may 19, 2011 sponsored programs grant coordinator meeting

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May 19, 2011

Sponsored ProgramsGrant Coordinator


• NSF Data Management Plan Resources for Clemson Researchers – Emily gore, Cooper Library / Digital Initiatives

• F&A and Fringe Rate Agreement – Beverly Leeper, Comptroller’s Office

• What Constitutes Off-campus Rates – Beverly Leeper, Comptroller’s Office

• Procedure for Change in PI at Post-award Stage – Kristin LaRoche, OSP

• Proposal Processing Form: What it Takes to be Complete – Kristin LaRoche, OSP


NSF Data Management Plan Resources for

Clemson Researchers

- Emily Gore, Cooper Library / Digital Initiatives

Data Management Plans- NSF• Library created webguide to help with data

management plan construction

• Requirement for NSF grants as of Jan 2011• Different programs within NSF have different

data management plan requirements• CCIT CITI group under the direction of Jill

Gemmill has worked on standard CCIT language to use in these plans and I (Emily Gore – can help with other questions regarding data management, including the potential use of the Institutional Repository, currently under development (late summer/early fall rollout)

Facilities & Administrative

andPooled Fringe Rates

and Off-campus Determination

-Beverly Leeper, Comptroller’s Office

-Refer to DHHS Rate Letter

What is a Facilities & Administrative Rate?• The Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rate is a

generally accepted method of allocating a fair share of institutional costs for sponsored program research activities.

• The F&A Rate, also referred to as an indirect cost rate, is a federally negotiated and approved rate.

• F&A costs are institutional or college level support costs not directly charged to sponsored program grants or contracts.

• F&A costs are classified in two categories:o Facilities costs (depreciation, operation and maintenance of

facilities, safety, security and interest expense)o Administrative costs (federally capped at 26%)

• Federal regulations (OMB Circular A-21) require that costs be applied consistently within the university

What Constitutes an Off-Campus Rate?• Section II of the Clemson University Rate

Agreement includes an off-campus definition:

For all activities performed in facilities not owned by the institution and to which rent is directly allocated to the project(s) the off-campus rate will apply. Grants or contracts will not be subject to more than one F&A cost rate. If more than 50% of a project is performed off-campus, the off-campus rate will apply to the entire project.

On-Campus vs. Off-Campus Decision• All projects, both on-campus and off-

campus, should include the administrative portion of the rate, currently 26%.

• If the answer is “Yes” to any one of the following questions, the sponsored project is considered on-campus and should also include the “Facility” portion of the rate:o Where is the research primarily

conducted?o Is the property owned by

Clemson University?o Does Clemson University pay

rent?o Does Clemson University pay

utilities for the space used?

Off-campus Decision Matrix

Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Scenario #4

Ownership Y N N N

Rent Y N N

Pay Utilities Y N

>50% of activity is off-campus


Decision On-campus On-campus On-campus Off-campus

What is a Pooled Fringe Rate?• A methodology of pooling employee fringe

benefits by group, with similar benefit typeso Nine-month academico Twelve-montho Part-time and Temporaryo Student

• A federally approved and generally accepted method of pooling costs

• Annually calculated and approved by the federal government

What is a Pooled Fringe Rate? (cont’d)

• Pooled fringe benefits include:o Employer portion of Social

Securityo Unemployment taxo Insurance – health, dental, lifeo Retiremento Long-term disabilityo Worker’s compensationo Termination pay

Approved Rates

• Research rates: FY 11/12 – 48.5% FY 12/13 – 49.5% FY 13/14 & FY 14/15

– 50.0% • Located at:o Facilities and Administrative

o Pooled Fringe Benefit Rates

• Rate Agreement Attached

Procedure for Change in PI at Post-award Stage

-Kristin LaRoche, MSW, Office of Sponsored Programs

-Refer to process chart handout in packet

When Will This Be Applicable?

• If a project is remaining at Clemson, but:o The PI is leaving Clemsono PI is retiring so no longer

available to participate in the project

o PI is reassigned to other duties and no longer available to participate in the project

o PI illness or death

What Are The First Steps In the Process?

• Department Administrator or PI notifies College Grant Coordinator of needed change

• College Grant Coordinator will help facilitate gathering of information needed for approval package

What is Included in the Approval Package?

• Completed proposal processing form signed by new PI, Department Chair, and Dean

• Effective date of the PI change• Memo for justification of the PI change

with place for CU-AOR (VPR or his designee in the Office of Sponsored Programs) signature

• New PI’s CV• Current and pending support of new PI

What Happens After the Approval Package is Gathered?

• College Grant Coordinators e-mail respective OSP Grants Administratoro Subject line of e-mail: PPN#, PI Change, Project # XXX-XXXXXXX

• OSP obtains CU-AOR signature and uploads package to InfoEd

• OSP forwards the approved package to the respective Sponsored Programs Accounting and Administration Fiscal Manager

• SPAA Fiscal Manager request approval from the sponsor

What Happens After Approval Has Been Received From the

Sponsor?• SPAA Fiscal Manager will update the CUBS project file and send Award Notification Modification to the established contacts for the project

• OSP will upload the Award Notification Modification to the Attachment Panel and update Personnel Panel in InfoEd

Items to Remember

• VPR (or his designee in OSP) is the final university approver and the AOR to formally request approval from the sponsor for a change in PI for an existing awarded project

• Discussions among the PI and a sponsor’s program officer may occur

• Formal communication to the sponsor must be sent from the VPR’s office

Proposal Processing Form: What it Takes to

be Complete-Kristin LaRoche, MSW, Office of Sponsored


-Refer to PPF handout in packet

Highlights of PPF, Page 1• PI CUBS Assigned Department No., CU User

Name/Employee ID No.o Discussed at a previous meeting

• Unit Number of Center/Institute to receive credito With Director Signature / Date

• GAD Source• F&A Rate Comparison Information*• Program Code*

o Classification of Research, Public Service, or Instruction

• Subclass*o Ex. 207-USDA, 215-Federal via non-SC University

*Indicates items that we have seen commonly left off. Please make sure this section is completed

before sending the proposal to OSP. If you have a question on how to complete it, please call the assigned OSP GA to discuss.

Highlights of PPF, Page 2

• Yes/No Questionso If the question asks for a copy of

the policy, please make sure the documentation is attached

o Especially important for F&A and cost sharing information

• Compliance Datao Check the proposal to make sure

the appropriate boxes are checked

o If you have a question, contact the appropriate Research Compliance contact to discuss

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