mammals, amphibians, reptiles & birds seen on …mammals, amphibians, reptiles & birds seen...

Post on 21-May-2020






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Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles & Birds seen on our 2008 Costa Rica trip.

(Although many were observed, insects are not included in this list - beetles, butterflies, dragonflies)

The date is listed with each number representing to a new day & location 3/17 - 1. Bougainvilla Hotel grounds, Finca Mirador Quetzales & Savegre Mountain Lodge 3/18 - 2. Savegre Mountain Lodge 3/19 - 3. Savegre Mtn. Lodge / Timberline stop / Villa Lapas in PM 3/20 - 4. Carara National Park / Tarquoles River 3/21 - 5. Villa Lapas / Route / Solimar and Orotina 3/22 - 6. Ensenada / Route to Arenal 3/23 - 7. Arenal and surrounding area 3/24 - 8. Arenal in Am / Route / Selva Verde in PM 3/25 - 9. La Selva OTS all day 3/26 - 10. Selva Verde / Waterfall Gardens 3/27 - 11. Selva Verde and route to Torteguero 3/28 - 12. Tortuguero National Park & Laguna Lodge 3/29 - 13. Laguna Lodge in AM / Tortuguero’s waterways

In some cases the corresponding letter was used as to location on the day the bird was observed. Final numbers for the group - 384 observed + 10 (H) heard only = 394 total

Back row: Tour Leaders Lisa Myers & Paco Madrigal, Dale Jordan, Jan Lasteen, Lars-Olof Johansson, Lyle York, Cathy Priest & O’Brien Young. Moving forward: Margot Rawlins, Betty Andres, Our wonderful driver Carlos, Sandy Calgher, Anita Johansson, Jane Jordan & Caitlin Robinson.

Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ORDER: DIDELPHIMORPHIA DIDELPHIDAE - American Opossums Woolly Opossum X Virginia Opossum X PROCYONIDAE Crab Eating Raccoon X

CHEESEMANS' ECOLOGY SAFARIS20800 Kittredge Road, Saratoga, California, 95070-6322, USA

telephone: 408-741-5330, 800-527-5330fax: 408-741-0358, email:



South AmericaCentral America




Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Northern Raccoon X ORDER: CHIROPTERA (BATS) Unidentified Bats X X X X X X X Tent-making Bat (Uroderma libbatum) X X White-lined Sac-winged Bat (trunk of tree over water) X X ORDER: PRIMATES CEBIDAE (NEW WORLD MONKEYS) White-faced Capuchin Monkey X X X Mantled Howler Monkey X X H X X X X Spider Monkey X X X ORDER: XENARTHA BRADYPODIDAE Three-toed Sloth X X Hoffman’s Two-toed Sloth X X MYRMECOPHAGIDAE Northern Tamandua (sleeping in a tree) X ORDER: CARNIVORA PROCYONIDAE White-nosed Coati X X X X MUSTELIDAE River Otter X X ORDER: ARTIODACTYLA TAYASSUIDAE Collared Peccary X X CERVIDAE White-tailed Deer R ORDER: RODENTIA SCIURIDAE Variegated Squirrel B X Chestnut (Red-tailed) Squirrel X X Unidentified Mouse X ERETHIZONTIDAE Mexican (Prehensile-tailed) Porcupine X DASYPROCTIDAE Agouti X ORDER: LAGOMORPHA Dice’s Cottontail X X REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS Water Snake (Clelia) x Unidentified Snake along trail X Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) X X Caiman crocodilus (small caiman) X Ctenosaura (Black Iguana) X Iguana (Iguana iguana) X X X X Green Spiny Tail Lizard X X Basilisk Lizard (Jesus Christ Lizard) X X Rhinoclemmys funera-Black River Turtle X X Dendrobates auratus (black & bright green Dart Frog) X X X Red Eyed Tree Frog X Eleutherodactylus diastema (Tink Frog) H H H H Red and Blue Poison Dart Frog X Cane Toad - Bufa marinus X X X X Gecko (Out at night near our rooms) X


Birds seen on our 2008 trip to Costa Rica Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TINAMIDAE Little Tinamou H H Great Tinamou H X H ANATIDAE Black-bellied Whistling-Duck S Muscovy Duck P Mallard S S CRACIDAE Gray-headed Chachalaca X A A R Crested Guan V R A A Black Guan X Great Curassow H A X PODICIPEDIDAE Least Grebe A PELECANIDAE Brown Pelican E E T X PHALACROCORACIDAE Neotropical Cormorant (Olivacious) T ANHINGIDAE Anhinga T S X T X X FREGATIDAE Magnificent Frigatebird T R E X ARDEIDAE Fasciated Tiger-Heron X Bare-throated Tiger-Heron V P S S X T X X Yellow-crowned Night-Heron T X X Black-crowned Night Heron T Boat-billed Heron T X Cattle Egret R R X R R P A T X X Green Heron T S R T X X Little Blue Heron T E X X X X Tricolored Heron T S T X Snowy Egret T S R X X X X Great Egret S E R X Great Blue Heron S E R X X Agami (Chestnut-bellied) Heron! T THRESKIORNITHIDAE Green Ibis T White Ibis T S R Roseate Spoonbill V T X CICONIIDAE Wood Stork T X X R Jabiru S CATHARTIDAE Turkey Vulture X X X X X X X X X X X X X Black Vulture X X X X X X X X X X X X X King Vulture T PANDIONIDAE Osprey S S T X X T


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ACCIPITRIDAE Hook-billed Kite S American Swallow-tailed Kite M S X X R X X White-Tailed Kite R S X Snail Kite S Double-toothed Kite X X Plumbeous Kite R X R Gray-headed Kite T Semiplumbeous Hawk X Black-chested Hawk (Barred Hawk) Common Black Hawk X Black-collared Hawk Harris’ Hawk (Bay Winged) S Gray Hawk X Roadside Hawk X Broad-winged Hawk X X X X R Short-tailed Hawk X X Swainson’s Hawk R Zone-tailed Hawk T Red-tailed Hawk X X R Mangrove Black Hawk T Black Hawk-Eagle W FALCONIDAE Crested Caracara R X Yellow-headed Caracara T Laughing Falcon T Collared Forest-Falcon S Merlin S R Bat Falcon X X ARAMIDAE Limpkin S T RALLIDAE Gray-necked Wood-Rail A Purple Gallinule S HELIORNITHIDAE Sungrebe X EURYPYGIDAE Sunbittern X CHARADRIIDAE Lesser Golden-Plover Black-belled Plover S Killdeer S Collared Plover T X RECURVIROSTRIDAE Black-necked Stilt T S S T BURHINIDAE Double-striped Thick-Knee S R SOLOPACIDAE Whimbrel T S X Lesser Yellowlegs S X Willet S


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Spotted Sandpiper V C R X S X Marbled Godwit S Ruddy Turnstone T E Short-billed Dowitcher S Western Sandpiper T S Semipalmated Sandpiper S Stilt Sandpiper S Least Sandpiper T S JACANIDAE Northern Jacana T S R X X X LARIDAE Laughing Gull R R X X Royal Tern T T T T COLUMBIDAE Rock Pigeon X X R R Band-tailed Pigeon X X Pale-vented Pigeon R R X Red-billed Pigeon B X X X X H Ruddy Pigeon S H Short-billed Pigeon H X X White-winged Dove E Common-Ground Dove R E Ruddy Ground-Dove R R Inca Dove B X R R White-tipped Dove X X R Gray-chested Dove H X X PSITTACIDAE Great Green Macaw X Scarlet Macaw F P Crimson-fronted Parakeet R Olive-throated Parakeet X Orange-fronted Parakeet T S E Sulfur-winged Parakeet S Orange-chinned Parakeet V E F Brown-hooded Parrot A T X White-crowned Parrot R A S X White-fronted Parrot S E A Red-lored Parrot P A Yellow-naped Parrot H Mealy Parrot X X S X X CUCULIDAE Squirrel Cuckoo H R H X X Groove-billed Ani V X X X R X X X X STRIGIDAE Pacific Screech-Owl E E Vermiculated Screech-Owl H Tropical Screech Owl B Spectacled Owl S Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl E Black-and-White Owl X NYCTIBIIDAE


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Great Potoo X CAPRIMULGIDAE Short-tailed Nighthawk X Lesser Nighthawk S Dusky Nightjar S Common Pauraque H R H A S H APODIDAE Black Swift X White-collared Swift S S X V A R X T X Vaux’s Swift S S Gray-rumped Swift X X R X Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift S X T TROCHILIDAE Bronzy Hermit X Band-tailed Barbthroat X Green Hermit X X Stripe Throated (Little) Hermit V X X X X Scaly-breasted Hummingbird V Violet Sabrewing X White-necked Jacobin X R X Brown Violet-ear X X Green Violet-ear S S S X Violet-headed Hummingbird X R Black-crested Coquette X Green Thorntail X X Fork-tailed Emerald X X X Fiery-throated Hummingbird M Blue-throated Goldentail (Not counted) D Blue-chested Hummingbird X Steely-vented Hummingbird V Cinnamon Hummingbird E X Rufous-tailed Hummingbird B V X A X X X Black-bellied Hummingbird X Coppery-headed Emerald (endemic) X Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer (Red footed) X Snowcap X Purple-throated Mountain-Gem X White Throated Mountain Gem S S S Green-crowned Brilliant X Magnificent Hummingbird S S S X Volcano Hummingbird S T X Scintillant Hummingbird S X TROGONIDAE Resplendent Quetzal M S Slaty-tailed Trogon X X Baird’s Trogan A Collared Trogon X Black-headed Trogon S E Orange-bellied Trogon X Black-throated Trogon A S Violaceous Trogon T X X H


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ALCEDINIDAE Ringed Kingfisher V T V P T X X Belted Kingfisher T S Amazon Kingfisher T V S X S X X Green Kingfisher V T X S X Green-and-rufous Kingfisher X American Pygmy Kingfisher T X MOMOTIDAE Broad-billed Motmot X X Turquoise-browed Motmot V T R X Blue-crowned Motmot B X BUCCONIDAE White-necked Puffbird H Pied Puffbird X White-Whiskered Puffbird A RAMPHASTIDAE Emerald Toucanet S X Collared Araçari S L T X Fiery-billed Araçari A Keel-billed Toucan X X H X X X X Chestnut-mandibled Toucan V X V H X X X H X PICIDAE Acorn Woodpecker S S S Black-cheeked Woodpecker X X X X X X Hoffmann’s Woodpecker B V X X X Hairy Woodpecker M Smoky-brown Woodpecker X Golden-olive Woodpecker S Cinnamon Woodpecker X Rufous-winged Woodpecker X Chestnut-colored Woodpecker X X Lineated Woodpecker T X Pale-billed Woodpecker (Dos Golpes) V X X PASSERIFORMIES FURNARIIDAE Red-faced Spinetail X Ruddy Treerunner M S Plain Xenops P V DENDROCOLAPTIDAE Olivaceous Woodcreeper X Wedge-billed Woodcreeper X Northern Barred Woodcreeper S X Buff Throated (Cocoa) Woodcreeper P H Black-striped Woodcreeper H Spotted Woodcreeper V X A A T Spot-crowned Woodcreeper M S THAMNOPHILIDAE Fasciated Antshrike A Black-hooded Antshrike P H Streak-crowned Antvireo A (Western) Slaty Anshrike X H


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Slaty Antwren P Dusky Antbird A Spotted Antbird P Chestnut-backed Antbird P V H FORMICARIIDAE Black-faced Antthrush P Thicket Antpitta H H H Streak Chested Antpitta H RHINOCRYPTIDAE Silvery-fronted Tapaculo S TYRANNIDAE Black Phoebe S R X R Long-tailed Tyrant R X Scissor-tailed Flycatcher E E Tropical Kingbird B S S T X R X X X X X X X Eastern Kingbird X X Piratic Flycatcher H X X White-ringed Flycatcher X Boat-billed Flycatcher S S Bright-rumped Attila X H X Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher X Streaked Flycatcher V E Gray-capped Flycatcher V X V X X Social Flycatcher V X V X X X X X X X X Great Kiskadee X R T X X H X X X X X X Rufous Mourner X Panama Flycatcher T Great Crested Flycatcher X Dusky-capped Flycatcher H R X Tropical Pewee X Dark Pewee S S Yellow-bellied Flycatcher V X Yellowish Flycatcher S Black-capped Flycatcher S S Tufted Flycatcher S X Royal Flycatcher P Yellow-margined Flycatcher X Common Tody-Flycatchar V V X X X Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant X Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant X Torrent Tyrannulet P S X Yellow-bellied Elaenia X X X K Mountain Elaenia S S Palty (Mistletoe) Tyrannulet X X Brown Capped Tyrannulet H Olive-striped Flycatcher X Ochre-bellied Flycatcher X COTINGIDAE Snowy Cotinga X Bare-necked Umbrellabird! X Yellow-billed Cotinga T


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PIPRIDAE Red-capped Manakin X Long-tailed Manakin E Orange-collared Manakin P V White-collared Manakin (L= lek) L H INCERTAESEDIS Barred Becard V Cinnamon Becard T E X White-winged Becard X Rose-throated Becard E Masked Tityra V R X X X Black-crowned Tityra X VIREONIDAE Rufous-browed Peppershrike T Yellow-Winged Vireo S V Yellow-throated Vireo T Red-eyed Vireo X Philadelphia Vireo S Scrub Greenlet X Lesser Greenlet P X CORVIDAE White-throated Magpie-Jay E E R Brown Jay H V X V R X R X HIRUNDINIDAE Gray-breasted Martin T X R X X Cliff Swallow E Barn Swallow X R T R E X Southern Rough-wing Swallow X X X X X Northern Rough-wing Swallow V T X Blue-and-white Swallow B S S X X X Mangrove Swallow T R R X X X TROGLODYTIDAE Band-backed Wren X X Rufous-naped Wren (nesting) X P E E Plain Wren B Rufous-and-White Wren X Striped-breasted Wren A Bay Wren H X H Riverside Wren H H V Black-throated Wren H H X Rufous-breasted Wren X House Wren B V X X X White breasted Wood-Wren H X Grey breasted Wood-Wren S X Ochraceous Wren S S CINCLIDAE S X American Dipper SYLVIIDAE White-lored Gnatcatcher M Tropical Gnatcatcher S TURDIDAE


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 White-throated Robin X X Clay-colored Robin X X X X X X X X X X X X X Mountain Robin M S Sooty Robin S T R Black-faced Solitaire S S H Wood Thrush H R Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush H Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush X Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush S S Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush M S S MIMIDAE Gray Catbird (quick spot) X Tropical Mockingbird R PTILOGONATIDAE Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher X S R Black and yellow Silky Flycatcher X PARULIDAE Black-and-white Warbler M S Golden-winged Warbler S Tennessee Warbler S S X P X Orange-crowned Warbler Flame-throated Warbler S S Yellow Warbler B V V X X Mangrove Yellow Warbler T X Black-throated Green Warbler S S S X Yellow-rumped Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler S V X X X X S X X Northern Waterthrush A Louisiana Waterthrush S Kentucky Warbler (Paco had a quick look) X Olive-crowned Yellowthroat X Wilson’s Warbler S S S X Slate-throated Redstart X Collared Redstart S S Black-cheeked Warbler M S Buff-rumped Warbler V X X COEREBIDAE Bananaquit X X X THRAUPIDAE Emerald Tanager X Speckled Tanager H Silver-throated Tanager S X Golden-hooded Tanager V X X X Bay-headed Tanager X Spangled-cheeked Tanager S Green Honeycreeper X X X X X Red-legged Honeycreeper V X V R X X Shining Honeycreeper X X X Scarlet-thighed Dacnis X X X Blue-Gray Tanager B S V V V X X X X X X X X Palm Tanager V V X X X X X X


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Passerinis Tanager (Atlantic slope) R X X X X X X X Crimson-collared Tanager X X Summer Tanager S V R X X X S X Hepatic Tanager X Scarlet Tanager X D Flame-colored Tanager B S B Olive Tanager X Red-throated Ant-Tanager X X X X Gray-headed Tanager P Black-and-yellow Tanager X Common Bush-Tanager S X Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager M S EMBERIZIDAE Variable Seedeater V R C R X X R X White-collared Seedeater S Nicaraguan Seed-Finch – Pink Billed R Thick-billed Seed-Finch R Yellow-faced Grassquit S R X Slaty Flowerpiercer S S S Sooty-faced Finch W Yellow-thighed Finch M S C Large-footed Finch M T Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch J X Stripe-headed Brush-Finch Orange-billed Sparrow A C X S Black-striped Sparrow X A White-eared Ground-Sparrow B Stripe-headed Sparrow S E Rufous-collared Sparrow X X X C X R X Volcano Junco X CARDINALIDAE Black-headed Saltator X Buff-throated Saltator S X Grayish Saltator B Black-faced Grosbeak X Slate-colored Grosbeak S Black-thighed Grosbeak S Rose-breasted Grosbeak B S V X Blue Grosbeak (Only Paco & Carlos) P Blue-black Grosbeak A X J ICTERIDAE Chestnut-headed Oropendola X Montezuma Oropendola X X R X X X X X X X Scarlet-rumped Caçique X Bronzed Cowbird B R X R Giant Cowbird X Great-tailed Grackle R R X X X X X X X X X Black-cowled Oriole R X T X Yellow-tailed Oriole X Baltimore (Nothern) Oriole X S V X X E X X X X X X X Red Breasted Blackbird R X


Common Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Streaked-backed Oriole E X Red-winged Blackbird H S Melodious Blackbird E Eastern Meadowlark R R E FRINGILLIDAE Golden-browed Chlorophonia M W Tawny-capped Euphonia X Scrub Euphonia E Yellow-crowned Euphonia X Yellow-throated Euphonia V L V E X X Olive-backed Euphonia X X T X Yellow Bellied Siskin S S PASSERIDAE House Sparrow X X X

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