master calendar 2014

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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2014 Master Calendar - Tactics

2013 IASourceLink Recap

2013 objectives centered on developing and launching a comprehensive web portal to serve entrepreneurs and small businesses across Iowa by connecting them to the “best fit” of resource providers across Iowa. Guided by an independent Advisory Committee, the Kauffman model was adopted and IASourceLink platform established. IASourceLink strives to make it easier to start or expand a small business in Iowa by improving the visibility of available resources, ensuring access to these resources and easing navigation to these organizations.

Establishing a strong partnership with UNI has been key to IASourceLink success as it brings together IEDA and human capital and services under one recognizable entity. At just one year, IASourceLink is ranked #4 out of twenty Kauffman affiliates for web traffic (19,535 visitors/1,627 a month). Governor Branstad highlighted the importance of IASourceLink’s to Iowa’s entrepreneurial efforts by noting its one year anniversary at his weekly press conference on November 18, 2013.

Looking over the past twelve months, we see IASourceLink services are now comprehensive, with the Resource Navigator hosting 320+ resource provider profiles, Statewide Calendar of Events seeing more 1,000 postings, Webinars experiencing almost 900 attendees, and the Business Concierge providing specialized assist to 48 clients. Integrating the Business Licensing component with this portfolio means over 800 clients have been assisted under IASourceLink.

Efforts to augment the website, reach out to resource providers and focus on outreach continue as 2013 comes to a close. The API bridge to Secretary of State is close to completion and will support the interface of SOS and Resource Nav information to more fully serve clients. Affinity partner logos for Secretary of State and Iowa Bar Association have been added and reciprocity provided. Evaluating our SEO efforts and using “Paid-to-Click” to increase web traffic are underway. Developing a monthly “Director Durham” column is the works to ignite client and resource provider interest. Concluding a touch base with the “Tier One” resource providers will be targeted. Last but not least, meeting with the IEDA Communications Team to initiate PR plan development and to develop a media friends network will be completed to ensure coordination between the IASourceLink team and the Authority.


2014 IASourceLink Objectives

2014 objectives will centered on developing and launching a comprehensive web portal to serve entrepreneurs and small businesses across Iowa by connecting them to the “best fit” of resource providers across Iowa. Guided by an independent Advisory Committee, the Kauffman model was adopted and IASourceLink platform established. IASourceLink strives to make it easier to start or expand a small business in Iowa by improving the visibility of available resources, ensuring access to these resources and easing navigation to these organizations.


Administration - IASourceLink

1. Craft and approve budget for IASourceLink

By - December 2013

Lead – Sherry

Status – UNI Budget Done

Next steps:

UNI share Google budget document with IEDA

IEDA insert dollar investment

Confirm marketing investment amount at Dec. 18 IEDA-UNI status meeting

Share and approve joint budget for ISL marketing and outreach


Web Site Enhancement 1. API build out for Resource Navigator pull by Secretary of State

By - December 2013

Lead – Sherry

Status – coding in development

Next steps:

Weekly check in with IT team (USSL, IEDA, Aptera, SOS)

Follow up requested placement by SOS of ISL url as favored link and for “starting a business”

Reimburse Aptera for work

Joint media release formally announcing partnership /enhanced information


Web Site Enhancement cont’d2. Place current affinity partners url on IASourceLink and ensure reciprocity for ISL on their sites

By - December 2013

Lead – Sherry

Status – SOS and Iowa Bar Association (IBA) urls are on ISL home page and placement for ISL requested

Next Steps:

Follow up on ISL placement


Web Site Enhancement cont’d3. Assess current SEO and “Paid per Click” (PPC) By – February 2014 Lead – Rob & Sherry Status – to be completed Next steps:

Assess and report on current SEO status – Rob

Draft objectives for PPC – hold teleconf with Rob, Kevin, Sherry regarding options and Blue Chimp

Determine next step – secure provider


Web Site Enhancement cont’d4. “From the Desk of Director Durham” monthly update

By - December 2013

Lead – Alana & Rob

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Work with IEDA communication team to develop format for column and/or audio file. Determine how content will be developed (e.g. IEDA news in the queue / ISL ghostwriting)

Set timelines to coincide with monthly IASourceLink e-newsletter

First column, January 2014


Web Site cont’d5. Webinar development and planning

By - January 2013

Lead – Rob

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Identify 12 desired “themes” and “expert” for webinar for upcoming year

Webinar content “alert” to IEDA for proofing

IEDA return of any comments

Distribute electronically to “customers”

Enter webinar timelines into calendar:


Outreach1. Highlight IASourceLink at Governor’s Press Conference

By - November 18, 2013

Lead – Sherry & Tina

Status – press conference held

Next steps:

Update front page image rotator with picture and text.


Outreach cont’d2. Establish media “friends” network

By - December 2013

Lead – IEDA Communications Team

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Identify press contacts to cultivate – Comm Team

Develop list of ISL/small business “tidbits” to share with “media friends” (12 ready to go content pieces) – Alana & Rob

Share “tidbits” w/ UNI for proofing and further distribution via UNI PR channels

Develop 2014 schedule for providing content (ex. every first Monday of the month) to “friends” network

Insert into Calendar


Outreach cont’d3. Develop PR plan for promoting IASourceLink

By - December 2013

Lead – IEDA Communications Team w/support from ISL team

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Identify resources (time vs. money) and developed finalized ISL budget

Goals, strategies, target audience, tactics


Outreach cont’dMedia

4. Initiate PR Deployment

By - January 2013

Lead: IEDA Communications Team w/ support from ISL team

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Implement outcomes from planning meeting (see slide 10)


Outreach cont’dMedia

4. Implement Social Media Updates

By – March 2014

Lead – Rob & Alana with support from IEDA Communications Team

Status – to be completed

Next steps: Hold planning meeting with IEDA Comm Team to develop SM strategy, reviewing how this may

fit/support IEDA and IGOV ‘s ongoing efforts. From this establish schedule and allocate responsibility and frequency for supporting outlets.

During interim period:

Identify and list of “go to resources” for news – IEDA completed, send to UNI Facebook – 4 daily

Twitter – 3 daily

Specific media to review for inclusion includes:

IEDA’s “Business News Clips” for Twitter or FB - twice a week review

DSM Register Sunday Business/Tech/Entre. stories to FB

Monthly review of Hoot Suite and FB reports


Outreach cont’dMedia

5. Entrepreneur “success story” article development and post

By - January 2014

Lead – Patrick & Alana with support from IEDA Communications Team

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Develop 12 story ideas for featuring an entrepreneur article for a monthly feature that coincides with newsletter production timelines

Identify responsibility for contact, development and follow through

Identify “contingency” filler or back up – ex. a popular Kauffman or SCORE “success story” profile

Insert schedule into


Resource Partners 1. Complete “Tier One” 2013 contact

By - December 2013

Lead – Alana with support from Chelsea, Patrick, and Rob

Status – to be completed

Next Steps:

Gather write-ups completed for summer 2013 Tier One provider visits

Develop script – purpose for telephone touch base with Tier One Partners

Summarize feedback and share with Team

Schedule visits for 2014 in May, June, July

Insert schedule into


Resource Partners cont’d2. Solicit and schedule article “contributions” from resource partners

By - January 2014

Lead – Rob & Alana

Status – to be completed

Next Steps:

Identify list of service providers to request content for website /newsletter for the next 12 months

Lay out a “Jeremy template” for use - tell IASourceLink the 5 most important things about your organization and/or allow for articles of interest/timely pieces

Identify timeline and responsibilities

Insert production timelines into


Resource Partners cont’d3. Electronic newsletter development and distribution timeline

By - January 2014

Lead – Rob

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Establish schedule for newsletter development

Draft content developed by UNI

Draft content to IEDA for review/editing

IEDA return of any comments

Date to distribute electronically

Insert schedule into


Resource Providers cont’d5. Annual Resource Navigator profile update

By – June 2014

Lead – Rob & Alana

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Identify protocol and timeline for update of 320 provider profiles

Email blast – from Debi’s email - request provider review of profile information, include aggregate stats and offer to share individual if requested by provider

Allocate monitoring and follow up (for 320 profiles) among ISL team

Review and approve profile information

Close out – thank you from Debi


Resource Providers cont’d6. Represent ISL at Quarterly Entrepreneurial Roundtable

By – February 2014

Lead – Alana w new Director or Rob

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Coordinate representation at E roundtable with IEDA and UNI. Shared lead at the four scheduled quarterlies.


Resource Providers cont’d7. Hold ISL sponsored “regional meetings” with resource providers

By – April to September 2014

Lead – Alana & Rob with support from EDA Communications Team

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Identify resource providers associated with each region

Work with IEDA communications team to develop invite and promote event

Hold meetings and assign party (UNI & IEDA representatives) to attend

Solicit feedback/survey

Write up and report


Resource Providers cont’d8. Annual electronic survey for provider feedback

By - November 2014

Lead – Alana & Rob

Status – to be completed

Develop list of key questions to solicit feedback for resource provider survey

Identify electronic mode for completing survey

Conduct survey

Review and report

Ensure ISL is included in the annual UNI Small Business Survey


Affinity Partners9. Create “key prospects” list for affinity partnerships

By – January 2014 - ongoing

Lead – Alana & Rob

Status – to be completed

Identify key prospects for 1) state government Iowa state government, and 2) external organizations

Establish relationship guidelines

Develop program materials

Initiate recruitment

Governor’s Press Conference – November 2014

Annual Meeting of Affinity Partners – November 2014


Operations 1. Coordination between Business Concierge and Business Licensing

By – January 2014 - ongoing

Lead – Patrick, Christine, Alana, Rob, Chelsea

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Confirm information to be gathered when providing assistance to use “voice of customer interaction” (Question, Location, Results)

Establish protocol to input tracked data into BizTrakker

Identify frequency of reviewing information gathered


Operations cont’d2. Implement tracking of customer interactions using IASourceLink BizTrakker


By - January 2014

Lead – Rob & Alana

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Gain a shared understanding how customer interactions will be inputted into BizTrakker on an ongoing basis

Begin entering interactions effective January 3, 2014

Provide first quarterly report on BizTrakker numbers March 2014


Operations cont’d3. Metrics - communicate and share IASourceLink accomplishments

By - February 2014

Lead – Alana and Rob

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Select key metrics for reporting to customers, IEDA/UNI management and Advisory Committee and Resource Partners

Identify reporting formats

Establish reporting schedule


Operations cont’d4. Complete training to ensure continuity of effort

By - February 2014

Lead – Alana and Rob

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Review USSL instructional manuals and guidance for platforms

Attend two day tutorial with USSL on key “ins and outs” of using the platforms (Sitefinity, Resource Navigator, BizTrakker)


Operations cont’d5. Annual IEDA – UNI Meeting

By - October 2014

Lead – Alana and Rob

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Schedule meeting time with leadership

Prepare annual report of accomplishments, challenges and proposed goals for upcoming year

Provide report in advance of meeting

Hold meeting


Operations cont’d6. IEDA – UNI Meetings

By – January 2014

Lead – Alana and Rob

Status – to be completed

Next steps:

Establish weekly touch base schedule

Establish a quarterly in-person meeting


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