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Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 1

Table of Contents Table of Contents pg 1-2 Company Information pg 3 Employee Information pg 4-5 Introduction to M*AP*S pg 6 Determining Internet Explorer Version pg 7 Downloading Internet Explorer 8 or 9 pg 8 Saving M*AP*S to Your Favorites pg 8 Accessing M*AP*S pg 9 Logging-In to M*AP*S pg 10 Forgotten Password? pg 11 Main Screen pg 12 Application Status pg 13-14 Finalizing Map Applications pg 14 Search Section pg 15 Action Section pg 16-17 Adding New Map Applications pg 18 Section 1: Commodity Information pg 19 1) Company pg 19 2) Date Planted pg 19 3) Map/Reference # pg 19 4) Crop pg 20 A) Regular Inspection pg 20 B) Area Inspected Crops (Corn or Peas) pg 20 C) Corn to Australia pg 21 D) Bean Trial Grounds pg 21 5) Variety pg 22 6) Seed Lot Number pg 22 7) Acres pg 23 8) County pg 23 9) Area pg 23 10) Method of Irrigation pg 24 11) Grower Last/Company Name pg 24 12) Grower First Name pg 24 13) Grower Telephone pg 24 14) GMO/BIOTECH pg 25 15) Field Rep. Last Name pg 25 16) Field Rep. First Name pg 25 17) Field Rep. Telephone pg 26 Required Commodity Information pg 26 *Trial Ground Beans are handled through the Magic Valley office. Please contact the Twin Falls Office for questions on Bean Trial Ground submissions (208)736-2195.

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Table of Contents Section 2: Location to Field pg 27 1) Street 1 pg 27 2) Street 2 pg 27 3) Number of Fields pg 28 4) Directions From Nearest Town pg 29 5A) GPS Coordinates pg 30 5B) Google Map Image pg 31 A) Moving the Red Pushpin pg 31-32 B) How to Draw Polygons Around Field pg 33-34 6) GPS Coordinate Add Box pg 35-36 7) Upload Map Document pg 37 8) Input By pg 38 Required Location to Field Information pg 38 Section 3: Diseases pg 39 A) Viewing Default Diseases for Crops pg 39 B) Adding Additional Diseases Manually pg 40 C) Disease Packages pg 41-42 D) Removing Selected Diseases pg 43 *Viewing Synonyms in the Disease List pg 43 *Diseases with Additional Charges pg 44 *Save and Review pg 44 Additional Application Information for Special Crops pg 45 Entering Garden Beans or Dry Beans pg 45-46 Entering ICIA Tags pg 47 Special Crop Comments Section pg 48-49 Saving Map Applications pg 49 Map Application Information Roll Over pg 50 Data Screen pg 51 Map Data pg 52 Print Maps pg 53 Entering Crop Report Weights pg 54-55 Reading Hard Copy Crop Report pg 56-57 Entering Cut/Thrash Dates pg 58-59 Maps with Green Tags Report pg 60 Order Tags/Certificates pg 61-62 Viewing Inspections pg 63 Testing Diseases pg 64 *Trial Ground Beans are handled through the Magic Valley office. Please contact the Twin Falls Office for questions on Bean Trial Ground submissions (208)736-2195.

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 3

Company Name ____________________________________________

Location __________________________________________________

Primary Contact Person:

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password _________________________________________

Title/Responsibility _________________________________

Phone Number _____________________________________

Email _____________________________________________

Secondary Contact Person

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password __________________________________________

Title/Responsibility _________________________________

Phone Number _____________________________________

Email _____________________________________________

*Use this page to keep the ISDA assigned usernames and passwords for your primary contact and secondary contact for the M*AP*S program.

Primary and secondary contacts have the authority to grant or take away access for those employees for their companies. They also have the abil-ity to enter, modify, delete or submit map applications, request green tags, and enter crop weights via the web.

Company Information

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Employee Information

Employee Access

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password _________________________________________

Employee Access

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password __________________________________________

Employee Access

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password __________________________________________

Employee Access

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password __________________________________________

*Use this page to keep the ISDA assigned usernames and passwords for employees with access to the M*AP*S program

Employees have the ability to enter, modify, delete or submit map appli-cations, request green tags, and enter crop weights via the web.

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 5

Employee Information

Employee Access

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password _________________________________________

Employee Access

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password __________________________________________

Employee Access

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password __________________________________________

Employee Access

Name _____________________________________________

M*AP*S Username _________________________________

Password __________________________________________

*Use this page to keep the ISDA assigned usernames and passwords for employees with access to the M*AP*S program

Employees have the ability to enter, modify, delete or submit map appli-cations, request green tags, and enter crop weights via the web.

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 6

Introduction to M*AP*S

What is M*AP*S?

M*AP*S stands for “Map APplication System” and is the new, online program that allows companies to submit field inspection applications (maps) to the Idaho State Department of Agriculture via the internet. This is the preferred method of map application submission for field in-spections in the Magic and Treasure Valleys.

Who is M*AP*S designed for?

The M*AP*S program was designed to assist Company’s in the map application process for field inspections.

What are the advantages of using M*AP*S?

There are many benefits to using the new M*AP*S program including:

1) Office Staff: No more paper, hand- written, hand-drawn duplicate copy forms.

2) Export Staff: Customized disease list packages set up for your company’s convenience.

3) Field Representatives and Others: Ability to monitor inspection status online, GPS field locations, and ability to submit windrow inspections online.

4) Company Employees: Companies have online-accessibility from any computer that has internet access.

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The M*AP*S program is supported by Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9. If you are not sure what version of Internet Explorer you have open your web browser by double clicking on the Internet Explorer icon. This will open your web browser and display your home page.

Once your home page appears click on “HELP” at the top of your web browser.

When you click on “HELP” a drop down list comes up, choose the option in the list called “About Internet Explorer”. This will pull up a box similar to what you see below which will tell you what version of Internet Explorer is on your com-puter.

The M*AP*S Program is NOT supported by Google Chrome. Using Google Chrome may not allow you to use all the functions needed to submit maps.

Determining Internet Explorer Version

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 8

Downloading Internet Explorer 8 or 9 If you discover that your computer is not currently using Internet Explor-er 8 or 9 for its web browser, you will need to download this version from the internet in order to use the M*AP*S program optimally.

To download one of these versions simply go to .

Once you are on the Google website, in the search box type in “Internet Explorer 8 download” or “Internet Explorer 9 download”. Then click “Google search”.

This will take you to a screen with a list of sites to download a free ver-sion of Internet Explore 8 or 9 depending on what you searched for.

Click on one of the recommended sites and follow that website’s instruc-tions on how to download the new version onto your computer. Follow the instructions and once the new version is downloaded on your comput-er you are now ready to navigate to the M*AP*S program.

Saving M*AP*S to Your Favorites In order to make it easy to navigate to the M*AP*S site on a regular ba-sis, you can add the website to your “Favorites” list on Internet Explorer.

To do this, pull up the M*AP*S program by going to Once you are at the M*AP*S log-in screen, click on the word “Favorites” on the toolbar at the top of your web browser screen. On the list of options, move down to the option of “Add to Favorites” and click. A screen will pop up asking you to name this link. Choose something easy to identify like, “ISDA MAPS” or “MAP APPLICATION SYSTEM”, etc. To finish, click the “Add” but-ton.

By adding M*AP*S to your “Favorites” list, you will be able to simply choose from your saved “Favorites” list instead of typing in the web ad-dress every time you want to use the website. To do this, from your Inter-net Explorer home screen click on the “Favorites” option on the upper tool bar. Glance through the drop down list and simply click on the one that you named for M*AP*S website. This will pull up the website with-out having to type the web address in the search bar every time you want to use the M*AP*S program.

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 9

Accessing M*AP*S

The website for the M*AP*S program is

The “https” means that the website is a secured site for your company’s safety in ensuring the site is safe to use and your company’s information is protected.

Each employee will be assigned an individual username and password to gain access into the M*AP*S program. By using the ISDA assigned username and password, company employees will be able to view your company’s information. This includes field inspection applications, in-spections performed, diseases inspected for, positive or negative diseases, final crop weights, and ISDA assigned state numbers.

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Logging-In to M*AP*S

Company employees can log-in to the M*AP*S program by typing in their personal username and password assigned to them by the ISDA and clicking “Log In”. {If you do not have a username and password yet for your company, have your primary or secondary contact for your compa-ny contact the ISDA for Treasure Valley at 208-332-8650 or Magic Val-ley at 208-736-2195 to set you up with an account}.

When you log into the M*AP*S program for the first time with the ISDA given password, the website will prompt you to a web page where it will ask you to change your password. You should change the password to something more specific to you and that you can easily remember. This password should not be shared with anyone and will be your way of ac-cessing your company information in the program from then on. There is a place for you to write down your username and password in this book for your safe keeping (Employee Information, pages 4 &5).

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Forgotten Password?

If you have forgotten your password, you can retrieve a temporary pass-word from the M*AP*S homepage. Under the UserName and Password boxes there is a link that says “Forgot Password”. Click on this. The web-site will take you to a new page where a box says “Forgot Password” appears (shown below). Simply enter your ISDA UserName and Email address associated to your username and click “Submit”.

When you click “Submit” you will receive a pop up message from the webpage that tells you that your password has been reset and a temporary password has been emailed to you.

Go into your email and retrieve the temporary password by following the instructions in the email. Make sure you copy and paste the temporary password given to ensure you enter it correctly into the program.

When you log-in to the program for the first time after receiving your temporary password, it will prompt you to change your password. Where it asks for your “Old Password” simply paste the temporary password once again and then enter a new password that is specific to you and that you will remember.

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Main Screen

Once you log-in to the M*AP*S program you will notice there are three main sections at the top of the web page. We will discuss each section and their function individual in the next several pages.

1) Application Status: this section you are able to view map applications by navigating to the respected radio buttons for accepted, rejected, pending, and unfinalized applications. (more detail on pg.13 & 14)

2) Search Section: this section will be used to locate map appli-cations that have been entered into the program via the website by searching by lot number, variety, grower first name, year, field rep., map number, reference number, grower last name, state number, and/or crop. (more detail on pg. 15)

3) Action Section: this section will be used to add a new map application, edit an existing map application, delete unwanted map appli-cations in unfinalized status, and finalize all map applications to submit them to the ISDA for field inspection. (more detail on pgs. 16 & 17)

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Application Status

Search Section

Action Section

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Application Status

To move from status to status, with your mouse click on the radio button next to the desired status. The blue dot represents which map applications in that status will be showing in the box provided.

1) Accepted Status: Map applications in this status mean that applica-tions submitted to the ISDA in “pending status” have been approved by an ISDA employee and will be inspected for that growing season. In this status, company employees will not be able to edit applica-tions and they must contact the ISDA for any changes needing to be made to the applications. Changes made to but not limited to: lot number, variety, acres, county, GPS coordinates, directions to fields, diseases, etc.

2) Rejected Status: Map applications in rejected status mean that the application has been submitted to the ISDA for approval but has been found to have a mistake or missing information needed and it needs reviewed by the company and resubmitted once changes have been made to it. Maps in rejected status are editable and the compa-ny is able to go into those maps and make changes. An email notice will be sent to the primary contact and the company employee who originally entered the map to inform them that there is a map appli-cation in rejected status. Once the company edits the rejected map, fixes the mistake, and clicks “save” at the bottom of the webpage, the application is automatically resubmitted to the ISDA.

3) Pending Status: This status is for map applications that have been “finalized” by the company and are submitted to the ISDA for re-view but are not approved yet. When a map application is in pending status, they are not editable and no changes on the company’s side can be made. If errors are found on a map application when it is al-ready submitted to the ISDA and in “pending” status, the company can call the ISDA and request that the map be “rejected” so that changes could be made to the map application.

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Application Status Continued 4) Unfinalized Status: Map applications in the unfinalized status have

been entered by the company and are saved in the program, but are not submitted to the ISDA to review and approve. Applications in this status can be edited and saved as much as need be. Only com-pany employees can see maps in “unfinalized status”, these can-not be seen by the ISDA.

Once map applications in “unfinalized status” are ready to be submitted to the ISDA for approval, simply click on the map you want to submit so that it is highlighted blue and in the “action” section of the screen click “Finalize”. Once applications are finalized they are moved out of the “unfinalized status” and placed into “pending status” waiting for approval from the ISDA.

If you would like to submit multiple maps at one time, hold down the con-trol key (CTRL) on your keyboard and with your mouse select the maps you would like to submit to ISDA so that they are highlighted blue, then with your mouse click “Finalize” in the “action” section of the website. More on this feature can be found in the “Action Section” on pgs. 16 & 17.

Click on the map(s) you want to submit so it(they) are highlighted blue.

Finalizing Map Applications

With your mouse click “Finalize”.

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Search Section

The search feature on the web-site makes finding information on map applications that have been saved in the program quick and easy to find.

To use the search feature, enter in the search criteria you are looking for. You can search by lot number, map #, variety, reference #, Grower first name, Grower last name, year, state #, field rep, or crop. You also have the ability to search by multiple criteria as well. For example, you can type “2012” in the year, as well as “CORN” in the crop to get all the corn map applications entered in the system for the 2012 growing season.

After you have put in your search cri-teria, click “Search” with your mouse. Search results will be pulled up below the “Search” feature (as shown below).

The “Search Results” also give you the ability to resort the information that pulls up by clicking on the blue head-ing.

For example, if you move your mouse over the “Variety” header in blue and click, it will resort the information shown below by alphabetizing the information that is there. You can sort by click the Map#, year, customer, species, variety, lot, acres, irrigation, or grower.

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Action Section The action section of the program is the feature that will allow you to add new map applications into the system, edit existing maps, delete unwanted maps, and finalize the map applications so that they are sub-mitted to the ISDA for field inspection.

1) Add New: this button will be used to enter new map applications into the M*AP*S program. By clicking the “ADD NEW” button, the application located below the main screen will be available to add company information about your crop for that growing season. More on “how to add a new map” on pgs. 18-44.

2) Edit: this button will allow companies to edit information that has been saved in the program. The edit feature will only be available to edit applications that are in “Rejected” or “Unfinalized” status. If in “Accepted” or “Pending” status, the edit button is grayed out and unavailable to use. To use the edit feature simply click the map application from the list so that it displays your map information below the main screen, then click “edit”, make any changes necessary, then click “save” at the bottom of the application.

3) Delete: this button allows you to delete out map applications that you do not want to submit to the ISDA for field inspection. The delete button is only activated when in “Unfinalized” status or “Rejected” sta-tus. Companies are not allowed to delete maps that have been “Accepted” or are in “Pending” status. To delete the map, click on the map you are wanting removed from the program, once it is high-lighted blue, click “delete”. A pop up will appear asking if you are sure you want to permanently delete the map and if you want to con-tinue. When you click “yes”, the map and its information will no longer be in your company information.





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4) Finalize: this button will only be used for map applications in “Unfinalized” status. To finalize an application, highlight the desired map so that it is blue and then with your mouse click “Finalize”. To finalize multiple applications at one time, hold down the control key (CTRL) on your keyboard, with your mouse select as many map appli-cations as you are wanting to finalize by highlighting them blue, then click “finalize” with your mouse. A pop up message will come up on the webpage telling you that the maps were successfully submitted to the ISDA. Map applications no longer show on your “Unfinalized” status, but will be moved into “Pending” status for the IS-DA to review.

A) Data: when you click on this tab, company employees are taken to a new webpage where there are more options to be able to view the map applications that have been submitted. We will go over this tab in more detail in the section called “Data Screen” on pgs 51-62. This screen allows customers to view map data, print map applications, enter crop report weights, enter cut/thrash dates for windrow inspections, view maps with green tags in a report, and order green tags/certificates.

B) Log Out: for security purposes, it is important to log out of the website when you are done entering the map information for that session or if you leave your computer. This will help protect your company’s private information from wandering eyes. The M*AP*S program will automat-ically log you out after 30 minutes of inactivity. Anything that was not saved will be lost, so make sure you do not leave the program up on your screen in the middle of an application without first saving.

Action Section Continued






M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 18

Adding New Map Applications Once you have logged into the M*AP*S program, in the “Action” sec-tion on the Main Screen, select the “Add New” button in the right hand of the screen. (Discussed in “Action Section” on pages 16-17). When you click this button the once grayed out application will now become active for you to be able to add in your company information for the crop you are trying to submit for field inspection.

The map applications are broke into 3 main sections: 1) Commodity in-formation, 2) Location of field, and 3) Diseases. We will take a look at each section individually and how to use each function. *Note: Bean map applications are handled differently and have a fourth section that other commodities do not require. This will be handled in the section “Entering Garden Beans or Dry Beans” on pages 45-47.*

Active: ready to enter map information

Inactive: unable to add new map

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 19

Section 1: Commodity Information

You are about to enter your field applications for the year! In this portion you will learn where the information that is needed for the application goes and how to navigate through the application on the website. The numbers on the above diagram will correlate with the numbers in the next few pag-es and what that text box requires.

1) Company: When you log-in as an employee with your personal UserName and Password, when you click “Add New”, this text box will auto- populate with your company name. *Note: if you have a UserName and Password for both the Magic Valley and the Treasure Valley offices, please be sure that when you log-in to enter maps you are entering the map applications under the office in which those crops are located.*

2) Date Planted : You will enter the date in which the crop was planted into the ground. It must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Make sure that you are using forwardslashes (/) to separate month, day, year and not anything else. (DO NOT USE dashes (-) and DO NOT type num-bers all together MMDDYYYY).

3) Map/Reference #: You will not enter any information in this box. This information will auto-generate when you save the application for the first time. Before maps have been “Accepted” by the ISDA they will receive a temporary “Reference Number”. This number will iden-tify this map in Unfinalized, Pending, and Rejected status. When a map has been “Accepted” by the ISDA, the number will then change to an assigned “Map Number” specific to that map and will then rep-resent that map application for the field inspection season.

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4) Crop: This box searches crop type by scientific name and by com-mon names. Example, you can begin typing “Corn” or “Zea Mays”. As you begin typing in the crop, a drop down list of options pops up and removes options as the search criteria gets closer to the crop you are looking for. Once the list begins to appear, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move down the list till your desired crop is highlighted blue, then hit the “TAB” key on your keyboard which will move you to the next field in the application and auto-populate the crop with what was highlighted blue.

In the crop options there are four types of crops displayed: A) Regular inspected crops, B) Area inspected crops, C) Corn to Australia, and D) Bean Trial Grounds. Below is how to use each type.

A) Regular Inspection: for crops turned in for regular field inspections, crops will be in a scientific name-common name format (as shown below). By choosing these options it will supply the ISDA with the proper disease package and number of inspections needed for regular field inspections.

B) Area Inspected Crops (Corn or Peas): for crops turned in

for area inspection, crops in the drop-down list will be in a scientific name-common name-AREA format (as shown in blue below). This crop type will cue the program to add the appropriate diseases inspected for on Peas or Corn according to the Field Inspection Manual “Pink Book” and also the number of inspections needed for those area inspected crops. *Please be cautious when entering crops that the correct crop type is

selected before submitted to the ISDA. For example: You do not want to turn in regular inspected corn as “area corn” because diseases and inspections will not meet requirements for shipping purposes.*

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 21

C) Corn to Australia: for corn maps turned in for corn to Aus-tralia, crop will be shown in a scientific name– Corn to Australia format (as shown in blue below). This crop type should ONLY be used for corn seed being grown to ship to Australia. This crop type will ensure the needed default diseases and number of inspections are on the field in-spection application.

D) Bean Trial Grounds: for bean trial grounds turned in for field inspection, crop will be shown with scientific name-TRIAL GROUND-BN format (as shown in blue below). This crop type should ONLY be used for bean fields specifically turned in as bean trial grounds. This crop type will ensure that the needed default diseases and number of inspections are on the field inspection application turned into the ISDA.

*Trial Ground Beans are handled through the Magic Valley office. They will supply a required excel spreadsheet for submission of Bean Trial Grounds, planting and

harvest weights. Please contact the Twin Falls Office for questions on Bean Trial Ground submissions (208)736-2195.

*Please be cautious when entering crops that the correct crop type is selected before submitted to the ISDA. For example: You do not want to turn in “Corn to Australia” as “Regular Corn” because diseases and inspections will not meet requirements for shipping purposes.*

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 22

5) Variety: In this box you will give the variety name for your crop. NO ABBRIVIATIONS ARE ALLOWED in this text box. Variety names must be spelled out and can consist of letters, numbers, or a numerical/alphabetical mix. Please do not use slashes (/), asterisks (*), or other symbols in this text box. Only dashes (-) and spaces are allowed. Using anything else can cause the map application to not save properly. FOR BEAN CROPS please make sure that variety name on new map application matches the variety name on the parent green tags. If you need to change the variety name of your bean crop please contact the ISDA.

Variety names that have been entered into the program will be saved in a drop down list. This feature is to help customers adding multiple map applications for the growing year that have the same variety so that you do not have to type out the variety name every time. When you begin typing a list of varieties that you have entered will appear. Simply use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move down the list till the desired variety is high-lighted in blue, then click “tab” on your keyboard to go to the next box.

6) Seed Lot Number : This box is where you will give the lot number for your crop. Lot numbers can consist of letters, numbers, or a numerical/alphabetical mix. Please do not use slashes (/), asterisks (*), or other symbols in this text box. Only dashes (-) and spaces are allowed. Using anything else can cause the map application to not save properly.

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7) Acres: Here the acres of the field you are submitting will be entered. The format for the acres is 000.00, only showing to two decimal places. Anything more than .00 decimals should be rounded up to the nearest hundredth. If you are entering a whole number, you do not have to add the .00 to the end, the program will automatically enter them when you leave the acres field. (Example: 2 will automatically change to 2.00 if you tab to the next box.) Likewise, if you add a acre with 0.0 the pro-gram will automatically add the additional 0 to the decimal when you leave the acres field. (Example: 1.2 will automatically change to 1.20 if you tab to the next box.)

8) County: Here you will inform the ISDA what county the field you are applying for field inspection is located in. As you begin typing the coun-ty, a list of the counties appear. You can either continue typing out your county, or using your arrow keys on the keyboard select the county you desire so it is highlighted blue (as shown below on the left). Once your desired county is selected blue use the TAB key on your keyboard to move to the “AREA” box.

9) Area: The area field is designated by the ISDA according to the county

that is located in either the Treasure Valley or the Magic Valley. This box will automatically link to either the Treasure Valley or Magic Val-ley according to the county you select. When you tab from the “County” box, the area automatically comes up for you to choose, once it is show-ing and highlighted blue, on your keyboard use the Tab key to move to the next field and the Area box will auto-populate.

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10) Method of Irrigation: With your mouse, you will choose either Sprinkler or Rill according to the irrigation type of the field you are ap-plying for. Rill irrigation would include gravi-ty irrigation or drip irrigation. Sprinkler irrigation includes anything that is grown with sprinkler irrigation.

11) Grower Last/Company Name: The last name of the Grower for the field you are applying for field inspection will go in this box. If it is a company that is growing this crop, then the company name will go in this box. You will NOT put both a grower’s last name and a company name in this text box. You WILL PUT EITHER the grower’s last name OR a company name, not both.

12) Grower First Name: You will only enter a grower’s first name if you have entered a grower’s last name in the box explained in #11. Please do not enter a grower’s first name if you have entered a com-pany name in box #11. If you have entered a company name in box #11, this text box can be left blank.

13) Grower Telephone (include area code): You will add the phone number of the grower or the person to contact if you have a company name in box #11 in which the ISDA would be able to reach if there were questions about field location, pesticides, etc. if the field repre-sentative cannot be reached for this map application. Begin with the area code, then add the 7 digit phone number. You do not need to “TAB” on your keyboard between the (parentheses) where the area code goes and the rest of the text box. The program will automatical-ly move once the three digit area code is entered. You also do not need to add a dash between the first three digits and the last four of the phone number. The program will automatically put the phone number in the (000) 000-0000 format when you leave the text box.

Example: Grower with Last/First Name and Phone Number

Example: Grower with Company Name and Phone Number

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 25

14) GMO/BIOTECH: If this crop has been genetically modified in any way, you will check the box either by using your mouse or by using the “TAB” key on your keyboard to move from the “Grower Telephone” box in #13, then clicking the “SPACEBAR” on your keyboard (on the ISDA M*AP*S website the spacebar works like the “enter” key would) When this box is clicked, a small checkmark will appear in the box. It is really important that this check box is checked if the crop is GMO/BIOTECH. This informs the ISDA that proper guidelines need to be used during field inspections to protect the other crops that will be inspected that day.

15) Field Rep. Last Name: In this box you will enter the last name of the field representative that will be the main contact for the ISDA to reach with questions about this map application.

16) Field Rep. First Name: The first name of the field representative will go in this box.

Example: Field representative last name/ first name and Phone Number

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17) Field Rep. Telephone (include area code): You will add the phone number of the field representative in which the ISDA would be able to reach if there were questions about field location, pesticides, etc. for this map application. Begin with the area code, then add the 7 digit phone number. You do not need to “TAB” on your keyboard between the (parentheses) where the area code goes and the rest of the text box. The program will automatically move once the three digit area code is entered. You also do not need to add a dash be-tween the first three digits and the last four of the phone number. The program will automatically put the phone number in the (000) 000-0000 format when you leave the text box (shown on pg 25).

This completes “Section One: Commodity Information” for your map

application. All the text boxes (except Grower First Name and GMO/BIOTECH if they do not apply) re-viewed in this section are *required information* and will receive errors in red if they are missing when you try to save the information in the M*AP*S program. They must have a value be-fore you can save the map application in “Unfinalized” status or submit them into the ISDA. If one or multiple fields are missing, errors in red will appear so you can easily find where missing information is.

Required Commodity Information

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 27

Section 2: Location to Field

In this portion you will learn how to inform the ISDA where your field is located. In the next few pages you will learn how to navigate through the “Location to Field” portion on the website. The numbers above on the diagram will correlate with the numbers below and what that text box requires.

1) Street 1: (Nearest Major Crossroad)- In this text box you will enter the closest major crossroad that is closest to the field you are apply-ing for field inspection for. Please DO NOT use farm roads, un-known dirt roads, or roads that would not appear on a map for this street name.

2) Street 2: (Nearest Major Crossroad)- In this text box you will enter the closest major crossroad that intersects the street that you en-tered in “Street 1” box #1 above. Please DO NOT use farm roads, unknown dirt roads, or roads that would not appear on a map for this street name.

EXAMPLE: In the map shown to the right, if you were turning in the field with the red drop pin on it for field inspection to the ISDA you would not put “Lake Lowell Ave” in Street 1 and “Cannel Access Road” in Street 2. IN-STEAD you would say, “Lake Lowell Ave” in Street 1 and “Middleton Road” in Street 2 be-cause those are the two MAJOR CROSS-ROADS closest to your field.




4 5A





M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 28

3) Number of Fields: Here you will inform the ISDA about how many fields are represented on the map application you are applying for field inspection. More than one field can be turned in for field in-spection on the same map application if they are within reasonable distance.

Some companies like to turn in one map application for fields that have the same lot and variety planted in them but are planted in dif-ferent locations. Following certain guidelines, this is acceptable by the ISDA.

If the fields are separated by a ditch or access road these fields could be turned in on one map application. If the crops are divided by a barrier row of a different commodity but are located in the same field, these can be turned in as one map application. Field(s) should be within walking distance from each other to be considered on the same map application. (Example shown on the left).

Multiple field locations cannot be turned in as one map application if they are located farther apart than walking distance. In the example below, these two field would need to be turned in as two map applications.

In the example to the right these fields are located too far apart to be considered ONE map applica-tion. These two fields should be turned in on separate map appli-cations.







Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 29

4) Directions From Nearest Town (please include town name): Written directions from the nearest major crossroads that you men-tioned in Street 1 and Street 2 (#’s 1 & 2 referenced before) should be written out here. These directions should successfully get ISDA field inspectors from the road to the field that is needing inspection. Please do not give vague directions. Give as much detail as needed to be able to locate the field. If there are special cases that ISDA crew members would need to know about to locate the field, please use this box to share that in.

If you are turning in cages or plots, please write directions of where the cages or plots are in the layout and include the plot/cage number in this text box for our crews to be able to easily find the correct plot/cage for that map application.

If there are multiple map applications turned in for the same field location, please upload a variety diagram of the planting layout to go with the direction written out in this portion. This will be explained in “# 7 Upload Map Document” on page 37.

An example of how to write direction to the field is shown below.

Example of written directions: Nampa; driving south on Middleton Road, turn west on Lake Lowell Avenue. There is a field access road .04 miles on the North side of Lake Lowell. Drive down field access road about .02 miles past onion field, field on the east side of road before road “Y’s”.

WHAT NOT TO DO: turn left on Lake Low-ell Ave. Access road on right. Field on right. OR Field is NW of the Middleton Road and Lake Lowell Ave inter-section. Use field access road. Field on right. OR similar directions. These are too vague in finding the fields.

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 30

5A) GPS Coordinates: In this section of the map application you will enter the latitude and longitude coordinates for your field’s location. The coordinates entered must be entered in decimal format (LAT: 00.00000 LONG: -000.00000) for a GPS map to appear properly.

Once coordinates have been entered, click “Show Map” below the Lat and Long boxes. This will cause a Google Map to populate box 5B on the bottom left hand section of the map application (as shown below).

The red pin with the black dot represents the coordinates that you entered in the GPS coordinates boxes and should be relatively close to the middle of the field you are wanting inspected. We will go more in-depth of the function of 5B on the following page.

*Please do not leave red push pin in the corners of the field or in fields close by the field. We will discuss in the 5B section how to move the red push-pin using the Google map that shows on page 31.




4 5A 6





Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 31

5B) Google Map Image: When you enter your latitude and longitude in the GPS Coordinate boxes discussed in 5A (page 30) then click “Show Map”, a Google image will appear in 5B (as shown below). In this section we will show you how to A) move the red pushpin to different parts of the Google image and B) how to draw polygons around your field.

A.) Moving the Red Pushpin: to move the red pushpin so that it correctly represents the field that needs field inspected OR to move the red pushpin so that it is cen-tered in the middle of the field you must first enter latitude and lon-gitude coordinates. Once you have coordinates entered click “Show Map” and the Google image shows with the red pushpin where the coordinates you entered in 5A correlate with. To move the red push-pin to another field, move your mouse over the Google image. You will notice your cursor will change from an arrow to a little hand that looks like this Left click with your mouse and you can move the Google map that is showing by drag- ging your mouse. When you have found your desired field, place your mouse cursor in the middle of the field and double-click. You will notice that by doing this the Google image re-centers so that where you double-clicked is now centered on the Google image. With your mouse, move the cursor so that it is centered over the “A” that shows in “MAP” directly above the Google image. Your cursor will change from a “gripping hand” to a hand with the index finger pointing like this Left click on the “A” and you will notice in the GPS Coordi-nates above, the numbers have automatically updated to new latitude and lon- gitudes in the boxes discussed in 5A. With your mouse click “Show Map” once again. In the Google image you will notice that the red pushpin has now moved to new GPS coordinates and should be showing the new field you selected. Picture diagram of this process is shown on page 32.

Zooms in on image

Zooms out on image

Satellite view of image Map view of image

Red Pushpins represent GPS coordinates

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 32

Moving Red Pushpin Diagram:

Begin by adding GPS coordinates and corre-sponding Google Map. By moving the cursor over the image, the arrow chang-es to a little hand.

With your mouse “left” click and you can drag the image till you find your desired field.

Once your cursor is over the field you desire to turn in for field inspection, double-click and the Google image re-centers over the chosen field as shown to the right.

When the field you desire is centered in the Google image move your cur-sor over the “A” in “MAP” above the Google image so the cursor changes to a hand with the index finger point-ing as shown to the right. Once the cursor is a pointing finger, left-click. You will notice the original GPS coordinates entered in 5A have changed as shown to the right. Once again click “Show Map”.

In the Google image you will notice that the red pushpin has now moved to new GPS coordinates and should be showing the new field you selected.

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 33

B) How to Draw Polygons Around Field: In this portion you will be taught how to use the “Draw” and “Clear” buttons above the Google image in 5B to draw polygons around desired fields or portions of a field.

You will pull the Google image up by entering GPS coordinates and clicking “Show Map” as discussed in 5A (page 30). Once the Google image is showing please make sure the red pushpin is centered in the middle of the desired field.

With your mouse, move to the button located above the Google im-age that says “Draw”. Click on this button. You will notice that when you move your cursor back over the Google image, the cursor is a hand with the index finger pointing. You will begin drawing around your desired field or portion of a field. Left-click on the first corner of the field. You will notice a small black box is placed. Move your cursor and left-click on the next corner. You will notice a blue line links these two. Finish drawing around the field by repeat-ing this step. The polygon must be completed by linking all the sides. (Example diagram displayed on page 34.) When finished, click ‘Add” to move the coordinates of the map. (Example diagram displayed on page 35.)

If at any time you do not want the diagram or a blue line is not cor-rectly representing your field, you can click the “Clear” button above the Google image and the program will remove all the polygon lines that have been drawn. So you will have to draw the polygon again if you click this button. By pressing “Clear” the program will take you back to the original Google image that appeared.

Polygons do not have to be drawn around all fields turned in for field inspections. However, they are nice when there are multiple map applications turned in for the same field location (plot layouts).

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 34

How to Draw Polygons Around Field Diagram:

Begin by enter-ing GPS coordinates and click “Show Map”. Once Google image appears make sure that the red pushpin is lo-cated in the center of desired field.

With your mouse, move to the button that says “Draw”. Left click this but-ton (as shown on left).

Left-click on the first corner of the field. You will notice a small black box is placed. (Diagram to the right letter A.) Move your cursor and left-click on the next corner (Diagram to the right letter B). You will notice the blue line links these two boxes. Finish drawing around the field by moving your cursor and left-clicking on the corners of the field (Diagram to the right letters C,D, and E).

The polygon must be completed by link-ing all the sides and closing the polygon (represented in the diagram above letter E).

To clear a polygon simply click the “Clear” button above the Google im-age and the image will be returned to the original image that showed from the GPS coordinates entered.




Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 35

6) GPS Coordinate Add Box: Once you have entered your GPS coor-dinates in the latitude and longitude box and have clicked “Show Map” so that the Google image appears, you will make sure that your street names 1 &2, directions to field, and Google image accu-rately represent the location of your field. If everything shows properly, you will click the “Add” button next to the latitude and longitude. This will move the latitude and longitude from the GPS coordinate entry boxes to the GPS Coordinate added list to the right (as shown to the right)

You will notice that when you click “Add”, the GPS coordinates no longer ap-pear in the Lat and Long boxes but have moved to the list. You will also notice that the Google image disappears from the screen. The image is still saved with the map and if you click on the coordinates you just moved to the list, the image will reappear.

The number of coordinates in the GPS Coordinate Add List MUST correspond with the number of fields you entered in box #3 dis-cussed on page 28. Example: If you have 2 for the number of fields then there must be two sets of GPS coordinates added into the GPS Coordinate Add List.




4 5A 6



Click “Add” here

Coordinates move to list


6 These two boxes must correspond

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 36

If the GPS coordinates are not added from the Lat and Long boxes and put into the GPS Coordinate Add List, the program will not recognize that there is a field represented to match the number of fields and when you go to save the application you will receive an error. Remember to click “Add” to move GPS Coordinates to the GPS Coordinates Add List before saving the application.

If you wish to remove a GPS coordinate from the GPS Coordinates Add List for any rea-son, simply click on the GPS coordinates that you wish to re-move so that they are highlighted in blue and click the “Remove Selected Item” located directly below the GPS Coordi- nates Add List. You will notice when you click on the GPS coordinates in the List, it repopulates the Lat and Long boxes to the left and also pulls up the Google image. If you remove the GPS coordinates out of the GPS Coordinates Add List, it also deletes them from the Lat and Long boxes BUT the Google image still remains until you add new latitude and longitude coordinates and click “Show Map” again.

Coordinates highlighted blue and repopulate lat and long

Coordinates removed form boxes

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 37

7) Upload Map Document: To attach a PDF, JPEG, or GIF to your map application you will use the “Upload Map Docu-ment” feature. This will be used to attach a field plot layout, electronic copy of Green Tags for beans, geographic map, import permits, transfer permits for mint, etc.

To attach the desired document, first click on “Upload Map Document” located below the GPS Coordinates Add List. When you click on this button, a pop-up will come on your screen with more options on it. (as shown on left)

From here, you will “Browse” your computer for the file that you are

looking for. It must be saved in either a PDF, JPEG, or GIF format. Once your document shows in the “Browse” box, you must select a file descrip-tion from the list either: Geographic_Map, Variety_Lot_Diagram, Im-port_Permit, or Other so that your choice is highlighted blue. Then click “Upload File”. When the file has successfully uploaded there will be a con-firmation message in the bottom left hand corner of the pop-up window. To successfully upload the file YOU MUST CLICK “CLOSE THIS WIN-DOW” in the lower right hand corner to get out of the pop-up window. DO NOT hit the “X” in the top right hand corner to exit the pop-up window or the file will not upload properly.

You will notice after you exit the “File Upload” window, your document appears in the “Uploaded Files” box located below the “Show Map” button.

To REMOVE a uploaded file, you simply click on the link in the “Uploaded Files” and it removes the attached document BEFORE YOU HAVE SAVED THE MAP APPLICATION.

If you wish to view the file that you previously uploaded, you must first save the map application so that it puts the map into “Unfinalized” status. Click on the map number in “Unfinalized” status so that it pulls the map application up on the web-site. This time when you click on the file link in the “Uploaded Files” box, a link will be opened that displays the file that was attached to that map. BUT THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE AFTER THE MAP WAS SAVED. If you click on the link in the “Uploaded Files” BEFORE the map is saved it will remove it from the map.

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 38

8) Input By: The final component of Section 2: Location to Field is the input by and submit date boxes. These two boxes auto-populate with the UserName of the person who has entered the data for the map and the date that it was started on or updated on. These boxes will communicate to the ISDA who to contact in the chance that a change or more information is needed for the map. In the case that a map is rejected, the UserName that is shown on the map will also receive an automated email informing them that a map was rejected and what needs to be fixed for that map.

This completes “Section Two: Location To Field” for your map application. All the text boxes reviewed (except uploaded map docu-ment) in this section are *required infor-mation* and will receive errors in red if they are missing when you try and save the infor-mation in the M*AP*S program. They must have a value before you can save the map application in “Unfinalized” status or submit them to the ISDA. If one or multiple fields are missing, errors in red will appear so you can easily find where missing infor-





4 5A 6


Required Location to Field Information

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 39

The final portion of the Map Appli-cation process is the “Disease” sec-tion located in the bottom right hand corner of the website. In this portion you will learn how to A) view default diseases for the crop you have chosen, B) add additional diseases manually, C) put together disease packages for your crops, and D) remove selected diseases.

A) Viewing Default Diseases for Crops: Default diseases are set in the M*AP*S program according to the guidelines that are in the “Field Inspection Manual—Pink Book” updated and distributed yearly by the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. When you set the crop (talked about in Section 1: Commodity Information on page 20) the default diseases for that crop are automatically put into the disease list below in the right hand corner of the website. These default dis-eases will be checked yearly by the ISDA and matched to the Field Inspection Manual for that growing season. Default diseases cannot be removed from the list of diseases.

Section 3: Diseases

Example: Carrots entered as crop and the three default diseases for carrots automatically appear in disease list below.

When crop is set, default diseases appear for that crop

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 40

B) Adding Additional Diseases Manually: Most countries of export require field inspections for diseases that are not required as default diseases by the state of Idaho. Companies may request additional diseases to be field inspected for by manually entering them into the M*AP*S program. To add diseases to your disease list, you will use the text box under “Additional Diseases” by selecting a disease and clicking “Add” to put it on the list with your default diseases.

Begin by typing in the disease you are looking for. As you begin typing in the disease, you will notice a drop down list of diseases begin to appear. Diseases that the ISDA will inspect for on the cho-sen crop are in the format of ISDA Assigned Number-Accepted Sci-entific Name (Synonyms for the disease in parenthesis). You can search for diseases by this ISDA number, scientific names, or com-mon names. As you type out the diseases the list become more spe-cific to the disease you are looking for. (Example A below). Once your disease is highlighted blue, hit the “TAB” key on your key-board so that the disease texts fills the box. (Example B below)

With your mouse, click the “Add” button to the right. You will no-tice that the disease no longer is in the “Additional Diseases” text

box, but instead appears below the default diseases in the list. (As shown to the right). Here you can add as many diseases as needed for your crops field inspection.

Only diseases that occur on that crop OR are available for field inspection by the ISDA will ap-pear in this list of diseases for you to choose from. If you are having trouble finding a disease you are looking for, you can contact the ISDA at Treasure Valley (208) 332-8650 or Magic Valley (208) 736-2195.



Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 41

C) Disease Packages: Disease packages were designed by the ISDA to make mass map application entry with the same additional diseases easier for the com-panies. They are set up at company request and automatically insert additional diseases to map applications according to the crop selected.

The ISDA allows ONE disease package template per commodity. (Example: you can request one diseases package for corn, one package for beans, one package for carrots, etc.)

Companies wanting to utilize this option must submit disease package lists to the ISDA prior to map application entry and prior to the deadlines given in the “Field Inspection Manual-Pink Book”. *If you begin entering maps BEFORE your disease package is finalized ONLY default diseases will show on your map applications* If map applications are entered before disease packages are finalized, shipping could be affected at the end of the season because requested diseases would not be showing on the map application and therefore may not have been tested for in a field inspection.

You can send in your disease list via email in a PDF file, Excel file, or Word document OR you can send a printed hard copy in the mail to the Department of Agriculture (physical address and email addresses on back cover page ).

Once the disease list has been reviewed, researched, and compiled by the ISDA, a letter (preview on page 42) will be sent to you from the ISDA for your review and confirming signature.

Company will review the list to make sure it accurately displays what is needed for the field inspection season. If any diseases cannot be field inspected for or if there are other problems with diseases requested, it will be notated by the ISDA on the disease package list. Also, if a disease is requested by a synonym name instead of the accepted name for the disease, the synonym will be written out next to the disease so you can clearly see that it is on your requested diseases. If any changes need to be made to the list you can make changes on the disease package list and return it to the ISDA to update. If no changes are needed just sign and date the package and return it to the ISDA.

Disease packages are not finalized and available on the website for your use UNTIL a signed final copy is returned to the ISDA office.

As soon as the list is signed and returned to the ISDA, the package will be final-ized, you will be contacted, and the list will be available for use on the website.

Disease packages are editable once they appear on the website. Companies can manually add or remove diseases from the list if some fields require different diseases then the majority of the crops that will be entered for field inspection.

*Disease packages are deleted out of our system yearly. Company will need to update disease list & request a new package at the beginning of each season. *

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 42

Additional Diseases re-quested by commodity for

field inspection

Signature and date required to make list


Joe Smith 12/12/2012

After list is “finalized”, when you set the crop the default diseases and the disease package at-tached to that crop that you requested show in

the disease box.

Example of Disease Package Letter sent to Company to finalize:

Example of website with selected crop and disease package showing in disease list

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 43

D) Removing Selected Diseases: To remove a disease from the list of diseases simply click on the unwanted disease so that it is highlight-ed blue and with your cursor, click “Remove Selected Item” (as shown below).

Default diseases cannot be deleted from the disease list, and if you try to delete one you will receive an error message from the website (as shown to the right) saying that the disease cannot be removed.

Viewing Synonyms in the Disease List: Once a disease has been added to the list, it only shows the “accepted scientific name” for that disease. If you need to view synonyms you can click on a disease so that it is high-lighted blue, then put your cursor over the disease and a pop-up list ap-pears with all synonyms for that disease. This can be used if you are un-sure whether or not the correct disease you want is appearing on the dis-ease list for the field you are applying for field inspection.

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 44

Diseases with Additional Charges: Inspection for some diseases may require additional testing if a sample is pulled during field inspection. The company may be required to pay the costs incurred for laboratory testing for additional requested diseases and/or pests.

When entering additional diseases manually via the website, if you add a disease with additional costs involved you will receive a pop-up that re-quires your consent to pay the fee if it is needed. By clicking “yes” you are agreeing to pay the additional testing charge for the disease (as shown to the right) .

For disease packages, if there is a disease requested it will say “Yes” under the “Additional Fee” line next to the disease (shown on page 42). By signing and dating the letter, you are consenting to pay any charges associated with the additional testing that may be needed.

Save and Review: This completes “Section 3: Dis-eases” in the map application process. You have now learned how to successfully enter a new map application. To save your application into “Unfinalized” status click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the screen. If there is any required fields missing information, errors will appear on the screen in red for you to fix (refer to page 26 for required fields in Sec-tion 1 and page 38 for required fields in Section 2). Once you click save, you will receive a message from the website saying that the application was successfully saved . When you click “Ok” you will no-tice as the webpage refreshes, the map application is now showing under the “Application status” of “Unfinalized” with a “Reference Number”, the Company Name, Crop, and Lot Number for you to be able to easily see what has been entered and saved in the M*AP*S program.

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 45

Additional Application Information for Special Crops In the previous pages we have covered the three main sections of the map appli-cation process: Commodity Information, Location of Field, and Diseases. For most crops these are the only three sections that will be required for field inspec-tion. There are two other sections that appear on map applications for certain commodities. For dry beans and garden beans a section appears after “Commodity Information” where you will add green tag information. Other crops such as area corn and peas, alfalfa, barley, corn to Australia, oats, rye, bean trial grounds, triticale, and wheat show a section at the bottom of the page where you can enter field history and comments. In this next portion we will discuss how to use the “Green Tag” section for bean fields and the “Comments” section for said crops.

When entering map applications for bean fields, when you select the crop of either “phaseolus vulgaris-beans, dry or phaseolus vulgaris-beans, garden” a fourth section will appear on the map application below the field representative first and last name and phone number boxes. The additional information (as shown above) that is needed is the information from the parenting green tags (as shown on pages 45-46) or ICIA tags (shown on page 47) and is required infor-mation to be able to submit and save bean applications. In this section we will learn how to enter the information from the green tags or ICIA tags on the map application. The numbers above correlate to the information needed in the next couple page.

1) Parent Seed Lot Number: In this text box you will enter the “Lot Number” that is given on the parent green tag you received from the ISDA (example green tag on page 46).

2) Planting Certificate Number: Here you will enter the “State Number or Certificate Number” assigned by the ISDA to the parent plant and showing on the green tag you received from the ISDA (example on page 46).

Entering Garden Beans or Dry Beans





5 6

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 46

3) Pounds Planted: The amount of bean seed that was planted in the field that you are applying for field inspection will be en-tered in this box.

4) Add Box: Once you have the Parent Seed Lot Number, Planting Certificate Number, and Pounds Planted entered into the text boxes, you will click the “ADD” button to the right. This moves the information from the three individual boxes, to the box on the right.

To remove a green tag that has been added into the box, simply click on the one you wish to remove, you will notice it repopulates the boxes to the left, then click “Remove Selected Item”. You can also EDIT green tags entered by clicking on the information in the Add Box so that it repopulates the boxes on the left, edit the information you need, then click “ADD” again so that it moves it back into the Add Box.

*Repeat these steps for as many green tags for different lots as you have planted in the field by entering the parent seed lot number, planting certificate number, and the amount of pounds planted from that lot then click “ADD” to save them in the Add Box (as shown above).

5) Pooling Insurance and Serology Tested: If the parent green tags have pooling insur-ance or have been serology tested, you will check the boxes next to the respective items. If serology tested, another text box to the right will appear asking for the serol-ogy number or transfer permit number. Type that in and click “ADD” where it will put it in the “Add Box”. There is also a “Remove Selected Item”. If item put in the box needs removed, simply click on the one that needs removed and press the “Removed Selected Item” button below.

6) Total Pounds Planted: This box will auto-populate with the total pounds planted in the field.

Example of Green Tag

Moves text to box

Select text, moves it back to boxes where you can remove selected or edit

M*AP*S—Map Application System

State Number needed for box #2

Lot Number needed for box #1

Idaho State Department of Agriculture Page 47

Entering ICIA Tags

1) Parent Seed Lot Number: In this text box you will enter the “Lot Number” that was given on the parent ICIA tag you received from the Idaho Crop Improvement Associ-ation (as shown above).

2) Planting Certificate Number: Here you will enter the “Certificate Number” assigned by the ICIA to the parent plant which shows on the tag you received from the ICIA (as shown above).

3) Pounds Planted: The amount of bean seed that was planted in the field that you are applying for field inspection will be entered in this box.

4) Add Box: Once you have the Parent Seed Lot Number, Planting Certificate Number, and Pounds Planted entered into the text boxes, you will click the “ADD” button to the right. This moves the information from the three individual boxes, to the box on the right (as shown on page 46).

To remove a ICIA tag that has been added into the box, simply click on the one you wish to remove, you will notice it will repopulate the boxes to the left, then click “Remove Selected Item”. You can also “EDIT” ICIA tags entered by clicking on the information in the Add Box so that it repopulates the boxes on the left, edit the infor-mation you need, then click “ADD” again so that it moves back into the Add Box.

*Repeat these steps for as many ICIA tags for different lots as you have planted in the field by entering the parent seed lot number, planting certificate number, and the amount of pounds planted from that lot then click “ADD” to save them in the Add Box.

5) Pooling Insurance and Serology Tested: If the parent ICIA tags have pooling insur-ance or have been serology tested, you will check the boxes next to the respective items. If serology tested, another text box to the right will appear asking for the serol-ogy number or transfer permit number. Type that in and click “ADD” where it will put it in the “Add Box”. There is also a “Remove Selected Item”. If item put in the box needs removed, simply click on the one that needs removed and press the “Removed Selected Item” button below.

6) Total Pounds Planted: This box will auto-populate with the total pounds planted in the field.

Example of ICIA Tag

Lot Number needed for box #1

Certificate Number needed for box #2

*Information needed for entering garden beans or dry beans (page 45) if you are planting bean seed that was inspected by the ICIA and have ICIA parent tags.

M*AP*S—Map Application System Page 48

Crops such as area corn and peas, alfalfa, barley, corn to Australia, oats, rye, trial ground beans, triticale, and wheat show a section at the bottom of the page where you can enter field history and comments. In this por-tion we will discuss how to use the “Comments” section for said crops.

For crops in which additional information is required, a check list and “comments” section will appear on the website under the Google map and disease list of the map application. These comment sections are linked with the crop type that is selected in Section 1: Commodity Infor-mation. If you select one of the crops listed above and “TAB” on your keyboard out of the “Crop” box, checklist and comments section on the map application will automatically appear at the bottom of the webpage. The checklist that appears on the left hand side of the page in yellow shows specific instructions for additional information needed for the se-lected crop.

You will enter the information that corresponds with the questions on the check list in the comments add box on the right side of the page. Once you have entered a comment you will click the “ADD” button to the right of the text box. By clicking “ADD” it moves the comment from the text box to the added comments box below. This is where they will be saved with the map application. Comments left in the add text box WILL NOT BE SAVED.

If you need to remove a comment for any reason, click on the comment so that it is highlighted in blue and click “Delete Comment” under the added comments box. You can only delete comments BEFORE the application has been saved. Once the application has been saved the comments can no longer be removed.

There is a scroll bar located at the bottom of the added comments box which allows you to scroll left and right if your comments are too long to view in the box. If you add more comments than can be viewed top to bottom, simply highlight the top so that it blue and use your arrow keys on the keyboard to move from top to bottom to view comments if need-ed.

(Example of Checklist and Comments Section on page 49.)

Special Crop Comments Section

Page 49

(View of Checklist and Comments Section)

If you would like to clear the entire map application of the information you entered, simply click the “Clear Form” button at the bottom of the page. This removes ALL information entered on the application. This completes the map application process for filling out the infor-

mation for field inspection online. When the application has been com-pleted and you are ready to save it into “Unfinalized” status, click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the page. If there is missing information an error will appear and red errors will appear under the missing infor-mation.

All required text boxes must contain information in order to save your map application into “Unfinalized” status.

Saving Map Applications

Selected crops with additional information needed auto-matically pulls up comments section on map application.

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Map Application Information Roll Over To help customers who are adding multiple map applications in one sitting, the M*AP*S program carries over some information to make the map appli-cation process quicker. Information such as company name, crop, county, area, the field representative’s last name, first name, telephone number, and the disease package attached to the crop entered all remain on the map appli-cation once you save your first application (as shown below).

This means you do not have to click “ADD NEW” every time you want to put in a new application. You only need to click “ADD NEW” to enter the first application when you log into the program.

Aside from the Company name, the other information can be changed at any time when you are adding multiple applications at once. This is just a feature to help companies that enter maps with a lot of the same information.

Please make sure you are aware of county changes or field representa-tive changes when entering in bulk so that the map applications are sub-mitted with the correct information and not rejected and returned to you to have to fix.

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Data Screen The “Data” screen of the M*AP*S program is made to assist companies in viewing their field inspection infor-mation, printing copies of the maps that are entered, en-tering crop report weights, entering windrow inspection cut and thrash dates, viewing bean maps with green tags, and ordering green tags for your bean crops.

On the top right corner of the website, next to the “Log Out” button is where you will find the “Data” tab that will take you to another screen in the M*AP*S pro-gram with these options.

In this next portion we will cover what each option is and how to use it to benefit your company. You will notice that when you click on the “Data” tab it

takes you to a screen with 6 new options (as shown to the left and briefly explained below). We will discuss these in detail in the next few pages. You will notice next to the

“Log Out” there is now a tab that says “Main”. This is how you will return to the main menu of the M*AP*S program to enter map applications and use the differ-ent sections mentioned earlier.

1) Map Data: Here is a list of options to be able to export information from the M*AP*S website to an Excel file for you to be able to use for your benefit.

2) Print Maps: This option allows you to print the map applications that have been entered and submitted to the ISDA for a selected year.

3) Enter Crop Report Weights: Actual and estimated weights will be entered via the website for the growing season.

4) Enter Cut/Thrash Dates: During bean harvest, companies will communi-cate with the ISDA about their windrow inspections through this option on the website.

5) Maps with Green Tags Report: This report will be turned in with the phys-ical green tags requested by the ISDA for bean fields submitted for field inspection.

6) Order Tags/Certificates: Companies will request green tags for the next planting year by this option on the website.

In the next few pages we will go into detail in how to use these 6 options on the “Data” tab.

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Map Data

When you select “Map Data” from the list, a box of options appears on the website for you to choose from. From this list you must first select a “Year” that you would like to view.

Then you can limit your search by individually selecting by Map #, Ref-erence #, Company, Date Planted, Crop, Variety, Lot #, Acres, County, Area, Irrigation, Grower, Field Rep, Cross Streets, Number of Fields, GPS Coords, Map Status, State Number, Date Submitted, and Input By. You can select as many or as few criteria as you would like for the re-port. For example, you can search by checking Map #, Variety, Lot #, Acres, and Crop for a report. When you select “Show Data”, only those 5 criteria will show on the list.

When you click “Show Data” a list will appear below with the criteria you selected showing (as shown below). You can sort the different head-ers by clicking on the heading you would like to sort by. The program will re-arrange the criteria numerically or alphabetically depending on which header you sort by. This will help you be able to locate the crops you are looking for more easily.

Also, once you click “Show Data” and the information populates the website, an option to the right of the criteria pops up that says, “Export to Excel”. If you click on this button, the information will be put into an Excel file where you can then use the information in that format enabling you to save and sort the information however you would like.

To use this feature make sure your computer allows pop-ups for the website.

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Print Maps Once your map applications have been saved into the M*AP*S program you have the ability to print off hard copies of the applications using the “Data” tab. By clicking on the “Print Maps” option, a text box appears to the right. To begin, you MUST enter a map year. The program then gives you the op-tion to print by “Map Number” (maps in “ACCEPTED” status) or “Reference Number” (maps in “PENDING”, “REJECTED”, or “UNFINALIZED” status).

In these text boxes you can put a beginning number and an ending number that you would like print-ed out. The range that you put in does not only have to contain your map’s reference numbers or map numbers. For example, if your company has numbers 1, 3, 5, and 6, you can enter the range of 1-10 and ONLY YOUR COMPANY MAPS will print.

Once you type in your reference numbers or map numbers you then click “Print”. Make sure your computer allows pop-ups for this website to ensure this function works properly. When you click “Print” the program will open a new screen with your company maps showing and an option bar appears at the top of the page (as shown on the right).

You have the option to save these maps as PDF’s, in an Excel file, or in Microsoft Word. You will need to save the document in order to print these map applications. Save them as a PDF, then print from the PDF format that comes on your screen. This is the only way the map applications will print properly.

Displays # of Maps and arrows to go to next map

Saving Options

Page 54

Enter Crop Report Weights In the “Data” tab of the M*AP*S program you will enter the estimated and actual clean weights that have been harvested from your crops. This will replace the paper copies that used to be sent back and forth between the ISDA and the company until the final weights were given.

The ISDA will send you a printed out hard copy of your Crop Report at the end of the growing season as a first draft. This printed copy can be used to view what was turned in for field inspection, review lot number, variety, grower, acres, and diseases to make sure that everything is correct, and gives companies the ability to view what is availa-ble for shipping purposes.

The website is the place where you will give the ISDA the estimated weights and actual weights that were harvested from that crop. When you click on this tab, you will notice a list of the crops that were submitted for that growing season appear (example on page 55 letter A). *If no crops appear and you get an error from the website, it may mean that you have not completed and finalized a Crop Report for the previous season. The previous season must be “Finalized” through the ISDA before your crops will appear on the website for the current growing year.*

The headings of the report are highlighted in blue and allow you to be able to sort the columns by crop, map #, variety, lot number, grower, acres, state number, acres, weights, or actual by clicking on one of the headings. This will sort the entered crops alphabetically or numerically depending on the heading that you click on.

To enter weight for a crop, simply put your cursor in the box under “weight”. If the weight is an estimated weight then all that needs to be done is the 0.00 changed to your desired weight. Once your cursor moves from the weight column, the weight you just entered will automatically save for you. If it is an actual clean weight, change the weight to the desired weight and with your mouse click the box in the “ACTUAL” column. This notifies the system that it is a final weight for that crop. Once again, when you click outside of the box, the weight will automatically be saved in the program.

If a weight is entered as an estimated weight, the weight box is editable. You can change and update these estimated weights as many times as needed until you come to an actual weight. Once the “ACTUAL” box is checked, the weight is no longer edita-ble. If you have put a weight in as an actual weight and need to update it, you must contact the ISDA to make changes to these crops. Once the weight has been entered as “ACTUAL”, the crops are still available to be viewed by the company in this section.

When entering the weights in the box, DO NOT ENTER commas or any other signs besides a decimal point. The program allows up to two decimal places and should be shown in a 000.00 format.

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You can update your company’s estimated weights through the website as often as you would like. Once all your crops have been submitted with an actual clean weight the ISDA will send you a paper copy in the mail where you will be able to double check one last time to make sure everything is showing correctly on the report (example shown below letter B). If everything is correct on the report, a company representative will sign and date the report and send it back in to the ISDA. An ISDA employee will then finish assigning state num-bers to your crops and “Finalize” the report. ISDA will then send you a copy of the final-ized report for you to keep in your records with all the crops inspected for that growing year and ISDA assigned state numbers assigned for that season for your use on Phytosanitary Certificates.

*NOTE: Map Applications for the next growing season will not be ACCEPTED until the previous year Crop Report is “FINALIZED” by the ISDA.

B: Example of Final Crop Report issued by the ISDA once all weights are actual weights

A: Example of Website Display

Shows report has been Finalized

Page 56

Reading Hard Copy Crop Report

1) Return Address: Displays the ISDA return address where printed copies of the Crop Report will be sent once it has been reviewed, signed, and dated.

2) Company Information: This information displays the company name and ad-dress where the Crop Report will be sent to.

3) Date Printed and Page Count: Here is the date the report was printed and the page number that you are reviewing.

4) Year of Report: This informs companies which growing year this report repre-sents.

5) Signature of Reviewer and Date Complete: After reading the instructions and reviewing the report to check for errors, a company representative will sign and date the report to send back to the ISDA. This certifies that the information pro-vided is accurate to the best of the representative’s knowledge.

6) Final Crop Report Copy: Once a signed copy is returned to the ISDA, an ISDA employee will “Finalize” the report and send you a new copy where this will be displayed to inform you that your report is FINAL with the state.

7) Username of ISDA Employee: This shows you the ISDA employee that was working on your report and printed it out so if you have any questions about your report you can ask them.

8) Species: Displays the species of the crop by common name

9) Variety Name: Displays company assigned variety named turned into the ISDA.

10) Lot Number: Displays company assigned lot number for crop.

11) Grower: Displays the name of the grower or company turned in on the map application.

12) Area: The ISDA assigned area in which the crop was grown in (Treasure Valley or Magic Valley).

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1 2



6 5 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18

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13) ISDA Assigned State Number: Once a lot has been given an actual clean weight by the Company, the ISDA will assign that lot a specific state number.

The default for state numbers are set up in a MAP NUMBER-YEAR-CROP-IRRIGATION-MAP TYPE format.

If the lot was found positive for a disease state numbers will show in a MAP-NUMBER-YEAR-CROP-IRRIGATION-MAPTYPE-DISEASE POSITIVE format.

For “CROP FAILURES” the state number will read mapnumber-year-crop-irrigation-maptype-CROPFAILURE, “MISSING INSPECTION” state number will read mapnumber-year-crop-irrigation-maptype-MISSINGINSPECTION, “ILLEGALLY PLANTED” state numbers read mapnumber-year-crop-irrigation-maptype-ILLEGALPLANTING, OR “CROP DESTROYED” the format is map-number-year-crop-irrigation-maptype-CROPDESTROYED.

14) Acres: Acres turned in on map application for the field show here.

15) Clean Weight (estimated or actual) of Crop: Weight entered by company via the website will show here.

16) Shows if Weight is (A)ctual or (E)stimated: If weights are turned in as an esti-mated weight, there will be an “E” in this column showing it is estimated. If the weight is turned in as an actual weight, there will be a “A” in this column show-ing it is actual.

17) ISDA Assigned Map Number: The map number assigned to that lot by the ISDA displays here for office use.

18) Diseases: The final portion of the Crop Report is the disease list that displays default diseases and requested diseases for the company’s crops. These diseases show what was field inspected for during the growing season and shows if there were any positive or negative diseases for that field.

Below is a diagram showing how diseases are displayed and how to determine positive and negative diseases.

Comments: Displays comments that are on the map application

Positive Diseases: The disease(s) that are positive will appear here in which a sample was pulled from the field and lab tested bringing positive results.

Negative Diseases: These show disease(s) in which a sample was pulled and was lab tested during field inspec-tion but lab tests had negative results.

Inspected Diseases: These represent default and requested diseases that were field inspected without finding sympto-matic plants for the said diseases

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Enter Cut/Thrash Dates The enter cut/thrash dates in the “DATA” tab is for companies that turn in garden beans or dry beans for field inspections. If you have bean crops with the ISDA that have been turned in for field inspection, you will use this feature to turn into the ISDA the day you cut your beans into windrows and the day you plan on harvesting them.

When you click on the “Enter Cut/Thrash Dates” the program will pull up your com-pany information containing a list that includes all the bean fields that were turned in for field inspection for that growing season. This list shows the company’s bean appli-cation information including ISDA assigned map number, variety, lot number, grower, area, state number (not yet assigned), and acres.

If you click on one of the headings at the top of the page (Map number, variety, lot number, grower, acres, inspection date, cut date, or thrash date) the program will re-sort the crops according to the heading that you choose. Depending on the column that you choose, the program will sort either numerically or alphabetically. This may be helpful in finding the bean field that will be turned in for windrow inspection.

The last three columns in the list is where information will be added by the ISDA and by the company. The “INSPECTION DATE” will be entered by an ISDA employee once the seasonal field inspectors have successfully walked your bean field submitted for windrow inspection. The date in this field will change from 1/1/1900 to an actual date for the year it is inspected. That date reflects the date that it was inspected by the ISDA and means that you are good to harvest your beans. *Make sure you do not pick up the beans until this field has been inspected by the ISDA and an inspec-tion date has been entered and reflected in this column.

The last two columns, CUT DATE and THRASH DATE, are where the company will communicate with the ISDA about when you have cut your bean crop into windrows and when you are planning on picking them up for harvest. Once you find the crop(s) that have been cut for that day(s) that you are entering for, simply click in the “cut date” box for that crop, highlight it blue with your cursor, and type in the date that crop was cut in a 0/00/0000 format. Then “TAB” on your keyboard over to the “THRASH DATE” box for that crop and enter the desired date you will be picking the beans up out of the field in a 0/0/0000 format. *Remember that there must be a minimum of 3 business days between cut date and thrash date.*

Companies have the ability to add cut and thrash dates to as many crops as you need for that day. The dates are automatically saved and submitted to the ISDA once you enter them for windrow inspection.

*For high priority or emergency windrow needs please contact the ISDA at 208-332-8650 for Treasure Valley Crops and 208-736-2195 for Magic Valley Crops*

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For bean fields that have been partially cut (i.e. company only cuts 4 acres of a 6 acre field) and you need the acres that were cut walked before the rest of the field will be cut; the ISDA will need to be contacted in situations like this. The program only allows full acres to be shown as cut and thrashed. For Treasure Valley crops that need partial inspections and the rest of the field will be cut at a later date, please send and email to the ISDA at . For Magic Valley crops that are partially inspected send email to In the email please include map number, variety, lot number, acres, and grower for the crop so that we can locate the appropriate map application for the field.

This date lets you know your field has been inspected by an ISDA employee.

Bean field with DATE INSPECTED


Date crop was cut

Date crop is to be harvested

Crop not yet inspected

Example of Cut/Thrash Dates entered for windrow inspections.

The maps with green tags report is for bean growers that are turning in their bean fields for inspection. Once bean map applications have been turned in via the M*AP*S program, the ISDA will need copies of the map applications with their parent green tags attached to them and this report sent via mail to the ISDA office according to what area (Treasure Valley or Magic Valley) the bean fields are locat-

ed in.

This report will display map number, reference number, crop, variety, lot num-ber, grower, acres, county, area, irrigation method, pounds planted, and the date planted. The parent lot number and parent planting certificate number is also di played. This report will auto-generate according to the information that is entered on the map applications. The report will provide the ISDA with an overview of bean map applications and parent plants turned in for that growing season.

To access this report, simply click on the data tab, click on “Maps with Green Tags Report”. When you click on this, a new window will open on your web browser. Make sure your computer will allow pop-ups for this site in order for this report to run properly. A report similar to the one shown below will be dis-played. You will notice in the right top corner there is a graphic of a little floppy disk with a green arrow. To print the report, you will click this little graphic. You have the option to save the report as PDF’s, in an Excel file, or in Microsoft Word. You will need to save the document in order to print this report. This is the only way the report will print properly.

Once printed, send the map application copies with parent green tags attached and this report to the ISDA office.

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Maps With Green Tags Report

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Order Tags/Certificates

Bean growers that need to order green tags from the ISDA for their bean crops will use the Order Tags/Certificates under the Data tab on the website.

You will select the “Order Tags/Certificates” option on the left side of the web page. Then you will select the year of the crop that you wish to order tags from. (This can be used for crops grown from 2012 on. Crops older than 2012 will have to be requested through the Twin Falls office via email or by phone at 208-736-2195.)

Once you select your year, you will need to select the office at which you want your tags printed at (Treasure Valley or Magic Valley). SPRINKLER IRRIGATED, SPRINKLER RE-PLANT (LAB TESTED), AND SEROLOGY TESTED BEANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE MAGIC VALLEY OFFICE TO PRINT TAGS.

You will simply find the variety and lot number of the crop you are wishing to order green tags on. Under the “# of tags” you will put the number of tags you wish to have printed from that lot. In the next row, you will put the size of the bag for that green tag. (50 pounds, 100 pounds, etc.) Then you will click “ADD” to the right. This will take the # of tags multiplied by the bag size to give you the total amount of weight being used. You see this for Map #6408 in the example be-low. Once you have placed the green order tags for all the lots you desire for that setting, you will click “Submit” at the top of the page. This will then submit your green tag request to the ISDA. There will be a message from the website to giving you a confirmation that the tags request was successfully submitted.

The columns in the blue header give you the ability to sort alphabetically or numerically by row to help you find the lot and variety that you desire. Simply put your cursor over the header name till you see the cursor turn to a pointing finger and left click. This will resort the row accordingly.

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Once you have clicked “Submit” on the “Order Green Tags” page under the “DATA” screen on the website, you will receive a receipt via email with a sum-mary of the green tag order that was submitted.

This is an automated email that is sent to companies once green tag request have been submitted to confirm order. You should not try to reply to these emails.

An example of the email sent to customers is shown below. This email shows the map #, variety, lot number, state number, the # of tags requested, the size of the bags, and the total weight taken from that lot. Depending on how many requests you submit at one time will determine how many show on this report.

Recognize that this is just a preliminary receipt as the ISDA has not yet accepted or rejected the tags ordered.

THIS EMAIL DOES NOT MEAN YOUR GREEN TAGS ARE READY FOR PICK UP. It just confirms that the order has been placed and submitted to the ISDA. The ISDA office will contact you when tags are ready for pickup.

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Viewing Inspections During anytime throughout the field inspection season you can go online to the M*AP*S web-site and view the progress of your field inspection for your crop.

Simply look up the map applica-tion (by lot number, by variety, by map number, etc.) in the search section of the program. Once you load the map application, if you scroll to bottom of the map application in the bottom left hand corner there is now section that says “Inspections”.

At the beginning of the season, in that box their will be the word “REGULAR” written. If you see the word once, twice, or three times that indicates the number of inspections needed according to the diseases listed on the map application. For beans only, there will be the word “REGULAR” and “WINDROW” written to indicate that the crop needs one to two regular field inspection and one windrow inspection.

Once the field inspection has been performed by the ISDA, a date will be written next to the word “REGULAR”. This shows you the date that the field was walked by the ISDA and will also indicate to you that all the field inspections have been done on the crop. If there are two “REGULAR” words in the inspection box and only one of them has a date next to it, this shows you that the field needs one more walk by the ISDA before the field is complete for the field inspection season and should not be harvested yet.

Example of what this will look like is shown above. You will see there are two “REGULAR” words written in the Inspection box. This indicates this field needs two field inspection walks by the ISDA and that the field has not been inspected at all yet.

The words “REGULAR” and “WINDROW” indicate a bean field and the dates next to them show that both inspections have been performed and field inspections are complete; therefore, the company can harvest their crop whenever they are ready to.

Also, in the “INSPECTIONS” box the company will be able to view lab tests that are pending and negative or positive disease results from lab tests.

If a sample was pulled during a field inspection by the ISDA, the company will see under the date the sample was pulled “lab test pending” after a bullet point.

Once the results for that lab has been released the bullet point will change from “lab test pending” to the name of the disease tested for and whether the disease was positive or negative.

This is shown in the example above. You can see that on 7/29/2012 a sample was pulled. This field was found POSITIVE for USTILAGO MAYDIS. The 083 next to the bullet point is the ISDA given code num-ber for that disease in our disease database.

So you can see that this field was field inspected and found positive for only Ustilago maydis which will be useful for companies when they begin shipping this lot for phytosanitary purposes.

Page 64

Tested Diseases

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