelance photographer based in Glasgow, whose photos have been viewed over 3 million times on Flickr. Recently he was flown across the ocean to be a judge on reality photography TV show ‘The Big Shot’, for Channel 5 Singa-pore.


Technical DJ Workshop

-One for the Geeks

steVe lainG & emily tilbUry / sUbCity radio

Where would the media industry be without those of high technical know-how and problem solving abilities?If it wasn’t for the geek, the fan-dan wouldn’t have platforms which rotated under them or flashy lights with which

to sun themselves. this session gets into the nitty gritty of some sound engi-neering principals - setting up and trou-bleshooting common DJ playback and control systems, from vinyl to ableton to serato, traktor and CDJ’s. no tech-nical knowledge required, come and have a fiddle about, for one day geeks shall inherit the earth, and it’s probably best to be among them.

Steve and Emily head up the tech team at Subcity Radio which regu-larly sets up recording sessions for bands and brings in the ridiculous PA’s the station hires in for its par-ties. Their most recent success was constructing a two-tier 10 foot high stage from steel deck for the Hal-loween event.


Writing a CV to get

noticed in Media

and Getting into a

Career in Media

UniVersity oF GlasGoW Careers serViCe

the university Careers service, staunch advocates of finding full time employment, are running two sessions to dispense practical advice about the in’s and out’s of the generally form filled entrance paths to the media. first up is a session on writing effective CV’s targeted to roles in the media, helping you to know what mistakes other kids are making when applying, and how to avoid them yourself. the following day they’re going to be talking about the nitty gritty of getting into a full on career in the industry - hint: it’s more

than just sending out CV’s left right and center.

The University Careers service are on hand throughout your stint at University (and a wee bit be-

yond) to help you quit lounging around and get you a proper job.

WeD & thu 12PM ~ WILLIaMs RooM

thu 20th Jan

U can get PAID

to do internetz.

This is da futr!rosie daVies / the arChes

Writing for the Internet can be a com-pletely different kettle of lolcatz than for print media. In a space where eve-ryone is shouting as loud as they can about their product X or rave review Y, the smart thing to do is shout different, not louder. Rosie will explore how online debate can be fermented and things made interesting enough to attract the interest of both citizens and press alike.

After studying English Lit at Glas-gow Uni, Rosie became Digital Press Officer for The Arches, the cav-ernous vaults which regularly host the city’s most exciting gigs, club nights and theatre performances. She can also write much better copy than this here what you’re reading.

thu 2PM ~ WILLIaMs RooM

Screening of

Raising Arizona

sCreens GU

“screens Gu is Glasgow university’s society for the appreciation of film, as well as the occasional bit of great tel-evision. each thursday afternoon sees the society present, on one rather big screen, a cinematic treat for viewing pleasure. each semester has screen-ings of films from a wide array of eras, styles and countries of origin” - so they say, and who’s to doubt them? During Media Week they’re screening Raising arizona, a devious adventure / comedy / crime film. splendid.

thu 3PM - anDReW steWaRt CIneMa, G12 theatRe

fRI 21st Jan

Running a Gallery

and Making Friends

amy Whiten / reCoat Gallery

Recoat gallery is one of the gems of Glasgow’s West end. tucked away just off Great Western Road it’s always chocka with exciting new art that your Grandma probably wouldn’t like. Gal-lery director amy will talk about how they set the place up, some of the projects they’ve worked on, how they find new artists, promote themselves and obtain funding and sponsorship. there’ll also be an abundance of pretty pictures. sold.

Amy works as a freelance illustra-tor, mural and exhibiting artist, and lecturer. She founded and is man-aging director of Recoat Gallery, the only gallery of its kind in Scot-land. They exhibit graphic art, illus-tration, street art and photography.

fRI 12PM ~ WILLIaMs RooM

Make Posters

Not Words

sPaCeWood / WeCanneVerstoP.Com

knowing how to turn words upside down or rearrange clauses is all well and good, but how are you going to publicise anything without a good bit of eye candy to chow-down on? tal-ented designer spacewood is coming in to talk about what makes a good design and effective poster, before get-

ting stuck in and showing you how he does it, right in front of your very eyes. hone up on (or begin to learn) Photo-shop skills, no experience necessary, just turn up.

Spacewood is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator who re-cently designed an entire shop in Glasgow Airport. He also runs popular Glasgow-centric arts blog


48 Hour Filmmaking


CUt! FilmmaKinG netWorK

Cut’s challenge is to write, shoot and edit a film in only 48 hours. Really. they plan on splitting into two teams to write a film on friday, shoot it on saturday, edit on the sunday and screen it that night at the Buff Club. the assembled crowd will decide which is the better film, whilst the filmakers presumably huddle around some caffeine dispens-ing oracle by that stage. Get filmmak-ing experience and to meet other student filmmakers, everyone from be-ginners to experts are welcome. exact details are still tBC, check for updates.

Cut! Film-making Network acts as a meeting point for students inter-ested in collaborative film-making projects.

eXaCt DetaILs tBC on WWW.CutfILMMakInG.CoM

Subcity says

who da best

sUbCity radio

the next in subcity’s long lineage of highly-regarded parties is taking place on last night of Media Week in the classy basement of stereo. By the end of Media Week everyone’ll be down enough with the media speak to call this the ‘wrap party’ and act likes it’s no big deal - we’ll see. What’s for certain is that subcity have taken their usual self-deprecating irony to a new level with the press for the event lashing:

“after abandoning our initial resolution to give up hyperbole (it was too enor-mous a task), we’ve decided to make this the year of bringing you more. Why have two DJs when you can have four? Why have four when you can have eight battling it out across four differ-ent genres? aye, why not. In this race against the clock showdown, stereo will become our battleground, as we at-tempt to discover Who Da Best?”

By the week’s end the sRC will be gag-ging for a good dance after all this or-ganisng. see yous there.

Subcity Radio continue to run some of the most respected club nights in Glasgow. After conquering The Arches for their 15th birthday last year, they’ve recently run packed out parties in SWG3, The Art School, and Nice and Sleazy using DJs who have shows on the station.

11PM ~ £6/7steReo ~ RenfIeLD Lane

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