march 19, 2013 10:00am – 11:00am tutor motivation and retention

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  • Slide 1

March 19, 2013 10:00am 11:00am Tutor Motivation and Retention Slide 2 Review of use of webinar platform, Collaborate Updates Tutor Motivation and Retention Sharing Next webinar April 16, 2013, 10:00 11:00 am Evaluating Tutors, Tutor PD Plans, Monitoring Tutor PD =M.D184036AAECFB53591DE4DE2A4A55C =M.D184036AAECFB53591DE4DE2A4A55C Slide 3 To talk To type To note approval, etc Raise hand Yes/no Slide 4 Slide 5 Reminder First to contact Kim with intentional error in Agency PD Report will receive headset Slide 6 Slide 7 Business associations Banks Police/Firemen Schools (don't just look for retired teachers - a lot of currently employed teachers are interested in volunteering) Churches Local small businesses Libraries Local community groups; i.e.. knights of Columbus; concerned black men; young professional groups, etc. Etc. **Visit these places and put together a small presentation to pitch to them. Slide 8 Business associations Banks Police/Firemen Schools (don't just look for retired teachers - a lot of currently employed teachers are interested in volunteering) Churches Local small businesses Libraries Local community groups; i.e.. knights of Columbus; concerned black men; young professional groups, etc. Etc. **Visit these places and put together a small presentation to pitch to them. Slide 9 Libraries Organization website If possible create a "volunteer" button to lead to an online form directly from the we site. The form an e set up to be sent to your email and the link to your organization's website can now be a recruitment tool for you and a marketing technique for the org. Volunteer recruitment sites (you can Google these) Local super markets Colleges Be mindful of the upcoming requirements for a bachelors degree; graduate programs might be a better target Churches Etc. Slide 10 Each current tutor and staff of the organization bring one or two people to network with the others, but also to be introduced to the great opportunity you are offering for them to be involved in the community through tutoring. Slide 11 Women have a wonderful way of encouraging others to get involved in a good cause. Women may be able to recruit men easier then you can; men tend to respond to someone yet know, someone they already trust more than they do a stranger Slide 12 We require a lot of time and energy from our tutors, which can sometimes scare a new potential tutor away. Please don't let this prevent you from making the "big ask"; don't scale down the requirements or try to bid to the potential tutor through what they have to offer. We ask a lot of our tutors because our learners deserve all of it and more. By keeping the requirements in tack and being true to the needs of your learner, you are emphasizing the importance of the volunteer position and the impact the work of the volunteer can have on the learner. The "big ask" is also important in maintaining the legitimacy of your program services and the organization. Just think... The learners ask a lot from us and we rise to the occasion; let's not prevent our volunteers from having the opportunity to rise to the occasion to be an influential part of our process too! Slide 13 By getting out and sharing your story, you put a face with the request... This has a bigger impact than most people realize. Take learners with you to recruitment opportunities. No one tells their story quite as well as they do themselves! Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Know Your Product Slide 17 Be sure your product your volunteer opportunities are truly integral to achieving your agencys purpose. Slide 18 Know Your Product Be sure your product your volunteer opportunities are truly integral to achieving your agencys purpose. Prepare job descriptions which clearly delineate volunteer tasks. Slide 19 Know Your Product Be sure your product your volunteer opportunities are truly integral to achieving your agencys purpose. Prepare job descriptions which clearly delineate volunteer tasks. Acquaint yourself thoroughly with each volunteer opportunity, including its purpose, responsibilities, and what the value of the experience is for the volunteer. Slide 20 Create a Clear Path to Your Door Slide 21 Put together a procedure including recruitment campaign, screening process, training and placement, in that order. Slide 22 Create a Clear Path to Your Door Put together a procedure including recruitment campaign, screening process, training and placement, in that order. Dont start recruiting volunteers until you are ready to move them right into your screening and training procedure. Slide 23 Create a Clear Path to Your Door Put together a procedure including recruitment campaign, screening process, training and placement, in that order. Dont start recruiting volunteers until you are ready to move them right into your screening and training procedure. Dont let poor customer service ruin your recruitment efforts. A large number of volunteers report lack of response from organizations as the reason they do not volunteer. Answer initial phone calls within 24 hours. Slide 24 Make Your Recruitment Message User Friendly Slide 25 Compose a message which answers the volunteers unspoken question: Why should I volunteer for you? not your question Why you should volunteer for us. Consider involving happy volunteers in the composition of your message. Slide 26 Make Your Recruitment Message User Friendly Compose a message which answers the volunteers unspoken question: Why should I volunteer for you? not your question Why you should volunteer for us. Consider involving happy volunteers in the composition of your message. In your message, answer other typical questions new recruits ask: What will I be doing? How often and when? Where? Slide 27 Make Your Recruitment Message User Friendly Compose a message which answers the volunteers unspoken question: Why should I volunteer for you? not your question Why you should volunteer for us. Consider involving happy volunteers in the composition of your message. In your message, answer other typical questions new recruits ask: What will I be doing? How often and when? Where? Reassure volunteers that they will be trained and that you will stand behind them and support them. Slide 28 Make Your Recruitment Message User Friendly Compose a message which answers the volunteers unspoken question: Why should I volunteer for you? not your question Why you should volunteer for us. Consider involving happy volunteers in the composition of your message. In your message, answer other typical questions new recruits ask: What will I be doing? How often and when? Where? Reassure volunteers that they will be trained and that you will stand behind them and support them. Avoid red flag words such as need and desperate that scare volunteers away. Slide 29 Make Your Recruitment Message User Friendly Compose a message which answers the volunteers unspoken question: Why should I volunteer for you? not your question Why you should volunteer for us. Consider involving happy volunteers in the composition of your message. In your message, answer other typical questions new recruits ask: What will I be doing? How often and when? Where? Reassure volunteers that they will be trained and that you will stand behind them and support them. Avoid red flag words such as need and desperate that scare volunteers away. Be honest. Truth in advertising counts! Slide 30 Get to Know Your Market Slide 31 Acquaint yourself with all the ways you can get the word out. Slide 32 Get to Know Your Market Acquaint yourself with all the ways you can get the word out. Keep informed of your competition and how they compete with you successfully. Slide 33 Advanced Volunteer Recruitment Slide 34 Decide who your ideal volunteer is, then use what you know of their personalities and interests to compose a message tailored to them. Slide 35 Advanced Volunteer Recruitment Decide who your ideal volunteer is, then use what you know of their personalities and interests to compose a message tailored to them. Although you should still recruit to the general public (using general resources), use what you know of your ideal volunteer to target your marketing. Slide 36 Slide 37 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Slide 38 Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Slide 39 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Slide 40 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Slide 41 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Slide 42 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Notice on our website under the Join Our Team section, Tutor Tab which provides information and requests completion of a Volunteer Interest Survey Slide 43 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Notice on our website under the Join Our Team section, Tutor Tab which provides information and requests completion of a Volunteer Interest Survey Websites such as specialize in non-profit positions, Facebook and Craigslist Slide 44 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Notice on our website under the Join Our Team section, Tutor Tab which provides information and requests completion of a Volunteer Interest Survey Websites such as specialize in non-profit positions, Facebook and Craigslist Post flyers at local libraries and community college campuses, area businesses, libraries and community buildings Slide 45 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Notice on our website under the Join Our Team section, Tutor Tab which provides information and requests completion of a Volunteer Interest Survey Websites such as specialize in non-profit positions, Facebook and Craigslist Post flyers at local libraries and community college campuses, area businesses, libraries and community buildings Letters to churches, retirees of School District and selected businesses Slide 46 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Notice on our website under the Join Our Team section, Tutor Tab which provides information and requests completion of a Volunteer Interest Survey Websites such as specialize in non-profit positions, Facebook and Craigslist Post flyers at local libraries and community college campuses, area businesses, libraries and community buildings Letters to churches, retirees of School District and selected businesses Paycheck stuffers announcing Tutor Training dates Slide 47 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Notice on our website under the Join Our Team section, Tutor Tab which provides information and requests completion of a Volunteer Interest Survey Websites such as specialize in non-profit positions, Facebook and Craigslist Post flyers at local libraries and community college campuses, area businesses, libraries and community buildings Letters to churches, retirees of School District and selected businesses Paycheck stuffers announcing Tutor Training dates Speak to Rotary, Kiwanis, Womens club, Friends of Library, local Chamber of Commerce, etc Slide 48 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Notice on our website under the Join Our Team section, Tutor Tab which provides information and requests completion of a Volunteer Interest Survey Websites such as specialize in non-profit positions, Facebook and Craigslist Post flyers at local libraries and community college campuses, area businesses, libraries and community buildings Letters to churches, retirees of School District and selected businesses Paycheck stuffers announcing Tutor Training dates Speak to Rotary, Kiwanis, Womens club, Friends of Library, local Chamber of Commerce, etc Representatives to volunteer fairs at local colleges, mall and YMCA Slide 49 Public service announcement, Freebie on cable access on TV Advertising in local newspapers about agency and trainings Referrals by word of mouth through family and friends, personal referrals from board members, teachers, adjuncts and staff Contact local volunteer tutor organizations and post on local volunteer community wide website Tried to recruit volunteer tutors from our former students who graduated from colleges in the U.S. Notice on our website under the Join Our Team section, Tutor Tab which provides information and requests completion of a Volunteer Interest Survey Websites such as specialize in non-profit positions, Facebook and Craigslist Post flyers at local libraries and community college campuses, area businesses, libraries and community buildings Letters to churches, retirees of School District and selected businesses Paycheck stuffers announcing Tutor Training dates Speak to Rotary, Kiwanis, Womens club, Friends of Library, local Chamber of Commerce, etc Representatives to volunteer fairs at local colleges, mall and YMCA Special events, including our own fundraisers, community/volunteer/senior fairs, and events at local colleges Slide 50 Slide 51 Assign someone, either staff or volunteer, whose sole responsibility is making certain volunteers are properly and quickly thanked when the activity is over, or on a regular basis (less frequently than once per quarter). Slide 52 Make volunteers believe that your campaign is their campaign. Slide 53 Assign someone, either staff or volunteer, whose sole responsibility is making certain volunteers are properly and quickly thanked when the activity is over, or on a regular basis (less frequently than once per quarter). Make volunteers believe that your campaign is their campaign. Avoid comparing volunteers or teams with each other. Compare the results of volunteer effort against targets, not other volunteers. Slide 54 Assign someone, either staff or volunteer, whose sole responsibility is making certain volunteers are properly and quickly thanked when the activity is over, or on a regular basis (less frequently than once per quarter). Make volunteers believe that your campaign is their campaign. Avoid comparing volunteers or teams with each other. Compare the results of volunteer effort against targets, not other volunteers. Be available, or see that someone is available, to give immediate attention to volunteer queries. Slide 55 Assign someone, either staff or volunteer, whose sole responsibility is making certain volunteers are properly and quickly thanked when the activity is over, or on a regular basis (less frequently than once per quarter). Make volunteers believe that your campaign is their campaign. Avoid comparing volunteers or teams with each other. Compare the results of volunteer effort against targets, not other volunteers. Be available, or see that someone is available, to give immediate attention to volunteer queries. Assign volunteers to work in areas in which they will look good. Slide 56 Assign someone, either staff or volunteer, whose sole responsibility is making certain volunteers are properly and quickly thanked when the activity is over, or on a regular basis (less frequently than once per quarter). Make volunteers believe that your campaign is their campaign. Avoid comparing volunteers or teams with each other. Compare the results of volunteer effort against targets, not other volunteers. Be available, or see that someone is available, to give immediate attention to volunteer queries. Assign volunteers to work in areas in which they will look good. Organize volunteer events carefully. Be prepared prior to the arrival of the volunteers. Slide 57 Assign someone, either staff or volunteer, whose sole responsibility is making certain volunteers are properly and quickly thanked when the activity is over, or on a regular basis (less frequently than once per quarter). Make volunteers believe that your campaign is their campaign. Avoid comparing volunteers or teams with each other. Compare the results of volunteer effort against targets, not other volunteers. Be available, or see that someone is available, to give immediate attention to volunteer queries. Assign volunteers to work in areas in which they will look good. Organize volunteer events carefully. Be prepared prior to the arrival of the volunteers. All brainstorming and planning should be finished, and you should be ready to assign specific tasks. A well-organized program is more likely to attract repeat support. Slide 58 Slide 59 Process for an agency: - Potential volunteers go through a phone interview screening Slide 60 Process for an agency: - Potential volunteers go through a phone interview screening assess their English ability Slide 61 Process for an agency: - Potential volunteers go through a phone interview screening assess their English ability get a sense of their professionalism Slide 62 Process for an agency: - Potential volunteers go through a phone interview screening assess their English ability get a sense of their professionalism if they are good with time management and timely response to emails and phone calls. (As a job training organization this is also very important to us, that our tutors can demonstrate the abilities and proficiencies that we are teaching to our students.) Slide 63 Process for an agency: The next step in our recruitment process is an interview where they come to our office and meet with some of our instructors. Slide 64 Process for an agency: The next step in our recruitment process is an interview where they come to our office and meet with some of our instructors. give them information about our organization, our students, and our classes, Slide 65 Process for an agency: The next step in our recruitment process is an interview where they come to our office and meet with some of our instructors. give them information about our organization, our students, and our classes, get a sense of the tutors motivation in wanting to work with us, and Slide 66 Process for an agency: The next step in our recruitment process is an interview where they come to our office and meet with some of our instructors. give them information about our organization, our students, and our classes, get a sense of the tutors motivation in wanting to work with us, and some sense of what they would do with us Slide 67 Process for an agency: The next step in our recruitment process is an interview where they come to our office and meet with some of our instructors. give them information about our organization, our students, and our classes, get a sense of the tutors motivation in wanting to work with us, and some sense of what they would do with us ask a specific situational question to get a sense of how a tutor would work with a student, what kind of advice they would give, and their ability to problem solve Slide 68 Process for an agency: The next step in our recruitment process is an interview where they come to our office and meet with some of our instructors. give them information about our organization, our students, and our classes, get a sense of the tutors motivation in wanting to work with us, and some sense of what they would do with us ask a specific situational question to get a sense of how a tutor would work with a student, what kind of advice they would give, and their ability to problem solve One question weve asked before is to describe how they would explain the word responsible to a student who does not understand. Another question is different ways they would practice phonics and pronunciation with that student. Slide 69 Process for an agency: After the volunteer is given the okay by the instructors, they meet with one of our directors to explain the rules Slide 70 Process for an agency: After the volunteer is given the okay by the instructors, they meet with one of our directors to explain the rules go over the Volunteer Handbook explaining our policies Slide 71 Process for an agency: Two-week probation period with the volunteer in which both parties have time to think about if the volunteer position is a good fit. I would like for this to be a time where the volunteer has time to get a lot of feedback. Slide 72 I believe that a large contributor to our tutor retention has been our community building activities, from a tutor email list to coffee and snacks at the class space to our twice yearly celebrations for all students and tutors in the program. The end of year celebration includes small but appreciated tutor thank you gifts, but more importantly it includes recognitions of student gains for every adult learner and this most of all gives the tutors a sense that what they have done is noticed and valued. Slide 73 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Slide 74 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: Slide 75 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student Slide 76 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books Slide 77 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture Slide 78 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Slide 79 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Slide 80 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Tutor coordinator is available to answer questions and sometimes be a mediator between teacher and tutor Slide 81 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Tutor coordinator is available to answer questions and sometimes be a mediator between teacher and tutor Be available with suggestions of techniques that can be tried when working with learners Slide 82 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Tutor coordinator is available to answer questions and sometimes be a mediator between teacher and tutor Be available with suggestions of techniques that can be tried when working with learners Personalize my involvement with my tutors as much as possible Slide 83 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Tutor coordinator is available to answer questions and sometimes be a mediator between teacher and tutor Be available with suggestions of techniques that can be tried when working with learners Personalize my involvement with my tutors as much as possible Send each one a handwritten birthday card, as well as a handwritten 'anniversary' card, commemorating their service with our agency. Slide 84 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Tutor coordinator is available to answer questions and sometimes be a mediator between teacher and tutor Be available with suggestions of techniques that can be tried when working with learners Personalize my involvement with my tutors as much as possible Send each one a handwritten birthday card, as well as a handwritten 'anniversary' card, commemorating their service with our agency. I've had tutors tell me my messy handwriting is more appreciated than the very professional certificates we also send out for anniversaries! Slide 85 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Tutor coordinator is available to answer questions and sometimes be a mediator between teacher and tutor Be available with suggestions of techniques that can be tried when working with learners Personalize my involvement with my tutors as much as possible Send each one a handwritten birthday card, as well as a handwritten 'anniversary' card, commemorating their service with our agency. I've had tutors tell me my messy handwriting is more appreciated than the very professional certificates we also send out for anniversaries! Retention seems to be best when the reward suits the recipients personality and need for recognition. Slide 86 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Tutor coordinator is available to answer questions and sometimes be a mediator between teacher and tutor Be available with suggestions of techniques that can be tried when working with learners Personalize my involvement with my tutors as much as possible Send each one a handwritten birthday card, as well as a handwritten 'anniversary' card, commemorating their service with our agency. I've had tutors tell me my messy handwriting is more appreciated than the very professional certificates we also send out for anniversaries! Retention seems to be best when the reward suits the recipients personality and need for recognition. for instance most volunteer tutors are satisfied with recognition in the quarterly newsletter or at the Celebration Event (via certificate) Slide 87 Retention High need for tutors, they are always busy Many appreciate the variety of tasks that we ask them to complete: working individually with a student administrative work organizing our materials and books working with our case managers to help a student fill out job applications or finding resources, like assistance with housing, clothing, food, or furniture doing research for other resources for class such as good websites to practice computer skills Say Thank you and tell the tutors that their time and work is appreciated Tutor coordinator is available to answer questions and sometimes be a mediator between teacher and tutor Be available with suggestions of techniques that can be tried when working with learners Personalize my involvement with my tutors as much as possible Send each one a handwritten birthday card, as well as a handwritten 'anniversary' card, commemorating their service with our agency. I've had tutors tell me my messy handwriting is more appreciated than the very professional certificates we also send out for anniversaries! Retention seems to be best when the reward suits the recipients personality and need for recognition. for instance most volunteer tutors are satisfied with recognition in the quarterly newsletter or at the Celebration Event (via certificate) some are just embarrassed at any such attention and are satisfied with a phone call or email from their coordinator Slide 88 Slide 89 ?? How do you recruit tutors? Where should I start?? Slide 90 ?? I would like to improve my relationships with the 2 colleges in our county. ?? I wonder if anyone has had success in that area. How do you recruit? Is there a certain major or class that you would recommend targeting? Have you ever had an instructor adopt your program? What did that look like? Is there any advice that you could give?? Slide 91 ?? How do you recruit tutors? Where should I start?? ?? I would like to improve my relationships with the 2 colleges in our county. ?? I wonder if anyone has had success in that area. How do you recruit? Is there a certain major or class that you would recommend targeting? Have you ever had an instructor adopt your program? What did that look like? Is there any advice that you could give?? Slide 92 ?? How do you recruit tutors? Where should I start?? ?? I would like to improve my relationships with the 2 colleges in our county. ?? I wonder if anyone has had success in that area. How do you recruit? Is there a certain major or class that you would recommend targeting? Have you ever had an instructor adopt your program? What did that look like? Is there any advice that you could give?? ??? I researched various ways to recruit tutors, and one popular technique seems to be through tutor-match agencies like Volunteer Match, etc. Do these agencies work for non-profit literacy organizations? Are some more effective than others? I also learned that Twitter and Facebook are other resources are they effective for recruitment? What is the best technique for this type of recruitment ( wording, format, etc.) My strategy is to post flyers at local libraries and community college campuses where are some other potentially good places to post flyers? Slide 93 Slide 94 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Slide 95 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Slide 96 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Slide 97 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Slide 98 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Slide 99 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Provide networking time. Slide 100 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Provide networking time. Volunteers should have access to the appropriate and available materials they might need. Slide 101 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Provide networking time. Volunteers should have access to the appropriate and available materials they might need. Meet with volunteers on a regular basis. Slide 102 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Provide networking time. Volunteers should have access to the appropriate and available materials they might need. Meet with volunteers on a regular basis. Publish volunteers names in the newspaper or newsletter. Slide 103 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Provide networking time. Volunteers should have access to the appropriate and available materials they might need. Meet with volunteers on a regular basis. Publish volunteers names in the newspaper or newsletter. Have an end of the year recognition activity. Slide 104 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Provide networking time. Volunteers should have access to the appropriate and available materials they might need. Meet with volunteers on a regular basis. Publish volunteers names in the newspaper or newsletter. Have an end of the year recognition activity. Include volunteers in holiday activities. Slide 105 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Provide networking time. Volunteers should have access to the appropriate and available materials they might need. Meet with volunteers on a regular basis. Publish volunteers names in the newspaper or newsletter. Have an end of the year recognition activity. Include volunteers in holiday activities. Nurture all volunteers and recognize their achievements. Slide 106 Volunteer Retention Treat each volunteer professionally and with respect. Provide training, workshops, inservice. Be specific about responsibilities. Explain their support system. Listen to volunteers questions. Provide networking time. Volunteers should have access to the appropriate and available materials they might need. Meet with volunteers on a regular basis. Publish volunteers names in the newspaper or newsletter. Have an end of the year recognition activity. Include volunteers in holiday activities. Nurture all volunteers and recognize their achievements. Never miss a chance to offer praise or thanks. Slide 107 Slide 108 How do you motivate your tutors? Slide 109 Slide 110 Each webinar will allow some time for Tutor Coordinators to share a success or challenge of the month. What are your successes? What are your challenges? What support can TLC provide you? Slide 111 Evaluating the effectiveness of tutor instruction Individual tutor professional development plans Monitoring tutor professional development Tutor reporting and tracking of professional development Tutor recruitment, selection and orientation Tutor-learner matching process Tutor networking opportunities Basic tutor training Slide 112 Next Tutor Coordinator Webinar: April 16, 10-11am Topic: Evaluating Tutors, Tutor PD Plans, Monitoring Tutor PD 1455&password=M.D184036AAECFB53591 DE4DE2A4A55C 1455&password=M.D184036AAECFB53591 DE4DE2A4A55C Please plan to share what has worked for you and what questions you have for others Slide 113 Tutor Coordinators The following slides are for your reference and will be left in the monthly power points shared by Tutors of Literacy. Please let me,, know if there is something you would like to see added Slide 114 Level 5: Student Outcomes Assessing student learning Level 4: Participants use of new knowledge and skills Assessing degree and quality of implementation Level 3: Organization support and change Assessing organizational advocacy, support, accommodation, facilitation, recognition Level 2: Participants Learning Assessing new knowledge and skills Level 1: Participants Reaction Assessing initial satisfaction with experience For professional developers: 1) ensure teachers/tutors enjoy the experience 2) ensure teachers/tutors learn something 3) ensure supports for change/implementation are in place 4) ensure opportunities and awareness of how to use new knowledge and skills 5) see what the impact is on students Johnson, K.A. & Linden A. PD Evaluation for Minnesota Slide 115 Tutor Coordinators provide training to volunteer adult education instructors AND associated learners support volunteer adult education instructors AND associated learners Duties include, but are not limited to, implementing effective processes for tutor screening making referrals to the case manager participating in orientation conducting training sessions assigning tutor-student pairs/groups supporting tutor-student pairs/groups providing ongoing supervision of tutoring staff working with the In-House PD Specialist to coordinate tutor professional development Slide 116 Definition from Adult and Family Literacy Guidelines, 2012-2013 205.8 Volunteer Instructor, pages 11-12 Volunteer Instructors provide one-on-one or small group instruction to students. Though they are not a paid staff member, volunteer instructors are still required to take professional development training and to schedule time for instruction preparation. Volunteer Instructors should work with tutor coordinators to periodically review goals; adjust student placement, if needed; and coordinate with intake specialist and case manager. Volunteer Instructors (tutors) must have a four-year degree or be currently enrolled in a four-year degree program. This includes community college if the student is enrolled in a transfer program that will lead to a four-year degree. If the person has stopped taking courses, they are not considered to be pursuing the degree. Tutors without a four-year degree are permitted if they show continuous tutoring since Program Year 2006-07, have participated in one in-service activity in each of those years, and have been consistently providing a minimum of three hours of tutoring a week (with breaks of one/two weeks once or twice a year). Slide 117 Statement for Initial Tutor Professional Development Plan As a volunteer instructor, I will continually strive to identify and meet the needs of the learner(s) I tutor by learning about and applying new techniques during my instruction. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the tutoring sessions, I will document the instructional strategies I apply and how the learner is affected. Whenever possible, I will share my tutoring experiences with my peers so we can all learn and grow together.

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