manager's desk from the city · 11/12/2018  · 7/29/2019 11-12-2018 weekly report | topeka open...

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    From the CityFrom the CityManager's DeskManager's Desk

    November 12th, 2018November 12th, 2018

    Battle of theBadges 

    Topeka fire fighters participatedand won the annual Battle of theBadges between the PoliceDepartment, Sheriff Department,Kansas Highway Patrol in an effortto raise funds for the SpecialOlympics. Proceeds for this year’sevent exceeded $18,000.

    Open Government

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    Historic WindowRestorationWorkshop 

    The City of Topeka hosted aHistoric Window RestorationWorkshop with Bob Yapp. Eighteenparticipants did hands on work tohistoric windows by restoring,weather proofing and making thewindows more energy efficient. 

    The City of Topeka is working toprovide unique opportunities forhome and business owners. ThePlanning Department has a list ofpeople who participated in theworkshop who will help others inthe community restore their ownhistoric windows. 

    You can find more informationabout the Historic WindowRestoration Workshop here:

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    Fire MarshalMike MartinRecognized bythe American RedCross

    Fire Marshal Mike G. Martinawarded a Red Cross Hero's Gift ofLife Award for his efforts ininitiating the Topeka Battle of theBadges Blood Drive along withlocal Law Enforcement and theAmerican Red Cross.

    Check out this video from the mostrecent Battle of the Badges whichfeatures Fire MarshalMartin: 



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    The image on the right is a list offeatured road constructionprojects for 2018. 

    Work continuing on:

    SW 29th and Burlingame. Small amount of mill/overlay wasscheduled this week. Lanes will be shifted to allow for signalinstallation once poles/mast arms are received.

    SW 6th from Fairlawn to Gage. Road opened to traffic on Thursday!Still need to complete sod installation and there are some minorpunch list items to correct.

    Mill/overlay project in the Grantville Road area. With forecasted rain,snow and very cold temperatures, asphalt work is limited untiltemps rise. Should still complete this year. Some overlay work tookplace earlier this week.

    Huntoon/Arvonia. The plan was to place asphalt on Friday. Withforecasted rain, snow and very cold temperatures, asphalt work islimited until temps rise. Should still complete this year.

    Central Park.  Still some ADA ramps and previous utility patches leftto complete. With forecasted rain, snow and very cold temperatures,asphalt work is limited until temps rise. Should still complete thisyear.

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    You can find updates to all street projects on the Capital ProjectsDashboard.

     Recent Updates The Street Department Equipment Maintenance Shop plans to startcalibration testing of the snow equipment on November 16. 95% ofthe snow equipment repairs have been completed.

    There have been 11 broken water mains this month with 768 year todate. Last year at this time there were 346 breaks.

    The Street Division used 279 tons of hot mixed asphalt on full depthpatches (264 tons) and potholes (4 tons).

    Topeka Fire Department Training Division staff participated in a liveburn operation with the recruits and several TFD companies at theTraining tower.


    Happy Veteran's Dayto everyone who has

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    served our country inthe Armed Forceswhich includes severalCity of Topeka staffmembers. 


    The City of Topeka, Kansas isrequesting funding through aHistoric Preservation Fund grant to

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    research and compose a MultipleProperty Documentation Form(MPDF) for homes originating fromthe business of Lewis F.Garlinghouse. The L. F.Garlinghouse Company wasfounded in 1910 in the City ofTopeka, Kansas, and since thattime has served as one of thenation’s premier catalogueproviders of home plans anddesigns.

    Since its inception as a business inTopeka, numerous examples of thework of the L.F. GarlinghouseCompany can be found within theCity of Topeka and throughout thenation. The purpose of this projectis to provide a thematic context forevaluating and listing Garlinghousehomes constructed in the City ofTopeka during the years from 1910through 1960.

    City-wide, it has been estimatedthat by 1925 the GarlinghouseCompany had sold or constructedin excess of 550 homes in the Cityof Topeka. Two Garlinghousehomes will be nominated to the

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    National Register under the newMPDF as a part of this project. ThisMPDF will also provide City Staffand the general public with theresources necessary to pursuesubsequent individual nominationsbased on the foundation ofcontextual significance of the L.F.Garlinghouse Company in the Cityof Topeka.

    The City of Topeka will seek inputfrom the public during a publicmeeting at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 5 inMarvin Auditorium at the Topekaand Shawnee County PublicLibrary, 1515 S.W. 10th.

    Finance3rd QuarterReport

    The 3rd quarterfinancial report will bepresented to theGoverning Body onNovember 13th. Viewthe full financial report

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    Planning 3rdQuarter Report 

    Planning released the October,2018 Development and GrowthManagement (DGM) Report whichcan be found

    Highlights include:

    • Total building permits for newconstruction/remodel are

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    projected to be 4% higher than lastyear. Compared to 2017,residential permits are projected toincrease by 22% while commercialpermits would decline 14% by yearend.

    • 4 new residential units werepermitted this month. 113 newresidential units have beenpermitted for construction year todate within the City of Topeka. 110total units were permitted in 2017.

    • 51% of all new dwelling unitswithin Shawnee County have beenbuilt within the City of Topeka yearto date compared to 48% for 2017.

    • Total building permit values areprojected to decrease 31% by yearend compared to last year whichwould be the lowest valuation totalsince 2014.

    • The top 5 valued permits issuedlast month include:

    o Bishop ProfessionalDevelopment Center, 3601 SW 31stSt ($1.2M)

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    o Hoyts Trailer, 2613 NW Cat Ct($1.0M)

    o Stormont Vail Health CancerCenter, 1414 SW 8th St ($1.0M)

    o St. Francis MRI Room – 1700 SW7th St ($900k)

    o Crosby Place (Greater TopekaPartnership) – 725 S. Kansas($712k)


    Below is a link to a brief surveyregarding the proposed neglectedbuilding registration. We wouldappreciate your assistance gettingthe word out so we can get asmuch public input back on theproposed program as possible.

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    Coming up City Council Meeting, November 13th at 6 p.m.  

    Encore “Common Unity” Pitch, Los Angeles, CA, November 12th –November 15th

    TPD Coffee at the Museum event, 11/14/2018

    The Zoo and Friends of the Zoo are getting ready for Giving ZooDayon Tuesday, November 27th. This year’s campaign will center onsupporting some of the baby animals born this year.

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    Brent Trout 

    This weekly report is presented toyou from the office of City ManagerBrent Trout.

    For other weekly reports, visitthe City's website

    This report was produced throughour open data portal. We haveseveral other open data portals tohelp connect you with the work wedo, including portals that let you:

    Visualize Topeka's $270Mbudget

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