manifest destiny and its legacy, 1841-1848

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MANIFEST DESTINY AND ITS LEGACY, 1841-1848. Chapter 17. THE ACCESSION OF “TYLER TOO”. Clay and Webster’s presumptuous assumption. Webster was Sec. of State. Clay the leader of the party in Congress. Harrison’s reaction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 17

Clay and Webster’s presumptuous assumption. ◦ Webster was Sec. of State. Clay the

leader of the party in Congress. Harrison’s reaction Clay leads party in power and is

ready to finally put his policies into law

Harrison dies 40 days into presidency.

Tyler takes over.

Wm. Henry Harrison

Shortest Term of any President.

First vice president to take over for a president who died in office.

Why is he on the ticket. Tyler is an old-school Virginian. Why did he leave the

Democratic Party for the Whigs?

Part of the minority wing of the Whig party that adhered to State’s rights.

His views are quite different from Clay and Webster.

Unofficial platform of the majority of the party

Tyler’s views on unofficial platform

Whigs accuse him of being a Democrat in Whig clothing

Another defeat for Clay. Henry Clay: foiled again

Whigs try to get their agenda enacted into law.

Repeal Independent Treasury. Passed. Second part: Renew the Bank of the US.

◦ Tyler’s reaction. “His Ascendancy” What do Whig’s do to Tyler? What does his cabinet do?

British-American relationship erupted in war of words in 1842. ◦ Causes?

Caroline affair. Lumberjack war—Aroostook

Valley, Maine. Maine boundary vague

Webster-Ashburton treaty

Texas in a precarious position. US had spurned request for annexation. Mexico still claims Texas as its Territory, Threatened to take it back and threatened

war with US if US annexed. Many European countries were courting

Texas Britain especially was very interested.

◦ Why?

Texas becomes a leading issue in election of 1844.

Dem. James K Polk vs. Whig Henry Clay. Democrats position. Whigs position. Polk wins. What does Tyler do as a result.. Mexico angry and accuses US of theft. Is Mexico right?

Oregon Territory: everything North of California, West of the Rockies up to 54-40.

Both US and Brit have claims to the Territory.

Treaty of 1818: Joint occupation. In 1840s,Oregon Trail.

◦ 5000 American in Oregon by 1846. Brits had only 700

Only a small areas really in dispute. Columbia river north to the 49th Par.

Election of 1844 Clay (Whig) against James K. Polk (Dem.).

James K Polk of Tenn.◦ First “dark-horse” nominee◦ Had been Speaker of the

House and governor of Tenn. for two terms.

◦ Jackson sponsored him. ◦ Dems publicized him as a

young Jackson.◦ Southern expansionist

Dems expansionist. Platform was for annexation of Texas and taking Oregon all the way up to 54-40. “54-40 or Fight”

Dems campaigned on Manifest Destiny◦ What is “Manifest Destiny”

Whigs were mostly against annexation of Texas, equating it with an expansion of slavery, but Clay couldn’t win without votes in the south.◦ He tried to be both for and against annexation,

and his waffling hurt him Other issues: tariff, slavery, the bank and

internal improvements.

Polk won in a close election. New York the key state. Clay lost there by 5000 because Liberty

Party not split the vote. ◦ Why did Clay loose votes to Liberty Party?

Tyler saw the election results as a mandate to annex Texas and started the ball rolling before he left office.

Polk not dynamic or impressive physically.

Serious and worked very hard.

Not brilliant, but was dogged, shrewd and well organized. Did not delegate much.

Four-point program for his presidency

Only one-term President to make the list of Top-10.

One: Reduced Tariff. Succeeded in reducing the tariff from 32 to 25%.

Two: Restoration of Independent Treasury. Accomplished.

Three: Settlement of Oregon. ◦ Polk and southern Dems. didn’t want all of

Oregon, despite platform. Why?◦ Brits recognize that they must compromise.

Why?◦ Brits agree to divide at 49th Par.

Acquiring California Polk’s fourth goal.◦ Why does he want it?

US likely to get eventually through settlement, but Polk doesn’t want to wait.◦ Why?

Offers to buy from Mexico. Mexico doesn’t want to sell.◦ Ongoing disputes with Mexico

Polk’s strategy to get Mexico? Continuing dispute with Mexico over border

of Texas. Nueces or Rio Grande? Polk sends Zachery Taylor’s troops across

the Nueces into disputed Terr. Mexican troops cross Rio Grande and attack

Taylor. Polk asks for a declaration of war claiming

that US troops attacked on “US” soil.

How did rivalry with Britain affect the American decision to annex Texas, the Oregon dispute, and lesser controversies of the period?

America catches war fever Spot resolution.

◦ What?◦ Who?

Many Whigs vehemently against the war. ◦ Why?

Mexican’s spoiling for war, as well. ◦ Why?

Assessing Polk’s actions

Santa Anna dupes the US

Steven Kearny, Santa Fe 1846

John C. Fremont (Great Pathfinder), Bear Flag Rebellion

Zachery Taylor defeats Santa Anna at Battle of Buena Vista Zachery Taylor

Polk leaves Taylor where he is. Why?

Winfield Scott (“Old Fuss and Feathers”) Vera Cruz and March on Mexico City.

One of the most brilliant campaigns in US history. Captures Mexico City.

Scott hero during the war of 1812.

Best general produced by US between Rev. War and Civil War.

2/2/1848. Terms?

◦ American title to Texas confirmed with Rio Grande the border.

◦ Mexico yielded Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada to US. (with Texas, is about ½ of Mexico.) Land referred to as Mexican Cession.

◦ US to pay 15 Million and assume claims of citizens there against Mexico worth about 3 Million. (18.5 Mill compared to 25 Mill. prepared to pay for Cal. before the war.)

Identify the short and long-term consequences of the war.

What caused the Mexican War? Did Polk provoke the Texas-boundary conflict in order to gain California or expand slavery, as war opponents like Lincoln charged?

What were the benefits and costs of the Mexican War both immediately and in the longer run of American History?

Wilmot Proviso Mexican American War was the opening

chapter on events that led to the Civil War because of the new territory added.

Foreshadows the Civil War:◦ Practice for military leaders◦ More land to dispute over slavery

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