maths 3 ppt

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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A second order differential equation is an equation involving the independent variablet, and an unknown function or dependent variable y = y(t) along with its first and secondderivatives. We will assume that it is always possible to solve for the second derivative sothat the equation has the form

y'' = f (t, y, y'),A solution of it on an interval I is a function y = φ(t), twice continuously differentiable on I, such that φ''(t) = f (t, φ(t), φ'(t)) for all values of t ∈ I.

Definitions and Examples

• An initial value problem for a second order equation on an interval I consists of y'' = f (t, y, y'), together with two initial conditions y(t0) = y0, y'(t0) = y1, prescribed at a point t0 ∈ I, where y0 and y1 are any given numbers.

• Thus y = φ(t) is a solution of the initial value problem on I if, in addition to satisfying y'' = f (t, y, y') on I, φ(t0) = y0 and φ'(t0) = y1.

Linear Equations• The differential equation y'' = f (t, y, y') is said to

be linear if it can be written in the standard form

y'' + p(t) y' + q(t)y = g(t), (A)where the coefficient of y'' is equal to 1. The

coefficients p, q, and g can be arbitrary functions of the independent variable t, but y, y', and y'' can appear in no other way except as designated by the form of Eq. (A).

• Equation (A) is said to be homogeneous if the term g(t) is zero for all t. Otherwise the equation is nonhomogeneous, and the term g(t) is referred to as the nonhomogeneous term.

Linear Equations

• A slightly more general form of a linear second order equation is

P(t)y'' + Q(t)y' + R(t)y = G(t).

• This Equation is said to be a constant coefficient equation if P, Q, and R are constants. In this case, Eq. reduces to

ay'' + by' + cy = g(t)

where a = 0, b, and c are given constants and we have replaced G(t) by g(t).

• Otherwise Eq. has variable coefficients.

Dynamical System Formulation• As , y'' = f (t, y, y') can be converted to a system of first

order equations of dimension two by introducing the state variables x1 = y and x2 = y'. Then

x'1 = x2, x2= f (t, x1, x2), Initial conditions for the system are x1(t0) = y0, x2(t0) = y1,

• When we refer to the state variables for y'' = f (t, y, y'), we mean both y and y, although other choices for state variables may be used. In addition, when we refer to the dynamical system equivalent to y'' = f (t, y, y'), we mean the system of first order equations above expressed in terms of the state variables.

• Just as ,the evolution of the system state in time is graphically represented as a continuous trajectory, or orbit, through the phase plane or state space.

Mechanical & Electrical Vibrations

• Two important areas of application for second order linear equations with constant coefficients are in modeling mechanical and electrical oscillations.

• We will study the motion of a mass on a spring in detail.

• An understanding of the behavior of this simple system is the first step in investigation of more complex vibrating systems.

Spring – Mass System

• Suppose a mass m hangs from vertical spring of original length l. The mass causes an elongation L of the spring.

• The force FG of gravity pulls mass down. This force has magnitude mg, where g is acceleration due to gravity.

• The force FS of spring stiffness pulls mass up. For small elongations L, this force is proportional to L.

That is, Fs = kL (Hooke’s Law).

• Since mass is in equilibrium, the forces balance each other:


Spring Model

• We will study motion of mass when it is acted on by an external force (forcing function) or is initially displaced.

• Let u(t) denote the displacement of the mass from its equilibrium position at time t, measured downward.

• Let f be the net force acting on mass. Newton’s 2nd Law:

• In determining f, there are four separate forces to consider:– Weight: w = mg (downward force)

– Spring force: Fs = - k(L+ u) (up or down force, see next slide)

– Damping force: Fd(t) = - u (t) (up or down, see following slide)

– External force: F (t) (up or down force, see text)

)()( tftum

Spring Model: Spring Force Details

• The spring force Fs acts to restore spring to natural position, and is proportional to L + u. If L + u > 0, then spring is extended and the spring force acts upward. In this case

• If L + u < 0, then spring is compressed a distance of |L + u|, and the spring force acts downward. In this case

• In either case,

)( uLkFs


)( uLkFs


• Undamped Free oscillationsRecall that the equation of motion for the damped spring-

mass system with external forcing is

my'' + γ y' + ky = F(t)

with initial conditions, y(0) = y0, y(0) = v0, that specify initial position y0 and initial velocity v0 provide a complete formulation of the vibration problem.

• If there is no external force, then F(t) = 0. Assume that there is no damping, so γ = 0.

• We get my'' + ky = 0. If we divide by m, it becomes

y'' + ω20 y = 0,

where ω20 = k/m.

Undamped Free Vibrations

• The characteristic equation for diff. eq. isλ2 + ω2

0 = 0, and the corresponding characteristic roots are λ=±ω0. It follows that the general solutionis

y = A cos ω0t + B sin ω0t. Via the initial conditions to determine the integration

constants A and B in terms of initial position and velocity,

A = y0 and B = v0/ ω0.• We can write y in the phase amplitude form

y = R cos(ω0t − δ).

Undamped Free Vibrations

• The period of the motion isT = 2π/ω0= 2π(m/k)1/2.• The circular frequency ω0 =√(k/m), measured in

radians per unit time, is called the natural frequency of the vibration.

• The maximum displacement R of the mass from equilibrium is the amplitude of the motion.

• The dimensionless parameter δ is called the phase, or phase angle, and measures the displacement of the wave from its normal position corresponding to δ = 0.


• Suppose that a mass weighing 10 lb stretches a spring 2 in. If the mass is displaced an additional 2 in and is then set in motion with an initial upward velocity of 1 ft/s, determine the position of the mass at any later time. Also determine the period, amplitude, and phase of the motion.

Example 2: Find IVP

• A 10 lb mass stretches a spring 2". The mass is displaced an additional 2" and then set in motion with initial upward velocity of 1 ft/sec. Determine position of mass at any later time. Also find period, amplitude, and phase of the motion.

• Find m:

• Find k:

• Thus our IVP is






lb10 2

2 mm








lb10 kkkLkFs

1)(,6/1)0(,0)(60)(16/5 tuututu

00 )0(,)0(,0)()( vuuutkutum

Example 2: Find Solution

• Simplifying, we obtain

• To solve, use methods of Ch 3.4 to obtain


1)0(,6/1)0(,0)(192)( uututu

tttu 192sin192




tttu 38sin38




Example 2: Find Period, Amplitude, Phase

• The natural frequency is

• The period is

• The amplitude is

• Next, determine the phase :

tttu 38sin38




rad/sec 856.1338192/0 mk

sec 45345.0/2 0 T

ft 18162.022 BAR

rad 40864.04



3tantan 1



ABRBRA /tan,sin,cos

409.038cos182.0)( Thus ttu

Damped Free Vibrations

• If we include the effect of damping, the differential equation governing the motion of the mass is my''+γy'+ky=0.

• The roots of the corresponding characteristic equation, mλ2+γλ+k=0 leads to 3 cases.

• 1. Underdamped Harmonic Motion (γ2−4km < 0).

The roots are μ ±iν with μ = −γ/2m < 0 and ν = (4km − γ2)1/2/2m> 0 and general solution is y = e−γt/2m(A cos νt + B sin νt).

• 2. CriticallyDampedHarmonic Motion (γ2−4km =0).

In this case, λ1=−γ/2m<0 is a repeated root and the general solution is y = (A + Bt)e−γt/2m

Damped Free Vibrations

• 3. Overdamped Harmonic Motion (γ2−4km > 0).In this case, the values of λ1 and λ2 are real, distinct,

and negative, and the general solution is y = Aeλ1t + Beλ2t.

• The most important case is the first one, which occurs when the damping is small. If we let A = R cos δ and B = R sin δ, then we obtain

y = Re−γ t/2m cos(νt − δ). ν is called the quasi-frequency and Td = 2π/ν is called

the quasi-period.


• The motion of a certain spring-mass system is governed by the differential equation

y'' + 0.125y' + y = 0, where y is measured in feet and t in seconds. If y(0) = 2

and y'(0) = 0, determine the position of the mass at any time. Find the quasi-frequency and the quasi-period, as well as the time at which the mass first passes through its equilibrium position. Find the time τ such that |y(t)| < 0.1 for all t > τ. Draw the orbit of the initial value problem in phase space.

Example 3: Initial Value Problem

• Suppose that the motion of a spring-mass system is governed by the initial value problem

• Find the following:(a) quasi frequency and quasi period;

(b) time at which mass passes through equilibrium position;

(c) time such that |u(t)| < 0.1 for all t > .

• For Part (a), using methods of this chapter we obtain:


0)0(,2)0(,0125.0 uuuuu

tettetu tt










255cos2)( 16/16/

)sin,cos (recall 06254.0255

1tan RBRA

Example 3: Quasi Frequency & Period

• The solution to the initial value problem is:

• The graph of this solution, along with solution to the corresponding undamped problem, is given below.

• The quasi frequency is

and quasi period

• For undamped case:

tettetu tt










255cos2)( 16/16/


295.6/2 dT

283.62,10 T

Example 3: Quasi Frequency & Period

• The damping coefficient is = 0.125 = 1/8, and this is 1/16 of the critical value

• Thus damping is small relative to mass and spring stiffness. Nevertheless the oscillation amplitude diminishes quickly.

• Using a solver, we find that |u(t)| < 0.1 for t > 47.515 sec

22 km

Example 3: Quasi Frequency & Period

• To find the time at which the mass first passes through the equilibrium position, we must solve

• Or more simply, solve




32)( 16/

tetu t

sec 637.12255






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