marshmallow test

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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An introduction to Marshmallow Test. The Stanford marshmallow experiment[1] refers to a series of studies on deferred gratification in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by psychologist Walter Mischel then a professor at Stanford University.


In the name of ALLAH

Marshmallow TestA simple Self-Control Test

March 2012

Presenter:Ahmad Haghighi haghighi.ahmad@gmail.comIT Student, Faculty of Electronics & Computer, University of Birjand.

Introduction History

• Began in 1960

• By Stanford psychology professor Walter Mischel

• 4-6 years old children

• Continued after 16-18 years later. (when the children

graduated from high school)

If you could eat one marshmallow right now,

or two marshmallows after waiting 15 minutes, which one

would you pick?

Set your child up in an area with a chair, a table, and one marshmallow.

In the academic experiment, researchers hid behind a two way mirror. You can accomplish the same thing with a video camera or a webcam in your computer.

Step 1 of 6

Tell your child the rules of the test:

You will put one marshmallow on the table and leave the room to "do a short errand." He/she is welcome to eat the marshmallow while you are gone. However, if you return from your errand and he/she hasn't eaten the marshmallow, you will reward him/her with an additional marshmallow.

Step 2 of 6

Leave the room once the child understands that he/she either gets to eat one marshmallow now or two later.

Step 3 of 6


In the actual experiment, the psychologists waited up to 20 minutes to see if the children could resist the temptation. However, in this fun version of the test, most parents will prefer to only wait 2-5 minutes.Most of times we wait 15 minuets.

Step 4 of 6

Return and reward the child with an extra marshmallow if deserved.

Allow them to now eat both marshmallows. Explain that you are proud of them for being patient. If they ate the marshmallow while you were gone, try to use the moment for teaching about delayed gratification.

Step 5 of 6

Enjoy watching the video recording of the test with your whole family, and with the child when he or she gets older.

The kids will enjoy seeing their reaction regardless of how the test goes.

Step 6 of 6

• Tested in USA, Brazil, Japan, Korea and …

• Of the 600 participants, only about 200 (one-third)

were able to wait the 15 minutes to claim the two


• Scientific American reports another study following

1000 children for 30 years which found that...

Marshmallow Test

Those who were able to wait for the second marshmallow were much more likely to be:

• well-behaved in school• significantly higher SAT scores • healthier• more financially secure• lower crime rates

Predicting Kids' Success

The reason is that self control helps us to work towards desirable longer term goals that might not be appealing in the short term, and conversely to avoid appealing actions in the short term that might lead to undesirable outcomes in the long term.

e.g. it’s application in Sale.


Ability to

• Delay Gratification• Self Control• Self Discipline

Most important factor for success

Marshmallow Test in Iran

My Research!

• Video Deleted For easy download• Video Link:

می پارچ�ه همچ�ون را ه�ا آس�مان "اگ�ر ب�افتم،آن را ب�ا ن�ور طالیی و نق�ره ای ت�زیین می ک�ردم،پارچ�ه ای آبی و کم ن�ور و ب�ا ت�یرگی ش�ب و روش�نای روز و گ�رگ و میش و پارچ�ه

را به زیر پای تو می افکندم، تنه�ا رویاه�ایم را دارم، و ام�ا من3 تهیدس�ت،

رویا هایم را زیر پای تو پهن میکنم؛

چون بر رویاهایم قدم می گذاری"

.نرم قدم بگذار

W. B .Yeats

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