mary assignment

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Mary Assignment


    MaryAnna Francis

    Chapter 1

    3.Functionalism, conflict theory and critical race theory are considered to be micro sociologybecause they examine and interpret things on a large scale. Social force that influences peoples

    conduct in private and public and the reaction e give their behaviours.

    !.Symbolic interaction"ism and #ueer theory are regarded as micro sociology because they are

    both examined on a small"scale symbolic interactions is a face $ to face interactions ho

    Chapter 3

    !.%he media does influence our cultures in many ays but & believe that the expanding changes

    in our cultural diversity does influence the changes expressed in the media, for example because

    Canada is such a diverse country, you ill find that most languages and countries have theiron television' radio stations.

    3.(ur sexual preference is not determined by biology. )iology depicts our gender not sexualorientation. %he ay one thin*s and expresses their sexual orientation maybe a product of

    cultural upbringing. For example culturally being gay is deemed disapproving in many third

    orld countries so a teenage boy ho is gay may suppress those urges because culturally being

    gay is unacceptable and froned upon.

    Chapter +

    1.Social norms that e as a society may consider the norm maybe #uite different for lets say a

    oman abuser stuc* in the man box. &n said box this abuser has mental norms that men aresuperior omen are inferior, omen are property and the man is above a omen. %hat men may

    use the norm of a loo*ing glass theory, hat he sa his father do, no he does it ith his ife

    and family,also imitating hat he sa as a child.

    3.Social media has altered our fundamentals of socialiation in many ays, many years ago

    communication as more on a face to face level today text messaging and instant messaging

    has ta*en over all forms of communication beteen people. &n today-s society seating don andactually riting a letter ith a pen and paper are even considered taboo to today-s teenager

    rather a *eyboard ould be the norm for many teenagers in this day and age.

    Chapter /

    1.0o age factories in developing countries are not forms of opportunity but rather

    exploitation. aying someone less than minimum age, bad or*ing conditions, lac* of

    benefits and no 2ob security is not a form of opportunity but rather a form of exploitation.

  • 8/13/2019 Mary Assignment


    Most people in these countries are so desperate for or* and money that they are illing to do

    2ust about anything for the means to feed their families.

    !.lobaliation4 roth to global or orld ide scale a process characteried by the spreadand intensification of capitalism across the globe

    !.lobaliation impacts the movement of people because people migrate from one country toanother for a better life. Most people have this reinforced dream that abroad is an 5easy life6.

    eople have this perception that migrating to a ne country ill be a ne start ith the ability

    to gro and have the lavish lifestyles they see in the media and movies. 0ife abroad is veryattractive ith people living their homes, 2obs and all their credential to come to a ne country

    only to realie that life and survival is harder than they thought and having to or* in a factory

    or as domestic help.

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