may 2010

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The May 2010 issue of Not of this World, an online for MKs by MKs


Not of this World May 2010





“The Summer before fifth grade, I

was just like everyone else.”

Rollercoaster of Emotions By Rachel Culwell


allthegirlsfeelfoolishforchoosingtobemy"ex­friends".OfcourseItoldGodhecouldmaketheangel'swing invisibletohide

thetruth,butIwantedanangelfriendnonetheless.Well,nowingeddeitycametoXalapa,Mexicothenextday.So,afteranotherperiodofself­pity,Imovedontoplantwo:forgivethegirlsandbefriendthemonceagain.ThegirlsweretakenabackwhenIreturnedtheircrueltywithcongeniality.Theydidn’tknowhowtorespondtomyinvitingthemovertomyhousewhentheymadesureIknewaboutthebirthdaypartyMariaEmiliahadthenightbeforethattheyhad"forgotten"toinvitemeto.Butwithcontinuedforgivenessandtheextensionoffriendship,thingsbegantochange.Neartheendoftheyear,wemendedourfriendships.Allwasrightintheworldoffifthgradegirlsonceagain.WhenitwastimeformetogobacktoTexas,Iwasreadytoleave,butfoundmyselfcryingasIsaidmygoodbyestothegirlsthatIhadhatedsomuch.Irealizenowthatwasbecauseinfifthgrade,wewerequickertoforgive,forgetandmoveon.Itwassomucheasiertobe"ex­bestfriends"onedayandinseparablethenext.WhiletheexperienceofspontaneouslymovingtoMexico wasarollercoasterofemotions,itisanexperiencethatIhavelearnedsomuchfrom,andwouldnottradeforanything.

“… a roller coaster of emotions…”

5 Tips on Studying

1. Every thirty minutes take a ten-minute break; this will help you concentrate better!

2. Don’t try and cram the night before a big test! Your brain will work a lot better with a full night’s sleep.

3. Keep a glass of water nearby to drink while you study. Water gives your body more energy!

4. Find a quiet place and turn off all electronic devices for a distraction-free environment!

5. After you’re finished get a sibling or friend to quiz to make sure you really know it!

Today I passed a girl on the street that I have passed at least a hundred times before. She looks about my age (14-16) and I always see her leaving or coming home since she lives on my street. Up until today I always thought of her as mysterious and a little aloof. Not in a bad way. It's just that she never smiled or said hi when I passed. She was always busy on her cell phone, playing a gameboy, or talking to a guy I assume is her boyfriend. But today when I saw her I started to wonder why she wasn’t very friendly. Then it dawned on me that I had never seen her with any friends besides her boyfriend and she is probably lonely, maybe even depressed. I felt bad that I couldn’t do something to lift her spirits in a little way but she obviously wasn’t responsive to my smile and “Hallo”, so what else could I do? Well later I was walking and my suspicions were confirmed. I saw her standing in the middle of the sidewalk crying, her boyfriend’s arms around her in a comforting hug. My heart went out to her immediately, which is weird because I don’t know her or her story. But I knew that if she was desperate enough to be crying in the middle of the sidewalk, it was probably bad enough. As I maneuvered around them I couldn’t help but look back. The whole scene got me to thinking about how I could relate that situation to my life and I came up with this conclusion. Her need for someone’s shoulder to cry on is very similar to mine. Sometimes I feel lonely, depressed and like no one in the world notices me. I couldn’t help but be glad for her that she had a strong guy to put his arms around her and tell her it's ok.

his arms around her and tell her it's ok. Sometimes I want that in my own life, but then I stop and realize that I have the most loving, powerful, strong, gentle arms around me all the time. God is there when the whole world turns their backs and He is still there when we sin against him. I can never have anything greater than that. So this girl on my street taught me an important lesson and I know for sure that the next time I see her I will greet her with a “Hallo” and a big, friendly smile. Maybe I’ll end up teaching her a thing or two about love just like she taught me.

A Thing or Two about Love byMichaelaF.

A Mother’s Perspective By Tricia Marcos

Moving overseas with teen-agers was not something that we had originally planned, but God seemed to have different ideas, and our kids were more than the other...but still willing. So off we went to Germany. (Our oldest was already in college). I think one of the things we all came to value the most was the quality time we got to have together as a family. All of us were extremely busy in the US, not with bad things, but not a lot of margin to just sit and talk. It was easier in America for those times to be snatched away. We found our relationships going deeper and conversations happening that might not have in another scenario. Those conversations have served us well over these last years as our kids have grown and graduated from college. One engaged, one on the verge, and another looking for a job after working overseas for a year. Living internationally, they developed more of a heart for the world, seeing other nations as real people, with real needs and joys. It has

helped them in reaching out to internationals on their college campuses and in the workplace. They are more understanding of these people and kinder to them, since we as a family have also been strangers in a different land.

I think one thing that was really important to me as a mom overseas was that my kids be honest with me about where they were in the process of living in another country. Were they happy, sad, angry, lost, fulfilled, challenged, friendless, too many

friends... It was not always easy for my "radar" to track what was going on. So, I would say communicating honestly, even though it might be hard, is very important. Sometimes, it might be emotionally tiring because maybe it is hard for you to figure out exactly how you feel, but in the midst of your emotion, it becomes clearer for everyone. Living internationally, even in Europe, is also harder in day to day life. From going to work, to the grocery store to stock that small refrigerator, to only using one major appliance at a time, to cleaning the house...All of these things can take much longer. So, my encouragement to you all would be for you to observe how you might be more of a help to your mom and offer your services voluntarily in areas that might not be required of you. I know it is not always easy for you to have come with your parents to a "foreign" land. You are very brave and amazing teen-agers. I applaud you and encourage you with my thoughts and prayers to keep on walking with the Lord and trusting Him for all your days.

Tricia and her kids Jessica, Brett, and Julia and soon to be

daughter-in-law Kim

The Big Move By Abby W.

Everyonesaiditwouldbehard.MovingtoAmericawouldbequiteatransitionafterlivingmywholelifeincentralandwesternAsia.Partofmebelievedthem,buttheotherpartwasexcitedtomovetoacountrywhereeveryonespokeEnglishandnoonewouldlookatmelikeIwasanalienfromMars. Ihadneverconsideredthethird‐worldcountryIlivedin,Azerbaijan,tobemyhome.ImovedtherewhenIwasnineyearsold.BeforethatIhadlivedinKazakhstansinceIwassevenweeksold,sothathadundeniablybeentheplaceIattachedtheword“home”to.ThefactthatIwasdefinitelynotconnectedemotionallytoAzerbaijansmoothedthewayforthebigmovemyparentstoldusaboutinFebruary.IknewthereweresomethingsIwasgoingtomiss,likethecherrytreesinourbackyard,freshhotbreadsoldrightoutoftheoven,andtheclosecommunity

wehadwithourstaffteam.ButtherewerethingsIwasdefinitelyNOTgoingtomiss,liketheinsanedriving,bumpyroads,andsmoking. ThenightbeforeweleftAzerbaijanIwassoexcitedIcouldbarelythink,muchlessfeelanyregretforleavingmyhomeoffiveyears.Theplaneride–ormorelikerides–wasverylong,butIwasusedtothat.WhenwefinallylandedinAmerica,Ifeltahighadrenalinecoursethroughmybody.Wewerefinallyhere!Mygrandparentspickedusup,andridingalongthesmoothhighway,Ifeltverycontent.Thesummerwasalittlehectic,tryingtofindahouseandthendoingsomeminorrenovations.Weendedupmovingintwodaysbeforeschoolstarted.School.Themerewordgavemystomachbutterflies.Thiswastheultimatechallengeeveryonehadwarnedmeabout.

Continued on next page.



remainsoneofmyclosefriends. AndanotherthingIwasn’texpecting:schoolreallyprovidedmewithalltheseamazingopportunities.Theater,art,music,dance‐‐thingsIhavealwayslovedbutneverhadmuchexposureto.Now,insteadofjusthearingaboutthem,

IcandoallthethingsIloveandhaveapassionfor! Istillloveschoolandreallydon’tknowwhatIwoulddowithoutit.IwasverysurprisedhowtameitiscomparedtowhatIhadheard.Yes,somepeopledothingsIwouldneverdreamof.(Butnoteveryoneislikethat!).Yes,theculturehereisso

different,butaren’tallcultures?Yes,noonereallyunderstandsthelifeIlivedoverseas,buttheytry!Thiskindofmovedoesn’tcomeaseasilytoeveryoneasitdidtome,butIknowGodhasblessedmewithit,andithasstrengthenedmyfaith.EverydayfortwoyearsnowIhavegottentobealighttoallthekidsatschool.Ihavehadawonderfulopportunitytoshowkidswithgoodfamilies,andwithbrokenones,thatJesusexistsandhecanmaketheirlifebeautifulwithlove,nomatterwhattheirbackgroundis. Hisplanformewasthis:formypassiontogrowforHimandformyotherloves.EvenifIhadnotwantedtomove,Hewouldhavehadthisplanforme,andIknowIcantrustHimwithmyfuture.

“…He set my feet on a rock and

gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in

my mouth, a hymn of praise to

our God.” -Psalm 40:2-3

“Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your

paths; guide me in truth and teach me, for you are God my savior,

and my hope is in you all day long.”

-Psalm 25:4-5 “…and I know I can trust

Him with my future.”

Five Minutes a 30 day challenge

The summer before moving overseas my family attended special training that included “training” for my little brother and me too. One day, during our “training”, the leader of my small group said we were going to anonymously write encouraging notes to every girl in the class. Once all the paper and pencils were passed out I quickly began to write, thinking of one word to describe each girl. I hurried through thinking of generic adjectives, wanting to finish as quickly as possible. Over the next few weeks, I forgot all about it, until I received a sheet of paper with all the words my friends had used to describe me. Tears filled my eyes as I read all the sweet things the girls had said and instantly I regretted not spending more time on their notes.

Four years later, I still have that sheet of paper and whenever I’m having a bad day I pull it back out and let their words encourage me. Sometimes the simplest things mean the most; the five minutes they took to encourage me will last for eternity! So, over the next 30 days I want to challenge you take a few minutes and make a difference in the lives of those around you! Here's what

I want you to do:

Think of 10 people and

start to pray for them daily!

1 2 Every day take five minutes to encourage them. That’s only 50 seconds per person!

3 Record your results. What changes did you see in your 10 people? What about in yourself?

If you took this challenge, e-mail me (see pg. 11) and tell me how it went!

Bible Verses on…Friendship

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” -Colossians 3:13

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”

-Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

-Proverbs 17:17

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” –John 15:13

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” -Proverbs 27:17

“Better is open rebuke, than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” -Proverbs 27:5-6

WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THIS ISSUE? Favorite article? Least favorite article?


What’s your favorite

thing about going back

to the States?

What to look forward to in the next issue: part 1 of a summer fictional series, summer fashion tips, father’s day ideas, and more!

Got a fun recipe? Send me al l your favorite summer recipes from your country for the july issue! The top three wil l be in the e-zine and the rest wi l l be on the facebook fan page!

"It is a safe thing to trust Him to fulfill the desire which He creates." -Amy Carmichael

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