media radials

Post on 21-Nov-2014






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Ancillary Product:



Mainly dark colours such as blacks and greys. This has been used to create a negative or mysterious atmosphere that is conventional of the thriller genre. The use of bland and dark colours suggest that the target audience are mainly adults. However some bright colours are also shown in this poster, for example the title “Shutter Island” and release date “October” are in red. This displays that this is the most important information on the poster and is therefore the focus pull. This attracts the adult target audience as the use of important details in red suggests it is for people who are “on the go”. The connotations of red shows that the film may revolve around death and violence. The use of dark blacks, greys and reds are stereotypical of a thriller-horror poster as they are viewed as aesthetically pleasing.


The main image is of Leonardo DiCaprio, he is in black and white, other than his eyes which are shown in colour, this is significant as it could give some insight into the film the fact that we are only shown him also shows that he is the main character. The connotations of blue are ideas of tranquillity and peace however this is contradicted by the dark outlook of the poster. The island shown underneath is highlighted in a bright glowing light, this could suggest that there is more to the island than meets the eye. The sea surrounding the island is dark and begins to get lighter as it approaches the island. This opposes the idea of the building having a hidden agenda. Chiaroscuro lighting has also been used to show the danger of the island. There is also a backlight behind the island creating a gloomy effect.


The layout of this poster is simple. It follows the typical conventions of a poster and it shows vital information such as the title of the film and release date as well as giving insight to the film through the use of an image. The bottom of the poster also tells the audience the actors, funding companies, director and producer which is stereotypical of any film poster.


A simple font has been used this could be to detract from the large picture above. The font itself is blood red and looks blurred or smeared. This suggests that an element of death and danger is spreading.Tagline: The tagline is “Someone is missing” it is in small

writing; this could suggest that this is not a major part of the film. However the tagline is placed over the image of Leonardo DiCaprio suggests that the person missing is close to him or revolves around him.

Cast One simple name, who is starring in the film, this may attract the audience to see the film as the may like the actor that is starring in it, this may also identify the target audience, determine what films the actor generally stars in, what age groups generally watch them.

Image In this poster the image that they use is very simple, just of the young boy that is in the film walking into the number six of “The Sixth Sense”, using the colours this shows that the young boy is walking into danger. The shot is taken from behind the boy at a far distance; this could mean that it is too late for him to turn back.

Language “NOT EVERY GIFT IS A BLESSING.” is in capitals; the connotation of this is that it is telling the audience something, which might attract the audience’s attention, it also represents the mystery. The slogan may be an idea to what the storyline is about, it sounds as if it has a negative effect, this may be what happens in the storyline. As this sentence is taunting this suggests that the target audience for this film is for adults.

Genre As the poster is simple; it shows mystery and the “NOT EVERY GIFT IS A BLESSING” gives the idea that something is going to happen, unexpectedly, this shows that the film is a thriller; this also shows that the target audience is for young adults as children wouldn’t watch a thriller.

Font A child like font for the name of the film “The Sixth Sense”, the connotation of this is that it emphasises the fact that a child may be used in the storyline. As this poster is fairly simple, it’s clear what the name of the film is, it’s effective as it is simple and straightforward.

Layout The poster uses space effectively, by vertically having the numbers with what sense they are, and then have the storyline sense at the bottom of the list to gradually build up what the story may be about. As the layout is simple this advertises to adults as this layout wouldn’t be effective for a child.

Colour The colours used are simple as they use just a black background, the connotation of using black is the idea of death and danger, this may happen in the storyline. Using orange for the numbers also has the connotation of danger and death. For the sixth sense the number “6” is amplified to emphasise the fact that this is what the story is about and the danger in the storyline is the effect of this. Using dark colours in the poster shows that the film is for young adults as children wouldn’t be attracted to these dark colours.

Colour - The colours used on this poster consists of a dark colour palette creating a mysterious yet exciting atmosphere. In this case, the key colours used are black, dark blue and brown. For example, the connotations of black are death, decay and mystery. However, they have also used the colour white for the font because it stands out against the background.

Genre - Immediately after looking at this it is clear that the genre is aimed at people who are interested in thriller.

Font - They have used a serif font meaning that it is basic yet still effective. The font of the title is jagged giving an insight of what may happen in the film. The name of the title also gives a slight indication of what it may be about. Most of the font on the screen is also in capital letters showing the importance.

Image - I feel that the images used on this poster are very effective as both images are taken as close ups showing the emotion of the characters. The image above may have been placed there showing the authority and power over the other character. In the distance background, a character is shown possible showing that they are lonely, standing in the rain.

Layout - The poster layout has been created to show a separation between the characters. The title is placed in the middle of the characters showing separation as well as the line indication breaking of a mirror or glass. The layout is very basic, with images taking up almost the whole poster especially the centre, this has been done as generally a poster is placed where a target audience can quickly look at it therefore it needs to attract the audiences attention quickly.

Ancillary Product:

Magazine Cover


The main image is of Will Smith promoting his new film, I Am Legend. He is placed in the centre of the page showing he is main story within this magazine. The subject is wearing a green jacket and holding a gun. The gun suggests danger and violence whilst the green jacket connotes nature. This could imply that the film is about the danger of nature or society. The clothing and misty effect of the image also tells the audience that the genre is action thriller and would mainly intrigue target audience of adults. Will Smith is also looking straight at the camera, and therefore the reader entailing that he is being confrontational or antagonistic. There are also smaller images shown underneath the main image. These are four stills from upcoming blockbusters that are being filmed at the time the magazine was being published. This gives insight to other stories or elements of the magazine and also shows films of different genres that will attract other audiences who do not enjoy the crime-thriller genre.


The language used is mainly sensationalised and dramatic, this is used as promotion for the magazine. This is seen through the use of “25 world exclusives” implying that this is the only magazine that has it. It also suggests that they have a certain prestige and only they have been chosen. Another example is “Best Winter Preview Ever,” this hints that the magazine has exceeded itself and it proving it is “The World’s Biggest Movie Magazine” therefore improving their own status and coaching people to buy they magazine as they feel it is the best they can get. In the bottom left the “Plus!,” this has also been used to intrigue the audience and ensure they buy the magazine.


The font for “I Am Legend” starts in non bold lettering but the word “Legend” is in bold and a slightly different colour from the rest of the text. This implies that Will Smith is the “Legend” as the word is also placed over his torso. The title of the magazine, “Empire” is in bold behind the main image which cuts off the letter “P” suggesting that he is the most important thing on the front page. The main titles such as “Watchmen,” “American Gangster” and “Will Smith’s” are in bold showing their importance.


The main colour palate used consists of red and white. These are contrasting notions as the colour red connotes danger and destruction whereas white implies angelic and pure qualities. This could suggest that the film “I Am Legend” is about purity being overtaken by danger and death. The titles of films and important information are in shown in red so that they will stand out and attract the reader.

LanguageUsing “Christopher Nolan’s” will attract the fans of the director, as this is above the film that they are advertising it is easy to spot. Auteur may also be the reason for attracting the same audience. At the bottom of the page using “PLUS” will attract the audience to buy the magazine as it suggests that the magazine includes something else that another magazine wont. Also on the main image the gold circle stands Out which includes “Dream access” this will attract the audience into buying and looking at the magazine.


The masthead is at the top of the page so that the name stands out and easy to spot, it shows a prominent position, you then have the image of the promotion of the film in the middle of the page, so that without reading anything you will be able to guess what the main feature of the magazine that week/month is. Next to the image on the left and right, slanted are the other features of the magazine, such as interviews with actors and directors, also other films that are out at a similar time. On top of the only image is the text that comes with that image, talking about the interview which appears in the magazine, as part of the image.


The image in placed in the centre of the page, the image is a good advertisement as this will attract the audience, who likes the actor that is on the front cover and will want to see the film that he is starring in..


All the titles are bold and capitalised to attract the audience as it stands out form the rest of the magazine, the font is fairly simple, so it doesn’t look busy on the front cover, so the audience will take time to read the magazine. The name of the magazine is in block capitals, this shows that it is the name of the magazine and it stands out and is easy to read for the audience. This also represents the genre as its strong and represents the action of the film they are advertising. Colour

The colour palette used in this front cover are simple, by using just black, white and red. The connotation of these colours are danger and death, this will attract audiences that like films that have thriller/horror genre. The gold bubble on the image is advertising a dream event, through the use of using the colour gold, this shows that it is precious. The background uses greys/blues this shows a neutral pa


The use of the actor on the front cover could identify the target audience, using the other films he has been in, it might have the same target audience for the film they are advertising on this magazine.

Audience - They have created several factors on this poster showing the genre therefore if the audience members are interested in action they are likely to buy the magazine. Also, in a large font it says ‘IRON MAN 2’, which will attract a large audience as anyone who has watched Iron Man 1 is more than likely to watch the second one.

Genre - Immediately after looking at this magazine the audience are able to understand that the genre of this film is action. There are several factors that show this including the colour. Dark colours are used, connoting the idea of power. Also the costume and the positioning of the character indicates what is about therefore giving an idea of the genre.

Image - The image is very important on this page, because it dominates the centre of the page thus establishing its importance. My exploration of other magazines shows this to be a convention. The image covers up a large amount of the title, showing that the audience have familiarity with the title as it is a popular monthly magazine.

Language - At the bottom of the page the word ‘PLUS’ is written in bold. This would be an important part of the text as it is implying that the audience members are getting something extra that is not usually offered. Similar to this, ’MORE MARVELS’ is used to attract the audience.

Layout - I have looked at other magazine as well as this and I feel that this magazine is a stereotypical layout for a film magazine. For example, the image usually take up most of the page, also with a large font consisting of title of the magazine. A smaller font is also normally used for telling the audience what is inside.

Font - The font of the name of the magazine is in a large block font. This has been created therefore it will be the first thing the audience will see. It is clear that it is a popular magazine, that is produced either monthly or weekly as the title would be the same throughout every magazine made therefore would be recognisable towards the target audience. The information on the magazine front cover is also in bold writing depending on its importance. Most of the sub-headings are in bold and the information to go with this in a large font however in italics.


Film Trailer

Camera Work :

• Establishing shot of island, establishes setting.

• Fast tracking movement going up to gates, shows movement and adds pace.

• Pan of building and surrounding area, to show whole setting.

• Close up on mans hand, to show knife, suggest death and danger.

• Over the shoulder shot when main character talking to man. Used to show main character reaction and follow conversation.

• Close up on woman putting fingers to lips, suggests building has secret.

• Medium shot of Leonardo Dicaprio in underground tunnels. Rule of thirds, cut into three sections.

• Close up on young girls face. To show that she is dead and gain emotion from audience.

• Aerial shot, used twice. Once when man is lying dead on floor and second when main character standing in prison.

Editing :

• Fast pace straight cuts, these have been used to add pace and tension to the trailer.

Sound :

Soundtrack- Fast and upbeat music in places throughout. Mainly in places where names of actors and other films the director has produced are displayed.

Mise-en-scene :

• Chiaroscuro lighting, used to show the darkness and eeriness of the film and to send the message of thriller genre.

• Main setting island, surrounded by greenery but actual building itself mundane and grey. Implies isolation from nature, reality and society.

• People in chains, imply held captive against will. Shot of gates being closed, suggests locked in. Reinforces being held against will.

• People bleeding, imply danger and death.

• People in white, could suggest purity or imply being kept for a reason for example it could be a prison, mental institution.

• Underground tunnels, hints secrecy.

Narrative- Speech from actual movie used, for example, “Marshal, welcome to Shutter Island”. Shows us that man entering island is a police officer and suggests there have therefore been disturbances on the island. At end of trailer male voice says the release date and name of film.

Mise-en-scene :

•First shot shows setting landscape of New York.

•At start natural lighting however it is mainly dark foreshadowing danger to come.

•People in normal/average attire, mostly wearing black stressing that they are in a position of danger.

•In the “Panic Room” a bland colour palate is used. There are mainly greys and blacks; this show the blandness of the house or woman's life.

Camera Work :

• Pan of New York landscape. Used to set scene and show surroundings.

• Zoom in on woman as walking along street, this has been used to show her emotion and to display to the audience that she is surveying the house we have just seen a man walk out of.

•Depth of field. Able to see people behind main character as well as main character being in view. Enables us to see reactions and emotions. Used in this instance to show main character in control as she has choice whether to buy house or not.

•Lots of panning used in “panic room” to show it’s importance in the film.

•Crane shot used which becomes a tracking shot throughout the house. Used to show the audience the house and display that someone is breaking into it.

Editing :

•Fades are used throughout the trailer for example from the city landscape to the man walking out of the house. This has been used to make an easy transition between shots.

•Straight cuts are also used. In the beginning when being shown around house slow cuts are used however towards the end they become faster due to the introduction of action.


•In outset, slow orchestral music is used. This hints that something is about to happen. When the panic room is opened the music suddenly stops but carries on when they walk inside, this implies that the “Panic Room is important within the film”.

•Toward the end of the trailer the music becomes more upbeat and intense.

Sound :


• Dialogue from film is used within the trailer.

• Toward the end when dialogue is used it is mainly in whispers showing how scared the two people are.

Mise en scene

The props in the trailer are simple, the use of the blanket in the image below shows that it is used as a security item for safety. This represents that the film is a thriller as the young boy is trying to hid from something/someone.

In the top still image the young boy is wearing a red jumper, the connotation of this is that he is in danger, or entering death.

Most of the lighting used in this trailer is low key, this adds atmosphere to the setting and gives a idea that it is a thriller and shows that someone may be in danger.


Dissolves are used at the beginning of the trailer to slow down the pace of the trailer while we first meet some of the characters and understand the plot, once we understand that it has mainly straight cuts after; this adds tension to the setting as we see the plot in more detail.

Camera Work

In the top still Image a high angle is used, this shows that the young boy is vulnerable and powerless. Early on in the trailer a rule is thirds is used, horizontally and vertically, this represents that the young boy is on his own. A rule of thirds is used again at the very end of the trailer between the dad a space and the the boy this shows that there is a separation between the two characters and show that there is something keeping them apart from each other.

Tracking is used several times throughout this trailer, mainly when the young boy is running away, to add tension to the audience, for what the young boy is going through. This could represent the genre of the film as someone is running away from something that the audience doesn’t know about.


Dialogue is shown and heard throughout the trailer, to give the audience an insight to what the film is about and what is going on.

Both diegetic and non diegetic sound are used in the trailer; non diegetic sound is used to add a atmosphere to the setting, to add tension. Diegetic sounds used are the sounds off the young's boys feet when running away this adds realism to the trailer. Diegetic sounds are also magnified to exaggerate the feelings and mood of the characters.


Mainly straight cuts are used, especially at the beginning this is when we first meet the characters.

At the playground fade outs are used after seeing each piece of equipment, then watching the girl on the slide (top image) these carry on whilst the girl falls off the slide. This adds mystery and tension to the extract as we don’t know what is going to happen.

At the playground depth of field is used when looking at the equipment the equipment is the focus pull whilst the background is not in focus this is to emphasise the sound of the squeaking.

Camera Work

An Ariel shot is used at the beginning of the trailer to show the house that Esther is now going to live in, to show how lucky she now is.

A crane is used when we see the mum this shows her emotions then we see the setting she is in.

A zoom in is used when Esther is in the little girls room, so we see the setting she is in, we then see her emotions.

Tracking is used when the car is running down the hill, also when the mum is running after it, this adds pace to the extract and tension as we don’t know whether the car will stop.

Mise en Scene

At the beginning of the extract the setting is at a catholic children's home, this gives the idea that the child they are adopting is sweet and innocent.

In the middle of the extract at the playground there is a sl0ow pace clip of squeaking chains from the swings this adds realism to the extract as children are involved but as it is slow pace it adds an atmosphere, this represents the genre thriller.

The clothes that Esther wears look older than her age group would stereotypically wear, this suggests that there is something about her that we don’t know about. This again represents thriller as you are expecting the unexpected.


At the beginning of the extract there is dialogue between Esther and the man and woman, this is where we are given the idea that she is different as she doesn’t like to go to the parties with the other children. Dialogue is also used near the end of the extract when the mum is on the phone, this is when we find out that there is something wrong with Esther.

Diegetic sounds are used in this extract such as when Esther is screaming in the toilets, you wouldn’t expect a little girl to do such a thing in secrecy. The squeaking of the chains at the playground adds tension to the extract, yet with realism.

Non Diegetic sound is used such as when the girl gets pushed off the slide, to add tension.

The sound of thunder is used in the girls bedroom this adds tension again as we don’t know what is going to happen.

Sound - Throughout the trailer there is no dialogue therefore there is no use of a diegetic sound. At the beginning a slow pace music is used. However, as the trailer goes on the music begins to get faster and more up beat. This adds tension to the trailer indicating the genre of the film.

Camera Work -Camera shots, angles and movements are used in this trailer. It begins with a zoom-in drawing attention to the main character. Later, a moving image is shown, creating the effect that it is rush hour because it is at a train station showing every rushing past the camera. Whilst this is happening the camera is also zooming in showing the emotion of the character. An Ariel shot is used later in the trailer, showing the setting. A zoom out is also used allowing you to see the image as a wide shot. A key movement is slow tracking, focusing on the facial expression of the characters. As this comes to an end the camera stop focusing on Bruce Willis who is the main character. The camera work used in this trailer is very effective and creates different effects for the audience at different moments in the trailer.

Editing -Throughout the trailer, the technique fade in is used. This has been done to show the transition between each shot. The pace of this can create a different effect. For example, at the beginning of the trailer this are used regularly but slowly whereas later in the trailer they begin to speed up to add tension reflecting of the genre of the film.

Mise-en-scene -Mise-en-scene is used to determine action, genre, characters and theme. The trailer is set in both a house and at a train station. This is effective as most of the audience will be able to relate to it. At the beginning of the trailer dark lighting is used which represent danger. Another aspect that may represent this is costume. The main character is shown wearing a shirt at the beginning, however this shows him looking casual yet scruffy as the shirt is undone. Later in the trailer, he is shown in the same shirt but looks a lot smaller. This shows how one item can be represented in different ways. Less important characters, for example the people at the train station are looking a lot smarter. This is shown by them holding brief cases and wearing suits possibly having the connotations of a business man or women.Less important characters– suits brief cases


From our extensive research into film trailers, posters and magazines we can determine that the typical conventions of the thriller genre are:

• Chiaroscuro lighting

• Eerie and upbeat music

• Fast paced straight cuts

• Fades are sometimes used for easy transition between shots

• Dialogue taken from film

• Dark clothing

• Tracking used in many of the trailers studies

Shutter Island:

•Aerial Shot – An Aerial shot is used to show surroundings. The aerial shot is very complex as it is one of the only times we can see something from above. This shot has been used to show Leonardo DiCaprio’s surroundings.

•Rule Of Thirds – This has been used to show the subjects isolation.


•Crane – This has been used to show the setting and surroundings.

•Tracking – Used to add pace to the scene


•Zoom- Used to show emotions or facial expression

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