may 2012 news

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Brookdale News May 2012


Letter from the President

0161 439 559813 Maple RoadBramhallStockportCheshireSK7 2DH

May 2012

Dear Friends,

Here we are again- time passes very quickly. I enjoyed “A Voyage Round My Father” – well done to everyone involved. We shall soon have another play upon us and if David is up to his usual tricks it should be a good evening’s entertainment!

We have enjoyed “Landscapes” with the Digital Photography section, Walrus Lunch with Eddie Stobart, “Morocco” with Travel - amazing!, “Nepal” with the Linguists; interesting!, don’t we get around! Theatre coffee morning and Gardening coffee, Bowling coffee, and Ramblers’ coffee. I love coffee!

The Gardeners’ Ladies have been working extremely hard on the side garden of the Club and it is looking so much better and as the summer approaches I am sure it will bring them great credit as it is well thought - out. Well done!

We had a wine- tasting evening with the Wine section at which there was much giggling by the end of the evening! We had a lovely ramble round Lyme Park and a lunch afterwards where a member of the party had a nasty turn! I am glad to say she is well and back in action. We had a lovely time at the Theatre VP’s evening “Sparkle with Sue” and I danced till exhausted and also had a family party the following day. Unfortunately this meant I had to miss the Bar Quiz but I believe it went well.

I had a letter from Cyril Tuckey with a donation to my Charity regretting that he could not be at President’s Evening. It was nice to hear from him.We have President’s Evening on 19th May and I look forward to seeing you all there. Arthur Watson has kindly agreed to organize the kitchen and ladies will make the coffee, and others are making cakes for the


refreshments. The raffle is used to pay for the event so we will welcome any donations.

On 23rd June we have the Charity Fair when we hope to see all the stalls manned to raise as much as possible for the Valley School, this year’s Charity. We also have the Lunch which is prepared by Niel Lingwood and his team and a very good lunch it is! So get your tickets now.

On 30th June we have the Charity Evening event and this year we are having a 60s Evening with a two- course meal and I hope as many as possible will be able to attend. Tickets will be available later.

I hope you are all well and not too shocked by the change in the weather. I enjoyed the Fashion Show at M & Co with our male and female models strutting their stuff, including two young BYT members who looked very confident. I even bought a dress, and no doubt it will be recognised when I wear it in the club.

Just returned from a ramble round Woodford with Agnes Barlow; seventeen of us, and although it was damp underfoot, the sun shone most of the way and one nice gentleman gave me a hand where it was necessary up onto a steep stile and also a cup of his coffee. Lovely ! Brookdalers are so nice!!

Hoping you are all keeping well. Very Best wishes

Angela Cowap



New Editor for the NEWSIt is with great pleasure that we announce that Jean James has agreed to take on the role of Editor of the Brookdale News, starting with the next issue. Therefore if you have any enquiries or queries concerning the News they should be addressed to her . [Full details inside the front cover]

Also the News is embracing new technology so it is not necessary for the Editor to use a personal email address and all email for the Editor should be sent to

Changes have been made to the dates of the news, so that it will be easier for everyone to remember the deadlines and distribution dates. In the future there will be six issues of the News a year at regular intervals of every other month. The deadline dates will always be the last day of the months of January [February issue], March [April issue], May [June Issue], July [August Issue], September [October Issue] and November [December Issue]. It is hoped the News will be available for delivery about the 15th

of the month following the deadline date. So that the next deadline date will be 31st May [June Edition] and it should available for distribution around the 15th of June. Bank Holidays may impact on this timetable from time to time.

Therefore contributors to the News need to remember that the deadlines will always be the last day of months 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 [that is the odd number months] and deliveries will be just after the 15th of months 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 [that is the even


TABLE TOP SALESThe next Table Top Sale will be on Sunday 27th May 2012. The telephone number for anyone wanting to book a table is 439 0606. Then the next sale will be on Sunday 30th September. Anyone who is willing to help with these Sales in any way will be very welcome. The tasks are not onerous and most need only take just over an hour of your valuable time. If anyone not already on my list feels able to volunteer, you will be most welcome – Ray Rodwell - 0161 485 4665.


FASHION SHOW AT M & CoA very interesting fun evening was enjoyed by all who came to the Fashion Show on Tuesday 3rd April. Our 20 models showed a considerable variety of clothes of all sorts and sizes during the evening and the large audience got down to some retail therapy afterwards! Special thanks to our two young models, Ethan and Mia who were the stars of the show.

Many thanks to Judy Rodwell for arranging and masterminding the evening, virtually no stone was left un-turned to ensure everything had been thought of, also thanks to Diane Bowker for her brilliant efforts to sell tickets. Thank you, to those who modelled during the evening, and also to our helpers, in particular, Alex Joyce and his assistants for transporting over 130 Brookdale chairs to and from the venue and to Ray Halls on ‘sound’.

I’m sure we would like to repeat this event at some future date, but we learned during the evening that the lease for the M & Co premises is not being renewed with the result that the shop will have to close in the near future.

Finally we should record our thanks to Resident Photographer/Paparazzo Ray Halls who managed to photograph all our models – no easy task while they were on the move! If you weren’t able to get to the Fashion Show, a taste of what went on can be seen in the picture frames in the bar.



SONGS FROM THE SHOWS – SATURDAY 14th APRILWhat a brilliant evening this turned out to be. Our students from the Royal Northern College of Music, Jessica Gillingwater and Adam Player accompanied by Andrew Dunlop (piano), sang an excellent and varied range of songs, with some very humorous touches, to an attentive audience of around 140. The Main Hall looked very ‘Spring like’ with the pretty table decorations and the tasty cold platter supper produced by the ladies of the Social Committee and helpers was extremely well received. Very many thanks to Carol Streak who suggested approaching the RNCM and then made the arrangements with them and to all the committee members and helpers who rallied round to help us set up for the evening.


DIAMOND JUBILEEUnfortunately there was little or no support for a possible event on 4 th

June to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, so the Committee has decided not to continue with the idea. Readers may have noted that the Wine Society have a Street Party on Friday 25th May.


WHIST DRIVESWhist drives are held each month in the Upper Hall. Our regular “third Thursday of the month” applies every month apart from September if the Club AGM falls then, as it does this year.

We begin to play at 7:30 pm, and admission is £2 per person, apart from President’s Charity Whist, which is £2.50. The admission price includes a cup of tea and biscuit in the interval. Raffle tickets are sold then and the winners have their prizes presented to them at the end of the evening by the President when the whist prizes are also presented.

The next dates for whist are 17th May, 21st June [charity whist], and 19th

July. You do not need a partner, or to be a club member to join us, as this is an open evening.



250 CLUBThe first Saturday each month at 11:30 am is when the President draws the three winning numbers in the Bar and presents the winners with their cheques – and a bottle of wine for the first prize winner if he or she is in the bar at the time.

This series of draws ends with the August one, and there will be an application form for the next series, commencing in September, in the next issue of the News.

The April winners were:1st Jean Cresswell 2nd Sheila Watson 3rd Susan Mitchell



Thank you to all our Bar staff for turning out on these freezing winter evenings. I said this last month but it looks as though the weather is doing a re-run!

Well done to Sheila and Arthur for their quiz in March with lots of lovely refreshments and to the Theatre-goers in February. Unfortunately, I was unable to be at the April quiz but hear it went well, so many thanks to Harry Newton and to the Berrys for doing the refreshments. The May quiz will actually be in April; the 29th to be precise, as 6th May is part of the Bank Holiday weekend and many are otherwise engaged. Jo Moor and team will be in charge. The 3rd June sees Iain Dickinson doing the quiz and refreshment volunteers are needed for this. Harvey and Barbara will do the Charity Quiz on 24th June so hope you will all be there!



Section News (in alphabetical order)


The choir, Andante, has received a certificate from the Multiple Sclerosis Society for the donation of £1,520 raised at the concert on Sunday afternoon, 25th March. We are really proud to have contributed this amount and thank all the people involved in making this possible, the audience, the performers and the many people in the background who set up the stage, the room and served the refreshments.

David Leach organised a team from the choir, husbands of choir members and other volunteers from the club to set up the tiered stage (we love so much), a very intricate set up, not just the press of a button but more like a very large Meccano set for grown ups! All those involved enjoyed the camaraderie it engendered and the discovery of how the whole thing worked. Lots of friendly banter could be heard in between the heated arguments which occasionally ensued between the veterans. Thanks again to Hilary Wharton and Wendy Birch-Jones who provided the refreshments in the morning during set up and in the afternoon during the concert interval helped by Carol and Barbara, wives of Whinge and Racket. Thanks to David Smith again for all his continued very committed hard work including setting up and advertising the event and liaising with the Society.

The concert took place on a hot Sunday afternoon; the Sun was shining brilliantly and yet people still came indoors to listen to the music. Young Robbie Heywood sat through the whole concert ensuring the musical backing was on cue; as usual his expertise in electronic engineering was much appreciated as was young Alex Whelan who managed the sound and lighting from that dark little room high up in the back corner of the hall. Andante sang a number of popular songs; Sheila Howe performed a solo beautifully, singing Second Hand Rose, with the famous line (which you must sing while reading to appreciate) ‘even Jake the plumber, the man I adored, had the nerve to tell me he’d been married before!!!’. Alan and Gerry performed again as Whinge and Racket receiving great applause for their duets of classical and modern music. The tune Entrance of the Queen of Sheba went down really well, and duets like Pavan and Niagra contributed a real lively atmosphere to the afternoon.

Our next performance, the Coffee Morning, will be on Saturday, 21st

April, and hopefully will be a success with a different slant. The audience participation will be more than is usual, with only four of the songs

cont/…performed solely by the choir. We are hoping everyone will be in good


voice and have good memory recall to sing the words to the popular songs lead by David Smith on piano. As usual, Alan will be leading the choir.

We have three more events to look forward to; our AGM on Wednesday, 16th May, with the announcement of our new vice president, our social evening now to be held on Wednesday, 30th May, with lots of fun and games to say thank you to Alan for his year as V P, and a meal on Friday, 29th June again at the Deanwater for us all to celebrate another year enjoying our Wednesday evenings singing together. Thanks again go to Alan for leading the choir, his continued patience and always interesting musical arrangements. You, of course, are always welcome to join us.



A demonstration of flower painting by Brenda Chappell went well. This subject is always popular with members.

We intend to have our original art work cards for sale on President’s Charity Day, time to think about your ideas for this worthwhile event.

We have booked a trip to Liverpool and the Albert Dock for Tuesday 26th

June. The cost will be £10 per person and is open to all members of the Brookdale. A list of details is on the noticeboard.

Our thanks and compliments go to the Gardening Section for their efforts in making such a fine garden at the side of the Club.

Don’t forget our AGM on Wednesday, 16th May followed by free painting on the day.

Get well soon wishes go out to our members who are under the weather and unable to join us a the Club. We miss you!




The final of the Blackshaw Cup was held on Wednesday, 14th March,between Jeanette Kershaw and Arthur Blake. Twenty six members of theBowling Section were present as spectators, and were provided with anexcellent contest. Captain Roger Grimes, who refereed  the match,wondered if he was going to run out of chalk, as the bowls were makingcontact with the jack so many times! At the conclusion of a superfinal Arthur triumphed and both finalists were given manycongratulations.

The Bowling Section Coffee morning on Saturday, 18th March, was verywell attended and enjoyed by 92 people, the Quiz being provided byBarbara Hopkinson. Nora Newbitt, who will celebrate her 99 th birthdayin June, very kindly donated a raffle prize, along with many otherswho gave generously. A big thank you to Ruth Piggin who providedlovely home-made cakes which were enjoyed by all. Every year a Cup is presented to "The Most Improved Bowler" and this year it has been awarded to Hilary Black.  Well done Hilary. Arthur Blake was also presented with his Cup as winner of the Blackshaw Competition.

We welcome Harry Williams as a new member to the Sectionand also welcome Jeanette Burnett back on to the Committee. BarbaraHopkinson has been distributing the permits required for OutdoorBowling, which commenced on Monday, 16th April.



Fred Screeton has gone. After a long debilitating illness, bravely borne, this lovely chap died in early March, leaving many to grieve his passing. We offer our sincere sympathy to all his family but particularly his wife Jean and daughter Karen. Both may well return soon to Friday afternoon Bridge and will be made very welcome.

Only a few hours ago I heard that Wendy Joyce and Jeanne Brookes are unwell and in hospital: one hopes that they will make progress and be back with us soon.

Throughout the winter the Teams of Four, managed by Noel Clarke, have struggled valiantly to produce a winner; whose team members in the end have shown skills which out do those of others. The prize is



prodigious and valuable, i.e. their reputation is enhanced! Well done, G. Barker et al.. The abridged version, one evening only, was won by Fletcher, Kirwan and the McDonalds(50% Scottish, please note).

Heartiest Congratulations to Sue Gray and Pam Bowden; in the Simultaneous Pairs, a National Charity Event held in early March, they came 30th in the country. Match points will soon come flying their way! Wow! I have been told, modestly, by Pam that they did well because of opponents’ shortcomings from which they took full advantage.

I’ve heard tell of another of our ladies who spent a Bridge holiday in Florida. She learnt about 5 card majors and Strong No trumps. From the Americans she discovered that Acol was to them nothing more than an abbreviated Army Officer! That’s this month’s little silly. But learn more from our Gill Cuthbert.



One of the highlights of our winter season has once again been the Ladies’ Lunch which took place at the end of February. The three course Sunday Dinner prepared, served and cleared away by our menfolk was very much appreciated. Thank you to the whole team.

The evening of Diminishing Whist was great fun and it was good to have support from “outside” the Caracamp section.

The caravans will soon be on the road and we hope for a return of that early spring sunshine and warmth.

Please remember the AGM on May 17th. Minutes can be examined on the Caracamp notice board.




Sales of tickets for the Dance on 12th May (when we will be celebrating 50 years since the dance section was formed) are selling well. We will be having a gold theme and a celebration cake. Richard Church, our MC, is planning a varied and exciting programme for this event and there will be more on this next time.

Following on from this we will be having a special dance on Saturday 7th

July when all the proceeds will be going to the President’s Charity and our MC then will be Ron Clare.

Don’t forget your AGM on 9th May at 7:30 pm which will be held prior to dancing at 8:00 pm.



Do they pass the “So What” test? George Wilson gave a well illustrated talk to 30 enthusiastic photographers at our March meeting. His topic “landscapes” was informative and well received, his projected photographs being of a very high standard.

We all take holiday “snaps” which mean a great deal to ourselves but nothing much to anyone else. This is where the “So What” test comes to the fore, as it can be the reaction we get when we show our photos to people who were not present on the particular holiday or visit. To generate a more positive reaction our pictures have to evoke a feeling and focus. A focal point is needed, possibly following the rule of “thirds”, where the main point of interest is not placed centrally in the frame. The photograph needs a sense of structure and people can be included to give an indication of scale. Do not clutter up the picture, less is more, and remember the eye registers shapes before details, especially circles. Fill the frame and realise that we see with our brain as it gets messages from our eyes, the camera cannot do this.

George has been on a photo landscape course and a piece of advice he gave was to go in winter as you will be expected to photograph the


sunrise which of course means getting up very early. I am not an early riser so the later sunrise in winter appeals to me and is valuable “insider


knowledge” for the likes of me who would not enjoy the earlier start for a summer sunrise. George rounded off a good meeting with a useful hand out listing nine salient points to consider when concentrating on landscape photography, thank you George.

By the time you read this we will have had our April meeting and enjoyed hearing Laurie Bell give us an insight into the history of slide shows, more about this in my report next time. Our competition “patterns” will have been judged and the winners displayed as usual in the showcase in the entrance hall.

Now an important reminder, that our May meeting is the section AGM and will take place on Monday 21st May at 8:00 pm. Please note the day and date change. We look forward to seeing you all on this night, when you can praise or condemn us, and voice your suggestions and ideas for our future meetings. We aim to please, and cannot do that without knowing what you want, or need, at our meetings. The competition will be judged on this night, the subject being “Doors and Doorways” and again we anticipate a bumper entry with the usual high standard so please don’t miss it, we look forward to your entry.

Our competition subjects for the future months are:- July:-“Food”. September:- “Foreign Places” and November:- “Leaves”. All a maximum of two entries per person A4 or 10”x8” in size as is usual with our competitions. Finally please note that we do not have a meeting in August but will be back on Tuesday 18th September. Enjoy your summer photography.




Dear gentles all, consider, if you will, the scene: it is a quarter short of nine o'clock in the forenoon of a splendidly sunny spring Saturday. Are all gardeners already out, mulching and mowing, hoeing and sowing and whatever else is considered appropriate at this time of year? Well, doubtless some are; but some are not. The lights are on in the Brookdale, and clatterings from the kitchen and bumps and thumps from the hall mean that preparations for the March Coffee Morning are already under way. Now, table flower arrangements arrive, gingham tablecloths are flourished, raffle prizes, milk, biscuits and plants for the stall are brought in..............…................

It is now thirty minutes before noon, and clatterings, bumps and thumps mean your committee are drawing their morning's work to a close. Since ten o'clock, over one hundred and twenty people have chatted and coffeed, listened to lots of good advice from Vice-President and Chairman and laughed at jokes from VP and Club President, bought plants, won prizes and/or applauded others who have, and generally had a jolly good time.

Thank you, committee; it is a great pleasure and privilege to know you.


There will be Coffee Mornings (Main Hall, 10:00 am) on Saturdays 12th May, 9th June (including the Rose Show), 21st July (including the Flower Show, with flower arrangement competition, theme: Elizabethan Glory), 18th August (including the Photographic Competition, themes: My Favourite Flower 2012 and Garden Visitors) and 8th September (including the Home Grown Show, with flower arrangement competition, theme: Olympics 2012).

Annual General Meeting, Thursday 31st May, Upper Hall, 8.00 pm.

Visit to Sue Beesley's Gardens, Warrington, Wednesday 30th May, £10, departing Club 12:30 pm (not 12 noon as previously advised). Waiting list for places at time of going to press.

VP's Outing to Chatsworth House and Gardens, Wednesday 11th

July £20.cont/…

Visit to Breezy Knees Gardens, near York, Thursday 30th August, £17.


Entry forms/schedules for Shows at Coffee Mornings, in the middle of News issues and at the noticeboard. Bookings for visits, and other events as appropriate, at Coffee Mornings or from Christine Pickford on 0161 439 1948.



Have you used Club Tableclothsfor a Function?

May we remind Members of Sections that if they use Club Tablecloths for an Event it is imperative they are laundered and returned to the Club within 4 days because other Sections need them for their own events. We have a good supply of tablecloths but members are not returning them and so causing problems for others. Please be thoughtful of others needs.From the Kitchen Committee

Have you used Club Tableclothsfor a Function?

May we remind Members of Sections that if they use Club Tablecloths for an Event it is imperative they are laundered and returned to the Club within 4 days because other Sections need them for their own events. We have a good supply of tablecloths but members are not returning them and so causing problems for others. Please be thoughtful of others needs.From the Kitchen Committee

Have you used Club Tableclothsfor a Function?

May we remind Members of Sections that if they use Club Tablecloths for an Event it is imperative they are laundered and returned to the Club within 4 days because other Sections need them for their own events. We have a good supply of tablecloths but members are not returning them and so causing problems for others. Please be thoughtful of others needs.From the Kitchen Committee


As always at this time of year, writing the entry for the “News” gives rise to mixed feelings, since it marks both the end of the Linguists season and the start of Spring, with summer to look forward to.

Our last major event of the year was the “Dine and Climb” evening in March. We enjoyed a very good meal prepared by Blenheim’s, always a Brookdale favourite, and afterwards we listened to Kathleen Potts’ fascinating account of her walking holiday in Nepal. I certainly felt quite ashamed of my more conventional trips overseas, and the talk was also an object lesson in how to enjoy a holiday which seems at first to be a catalogue of disasters! Many thanks to Kathleen, our Committee, and all those involved in organising and setting up this event.

I am sorry to have to tell you that our final scheduled event, which was to have been a coffee morning on 28th April, has had to be cancelled because most of the committee were unavailable on that day. As we are a small committee a few absences really impact on us and we regrettably decided we had to cancel. However, fortunately we have been able to re-schedule the event so “worry ye not” because instead we have arranged a Jubilee Coffee Morning on Saturday 26th May at 10:30 am in the Upper Hall. We look forward to seeing you all then, preferably attired in red, white, and blue to celebrate Her Majesty’s Jubilee, perhaps with an extra biscuit! Just pay on the door- only £1

Before then, we have our Annual General Meeting on Monday 14th

May at 8:00 pm in the Upper Hall. Do come along to hear the Committee reports for the past year, thank our outgoing VP, Mary Jones, for all her efforts on behalf of the Section, and welcome our VP for next year. I am pleased to say that there will be the usual bribe of wine and nibbles to persuade you to come.

Another early mention for the Boules Sessions, which as the spring weather and lighter evenings tempt us out will begin on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings in the Car Park. As soon as the weather warms up a bit more definite arrangements will be made so do watch the noticeboard for an announcement. Finally, what better way to prepare for your holiday than by joining one of our language groups. We are always seeking new members for our groups.



If you would like more information and particularly if you are a new club member, please do contact the Group Leaders who are:-

FRENCH Jo Moor 0161-439-9818GERMAN Peter Miles 0161-488-4130WELSH George Beaumont 0161-439-5445ENGLISH Jean Harrington 0161-456-8761SPANISH David Singleton 0161-485-5123



Our March Walk was the Outer Round North. This is a 4 mile circular walk starting from the Timber Yard in Lyme Park.There were 15 in our group including 3 new members, Maria, Dennis and Denis.

It was a varied walk:- very muddy paths at the side of the stream, a ford, a small section of the Gritstone Trail, a house with a garden full of interesting objects especially for the photographer, wonderful views of Disley and Marple and an unsafe bridge!

We were able to learn a little about the Legh family, the Dower house, the Cage and Caters Slack (we saw the deer in the distance.) Our coffee break was on seats in the new Woodland Garden Project. This is in the grounds of the church of St Mary the Virgin founded in the 1520s by Sir Piers Legh V, a knight and priest.

Afterwards we called at Dog & Partridge in High Lane for a carvery meal and a drink. Walk Leaders Jacqui and Rita

If you remember the few days of “summer” we had back in March, you may recall that Sunday 25th March was an unusually lovely and mild day, and our group of 12 strollers made the most of it. This was partly a repeat of the Cheadle history walk we did some time ago, but this time we included a section on Massie Street where a very hard-working member of the Friends of Brooklyn Crescent Park was engaged in tidying up the very pleasant small square. She told us that this Friends’ group had rescued the much neglected area some years ago, and a grant had helped them to make the park into an excellent amenity for the local residents. They had also adopted the unused planters along Cheadle High Street which the council were no longer able to care for and had furnished them with edible plants – salad plants, herbs, vegetables – which locals are invited to snip at will for table use. They are hoping the plants will not be appropriated wholesale, and they are calling the project “Chewable Cheadle”. A thoroughly worthwhile effort, our members thought.


A pleasant stroll was concluded with the usual pub lunch, to which we welcomed a few “non walkers”. Stroll Leader Sylvia Hill

The Ramblers AGM is on Thurs. 24th May, at 8:00 pm in the Upper Hall. At this meeting members will be advised of the “Code of Conduct” and amendments to the Brookdale Ramblers rules.



Is it only a month since the last newsletter? Doesn’t time fly.

As you read this, our next production will have just started its fine week on the Brookdale Stage. So, if you have not already got your tickets for “The Producers”, please purchase some and support your award winning Theatre section.

Well done to the cast and crew of A Voyage round my Father. It was a great performance and well received by those who saw it.

We are proud to announce that Brookdale is hosting the prestigious GMDF One Act Play Festival this year. As usual all the local theatre groups will be performing during the course of the week. So, as Brookdale are honoured to hold it this year, why not make a note in your diaries and book tickets for what will be a wonderful week of plays. The dates are 11th to 16th June 2012 and full details of this wonderful week with a booking form are in the centre of this News.

What a wonderful night Sue had for her VP evening at the end of March. We were entertained by the band Gem, and fed with excellent Thai food. All those who attended thoroughly enjoyed the night, and for those who didn’t attend, you missed a treat. Maybe next year then…..

We would like to bring to your attention that our AGM will be held on Wednesday 30th May at 8:00 pm in the Main Hall. So please come down to hear how we have done financially, consider standing for the Committee, and above all else, find out who our VP for 2012-2013 will be.


BYT NEWSWe are presenting 'Afternoon Tea with BYT ' on Sunday 17th June, 2012.This term, the oldest group, the over 14's will be making a short film with a professional film maker and crew. We will be having a premiere


evening and hope to enter the film in a local film competition - dates and details to follow.

BYT will be entering two plays in the GMDF one act play festival (see above). The 11-14yrs will be performing a modern version of Midsummer Night's Dream and the older group will present 'Chatroom' a modern thought provoking play. We are proud to announce the eighth Summer School Week which will be taking place the week beginning 5th August, with a one off performance on Friday 10th August. The Summer School will be a West End Week led by Neil Bennett, MD of many West End Shows, and we are lucky to have current drama school students adding to the experience. 

There will also be a nice Sunday Lunch event in July called “Sail away with Sue”. Keep an eye out on the noticeboard, the web-site and Facebook for further information in due course.

*** TheatregoersSome of you will already know that after some 13 years Sylvia Hill has decided to step down from her post as our Secretary. She has been a staunch member of our little sub-committee. We offer her our thanks and wish her well in the many other activities in which she is involved.

Our trip to the Lowry to see “Wonderful Town” was a great success and we came home with our minds full of the sights and sounds of New York. We are fully booked for the “The Mousetrap” in October and have a long waiting list. We are looking to see if we can find a suitable event in July so keep an eye on the notice board.




On 23rd March we had our VP’s Evening, and “A Moroccan Adventure”. Both aspects of the evening went well. The talk and slide show were very interesting and entertaining, and the VPs enjoyed the buffet, which the committee organised, as did the Travel members who helped to eat up what was left.

On 28th March we had the trip to Castleton and the David Mellor Design Centre. We were lucky to have fabulous weather, and your scribe and others were lucky with their choice of pub for lunch where we had a lovely meal – all in all a very successful day.

Friday 20th April we are having a “Walk Around the Isle of Man Coastal Path”.

Friday 18th May – Travel AGM

As usual our best wishes for a speedy recovery to all members who are not in the best of health.



Another Month has passed during which we have been able to enjoy some of the finest weather at that time of the year that many of us can remember, in fact since April came along we have begun to think how fickle and deceptive this English climate has become. This last week has proved to be just that. There have been moments when I have almost been persuaded to put some of those plants in the greenhouse outside, but then the sky darkens and suddenly we are being drenched with rain or beaten by large hailstones. Never mind we have been able to enjoy a beautiful early spring when all those bulbs and that blossom on Bramhall Lane have put a new spring in our steps.

Here we are then in April looking towards summer but not forgetting activities like our lunch in March when we were entertained by Susan Dale and her husband together with their great collection of models of vehicles from the Eddie Stobart collection. To hear such detail from Susan about the history and progress of the Stobart haulage business provided a fascinating insight into one of the best known names on our roads today.


By the time this issue of the News is received by you we shall all have enjoyed another of our lunches on 18th April. Good food, good company


and good speakers all go together to make for a successful Walrus function. This was no different, for with the help of one of our very own Members, we were able to be brought up to date with all that goes on at Quarry Bank Mill through a range of illustrations and all the detail that only a guide of such a Major National Trust property can bring. Graham Barker was most welcome and it was obvious that he gets great interest and pleasure from what goes on there. Quarry Bank Mill is one of the leading tourist attractions of the Trust. So if you have not already been there why not make a note in your diaries for a future visit. You won't be disappointed.

The Month of May brings even further activity into the Club with a wide collection of AGM's including our very own on Wednesday the 16th

when we hope as many of you as possible will come along to welcome your next Vice President whoever they may be!!!! Of course it is also the time when you can ask questions make suggestions and have your own say regarding the running of the section. So please make an effort to make it on Wednesday 16th May.

Another very important date for your diaries in May is, of course, Saturday the 19th. This is President’s Evening, the night when the President receives all her guests (free of charge) and we are all entertained and fed in the Main Hall while the Grand Raffle is held in the Lesser Hall. All the prizes are donated and it is hoped, nay usual for each of us to donate a prize so that all the costs of the evening can be met with a little bit left over for other uses. Make sure that you have returned your invitations to the box provided below the noticeboard in the corridor, and enjoy a great night with the President and all her friends.

Beyond all these dates we also look forward to June when we have our Annual VP's afternoon Tea Party. This will take place on June 20th, but more about that in our next.

Meantime, keep well, warm and happy. See you soon.'.




My goodness, the Easter chicks have been and gone and the shops are now full of Red White and Blue, to urge us to celebrate 60 Glorious Years of our Queen. We in the Wine Section will certainly be doing just that on 25th May at our VP Evening….see below for details.

Unfortunately I missed the March meeting which was a wine tasting by Metropolitan Wines on Fir Road, organised by our Chairman, Sharon. I had a very amusing text message sent to me by Judy Hyde the day after the event, which told me that the evening had been very different, interesting and educational, and that the noise level became louder and louder as the night progressed. I guessed that this meant everyone had enjoyed themselves!

I have just returned home from our latest gathering – Bryan Lingwood’s talk on his School Days through the War Years. What a fantastic evening! We were (all 75 of us) enthralled by Bryan’s fascinating reminiscences of his childhood and the array of ‘props’ which he had gathered with the help of his Brookdale friends. The committee had lovingly baked recipes of cakes and biscuits from the war years which were ‘enjoyed’ by the audience. As everyone agreed, a splendid night!

The Wine Section AGM this year is on 11th May. Please come along and support the section and discover who our next VP will be. If anyone would like to join the Committee or offer to help at any of our events they will be most welcome. It will give the regular organisers and helpers a break and a chance to enjoy the evening without responsibility!

Now to our final event of the season…. Our VPs’ evening …. A Street Party Fit For A Queen. Plans are well advanced for this Diamond Jubilee celebration on 25th May, and we await Her Majesty’s reply with bated breath!! Tickets are going like hot cakes (or should I say cup cakes), so speed is of the essence, if you want to take your seats in the traditional Street party setting. See the poster on the noticeboard for details.




GOOD WISHESThe Gardeners send best wishes to Peter Hopkins, Bob Millington and Aidan Queen for speedy and complete recovery from their recent health problems.

Ramblers send good wishes to Lois Slattery hoping she will soon be on 2 feet again and back home.

The Travel Section send congratulations to John and Pat Dunkerley on the occasion of their forthcoming Diamond Wedding Anniversary.

Caracampers send good wishes to Aidan Queen and hope he will soon be feeling stronger and back at Brookdale.

Dance Section send best wishes to Lois Slattery for a speedy recovery following her operation and to Aidan Queen who has also been in hospital recently. They also send best wishes to any of their members who are feeling under the weather.

The Linguists send their very best wishes to Peter Hopkins, who has been quite poorly and in hospital recently. Get well and come back soon Peter.

Theatre were sorry to hear that Wendy Joyce has been unwell recently and hope she makes a speedy recovery so she back at the club with the Brookdale family sooner rather than later.

The Social Committee would like to send their Best Wishes to their Chairman, Wendy Joyce, who has not been at all well recently. We do hope that you soon feel a lot better.


THANK YOUMavis Russell would like to thank all her friends at the Brookdale for all the lovely cards and messages you sent her during her recent illness.



CONDOLENCESBowling were very sorry to hear that Glenda Banton has passed away and send their sincere condolences to her family.

Dance Section send sincere condolences to the families and friends of Pauline Baddeley and Margaret Oldroyd who both passed away recently and were previously enthusiastic members of the Section.


IN MEMORIAMOn behalf of the President and members of the Club donations have been made to Churches together in Heald Green Youth Initiative in memory of Fred Screeton and to Cancer Research UK in memory of Pauline Baddeley, both of whom passed away recently.


Brookdale News Deadlines

Edition Dated

Copy to Editor by 8:00 pm on

Delivery from about:-

Events for the approx. period

2012June 31st May 15th June Jul. to Sept.August 31st July 15th August Sept. to Nov.October 30th September 15th October Nov. to Jan.December 30th November 15th December Jan. to Mar.2013February 31st January 15th February Mar. to MayApril 31st March 15th April May to Jul.June 31st May 15th June Jul. to Sept.August 31st July 15th August Sept. to Nov.



We would like to welcome the following new members to Brookdale:-

Introductory Membership:Mr J Bradbury Mrs O Bradbury Mrs D BruceMr A Swarbrick Mr J Davies Mrs J CoxMrs C Hetherington Mr J Pratt Ms P XiminiesMr V Elliott

Junior Membership:-Isobel Phoenix Abigail Pilkington Natasha ArdenJoachim Jordan Fern Wilson Megan CarruthersPhoebe Millership Millie Jones Jessica ShearlingFrank Wilson Abbie Evans Rebecca LeatherChloe Mickleburgh Jack Williams


Deceased:Fred Screeton Pauline Baddeley




If you have any queries concerning a Section or Event you may find the following list helpful:-

Section Secretary Telephone No.Andante Pam Griffiths 419 9727Art Delia Haslam 486 0550Badminton Paul Golds 01625 535493Bar* Rita Chadwick (Acting) 439 1897Bowling Hilda Taylor 01625 876453Bridge Rosemary Moorhouse 427 6001Caracamp Wendy Birch-Jones 483 1672Dancing Joan Clare 439 2711Digital Photo Ingrid Halls 439 6095Gardening Dorothy Woodall 483 8229Kitchens* Wendy Joyce 01625 873601Linguists Sheila Haley 439 5240Ramblers Brian Guest 01663 763678Social* Carol Pimlott 439 5398TheatreTheatregoers*

Marilyn WebleySylvia Hill

456 5588483 4653

Travel Jean Hopkins 439 6626Walrus Jean Lingwood 439 3181Wine Roger Salt 439 0371

*Sub- Committee

Contact details for Club Officials and the Editor are inside the front cover.

If you would like any information about joining any of the above groups or helping the committees then please do not hesitate to ring the Secretary shown above for more information.




APRILMon 30th Theatre Production:

“The Producers” Sat. Matinee[to 5th May]

Curtain Up 19:3014:15

MAYSat 5th Theatre: Coffee Morning UPPER HALL 10:30Sat 5th 250 Club Draw BAR 11:30Mon 7th SPRING BANK MONDAYWed 9th Dancing: AGMThu 10th Ramblers: Walk See Noticeboard 09:30Fri 11th Wine: AGM UPPER HALL 20:00

Sat 12th Gardening: Coffee Morning MAIN HALL 10:00Sat 12th Dancing: GOLDEN Anniversary Dance MAIN HALL 19:30

Mon 14th Linguists: AGM UPPER HALL 20:00Wed 16th Walrus: Lunch and AGM MAIN HALL 12:30Wed 16th Andante: AGM JUBILEE RM 20:00Thu 17th Open Whist Drive UPPER HALL 19:30Thu 17th Caracamp: AGM LESSER HALL 20:00Fri 18th Travel: AGM UPPER HALL 20:00

Sat 19th PRESIDENT’S EVENING CLUB 19:00Mon 21st Digital Photography: AGM LESSER HALL 20:00Tue 22nd Bowling: AGM UPPER HALLTue 22nd Social Committee: AGM 20:00Thu 24th Ramblers: AGM UPPER HALL 20:00Thu 24th Carabreak at Carrog, Denbighshire

until Tue. 29th MayFri 25th Wine: VP Evening- “A Street Party Fit

for a QueenMAIN HALLfor


Sat 26th Linguists: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Coffee Morning


Sun 27th Table Top Sale CLUB 09:00Sun 27th Ramblers: Stroll See Noticeboard 10:30

Wed 30th Gardening: Visit to Sue Beesley’s Gardens

Leave Club 12:30

Wed 30th Theatre: AGM MAIN HALL 20:00Thu 31st Gardening: AGM UPPER HALL 20:00Thu 31st BROOKDALE NEWS



JUNESat 2nd Theatre: Coffee Morning UPPER HALL 10:30Sat 2nd 250 Club Draw BAR 11:30Sun 3rd Bar Quiz Night BAR 20:00Mon 4th LATE MAY BANK

HOLIDAYTue 5th THE QUEEN’S DIAMOND JUBILEE BANK HOLIDAYSat 9th Gardening: Coffee Morning and

Rose ShowMAIN HALL 10:00

Mon 11th GMDF: One Act Play Week[to 16th June]

Thu 14th Ramblers: Walk See Noticeboard 09:30Thu 14th Ramblers: Annual Meal See NoticeboardFri 15th Travel: Rockies to Alaska – Gordon

GadsbyUPPER HALL 20:00

Sun 17th Theatre- BYT: Afternoon Tea with BYT

MAIN HALL t.b.a.

Mon 18th Bowling: Charity DayTue 19th Digital Photography: Q & A

Topic to be announced LESSER HALLSee Noticeboard


Wed 20th Walrus: Afternoon Tea MAIN HALL 14:30Thu 21st CHARITY WHIST DRIVE UPPER HALL 19:30Sat 23rd CHARITY DAY FAIR CLUBSun 24th Ramblers: Stroll See Noticeboard 10:30Sun 24th CHARITY BAR QUIZ NIGHT BAR 20:00Wed 27th Bowling: Captain’s Day


Sat 7th 250 Club Draw BAR 11:30Sat 7th Dancing: President’s Charity

DanceSat 7th Carabreak at Ludlow Touring Park

until 14th JulyWed 11th V P’s Outing to Chatsworth Details t.b.a.Thu 12th Ramblers: Walk See Noticeboard 09:30Sat 14th Travel: Coffee Morning UPPER HALL 10:30Tue 17th Digital Photography: Q & A

Prague at New Year:- Walter Mason LESSER HALL 19:30

20:00Thu 19th Open Whist Drive UPPER HALL 19:30Sat 21st Gardening: Coffee Morning and

Flower ShowMAIN HALL 10:00

Sun 22nd Ramblers: Stroll See Noticeboard 10:30Tue 31st BROOKDALE NEWS







(June 2012 Edition)

This edition should include events for July through to September (if you wish). Inserts are bound in the middle of the news, so these must be with the editor by the deadline.

Email contributions to

Please ensure all attached documents are word or rich text files with file extension .doc or .rtf

Contributors please remember to add your name and phone number at the bottom of your entry in case of queries. All “Messages to Members” and “Forthcoming Events” [day, date, event, room, time] need to be added in separate sections to the bottom of your main text. ……..thank you!


20th September Club AGM22nd September Vice Presidents Evening1st December Christmas Fair

top related