master in collective housing 2012

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Portfolio of the master course in the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, ETSAM





This book is the result of seven months of intense working and thinking about con-cerns and challenges of architectural disci-pline. In particular the advance master course was focus in housing as the depar-ture point. The environment provided by director Jose Maria La Puerta, as well as the coor-dinator Sebastian Severino and Maria Jose Magna was the ideal one, in order to focus ourselves just in architectural thin-king. In second terms i would like to thank to all the teachers I had the pleasure to meet in the development of the course. It was a great honour to have the opportunity to meet such prestigious architects and I had really learnt from them, not only in archi-tectural terms, but also as a human being. Finally, I am deeply grateful with all my colleagues and friends I have been honou-red to share this path tat was the master experience. They where also great teachers and the interaction between us it was great part of how we were able acqui-re knowledge.



Internal Logic ...........................................6 Ordinary lux.........................................7 Depth challenge.................................11

Housing I Environment...........................16 3 Plos 1 project..................................17 Plus+..................................................25 Urban Mountain.................................49 Rethink built architecture...................69

Urban Scale...........................................90 Favelas intervention..........................91 Urban Landscape............................102 Polaroid cities..................................115



This book is a compendium of architectu-ral projects undertaken as part of the master collective housing 2012 held at the Universidad Politécnica in Madrid. Through it I will try to approach and understand the problem of housing and what can be the meaning and importance of collective housing as a leading point of architectural discipline. As a departure point we should clarify that the book is not an accurate reflection of all the work have done in the advance master course, but it is a selection and reorganiza-tion of it. The aim of this book is to make an analytic filter and understand architec-tural projects exercise as an excuse for deep comprehension and further questio-ning about the assumed concepts of our discipline. This, under the belief that knowledge is something that is acquired by turning down the paradigms and precon-ceptions one may have taken with ouersel-ves. The master was centred in collective hou-sing and might be interesting as a starting point to define the concept of collective-ness and why is important as a subject of our discipline. We assume architecture as a discipline that is not only related to parti-cular techniques and ways of doing things but also as an amount of cultural values

that are attach to it. These values are what make our discipline a complex subject and also what help us to develop and propose new ways of understanding life. In this sense we recognise contemporary man as an urban citizen, this mean that great part of human begins is related with the interaction and relationship between themselves. This is the neuralgic point of collectiveness, the relationship between the individuality of housing and the interac-tion between them. Continue with this subject we cannot avoid density as a particular attribute we have to take in awareness. The adequate density is not just a figure, but also a part of the problem of design. Designing in archi-tecture it is related more with propitiate favourable condition of living rather than with a sort of particular fashionable aesthe-tic. So density is an important value becau-se in a way give possibilities and hope, because the interaction allow us, urban human begins, to accomplish our goals. Another important subject we must define and ask ourselves is: the importance hou-sing in our discipline. Since Modern archi-tecture it had been define as the central issue of architecture. This was related with a redefinition of our discipline and a parti-cular way of thinking related with the modern man project. Nowadays even that the modern project is overthrown, we still have the concern of the importance of hou-sing for our discipline. This can have different sort of explana-tion; a more practical may be that housing

is real neediness and most of the architec-tural built is for this program, although this is a true fact, the importance of housing is beyond the real state market necessities. Other theories can be think related with the idea that nowadays housing is not able to accomplish the necessities of contem-porary living. This fact is also true and is linked to modern architecture way of thin-king. The problem is that if we assume this problem is an issue we also must assume that we haven’t been able as a discipline to find a solution in the past hundreds years of searching. For me as Dietmar Eberle said in one of his lectures of the master class, “... there are two type of architecture the monument and the practical architecture...”. In this scenes housing is perfect field to investi-gate the necessities of practical architectu-re and how our discipline can fulfil the necessity of something that is at the same time so complex and trivial. At last we will define the way the book is developed and how it was decided to clus-tered the projects. First of all we must reali-sed that most of this projects had been done in one week work so we had few time to develop the hole complexity of the project and just focus in a small amount of issues. In this way we define three groups related with three different ways of approaching to the housing project problem. These three groups are related with different scales of the program. The first group approach to the problem of the housing itself and how the interior

distribution and logic can generate new ways of living. The second group is related to the rela-tionship between the housing and the neighbourhood, the relationship with the surroundings. What are the implications of the project in the environment of the city and what kind of concerns must we realize for the housing and how it may be affected the environment. The third group is related with the biggest scale of the city understanding that at the end there is a strong relationship between the housing and the fluid result that the city is. In this sense it is important to ask ourselves which kind of city and interaction we think can be appropriate for contempo-rary days and if the architecture we are proposing can be aligned with it. This way of understanding projects rela-ted with scale terms is not new to architec-ture it had been already exposed by Kool-haas in his book S,M,L,XL. Anyhow there are some difference between Koolhaas vision where scale is related to the final result of the building and how scale itself determine different conditions to architec-ture, and this case where we are not thin-king about the final scale of the building but the scale of the problem we are addressing.


This book is a compendium of architectu-ral projects undertaken as part of the master collective housing 2012 held at the Universidad Politécnica in Madrid. Through it I will try to approach and understand the problem of housing and what can be the meaning and importance of collective housing as a leading point of architectural discipline. As a departure point we should clarify that the book is not an accurate reflection of all the work have done in the advance master course, but it is a selection and reorganiza-tion of it. The aim of this book is to make an analytic filter and understand architec-tural projects exercise as an excuse for deep comprehension and further questio-ning about the assumed concepts of our discipline. This, under the belief that knowledge is something that is acquired by turning down the paradigms and precon-ceptions one may have taken with ouersel-ves. The master was centred in collective hou-sing and might be interesting as a starting point to define the concept of collective-ness and why is important as a subject of our discipline. We assume architecture as a discipline that is not only related to parti-cular techniques and ways of doing things but also as an amount of cultural values

that are attach to it. These values are what make our discipline a complex subject and also what help us to develop and propose new ways of understanding life. In this sense we recognise contemporary man as an urban citizen, this mean that great part of human begins is related with the interaction and relationship between themselves. This is the neuralgic point of collectiveness, the relationship between the individuality of housing and the interac-tion between them. Continue with this subject we cannot avoid density as a particular attribute we have to take in awareness. The adequate density is not just a figure, but also a part of the problem of design. Designing in archi-tecture it is related more with propitiate favourable condition of living rather than with a sort of particular fashionable aesthe-tic. So density is an important value becau-se in a way give possibilities and hope, because the interaction allow us, urban human begins, to accomplish our goals. Another important subject we must define and ask ourselves is: the importance hou-sing in our discipline. Since Modern archi-tecture it had been define as the central issue of architecture. This was related with a redefinition of our discipline and a parti-cular way of thinking related with the modern man project. Nowadays even that the modern project is overthrown, we still have the concern of the importance of hou-sing for our discipline. This can have different sort of explana-tion; a more practical may be that housing

is real neediness and most of the architec-tural built is for this program, although this is a true fact, the importance of housing is beyond the real state market necessities. Other theories can be think related with the idea that nowadays housing is not able to accomplish the necessities of contem-porary living. This fact is also true and is linked to modern architecture way of thin-king. The problem is that if we assume this problem is an issue we also must assume that we haven’t been able as a discipline to find a solution in the past hundreds years of searching. For me as Dietmar Eberle said in one of his lectures of the master class, “... there are two type of architecture the monument and the practical architecture...”. In this scenes housing is perfect field to investi-gate the necessities of practical architectu-re and how our discipline can fulfil the necessity of something that is at the same time so complex and trivial. At last we will define the way the book is developed and how it was decided to clus-tered the projects. First of all we must reali-sed that most of this projects had been done in one week work so we had few time to develop the hole complexity of the project and just focus in a small amount of issues. In this way we define three groups related with three different ways of approaching to the housing project problem. These three groups are related with different scales of the program. The first group approach to the problem of the housing itself and how the interior

distribution and logic can generate new ways of living. The second group is related to the rela-tionship between the housing and the neighbourhood, the relationship with the surroundings. What are the implications of the project in the environment of the city and what kind of concerns must we realize for the housing and how it may be affected the environment. The third group is related with the biggest scale of the city understanding that at the end there is a strong relationship between the housing and the fluid result that the city is. In this sense it is important to ask ourselves which kind of city and interaction we think can be appropriate for contempo-rary days and if the architecture we are proposing can be aligned with it. This way of understanding projects rela-ted with scale terms is not new to architec-ture it had been already exposed by Kool-haas in his book S,M,L,XL. Anyhow there are some difference between Koolhaas vision where scale is related to the final result of the building and how scale itself determine different conditions to architec-ture, and this case where we are not thin-king about the final scale of the building but the scale of the problem we are addressing.



In this first group of projects we will inclu-de two projects that have been done in the one-week workshops dynamic leaded by architects Hrvoje Njiric (Ordinary lux) and Andrea Deplazes (Depth Challenge). In both project we approach to the housing project defining some special condition referred to the internal logic. In these two projects the accent was placed in ask ourselves how can architecture answered to contemporary way of living and if actua-lly contemporary architecture answer to our daily needs.



Ordinary lux was an exercise centred in asking us what is the meaning of luxuri-ous. The result is collective buildings that can be seen as the sum of twenty-two particular views of want the luxurious mean in contemporary housing. Thus there are two important fact two highlight about the project; One is to forced ourselves to ask what is the meaning of preconceived words and the second one is the possibility of thinking architecture as a collective mediation of different thoughts. For us the ideal of luxurious was guided by the etymological concept that is related with deviation or particularity. In this way the big challenge was to determine a very unique and special dwelling without having a particular user. In order to give an answer to it, we determine that the flexibilities and unique possibilities that the dwelling can give more luxurious, so this is what the project search for.

downtown dwellingtransition










A A’

B B’



plan 1:200

sectionBB’ 1:200

sectionAA’ 1:200 9


An important point to under-stand in this project is the idea of progressive living. Where architecture and housing can bee seen as a progress, in a way like a constant unfinished project. Thus, we tried define a initial project and also define some growing possibilities that the user might be inter-ested as his life in the dwell-ing goes by.



What does it mean having a building depth of 27 meters? How does a dwelling vary if it has a different building depth but the same amount of meters?We will analyze the implications of having an extreme situation, a building with 27 meters of depth. So we must ask ourselves; What qualities when we talk about circulation, access, sunlight, ventila-tion, facilities location and intimacy has a dwelling according to depth?Identifying the strength in this case and its problems would be a first step to make in this laboratory, so that we would be able to propose a conceptual approach according to it afterwards.In contemporary architecture history there are plenty of these depth extreme cases and perhaps Le Corbusier Unite habita-cional du Marsella is one of the most paradigmatic examples. After a deep stud-ies of the cases we raised to two conclu-sions: If we are interested to get light to the inte-rior part or we increase the height or make interior patios.Walls, storage and everything must be placed parrallel to the the 27 meters.As a conclusion we finally projected a plan that can be understood like two parts con-nected by a bridge. In the bridge we placed activities such as the kitchen and a dinning room.

Typology plan 1:150

Scheme of developmet of the typology

30 740 830 30 361 10 369 030



















TYPOLOGIESCombination Plan 1:200

Typology A Typology C Typology D

Typology B


General Plan 1:500

Exterior Facadel 1:500

Secction AA 1:500



Perspective interior courtyard




This second groups of projects are related as the title said, with the relationships before housing project with one specific environment. To clarify, we can use the concept of thermodynamic, so spoken nowadays and means that the building and the environment can be understood as a close system where the reality and actions that happened in one of them affect directly over the other. In this sence, we will study five differente projects accomplish during the master, this five project can be, as well, divided in three gropus. The first group are the new projects and include Dietmar Eberle´s workshop (3 plots, 1 project), in this case we had been studied the relationship of a new building in an empty plot in three different urban con-text. The second group that includes Anne Lactonne`s workshop (plus+) and Juan Herreros`s Workshop (urban mountain) the challenge is focus in how to refurbish a urban situation that in a way is not working. Thus, we worked in both cases over exist-ing building planning solution in order to activate some urban logics that we consid-ered appreciable. The third group that includes the special-ties of Construction (leaded by Araujo and Alzapicueta) and Sustainability (leaded by Javier Garcia German) centred the issue in rethinking a built example of architecture taking in account new environ-ment conditions.



What are the environments input we have to take in account in order to start a project? How should be a favourable rela-tionship between a building and their neighbour? Perhaps a good starting point to understand the approach of the work-shop is Dietrmar Eberles Quote: …” A building must be good for the person that walk by”… In this way we establish the challenge for this week-workshop in giving solution to three different location where the situation where the building should be placed was completely different. The first plot was located in Madrid medi-eval city in La Latina quarter, surrounded by a very massive and dense city. The second plot was located in manzanares over a big avenue in front to Oeste Park, a place located not far from the city centre and with great views. The challenge in this second plot was how to manage different reactions towards the big avenue and the lateral smaller streets. The third plot was located in Vallecas in a very poor qualities urban area. So at the end of the workshop we estab-lish some strategies of how to deal with different urban situation

1. Calle de Cava Baja

The principal idea of this volumetric approach is to continue with the spatiality of medieval city. In that sense there are two different relationships between the plot and the street. In cava baja the street is very lively street while in calle los almendros there is a wall in front the plot and doesn’t seems to have much life. As we can see the configuration in the neighbourhood is of 18 meters high building with a ground floor that relate with the public space and then the apartments in the upper floors.The proposal opens a public street in the middle of the plot combining both situation and trying to make more façade towards the public space. With this strategy we are searching for get good quality towards the public space trying to continue with a great pre existent spatiality. 18

2. Rosales

It was clear that the best typology for this plot on the border of the city was the tower, in order to have a landmark that continues the rhythm of the other towers which are in the street. At the same time we wanted to keep the conti-nuity of the façade line of the other buildings. That’s why the tower has a 7 storey base and occupy dramatically the corner. The structure is made of external concrete walls in order to have as much flexibility as possible in the floors. 19

3. Vallecas

The plot of Vallecas was an hard challenge, because of the wrong urbanistic plan of the whole area and the low density. We thought that, in order to give quality and a human scale to the intervention it was necessary to put a variety of typologies and a mix of uses. We focused on the ground floor, the borders and the relation between public, semi-public and private spaces. We tried with many models which was the best aggregation for the plot and at the end we decided for a closed cluster trying to combine buildings of different height and density.


3. Vallecas

“Playing” with different model in order to understand the best aggregation.


3. Vallecas

Checking the density in different uses of the plot.


3. Vallecas

Comparison of the plot with different historical urban interventions.


3. Vallecas

View of the intervention.




The name plus is based on Anne Lacatonne´s (leader of the workshop) book called the same way and it is related with an attitude to already constructed building and areas. In this study case the area is called el El Quiñon (Nuevo Seseña), here is a very big development done by the speculation of the real state market over the past real state market bubble that Spain suffered in the last decade. The result is a very big urbaniza-tion very far from the city centre, where there is a big amount of buildings built but no people living on them. To approach to the issue we started ana-lyzing the area; trying to understand which can be the good points of the urbanization and which must be change urgently in order to reactivate it. In the development of the study we realized that the building and consolidation where not so bad and that we can divide them in two types of build-ings: towers and Blocks. Although the aim is the same the way we are going to react to this two typologies of building will be very different. In the case of the towers, taking in account that the area itself it is not enough we are going to do an operation of addition, trying to bring a com-plementary program to a new exterior layer. In the case of the blocks and taking in account their massiveness, the operation is more related with subtraction. Anyhow, the idea is to get to similar appropriate qualities to both types.














2007: 280.000€

2004: 180.000€

2-bedroom dwelling+boxroom +parking


2011: 89.000€

2012: 65.000€

13.508 dwellings

5.096 dwellings done

Untill now there have been built: 14 court type building 14 towers 5 linear blocks

The area is located between two highways and can be re-think as a mixed-used site and not just residential, like a production-residential area, or a sport-residential area,costing over 9 billion euros to build









Housing articles





The Idea is basically to give more outer space to the dwellings. We use an external structure like a scaffolder that allow to put a perimetral terrace, really deep (3 meters). The added spaces of the terrace can be an extentrion of the inner activity, a new activity or can be simply left free. The use of a floating floor allow to have earth to make a garden grow or to coltivate food, etc.









Winter garden


Winter garden

Exterior cultivation



Additional room






Steel beam

Secondary beams

Wood floating floor


Existing concrete slab














Living Dining Kitchen Living Dining Kitchen

Living Dining Kitchen Living Dining Kitchen

Winter Garden

Winter Garden Winter Garden

Winter Garden

Winter Garden Winter Garden

Single BedroomDouble Bedroom Double Bedroom










Trrace Trrace


Single Bedroom Single Bedroom




Double Bedroom Single Bedroom Single BedroomDouble Bedroom


Winter Garden

Winter Garden

Single Bedroom





identify the elements with HIGHER PRICE




(elements built or cost for refurbish and rebuilt)





































intervention planesc 1:200


current situtation

+ (plus)



KITCHEN_12.7 sqm

BEDROOM2_14 sqmBEDROOM1_19.5 sqm


Before After

TERRACE_9.7 sqm
































LOGGIA_32 sqm


BATHROOM1_16 sqm

BEDROOM2_23.2 sqmBEDROOM1_31.7 sqm

KIDSROOM_10.2 sqm

BATHROOM2_15 sqm

KITCHEN_12.7 sqm

BEDROOM2_14 sqmBEDROOM1_19.5 sqm


TERRACE_9.7 sqm

Before After45







34 5 5 5

KITCHEN_14.2 sqm

BEDROOM2_13.6 sqmBEDROOM1_14.9 sqm


TERRACE_20.4 sqm

BEDROOM3_13.8 sqmBEDROOM4_20.3 sqm


BEDROOM2_13.6 sqmLOGGIA_14.9 sqm


TERRACE_23.3 sqm

BEDROOM3_13.8 sqmBEDROOM4_20.3 sqm

Before After








2 1 1

KITCHEN_12.7 sqm

BEDROOM2_14 sqmBEDROOM1_19.5 sqm


TERRACE_9.7 sqm





TERRACE_30.5 sqm

Before After


Previous section of sector

Section of project for the sector




Urban Mountain is a project conceived for the refurbishment of the Edificio España, located in front to Plaza España in the centre part of Madrid. The name Urban Mountain is related with the first approach the design team felt when we started studying the building. This building was built in 1950 and was conceived to be the most magnificent and tall building of Spain. We cannot avoid framing this situation into a socio political context given by Franco’s Military period that was taking place at the time. In that scene, for us was really important to make a project that can be in a way a manifesto and object these intrinsic quali-ties that the building already had attached. As the building was enormous and the impact in the city was also going to be really dramatic, also the approach to project was establishing an agenda, where we defined which could be the main topics to take in account for the building. At the end we arrived to a series of ana-logue operation that we think not only reactivate the building, but also make a statement in the relation between history and present times.


AGENDAAvoid fascism

Movement of the projectSustainable Building Diversity of activities

Using data to build a village inside the city (Orientation, sun,

light, etc.)Circulation system with large, new, interesting promenades

New formDensity



Part of the structure we saveCurrent situation

SAVE THE STRUCTURE!The old structure of Edificio España can be used to ospite the new houses. There’s no need to destroy it.

CREATE A MODULE!We thought about a new module that could fits with the old structure in order to create different kinds of dwellings.The module we created is 3,28mt high (which is the height of the plans), 3,50mt large (which is the distance between two windows) and a dept that goes from 8,50mt to 13,00mt depending on our needs.

8,50 mt

3,50 mt

3,28 mt

13,00 mt






... mq



TAKE THE BEST FROM THE SUN!We are planning a building like a mountain, then as the mountain goes through modeling climatic agents, also studied how our body is affected by them, to support our design process. We divided the building into modules (pixels) and eliminated some of them in order to obtain the best form who would catch more sun. But... how not to lose density? Easy! What we take away, we put on the top!

Current situacion better position for dwellings facing South with terraces

Public space rise with dwellings!

how not to lose density?let’s move them on the top! facing south!

Public outdor space rises with terrazas and green and cultivations and much more!

All dwellings has the best orientation now!

Genesis of the mountain


Keep density


Cyborg + Building


1 2 3

4 5 6






















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5 37





































































































































11 9











































































































































































































































Traditional building: shops on the ground floor, houses on the upper floors


Slide the apartments to get the most from the sun and create vertical paths

The paths rise along the building. A new way of relationtiship between activities



We intercalate the activities in the diferents floor, that way we are studing the oportunities in the builing in realtionship with amount of people

CREATING SPACESThe terraces obtained by the slippage of the plans allow to create paths and spaces that can be use not only by the owners of the dwllings, but also for outsid-ers as accesibles spots.

ACCESIBILITYDefining the spaces and the platforms in terms of the accesibility and capability to recibe peoplet










112 3






Zoom in dwellings63

Zoom in dwellings64

View from the top65

Corrupt the facism66

View from Plaza España


Transversal section 68



In this chapter it had been grouped two specialities. Although they where chasing different goal, they shared a way of think-ing the process of architecture. In behalf of it, in the three cases presented we are going to take a good built example of architecture, as it is the Lake Shore Building of Mies, and try to understand which modification are we able to make taking in account contemporary concern and a different environment. It is important to understand that in the case of Madrid the emphasis was put more in the construction aspects (since it was done as an exercise for construction spe-cialty) while in Bergen and Salvador the most important subject was the reaction of the building to an extreme environment.


This study will be done of Mies van der Rohe´s skyscraper complex built in Chi-cago: Lake shore Building 86-88. This complex of buildings help to define a style and was an iconic example of a way of construction in the 50`s. There are located in the shore of Michi-gan Lake. In particular we where inter-ested in studying how we coud managed to transform in a susteinable way a glass skin curtain wall buliding. We also took in account there is an example that is all des-tiny for dwellings. The plant is organiazed trough a central core where are the vertical conections and the accesos to the eight units. There are two typologies of unit, both for one dormi-tory apartment but that varies the size. We have to take in account that there are luxu-rious apartment where the internal area of the one dormitory apartment varies between 60 and 70 sqm

Estructure Circulation (Central Number of Dwellings

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8





In the case of Madrid we are going to ana-lyse the problem of a housing building located in continental dry template weather. The strategy made was to rethink the organization plan leaving an interior patio that can help to ventilate and exchange the weather. The second thing we put emphasis in, is in the exterior skin we can be able to attach in order to regulate the weather condition, taking in account the difference in each façade. Finally we ask ourselves how can make a series of these building without disturbing each other.





SECTION_ B - B'ESC_ 1:500


Bend pilar and beam

metalic PNI beam

Metalic pilar PNI cover inconcrete

precast concrete

bend pilar with curtainwall structure

metalic clading

curtain verticalstructure

structure of thepassage

aceso to exteriorcladding

articulated metalicunion bend

structure exteriorcladding


Bend pilar exteriormetalic pices

Metalic pilar PNI cover inconcrete

structure exteriorcladding

Metalic pilar PNI cover inconcrete

Bend pilar exteriormetalic pices

structure exteriorcladding








Winter_ January 09:00

Winter_ January 17:00


Summer_ July 09:00

Summer_ July 15:00 Summer_ July 17:00

Winter_ January 12:00 Winter_ January 15:00

Summer_ July 12:00




Bergen in Norway represents an extreme environment case of a very cold, wind humid city. In the process of adaptation of the building to the situation we started chaining the exterior envelopment in order to obtain the best performance for the climate. In consequence we tried to make a very massive and attach to the floor building, where we tried to make as less façade as possible. In this way we loose smaller amount of energy in winter. Afterwards, taking in account winds and radiation we arrived to an irregular form that had the majority of the surface towards south. The second step we did was to study the passive systems and which kind of specific strategies we can do to gain more energy for the winter. Then we studied the materi-als and how they react to the weather. At the end we tried to understand how to manage a logical internal plant of the new building.

esc: 1:100esc: 1:100










ACTUAL BUILDINGarea = 700 s.q.mprerimeter = 110 ml

PROPOSALarea = 700 s.q.mpermineter = 106 mlwidth = 9,40 m

Winter_ January 15:00

Summer_ July 12:00




ESC_ 1:500






interior patio for capturingexterior radiation in winter

vertical circulation

Green house patios


image: Lacatone-VassalleWinter gardens

Celling patio claddingTranslusent aluminum acumulator

of radiation

image: JVS architectsInterior in wood; storage towards


Image: Peter ZumthorExterior blind walls in doble walls

in concrete with aire chamber in middle.






In the case of El Salvador the problem is radically opposite. Our principal concern on this weather was to generate as much cross ventilation as possible, taking in account is a hot and humid climate. In this was we worked with a linear block with big openings towards the principal winds, trying to accomplish zones of different pressure of air and to maximize the effect of the wind. Another thing we took in account was to develop the smallest amount of sun radia-tion in the east-west facade taking in account the amount of hours this two sides face the sun radiation. Then as the case of Bergen we also stud-ied the passive system and the materiality till we arrived to a thermodynamically balance. In the case of Salvador the nature was really helpful to improve the environ-ment conditions. Finally also tried to make an interior logical plan for the new building.











ACTUAL BUILDINGarea = 700 s.q.mproportion width / long = 1,75width = 20 m



PROPOSALarea = 700 s.q.mproportion width / long = 7,80width = 9,40 m
















wind wind










steal structure

wood sliding panel


interior view of the terrace

Image: Herzog and De meuronRue de Suisse (Paris)










70 s.q.m23 s.q.m (outdoor


75 s.q.m30 s.q.m (outdoor space)




In urban scale are grouped all the projects related with the topic of thinking housing through the relation of it with the city scale. Here we can also differentiate three kind of projects. In favelas intervention the project is focus in a specific area of Sao Paulo and the aim of the project is to resolve also a very punctual problem. The second type of project where is included urban landscape (specialty leaded by Bernardo Ynzenga) and For-mula 1 bike line (workshop leaded by Burgos and Garrido) the problematic to solve is about programmes that occurred in parallel to the housing programmes and also work as complementary in the cities dynamics. Finally a Polaroid city (workshop lead by Wiel Arets) is optimistic manifesto of how cities can turn into in future.



Jardim Celeste is an illegal settlement establish in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. With the collaboration of the Sao Paulo municipality we elaborated a project of refurbishment for the area. The first part of the exercise is a summery of the important fact in order to approxi-mate to the problem of this settlement. We must understand that this an extreme way of inhabiting and the first concern to take in account is which are the services and con-ditions that the city must provide to all their inhabitant. So we located the risk area that we recognise that the condition of living there are not acceptable. The second step, we define stages related with the importance and impact they can generate to the area.Finally we projected as fewer interventions as we could in order to make a real impact to the area. Also ensuring an acceptable quality of live to all the inhabitancies of the area.
























In urban landscape we will focus in an area in the south of Madrid named ensan-che vallecas. The current situation of the area is the result of the real estate bubble in conjunction with a ground policy that incentive the sprawl of the city. Particularly in this sets of urbanizations we see a lot of empty land provided with all needed servi-ces and also an expand built area with an extremely low-density population.In this context we decided to rethink the area from different approaches. In particu-lar this project focuses on the possibility of reviving an area from the generation of nodes. We understand the nodes as a concentra-tion of activities, which has a high density, there is a mix of uses and offers diversity of activities. In this way we understand nodes as the conjunction of private programs such as housing and offices, and public programs, which we will define as services and donations. For this exercise we take two nodes, which have quite different conditions. For the choice of the points we consider not only what is built, but also what is projec-ted. Finally, beyond these are two different realities cases we reach a common strate-gy of elaboration of nodes, where the program includes a wide variety of uses so as different layers which respond to diffe-rent way to live the space. In this way we understood the node not only an end point, which is accessible but also, gives the pos-sibility of a crossing point that can attract people that pass by.
























Housing + Market


Kinder garden

Sport center


Housing + commercial

O�ce + multiporpouse space







connections stripes_axcessibility main programm

flexible programm multypurpouse overlapped layers

The definition of the main stripes derives from the idea of connecting the nodes with green park close to the M45.The green stripes is the middle derives from the contionuity of the link that connects the park and the nodes’s plot.

A mesh of parallel lines provide axcessibility of the area from the surrounding and create a grid were activities could happen.

The individuation of fixed point generate interaction with the surroundings and gives opportunity for the definition of the green path in between. Kinder garden, sport center, library are concentrated on one side of the plot creating a continuity of activities while housing programm will increase the density in the surrounding.

the flexibility of the stripes gives the opportunity that things can happen in the space according to the need of the citizen. Little pavillion can be moved in a free way on the grid generateing every time different quality of spaces according the the activities that will be performed.

Two tower will take place in the middle of the park generating identity ad recognizable element that works with the city scale.

all the single element of the project partecipate to the idea of identity of the individuality in order to change the rigidity of the previous plan where all the plot are repeted with the same logic.


housing’s block view




A mesh of parallel lines defines the diferent kind of situation and spaciali-ties that occured in the lenght of the whole intervention area.. Also alow as to understand the accesibility to the node from the differnt part of the urbanization

The size and height of this striped is defined by the activities that occured in the sourronding, both in the buildings that we project and the inputs the city gives to the place

all the single element of the project participate to the idea of identity of the individuality in order to change the rigidity of the previous plan where all the plot are repeted with the same logic.








1 Mixed- Used Building


Metro station

Sport center


Bycicle path








the flexibility of the stripes gives the opportunity that things can happen in the space according to the need of the citizen. Little pavillion can be moved in a free way on the grid generateing every time different quality of spaces according the the activities that will be performed.

Two tower will take place in the middle of the park generating identity ad recognizable element that works with the city scale.

all the single element of the project partecipate to the idea of identity of the individuality in order to change the rigidity of the previous plan where all the plot are repeted with the same logic.

A mesh of parallel lines defines the diferent kind of situation and spaciali-ties that occured in the lenght of the whole intervention area.. Also alow as to understand the accesibility to the node from the differnt part of the urbanization

stripes housingmixed used

pedesrtean stripehorizontal stripes overlapped layers

The stregety for this node is to generate three stripe of activities and uses that in the first moment are in paralel but we will make interact between them.Each stripe is defined by the speed of circulation, while. There is a stripe that is related with the propousal building, other realted with the pedestrean speed and another that is more realted with going throw.

The project will contain to type of buildings, in one side the housing buildings that helps to increase more the density in the area and helps to activate the services program

The other program porjected for the node is a mixed used program. This progam will be split in two buildings. A high rise building where will be located offices and dwellings in the upper floors and services and dotation in the lower floors.The other building is a burried building that is destinated just for services and dotations.

The size and height of this striped is defined by the activities that occured in the sourronding, both in the buildings that we project and the inputs the city gives to the place

all the single element of the project participate to the idea of identity of the individuality in order to change the rigidity of the previous plan where all the plot are repeted with the same logic.







POLAROID CITIES is an utopian pro-posal for the city for Tokyo 2085. This proposal is based in a new way of interpreting reality that we decided to call Polaroid thinking. This Proposal is an optimist ideal, where mankind can have a peaceful relationship between themselves and the environment. Seeing science development as an input that allows us to generate the technology and artificial intelligence in order to satisfy our needs.

A utopia is not only an idealistic future, but also the reflection of our own existing society; each past utopia was not just talking about the ideal (or not so ideal) future, but also about their own reality. In order to understand Polaroid cities we will start defining our time (or at least what things we should take from it so as to have a point of departure to get to an idealistic future), and then will explain what the proposal is about. At first we can establish the term PolaroidE as the capability of instant ideas, which is related both with this projected future world, and also as with a methodology of studying con-temporary society. The Polaroid study of contemporary society can be in a way very precise (because can define a exact moment, with very particular conditions), and very vague (in the way, that can be changed very easy because instant situation fluctuate and change easy) but we think is the most accrued way to approximate to our complex world. Also in the idea of Polaroid pictures we should take in account the impor-tance of the observerC that plays a very relevant role in the reality, because is participating in it. In order to continue, we have to understand this board that contempo-rary society is, where we must ask our-selves, which are the singularities, and ideas we can grasp as the starting points for the idealistic future we are

looking for? One important fact in our study is to include a location, because there is a big and complex reality where parallel and opposites move-ments (at least at first sight) are occurring at the same time. That is why we located TokyoH as the place where contemporary phenomenal are happening, where a lot of dynamics make the city in constant change, as an area of opportunities. It is the actual scenario where all this ideal points are starting to develop in a way. The first topic we should highlight is the chaosA ideal (a chaos that can also be interpreted as anarchy). Lately in physics and in science in general there is a consensus that we cannot see reality in an ordinate rational way and to understand it, we have to determine certain atmos-pheres that can make any situation probable. This idea of a series of coordinates that have to be combin-ing can be also extrapolated to soci-ety behaviour. This meant that there is non a single phenomenon we can study separate form the environment, each time phenomenon occurred as a series fact related to the environment B that was created. In terms of sociology it meant that we couldn’t study the behaviour of human beings separately from the fact of an environment that makes things probable. We should introduce

the concept of thermodynamics F as the way to describe the relationship between humans and the environment. This relationship both takes part of the same system, a complex system that cannot be determinate as close. This is a change of paradigm and as Iñaki Abalos says it will also carry other changes: “… A new idea of beauty linked to what many people call a change of paradigm in the discipline (and which we think of as an about‐turn) necessarily involves a typo-logical mutation, a reinterpretation of the very idea of type, and new hierar-chies and scales in the spatial organi-zation of the territory and the city. The disciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and energy involves the alteration of inherited modes and tax-onomies, especially in those situations in which none of the three traditional disciplines has the capacity individually to resolve the problems posed…”. 1 This will guide us to the idea of a new universe; that it is not passive in the interaction with human beings; this uni-verse set the condition and possibilities to human action. So this environment has this duality quality of begin both the place where things happened and also the space that determined that things could happen. Related with this idea, is the idea of the timeG. The idea of linear time, as we where used to think since XVII cen-tury has get into crisis. These hap-pened for different motives, first of all

because these idea was related with the idea of development, this lineal way of thinking also implied there was a modern human being project that we can evolved and as time past human beings are better, and we will make a better future as well (out own history shows as that is not true). In order to get a better comprehension of a different idea of time, we can refer-enced on Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius included in ficciones, where he said about time managed in an imaginary world: “…One of the schools of Tlön goes so far as to negate time: it reasons that the present is indefinite, that the future has no real-ity other than as a present memory…”.2 The Polaroid time is more relate with the idea of seeing time as a coordinate in the space. Something that can be study as the fourth dimension, where random things happened but in simul-taneous ways, where you can be describe different times and measures to represent an instant of time, so a moment of time is an instant of infinite instant (Polaroid) moment happening at the same time but in different dimen-sions. As Stephen Hawking said in his book the history of time “…The quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behav-iour at the boundary …” 3 This It can be

seen as a possibility for thinking time in a more plastic way. That also describe another way to related to this utopian futuristic time, because, this is not a time isolated in the future where human beings have to work and develop to arrive (as modern the modern way of thinking would see), this time is both in the present and in 2085 at the same time. It is not about how much we have to do to arrive to that moment; is more about things that are happening in this instant and also happening in seventy five years at the same time. By the way, also describing time as a coordinate in space make that the coordinate has a strong relationship with the place where is located. There-fore it is really important to define a place where this utopia is located, but this place cannot be randomly pick, Tokyo may be the city where all these phenomena we are describing are already starting happening, where chaos is visible and likable, finally it is where the focus of the conflict is. Tokyo already is a different environment capable of fulfilling people more neces-sities than a traditional metropolis done, and also has a lot of thing to improve in this relationship. As we said Polaroid cities are strongly related with a different management time, but we are already living by this kind of management of time. Due the changes contemporary society had suffer in the past ten years in the new

ways of communication and science development our minds and expecta-tion have changed. We expect to get the results in short periods of time, and if not we find it worthless. Our time necessities are already aligned with this idea of instant time that can be defined as infinite instant moment, so reality turns to be a series of instant moment together. On the other hand, of course these new way of thinking have a bad condition, but we can use as a positive way thinking of it as an input to built this new utopia. When we speak about the relation-ship between men kind and environ-ment we found it important because there are some problems in human begins we can fix by a proposal of changing this relationship. For instance, the idea of storage and patience is related with the idea that there will be a moment where our envi-ronment will not be able to give us what we need. So, is founded in the idea of lack of confident, if we can be sure that the environment will provide us with all the necessary stuff to sur-vive (and to feel the sensation of full-ness) we do not need to storage. When we are born, we do not come into the world with this idea, we just are used to ask (with the means we are able) for our need and the environment (in this case represented by our par-ents) delivered for us the product. Then, these idea and lack of trust in

the environment is not something innate but something we learn.This distrust in the environment also make us believed that in order to achieve some result it is necessary a big effort. The idea that human beings do not deserve the place we have in earth and the relation with the environ-ment, so we have to shrug to be able to continue having the roll in the environ-ment. The Polaroid cities propose a different relationship with the environment. This is environment have not only to be built by nature but also in a combination with human beings (this is already a reality, at least in Tokyo). The environ-ment must be the place where humans can be comfortable, where people can trust that they can achieve and get instantly what they need because the believed they deserve it, and because environment and human wellness are aligned. It is very important to determine two important facts that as a society we have to mutate in order to combine with these cities, one is the idea of believing in the environment and the other is related to our wellness. As we speak of Tokyo as the proper environment that has to mutate some condition also human begins should mutate, continuing with the idea of thermodynamics. These facts are related with human sensation with the environment. The

sensation of shortage (that the envi-ronment is not able to fulfilled the well-ness we need) is what Polaroid cities must take out of people minds At the end, the sensation of shortage and the distrust in the environment is strongly related with the idea of power, and a fair. In a way one of the origins of disparity came from the fear of the shortage, if someone is self-sufficient and that he does not need to make a big effort to achieve what he needs he does not need to struggled for some-thing more that doesn’t belong to him and can belong to someone else more indeed. This concept is in human begins since the biblical with Joseph story in Egypt. Making an historical review, men kind has always shrugged for power, defy-ing the power as the capability of achieving things. At the end the shrugged of the man for the power is the shrugged for the sensation of con-fident, the sensation of deserving and it is related with the need to translate capability into sufficiency In the past centuries most of the rela-tionship between human beings had been lead by a conflict of power where interaction was related with two differ-ent situation of power trying to change the balance. If this society can achieve to leave the idea of power behind it means that also can establish better ways of human contacts that can be deeper and more honest. Bamhey

describes this relationship in his book Anarchy as order, where he said “… suspicion and conflict are unavoidable in any common social existence, and as such form a more realistic basis for political dialogues and political life than an ideal of trust… ”4 Although this might be true in contemporary society, this is one of the things Polaroid cities will change and the ideal trust can be possible. As we managed to establish a new environment where the Polaroid cities are possible we should also define the Polaroid human being. This man should be the result of contemporary human put in this new environment. This could be possible because as Ayn Rand`s Book the atlas shrugged said: “Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself”.5 As we had said, contemporary human is a man of spontaneous time. Also there are a series of devices and accessories that are a substantial part of human’s life, and in a way are an extension of human beings. This means that we cannot only think of the humans as the body, but also all the functions related to this new way of understanding life. Probably in this way Tokyo is one of the cities that best reflect this concept where al the activi-ties are dissipated along the city and

the user is used to take advantage of them when ever he needs to. So to achieve project a Polaroid cities first we should define the thermo dynamical relationship between human beings an environment, this relationship can not be understand in a traditional way where each compo-nent are different and separate things that makes action that reflects and affects each other, but as these two component that are a part of the same system where, if we try to define one of those component we have also to define the other because are part of the same thing at last. This city must to be ruled by different laws which cannot be defining by tradi-tional reasoning thinking, instead have to look to chaos physics and under-stand new ways of defining situations.It is the picture of a chaotic and anar-chy world where people and the envi-ronment are considered as one item, and we should ask ourselves how can each part of the environment (being the human one of it) have the sensa-tion of fullness and can be the desire a dynamic equilibrium happening in spontaneous different ways. The solution of Polaroid cities for this issue is the generation transparent (as Tomas Saraceno ´s work)6 artificial intelligence platforms D that might be floting in the air in other frequency, and therefore according to quantum phys-ics laws in other dimension that men

kind can plug in and then accomplish their necessities. Because these platforms are invisible there is no concern about the shadow they might generate in the classical environment dimension. Also because these platforms inhabit another dimen-sion the way they move in the coordi-nate of time and space are different and can accomplish the instant neces-sities of human begins. Almost as any chaotic system, this system has some few rules to ordinate the way these platforms behave. As we said these platforms are artificial intelligence devices so we based in Isaac Asimov rules 7 to determine our own laws and they are:1.The platforms cannot make or allow that human being get injured or to harm (and vice versa).2.The platforms must fulfil human real needs unless it conflict with law number one.3.The platforms must protect his own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. These three laws determine infinite possibilities as a progressive anarchy8 (concept that Kazuo Shinohara invented to determine the architecture in Tokyo) where there are few laws that allow infinite combination but also determine some kind of behaviour. Finally these platforms are a part of the thermo dynamical system and make

possible this new relationship of what we used to call environment with human begins.-


1 Abalos, Iñaki Thermodynamic beauty, 2G nº56

2 Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones, EMECÉ Editores, Buenos Aires, 1956, p 26

3 Hawking, Stephen, Brief History of time, Bantman Dell Publishing Group, 1988, p 136

4 Bamyeh, M.A. Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009, p 120

5 Rand, Ayn, The atlas shrugged, Random House, 1957, p 129.

6 Saraceno, Tomas, Argentina – Germany, 1973-present. View his work in fig 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21

7 Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Doubleday, U.S.A. 1950. P 85

8 Shinohara, Kazuo. Chaos and machine, Japan Architect, Japan, 1988.



A utopia is not only an idealistic future, but also the reflection of our own existing society; each past utopia was not just talking about the ideal (or not so ideal) future, but also about their own reality. In order to understand Polaroid cities we will start defining our time (or at least what things we should take from it so as to have a point of departure to get to an idealistic future), and then will explain what the proposal is about. At first we can establish the term PolaroidE as the capability of instant ideas, which is related both with this projected future world, and also as with a methodology of studying con-temporary society. The Polaroid study of contemporary society can be in a way very precise (because can define a exact moment, with very particular conditions), and very vague (in the way, that can be changed very easy because instant situation fluctuate and change easy) but we think is the most accrued way to approximate to our complex world. Also in the idea of Polaroid pictures we should take in account the impor-tance of the observerC that plays a very relevant role in the reality, because is participating in it. In order to continue, we have to understand this board that contempo-rary society is, where we must ask our-selves, which are the singularities, and ideas we can grasp as the starting points for the idealistic future we are

looking for? One important fact in our study is to include a location, because there is a big and complex reality where parallel and opposites move-ments (at least at first sight) are occurring at the same time. That is why we located TokyoH as the place where contemporary phenomenal are happening, where a lot of dynamics make the city in constant change, as an area of opportunities. It is the actual scenario where all this ideal points are starting to develop in a way. The first topic we should highlight is the chaosA ideal (a chaos that can also be interpreted as anarchy). Lately in physics and in science in general there is a consensus that we cannot see reality in an ordinate rational way and to understand it, we have to determine certain atmos-pheres that can make any situation probable. This idea of a series of coordinates that have to be combin-ing can be also extrapolated to soci-ety behaviour. This meant that there is non a single phenomenon we can study separate form the environment, each time phenomenon occurred as a series fact related to the environment B that was created. In terms of sociology it meant that we couldn’t study the behaviour of human beings separately from the fact of an environment that makes things probable. We should introduce

the concept of thermodynamics F as the way to describe the relationship between humans and the environment. This relationship both takes part of the same system, a complex system that cannot be determinate as close. This is a change of paradigm and as Iñaki Abalos says it will also carry other changes: “… A new idea of beauty linked to what many people call a change of paradigm in the discipline (and which we think of as an about‐turn) necessarily involves a typo-logical mutation, a reinterpretation of the very idea of type, and new hierar-chies and scales in the spatial organi-zation of the territory and the city. The disciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and energy involves the alteration of inherited modes and tax-onomies, especially in those situations in which none of the three traditional disciplines has the capacity individually to resolve the problems posed…”. 1 This will guide us to the idea of a new universe; that it is not passive in the interaction with human beings; this uni-verse set the condition and possibilities to human action. So this environment has this duality quality of begin both the place where things happened and also the space that determined that things could happen. Related with this idea, is the idea of the timeG. The idea of linear time, as we where used to think since XVII cen-tury has get into crisis. These hap-pened for different motives, first of all

because these idea was related with the idea of development, this lineal way of thinking also implied there was a modern human being project that we can evolved and as time past human beings are better, and we will make a better future as well (out own history shows as that is not true). In order to get a better comprehension of a different idea of time, we can refer-enced on Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius included in ficciones, where he said about time managed in an imaginary world: “…One of the schools of Tlön goes so far as to negate time: it reasons that the present is indefinite, that the future has no real-ity other than as a present memory…”.2 The Polaroid time is more relate with the idea of seeing time as a coordinate in the space. Something that can be study as the fourth dimension, where random things happened but in simul-taneous ways, where you can be describe different times and measures to represent an instant of time, so a moment of time is an instant of infinite instant (Polaroid) moment happening at the same time but in different dimen-sions. As Stephen Hawking said in his book the history of time “…The quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behav-iour at the boundary …” 3 This It can be

seen as a possibility for thinking time in a more plastic way. That also describe another way to related to this utopian futuristic time, because, this is not a time isolated in the future where human beings have to work and develop to arrive (as modern the modern way of thinking would see), this time is both in the present and in 2085 at the same time. It is not about how much we have to do to arrive to that moment; is more about things that are happening in this instant and also happening in seventy five years at the same time. By the way, also describing time as a coordinate in space make that the coordinate has a strong relationship with the place where is located. There-fore it is really important to define a place where this utopia is located, but this place cannot be randomly pick, Tokyo may be the city where all these phenomena we are describing are already starting happening, where chaos is visible and likable, finally it is where the focus of the conflict is. Tokyo already is a different environment capable of fulfilling people more neces-sities than a traditional metropolis done, and also has a lot of thing to improve in this relationship. As we said Polaroid cities are strongly related with a different management time, but we are already living by this kind of management of time. Due the changes contemporary society had suffer in the past ten years in the new

ways of communication and science development our minds and expecta-tion have changed. We expect to get the results in short periods of time, and if not we find it worthless. Our time necessities are already aligned with this idea of instant time that can be defined as infinite instant moment, so reality turns to be a series of instant moment together. On the other hand, of course these new way of thinking have a bad condition, but we can use as a positive way thinking of it as an input to built this new utopia. When we speak about the relation-ship between men kind and environ-ment we found it important because there are some problems in human begins we can fix by a proposal of changing this relationship. For instance, the idea of storage and patience is related with the idea that there will be a moment where our envi-ronment will not be able to give us what we need. So, is founded in the idea of lack of confident, if we can be sure that the environment will provide us with all the necessary stuff to sur-vive (and to feel the sensation of full-ness) we do not need to storage. When we are born, we do not come into the world with this idea, we just are used to ask (with the means we are able) for our need and the environment (in this case represented by our par-ents) delivered for us the product. Then, these idea and lack of trust in

the environment is not something innate but something we learn.This distrust in the environment also make us believed that in order to achieve some result it is necessary a big effort. The idea that human beings do not deserve the place we have in earth and the relation with the environ-ment, so we have to shrug to be able to continue having the roll in the environ-ment. The Polaroid cities propose a different relationship with the environment. This is environment have not only to be built by nature but also in a combination with human beings (this is already a reality, at least in Tokyo). The environ-ment must be the place where humans can be comfortable, where people can trust that they can achieve and get instantly what they need because the believed they deserve it, and because environment and human wellness are aligned. It is very important to determine two important facts that as a society we have to mutate in order to combine with these cities, one is the idea of believing in the environment and the other is related to our wellness. As we speak of Tokyo as the proper environment that has to mutate some condition also human begins should mutate, continuing with the idea of thermodynamics. These facts are related with human sensation with the environment. The

sensation of shortage (that the envi-ronment is not able to fulfilled the well-ness we need) is what Polaroid cities must take out of people minds At the end, the sensation of shortage and the distrust in the environment is strongly related with the idea of power, and a fair. In a way one of the origins of disparity came from the fear of the shortage, if someone is self-sufficient and that he does not need to make a big effort to achieve what he needs he does not need to struggled for some-thing more that doesn’t belong to him and can belong to someone else more indeed. This concept is in human begins since the biblical with Joseph story in Egypt. Making an historical review, men kind has always shrugged for power, defy-ing the power as the capability of achieving things. At the end the shrugged of the man for the power is the shrugged for the sensation of con-fident, the sensation of deserving and it is related with the need to translate capability into sufficiency In the past centuries most of the rela-tionship between human beings had been lead by a conflict of power where interaction was related with two differ-ent situation of power trying to change the balance. If this society can achieve to leave the idea of power behind it means that also can establish better ways of human contacts that can be deeper and more honest. Bamhey

describes this relationship in his book Anarchy as order, where he said “… suspicion and conflict are unavoidable in any common social existence, and as such form a more realistic basis for political dialogues and political life than an ideal of trust… ”4 Although this might be true in contemporary society, this is one of the things Polaroid cities will change and the ideal trust can be possible. As we managed to establish a new environment where the Polaroid cities are possible we should also define the Polaroid human being. This man should be the result of contemporary human put in this new environment. This could be possible because as Ayn Rand`s Book the atlas shrugged said: “Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself”.5 As we had said, contemporary human is a man of spontaneous time. Also there are a series of devices and accessories that are a substantial part of human’s life, and in a way are an extension of human beings. This means that we cannot only think of the humans as the body, but also all the functions related to this new way of understanding life. Probably in this way Tokyo is one of the cities that best reflect this concept where al the activi-ties are dissipated along the city and

the user is used to take advantage of them when ever he needs to. So to achieve project a Polaroid cities first we should define the thermo dynamical relationship between human beings an environment, this relationship can not be understand in a traditional way where each compo-nent are different and separate things that makes action that reflects and affects each other, but as these two component that are a part of the same system where, if we try to define one of those component we have also to define the other because are part of the same thing at last. This city must to be ruled by different laws which cannot be defining by tradi-tional reasoning thinking, instead have to look to chaos physics and under-stand new ways of defining situations.It is the picture of a chaotic and anar-chy world where people and the envi-ronment are considered as one item, and we should ask ourselves how can each part of the environment (being the human one of it) have the sensa-tion of fullness and can be the desire a dynamic equilibrium happening in spontaneous different ways. The solution of Polaroid cities for this issue is the generation transparent (as Tomas Saraceno ´s work)6 artificial intelligence platforms D that might be floting in the air in other frequency, and therefore according to quantum phys-ics laws in other dimension that men

kind can plug in and then accomplish their necessities. Because these platforms are invisible there is no concern about the shadow they might generate in the classical environment dimension. Also because these platforms inhabit another dimen-sion the way they move in the coordi-nate of time and space are different and can accomplish the instant neces-sities of human begins. Almost as any chaotic system, this system has some few rules to ordinate the way these platforms behave. As we said these platforms are artificial intelligence devices so we based in Isaac Asimov rules 7 to determine our own laws and they are:1.The platforms cannot make or allow that human being get injured or to harm (and vice versa).2.The platforms must fulfil human real needs unless it conflict with law number one.3.The platforms must protect his own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. These three laws determine infinite possibilities as a progressive anarchy8 (concept that Kazuo Shinohara invented to determine the architecture in Tokyo) where there are few laws that allow infinite combination but also determine some kind of behaviour. Finally these platforms are a part of the thermo dynamical system and make

possible this new relationship of what we used to call environment with human begins.-


1 Abalos, Iñaki Thermodynamic beauty, 2G nº56

2 Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones, EMECÉ Editores, Buenos Aires, 1956, p 26

3 Hawking, Stephen, Brief History of time, Bantman Dell Publishing Group, 1988, p 136

4 Bamyeh, M.A. Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009, p 120

5 Rand, Ayn, The atlas shrugged, Random House, 1957, p 129.

6 Saraceno, Tomas, Argentina – Germany, 1973-present. View his work in fig 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21

7 Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Doubleday, U.S.A. 1950. P 85

8 Shinohara, Kazuo. Chaos and machine, Japan Architect, Japan, 1988.



A utopia is not only an idealistic future, but also the reflection of our own existing society; each past utopia was not just talking about the ideal (or not so ideal) future, but also about their own reality. In order to understand Polaroid cities we will start defining our time (or at least what things we should take from it so as to have a point of departure to get to an idealistic future), and then will explain what the proposal is about. At first we can establish the term PolaroidE as the capability of instant ideas, which is related both with this projected future world, and also as with a methodology of studying con-temporary society. The Polaroid study of contemporary society can be in a way very precise (because can define a exact moment, with very particular conditions), and very vague (in the way, that can be changed very easy because instant situation fluctuate and change easy) but we think is the most accrued way to approximate to our complex world. Also in the idea of Polaroid pictures we should take in account the impor-tance of the observerC that plays a very relevant role in the reality, because is participating in it. In order to continue, we have to understand this board that contempo-rary society is, where we must ask our-selves, which are the singularities, and ideas we can grasp as the starting points for the idealistic future we are

looking for? One important fact in our study is to include a location, because there is a big and complex reality where parallel and opposites move-ments (at least at first sight) are occurring at the same time. That is why we located TokyoH as the place where contemporary phenomenal are happening, where a lot of dynamics make the city in constant change, as an area of opportunities. It is the actual scenario where all this ideal points are starting to develop in a way. The first topic we should highlight is the chaosA ideal (a chaos that can also be interpreted as anarchy). Lately in physics and in science in general there is a consensus that we cannot see reality in an ordinate rational way and to understand it, we have to determine certain atmos-pheres that can make any situation probable. This idea of a series of coordinates that have to be combin-ing can be also extrapolated to soci-ety behaviour. This meant that there is non a single phenomenon we can study separate form the environment, each time phenomenon occurred as a series fact related to the environment B that was created. In terms of sociology it meant that we couldn’t study the behaviour of human beings separately from the fact of an environment that makes things probable. We should introduce

the concept of thermodynamics F as the way to describe the relationship between humans and the environment. This relationship both takes part of the same system, a complex system that cannot be determinate as close. This is a change of paradigm and as Iñaki Abalos says it will also carry other changes: “… A new idea of beauty linked to what many people call a change of paradigm in the discipline (and which we think of as an about‐turn) necessarily involves a typo-logical mutation, a reinterpretation of the very idea of type, and new hierar-chies and scales in the spatial organi-zation of the territory and the city. The disciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and energy involves the alteration of inherited modes and tax-onomies, especially in those situations in which none of the three traditional disciplines has the capacity individually to resolve the problems posed…”. 1 This will guide us to the idea of a new universe; that it is not passive in the interaction with human beings; this uni-verse set the condition and possibilities to human action. So this environment has this duality quality of begin both the place where things happened and also the space that determined that things could happen. Related with this idea, is the idea of the timeG. The idea of linear time, as we where used to think since XVII cen-tury has get into crisis. These hap-pened for different motives, first of all

because these idea was related with the idea of development, this lineal way of thinking also implied there was a modern human being project that we can evolved and as time past human beings are better, and we will make a better future as well (out own history shows as that is not true). In order to get a better comprehension of a different idea of time, we can refer-enced on Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius included in ficciones, where he said about time managed in an imaginary world: “…One of the schools of Tlön goes so far as to negate time: it reasons that the present is indefinite, that the future has no real-ity other than as a present memory…”.2 The Polaroid time is more relate with the idea of seeing time as a coordinate in the space. Something that can be study as the fourth dimension, where random things happened but in simul-taneous ways, where you can be describe different times and measures to represent an instant of time, so a moment of time is an instant of infinite instant (Polaroid) moment happening at the same time but in different dimen-sions. As Stephen Hawking said in his book the history of time “…The quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behav-iour at the boundary …” 3 This It can be

seen as a possibility for thinking time in a more plastic way. That also describe another way to related to this utopian futuristic time, because, this is not a time isolated in the future where human beings have to work and develop to arrive (as modern the modern way of thinking would see), this time is both in the present and in 2085 at the same time. It is not about how much we have to do to arrive to that moment; is more about things that are happening in this instant and also happening in seventy five years at the same time. By the way, also describing time as a coordinate in space make that the coordinate has a strong relationship with the place where is located. There-fore it is really important to define a place where this utopia is located, but this place cannot be randomly pick, Tokyo may be the city where all these phenomena we are describing are already starting happening, where chaos is visible and likable, finally it is where the focus of the conflict is. Tokyo already is a different environment capable of fulfilling people more neces-sities than a traditional metropolis done, and also has a lot of thing to improve in this relationship. As we said Polaroid cities are strongly related with a different management time, but we are already living by this kind of management of time. Due the changes contemporary society had suffer in the past ten years in the new

ways of communication and science development our minds and expecta-tion have changed. We expect to get the results in short periods of time, and if not we find it worthless. Our time necessities are already aligned with this idea of instant time that can be defined as infinite instant moment, so reality turns to be a series of instant moment together. On the other hand, of course these new way of thinking have a bad condition, but we can use as a positive way thinking of it as an input to built this new utopia. When we speak about the relation-ship between men kind and environ-ment we found it important because there are some problems in human begins we can fix by a proposal of changing this relationship. For instance, the idea of storage and patience is related with the idea that there will be a moment where our envi-ronment will not be able to give us what we need. So, is founded in the idea of lack of confident, if we can be sure that the environment will provide us with all the necessary stuff to sur-vive (and to feel the sensation of full-ness) we do not need to storage. When we are born, we do not come into the world with this idea, we just are used to ask (with the means we are able) for our need and the environment (in this case represented by our par-ents) delivered for us the product. Then, these idea and lack of trust in

the environment is not something innate but something we learn.This distrust in the environment also make us believed that in order to achieve some result it is necessary a big effort. The idea that human beings do not deserve the place we have in earth and the relation with the environ-ment, so we have to shrug to be able to continue having the roll in the environ-ment. The Polaroid cities propose a different relationship with the environment. This is environment have not only to be built by nature but also in a combination with human beings (this is already a reality, at least in Tokyo). The environ-ment must be the place where humans can be comfortable, where people can trust that they can achieve and get instantly what they need because the believed they deserve it, and because environment and human wellness are aligned. It is very important to determine two important facts that as a society we have to mutate in order to combine with these cities, one is the idea of believing in the environment and the other is related to our wellness. As we speak of Tokyo as the proper environment that has to mutate some condition also human begins should mutate, continuing with the idea of thermodynamics. These facts are related with human sensation with the environment. The

sensation of shortage (that the envi-ronment is not able to fulfilled the well-ness we need) is what Polaroid cities must take out of people minds At the end, the sensation of shortage and the distrust in the environment is strongly related with the idea of power, and a fair. In a way one of the origins of disparity came from the fear of the shortage, if someone is self-sufficient and that he does not need to make a big effort to achieve what he needs he does not need to struggled for some-thing more that doesn’t belong to him and can belong to someone else more indeed. This concept is in human begins since the biblical with Joseph story in Egypt. Making an historical review, men kind has always shrugged for power, defy-ing the power as the capability of achieving things. At the end the shrugged of the man for the power is the shrugged for the sensation of con-fident, the sensation of deserving and it is related with the need to translate capability into sufficiency In the past centuries most of the rela-tionship between human beings had been lead by a conflict of power where interaction was related with two differ-ent situation of power trying to change the balance. If this society can achieve to leave the idea of power behind it means that also can establish better ways of human contacts that can be deeper and more honest. Bamhey

describes this relationship in his book Anarchy as order, where he said “… suspicion and conflict are unavoidable in any common social existence, and as such form a more realistic basis for political dialogues and political life than an ideal of trust… ”4 Although this might be true in contemporary society, this is one of the things Polaroid cities will change and the ideal trust can be possible. As we managed to establish a new environment where the Polaroid cities are possible we should also define the Polaroid human being. This man should be the result of contemporary human put in this new environment. This could be possible because as Ayn Rand`s Book the atlas shrugged said: “Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself”.5 As we had said, contemporary human is a man of spontaneous time. Also there are a series of devices and accessories that are a substantial part of human’s life, and in a way are an extension of human beings. This means that we cannot only think of the humans as the body, but also all the functions related to this new way of understanding life. Probably in this way Tokyo is one of the cities that best reflect this concept where al the activi-ties are dissipated along the city and

the user is used to take advantage of them when ever he needs to. So to achieve project a Polaroid cities first we should define the thermo dynamical relationship between human beings an environment, this relationship can not be understand in a traditional way where each compo-nent are different and separate things that makes action that reflects and affects each other, but as these two component that are a part of the same system where, if we try to define one of those component we have also to define the other because are part of the same thing at last. This city must to be ruled by different laws which cannot be defining by tradi-tional reasoning thinking, instead have to look to chaos physics and under-stand new ways of defining situations.It is the picture of a chaotic and anar-chy world where people and the envi-ronment are considered as one item, and we should ask ourselves how can each part of the environment (being the human one of it) have the sensa-tion of fullness and can be the desire a dynamic equilibrium happening in spontaneous different ways. The solution of Polaroid cities for this issue is the generation transparent (as Tomas Saraceno ´s work)6 artificial intelligence platforms D that might be floting in the air in other frequency, and therefore according to quantum phys-ics laws in other dimension that men

kind can plug in and then accomplish their necessities. Because these platforms are invisible there is no concern about the shadow they might generate in the classical environment dimension. Also because these platforms inhabit another dimen-sion the way they move in the coordi-nate of time and space are different and can accomplish the instant neces-sities of human begins. Almost as any chaotic system, this system has some few rules to ordinate the way these platforms behave. As we said these platforms are artificial intelligence devices so we based in Isaac Asimov rules 7 to determine our own laws and they are:1.The platforms cannot make or allow that human being get injured or to harm (and vice versa).2.The platforms must fulfil human real needs unless it conflict with law number one.3.The platforms must protect his own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. These three laws determine infinite possibilities as a progressive anarchy8 (concept that Kazuo Shinohara invented to determine the architecture in Tokyo) where there are few laws that allow infinite combination but also determine some kind of behaviour. Finally these platforms are a part of the thermo dynamical system and make

possible this new relationship of what we used to call environment with human begins.-


1 Abalos, Iñaki Thermodynamic beauty, 2G nº56

2 Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones, EMECÉ Editores, Buenos Aires, 1956, p 26

3 Hawking, Stephen, Brief History of time, Bantman Dell Publishing Group, 1988, p 136

4 Bamyeh, M.A. Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009, p 120

5 Rand, Ayn, The atlas shrugged, Random House, 1957, p 129.

6 Saraceno, Tomas, Argentina – Germany, 1973-present. View his work in fig 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21

7 Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Doubleday, U.S.A. 1950. P 85

8 Shinohara, Kazuo. Chaos and machine, Japan Architect, Japan, 1988.



A utopia is not only an idealistic future, but also the reflection of our own existing society; each past utopia was not just talking about the ideal (or not so ideal) future, but also about their own reality. In order to understand Polaroid cities we will start defining our time (or at least what things we should take from it so as to have a point of departure to get to an idealistic future), and then will explain what the proposal is about. At first we can establish the term PolaroidE as the capability of instant ideas, which is related both with this projected future world, and also as with a methodology of studying con-temporary society. The Polaroid study of contemporary society can be in a way very precise (because can define a exact moment, with very particular conditions), and very vague (in the way, that can be changed very easy because instant situation fluctuate and change easy) but we think is the most accrued way to approximate to our complex world. Also in the idea of Polaroid pictures we should take in account the impor-tance of the observerC that plays a very relevant role in the reality, because is participating in it. In order to continue, we have to understand this board that contempo-rary society is, where we must ask our-selves, which are the singularities, and ideas we can grasp as the starting points for the idealistic future we are

looking for? One important fact in our study is to include a location, because there is a big and complex reality where parallel and opposites move-ments (at least at first sight) are occurring at the same time. That is why we located TokyoH as the place where contemporary phenomenal are happening, where a lot of dynamics make the city in constant change, as an area of opportunities. It is the actual scenario where all this ideal points are starting to develop in a way. The first topic we should highlight is the chaosA ideal (a chaos that can also be interpreted as anarchy). Lately in physics and in science in general there is a consensus that we cannot see reality in an ordinate rational way and to understand it, we have to determine certain atmos-pheres that can make any situation probable. This idea of a series of coordinates that have to be combin-ing can be also extrapolated to soci-ety behaviour. This meant that there is non a single phenomenon we can study separate form the environment, each time phenomenon occurred as a series fact related to the environment B that was created. In terms of sociology it meant that we couldn’t study the behaviour of human beings separately from the fact of an environment that makes things probable. We should introduce

the concept of thermodynamics F as the way to describe the relationship between humans and the environment. This relationship both takes part of the same system, a complex system that cannot be determinate as close. This is a change of paradigm and as Iñaki Abalos says it will also carry other changes: “… A new idea of beauty linked to what many people call a change of paradigm in the discipline (and which we think of as an about‐turn) necessarily involves a typo-logical mutation, a reinterpretation of the very idea of type, and new hierar-chies and scales in the spatial organi-zation of the territory and the city. The disciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and energy involves the alteration of inherited modes and tax-onomies, especially in those situations in which none of the three traditional disciplines has the capacity individually to resolve the problems posed…”. 1 This will guide us to the idea of a new universe; that it is not passive in the interaction with human beings; this uni-verse set the condition and possibilities to human action. So this environment has this duality quality of begin both the place where things happened and also the space that determined that things could happen. Related with this idea, is the idea of the timeG. The idea of linear time, as we where used to think since XVII cen-tury has get into crisis. These hap-pened for different motives, first of all

because these idea was related with the idea of development, this lineal way of thinking also implied there was a modern human being project that we can evolved and as time past human beings are better, and we will make a better future as well (out own history shows as that is not true). In order to get a better comprehension of a different idea of time, we can refer-enced on Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius included in ficciones, where he said about time managed in an imaginary world: “…One of the schools of Tlön goes so far as to negate time: it reasons that the present is indefinite, that the future has no real-ity other than as a present memory…”.2 The Polaroid time is more relate with the idea of seeing time as a coordinate in the space. Something that can be study as the fourth dimension, where random things happened but in simul-taneous ways, where you can be describe different times and measures to represent an instant of time, so a moment of time is an instant of infinite instant (Polaroid) moment happening at the same time but in different dimen-sions. As Stephen Hawking said in his book the history of time “…The quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behav-iour at the boundary …” 3 This It can be

seen as a possibility for thinking time in a more plastic way. That also describe another way to related to this utopian futuristic time, because, this is not a time isolated in the future where human beings have to work and develop to arrive (as modern the modern way of thinking would see), this time is both in the present and in 2085 at the same time. It is not about how much we have to do to arrive to that moment; is more about things that are happening in this instant and also happening in seventy five years at the same time. By the way, also describing time as a coordinate in space make that the coordinate has a strong relationship with the place where is located. There-fore it is really important to define a place where this utopia is located, but this place cannot be randomly pick, Tokyo may be the city where all these phenomena we are describing are already starting happening, where chaos is visible and likable, finally it is where the focus of the conflict is. Tokyo already is a different environment capable of fulfilling people more neces-sities than a traditional metropolis done, and also has a lot of thing to improve in this relationship. As we said Polaroid cities are strongly related with a different management time, but we are already living by this kind of management of time. Due the changes contemporary society had suffer in the past ten years in the new

ways of communication and science development our minds and expecta-tion have changed. We expect to get the results in short periods of time, and if not we find it worthless. Our time necessities are already aligned with this idea of instant time that can be defined as infinite instant moment, so reality turns to be a series of instant moment together. On the other hand, of course these new way of thinking have a bad condition, but we can use as a positive way thinking of it as an input to built this new utopia. When we speak about the relation-ship between men kind and environ-ment we found it important because there are some problems in human begins we can fix by a proposal of changing this relationship. For instance, the idea of storage and patience is related with the idea that there will be a moment where our envi-ronment will not be able to give us what we need. So, is founded in the idea of lack of confident, if we can be sure that the environment will provide us with all the necessary stuff to sur-vive (and to feel the sensation of full-ness) we do not need to storage. When we are born, we do not come into the world with this idea, we just are used to ask (with the means we are able) for our need and the environment (in this case represented by our par-ents) delivered for us the product. Then, these idea and lack of trust in

the environment is not something innate but something we learn.This distrust in the environment also make us believed that in order to achieve some result it is necessary a big effort. The idea that human beings do not deserve the place we have in earth and the relation with the environ-ment, so we have to shrug to be able to continue having the roll in the environ-ment. The Polaroid cities propose a different relationship with the environment. This is environment have not only to be built by nature but also in a combination with human beings (this is already a reality, at least in Tokyo). The environ-ment must be the place where humans can be comfortable, where people can trust that they can achieve and get instantly what they need because the believed they deserve it, and because environment and human wellness are aligned. It is very important to determine two important facts that as a society we have to mutate in order to combine with these cities, one is the idea of believing in the environment and the other is related to our wellness. As we speak of Tokyo as the proper environment that has to mutate some condition also human begins should mutate, continuing with the idea of thermodynamics. These facts are related with human sensation with the environment. The

sensation of shortage (that the envi-ronment is not able to fulfilled the well-ness we need) is what Polaroid cities must take out of people minds At the end, the sensation of shortage and the distrust in the environment is strongly related with the idea of power, and a fair. In a way one of the origins of disparity came from the fear of the shortage, if someone is self-sufficient and that he does not need to make a big effort to achieve what he needs he does not need to struggled for some-thing more that doesn’t belong to him and can belong to someone else more indeed. This concept is in human begins since the biblical with Joseph story in Egypt. Making an historical review, men kind has always shrugged for power, defy-ing the power as the capability of achieving things. At the end the shrugged of the man for the power is the shrugged for the sensation of con-fident, the sensation of deserving and it is related with the need to translate capability into sufficiency In the past centuries most of the rela-tionship between human beings had been lead by a conflict of power where interaction was related with two differ-ent situation of power trying to change the balance. If this society can achieve to leave the idea of power behind it means that also can establish better ways of human contacts that can be deeper and more honest. Bamhey

describes this relationship in his book Anarchy as order, where he said “… suspicion and conflict are unavoidable in any common social existence, and as such form a more realistic basis for political dialogues and political life than an ideal of trust… ”4 Although this might be true in contemporary society, this is one of the things Polaroid cities will change and the ideal trust can be possible. As we managed to establish a new environment where the Polaroid cities are possible we should also define the Polaroid human being. This man should be the result of contemporary human put in this new environment. This could be possible because as Ayn Rand`s Book the atlas shrugged said: “Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself”.5 As we had said, contemporary human is a man of spontaneous time. Also there are a series of devices and accessories that are a substantial part of human’s life, and in a way are an extension of human beings. This means that we cannot only think of the humans as the body, but also all the functions related to this new way of understanding life. Probably in this way Tokyo is one of the cities that best reflect this concept where al the activi-ties are dissipated along the city and

the user is used to take advantage of them when ever he needs to. So to achieve project a Polaroid cities first we should define the thermo dynamical relationship between human beings an environment, this relationship can not be understand in a traditional way where each compo-nent are different and separate things that makes action that reflects and affects each other, but as these two component that are a part of the same system where, if we try to define one of those component we have also to define the other because are part of the same thing at last. This city must to be ruled by different laws which cannot be defining by tradi-tional reasoning thinking, instead have to look to chaos physics and under-stand new ways of defining situations.It is the picture of a chaotic and anar-chy world where people and the envi-ronment are considered as one item, and we should ask ourselves how can each part of the environment (being the human one of it) have the sensa-tion of fullness and can be the desire a dynamic equilibrium happening in spontaneous different ways. The solution of Polaroid cities for this issue is the generation transparent (as Tomas Saraceno ´s work)6 artificial intelligence platforms D that might be floting in the air in other frequency, and therefore according to quantum phys-ics laws in other dimension that men

kind can plug in and then accomplish their necessities. Because these platforms are invisible there is no concern about the shadow they might generate in the classical environment dimension. Also because these platforms inhabit another dimen-sion the way they move in the coordi-nate of time and space are different and can accomplish the instant neces-sities of human begins. Almost as any chaotic system, this system has some few rules to ordinate the way these platforms behave. As we said these platforms are artificial intelligence devices so we based in Isaac Asimov rules 7 to determine our own laws and they are:1.The platforms cannot make or allow that human being get injured or to harm (and vice versa).2.The platforms must fulfil human real needs unless it conflict with law number one.3.The platforms must protect his own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. These three laws determine infinite possibilities as a progressive anarchy8 (concept that Kazuo Shinohara invented to determine the architecture in Tokyo) where there are few laws that allow infinite combination but also determine some kind of behaviour. Finally these platforms are a part of the thermo dynamical system and make

possible this new relationship of what we used to call environment with human begins.-


1 Abalos, Iñaki Thermodynamic beauty, 2G nº56

2 Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones, EMECÉ Editores, Buenos Aires, 1956, p 26

3 Hawking, Stephen, Brief History of time, Bantman Dell Publishing Group, 1988, p 136

4 Bamyeh, M.A. Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009, p 120

5 Rand, Ayn, The atlas shrugged, Random House, 1957, p 129.

6 Saraceno, Tomas, Argentina – Germany, 1973-present. View his work in fig 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21

7 Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Doubleday, U.S.A. 1950. P 85

8 Shinohara, Kazuo. Chaos and machine, Japan Architect, Japan, 1988.



A utopia is not only an idealistic future, but also the reflection of our own existing society; each past utopia was not just talking about the ideal (or not so ideal) future, but also about their own reality. In order to understand Polaroid cities we will start defining our time (or at least what things we should take from it so as to have a point of departure to get to an idealistic future), and then will explain what the proposal is about. At first we can establish the term PolaroidE as the capability of instant ideas, which is related both with this projected future world, and also as with a methodology of studying con-temporary society. The Polaroid study of contemporary society can be in a way very precise (because can define a exact moment, with very particular conditions), and very vague (in the way, that can be changed very easy because instant situation fluctuate and change easy) but we think is the most accrued way to approximate to our complex world. Also in the idea of Polaroid pictures we should take in account the impor-tance of the observerC that plays a very relevant role in the reality, because is participating in it. In order to continue, we have to understand this board that contempo-rary society is, where we must ask our-selves, which are the singularities, and ideas we can grasp as the starting points for the idealistic future we are

looking for? One important fact in our study is to include a location, because there is a big and complex reality where parallel and opposites move-ments (at least at first sight) are occurring at the same time. That is why we located TokyoH as the place where contemporary phenomenal are happening, where a lot of dynamics make the city in constant change, as an area of opportunities. It is the actual scenario where all this ideal points are starting to develop in a way. The first topic we should highlight is the chaosA ideal (a chaos that can also be interpreted as anarchy). Lately in physics and in science in general there is a consensus that we cannot see reality in an ordinate rational way and to understand it, we have to determine certain atmos-pheres that can make any situation probable. This idea of a series of coordinates that have to be combin-ing can be also extrapolated to soci-ety behaviour. This meant that there is non a single phenomenon we can study separate form the environment, each time phenomenon occurred as a series fact related to the environment B that was created. In terms of sociology it meant that we couldn’t study the behaviour of human beings separately from the fact of an environment that makes things probable. We should introduce

the concept of thermodynamics F as the way to describe the relationship between humans and the environment. This relationship both takes part of the same system, a complex system that cannot be determinate as close. This is a change of paradigm and as Iñaki Abalos says it will also carry other changes: “… A new idea of beauty linked to what many people call a change of paradigm in the discipline (and which we think of as an about‐turn) necessarily involves a typo-logical mutation, a reinterpretation of the very idea of type, and new hierar-chies and scales in the spatial organi-zation of the territory and the city. The disciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and energy involves the alteration of inherited modes and tax-onomies, especially in those situations in which none of the three traditional disciplines has the capacity individually to resolve the problems posed…”. 1 This will guide us to the idea of a new universe; that it is not passive in the interaction with human beings; this uni-verse set the condition and possibilities to human action. So this environment has this duality quality of begin both the place where things happened and also the space that determined that things could happen. Related with this idea, is the idea of the timeG. The idea of linear time, as we where used to think since XVII cen-tury has get into crisis. These hap-pened for different motives, first of all

because these idea was related with the idea of development, this lineal way of thinking also implied there was a modern human being project that we can evolved and as time past human beings are better, and we will make a better future as well (out own history shows as that is not true). In order to get a better comprehension of a different idea of time, we can refer-enced on Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius included in ficciones, where he said about time managed in an imaginary world: “…One of the schools of Tlön goes so far as to negate time: it reasons that the present is indefinite, that the future has no real-ity other than as a present memory…”.2 The Polaroid time is more relate with the idea of seeing time as a coordinate in the space. Something that can be study as the fourth dimension, where random things happened but in simul-taneous ways, where you can be describe different times and measures to represent an instant of time, so a moment of time is an instant of infinite instant (Polaroid) moment happening at the same time but in different dimen-sions. As Stephen Hawking said in his book the history of time “…The quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behav-iour at the boundary …” 3 This It can be

seen as a possibility for thinking time in a more plastic way. That also describe another way to related to this utopian futuristic time, because, this is not a time isolated in the future where human beings have to work and develop to arrive (as modern the modern way of thinking would see), this time is both in the present and in 2085 at the same time. It is not about how much we have to do to arrive to that moment; is more about things that are happening in this instant and also happening in seventy five years at the same time. By the way, also describing time as a coordinate in space make that the coordinate has a strong relationship with the place where is located. There-fore it is really important to define a place where this utopia is located, but this place cannot be randomly pick, Tokyo may be the city where all these phenomena we are describing are already starting happening, where chaos is visible and likable, finally it is where the focus of the conflict is. Tokyo already is a different environment capable of fulfilling people more neces-sities than a traditional metropolis done, and also has a lot of thing to improve in this relationship. As we said Polaroid cities are strongly related with a different management time, but we are already living by this kind of management of time. Due the changes contemporary society had suffer in the past ten years in the new

ways of communication and science development our minds and expecta-tion have changed. We expect to get the results in short periods of time, and if not we find it worthless. Our time necessities are already aligned with this idea of instant time that can be defined as infinite instant moment, so reality turns to be a series of instant moment together. On the other hand, of course these new way of thinking have a bad condition, but we can use as a positive way thinking of it as an input to built this new utopia. When we speak about the relation-ship between men kind and environ-ment we found it important because there are some problems in human begins we can fix by a proposal of changing this relationship. For instance, the idea of storage and patience is related with the idea that there will be a moment where our envi-ronment will not be able to give us what we need. So, is founded in the idea of lack of confident, if we can be sure that the environment will provide us with all the necessary stuff to sur-vive (and to feel the sensation of full-ness) we do not need to storage. When we are born, we do not come into the world with this idea, we just are used to ask (with the means we are able) for our need and the environment (in this case represented by our par-ents) delivered for us the product. Then, these idea and lack of trust in

the environment is not something innate but something we learn.This distrust in the environment also make us believed that in order to achieve some result it is necessary a big effort. The idea that human beings do not deserve the place we have in earth and the relation with the environ-ment, so we have to shrug to be able to continue having the roll in the environ-ment. The Polaroid cities propose a different relationship with the environment. This is environment have not only to be built by nature but also in a combination with human beings (this is already a reality, at least in Tokyo). The environ-ment must be the place where humans can be comfortable, where people can trust that they can achieve and get instantly what they need because the believed they deserve it, and because environment and human wellness are aligned. It is very important to determine two important facts that as a society we have to mutate in order to combine with these cities, one is the idea of believing in the environment and the other is related to our wellness. As we speak of Tokyo as the proper environment that has to mutate some condition also human begins should mutate, continuing with the idea of thermodynamics. These facts are related with human sensation with the environment. The

sensation of shortage (that the envi-ronment is not able to fulfilled the well-ness we need) is what Polaroid cities must take out of people minds At the end, the sensation of shortage and the distrust in the environment is strongly related with the idea of power, and a fair. In a way one of the origins of disparity came from the fear of the shortage, if someone is self-sufficient and that he does not need to make a big effort to achieve what he needs he does not need to struggled for some-thing more that doesn’t belong to him and can belong to someone else more indeed. This concept is in human begins since the biblical with Joseph story in Egypt. Making an historical review, men kind has always shrugged for power, defy-ing the power as the capability of achieving things. At the end the shrugged of the man for the power is the shrugged for the sensation of con-fident, the sensation of deserving and it is related with the need to translate capability into sufficiency In the past centuries most of the rela-tionship between human beings had been lead by a conflict of power where interaction was related with two differ-ent situation of power trying to change the balance. If this society can achieve to leave the idea of power behind it means that also can establish better ways of human contacts that can be deeper and more honest. Bamhey

describes this relationship in his book Anarchy as order, where he said “… suspicion and conflict are unavoidable in any common social existence, and as such form a more realistic basis for political dialogues and political life than an ideal of trust… ”4 Although this might be true in contemporary society, this is one of the things Polaroid cities will change and the ideal trust can be possible. As we managed to establish a new environment where the Polaroid cities are possible we should also define the Polaroid human being. This man should be the result of contemporary human put in this new environment. This could be possible because as Ayn Rand`s Book the atlas shrugged said: “Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself”.5 As we had said, contemporary human is a man of spontaneous time. Also there are a series of devices and accessories that are a substantial part of human’s life, and in a way are an extension of human beings. This means that we cannot only think of the humans as the body, but also all the functions related to this new way of understanding life. Probably in this way Tokyo is one of the cities that best reflect this concept where al the activi-ties are dissipated along the city and

the user is used to take advantage of them when ever he needs to. So to achieve project a Polaroid cities first we should define the thermo dynamical relationship between human beings an environment, this relationship can not be understand in a traditional way where each compo-nent are different and separate things that makes action that reflects and affects each other, but as these two component that are a part of the same system where, if we try to define one of those component we have also to define the other because are part of the same thing at last. This city must to be ruled by different laws which cannot be defining by tradi-tional reasoning thinking, instead have to look to chaos physics and under-stand new ways of defining situations.It is the picture of a chaotic and anar-chy world where people and the envi-ronment are considered as one item, and we should ask ourselves how can each part of the environment (being the human one of it) have the sensa-tion of fullness and can be the desire a dynamic equilibrium happening in spontaneous different ways. The solution of Polaroid cities for this issue is the generation transparent (as Tomas Saraceno ´s work)6 artificial intelligence platforms D that might be floting in the air in other frequency, and therefore according to quantum phys-ics laws in other dimension that men

kind can plug in and then accomplish their necessities. Because these platforms are invisible there is no concern about the shadow they might generate in the classical environment dimension. Also because these platforms inhabit another dimen-sion the way they move in the coordi-nate of time and space are different and can accomplish the instant neces-sities of human begins. Almost as any chaotic system, this system has some few rules to ordinate the way these platforms behave. As we said these platforms are artificial intelligence devices so we based in Isaac Asimov rules 7 to determine our own laws and they are:1.The platforms cannot make or allow that human being get injured or to harm (and vice versa).2.The platforms must fulfil human real needs unless it conflict with law number one.3.The platforms must protect his own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. These three laws determine infinite possibilities as a progressive anarchy8 (concept that Kazuo Shinohara invented to determine the architecture in Tokyo) where there are few laws that allow infinite combination but also determine some kind of behaviour. Finally these platforms are a part of the thermo dynamical system and make

possible this new relationship of what we used to call environment with human begins.-


1 Abalos, Iñaki Thermodynamic beauty, 2G nº56

2 Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones, EMECÉ Editores, Buenos Aires, 1956, p 26

3 Hawking, Stephen, Brief History of time, Bantman Dell Publishing Group, 1988, p 136

4 Bamyeh, M.A. Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009, p 120

5 Rand, Ayn, The atlas shrugged, Random House, 1957, p 129.

6 Saraceno, Tomas, Argentina – Germany, 1973-present. View his work in fig 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21

7 Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Doubleday, U.S.A. 1950. P 85

8 Shinohara, Kazuo. Chaos and machine, Japan Architect, Japan, 1988.



A utopia is not only an idealistic future, but also the reflection of our own existing society; each past utopia was not just talking about the ideal (or not so ideal) future, but also about their own reality. In order to understand Polaroid cities we will start defining our time (or at least what things we should take from it so as to have a point of departure to get to an idealistic future), and then will explain what the proposal is about. At first we can establish the term PolaroidE as the capability of instant ideas, which is related both with this projected future world, and also as with a methodology of studying con-temporary society. The Polaroid study of contemporary society can be in a way very precise (because can define a exact moment, with very particular conditions), and very vague (in the way, that can be changed very easy because instant situation fluctuate and change easy) but we think is the most accrued way to approximate to our complex world. Also in the idea of Polaroid pictures we should take in account the impor-tance of the observerC that plays a very relevant role in the reality, because is participating in it. In order to continue, we have to understand this board that contempo-rary society is, where we must ask our-selves, which are the singularities, and ideas we can grasp as the starting points for the idealistic future we are

looking for? One important fact in our study is to include a location, because there is a big and complex reality where parallel and opposites move-ments (at least at first sight) are occurring at the same time. That is why we located TokyoH as the place where contemporary phenomenal are happening, where a lot of dynamics make the city in constant change, as an area of opportunities. It is the actual scenario where all this ideal points are starting to develop in a way. The first topic we should highlight is the chaosA ideal (a chaos that can also be interpreted as anarchy). Lately in physics and in science in general there is a consensus that we cannot see reality in an ordinate rational way and to understand it, we have to determine certain atmos-pheres that can make any situation probable. This idea of a series of coordinates that have to be combin-ing can be also extrapolated to soci-ety behaviour. This meant that there is non a single phenomenon we can study separate form the environment, each time phenomenon occurred as a series fact related to the environment B that was created. In terms of sociology it meant that we couldn’t study the behaviour of human beings separately from the fact of an environment that makes things probable. We should introduce

the concept of thermodynamics F as the way to describe the relationship between humans and the environment. This relationship both takes part of the same system, a complex system that cannot be determinate as close. This is a change of paradigm and as Iñaki Abalos says it will also carry other changes: “… A new idea of beauty linked to what many people call a change of paradigm in the discipline (and which we think of as an about‐turn) necessarily involves a typo-logical mutation, a reinterpretation of the very idea of type, and new hierar-chies and scales in the spatial organi-zation of the territory and the city. The disciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and energy involves the alteration of inherited modes and tax-onomies, especially in those situations in which none of the three traditional disciplines has the capacity individually to resolve the problems posed…”. 1 This will guide us to the idea of a new universe; that it is not passive in the interaction with human beings; this uni-verse set the condition and possibilities to human action. So this environment has this duality quality of begin both the place where things happened and also the space that determined that things could happen. Related with this idea, is the idea of the timeG. The idea of linear time, as we where used to think since XVII cen-tury has get into crisis. These hap-pened for different motives, first of all

because these idea was related with the idea of development, this lineal way of thinking also implied there was a modern human being project that we can evolved and as time past human beings are better, and we will make a better future as well (out own history shows as that is not true). In order to get a better comprehension of a different idea of time, we can refer-enced on Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius included in ficciones, where he said about time managed in an imaginary world: “…One of the schools of Tlön goes so far as to negate time: it reasons that the present is indefinite, that the future has no real-ity other than as a present memory…”.2 The Polaroid time is more relate with the idea of seeing time as a coordinate in the space. Something that can be study as the fourth dimension, where random things happened but in simul-taneous ways, where you can be describe different times and measures to represent an instant of time, so a moment of time is an instant of infinite instant (Polaroid) moment happening at the same time but in different dimen-sions. As Stephen Hawking said in his book the history of time “…The quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behav-iour at the boundary …” 3 This It can be

seen as a possibility for thinking time in a more plastic way. That also describe another way to related to this utopian futuristic time, because, this is not a time isolated in the future where human beings have to work and develop to arrive (as modern the modern way of thinking would see), this time is both in the present and in 2085 at the same time. It is not about how much we have to do to arrive to that moment; is more about things that are happening in this instant and also happening in seventy five years at the same time. By the way, also describing time as a coordinate in space make that the coordinate has a strong relationship with the place where is located. There-fore it is really important to define a place where this utopia is located, but this place cannot be randomly pick, Tokyo may be the city where all these phenomena we are describing are already starting happening, where chaos is visible and likable, finally it is where the focus of the conflict is. Tokyo already is a different environment capable of fulfilling people more neces-sities than a traditional metropolis done, and also has a lot of thing to improve in this relationship. As we said Polaroid cities are strongly related with a different management time, but we are already living by this kind of management of time. Due the changes contemporary society had suffer in the past ten years in the new

ways of communication and science development our minds and expecta-tion have changed. We expect to get the results in short periods of time, and if not we find it worthless. Our time necessities are already aligned with this idea of instant time that can be defined as infinite instant moment, so reality turns to be a series of instant moment together. On the other hand, of course these new way of thinking have a bad condition, but we can use as a positive way thinking of it as an input to built this new utopia. When we speak about the relation-ship between men kind and environ-ment we found it important because there are some problems in human begins we can fix by a proposal of changing this relationship. For instance, the idea of storage and patience is related with the idea that there will be a moment where our envi-ronment will not be able to give us what we need. So, is founded in the idea of lack of confident, if we can be sure that the environment will provide us with all the necessary stuff to sur-vive (and to feel the sensation of full-ness) we do not need to storage. When we are born, we do not come into the world with this idea, we just are used to ask (with the means we are able) for our need and the environment (in this case represented by our par-ents) delivered for us the product. Then, these idea and lack of trust in

the environment is not something innate but something we learn.This distrust in the environment also make us believed that in order to achieve some result it is necessary a big effort. The idea that human beings do not deserve the place we have in earth and the relation with the environ-ment, so we have to shrug to be able to continue having the roll in the environ-ment. The Polaroid cities propose a different relationship with the environment. This is environment have not only to be built by nature but also in a combination with human beings (this is already a reality, at least in Tokyo). The environ-ment must be the place where humans can be comfortable, where people can trust that they can achieve and get instantly what they need because the believed they deserve it, and because environment and human wellness are aligned. It is very important to determine two important facts that as a society we have to mutate in order to combine with these cities, one is the idea of believing in the environment and the other is related to our wellness. As we speak of Tokyo as the proper environment that has to mutate some condition also human begins should mutate, continuing with the idea of thermodynamics. These facts are related with human sensation with the environment. The

sensation of shortage (that the envi-ronment is not able to fulfilled the well-ness we need) is what Polaroid cities must take out of people minds At the end, the sensation of shortage and the distrust in the environment is strongly related with the idea of power, and a fair. In a way one of the origins of disparity came from the fear of the shortage, if someone is self-sufficient and that he does not need to make a big effort to achieve what he needs he does not need to struggled for some-thing more that doesn’t belong to him and can belong to someone else more indeed. This concept is in human begins since the biblical with Joseph story in Egypt. Making an historical review, men kind has always shrugged for power, defy-ing the power as the capability of achieving things. At the end the shrugged of the man for the power is the shrugged for the sensation of con-fident, the sensation of deserving and it is related with the need to translate capability into sufficiency In the past centuries most of the rela-tionship between human beings had been lead by a conflict of power where interaction was related with two differ-ent situation of power trying to change the balance. If this society can achieve to leave the idea of power behind it means that also can establish better ways of human contacts that can be deeper and more honest. Bamhey

describes this relationship in his book Anarchy as order, where he said “… suspicion and conflict are unavoidable in any common social existence, and as such form a more realistic basis for political dialogues and political life than an ideal of trust… ”4 Although this might be true in contemporary society, this is one of the things Polaroid cities will change and the ideal trust can be possible. As we managed to establish a new environment where the Polaroid cities are possible we should also define the Polaroid human being. This man should be the result of contemporary human put in this new environment. This could be possible because as Ayn Rand`s Book the atlas shrugged said: “Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself”.5 As we had said, contemporary human is a man of spontaneous time. Also there are a series of devices and accessories that are a substantial part of human’s life, and in a way are an extension of human beings. This means that we cannot only think of the humans as the body, but also all the functions related to this new way of understanding life. Probably in this way Tokyo is one of the cities that best reflect this concept where al the activi-ties are dissipated along the city and

the user is used to take advantage of them when ever he needs to. So to achieve project a Polaroid cities first we should define the thermo dynamical relationship between human beings an environment, this relationship can not be understand in a traditional way where each compo-nent are different and separate things that makes action that reflects and affects each other, but as these two component that are a part of the same system where, if we try to define one of those component we have also to define the other because are part of the same thing at last. This city must to be ruled by different laws which cannot be defining by tradi-tional reasoning thinking, instead have to look to chaos physics and under-stand new ways of defining situations.It is the picture of a chaotic and anar-chy world where people and the envi-ronment are considered as one item, and we should ask ourselves how can each part of the environment (being the human one of it) have the sensa-tion of fullness and can be the desire a dynamic equilibrium happening in spontaneous different ways. The solution of Polaroid cities for this issue is the generation transparent (as Tomas Saraceno ´s work)6 artificial intelligence platforms D that might be floting in the air in other frequency, and therefore according to quantum phys-ics laws in other dimension that men

kind can plug in and then accomplish their necessities. Because these platforms are invisible there is no concern about the shadow they might generate in the classical environment dimension. Also because these platforms inhabit another dimen-sion the way they move in the coordi-nate of time and space are different and can accomplish the instant neces-sities of human begins. Almost as any chaotic system, this system has some few rules to ordinate the way these platforms behave. As we said these platforms are artificial intelligence devices so we based in Isaac Asimov rules 7 to determine our own laws and they are:1.The platforms cannot make or allow that human being get injured or to harm (and vice versa).2.The platforms must fulfil human real needs unless it conflict with law number one.3.The platforms must protect his own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. These three laws determine infinite possibilities as a progressive anarchy8 (concept that Kazuo Shinohara invented to determine the architecture in Tokyo) where there are few laws that allow infinite combination but also determine some kind of behaviour. Finally these platforms are a part of the thermo dynamical system and make

possible this new relationship of what we used to call environment with human begins.-


1 Abalos, Iñaki Thermodynamic beauty, 2G nº56

2 Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones, EMECÉ Editores, Buenos Aires, 1956, p 26

3 Hawking, Stephen, Brief History of time, Bantman Dell Publishing Group, 1988, p 136

4 Bamyeh, M.A. Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009, p 120

5 Rand, Ayn, The atlas shrugged, Random House, 1957, p 129.

6 Saraceno, Tomas, Argentina – Germany, 1973-present. View his work in fig 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21

7 Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Doubleday, U.S.A. 1950. P 85

8 Shinohara, Kazuo. Chaos and machine, Japan Architect, Japan, 1988.



A utopia is not only an idealistic future, but also the reflection of our own existing society; each past utopia was not just talking about the ideal (or not so ideal) future, but also about their own reality. In order to understand Polaroid cities we will start defining our time (or at least what things we should take from it so as to have a point of departure to get to an idealistic future), and then will explain what the proposal is about. At first we can establish the term PolaroidE as the capability of instant ideas, which is related both with this projected future world, and also as with a methodology of studying con-temporary society. The Polaroid study of contemporary society can be in a way very precise (because can define a exact moment, with very particular conditions), and very vague (in the way, that can be changed very easy because instant situation fluctuate and change easy) but we think is the most accrued way to approximate to our complex world. Also in the idea of Polaroid pictures we should take in account the impor-tance of the observerC that plays a very relevant role in the reality, because is participating in it. In order to continue, we have to understand this board that contempo-rary society is, where we must ask our-selves, which are the singularities, and ideas we can grasp as the starting points for the idealistic future we are

looking for? One important fact in our study is to include a location, because there is a big and complex reality where parallel and opposites move-ments (at least at first sight) are occurring at the same time. That is why we located TokyoH as the place where contemporary phenomenal are happening, where a lot of dynamics make the city in constant change, as an area of opportunities. It is the actual scenario where all this ideal points are starting to develop in a way. The first topic we should highlight is the chaosA ideal (a chaos that can also be interpreted as anarchy). Lately in physics and in science in general there is a consensus that we cannot see reality in an ordinate rational way and to understand it, we have to determine certain atmos-pheres that can make any situation probable. This idea of a series of coordinates that have to be combin-ing can be also extrapolated to soci-ety behaviour. This meant that there is non a single phenomenon we can study separate form the environment, each time phenomenon occurred as a series fact related to the environment B that was created. In terms of sociology it meant that we couldn’t study the behaviour of human beings separately from the fact of an environment that makes things probable. We should introduce

the concept of thermodynamics F as the way to describe the relationship between humans and the environment. This relationship both takes part of the same system, a complex system that cannot be determinate as close. This is a change of paradigm and as Iñaki Abalos says it will also carry other changes: “… A new idea of beauty linked to what many people call a change of paradigm in the discipline (and which we think of as an about‐turn) necessarily involves a typo-logical mutation, a reinterpretation of the very idea of type, and new hierar-chies and scales in the spatial organi-zation of the territory and the city. The disciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and energy involves the alteration of inherited modes and tax-onomies, especially in those situations in which none of the three traditional disciplines has the capacity individually to resolve the problems posed…”. 1 This will guide us to the idea of a new universe; that it is not passive in the interaction with human beings; this uni-verse set the condition and possibilities to human action. So this environment has this duality quality of begin both the place where things happened and also the space that determined that things could happen. Related with this idea, is the idea of the timeG. The idea of linear time, as we where used to think since XVII cen-tury has get into crisis. These hap-pened for different motives, first of all

because these idea was related with the idea of development, this lineal way of thinking also implied there was a modern human being project that we can evolved and as time past human beings are better, and we will make a better future as well (out own history shows as that is not true). In order to get a better comprehension of a different idea of time, we can refer-enced on Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius included in ficciones, where he said about time managed in an imaginary world: “…One of the schools of Tlön goes so far as to negate time: it reasons that the present is indefinite, that the future has no real-ity other than as a present memory…”.2 The Polaroid time is more relate with the idea of seeing time as a coordinate in the space. Something that can be study as the fourth dimension, where random things happened but in simul-taneous ways, where you can be describe different times and measures to represent an instant of time, so a moment of time is an instant of infinite instant (Polaroid) moment happening at the same time but in different dimen-sions. As Stephen Hawking said in his book the history of time “…The quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behav-iour at the boundary …” 3 This It can be

seen as a possibility for thinking time in a more plastic way. That also describe another way to related to this utopian futuristic time, because, this is not a time isolated in the future where human beings have to work and develop to arrive (as modern the modern way of thinking would see), this time is both in the present and in 2085 at the same time. It is not about how much we have to do to arrive to that moment; is more about things that are happening in this instant and also happening in seventy five years at the same time. By the way, also describing time as a coordinate in space make that the coordinate has a strong relationship with the place where is located. There-fore it is really important to define a place where this utopia is located, but this place cannot be randomly pick, Tokyo may be the city where all these phenomena we are describing are already starting happening, where chaos is visible and likable, finally it is where the focus of the conflict is. Tokyo already is a different environment capable of fulfilling people more neces-sities than a traditional metropolis done, and also has a lot of thing to improve in this relationship. As we said Polaroid cities are strongly related with a different management time, but we are already living by this kind of management of time. Due the changes contemporary society had suffer in the past ten years in the new

ways of communication and science development our minds and expecta-tion have changed. We expect to get the results in short periods of time, and if not we find it worthless. Our time necessities are already aligned with this idea of instant time that can be defined as infinite instant moment, so reality turns to be a series of instant moment together. On the other hand, of course these new way of thinking have a bad condition, but we can use as a positive way thinking of it as an input to built this new utopia. When we speak about the relation-ship between men kind and environ-ment we found it important because there are some problems in human begins we can fix by a proposal of changing this relationship. For instance, the idea of storage and patience is related with the idea that there will be a moment where our envi-ronment will not be able to give us what we need. So, is founded in the idea of lack of confident, if we can be sure that the environment will provide us with all the necessary stuff to sur-vive (and to feel the sensation of full-ness) we do not need to storage. When we are born, we do not come into the world with this idea, we just are used to ask (with the means we are able) for our need and the environment (in this case represented by our par-ents) delivered for us the product. Then, these idea and lack of trust in

the environment is not something innate but something we learn.This distrust in the environment also make us believed that in order to achieve some result it is necessary a big effort. The idea that human beings do not deserve the place we have in earth and the relation with the environ-ment, so we have to shrug to be able to continue having the roll in the environ-ment. The Polaroid cities propose a different relationship with the environment. This is environment have not only to be built by nature but also in a combination with human beings (this is already a reality, at least in Tokyo). The environ-ment must be the place where humans can be comfortable, where people can trust that they can achieve and get instantly what they need because the believed they deserve it, and because environment and human wellness are aligned. It is very important to determine two important facts that as a society we have to mutate in order to combine with these cities, one is the idea of believing in the environment and the other is related to our wellness. As we speak of Tokyo as the proper environment that has to mutate some condition also human begins should mutate, continuing with the idea of thermodynamics. These facts are related with human sensation with the environment. The

sensation of shortage (that the envi-ronment is not able to fulfilled the well-ness we need) is what Polaroid cities must take out of people minds At the end, the sensation of shortage and the distrust in the environment is strongly related with the idea of power, and a fair. In a way one of the origins of disparity came from the fear of the shortage, if someone is self-sufficient and that he does not need to make a big effort to achieve what he needs he does not need to struggled for some-thing more that doesn’t belong to him and can belong to someone else more indeed. This concept is in human begins since the biblical with Joseph story in Egypt. Making an historical review, men kind has always shrugged for power, defy-ing the power as the capability of achieving things. At the end the shrugged of the man for the power is the shrugged for the sensation of con-fident, the sensation of deserving and it is related with the need to translate capability into sufficiency In the past centuries most of the rela-tionship between human beings had been lead by a conflict of power where interaction was related with two differ-ent situation of power trying to change the balance. If this society can achieve to leave the idea of power behind it means that also can establish better ways of human contacts that can be deeper and more honest. Bamhey

describes this relationship in his book Anarchy as order, where he said “… suspicion and conflict are unavoidable in any common social existence, and as such form a more realistic basis for political dialogues and political life than an ideal of trust… ”4 Although this might be true in contemporary society, this is one of the things Polaroid cities will change and the ideal trust can be possible. As we managed to establish a new environment where the Polaroid cities are possible we should also define the Polaroid human being. This man should be the result of contemporary human put in this new environment. This could be possible because as Ayn Rand`s Book the atlas shrugged said: “Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself”.5 As we had said, contemporary human is a man of spontaneous time. Also there are a series of devices and accessories that are a substantial part of human’s life, and in a way are an extension of human beings. This means that we cannot only think of the humans as the body, but also all the functions related to this new way of understanding life. Probably in this way Tokyo is one of the cities that best reflect this concept where al the activi-ties are dissipated along the city and

the user is used to take advantage of them when ever he needs to. So to achieve project a Polaroid cities first we should define the thermo dynamical relationship between human beings an environment, this relationship can not be understand in a traditional way where each compo-nent are different and separate things that makes action that reflects and affects each other, but as these two component that are a part of the same system where, if we try to define one of those component we have also to define the other because are part of the same thing at last. This city must to be ruled by different laws which cannot be defining by tradi-tional reasoning thinking, instead have to look to chaos physics and under-stand new ways of defining situations.It is the picture of a chaotic and anar-chy world where people and the envi-ronment are considered as one item, and we should ask ourselves how can each part of the environment (being the human one of it) have the sensa-tion of fullness and can be the desire a dynamic equilibrium happening in spontaneous different ways. The solution of Polaroid cities for this issue is the generation transparent (as Tomas Saraceno ´s work)6 artificial intelligence platforms D that might be floting in the air in other frequency, and therefore according to quantum phys-ics laws in other dimension that men

kind can plug in and then accomplish their necessities. Because these platforms are invisible there is no concern about the shadow they might generate in the classical environment dimension. Also because these platforms inhabit another dimen-sion the way they move in the coordi-nate of time and space are different and can accomplish the instant neces-sities of human begins. Almost as any chaotic system, this system has some few rules to ordinate the way these platforms behave. As we said these platforms are artificial intelligence devices so we based in Isaac Asimov rules 7 to determine our own laws and they are:1.The platforms cannot make or allow that human being get injured or to harm (and vice versa).2.The platforms must fulfil human real needs unless it conflict with law number one.3.The platforms must protect his own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. These three laws determine infinite possibilities as a progressive anarchy8 (concept that Kazuo Shinohara invented to determine the architecture in Tokyo) where there are few laws that allow infinite combination but also determine some kind of behaviour. Finally these platforms are a part of the thermo dynamical system and make

possible this new relationship of what we used to call environment with human begins.-


1 Abalos, Iñaki Thermodynamic beauty, 2G nº56

2 Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones, EMECÉ Editores, Buenos Aires, 1956, p 26

3 Hawking, Stephen, Brief History of time, Bantman Dell Publishing Group, 1988, p 136

4 Bamyeh, M.A. Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009, p 120

5 Rand, Ayn, The atlas shrugged, Random House, 1957, p 129.

6 Saraceno, Tomas, Argentina – Germany, 1973-present. View his work in fig 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21

7 Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Doubleday, U.S.A. 1950. P 85

8 Shinohara, Kazuo. Chaos and machine, Japan Architect, Japan, 1988.



A utopia is not only an idealistic future, but also the reflection of our own existing society; each past utopia was not just talking about the ideal (or not so ideal) future, but also about their own reality. In order to understand Polaroid cities we will start defining our time (or at least what things we should take from it so as to have a point of departure to get to an idealistic future), and then will explain what the proposal is about. At first we can establish the term PolaroidE as the capability of instant ideas, which is related both with this projected future world, and also as with a methodology of studying con-temporary society. The Polaroid study of contemporary society can be in a way very precise (because can define a exact moment, with very particular conditions), and very vague (in the way, that can be changed very easy because instant situation fluctuate and change easy) but we think is the most accrued way to approximate to our complex world. Also in the idea of Polaroid pictures we should take in account the impor-tance of the observerC that plays a very relevant role in the reality, because is participating in it. In order to continue, we have to understand this board that contempo-rary society is, where we must ask our-selves, which are the singularities, and ideas we can grasp as the starting points for the idealistic future we are

looking for? One important fact in our study is to include a location, because there is a big and complex reality where parallel and opposites move-ments (at least at first sight) are occurring at the same time. That is why we located TokyoH as the place where contemporary phenomenal are happening, where a lot of dynamics make the city in constant change, as an area of opportunities. It is the actual scenario where all this ideal points are starting to develop in a way. The first topic we should highlight is the chaosA ideal (a chaos that can also be interpreted as anarchy). Lately in physics and in science in general there is a consensus that we cannot see reality in an ordinate rational way and to understand it, we have to determine certain atmos-pheres that can make any situation probable. This idea of a series of coordinates that have to be combin-ing can be also extrapolated to soci-ety behaviour. This meant that there is non a single phenomenon we can study separate form the environment, each time phenomenon occurred as a series fact related to the environment B that was created. In terms of sociology it meant that we couldn’t study the behaviour of human beings separately from the fact of an environment that makes things probable. We should introduce

the concept of thermodynamics F as the way to describe the relationship between humans and the environment. This relationship both takes part of the same system, a complex system that cannot be determinate as close. This is a change of paradigm and as Iñaki Abalos says it will also carry other changes: “… A new idea of beauty linked to what many people call a change of paradigm in the discipline (and which we think of as an about‐turn) necessarily involves a typo-logical mutation, a reinterpretation of the very idea of type, and new hierar-chies and scales in the spatial organi-zation of the territory and the city. The disciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and energy involves the alteration of inherited modes and tax-onomies, especially in those situations in which none of the three traditional disciplines has the capacity individually to resolve the problems posed…”. 1 This will guide us to the idea of a new universe; that it is not passive in the interaction with human beings; this uni-verse set the condition and possibilities to human action. So this environment has this duality quality of begin both the place where things happened and also the space that determined that things could happen. Related with this idea, is the idea of the timeG. The idea of linear time, as we where used to think since XVII cen-tury has get into crisis. These hap-pened for different motives, first of all

because these idea was related with the idea of development, this lineal way of thinking also implied there was a modern human being project that we can evolved and as time past human beings are better, and we will make a better future as well (out own history shows as that is not true). In order to get a better comprehension of a different idea of time, we can refer-enced on Borges’s story Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius included in ficciones, where he said about time managed in an imaginary world: “…One of the schools of Tlön goes so far as to negate time: it reasons that the present is indefinite, that the future has no real-ity other than as a present memory…”.2 The Polaroid time is more relate with the idea of seeing time as a coordinate in the space. Something that can be study as the fourth dimension, where random things happened but in simul-taneous ways, where you can be describe different times and measures to represent an instant of time, so a moment of time is an instant of infinite instant (Polaroid) moment happening at the same time but in different dimen-sions. As Stephen Hawking said in his book the history of time “…The quantum theory of gravity has opened up a new possibility, in which there would be no boundary to space-time and so there would be no need to specify the behav-iour at the boundary …” 3 This It can be

seen as a possibility for thinking time in a more plastic way. That also describe another way to related to this utopian futuristic time, because, this is not a time isolated in the future where human beings have to work and develop to arrive (as modern the modern way of thinking would see), this time is both in the present and in 2085 at the same time. It is not about how much we have to do to arrive to that moment; is more about things that are happening in this instant and also happening in seventy five years at the same time. By the way, also describing time as a coordinate in space make that the coordinate has a strong relationship with the place where is located. There-fore it is really important to define a place where this utopia is located, but this place cannot be randomly pick, Tokyo may be the city where all these phenomena we are describing are already starting happening, where chaos is visible and likable, finally it is where the focus of the conflict is. Tokyo already is a different environment capable of fulfilling people more neces-sities than a traditional metropolis done, and also has a lot of thing to improve in this relationship. As we said Polaroid cities are strongly related with a different management time, but we are already living by this kind of management of time. Due the changes contemporary society had suffer in the past ten years in the new

ways of communication and science development our minds and expecta-tion have changed. We expect to get the results in short periods of time, and if not we find it worthless. Our time necessities are already aligned with this idea of instant time that can be defined as infinite instant moment, so reality turns to be a series of instant moment together. On the other hand, of course these new way of thinking have a bad condition, but we can use as a positive way thinking of it as an input to built this new utopia. When we speak about the relation-ship between men kind and environ-ment we found it important because there are some problems in human begins we can fix by a proposal of changing this relationship. For instance, the idea of storage and patience is related with the idea that there will be a moment where our envi-ronment will not be able to give us what we need. So, is founded in the idea of lack of confident, if we can be sure that the environment will provide us with all the necessary stuff to sur-vive (and to feel the sensation of full-ness) we do not need to storage. When we are born, we do not come into the world with this idea, we just are used to ask (with the means we are able) for our need and the environment (in this case represented by our par-ents) delivered for us the product. Then, these idea and lack of trust in

the environment is not something innate but something we learn.This distrust in the environment also make us believed that in order to achieve some result it is necessary a big effort. The idea that human beings do not deserve the place we have in earth and the relation with the environ-ment, so we have to shrug to be able to continue having the roll in the environ-ment. The Polaroid cities propose a different relationship with the environment. This is environment have not only to be built by nature but also in a combination with human beings (this is already a reality, at least in Tokyo). The environ-ment must be the place where humans can be comfortable, where people can trust that they can achieve and get instantly what they need because the believed they deserve it, and because environment and human wellness are aligned. It is very important to determine two important facts that as a society we have to mutate in order to combine with these cities, one is the idea of believing in the environment and the other is related to our wellness. As we speak of Tokyo as the proper environment that has to mutate some condition also human begins should mutate, continuing with the idea of thermodynamics. These facts are related with human sensation with the environment. The

sensation of shortage (that the envi-ronment is not able to fulfilled the well-ness we need) is what Polaroid cities must take out of people minds At the end, the sensation of shortage and the distrust in the environment is strongly related with the idea of power, and a fair. In a way one of the origins of disparity came from the fear of the shortage, if someone is self-sufficient and that he does not need to make a big effort to achieve what he needs he does not need to struggled for some-thing more that doesn’t belong to him and can belong to someone else more indeed. This concept is in human begins since the biblical with Joseph story in Egypt. Making an historical review, men kind has always shrugged for power, defy-ing the power as the capability of achieving things. At the end the shrugged of the man for the power is the shrugged for the sensation of con-fident, the sensation of deserving and it is related with the need to translate capability into sufficiency In the past centuries most of the rela-tionship between human beings had been lead by a conflict of power where interaction was related with two differ-ent situation of power trying to change the balance. If this society can achieve to leave the idea of power behind it means that also can establish better ways of human contacts that can be deeper and more honest. Bamhey

describes this relationship in his book Anarchy as order, where he said “… suspicion and conflict are unavoidable in any common social existence, and as such form a more realistic basis for political dialogues and political life than an ideal of trust… ”4 Although this might be true in contemporary society, this is one of the things Polaroid cities will change and the ideal trust can be possible. As we managed to establish a new environment where the Polaroid cities are possible we should also define the Polaroid human being. This man should be the result of contemporary human put in this new environment. This could be possible because as Ayn Rand`s Book the atlas shrugged said: “Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself”.5 As we had said, contemporary human is a man of spontaneous time. Also there are a series of devices and accessories that are a substantial part of human’s life, and in a way are an extension of human beings. This means that we cannot only think of the humans as the body, but also all the functions related to this new way of understanding life. Probably in this way Tokyo is one of the cities that best reflect this concept where al the activi-ties are dissipated along the city and

the user is used to take advantage of them when ever he needs to. So to achieve project a Polaroid cities first we should define the thermo dynamical relationship between human beings an environment, this relationship can not be understand in a traditional way where each compo-nent are different and separate things that makes action that reflects and affects each other, but as these two component that are a part of the same system where, if we try to define one of those component we have also to define the other because are part of the same thing at last. This city must to be ruled by different laws which cannot be defining by tradi-tional reasoning thinking, instead have to look to chaos physics and under-stand new ways of defining situations.It is the picture of a chaotic and anar-chy world where people and the envi-ronment are considered as one item, and we should ask ourselves how can each part of the environment (being the human one of it) have the sensa-tion of fullness and can be the desire a dynamic equilibrium happening in spontaneous different ways. The solution of Polaroid cities for this issue is the generation transparent (as Tomas Saraceno ´s work)6 artificial intelligence platforms D that might be floting in the air in other frequency, and therefore according to quantum phys-ics laws in other dimension that men

kind can plug in and then accomplish their necessities. Because these platforms are invisible there is no concern about the shadow they might generate in the classical environment dimension. Also because these platforms inhabit another dimen-sion the way they move in the coordi-nate of time and space are different and can accomplish the instant neces-sities of human begins. Almost as any chaotic system, this system has some few rules to ordinate the way these platforms behave. As we said these platforms are artificial intelligence devices so we based in Isaac Asimov rules 7 to determine our own laws and they are:1.The platforms cannot make or allow that human being get injured or to harm (and vice versa).2.The platforms must fulfil human real needs unless it conflict with law number one.3.The platforms must protect his own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. These three laws determine infinite possibilities as a progressive anarchy8 (concept that Kazuo Shinohara invented to determine the architecture in Tokyo) where there are few laws that allow infinite combination but also determine some kind of behaviour. Finally these platforms are a part of the thermo dynamical system and make

possible this new relationship of what we used to call environment with human begins.-


1 Abalos, Iñaki Thermodynamic beauty, 2G nº56

2 Borges, Jorge Luis, Ficciones, EMECÉ Editores, Buenos Aires, 1956, p 26

3 Hawking, Stephen, Brief History of time, Bantman Dell Publishing Group, 1988, p 136

4 Bamyeh, M.A. Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009, p 120

5 Rand, Ayn, The atlas shrugged, Random House, 1957, p 129.

6 Saraceno, Tomas, Argentina – Germany, 1973-present. View his work in fig 17, 18, 19, 20 ,21

7 Asimov, Isaac. I, robot. Doubleday, U.S.A. 1950. P 85

8 Shinohara, Kazuo. Chaos and machine, Japan Architect, Japan, 1988.


POLAROID DICTIONARY. A CHAOS: It is the system by which Polaroid cities are organized. It is a system that seems to have no organi-zation but at the end have a three laws that determine infinite conditions.B ENVIRONMENT: It is not only the place is located the Polaroid cities, but also the proposal. The environment is a living organism that interacts with human beings providing them instantly needs.C OBSERVER: There is an active role in the Polaroid cities of the observer; the action of observing also changes realityD PLATFORMS: Name of the artificial devices in the environment capable to changes in order to satisfy different necessities.E POLAROID: The concept is related with the idea of instantly and the impor-tance of the images. F THERMODYNAMICS: Determine the relationship between human begins and environment. It means that there a fluent relationships and exchanges between more than one organism.G TIME: It is a condition in space; It is describe as a sum of instantsH TOKYO: The city where is located and inspired the utopia, where there is an ordinate chaos situation. Where people and the megalopolis are already part of a same system.


This are the important points that Polaroid cities must accomplish:-In Polaroid cities the observer actively participate in the generation of the city. - The Polaroid idea is related with the idea of instant images and instant sen-sation. -Time is considered as a condition in space; where it can be managed in a more plastic ways, and also determine some conditions in space design. -The platforms are a part of the envi-ronment that is an artificial intelligence life and interacts constantly with human begins. -These platforms are supposed to satisfy human begins necessities instantly. -The platforms have three rules that have to accomplish. -The human begins also have some responsibilities with the way to act with the environment and the platforms. -There must be some few rules that determine how also the human begins react and act therefore the environ-ment. -There will be a new generation of space that is generate in this plat-forms, is a space that vibrates in a different frequency and therefore would have different spatial conditions.


Observer Time Platforms


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