maths department autumn projects · 10/1/2014  · research basic facts relevant clear facts...

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Maths Department Autumn Projects

10/30/2014 1 M. Cox 2013

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

Maths Department Remembrance Project -2014

10/30/2014 2 M. Cox 2013

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

Maths Department Autumn Projects

10/30/2014 3 M. Cox 2013

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

World War I

10/30/2014 4 M. Cox 2013

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

The Battle of Trafalgar

Armistice “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918.

Remembrance Day – commemorates those who have died in war

10/30/2014 5 M. Cox 2013

10/30/2014 6 M. Cox 2013

This is also a Growth Mindset Project

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

There will be one of three outcomes for students work

10/30/2014 7 M. Cox 2013

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

Growth Mindset Fixed Mindset

Mindset Learning

Option 1 Negative Habits

Option 2 Positive Habits

Option 3 Change or Shift

10/30/2014 8 M. Cox 2013

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

Growth Mindset Fixed Mindset

I am not sure what to do

I will read instructions/ask I will make a start

I will ask for guidance/use initiative I will make a start with basics I will get basics finished/changed I will take work to the next level Progress/redraft/achievement

Overcome difficulty through effort Use or find solutions

Redrafts and completed work Will make it happen

Learn to progress through challenge

Mindset Learning

I will wait to be told I will look busy

I will ask to be spoon fed I will make little progress I will start multiple times I will say its not my fault I will use Avoidance/blame Lose/forget work/find excuses Quote problems/ give up Not complete or finish Will make it not happen Learn to avoid challenge

10/30/2014 9 M. Cox 2013

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

Growth Mindset Fixed Mindset

I am not sure what to do

I will read instructions/ask I will make a start

I will ask for guidance/use initiative I will make a start with basics I will get basics finished/changed I will take work to the next level Progress/redraft/achievement

Overcome difficulty through effort Use or find solutions

Redrafts and completed work Will make it happen

Learn to progress through challenge

Mindset Learning (Higher level)

I will wait to be told I will look busy

I will ask to be spoon fed I will do what I am good at or avoid what I cant do

I will stick to what I do best or I will avoid mistakes

I will not take risks/leave CZ I will avoid the challenge /work I will only do what I can do

I will avoid doing what I can’t do Learn to avoid challenge or

challenge the task

10/30/2014 10 M. Cox 2013

•Make a Start • Make it happen • Make mistakes • Make it better • Make the effort

• Make it worthwhile • Make it valuable • Make a difference • Make it matter

• Try and make it excellent (at the end, not the start)

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

10/30/2014 11 M. Cox 2013

A make a mistake that makes you humble is always better than an

achievement that makes you arrogant.

Inspire, Believe, Achieve in Maths

Starting Points

10/30/2014 12 M. Cox 2013

Examples of what you might do


To Show some statistics on the First World War


To produce a bar chart, pie chart, graph to show numbers To research data and main facts To use some form of data analysis To present research and findings using statistical analysis opportunity to develop/redraft and progress ideas or findings

10/30/2014 13 M. Cox 2013


To Learn about the First World War through maths


To find out, know and not forget. To appreciate the sacrifice made a an entire generation. To understand the importance of remembrance and respect. To develop a comprehension of the scale of the Great War. Opportunity to have a common focus in Maths and in School.

10/30/2014 14 M. Cox 2013

Compare – 2 variables

The figures for the British and Germans


Basic facts - Amount of men, ships, planes, guns, shells, tanks. Amount killed, injured etc Life expectancy, health, probability of injury etc Percentage of National youth killed or involved Numbers of women involved in the war effort at home/at war

10/30/2014 15 M. Cox 2013

Presentation of Data

Data Analysis and presentation could include and progress into: Charts Tables Bar Graphs Pie Charts Line Graphs Histograms, scatter graphs, continuous v discrete categories

10/30/2014 16 M. Cox 2013

Analysis For comparisons choose tools and develop your levels of maths:

Basic facts Quantity or numbers Ratio Fractions Decimals Percentages Probability Formula

10/30/2014 17 M. Cox 2013

Evaluation of Project At the end of the Project you will write a self evaluation to discuss: What was your starting point on this project (Mathematically)? What you have gained from this project in terms of study skills? What areas of Maths have improved? How this project has developed your Maths? Identify how you could expand or develop this project.

10/30/2014 18 M. Cox 2013

Assessment of Project

At the end of the Project you will be Peer Assessed Against the Success Criteria How your work and presentation looks Mathematical content and accuracy Originality, Relevance, research and Innovation How well you have Self Assessed What you have learnt from Peer Assessment for yourself and from the work of others.

10/30/2014 19 M. Cox 2013

Some Possible Ideas - WWI

What was the difference in the armies (Size, numbers, men, countries involved)? What was the difference in the losses (Men, ships, planes, horses)? What was the cost of the war? What was the average age of the soldiers/dead/casualties/life expectancy? How much food was transported? What was the total amount of bullets/shells fired during the war? What was the probability of surviving the war or not surviving? What was the impact on society. (Using Maths to show your ideas/findings)

10/30/2014 20 M. Cox 2013


Rubric of Success Criteria for this project

Criteria Facts Descriptions Explanations Execution

Skill Base Delegation Collaboration Implementation Organisation

Research Basic facts Relevant Clear Cohesive

Subject Area Choice of area Interesting facts Comparisons Clear data

Presentation Clear Contents Clear ideas Clear data High quality

Maths Facts /statistics Comparisons Level of Maths Uses levels

Calculations Facts/ratios Percentages etc Well set out (I.T) Variety of charts

Data Bar charts Pie charts Line graphs Scatter graphs

Analysis Round/estimate Averages/Prob. %, 0.1, ⅓,÷,±,˂˃ Formula

Conclusions Basic facts Comparisons Trends, Patterns interpretation

Evaluation What went well What did not Reasons Improvements

Originality Factual research Original attempt Imaginative Innovative

Concepts Ideas Processes Application Details

10/30/2014 21 M. Cox 2013


Rubric of Success Criteria for this project

Criteria Facts/statement Descriptions Explanations Execution

Skill Base Delegation Collaboration Implementation Organisation

Research Basic facts Relevant Clear Facts Cohesive facts

Subject Area Choice of area Interesting facts Comparisons Clear data

Presentation Clear Contents Clear ideas Clear data High quality

Maths Facts /statistics Comparisons Level of Maths Uses levels

Calculations Facts/ratios Percentages etc Well set out (I.T) Variety of charts

Data Bar charts Pie charts Line graphs Scatter graphs

Analysis Round/estimate Averages/Prob. %, 0.1, ⅓,÷,±,˂˃ Formula

Conclusions Basic facts Comparisons Trends, Patterns interpretation

Evaluation What went well What did not Clear Reasons Improvements

Originality Factual research Original attempt Imaginative Innovative

Concepts Ideas Processes Application Details

10/30/2014 22 M. Cox 2013


Explanation for Success Criteria Rubric for this project

Criteria Facts Descriptions Explanations Execution

Skill Base


Subject Area









Concepts Ideas Processes Application Details



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Increase in difficulty of skills (Blooms taxonomy)

Progression of Concept to Detail and application of ideas

(BFFM - Big Five Factor Model)

10/30/2014 23 M. Cox 2013

Teaching Rubric of success criteria for this project

Criteria Facts Descriptions Explanations Execution

Skill Base


Subject Area What Presents basic facts and data (2 Variables)

Presentation When Presents basic facts, comparisons and data (finished)

Maths Which Backs up facts with basic maths (amounts, %, ratio etc)

Calculations When Uses maths to elaborate main points (More variables)

Data Where Uses IT resources, charts or graphs to support (extend)

Analysis How Analyses data /graphs for relationships and trends

Conclusions Why Uses maths to support /develop findings or facts

Evaluation Why Examines impact of variables and relationships

Originality Why Uses maths to specifically show your area of focus

Concepts Ideas Processes Application Details



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Increase in difficulty of skills (Blooms taxonomy)

10/30/2014 24 M. Cox 2013

Some Resources - WWI - Intro (10mins) - Battle of Somme (10mins) – watch from 30 minutes – 35 minutes

10/30/2014 25 M. Cox 2013

Suggested Timescales – Battle of Britain, Trafalgar, Armada

Criteria Facts Descriptions Explanations Execution

Skill Base Set the scene Groups & S.C.* Roles & ideas Lesson 1

Research Specific Areas Own research Historical facts Homework

Subject Area Shared research Discussion Collaboration Lesson 2

Presentation Own work/area Individual work Choice of method Lesson 3

Maths Basic maths Problem solving Working out Lesson 4 & Hmk

Calculations Research/revise Peer support Teacher Support Lesson 5

Data Data method Tables/graphs Teacher support Lesson 6

Analysis Display data Revise/review Teacher support Lesson 7 & Hmk

Conclusions Calculations Trends/patterns Findings Lesson 8

Evaluation Integration Finishing off Self Assessment Lesson 9 & Hmk

Originality Present/share or carousel

Peer Assess. Use *Success Criteria

Review/discuss & *Self Evaluation

Peer Assessment

Concepts Ideas Processes Application Details 10/30/2014 26 M. Cox 2013

Progress Check and possible Ideas – Battle of Britain, Trafalgar, Armada

10/30/2014 27 M. Cox 2013

Progress Check and possible Ideas – Battle of Britain, Trafalgar, Armada

10/30/2014 28 M. Cox 2013

Self Assessment – Battle of Britain, Trafalgar, Armada

Criteria Enjoyment Maths Skills Progress

What do I feel went well and I enjoyed.

What have I learnt?

How has my Maths improved?

What evidence do I have? (Uses levels)

How well did I do? (Success Criteria)

What could be improved?

10/30/2014 29 M. Cox 2013

Peer Assessment – Battle of Britain, Trafalgar, Armada

Criteria Success Criteria Level of Maths Things you like Improvements

Peer Assessment


Peer Assessment


Peer Assessment


Evaluation of Comments

What could be

improved? 10/30/2014 30 M. Cox 2013

10/30/2014 31 M. Cox 2013

Project Overview

10/30/2014 32 M. Cox 2013

Level of growth Facts Descriptions Explanations Execution

Collaboration Discussion with others Sharing

Level 7 Poss. third draft Extending work New skills New skill

Level 6 Second draft Extending work Finished work New skill

Level 5 First Draft Second Draft Finished work New skills

Level 4 First draft Not extended Not completed Lost /excuses

Or below Finding Data Organisation Application Independence

Level of work ethic, organisation and growth in learning


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Level of Study skills and Independence

Project Overview

10/30/2014 33 M. Cox 2013

Level of maths Facts Descriptions Explanations Execution

Fluency/accuracy Many concepts

Level 8 Social issues Abstract

Complex areas Problems

Level 7 Cause and effect Link concepts

Trends/patterns Continuous data

Level 6 Several variables Linking ideas

Comparisons Links application

Level 5 Round/estimate Categorical data

Factual research Links facts

Level 4 Basic numeracy Facts finding

Skill Base Collaboration Organisation Application Independence

Level of students study skills and independence

Rubric of Application v Concept

The Battle of Trafalgar 10/30/2014 34 M. Cox 2013

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