matt carr at europan algae biomass association conference dec2014

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Algae Biomass Organization Executive Director Matt Carr offered some insights into industry trends at the European Algae Biomass Association Conference 2014 in Florence, Italy


The Evolving Algae Policy Landscape in the United States

Will Federal Policy Drive a New Wave of Algae Commercialization in the U.S. or Drive it Away?

Ma#  Carr,  Execu-ve  Director    

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U.S. Algae Industry Trends

Ø  Technology Maturation / Demonstration •  R&D, pilot and demonstration facilities throughout the U.S.

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U.S. Algae Industry Trends

Ø  Technology Maturation / Demonstration •  DOE-funded integrated algae biorefinery demonstration

projects in Florida and New Mexico

Ø  Sapphire Energy Green Crude Farm Las Cruces, NM

Algenol Biofuels Integrated Biorefinery

Lee County, FL►►

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U.S. Algae Industry Trends

Ø  Technology Maturation / Demonstration •  Offtake contracts with major refiners

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U.S. Algae Industry Trends

Ø Product Diversification

Ø Bioplastics •  Algix manufacturing plant

opens in Mississippi

Ø Biofertilizers •  Accelergy validating

Terrasync terrestrial sequestration platform

Ø Human and Animal Nutrition

•  Synthetic Genomics deal with ADM to produce omega-3s

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U.S. Algae Industry Trends

Ø Strategic Partnerships / Globalization

Ø Sapphire / Sinopec •  Validate and deploy

in China

Ø Heliae / Sincere Corp •  Build first commercial

facility in Japan

Ø Solazyme / Bunge •  Manufacturing plant

online in Brazil

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U.S. Algae Industry Trends

Ø Renewed Focus on CO2 Utilization / Monetization

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Growth Built on Supportive Federal Policy

Ø U.S. Department of Energy Funding •  $100 million for 3 integrated algae biorefinery

projects in 2009

•  $30 million / year in R&D funding since 2010 •  2010-11 - Algal biofuels consortia •  2012 - Advancements in Sustainable Algal Production •  2013 - Advancements in Algal Biomass Yield •  2014 - Targeted Algal Biofuels and Bioproducts

Algae  Biomass  Organiza-on  |  

Growth Built on Supportive Federal Policy

Ø Renewable Fuel Standard •  Biodiesel / renewable diesel from algae

qualifies as advanced biofuel •  Up to 21 billion gallons new production

mandated by 2022

Ø  Tax Code •  Second Generation Biofuel tax credits

•  Algae added in 2013 •  $1.01 / gallon production tax credit •  50% bonus depreciation for plant property

Algae  Biomass  Organiza-on  |  

Proposed Power Plant CO2 Regulations Could be Major Driver

Ø  “Clean Power Plan” Proposed Rules for New and Existing Power Plants •  Require installation of “Best System of Emission

Reduction” for CO2

•  Take effect in 2015 •  Could drive major investment in carbon capture

Algae  Biomass  Organiza-on  |  

But Key Policy Decisions Hang in the Balance

Ø Need Explicit Recognition of Carbon Capture and Utilization in Clean Power Plan

•  For new coal plants: o  Proposal prescribes carbon capture and

underground storage/sequestration (CCS)

•  For existing plants: o  Affirms CCS as compliance option o  Silent on CCU

Algae  Biomass  Organiza-on  |  

But Key Policy Decisions Hang in the Balance

Ø Renewable Fuel Standard •  Proposed rule would cut advanced biofuel volumes

o  EPA announced final rule will not be issues until 2015 o  Legal challenges to follow

•  More than 30 fuel pathways still awaiting approval

Ø  Tax Code •  2nd Gen tax credits expired Dec 31, 2013

o  Still awaiting “tax extenders” package o  Obama has threatened to veto

Algae  Biomass  Organiza-on  |  

ABO Policy Priorities

Ø Support for CO2 Utilization •  In EPA 111(b)/111(d) Clean Power Plan •  DOE Funding

Ø Strong, stable advanced biofuels policy •  RFS •  Tax Code

Ø Algae as agriculture •  Biomass Crop Assistance Program •  Crop Insurance

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We The People … Embrace CO2

Ø ABO “We the People” Petition

•  Asked the White House to include CCU in EPA Clean Power Plan

•  348 signatures •  45 states •  215 cities

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2015 Algae Biomass Summit

Washington, DC September 30 – October 2, 2015

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