marcelo diego boeri 1. awards and...

Post on 11-Jun-2018






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    1. Awards and Fellowships

    -Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (USA). (2008-2009).

    -Junior Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies (Trustees for Harvard University,

    Washington, D.C., USA) (1999-2000).

    -Fellow at National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (Buenos Aires,

    Argentina; 1986-1990).

    -Award for the Scientific and Philosophical Work (granted by University of Buenos Aires,


    2. Teaching Appointments, Research Projects, Administrative Positions

    -Full Professor of Ancient Philosophy at Catholic University, Santiago, Chile (since March


    -Full Professor of Ancient Philosophy at Alberto Hurtado University, Santiago, Chile


    -Full Professor of Ancient Philosophy at University of the Andes, Santiago, Chile (2003-


    -Associate and Independent Researcher at National Council for Scientific and Technological

    Research (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas, Buenos Aires,

    Argentina, 1997-2005).

    -Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy at University of El Litoral (2000-2002, Santa Fe,


    -Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy at University of Comahue (1997-1998; Neuqun,


    -Assistant professor at Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University

    of Buenos Aires (1987-1994).

    -Assistant professor at Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters,

    University of Buenos Aires (1985-1994).

    -Assistant Professor at Department of Classical Letters, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters,

    University of Buenos Aires (1985-1989).

    -Co-researcher of the project The Aristotelian Tradition of natural Right and the Question

    of Absolute Norms (sponsored by Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa, Fondecyt,

    Chile; 2002-2003; finished).

    - Co-researcher of the project The Aristotelian Tradition of natural Right and its Historical

    Reception (sponsored by Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa, Fondecyt, Chile; 2004-

    2005; finished).

    -Principal researcher of the project Aristotelian Mediation in the Stoic Reception of

    Socratic Ethics. Epistemological, Ethical, and Action Theory Aspects in some theories of

    Antiquity (granted by Universidad de los Andes, Chile, 2003-2004; finished).

    -Principal researcher of the project The Epistemological Foundations of Stoic Ethics. A

    systematic study of Stoic Epistemology and Ethics (Proyect 1085103; Fondecyt, Chile,

    2008-2009. Finished).

    -Principal researcher of the project Selfish preservation and altruistic interest: the Stoic

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    theory of familiarization (oikeiosis) as a principle of ethics and politics (Project 1120127;

    Fondecyt, Chile, 2012-2012. Finished).

    -Principal researcher of the project How Platonic is Aristotles Psychology? Aristotelian

    souls and their Platonic background (Project 1150067; Fondecyt, Chile, 2015-2017. In


    -Director of the PhD in Philosophy (Alberto Hurtado University, March 2013-February


    3. Visiting appointments

    -Visiting Professor at Universit degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy (April 2017).

    -Visiting Scholar at Lewis & Clark College, Portland, USA (January-February 2015).

    -Visiting Scholar at Universit Pierre-Mends-France, Grenoble II, France (March 2015).

    -Visiting Scholar at University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (April 2015).

    -Visiting Scholar at Nagoya University, Japan (May 2015).

    -Visiting Scholar (Department of Classics, Brown University. April-May 2007; January-

    February 2009).

    - Visiting Scholar at the Center for Hellenic Studies (Trustees for Harvard University)

    (Washington, D.C., USA; May 2004).

    -Visiting Researcher at Georgetown University (USA; 1994-1995).

    4. Areas of Specialization

    Ancient Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism (especially, Epistemology and Moral


    5. Areas of Competence

    Metaphysics: Continental.

    Political Philosophy: Ancient (Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism) & Modern (J. Locke, I. Kant)

    6. Editorial Positions

    -Member of the Editorial Committee of the International Plato Series (sponsored by the

    International Plato Society; 2007-2015).

    -Co-founder (1988) and co-editor (1999-2008) of Methexis. International Journal for Ancient


    -Member of the Editorial Board of Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa (Centro de

    Investigaciones Filosficas, Buenos Aires; 2014-), Tpicos. Revista de Filosofa (Universidad

    Panamericana, Mxico. 2002-), Revista Prometeus (Brazil, 2011-), Archai (Univeristy of

    Braslia, Brazil. 2011-), Cuadernos de Filosofa (Universidad de Buenos Aires. 2016-),

    Philosophy Study (USA; 2013-), and Estudios Pblicos (Revista de Humanidades y

    Ciencias Sociales, Santiago de Chile, 2012).

    7. Full list of Publications

    7.1 Authored Books (in Spanish and Portuguese)

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    1. M. D. Boeri, Aristteles. Fsica I-II (Aristotle. Physics Books I-II. Spanish translation with

    an Introduction and Commentary), Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos 1993 (233 pages).

    2. M.D. Boeri, Epicuro sobre el placer y la felicidad (Epicurus on Pleasure and Happiness.

    Spanish translation of the principal sources of Epicurus moral philosophy, with an

    introduction and notes), Santiago de Chile, Editorial Universitaria 1997 (93 pages).

    3. M.D. Boeri (along with Victoria Juli and Laura Corso), Las exposiciones antiguas de

    tica estoica, Buenos Aires, Eudeba 1998 (418 pages). I am responsible (with V. Juli) for

    the general Introduction and chapter 1 (pp. 13-100): I am also responsible for chapter 3:

    translation from Greek into Spanish with notes of the extract of Stoic ethics in John

    Stobaeus Eclogae 2.57-116, ed. Wachsmuth: Doctrines of Zeno and the other Stoics on the

    ethical part of philosophy (pp. 147-238).

    4. M.D. Boeri, Pseudo Justino, Refutacin de ciertas doctrinas aristotlicas (Traduccin,

    introduccin y comentario), Barran: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, (Espaa) 2002 (250

    pages). (Refutation of Certain Aristotelian Doctrines. Translation, introduction, and


    5. M. D. Boeri, Aristteles. Fsica VII-VIII (Aristotle. Physics VII-VIII. Spanish translation

    with an Introduction and Commentary), Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos 2003 (298 pages).

    6. M. D. Boeri, Los estoicos antiguos. Sobre la virtud y la felicidad (Introduccin,

    traducciones del griego y del latn y breve comentario filosfico), Santiago de Chile:

    Editorial Universitaria de Chile, 2004 (257 pages). (The Ancient Stoics. On Virtue and


    7. Plato, Teeteto (traduo de Adriana Nogueira e Marcelo D. Boeri; Prefcio de J. G.

    Trindade Santos), Lisboa: Ed. Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian 2005 (322 pages).

    8. Marcelo D. Boeri, Platn, Teeteto (traduccin, introduccin y notas de M.D. Boeri),

    Buenos Aires: Ed. Losada 2006 (245 pages) (Translation, introduction, and notes).

    9. Marcelo D. Boeri, Apariencia y realidad en el pensamiento griego. Investigaciones sobre

    aspectos epistemolgicos, ticos y de teora de la accin de algunas teoras morales de la

    antigedad, Editorial Colihue: Buenos Aires 2007 (376 pages). (Appearance and Reality in

    Greek Thought. Investigations on Epistemological, Ethical, and Action Theory Aspects of

    some Moral Theories of Antiquity).

    10. Marcelo D. Boeri, Aristteles, Acerca del alma (Traduccin, introduccin, notas y

    apndice), Buenos Aires: Editorial Colihue 2010 (CCXXXIV + 240 pages). (Aristotle, On

    the soul. Translation, introduction, notes, and appendix).

    11. Marcelo D. Boeri, Platn, Filebo (Traduccin, introduccin y notas), Buenos Aires,

    Editorial Losada, 2012 (364 pgs.). (Plato, Philebus. Translation, introduction, and notes).

    12. Marcelo D. Boeri (coauthored with Ricardo Salles), Los Filsofos Estoicos: Ontologa,

    Lgica, Fsica y tica (Traduccin, comentario filosfico y edicin anotada de los

    principales textos griegos y latinos), Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag 2014 (Studies in

    Ancient Philosophy, Band 12. 881 pages). (The Stoic Philosophers: Ontology, Logic,

    Physics, and Ethics. Translation, philosophical commentary, and annotated edition of the

    main Greek and Latin Texts)

    7.2 Edited volumes


    -M.D. Boeri, Lena R. Balzaretti (eds.) Epicuro. Vida, doctrinas morales y testimonios

    (Epicurus. Life, moral doctrines, and testimonies), Rosario: Universidad Nacional de Rosario,

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    2002 (I am responsible for the introduction pp. 11-61, the translation, and notes of the Vita

    and the Canonic contained in Diogenes Laertius X 1-16; 23-34 pp. 65-106).

    -El espritu y la letra. Un homenaje a Alfonso Gmez Lobo (co-edited with Nicole Ooms),

    Buenos Aires: Colihue 2011, 250 pages (with contributions by Denis J. Bradley, Carla

    Cordua, Mara Alejandra Carrasco, Roberto Torretti, Nancy Sherman, James Lesher,

    Nicole Ooms, Alejandro G. Vigo, and Marcelo D. Boeri).


    -Tpicos 30 bis (with contributions by Paloma Bao Henrquez, Fabin Mi, Jorge

    Mittelmann, Alberto Ross, Gabriela Rossi, Alejandro Vigo, and Marcelo D. Boeri). Special

    Issue of Tpicos. Revista de Filosofa dedicated to Aristotles Physics. (Universidad

    Panamericana, Mxico), 2006.

    -Estudios de Filosofa N 40 (Universidad de Antioqua, Colombia), 2009 (with

    contributions by Giampaolo Abbate, Paolo Accattimo, Barbara Botter, Carlo Natali, Jorge

    Mittelmann, Alberto Ross Hernndez, Rita Salis, Ricardo Salles, Alejandro Vigo, Marco

    Zingano, and Marcelo D. Boeri. Special issue of Estudios de Filosofa devoted to

    Alexander of Aphrodisias

    7.3 Books in progress

    -How Platonic is Aristotles Psychology? Aristotelian souls and their Platonic background

    -The wise person is always a dialectician. Essays on Stoic physics, logic, and ethics

    -Vivir de acuerdo con la naturaleza. El ideal estoico de la filosofa como sistema (Living

    according to nature. The Stoic ideal of philosophy as a system)

    -Selected papers by Alfonso Gmez-Lobo (co-edited with Alejandro G. Vigo; Sankt

    Augustin: Academia Verlag).

    -Soul and Mind in Greek Thought. Psychological Issues in Plato and Aristotle (co-edited

    with Yashuira Y. Kanayama and Jorge Mittelmann).

    8. Papers, Critical Notes, and Chapters in Books (referred journals and books)

    (a) Papers and chapters of books in English, French, German, and Modern Greek

    1. Aristotelian Elements in Early Stoicism, Liverpool Classical Monthly, vol. 18 N 3

    (1993), 37-39.

    2. Chance and Teleology in Aristotles Physics, International Philosophical Quarterly, vol.

    35, N 1, Issue 137 (1995), 87-96.

    3. Wert und Funktion der Kategorienlehre bei Aristoteles, in N. ffenberger, A.G. Vigo

    (Herausgeberg) Zur modernen Deutung der aristotelischen Logik. Sdamerikanische Beitrge

    zur modernen Deutung der aristrotelischen Logik, Hildescheim-Zrich-New York: Olms

    Verlag, 1997, 82-106.

    4. Critical note of R. Bett, Sextus Empiricus, Against the Physicists, in Manuscrito,

    (University of Campinas, Brazil) vol. XXI, N 2 (1998), 137-149.


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    TECHNES (Three Philosophical Views on Time) 77 Athens (2000), 13-24 (text in

    Modern Greek with abstract in English).

    6. The Stoics on Bodies and Incorporeals, The Review of Metaphysics 54 (2001), 723-752.

    7. Die Affektenlehre der Stoa (coauthored with A.G. Vigo), in Engstler, A., Schnepf, R.

    (Herausgeberg) Affekte und Ethik. Spinozas Lehre im Kontext, Hildesheim-Zrich-New

    York: Olms Verlag, 2002, 32-59.

    8. Socrates, Aristotle, and the Stoics on the apparent and real good, in J. J. Cleary, G.

    Gurtler (eds.) Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, vol. XX ,

    Leiden: Brill, 2004, 109-141.

    9. The Presence of Socrates and Aristotle in the Stoic Account of akrasia, in R. Salles

    (ed.) Metaphysics, Soul and Ethics. Themes from the Work of Richard Sorabji, Oxford:

    Oxford University Press, 2005, 383-412.

    10. Does Cosmic Nature matter? Some Remarks on the Cosmological Aspects of Stoic

    Ethics, in R. Salles (ed.) God and Cosmos in Stoicism, Oxford: Oxford University Press,

    2009, 173-200.

    11. Pseudo Justin on Aristotelian Cosmology: A Byzantine philosopher searching for a

    new picture of the world, Byzantion (Revue Internationale des tudes Byzantines. Socit

    Belge d tudes Byzantines) vol. LXXIX (2009), 99-135.

    12. Epicurus the Platonist, in Luc Brisson & John Dillon (eds.) Platos Philebus

    (Selected Papers from the Eighth Symposium Platonicum), Academia Verlag: Sankt

    Augustin, 2010, 363-368.

    13. Response: Boeri on Reyes Bertoln Cebrin on Marcelo D. Boeri, Apariencia y

    Realidad en el Pensamiento Griego. Investigaciones sobre Aspectos Epistemolgicos,

    ticos y de Teora de la Accin en Algunas Teoras de la Antigedad, Bryn Mawr

    Classical Review, 2009.04.08 (Electronic document:


    14. The Cosmic City and the Stoic Conception of Rationality, in Gabriele Cornelli. &

    Francisco Lisi (eds.) Plato and the City, Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 2010, 81-95.

    15. The Stoic psychological physicalism: an ancient version of the causal closure thesis,

    The New Centennial Review X N 3 (Michigan State University) (2010), 105-132.

    16. Innateness, Universal Reason, and Self-Preservation: Making Room for Stoicism in

    John Locke, in Alejandro G. Vigo (ed.) Oikeiosis and the natural bases of morality. From

    Classical Stoicism to Modern Philosophy, Hildesheim-Zrich-New York, Georg Olms

    Verlag, 2012, 193-230.

    17. Natural Law and world order in Stoicism, in G. Rossi (ed.) Nature and the Best

    Life. Exploring the Natural Bases of Practical Normativity in Ancient Philosophy,

    HildesheimZrichNew York: Olms Verlag, 2013, 183-223.

    18. Present time and indifferents: making room for what depends on us in Marcus

    Aurelius, in P. Destre, R. Salles, M. Zingano, (eds.) What is up to us? Studies on Agency

    and Responsibility in Ancient Philosophy, Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, (Studies in

    Ancient Moral and Political Philosophy), 2014, 183-197.

    19. Theaetetus and Protarchus: two philosophical characters or what a philosophical soul

    should do, in Cornelli, G. (ed.) Platos Styles and Characters, Hildescheim-Zrich-New

    York: W. de Gruyter, 2016, 357-378.

    20. L et les rapports avec les dieux selon Hirocls , in Philosophie Antique : Lethique du stocien Hirocls (dir. Jean-Baptiste Gourinat), 2016, 87-104.

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    (b) Papers and chapters of books in Spanish (referred journals and books)

    1. Naturaleza y causalidad en Aristteles: Fsica II 1, Revista de Filosofa, (Buenos

    Aires) vol. I N 1/2 (1986), 41-58.

    2. La estructura matemtica de la materia en el Timeo de Platn, Revista de Filosofa,

    (Buenos Aires) vol. III N 2 (1988), 107-125.

    3. El valor de Alejandro de Afrodisia como fuente de la Stoa antigua: a propsito de

    pnema, tnos y krsis, Mthexis IV (1991), 129-136.

    4. La transmisin del concepto estoico de causa sinctica, Mthexis V (1992), 99-121.

    5. Las crticas de Galeno a la psicologa de Crisipo, Cuadernos de Filosofa (Facultad de

    Filosofa y Letras, Univ. de Buenos Aires), Ao 24, N 30 (1993), 23-34.

    6. Los comentadores antiguos de Aristteles y su reelaboracin de la filosofa griega,

    Mthexis VI (1993), 191-199.

    7. Un seminario sobre el tema del hombre, Mthexis, VII (1994), Suplem., 51-54.

    8. Aristteles y los principios de la metafsica estoica, Revista Latinoamericana de

    Filosofa (Centro de Investigaciones Filosficas, Buenos Aires), vol. XXII, N 1 (1996),


    9. Aristteles, el estoicismo antiguo y lo que depende de nosotros, Mthexis X (1997),


    10. El problema de la libertad y el estoicismo antiguo, Hypnos, (Universidad Catlica de

    So Paulo, Brasil), N 3, (1997), 159-167.

    11. Entre motor y movido debe haber contacto. Una dificultad en la teora aristotlica

    del movimiento, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa (Centro de Investigaciones

    Filosficas, Buenos Aires), vol. XXIV, N 2 (1998), 251-262.

    12. Pseudo Justino y la recepcin de la fsica aristotlica en la antigedad tarda, Tpicos

    (Universidad Panamericana, Mxico) (1998), N 14, 9-30.

    13. Scrates y Aristteles en el examen estoico de la incontinencia, Anuario Filosfico,

    (Universidad de Navarra, Espaa) (1999) 32, 193-224.

    14. Causa, explicacin causal y corporeidad en el estoicismo antiguo, Dilogos

    (Universidad de Puerto Rico, Ro Piedras), Ao XXXIV, N 73, (1999), 7-34.

    15. Observaciones sobre la nocin aristotlica y estoica de dios, Tpicos, (1999) N 6, p.

    63-89 (Universidad Catlica de Santa Fe, Argentina).

    16. Comentarios a La tica en Aristteles o la moral de La virtud de O. Guariglia,

    Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa (Centro de Investigaciones Filosficas, Buenos

    Aires), vol. XXV N 1, (1999), 151-157.

    17. El determinismo estoico y los argumentos compatibilistas de Crisipo, Cuadernos del

    Sur (Filosofa. Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina), 29 (2000), p. 11-47.

    18. Por qu ocuparse de filosofa antigua hoy?, Klos, (Instituto de Filosofia e Cincias

    Sociais, Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), N 4, vol. 4, (2000), 131-153.

    19. La racionalidad del suicidio en el estoicismo antiguo, in R.

    Buzn et alii [eds.] Los estudios clsicos ante el cambio de milenio. Vida Muerte Cultura,

    Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires 2002, 99-113 (reproducido como Sobre el

    suicidio en la filosofa estoica, Hypnos Universidad Catlica de San Pablo, Brasil), N 8,

    Ao 7 (2002), 21-33).

    20. Una historia filosfica de la filosofa helenstica, Mthexis XV (2002), 115-123.

    21. Observaciones sobre el valor y funcin de las fantasas catalpticas (kataleptika

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    phantasai) en la tica estoica, Escritos de Filosofa (Buenos Aires, Academia Nacional de

    Ciencias, Centro de Estudios Filosficos E. Pucciarelli), (2002), N 41-42, 67-99.

    22. La Teologa Mstica de Pseudo Dionisio Areopagita: una nueva lectura (coauthored

    with Jos P. Martn,), Tpicos (Universidad Panamericana, Mxico), (2002), N 23, 9-27.

    23. Incorpreos, tiempo e individuacin en el estoicismo, Dinoia (Instituto de

    Investigaciones Filosficas, UNAM, Mxico), (2003) vol. XLVIII, N 51, 183-195.

    24. Los HERACLITEA de Serge Mouraviev (en colaboracin con A.G. Vigo), Mthexis

    XVI (2003), 101-103.

    25. Observaciones sobre el trasfondo socrtico y aristotlico de la tica estoica, Ordia

    Prima (Revista de Estudios Clsicos), 3 (2004) Crdoba (Argentina), 107-146.

    26. Cosmpolis estoica, ley natural y la transformacin de las ideas polticas en Grecia,

    in J. E. Dotti (ed.), Deus Mortalis (Cuaderno de Filosofa Poltica, Buenos Aires) N 3

    (2004), 159-201.

    27. Un Simposio Platnico en Santiago de Chile, Mthexis, XVII (2004), 163-164.

    28. Presentacin del libro de Fabin Mi, Lenguaje, conocimiento y realidad en la teora

    de las ideas de Platn. Investigaciones sobre los dilogos medios (Ordia Prima Studia 1),

    Crdoba: El Copista, 2004, 422 pgs. (p. 11-14).

    29. Sensopercepcin y estados afectivos. Sobre el valor de la asthesis en la explicacin

    platnica del conocimiento, en J. G. Trindade Santos (ed.) Do Saber ao Conhecimento.

    Estudos sobre o Teeteto, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2005,15-


    30. Estados de creencia y conocimiento en Platn, Diadokh, vol. 7-8, N 1-2 (2004-

    2005) Santiago de Chile, 123-139.

    31. Aristteles contra Parmnides: el problema del cambio y la posibilidad de una ciencia

    fsica, Tpicos 30 bis (2006), 45-68 (Universidad Panamericana, Mxico).

    32. Presentacin: Artculos sobre la Fsica de Aristteles, Tpicos 30 bis (Universidad

    Panamericana, Mxico) (2006), 9-15.

    33. Pasiones aristotlicas, mente y accin, in Teresa Santiago Oropeza, Carmen Trueba

    Atienza (coords.) De acciones, deseos y razn prctica, Mxico, Universidad Autnoma

    Metropolitana-Iztapalapa/Imprenta de Juan Pablos, 2006, 23-55.

    34. Necesidad, lo que depende de nosotros y posibilidades alternativas en los estoicos.

    Rplica a Ricardo Salles, Crtica (Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofa), vol. 39,

    (2007), N 115, 97-111.

    35. Es el objeto de la aristotlica slo lo necesario? Reflexiones sobre el valor de lo en el modelo aristotlico de ciencia, Mthexis XX (2007), 29-49. 36. Percepcin y estados afectivos en Platn, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica

    (Universit degli Studi di Urbino, Italia), 87, N3, (2007), 71-93.

    37. Estrategias argumentativas filonianas en De aeternitate y De providentia, Nova

    Tellus (Instituto de Investigaciones Filolgicas, UNAM) 26-2 (2008), 39-65.

    38. Todo el mundo lleva a cabo lo que le parece bien. Sobre los trasfondos socrticos de la

    teora aristotlica de la accin, Philosophica 33 (Universidad Catlica de Valparaso,

    Chile) (2008), 7-26.

    39. Filosofa y Drama en el Teeteto de Platn, in A. Correa Motta, J. M. Zamora (eds.)

    Enoia. Estudios de Filosofa Antigua (Un Homenaje a Mara Isabel Santa Cruz), Bogot,

    Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2009, 227-267.

    40. Formacin de ideas, razn universal y autoconservacin. Sobre algunos ingredientes

    estoicos en el pensamiento de John Locke, in E. Rinesi, (ed.), En el nombre de Dios.

    Razn natural y revolucin burguesa en la obra de John Locke, Buenos Aires: Gorla, 2009,

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    41. Causa sinctica y actividad neumtica en el estoicismo, Revista Latinoamericana de

    Filosofa (Centro de Investigaciones Filosficas, Buenos Aires) Vol. XXXV N1 (2009), 5-


    42. Sobre lo aparente y lo real: respuesta a Nstor L. Cordero y a Jorge Mittelmann,

    Dinoia (Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico), vol. LIV N 63 (2009), 223-233.

    43. (Aristteles, De anima B 2. 414 a 19-20). A propsito del alcance de las interpretaciones funcionalistas de la psicologa

    aristotlica y del carcter causal del alma, Elenchos (Rivista di studi sul pensiero antico)

    XXX (2009) Fascicolo 1, 53-97.

    44. Alejandro de Afrodisia como intrprete de la notica aristotlica, Estudios de

    Filosofa (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia), N 40 (2009), 79-107.

    45. Alejandro de Afrodisia como lector de Aristteles, Estudios de Filosofa

    (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia), N 40 (2009), 7-28.

    46. John J. Cleary. In Memoriam, Mthexis XXII (2009), 5-7.

    47. Ser y gneros del ser en el estoicismo antiguo. Una distincin ontolgica importante

    aplicada a la tica y teora de la accin, Pensamiento (Revista de investigacin e

    informacin filosfica), vol. 66 (2010) Nm. 247, 55-81.

    48. Asthesis en Aristteles. A propsito de De anima II 5; 12, Revista Latinoamericana

    de Filosofa (Anejo 2010), (Centro de Investigaciones Filosficas, Buenos Aires), 179-203.

    49. Platonismo y estoicismo en el De aeternitate mundi de Filn de Alejandra, tudes

    platoniciennes 7 (Philon d Alexandrie) (2010), 65-94.

    50. Por qu el es un aliado de la razn en la batalla contra los apetitos irracionales? La explicacin de Platn para acercar la clera a lo racional y no a lo

    apetitivo, Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale (2010), LII 2, 289-306.

    51. Necesidad y contingencia en el mundo natural aristotlico. Observaciones a propsito

    de una interpretacin reciente, Journal for Ancient Philosophy (University of So Paulo,

    Brasil V, Issue 1 (2011), 1-28.

    52. Cun platnica es la psicologa aristotlica? Reflexiones sobre la presencia de la

    psicologa platnica en el proyecto psicolgico de Aristteles, in L. Palumbo (a cura di)

    Logon didonai: la filosofa come esercizio del render ragione. Studi in onore di Giovanni

    Casertano, Napoli: Loffredo Editore, 2011, 707-719.

    53. Felicidad y alcanzar la felicidad: un giro importante en el eudaimonismo a la luz de la

    ontologa estoica, in C. Trueba Atienza (coord.) La felicidad. Perspectivas antiguas,

    modernas y contemporneas, Mxico: Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana/ Siglo

    Veintiuno Editores, 2011, 120-134.

    54. Una vida sin examen no merece ser vivida por el hombre: variaciones socrticas en

    Epicteto, Kriterion (Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil), N 125 (2012), 81-102.

    55. Forma, funcin y realidad en Platn y Aristteles, Estudios Pblicos N 128 (2012)

    (Santiago de Chile), 187-210.

    56. Alfonso Gmez-Lobo, In memoriam (1940-2011), Revista Latinoamericana de

    Filosofa (Centro de Investigaciones Filosficas, Buenos Aires), vol. 38, N.1 (2012), 109-


    57. El bien es aquello a lo que todas las cosas tienden. Observaciones crticas a propsito

    de una traduccin reciente de la tica a Nicmaco de Aristteles, Dinoia (volumen

    LVIII, nmero 70), 2013, 169-189.

    58. O prazer dentre todas ais cosas e o maior impostor que existe. Comentarios a una

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    traduccin portuguesa reciente del Filebo de Platn, Aret. Revista de Filosofa (Pontificia

    Universidad Catlica, Per), vol. XXV, N 1 (2013), 163-181.

    59. Cuidado de s y familiaridad en el estoicismo: cun egosta y cun altruista es la

    tica estoica?, Thaumzein. Rivista di Filosofia 1 (2013), 225-255 (Italy).

    60. Lo justo lo es por naturaleza, no por convencin. Los argumentos estoicos en contra de

    la esclavitud y la doctrina de la , Circe, de clsicos y modernos XVIII (2014), (Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina), 19-37.

    61. Determinismo, responsabilidad y accin en el estoicismo, in Coithino, D., Hobuss, J.

    (org.) Sobre responsabilidade, Pelotas (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil, Serie

    Dissertatio-Filosofia), 2014, 91-129.

    62. Por qu no puede haber azar en un mundo causalmente necesitado? Observaciones

    acerca del lugar del azar en el estoicismo, in I. De los Ros (ed.). Azar: el sacro desorden

    de nuestras vidas, Madrid: Abada/Unab, 2015, 65-105.

    63. Filosofa antigua en Amrica Latina, in M. Reyes Mate Ruprez, O. Guariglia, L.

    Oliv Morett (coord.) Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofa (Filosofa Iberoamericana

    del s. XX, vol. I Filosofa terica e historia de la filosofa) Madrid, Trotta, 2015, 371-401.

    64. y en el Simposio, in M. Erler & M.Tulli, (eds.) Selected papers from the X Symposium Platonicum, Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 2016, 362-370.

    65. Dialctica, pensamiento intuitivo y discursivo en Platn, Tpicos (Revista de

    Filosofa, Universidad Panamerica, Mxico), 52, 2017, 11-42.

    (c) Papers or chapters of books accepted and forthcoming. Other works

    1. Is the Prime Mover the Source of All Movement? Pseudo Justin on Aristotles Unmoved

    Mover, in Peter Van Deun, Sarah Van Pee & Bram Demulder (eds.), Building

    the Kosmos. Greek Patristic and Byzantine Question and Answer Literature, Turnhout,

    Brepols Publishers (forthcoming 2017).

    2. Stoic Epistemology, in Nicholas D. Smith (ed.) Bloomsbury History of Epistemology,

    Part I: The Ancients (forthcoming 2017).

    3. Why to Get Involved in Ancient Philosophy Nowadays? Philosophy, History of

    Philosophy and Ancient Thought , in Per la rinascita del pensiero critico: il contributo

    degli antichi, A cura di F. Eustacchi, A. Fermani, G. Lucchetta, M. Migliori, L. Napolitano,

    Milano: Casa Editrice. Mimesis Collana Askesis.

    4. Quin custodia a los custodios? Platn, el poder del discurso y la relevancia de la

    educacin en la formacin del gobernante, en Disputatio: Philosophical Research Bulletin

    (Universidad de Salamanca, Espaa; forthcoming 2017).

    5. Filn de Alejandra, De aeternitate mundi, De providentia, and Quod omnis probus liber

    sit this last treatise is coauthored with Andrea Lozano and Ricardo Salles (Traduccin,

    introduccin y notas), in Jos Pablo Martn, [ed.] Filn de Alejandra. Obras completas,

    Madrid: Trotta, forthcoming) (Spanish translation, introduction, and notes of Philo of

    Alexandria, De aeternitate mundi, De providentia, and Quod omnis probus liber sit).

    (Forthcoming 2018).

    6. Platn, Crmides-Lisis (Introduction, Spanish translation and notes; coauthored with

    Ivana Costa. Im responsible for the Charmides), Buenos Aires : Colihue (Forthcoming


  • 10

    (d) Papers in progress or under review

    -Psychological State and Knowledge. A Dispositional Approach to Platos Epistemology

    - Happiness and attaining happiness: Eudaimonism in the light of Stoic ontology

    -Aristotle, Philoponus, and Pseudo Philoponus on Active Intellect

    -Emociones aristotlicas y estoicas: en qu se parecen las estoicas a las pasiones aristotlicas que deben ser incorporadas a la vida buena?

    -Cun utpica es la Calpolis de Platn? Reflexiones sobre la ciudad ideal y el valor del

    paradigma en la explicacin filosfica

    - Platos wax block model and the Stoic account of memory and concepts

    -Plato on Self-Knowledge: The Limits of the First-Person and Third-Person Perspectives

    - Plato and Aristotle On What Is Common to Soul and Body: Some Remarks on a

    Complicated Issue

    9. Book Reviews (last 10 years)

    1. J. Pimentel lvarez, Cicern. De los fines de los bienes y los males I-IV

    (Introduccin, edicin, traduccin y notas), Mxico, UNAM 2002-2003 y

    del mismo autor Cicern. Del hado (Introduccin, edicin, traduccin y

    notas), Mxico, UNAM 2005, eiMthexis XIX 2006, 210-213.

    2. Review of P.A. Meijer, Stoic Theology. Proofs for the existence of the

    Cosmic God and of the Traditional Gods, Eburon 2007, en Bryn Mwar

    Classical Review 2009.03.29 (electronic document:

    10. Paper Presentations to Philosophical Audiences. Lectures, Seminars, Colloquia,

    Reading Groups (last 10 years)

    1. Nobody is just willingly: Glaucons response, given at II Coloquio de Filosofa Antigua, Departamento de Filosofa de la Universidad Estadual de Rio

    de Janeiro, Brazil, May 9, 2006.

    2. Le philosophe stocienne face la socit de son temps : la citt cosmique et la nouvelle conception stocienne de rationalit, given at the Colloquium Le

    philosophe grec face la socit de son temps , organized by Centro Franco-

    Argentino and University of Buenos Aires, June 2006.

    3. Some Remarks on the Cosmological Aspects of Stoic Ethics, given at III Workshop of Ancient Philosophy, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico,

    July 2006.

    4. Filosofa y Drama en el Teeteto de Platn, given at I Congreso Latinoamericano de Filosofa Antigua (Universidad de Antioquia, Medelln,

    Colombia), October 2006.

    5. Lecture Psychological State and Knowledge. A Dispositional Approach to Platos Epistemology, given at Dipartimento di Filosofia, Universit di Roma

    Tor Vergata (February 2007).

    6. Lecture Does Cosmic Nature matter? Some Remarks on the Cosmological

  • 11

    Aspects of Stoic Ethics, given at Classics Department, Brown University (April

    27, 2007).

    7. Lecture El Bien y los bienes en la Repblica, given at Congreso Internacional sobre la Repblica de Platn, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Valparaso,

    May 22, 2007.

    8. Lecture Epicurus the Platonist, given at Trinity College, Dublin, VIII Symposium Platonicum (International Plato Society) July, 2007.

    9. Member of the Workshop Aristteles, Metafsica Z 13, Universidade Federal de Ro de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2007.

    10. Ontology and genera of being in Ancient Stoicism, given at the II Congreso Internacional de Estudios Clsicos en Mxico (with the conference (Mxico

    DF, 9-12 de September 2008).

    11. Lecturer at the Colloquium Archai. As Origens do pensamento ocidental, Universidade de Braslia, Brasil, June 2008.

    12. Philonian Argumentative Strategies, given at the Colloquium Helenismo y Cristianismo, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Argentina), May


    13. Philosophy and Drama in Plato: Comments on some passages in Platos Theaetetus and Philebus, given at the Workshop Cmo leer a los Clsicos,

    organized by Prof. Nstor Cordero, Centro de Estudios de Filosofa Antigua de

    la Universidad Nacional de San Martn (Argentina), May 2008.

    14. The new corporealist ontology, the cosmic city, and the Stoic conception of rationality, delivered at II Jornadas de Estudios Clsicos La antigedad:

    construccin de un espacio interconectado, Catholic University (Chile, April


    15. Everyone performs what he seems to be good. On the Socratic background to Aristotles Action Theory, given at the Colloquium La filosofa prctica de

    Aristteles (Catholic Univesrsity of Valparaso, Chile, May 2008).

    16. The soul is not a body but cannot exist without a body. On the causal character of the soul and the scope of the functionalist interpretations of Aristotles

    psychology, delivered at the II Segundas Jornadas Internacionales de Filosofa

    Antigua (University of Buenos Aires, October 2008).

    17. Organizer of the Colloquium Aristotle, De motu animalium 7-8. Conference General presentation of Michael of Ephesuss discussion of De motu

    animalium 7-8 (In libros de animalium motione comentarium 116, 15-122,

    22) (Universidad de los Andes, May 2008).

    18. Participation of the Groupe de travail sur la philosophie pratique dAristote, Universit de Paris 1 - Panthon-Sorbonne, Paris, September 2008 (Lecture:

    Michael of Ephesus on Aristotles De motu 6-7: An Aristotelian commentator

    drawing on Stoicism).

    19. Being and genera of being in Ancient Stoicism. An important Ontologicla Distinction applied to ethics and action theory, delivered at II Jornadas

    Internacionales de Estudios Clsicos en Mxico, Universidad Nacional

    Autnoma de Mxico, September 2008.

    20. Member of the Latin American Workshop of Ancient Philosophy (presentation and discussion of Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics VI 13, 1144b17-30,

    Departamento de Filosofa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, November


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    21. Why does the become an ally of reason in the struggle against the irrational appetites? Platos account to make the spirited part of the soul close to

    the rational one, given at the IV Coloquio Platnico: Repblica IV

    (Universidade Federal do Ro de Janeiro, Brazil, September 2008).

    22. Happiness and attaining happiness: Eudaimonism in the Light of Stoic Ontology, given at Department of Classics, Brown University (Kirk Lecture

    Series), February 2009.

    23. Member of the Latin American Workshop of Ancient Philosophy (presentation of Repblica IV 439e5-440b8), University of Buenos Aires, June 2009.

    24. Lectures on Pleasure and good life in Platos Philebus (4 sessions), given at the XVII Congreso de Estudios Clsicos (Sociedad Brasilera de Estudios

    Clsicos, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil,

    September, 2009).

    25. Participation in the Colloquium Plato e a Tradico Filosfica (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September, 27-29, 2009).

    26. Present time and indifferents: making room for what depends on us in Marcus Aurelius, delivered at the Colloquium The Notion of in Post-

    Aristotelianism (Universidade de So Paulo, Brasil, March 2010).

    27. Universal Reason and Self-Preservation. Remarks on some Stoic ingredients in John Locke, given at the Colloquium Oikeosis and the natural basis of

    Morality. From Stoicism to Modern Philosophy (Universidad de Navarra,

    Pamplona, Espaa, April 2010).

    28. Nature as fate and as Providence: a Kantian appropriation of the Stoic Notion of Nature?, delivered at IV Jornadas de Filosofa Moderna (Alberto Hurtado

    University, May 2010).

    29. Stoic Psychological Physicalism: An Ancient version of the causal closure thesis, given at Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina), September 2010.

    30. and the relations with the gods according to the Stoic Hierocles, delivered at the Recontres Internationales de Philosophie

    Ancienne, cole Normale Suprieure de Lyon, (April 2011; Discussion du

    Stobe, Anth. I.3.53-54 et II.9.7: extraits du Comment en user avec les dieux).

    31. Natural Law and World Order in Stoicism, given at the colloquium Nature, Reason, and Normativity (Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Espaa, June


    32. Philosophy and Drama in Plato: The Relevance of the Dramatic ingredients in the Dialogic Way of doing Philosophy, given at Universidad Alberto Hurtado;

    April 2011).

    33. Theaetetus and Protarcus: two philosophical characters or what a philosophical sould should do, delivered at the colloquium Plato, estilos e personagens,

    sponsored by the International Plato Society, Universidade de Braslia (August


    34. Participant in the Workshop The Platonic proofs of the Immortality of the Soul. Exposition and discussion of the proofs contained in Republic X.

    (Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, October 2012).

    35. Eros y synousia in the Symposium, delivered at the X Symposium Platonicum, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, International Plato Society, Pisa, (July 2013).

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    36. The idea of Form in the origin of Philosophy, delivered at Centro de Estudios Pblicos (Santiago de Chile, September 2011).

    37. Moral Responsibility in Stoicism, delivered at Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil, November 2013).

    38. Gadamer, reader of Plato, given at IV Congreso Internacional de Fenomenologa y Hermenutica. Actualidad y proyeccin del pensamiento

    antiguo, Universidad Andrs Bello, Santiago, Chile (Novemeber 2013).

    39. Aristotle, Philoponus, and Pseudo Philoponus on Active Intellect, given at the Coloquium Aristotelian Problems, Universidad Diego Portales, Instituto de

    Humanidades, Santiago, Chile (March 2014).

    40. Plato and the Stoics on taking care of oneself, given at the Coloquium El cuidado de s y sus hermenuticas, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, November


    41. The Stoics on living in agreement with nature: why isnt the person who is doing what is in agreement with nature subject to be harmed?, delivered at the

    colloquim Lunit del cosmo e la conformit alla natura Platone, Aristotele, gli

    Stoici, Universit di Roma, La Sapienza, December 2014 (the same lecture

    was given at Lewis & Clark College, Philosophy Department, January 2015).

    42. Caring for what belongs to oneself and caring for oneself: A Platonic Theory of the Self, and the First and the Third Person Point of View, given at the

    colloquium L me dans la philosophie antique, Universit Pierre-Mends-

    France, Grenoble II (March 2015).

    43. Psychological State and Knowledge: A Dispositional Approach to Platos Epistemology given at the colloquium L me dans la philosophie antique,

    Universit Pierre-Mends-France, Grenoble II (March 2015).

    44. Dialectique, pense intuitive et pense discursive chez Platon, delivered at Centre d tudes sur la pense antique Kairos kai Logos.

    Universit d Aix- Marseilles, Facult des arts, lettres, langues, ate sciences

    humaines, Dpartement de philosophie, France (March 2015).

    45. Series of two lectures on Platos Timaeus: (i) Explication and causality in Platos Timaeus: why is it relevant to explain the world?; (ii) Remarks on

    some psychological aspects in the cosmological model of the Timaeus, given at

    Philosophy Department, University of Buenos Aires, (April 2015).

    46. Platos wax block model and the Stoic account of memory (Nagoya University, Japan, May 2015)

    47. Philosophy in Latin America. Its Strengths and Weaknesses (International Session of the Philosophical Association of Japan, Sophia University, Japan,

    May 2015)

    48. Plato and Aristotle on what is common to soul and body. Some remarks on a complicated Issue, given at the Colloquium Soul and Mind in Greek Thought.

    Psychological Issues in Plato and Aristotle (Alberto Hurtado University,

    October 7-8, 2015. The same lecture was delivered at Instituto de

    Investigaciones Filosficas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mxico,

    January 27, 2016).

    49. Aristotle on what is common to body and soul. The case of memory (Keio University, Japan, May 2015. The same conference was given at the Facultad de

    Filosofa, Universidad Panamericana, Mxico City, January 28, 2016).

    50. Plato and Aristotle on what is common to Soul and Body (given at Alberto

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    Hurtado University, October 2015. The same lecture as delivered at Universidad

    Nacionbal Autnoma de Mxico, January 2016).

    51. -To act and to be acted upon in the Phaedo: is there any kind of interactionism

    between soul and body? (Universidade de Braslia, XI Symposium Platonicum,

    International Plato Society, July 4-8, 2016)

    52. - Filosofa antigua y educacin: quin custodia a los gobernantes? Platn y la

    importancia de la educacin en la formacin del gobernante (Universidad

    Nacional de Colombia, August 9, 2016)

    53. Participation in the Workshop The Platonic proofs on the immortality of the

    Soul. Presentation of Alcinous, Didaskalikos XXV (Universidad Nacional de

    Colombia, August 11, 2016).

    11. Teaching (last 6 years)


    -Seminar The problem of conflict between reason and irrational desire: Socrates, Plato,

    Aristotle, and Early Stoicism (University of The Andes, Chile; Alberto Hurtado

    University; Universidad Panamericana, Mxico). Readings (in translation): selected

    passages of Platos Protagoras, Gorgias, Republic; Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Books

    III and VII; Rhetoric, Book II. Selected passages taken from Diogenes Laertius, VII,

    Stobaeus, Eclogae, 2. 57, Cicero, On ends, III; Galen, On Hippocrates and Platos

    doctrines; Plutarch, On moral virtue; Seneca, Letters (University of the Andes; Alberto

    Hurtado University; 2011-2016)

    -Issues of Ancient Epistemology: Plato, Aristotle, Early Stoicism and Epicurus (Alberto

    Hurtado University; Universidad Panamericana, Mxico; Universidad Nacional Autnoma

    de Mxico). Readings (in translation): selected passages of Platos Theaetetus and Sophist;

    selected passages of Aristotles Posterior Analytics, Metaphysics and On the Soul. Early

    Stoicism: selected passages taken from Diogenes Laertius VII; Sextus Empiricus, Outlines

    of Skepticism, Against the Professors; Cicero, Academica, Tusculan Disputations (2011-


    -Seminar Ontology, Logic, Physics, and Ethics: The Stoic Ideal of Philosophy as a

    System (Universidad de the Andes; Alberto Hurtado University, 2008; 2011).

    -Seminar The Theory of Pleasure in Plato and Aristotle (University of the Andes, Chile;

    Alberto Hurtado University, Chile; 2008; 2014).

    -Lo que los antiguos y los contemporneos creen acerca del conocimiento. Aspectos

    sistemticos sobre la naturaleza, extensin y fuentes del conocimiento (with Leandro De

    Brasi. Pedagoga y Licenciatura en Filosofa, Departamento de Filosofa, Universidad

    Alberto Hurtado, 2do. Semestre de 2015).

    -Lo que depende de nosotros y el poder de las creencias en las Meditaciones de Marco

    Aurelio (Licenciatura en Filosofa, Instituto de Filosofa, Pontificia Universidad Catlica

    de Chile, 1er. Semestre de 2016)

  • 15


    -Reading Seminar on Plato (Gorgias; Phaedo, Republic IV-VII) and Aristotle (Metaphysics

    Book VII; Nicomachean Ethics, Books I-III and VII; De anima II-III). University of El

    Litoral (Argentina), University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), University of the Andes

    (Chile), Alberto Hurtado University (Chile) (Reading seminar of texts in Greek; 2000-


    -PhD Seminar The Kantian Version of Virtue Ethics. A Study of the Tugendlehre in the

    Second part of Kants Metaphysics of Morals, (University of the Andes, Chile; Alberto

    Hurtado University; 2006; 2013).

    -PhD Seminar Contemporary Readings of Aristotles Psychology (De anima, De sensu).

    Given at Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Alberto Hurtado University, Chile,

    University of the Andes, Chile (papers and books by P. Aubenque, J. Barnes, A. Bos, M.

    Burnyeat, V. Caston, M. Cohen, M.C. Nussbaum, P. Pellegrin, R. Sorabji, F. Volpi, W.

    Welsch; 2006; 2011; 2013).

    -PhD Seminar Gadamerian and Davidsonian Readings of Platos Philebus (Magister

    Program, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile. Doctorate Program Pontificia Universidad

    Catlica de Chile. 2011; 2012).

    -PhD Seminar Subsistence and existence: ontological problems in Stoicism and Alexius

    Meinong (Alberto Hurtado University; 2014).

    -PhD Seminar Plato and Aristotle on what is common to soul and body (Selected

    passages from Plato, Republic IV, Phaedo, Philebus. Aristotle, De anima, De sensu, De

    memoria (given at Alberto Hurtado University, Philosophy Department; 2015).

    -Peripatetismo y estoicismo en la lectura de Alejandro de Afrodisia de la psicologa

    aristotlica (Aristotles and Alexanders De anima. PhD in Philosophy, Instituto de

    Filosofa, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1er. Semestre de 2016)

    12. Memberships in Professional Societies

    International Plato Society

    Asociacin Latinoamericana de Filosofa Antigua

    13. Service to the Profession and other Academic accomplishments

    -Reviewer of papers for Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy (Boston, USA),

    Argos (University of Buenos Aires), Cuadernos de Filosofa (University of Buenos Aires),

    Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofa (Centro de Investigaciones Filosficas, Buenos

    Aires), Estudios de Filosofa (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia), Parmenides

    Publishing (USA), Tpicos (Universidad Panamericana, Mxico), Crtica (Universidad

    Nacional Autnoma de Mxico), Dinoia (Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico),

    Hypnos (Universidad Catlica de So Paulo, Brazil). Reviewer of books for the

    International Plato Series (International Plato Society; 2007-2016).

    -Reviewer of reports and research projects for Conicet (Consejo Nacional de

    Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas. National Counsil for Scientific and Technological

    Research), Argentina (2001-2004). External Consultant for Fondecyt Projects, Chile,

    (2001-2003), Cnpq (Brasil), Foncyt 2005 (Argentina), Institut dtudes avances, Paris,

    France (2015).

    -Member of the advisory board at Secretary of Science and Technology, Argentina

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    (Philosophy section; 1999).

    -External examiner on a Master Dissertation at University of Lisbon (Portugal; 1999).

    Examiner on several Master and Doctorate Dissertations at Pontifical Catholic University,

    Chile; Alberto Hurtado University, Chile; Pontifical Catholic University, Per; The Andes

    University, Chile;

    - Reviewer of several translations of Philo of Alexandria into Spanish (De opificio mundi,

    Quod Deus Inmutabilist sit, De agricultura, De vita contemplativa) for the Project Filn de

    Alejandra. Obras completas, Madrid: Trotta 2009-2016 (Directed by Jos Pablo Martn).

    14. Language Proficiency

    English (reading, speaking and writing), French (reading), Italian (reading), German

    (reading), Latin (reading), Ancient Greek (reading), Spanish (native).

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