malvern daily record - saturday, december 22, 2018 - 1b ... · how do your raindeer fly? santa can...

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Brittany Clement’s Second Grade - Bismarck

Dear Santa,How do you make your

reindeer go? I will give you a soda and I’ll make M and M cookies on Christmas Eve. I want a real puppy, I want my mom to be happy on Christmas Eve and I want a real Iphone X. Thank you for giving us presents and I love you Santa.

Love, Kynley

Dear Saint Nick,How do you fly around

the world in one night? Twinkle wrote me a mote that said “I’m back”. I want my mom and dad to feel good on Christmas. For Christmas I want a real pup-py, a real kitty, and a real unicorn.

Love, Avery Farell

Dear Santa,How are your elves

doing? Can I have a hot Wheels track, a drade, and a rock climber! I have been goob. I will save some cook-ies for you.

Love, Logan

Dear Santa,How are you doing san-

ta? I want my mom to have a Breyers horse and for me a real tablet and a real com-puter. you can choose the rest santa I love you!

Love, Ava

Dear Santa, How do yoru elves make

the toy? I will make cookies for you. I want an Ameri-can Girl Doll. Can I have a phone for christmas. and a another cat? That is all that I want. Merry Christmas!

Love, Haidyn

Dear Santa,How do your raindeer

fly? Santa can you please give me the lol palase. San-ta please give my mom a stuffed animal. And Santa I wish you a marry Chrish-mas!!!!!

Love, Emily

Dear Santa,How are your rainberr?

How old are Santa? I want a robot, a fish, and a football. How are your elves? Have a merry Christmas!

Love, Rayden

Dear Santa,Can you make any kind

of toy a kid wishes for? I will leave you something. Can I have a blastbord that flies in the air, and a art kit, and a pair of rolerblades. I love you.

your frind, Kamryn

Dear Santa,I want to have a morf

bord and a R.C. car. I allso wood like a 7 week old lab. Where will you get the lab from. I’ve been relly good Merry Christmas!

Your friend, Bryson

Dear Santa,Does Mrs. Claus bake

cookies? I will leave cook-ies on Christmas Eve. I want a real puppy, a toy fresh markit, and a real iphone 7 plus in gold pink. Thank you for giving us presents.

your frinend, Montana

Dear Santa, Santa how do you fly in

the sky? H does Rudolph’s noes glow? I want a talking dumey named slapy for Christmas.

Love, Clarke

Dear Sant,How is your magic made?

Do your riandeer galup in midair? Is Rudolph a real reindeer? Santa can I have a morfboard and a miey arcade.

Love, Fletcher

Dear Santa,How do elves make toys?

I will leave a Yoo Hoo and cookies for you. I want a morf bord, a luvabella doll, and a pet fish. I hope I have a merry Christmas!

your friend, Kacey

Dear Santa, How are your elves do-

ing? Can I have a morf board and play-doh. I will leave you something. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Love your Friend, Sydney

Dear Santa,How is Mrs. Claus? I will

leave you christmas cookies. I want my mommy to have a better life, a real iphone x in rose gold, and a real horse. Merry Christmas!

Love, Tenlee

Dear Santa, Will I get an elf. I want

one. I want 1,000 baseball cards, 100 hat pins, and 3 baseball card albums. I hope you a safe trip! Thank you Bye.

Love, Stetson

Dear Santa,How is Rudolph the red

nose reindeer? I will leave you some cookies and milk. I want a hoverboard, two packs of hatchimals, and also a smart watch I hope you have a merry christmas.

Love, Eva

Dear Santa, how are you maigc? I

want for Christmas is a bun-ny, crafts, and some jewelry. Santa Claus, you do so much for us! I hope you have a good chrirstmas!

Love you friend, Kinnley

Dear Santa,How are your reindeer?

I will leave you cookies and milk on christmas Eve. I Want A toy car. Can I have a hover-board and A toy train? Thank you for giving us toys. Merry christmas!

Love, Rhett

Dear Santa,How is Rudolph? I will

leave You carrots, cookies and a coke. All I want for Christ-mas is a tackling dummy, a puppy, and a morfboard. Mer-ry Christmas!

Love your freind, Tyten

Dear Santa, How do raindeer fly? I

will leav carrots on Christ-mas Eve. I want a real horse. I want my dada’s elbow to be better. Can I have an Ameri-can girl doll. You live in my heart.

Love your friend, Maddie Ann Hill

Dear Santa,For Christmas I want a

WWE set. Then I want doll wresk a wresting ring. I also want a police set bring me a dirt bike and an XBOX 360 with a hemoter and a GTA I would also like a shark video.

Love, Conner

Dear Santa,I want a remote control

hummingbird. I also want a real guitar. I want a real ring in a box for my girlfriend. I also want a basketball play-ing dinosaur. Please bring me these things.

Love, Remington

Dear Santa, I am sorry to interrupt you

but I just want to tell you a couple of things befor I tell you what I want for Christ-mas. Is it ok if I can have a picture of you and Rudolph together? Please tell Mrs. Claus and the elves hi. Now, I would like to tell you what I want I wnat a snuggles little live pet and a barate. I would also like an easel with paper, paint, and markers. I would like to tell you Merry Christ-mas and Happy New Year!

Love your little girl, Zoey

Mrs. Allsup’s Class

Dear Santa,Hi Santa how are you do-

ing? I am doing good and I have been good this year. To-day is my birthday I am now 9. Christmas is this year and I want some over size hood-ies to wear in the cold cold weather. I want one more dog for me my brother has one and want one too. I will name GANDOFT!!!!!! I also want a rose gold phone. I want a cat too a baby cat I will name it RANDOFT!!!!!

Your friend, Zoey S.

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I’m

excited because I like Christ-mas. Santa I want for Christ-mas this year is a hover board and a PS4. Then I want a book about football. Can I get a jacket from the Rams num-ber 30 and a RC car and a di-nosaur that is in an a bag that you open and it has slime in side the bag. There is a dino-saur and you build it so can I have it for Christmas?

Your friend, Parker Hughes

Dear Santa,Hello how are you today?

I’ve been thinking how ar the elves? Has Rudolph been treated fairly? Anyway, I ha-ven’t put up my tree but I am really excited for Christmas. All I would like this year are only three things I would like for Christmas a gaint unicorn, bean-bag, and art supplies. I hope you have a great Christ-mas.

Your buddy, Lena

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I

am doing good. Here are the things I want for Christmas. I went a series of books called Amulet. 2. I want some bin-oculars. I hope you send me an elf this year. Do you ever get sick or get a cold in the North Pole? Is is cold in the North Pole? Thanks for get-ting me books or binoculars for Christmas. Thank you for answering my questions.

Your friend, Connor

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I’ve

been trying to be good this year Santa. Santa this year I want to as for not that much. There are to things I want for Christmas. The first thing I want is Nintendo. Santa I want that because I want to play with my brother more often. So when I get a Ninten-do that means I can play with him. The second this is I want you to try but I don’t think you can do it. The thing I want is I want you to write a note to my dad. The note is about to tell him to stop smoking. If you can do this would mean the world to me. One more thing Santa, how are you doing in the North Pole? I can’t wait till next year.

From Henry

Dear Santa, I hope you are well. I have

been working really hard at school. At my house I am say-ing my manners a lot, and my parents really like that a lot. Sometimes my brother and sister copy me. I want this camera that is light pink, me and mom saw it at Wal-Mart. I would love to have a phone or at least an I-pod. Now I only want like two more things. I would also love to have grownup art supplies, like paint and all of that, may-be even with paint book. The last thing I want for Christmas is a lap-top, because I already have a tablet. Only one game works on my tablet. The most thing I want for Christmas is defintely that camera, and if there is no more pink, I would be okay to have the light blue camera.

Your friend, Zoe E. Nun-ley

Dear Santa, How are you? I’ve work

hard at school and at home. I’ve tried to stop yelling at my sister, but she makes me mad. What can I do? Can I lock myself in my room? I loved the hoverbord you got my last year. This year I want a lim-ited edition PS4, Madden 14, and Fortnite.

Your friend, Brayden

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I’ve

been getting the best grades you can get in 3rd grade. I re-all like the watch you gave me last year, but the band broke. So I would like a new one. I like all the bowties I have but I would like a camo one. I re-ally like the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and I would like the series including the new one. I love Huskies and Bea-gles, so maybe you could give me one or the other. I know you have a lot of things going on this time of year, but if you can just give me one of those dogs I would be really happy. I promise I will take care of it all by myself. I hope you have a safe trip and for every thing last year.

Your buddy, Sawyer

Dear St. Nick,Why haven’t you been

sending our family an elf!? Everyone else gets an elf why don’t we?! Every year Stetson & I are disapointed. Moving on! Anyway I don’t really care what I get for Christ-mas this year. But if we do get an elf pleas send him or her ASAP!!!! I’ll leave milk & cookies for you, carrots for the reindeer, & I’ll try to leave chips if my parents let me, and I’ll leave a variety of chips take them all if you’d like!! :)) for some of your elves. Ho, Ho, Ho!, Merry Christmas Santa Claus!!!!! :):):) (P.S. tell me how Mrs. Claus is doing!) (P.S.S. Thank you for all the gift last year! :)

Sincerely, Savannah L Harris

Dear Santa,How are you and the elves

doing? I have been helping my mom and dad with my seven month old baby brother Laiden. I helped my dad put the decorations up last night. I’ve been thinking you could suprise me with what I get for Christmas. I will leave you double chocolate cook-ies and milk on Christmas. There is on thing I want most for Christmas. An Elf on the Shelf girl.

Your friend, Makiyah

Dear Santa,I been good, at least I

think I’ve been. I have a few questions for you, how have you lived all these years, how fast does your slay have to go to give all those people pres-ents, and how many eleves do you have. I love that chrome-book you brought me last year. these are things I want this Chrismas. A Xbox 1 con-troller chargeable battery and charger, a new tablet, and a puppy. Just kidding I actual-ly want Just Cause 4. Have a safe fly here.

Your friend, Preston

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’m

fine. How are your elves? Are they doing good at building? I think my elf is doing fine. I think he likes my milk and cookies too. I’ve been work-ing to, on my Chrismas tree and decorations. I wish I could see you. But I know I can’t and I never will. But I like the Ipad you got me last year. This year I want a nin-tendo switch, and a remote control car. I can’t remember the rest of the stuff. Thank you Santa.

Your friend, Cash

Dear Santa,I hope you’re doing well

this year. I’ve been work-ing hard in 3rd grade and at home too. I love the the elf you gave me this year. Ev-ery night when I go to bed my elf moves every time. I’m so excited for Christmas this year and i hope you are too. I hope you’re not busy with Mrs. Clause If your not I would like a football and a Xbox game. I still don’t have one yet. My brother got a PS4 last Christmas. He loves it so much. I will leave you three cookies and one glass of milk.

Your friend, Reid

Dear Santa,Why does everyone have

an elf? This year I try so hard to get all my work done I only have work sheets left. You know when I was talking about the elf. ya so I’ve al-ways wanted an elf all my life because my class always gets an elf please get me an elf and one of the books that goes with the elf. Can it be a girl? What kind of cookies do you eat? I eat chocolate chip cookies I hope you get the next note I give you and the things I give you. I hope you have the best MERRY CHRISTMAS EVER!

Your friend, Odessa

Malvern Daily Record - Saturday, December 22, 2018 - 1B

Letters To Santa

Dear Santa,How are you doing. I hope

you barley any bad kids this year. Can I ask you a favor? I want you to tell my elf Tippy to hide in very silly places. It is probably hard being you, but if you don’t mind I want to get something for my little brother. Can you get my little brother a nerf gun? What I want for Christmas is a Hat-chamal and a toy robot cat. I also want an American Girl doll stuff. I hope you have a safe trip home.

Your friend, Elizabeth

Dear Santa,What have you been do-

ing? I haven’t been doing that well. First at the be-ginning of the year my big brother Eric moved in. Now my mom is in Oklahoma for a month. The elves have been acting wierd they aren’t them selves. You might be won-dering what I want, I don’t really care. But to give you an idea I have been really in to the star latly. Animation too, it’s very cool to watch. Thank you for listening.

Love, Aislin Smith

Dear Santa,Is it hard going down the

chimneys? Santa I wish that you could help my mom with courts. I wish for you to be safe on Christmas eve. All I am wanting is a phone, a charger, a box, and a com-puter. Thanks for the stuff from last year I loved them. One wish is for you to drink water sometimes just so you won’t ge dehydrated. I want you to stay healthy over win-ter. I love eating carrots just like the reindeer Santa.

Your friend, Jayden Rod-den

Dear Santa,What are you doing to-

day? I been good in class an been good at home too. I helped my mom make food for us and my brother. I have been loving your toys that you gave me and my brother loved your toys too. I will tell you about the Grinch Story he was little with no people with him he hated Christmas because he had no people at his house. He was all that was in the house. That’s why he hated Christmas. Santa I would like a my little pony. I will make you cookies and milk. I will put it on the ta-ble. I hope like it Santa. I will love you for ever.

From your friend, Shaylen Allen

Dear Santa,What kind of cookies do

you like. Is it the icing one or the plain one. I’ve cleaned up my room with my mom help. I help my Dad get his charger. I’m super super su-per excited for Christmas this year. Last year I loved the twin baby dolls and the the clothes. I doesn’t need that much if you aren’t that busy I would like a kitten milk toy and some Toll dolls. Also may I have a Hot pock please? I also would like some more Barbie dolls and some more cothing please. P.S. If it is not too much to ask how many elf do you have? Is there 500 or is there less or more.

Yor Best friend, Irelynn H.

Dear Santa,How are you and your

reindeer? I’ve been really good. I’ve been doing my work at school and I’ve been doing my chores at home too. I try to help anyone I can. Will you bring me a phon if you’re not to busy? I don’t need much because I got a lot of stuff last year like a ball and a big thing of legos. Santa I would like to know what is your favorite cookie is because I am go-ing to leave you milk and cookies. I would also like to know what would you want me to leave white or choco-late milk? I hope you like the milk and cookies. I hope you are careful on the trip around the world love you Santa good bye

Your friend, Jonathon

Dear Santa, How are you doing I

worked hard so much on the dishes. I have been good. I want for christmas this year is a dirt bike and a computer. I hope you can give me these things. I love you santa. I hope you have a safe trip. I hope you be safe so you can give me the presents. I want a bell on your sleigh. I am so excited for christmas.

Your friend, Nichole Strawn

Dear Santa, I have been good at school

and working really hard. I been good for my mom and dad helping my mom. santa I hope you have a great day at the North pole. Have fun at work. I hope the Elves have fun at the North pole and have a great day. Santa I think you’re the best and smart.

Your Friend, Abbie Clark

Dear Santa,How are you doing to-

day? I’ve been working re-ally hard at school. I have been trying to help out at my house. I love all of the things that you got me. For Christ-mas I would love to have a hover board, a tablet, and a new green bike. That is all the things I want for Chist-mas. Have a saf flight, and be careful.

Your friend, Clayton

Dear Santa,How are the elves doing?

I’m doing very well. I’ve not touched my elf yet and I named him Jingles. Santa your probably to busy to get a lot done at the North pole. I have not put up my tree yet, but I will. I don’t really want anything but I just want one specal thing and that thing is a scooter. I hope you won’t mind if we don’t put any cookies and milk out this year. P.S. I hope you can get everyones toys before time runs out. P.S. I’m not not greedy.

Love your friend, Mak-enzie

Dear Santa,Hi how are you doing to-

day? I am doing fine. I have been working really hard at home and school. I make my bed every night. I am so ex-cited for Christmas this year! I loved the toys you gave me last year. I do not want much, but I would like a barkbed and a computer please. I wil leav you some milk and cookies. I hope you like then. I hope you have a safe trip. Thank you Santa.

Love, Molly

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I’ve

been good and working in school. I have been trying to help my mom at home. I am super excited for Christmas this year. I love my lego you brought me last year. I don’t need much this year but I would like a new tablet this year. I will leave milk and cookies on the table. I hope you have a safe trip Santa. I love you Santa.

Your friend, Cameron

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I’ve

been working hard at home and school. I love chores for my house and school. I like the nerf gun and trampoline you got me last year. This year I want an Xbox one, comput-er, Fornite, bedding set. Ru-dolph the red nose reindeer is my favorite reindeer of all I really want a bell from him. I love the elves. How do you fly aroun around the world in one day. I will leav milk and cookies. PS. What is yor fa-vorite.

Your friend, Noah Alfred

Dear Santa,I hope you are doing great.

I’m doing just fine. I’ve been working really, really hard in school. I even tested in 7th grade level! I also took care of our 22 rabbits for a week. I have a question. How do the reindeer not get tired? Any-way, I loved the bow and ar-row you got for me last year. I don’t need much this year, but I would like it if you’d bring me a bat. There is milk in the fridge and I’ll ask mom to make cookies. Bye! I love you!

Your friend, Peter K.

Dear Santa,Are you doing well? I’ve

been trying to be good. I have done what what my par-ents told me to do and I did it. I also have been good at school. I went and watched How the Grinch Stole Christ-mas. It was a good movie. We put up blow ups and a Christ-mas tree. Can you seed coco back please and thank you? We are hanging up stockings. We are so happy for you to come this year. I only want two things for Christmas this year because I have enough. The two things I want Christ-mas is a phone and a lap top. I will leave you cookies and milk. Thank you Santa!

Your friend, Cheyenne

Dear Santa,How are your elves and

reindeer? I have been work-ing very hard at school and at home. I’m very happy that Christmas is almost here. I love my drones from last years Christmas. I know you are busy, but if it is okay, I would like an X-box if that is possible. Do you like choco-late chip cookies and milk? I really hope you like the choc-olate chip cookies. I hope you have a safe trip around the world. I really like you Santa

your friend, Cody Norris

Deer Santa,How are your reindeer?

I have been trying my har-diest to be good this year. I have been doing my chores at home. I am ready for Christ-mas to be here. I am happy for the toys I got last year. This year I only want a cou-ple of toys. This year I a baby alive that comes with clothes, food, diapers, wipes, and a baby carrier. And I want a Bismarck Cheer leader outfit with pom poms and a bow. The last thing I want for Christmas is a Luna putuna doll with the necklace. I will leave you some cookies and milk.

Serenity Callahan

Mrs. Mann’s Third Grade

Dear Santa,Say hi to the reindeer for

me and hi Santa. I play with my sisters. For chrisnas I would like Bendy and the ink machine, Lego Bendy set, FNaf costume, I need lock for my door, and cameras, light up shoes, I hope you have a merry Christmas

You friend Asher

Dear Santa,How have you been do-

ing? Is Mrs. Claus still there? I hope you are staying warm. for Christmas this year, bey blade. I would also like would also like Valtryek. I hope you have a merry christmas.

Your friend, Alex

Dear Santa,I know you’re busy, but

I need you to read my letter! Thank you for the money last year. Tell Chris the elf, Ru-dolf, Vixen, and Mrs Claus I said hi, I have a few request for you. My first request is that all the children have christmas cheer! My second request is that the kids that have bad days have good days. My final request is that I get a zoomer playful pup, that has pink ears and a pink bow. I know I already have a dog, but there’s somthing dif-fent about this one! Santa I’ll let you get back to work now. Thanks for taking the time to read my letter!

Your friend, Haven

Dear Santa,I would like to speek with

you. First off, tell Mrs Clause and Frosty the Snowman hi Now Santa I would like to tell you Christmas Eve is coming soon and I still have no clue what to get my sister. I would like you to help. I would like for Christmas a little live pet cat and I would like you to give my brother a couple of things. I know that you know that I may have been bad. but I’m working on it. I hope you have a good time every year oh and tell Rudoph that he is the best!

Best wishes, Madison

Dear Santa, I love you with all my

heart. I hope you will get me toys this year and I hope I’m on the Nice List. And also for Christmas, I would love a tab-let, kidizoom watch, and a go cart without bycicle peddles, and with a dds peddle. on the table, I will give you cook-ies and milk. I’ll even get you a present. You’ve done so much work for everyone in the world. You’re the best person anyone oculd have. I want to say hi to you and Ms. Clause and ruddlph and the others. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Happy holidays, Jaxen Lunsford

Dear Santa,I am sure you are busy

making toys for the boys and girls, so I will try not to make this too long. I think i should be on the nice list beause I bring my work back on time at school. What I want for christmas is Madden 19, hoverboard, ripstick, ninten-do switch, and a really soft blanket. Thank you for giving boys and girls present every year. Thank you for working so hard just for us. I hope you fly saftley and tell rudolph and Mrs. Clause I said hi. I hope your reindeer don’t lost their magic on the way here.

Your friend, Cayden

Dear Santa,I know you a verry bussy

so I’ll try to keep it short, if it isn’t please don’t get mad at me. I relly hope you give ev-eryone at least two presents. Santa, I was just wondering how much toys the elves make a year or how much mony you spend a year? What I want for Christmas is a Nin-tendo Swich game called Su-per Smash bros Ultumate, or I want a rowl blue bick that has red flames on it. Oh! I hope you like my chocolate balls. I hope you have a great flight and get to every single child.

Happy Holidays Gabe

Dear Santa Clause, Thank you santa for last

year’s present I will leave you some chocolate chip cookies. I do my chores and feed the dog I let him outside. Am I on the nice list? Everyone des-serves a smile on Chritmas, so can you give everyone a present even mean people. Could I have a Grich mask and a toy car that I can drive on Christmas? Can you get my father a present like new shoes and a new jaket. Could you get my mother a present to like makeup or a baby pig. I hope you have a safe drive and say hi to Rudolf for me.

Sincerely, Michael

Dear Santa,This year I got a new pup-

py named Hope, my dad got me the puppy because my parents said you can’t deliver pets. But thank you for get-ting me a iPad last year I love my iPad so much! Though I know your busy this year, so I’ll keep it short. My mom, dad, and sister said I was tak-ing good care of Hope. I feed her and play with her. One thing I would like for Christ-mas is a lol’s doll pet and also I would enjoy a lol’s jelly doll. Last thing I would enjoy is a my life doll. I hope you have a safe trip. And I hope you really enjoy my milk and cookies from me have a good Christmas.

Your friend, Kendra

Dear Santa Claus,I shurly know that you are

busy. Because you have to get ready for Christmas and make everybodys presants. I am asking for a lot of presants but I will prbly not get all of them. I hope everybody gets there presants! But befro I get to the part about my presants I would like to ask you a ques-tion are you real? Because some people have diffrent opinoins like if I was asking if they like cafitera food they would probly have a different opinon. I’ve heard that your not real but I thing you are. The presants that I would like for Christmas are a bike, fort-night exbox, elextrac scodor a new Ipad, bows, and a slime kit. I hope you have a great trip. I will leave you m & m cookies and milk.

Your truly friend, Jada

Dear Santa, I am sure you and the elf

are busy so, I will keep this short and sweet. First of all, I would like to ask you to tell Mrs. Claus and Rudolph hi for me if you can? Now I am going to show you that I dis-erve to be on the nice list. I diserve to be on the becasue I always snuggle and play with my dog before I go to bed. For Christmas Santa I would like a new bike that is like my cousin Haley’s. I would also like vantey. My last and final thing is a nintendeo switch. I hope you have a safe and sound flight on Christmas morning.

Happy Hoilidays, Katie

Dear Santa Claus,This year I hope to see

you because last Christmas I didn’t see you. There are a few things to ask you. First can you tell your elves that they are really good at mak-ing toy’s and can you tell Mrs. Claus and Rudolph I said hi? If you do come to see me, can I see your sleigh and your reindeer? Exspesha-ly Rudolph! This year I was hoping you can get me a gel pen set with a coloring book. Next, a little bit of toy’s. And a huge box of books to read. Also an Iphone X with some cases to go with it. I was also hoping to get a really really big slime kit! I don’t know if you can get me this, but I want to know if you can get me spy gadgets and one of those rings that you can de-code stuff with. And can you get me a black light. I was hoping you can maybe get me an apple watch. Thank’s for reading, Santa Claus. I hope you have a nice christmas eve and Christmas. Bye!

Your friend, Riley Holder

Dear Santa, Santa thank you for the

presents last year. I hope you are having a great day. Tell Mrs. Claus I like her. Do you have hard time feeding your reindeer. I feel I’m in the nice list because I be nice to my mom. I help my mom clean. I know your busy, but I want a hover board. I also want a computer. The last three things I want is a dirt bik, xbox 1 and a four riler. Please give kids a smile on their fac-es. The mean ones at least give them a big smile. San-ta Claus I wish you a Merry Christmas. i’m gonna leave you choclate chip cookies and milk. Have a safe trip.

Your friend, Omar

Dear Santa,Thank you for all the pres-

ents last year, but this year I can only have one. And that one is an ipod touch 6 32 GB and a fortnite case with a charger for my ipad. I know I might be on the noghty list but I just want that stuff for Christmas. One more thing that I want my mom to not be so busy because my mom is always doing everything for us. When you come bring Rudoff because I haven’t seen him yet. Have a nice ride here and back safe and be careful. If I see you, I’m going to ask if I could ride with you and help you out.

Your friend, Hunter

Dear Santa, I hope you are having a

good day. I’m having a good day. Am I on the nice list? I know your kinda busy. I’ll keep it short. I just want to thank you for that Aaren Judge card last year. That was awsome. Let me jump into the point already. I’m liv-ing with my aunt Donna this year. Can I have NBA2K19 for xbox 1. I did my choirs I cleaned my house I also did my homework. Can I also have a xobox gift card please. I just want one more thing can I have a autographed Stephen Curry basketball card you don’t have to get it but you can if you want. I hope you have a great Christmas. Mer-ry Christmas Santa

Happy Holidays, Kason

Dear Santa,I am so glad I am going

to tell you about this most amazing letter and did I tell you have most helping elves! Oh I promise I will leave you some cookies also milk, and and some carrots for the cute little Raindeer by the way how much elves do you have? did you know that I already have our Chritmas tree up also there is a santa on the top very top of the tree and a San-ta Claus on our door too. Also the things I want for Christ-mas are a new phone pleese a lol srprises and on computer apple one apple phone pleese ten beenie boos! A new ipad a new peace sign shirt and some doll clothes and that is all I want for Christmas and some pajamas by the way I wish you happy merry Christ-mas Santa I hope you have best wishes

Best wishes love, Taytum

2B - Saturday, December 22, 2018 - Malvern Daily Record

Merry Christmas!

MAGNET COVE SCHOOL DISTRICTFriendly People • Small Community • Big Hearts



Malvern Daily Record - Saturday, December 22, 2018 - 3B

Dear Santa,I am sorry for interrupt-

ing you. I know you are busy makeing toys for Christmas. Stuffed animal of Rudolph, a Rainbow dash dou a cleo de nite doll. I also want a unicorn and a speaker for music. I also need a charger for the speak-er. I have been very good this year! please tell Mrs. Claus hi for me.

Your friend, Grace Hall

Dear Santa Claus,I hope you are doing well

at the work shop. Before I start asking for presents, I would like to ask how you are doing. I hope you are doing good. I know that I have been a littil bad, but I am sorry. Now I will start asking for my presents. I would like a PS4, Fortnite, and a little bike for my baby broth-er. I could help you and the raindeer, I would like to meat rudolph and mrs. clause, and your best elf. Now I am don with my list and I hope you have a good flight and I will some good hot chocolate for you when you get here.

Happy Holiday, Seneca

Dear Santa,Before I ask you what I

want for Christmas I want make sure you have a good Christmas too. Oh and I might give you a present beside your cookies and milk. Right about my presents umm Can I please have some paint, an art set, and last some big paper to paint on. Thank you and have a very, very jolly Christmas. Thank you for reading my let-ter I know you are very, very busy getting toys and presents ready for Christmas Thank you!

Love, Alli

Dear Santa,I know you are busy, so I

am going to make this short and sweet. I do my chors when I get home. I take the trash out like I am sopost to and feed my cat. I would love to come and feed the raindeer if you ever kneed help call me. Thank you for the presents from last year. I am looking forword to this years presents. Now I want to tell you what I want for Christ-mas I want a hover bord, Bug-gti that you can’t play with, and a red byke. Santa can you say hi to Mrs. Claus and Root-dolf? Thank you for taking the time to read my letter I am going to let you go now. Now that I am done writing my let-ter. You are a hard worker on Christmas, every year. I love Christmas it is my most favor-ite time of the year.

Your friend, Jacob

Dear Santa,I have been in school for

quite some time now, and it’s starting to get so COLD! I would like to tell you I have recently won a $25 gift certif-icate for getting the most AR points in 3rd grade! I know you are probably very busy this time of year because of Christmas, so I would love to help you put in anyway I can. I have animals and I take care of them 24 hours a day! I would like the entire series of I Survived books, pink sparke-ly skates, and an art set. I hope you don’t have any trouble delivering presents to about 8 billion kids in one night!

Sincerely, Zunairah

Dear Santa, I know you are busy biuld-

ing toys for us. I hope I am on the good list. I hope this letter is sweet and quick so you can get back to work. One time I cleaned my room like my mom said and then she was very pleased. Now I am go-ing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want an electric scooter, but if my mom al-ready got it, I want a new bike. And I want also want slime ingredients. One more thing I want a go cart. I hope you have a safe trip. I am going to make chaolate chip cookies.

Happy Holiday, Grace

Dear Santa,This letter is for Santa.

When it is night please say hi to Rudulph and the others because I love them most. (Rudolph)Stay very safe. I will give you some cookie and milk like you like but what I want for Christmas is a toy that is a dinosaure the Idorapter black gold line go-ing a side. The next thing is bike any coler but not girl coler. the last thing I want is a action figure ailien. So San-ta I am going to let you get to work because I know you have a long night. I love you and see you next christmas. have a good life.

Your friend, Chris

Dear Santa,I know you are busy right

now, but I have to say some-thing. I want 5 presents. My first one is I want a white Christmas. Next, I want my family to get along. My fam-ily almost never gets along. Second, I want you Santa to prove to me that you are real on Christmas night. Fourth, I want it to be really snowy Where I can build a snow man. Fifth I want my family’s stockings to be filled. Oh and have a great night Santa!

Love, Konstance Webb

Dear Santa,Lets make this easy may I

have a five night at freed toy, a soak, a iphoun x, a shark sun teal, cheeset and 50$$ a big blanket. a toy car, a now BB gun with BB’s and a work at set and cookeys with punt-er butter in side say hi to mrs clars four me and the elves have a happy hollday marey Crissmust and good night, ps. till rudaph to stop bing a shooroff.


Dear Santa,I am sorry to interupt you

say hi for me to Rudolph mrs. Clause, and all the reindeer. Before I tell you what I want for Christmas, I have been good. Frist, I want optimus prime and mvoe. You are a good fiend. Stanta you are good to human kind.

Your friend, Kyle

Dear Santa,I hope you like my letter.

I know that you know that I am not perfect, but I try. I love you Santa. You are a hal-ly hally person. I believe that your beard is as fluffy and soft as snow. If noone new you Christmas will not be real. I really don’t need anything, but if you want to you can get me anything, anything. A small suggestion would be anything Pokemon GXes, Exes, and anything Pokeme-on that are Lengudary, and Strong Pokemon! I love you Santa, Mrs Claus, and all of your raindeer, mostly you Ru-dalph.

Cordially, Kash

Dear Santa,How are you feeling? It

must be hard work in the workhouse. I bet Mrs. Clouse is making very good cook-ies. Is there any girl raindeer in the North Pole? I bet it is fun in the North Pole! Since I have now friends at home can you bring me a lizard I’ve been a good girl this year and can I get some lps and for my mom to get a A on her test for college. That is all I want for Chrismas this year have a good Chrismas Santa and Mrs Clause and the elves.

Love, Gracelyn

Dear Santa,I know that you’re always

busy, but if you need help just give me a letter. Okay? If you need hlep on making toys I will always help you and your elves to. Santa can I please have a hoverbrub? Oh please can I?! Also, Santa can I please have a 20 lols please? My favorite lols are the dolls and the pets. Can I also get a iPhone X too. Oh please!!! Can I also get a Barbie Dream House? Oh please! I hope you have a wonderful Chirsmas.

Love, Emma

Dear Santa,I’m Andy and I am 7 years

old. I live in Bismarck, Arkan-sas. I am in 2nd grade. Thank you for the bike. I love it. I ride everyday after school. I have been good. I clean the dishes. I would like a go-cart and legos for Christmas.

Love Andy

Dear Santa,Hi my name is Khloe, and

I am 8 1/2 years old. What I would like for Christmas is a Great Dane puppy because I absolutley love dogs. I also would like a LOL Dream-house because I like to play with dolls. Thank you for all the things you gave me last year.


Dear Santa,My name is Saydee. I am

7 years old. I am in second grade. I live in Bismarck, Arkansas. Thank you for last year’s stuff that you gave me last year. For Christmas I wan a Phone and a diary with a key on it. I want the phone so I don’t have to play on my mom’s phone and I want the diary so I can write in it.


Dear Santa,My name is Hallee and I

am 8 years old. I live in Bis-marck, Arkansas. Thank you for my Barbie dolls from last year. I have been good and I have helped my mom and dad a lot. This year I really want an Apple watch because it is a watch, and I can see what time it is.

Yours Truly,Hallee

Dear Santa, My name is Anngalena

and I am eight years old. I live in Bismarck, Arkansas. Thank you for the trampoline last year. I have been very good and a little bad this year. Can you give me a X-Box One and a red horse for Christmas Please?


Dear Santa,My name is Rylan and I

am 9 years old. Thank you for the Star Wars ship last year. I have been a good boy. I help my mom sometimes. I would like some rollershakes. So I can go around the block. And I have cookies and carrots.

Your best friend,Rylan

Dear Santa,My name is Aaron, and

I’m 8 years old. I live in Bis-marck, Arkansas. Thank you for last years presents. You gave me a ninja set. I’ve been prety good this year. This year I want a BaBa Burst, and a parot so I can love it. I’ll leve the cookeys on the caunter.


Dear Santa,Hi Santa my name is Mad-

ilyn and I am 8 years old. I live in Bismarck, Arkansas. Thank you for my bike and my Roudolph toy. I have been good a lot. This year I want a Iphone Six and a laptop. I want it because if something could hapin to me I can call my mom for help.


Dear Santa, My name is Gabby and I

am 7 years old. I live in Bis-marck, Arkansas. Thank you for my bike last year. I ride it all the time. My mom said I have been good. I want a am-azon Fire tablet for christmas because it is fun to lay on with my mom. Thank you Santa for my presets last year.

Love ,Gabby

Dear Santa, I hope you and Rudolph

are good at t North Pole. My name is Alexis and I’m 7 years old. Thank you for my dog last year. I have been playing with her. I have been doing my homework. I want a hamdster so I have someone to play with. I will leve you milk and cookies.


Dear Santa,Hi Santa my name is Kath-

rynn and I’m seven years old. I live in Bismarck, Arkansas. I’m in 2nd grade. I love what you gave me last christmas. I love my dall I even sleep with it. I have been good all year at home and I have been good to my brother. My I please have a Dalmation pup. I left you milk and cookies too.


Dear Santa,Mu name is Nevaen and I

am 7 years old. I live in Bis-marck, Arkansas. I loved the presents you gave me last year. This year I really really want a kids smart watch and a dirt bike. I will leav you milk and cookies.


Dear Santa,My name is Evie. I am

7 years old. I am in second grade. I live in Bismarck, Ar-kansas. I love the bike you got me last year. I played with it so much. I was ac shoaly good this year. I helped mom take care of the animals. I re-ally want an American Girl doll and a pair of roller skates.


Dear Santa,My name is Adam Ben-

nett. I’m Eight years old so Im in second grade. I live in Bismarck, Arkansas. Thank you my present from last year the remote control car is awe-some. I have been doing my chores. What for christmas is a smart phone and legos so I can call my mom and so I can build things.

Your friend,Adam

Dear Santa,My name is Kinley and

I am 8 years old. I live Bis-marck, Arkansas. Thank you for the doll house. I’ve been playing with it since last Christmas! I have been help-ing my mom with the dishes. Will you please bring snow-flake back. Can I have a ba-buddle set. Thank you Santa.


Dear Santa,My name is Samuel. Can

I have a Play Staitian 4 with fortnight? I love Christmas because it is Jeseses birthday. I wil leave you cookies and milk.


Dear Santa,My name is Caden and I

am 7 years old. I live in Bis-marck, Arkansas. Thank you for last years present the Star Wars bag. Please can I have a skateboard for Christmas. I really, really wanted a skate-board fro a long time. I hope you and the reindeer are hav-ing a good time.

Love, Caden

Dear Santa,My name is Makaila and I

am 8 years old. I am in sec-ond grade. I live in Bismarck, Arkansas. Thank you for last years teddy bear. I have been very good. I help mom do the dishes. Will you please get me some roller skates. Because I want to skate up and down the road. I will leave you milk and cookies. I will leave your rander carrots.


Dear Santa, My name is Gage. How

is Mrs. Clause? I really want new games and the game. I want if GAT5 and call of Duty. I would also like a lego game. I relly want to see you Santa. Thank you for the toys that you gave me last year. I will leave you cookies and milk.


Dear Santa,My name is Uriah and I

am 9 years old. I live in Bis-marck, Ar. I want a Apple watch for Christmas.


Alesha Norris - Second Grade - Bismarck

Dear Santa,How are you and Mrs.

Claus? Fd Christmas I would like a fit bit that is blue, pink and purple. I would like a puppy. I would like a Horse. also a sadle for my horse. I would like a scate bord. I would like a Lol doll and a Lol babby sister suprise

You’er Friend,Ashley

Dear Santa,How are you doing? This

year for christmas I would like four thangs. The 1st is loeg walking dead. And a hu-verborh. And a mokchroold dreon that has a camera And a Xbox.

your friendCaden.Noble

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I am

so excited for christmas this year. I have been really good this year. This year for christ-mas I want some creeped out books for christmas and a tablet for christmas and some minecraft books for christmas and some leges for christmas and 2oo pokmon cards for christmas!

Your friend,BenJamin Tankensley

Dear Santa,How are you? I am so ex-

cited for christmas everything this year. I have been super good today so I would like a neteda swich a bewdlvedude, santa action figer.


Dear Santa,How are you doing? I am

so excited for Christmas this year I have been really good all year long. How is the North Pole? For christmas I want a new Iphone for christ-mas I want a new Saddle and a bridle.

your friend.Grace

Dear Santa,I have been good. are

you feeling good. and I want three books. and a nintendo. and sega games. and I want a tranpl line . and I want cool toy figures. and I want a cool figdits Pin.

your freind,Waylon

Dear Santa,How ate you doing! I have

been really good this year. This year for Christmas I will like a rainbow loverboard. A real scooter. A art set. A com-puter. American girl doll. A closet. shoes for her. cloths for her. and a bed. American girl doll house. And exseries for the bed. And whatever you suprise me. I hope you have a merry christmas.

Love:Kaylie Allsup

Dear Santa,How is everyone doing? I

am so excited for Christmas this year. I hope I have been good. This year I want So much slime. I also want cute jewler. Mabey all the beene boo a purple camra and roller skates. Last But not least cute shoes. I hope you have a good christmas.

Love your friend,Olivia Nole Chambers

Dear Santa,How are you are and

Misses Claus doing? I am re-ally excited for Christmas this year. I have been really good this year. This yea I am asking for my family to be happy. A tablit, A huver bord, A brown tedy bear.

Yuur friend,Cali. Tolbert

Dear Santa,How are you doing? This

year I would like a biger cage for my pet hamster. And a toy for my dox max. And a play stashine. A mine craft cin-toller. A pig mine craft cin-tooler for my sister. And some close. And 1 millon dollers. And for my family to be hap-py and a side by side. And a dirtbike.


Dear Santa,How are you doing? I

am so excited for Christmas this year. Please can I have a poopsie Saprises. Also can I have a poopa roor saprises. Also can I have a flippezoo.

Your friend,Joann Brown

Dear Santa,How are you reindeer?

This year for Christmas I would like a rien deer. I would like a giant pick me fllp. I would like something for Joker. Please and thank you. I hope you a merry christmas.


Dear Santa,How is misis closs doing?

Can you brang me some yray boots. I want a horse book with towhundrid pa gis. I want to have the stuffed san-paws bobleg jingle, cerudy, hope tell missis closs that randirs mere crismos. I hope camid, and coopidy doner, blison have a mere crismus.

Your friend,Maddie Long

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I am

so exited for christmas this year. I have been really good this year long. This year for christmas I am asking for cloud-slime. Also sooo many bearey boos. And a schlod set. And I want a case for my cindel. The last thing I want is cute jewley. I hope yuo have a good christmas.

Your friend,Eleanor

Dear Santa,How are your raindeer do-

ing? this year for christmas I wold like clothes sleepers and a netendo with the game zeld and a toy horse.

Your friend,Mila

Dear Santa,How are you doing? Can

I have a Nitindo and some slime and a nike and the new pokemon card mc.putatnaed. Have a wold fine christmas!

Your friend,Cooper

Dear Santa,How are you? I want for

Christmas I want a fitbit with the diferut collers bands. I want a poopsie suprise . I want you to make my room a school room. I want a com-puter. I want a phone. Mere Cheristmas Sandta.

Your friend,Madison

Dear Santa,How are you doing? This

year for Christmas I want a ale cthrickscooter. I want a phone for christmas. I want a laser yuh tag. I want close and some shoes. Thank you Santa.

Love, DamianTo Santa

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I

am so excited for christmas this year long. This year for christmas I am asking for a nash figrinore armen with a inore sord, Ipo ex pokom cards, acpowder. I hope you and Mrs. Clous have a wond-ful christmas!

Your friend, Olliver

Dear Santa,How are you doing? Been

exagped this year. I want a xbox ix and a phone and a tablet and a girlfriend and a jet pack and a really read ribet and atti I sniper rifle. I hope you and mrs. claus have a good chirstmas I love you

Sinarerly,Hunter Spears

Dear Santa,I want a;; Slime Rancher

plushes. I want a box of do-nuts. I would also like a bag of marshmallows. I would like some more new video games.

your firend,Robert

4B - Saturday, December 22, 2018 - Malvern Daily Record

Dear Santa,How are you? I have been

a good boy most of the time. For christmas, please bring me a dinsosour that has red eyes any books. It ties wheeie I also want a remote control Humming birds. I also want a reel guitar.


Mrs. Collins’ 4th Grade

Dear Santa, My name is Gavin B, and I

am nine years old. I think I’ve been good this year because I help my family when they need it the most. If I could give someone something, I would give him new internet. The three things I want for Christmas are a little money, the new samsung galaxy, and Call Of Duty Black Ops 4. My Christmas wish is that we have fun on Christmas break. My question to you is how many presents do you make and how long does it take?


Dear Santa,My name is Ivan D. I’m

ten years old. I have been this year. I helped my mom on the chicken houses. I would want to feed the poor forever. My next wish is to win the cham-pionship next year. My last wish is to play for the Florida Gators. My Christmas wish is to win the championship next year. Santa I have a question, how old are you?

Dear Santa,Hello Santa I am Madie. I

am 9 years old turning 10 in June. I have been a little bad by being mean to mu siblings. But I have been good this year by doing chores. I helped my family also. This year I would like to give Zoey, Connar, Mommy, Glen a gift. Connar and Zoey can get an x-Box card for Fortnite. Mommy can get some stuff for her Cricket machine to print stuff. Glen can get maybe some fishing and hunting stuff. Something I would like this year is A onesie, karaoke machine, and a two pom pom winter hat. I have a Christmas wish San-ta. I want to spread joy about Jesus on Christmas dat. Hey Santa can I ask a question? Can I meet you your Elf’s and also your cute Reindeer one day? So there you go Santa not alot this year just ordinary stuff. But Merry Christmas Santa!

Truly yoursMadie

Dear Santa,Hello there my name is

Bryston, and I’m ten. I have been very good this year and I would really like a basket-ball goal, i phone, it’s the the iphone x. Then I would like basketball the size is 28.5.and some shoes, and some books. So I can read these books at school, so I can get a lot bet-ter at school. Then I can get lots of books that I can read so can you get all these things so i can read it? When you come to my house at night I will leave you some cookies and some milk. I will leave some good chocolate chip cookies!

Your Friend,Bryston M.

Dear Santa,My name is Justin. I am 11

years old. I help people when they need help. I want to give my brother my lego iron man from 1 of my lego sets. I want a phone, a tablet, a nintendo switch, a 3ds,a 2ds, a game-boy, a ps4, all south park games for my ps4, a charger for my phone, a charger for my nitido switch, a xbox. Can you get me all of those pres-ents for me can you? My fun-niest moments is Tanner did a joke. I never signed the book this year.

Your Friend,Justin K

Dear Santa,My name is Xavier and I

an ten years old. I have been very good like this morn-ing I helped my sister find her scarf. One thing I might give to someone is Smen-seils and three things I want is Pokemon cards, legos, and something else random. If I had a Christmas wish it would be to get a rainbow Pokemon card! I have a question. What is your favorite cookie?

A friend,Xavier :D

Dear Santa,My name is Elaina. I am

10 and I have been nice and mean. I have done what mom has said. I want to give some-one toys for Christmas. What I would want to get for Christ-mas is slime, squishies, and skinny heels. My Christmas wish is to see the real Santa. My question is how old are you? That is my Christmas list. P.S. if you don’t want to get anything off of it that is fine.

Thank you so much!Your FriendElaina

Dear Santa,My name is Roman and

I’ve been good this year be-cause I helped mom with chores. One thing that I would like to give to my mom is a break from do so much for us. For Christmas I would like for my family to get a lot of money and for all our problems to go away. I wish that my moms fibro. would go away. Oh and one last thing what’s your favorite color?


Dear Santa,Hi I am Levi 9 years old. I

think I have been good. One good thing I’ve done is help make food for Thanksgiving. One thing I’d want to give is MONEY!!! That’s also what I want along with candy and candy canes. What I want is a Husky.I have a question. How many reindeer do you have?

Your Friend,Levi P.

Dear Santa,What is it like in the north

pole? My name is Mackenzie W. I an nine years old. I think I have been good this year. One nice thing I did was, I played with Loki when no one else could,(he was whining.)

I want to give my mom a dull set of Beauty And The Beast collectables. For Dad, his dog and for him to be hap-py. For Loki, him be able to run all around the house. For Clarissa, a lip-balm set. For the cats, a safe place to hide from Loki.

For Christmas I want, a dwarf hamster with all the stuff to care for it, the whole series of Cupcake diaries, and a gel pen set. My Christmas wish is to get a dwarf hamster. Have a great Christmas!

Love,Mackenzie W.

Dear Santa,Hi my name is Lexy M. I

am ten years old. I have been a little bad to my siblings. I have been good by helping my mom, and dad. I want to give someone what they need. I want a hoverboard for Christmas. I wish for happi-ness kindness and lovingness. I have a question for you. Do you have more than a million elves?

Love, Lexy

Dear Santa,My name is Ali. I am nine

years old, and I have been good this year because I have shared my stuff. I am doing fine except it’s sad that I have to wait all the way till Christ-mas. Anyway Santa how are you doing? I need to ask you for a few things. I would like a music box, a tablet, or a phone, and clothes, and shoes. I would like to give my sister a movie. p.s Merry Christmas!

Love, Ali

Dear Santa,Hi my name is Kynlee,

and I am nine years old. All year I have tried to be the best that I can.One thing that I helped my mom with was her cancer. I want to give my mom some new stuff like clothes, or some new shoes. Three things that I might re-ceive is red converse, a new phone,and makeup. One wish I want is that my sister will get a chocolate schnauzer. Can I ask you something. What is your favorite color?

Your Friend,Kynlee

Dear Santa,My name is Hamiley. I am

nine years old. I have tried my hardest to be good this year. One good thing I did this year was my little sister wanted to play on my phone, but I let her play on my old one so she can have her own phone. The one thing I want to give someone is my dad money. For Christmas I would like to get is a new phone, a lap-top, and an Avocado. My one Christmas wish is for every-body to have enough food and money. I also have a question for you. Have I been good?


Dear Santa,All about me, Hi my name

is Kayden. My favorite color is yellow and I love pigs and chickens, also I’m 11 years old and I’m a girl. Have I been doing good, Maybe not. Something I did good, I help my friend Sophia with hard times. Some of thing I want, I want a pig, Trey, and some CANDY!!! My Christmas wish is that Trey will like me again and i know that sounds weird, but I kinda miss him bad. My questions to you, are you real and I need proof, and are you a stalker because well that it kinda sounds like you are.

Sincerely,Kayden Y.

Dear Santa,My name is Blas. I am 9

years old. I have been good and helped my sister. I help feed my sister. I would want to give my sister more toys. My three things I want are vbucks, money, and candy. My Christmas wish is to get vbucks. Do you like to deliver presents every year?

Sincerely,Blas V

Dear Santa,How are you doing? It is

me Daniel F. I am ten years old now! I think I have been good this year. I saved a liz-ard this year. He was an An-ole and his name is E-Gor, also I kept him. I would like to give everyone happiness. For Christmas I would like to receive a vertical cage for my lizard, some food for my lizard, and a portable cage for my lizard. My Christmas wish is that E-Gor will make it through the winter. Good-bye Santa.

Till next time.Daniel F

Dear Santa,My name is Shirley, and

I am 10 years old. I have mostly been good this year by helping my sister clean her room. One thing I would give everyone thanks to cel-ebrate God’s birthday. This year I only want three things for Christmas, a xbox to play fortnite, a silicone baby doll, and a fingerlink. My Christ-mas wish is for me to have more friends. I have a ques-tion for you. Will my elf come back next year?

Your Friend, Shirley

Dear Santa,Hi! My name is Arianna.

Santa can I ask you a ques-tion? Can you give me a real camera? I am nine years old. I have been good I think, but the one thing is I am being quiet in class. My wish is to let mom be not so busy with all of us.

Love your friend,Arianna

Dear Santa,My name is Tanner, I am

nine years old. I have been good...for the most part. Some-thing I did good was clean my room when my mom told me to. I want to give Bryston a Xbox One. The three things I want are a new tv, dirtbike, and FORTNITE. My Christ-mas wish is for my football team to win the Champion-ship every year. Santa can you please get me the dirtbike?


Dear Santa,I am so happy it is Christ-

mas! I am doing something good in my home, and I have a question for, did you like drawing? I hope you do. I wish I have a Xbox, pokemon cards, and new shoes. Merry Christmas Santa!

Your Friend,Rafael

Dear Santa,My name is Blake C. I am

nine years old. I’m about to be ten. If you are asking,”Yes sir I’ve been good!” One thing I’ve done is help people when they get hurt and stuff like that. One thing I would like to give to someone is a Xbox one game. I would like to re-ceive a Santa suit, a headset, and a sleeveless NIKE shirt. My Christmas wish is that my whole family stays alive for-ever. My question is, do you like my manners?

Love, Blake

Dear Santa,Hi Santa my name is Dan-

iel B. I am ten years old almost 11 years old. I have been good a long time and next year I’ll be even better. I even help people. I help my Pawpaw, and my Grandma, and my el-ders. I would like three things for Christmas and more if you like to give me. What I want is a drone, a soccer ball, and anther phone and more. My Christmas wish is to have a snowy Christmas. Santa I want to ask you a question. How old are you really?

Merry Christmas!Love, Daniel B

Dear Santa,Hi my name is Savannah

C. and I have been good by helping animals and people. I have a question for you. Is my sister a mean girl? So what I want is horse sculptures that are made by breyer and schle-ich. So I also want a American Girl dolls and American hors-es and a phone, a computer, and a Ipad, a TV in my room, a horse, kitten, puppy, dog, cat, all the Dork Diaries, more pencil pouches, sharpies, bunk beds, new wallpaper, more books, more clothing, cute folders, another sister, candy, ice cream, more color mark-ers, and play-do a barn, all horse stuff and that is all.

Your friend,Savannah

Dear Santa,How are your reindeer

doing? I’ve been good. Can I have a lap top and a Scream costume? I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Love, Ryan

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I

hope your doing good. I have been very good! I would like a smart watch, a bike, and a small drone. Have a good day.

Your friend, William Stiffler

Dear Santa,How ate your reindeer?

I was good this year. I want a real cat. I hope you have a good Christmas!

Your friend,Scianna

Dear Santa,How are your reindeer do-

ing? I hope you stay warm. I want a unicorn for Christmas. Have a merry Christmas!

Love, Kayli

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I hope

Sally comes back soon. I’ve tried really hard to be good. Can I have a fitbit charge 3, a phone, and a shimer and spar-cle bath bom marker. Merry Christmas.

Love, Lily

Dear Santa,How are your reindeer

doing? I hope Fire Ball will come soon. I have been good this year. Can I have a morph board, boxer the robot Fly-socfe this Christmas!

Love, Masons

Dear Santa,How are your deer doing.

I have been trying to be good. Can I have an American Girl doll hotel, Grinch mug, and a Grinch pillow. Merry Christ-mas.

Love, Peyton Fields

Dear Santa,I’ve been good this year.

I want a bar of of gold. a toy that changes color. a pair of skates. a smart watch. Hope you have a great gear.

Your friend,Aiden Baker

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I

hope my elf comes back. I have tried my best to be good in school. Can I have an new Minecraft game, a Power ranger sword from the new movie, and a thor suit helmet and hammer?

Lucas. Robinson.I hope your are not cold on

Christmas.SincerelyYour friend,Lucas R.

Dear Santa,Can I have a gun, a game,

bullets, a bike and a game camera? I would also like some hunting clothes. Are your reindeer and elves okay?

Your friend,Browning

Dear Santa,How are your reindeer do-

ing? I hope Bubble Gum will come back some day. I have been good. Can I have a pom-sey? I want a Fitbit an a JoJo Bow. Don’t work too hard.


Dear Santa,How can you fly around

the world in one night? Can I have a remote control dorone a lava lamp amd a boomer-ang. Also can I have an ax and a sword. Merry christmas.

Your friend,Mason LB.

Ms. Amanda’s Home Room

Dear Santa, Is Rudalph real? I hope I’m on the good list. I’m not sure I’ve been good so I’ll Just say mabey. Can I please have stuff in my stocking like a card game of war, uno, a very pretty ring. You don have to. I hope you stay warm on your trip.


Dear Santa,How Sl Rudolph doing? I

have bee good. CDN I have a new tire for yM bire and Some head Liehts? I want a dirk bike too. I hope you have a safe fligh.

Love YourFriend, Jared

Dear Santa,How are your elves doiny?

I hope Rosoy will come back soon. I have been good. Can I have a phone case and the lego Quick Mart? Fly safe.

Your friend,Austin. Taylor

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I

hope I get presents from you. I will try harder. Can I have a tablet, puppy, and a Pomise? I hope you get something for chrismas!

Your friend,Melissa

Dear Santa,Will you be making my

smartart Watch? I like your reindeer so much, I mean for-ever! I love your elves too. I live in America. Can I have a union smart watch and a reindeer Stuffed anil and a uniorn? Merry Christmas.

Love yourFriends Macie.

Malvern Daily Record - Saturday, December 22, 2018 - 5B

Dear Santa,How are you? I want a hov-

erboard and a remote control truck. You a Merry Christmis.

Your friend,Austin M.

Dear Santa,How is Sparkle doing? I

will leave cookies for you. I want a Lol surprise Live sur-prise, a phone, and a fox col-oring book. I hope you have a good Christmas.

Your Friend,Paisley

Dear Santa, How are you doing? How

ar your eleves? I want a gamo and pellets for it. I want, a phone a case for it and a case for my tablet.

Your friend,Cooper

Dear Santa,I hope the reindeer are

ok. I hope sparkle will come soon. For christmas I would like a fit bit, Science kit, And a nutcracker. I hope you have a Merry Christmas

Love, Laci.

Dear Santa,How are you? Santa please

make good work. Tell your elves to do their hardest work. Sant I want x-box one Daisy motorcyle, computer, pencil bag with crayons and scissors with glue-sticks and a box of mechanical pencils. Have you been bored all the times? I hope you have a Merr Christ-mas!

Your friend,Love Anthony

Mrs. Ausley’s - Fourth Grad - Bismarck

My name is caden, I am 10. I been food. I help mom around the house, I want to give my mom a necklace. I would like a puppy. That is my Christmas wish. Santa, who is your favorite child?

Sincerely, Caden P.

Dear Santa,My name is JR. Can I have

a gta5, 6, 4 a tv that can fit in my bed with a ps4 with 4 controllers and $500? are yall okay up in the north pole? If yall are not yall can live with me it’s cozy and warm. so I’m nine this year and I know it isn’t you that is at the mall it’s someone that is acting like you and I’ve been good. I defended my sister! I love Christmas too I love you too. My mom I love her more than 100000000000000! I love my family!

I love you Santa.sincerely,your friend, JoshuaPS. We need more money

and a house.

Dear Santa, I have been very good this

year. But I was wondering if you could bring me a brand new hoverboard. Hey Santa I was wondering how you have been this year and how the reindeer are and if rudoff has been good on the slay? Also has blinsen, prancer, comic guiding the sleigh on Christ-mas day because my dog Axle will chase you and the rein-deer, so please don’t get mad at him. He is a good dog and my dog Lady Bird needs lov-ings. Will you pet her before leaving santa? Thank you for listening to me santa you’re the best! Thank you so so so so much santa! I’ve been in the mood for Christmas and Christmas is almost here! Waiting for you to come! Thank you santa thank you sir!

Love, Makala M.

Dear Santa,How are you doing? I hope

your doing fine. Okay let me tell you how I am doing fine as well. I am ten years old, my name is Aiden. How are the elves doing? Here are three toys I want RC, LEGOS, and BOOKS. I have been good and this is what I want to give to a friend a bracelet. What I did that was fun was spending time with my family.


Dear Santa,I hope you get this. I would

like nerf guns and a football. I hope you have a good Christ-mas Santa and Mrs. Clause. My name is Hunter and I am 10 years old. Something I have been kind of good, and I help people. My wish is to make my grandma better. What do you look like?

Sincerely, Hunter

Hello Santa my name is Sophia S. and I am ten years old. I maybe…have bee good this year. I don’t remember what I did this year that was good. I would love to give somebody a cat. What I want for Christmas is a german shepherd and a tablet. Santa I have a question for you.How did you become santa clause like was your dad santa or something like that? Welp see ya.

Sincerely, SophiaMerry Christmas

My name is Kylee H. I’m ten years old. I think I’ve been good this year, or I think I’ve been. Well I have been listening to my mom and dad and I help them a lot.

For Christmas I want to give my mom a little charm and my sister a little charm for us all to wear. So we all can match it should say mom for mom, lil sister for Kam-ryn, and big sister for me.

Now for Christmas I want slime supplies, squishies, and jewelry. That’s all I could think of. I hope you can get it or me.

So now how are you do-ing? How is Mrs Claus doing and the elves? I hope y’all are doing great because I am. Make sure not working too hard.

My Christmas wish is that we have a fun trip to Ala-bama. I will be staying with my mom, Jordan, Kenny, Morgan, Tina, grandma Lin-da, Gavin, Lauren, Kamryn, Luke, and Liam.

That’s it, have a safe trip on Christmas night.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!Yours truly,Kylee H.

My name is Serenity. I am 10 years old. What I want for Christmas is a new Phone, a puppy, and a brand new bike. I have been good a little bit. I will try to be better. I mopped the kitchen floor. I also did the dishes. I will give my old toys to someone who needs them. So hopefully I get on the good list. My Christmas wish is that I hope that my mom stays with me forever. My question to you is that I never knew if you were real, so I want you to come to my house and eat the cookies so that I can prove that you are real.


This year I have been re-ally food and how have you been good you ask? I have been babysitting my sister Emerson by the way she is a toddler. Also I have been looking threw all my toys I’m going to donate some of them to charity. My Christ-mas wish is that every child gets a Christmas present this holly jolly year. so now since you know I have really been good I will tell you what I want for Christmas. This is what I want, a new phone make sure it is a iphone #9 and I really want money and lots of it to. Also I want brand new clothes and shoes from these following stores Target, The Children’s place, and you should know the rest. Can you also get me a pair of heels from Cato? I wear size six! And please and thank you have a merry merry Christ-mas this year.

P.S. How old are you? I’m 10 and a half.

The #1 personOn your list,Maddison L.

My name is Heidi and you are the best Santa ever nobody could replace you. I am 10 years old and about to be 11! I can not wait. I have been so good to everybody. One thing that I did nice was be nice to my sister. What I would want for Christmas is a polaroid camera, art stuff, and washi tape. I would like to get my mo some gift cards to go out to eat. My Christmas wish is for my mom and dad to get back together. I just want to ask you one question. Santa do you like other holidays be-sides Christmas?


Hi! My name is Jaycee. I am 10 years old. How hae you been santa? I have bee re-ally good. One thing I did was good was cook dinner for my family. If I could give some-thing to somebody it would be my cousin Tommy because he does not have a phone. I only want three things for Christ-mas. The first thing I want is a new saddle and a bridle. The next thing is a baking set. The last one is a baby hatchimal. My Christmas wish is that everybody is happy. I got one more question. Do you get presents too, like us?

Love you’re friend.Jaycee B.

This is Trey can you please get Micah ps4 so we can play together? I want WWE2k19 the deluxe edition, a dirt bike, and a baby german shepherd. I also would like to know which reindeer is your favor-ite and when will m elf on the shelf pete come back? Oh and how many elves do you have? My Christmas wish is for my teddy near come to life.

Merry Christmas!Your friend, TreyP.S. A good robe and

how’s Mrs. Clause.

Thank you for our presents that you gave us. And more and let this Christmas be a good one. We might leave you some cookies just maybe. How are your elves and the reindeer doing? My name is Mason and I am is nine years old. I have been good some.

The one thing I did good was clean the living room and the kitchen. I would like to give Caden a book and the three thing i want for Christ-mas is video games, clothes, and a small picture frame. One thang I wish for is to see my cousins more. My ques-tion to you is how old is ru-dolf?

Your Friend, Mason K.

How are you doing Santa? So I don’t want anything re-ally. So I mean I really don’t know what to write. So i will ask you how old are you? I loved getting the tree for my grandparents! Bye, I will see you next year.

P.S. O’m ten and ok this year. Please get my grandpa a board game.

Sincerely, Xander

My name is Maci Jane. I would like you to know stuff. I have bee good this year. I cooked for my parents one night. I would like to give my family money. I would like a bike, puppy, and a notebook. I wish that my family wasn’t that mean to me. Can I give you extra sweets this year? How are the elves doing? You are really nice to me and I like that you are my elves are do-ing great! In case you forgot they are Jingle Peppermint and Blitzen. I’m doing well and hopefully you are to.

Sincerely, MaciJane

Hello! I am a 10 year old boy, 19 days past my birthday. I was wondering are all of those elves your kids? May-be if I am good for Christmas could I have a few presents? Like an XBOX ONE, or a laptop, or a pair of Adidas. I have been good I think I might deserve all that.

Sincerely, Gavin. V

Mrs. Betty Taylor’s -Second Grade Malvern Elementary

Dear Santa,I would like to have a

barby dall plese Santa closs. And Santa Closs can you give my baby sister a barby dall to Santa Closs. An can you give my baby buther a narth gun plese Santa Closs. And thank you for last yir so muth Sant Closs.

Your friend, Arizona

Dear Santa,Thank you for tre tangs

you gave me last yere. This yere I’d like a science kit. I’d like a dinusur set. I’d like a Iphone7.

Your friend, Adrien

Dear Santa,Thank you for Christmas.

I would love to have a PS4. I would like a hoover board, I would very much like to have a Iphonex. I would like to have close and shoes, I would lik a TV. Santa, I will leve you milk and cookies, I love you santa.

Your friend, William

Dear Santa,What I whould love to

have for Christmas is a blue pogoo stick, my own soccer ball, a ice cream maker, a co-tin candy maker, a dino dig, a lego set, a new backpack, a hyowmugis box of blocks, and thank you for the preas-ints you gave us last year. Love the moors.

Your friend, Quinton

Dear Santa Clause,Thank you for the stuff

given me last yaer. This yaer I was thinking that you could get me two things. They are minecraft PS4, grimline legos, oh and be very qiet be-cause my cat will ewake and my cat atacks a lot of people. Oh and my dogs will bark.

Your friend, Charles

Dear Santa,I would love to have a

bunk bed an batman pajamas with batman on them an nerf guns.

Your friend, Logan

Dear Santa,I don’t want any thong

this year, tank you for last Christmas, it was wonderful. Thank you for all the presnts mom an dad, thank you help with Christmas presns and my brothr and sister are thank you to. We play with all the stuff you gave us last year that was very thotful for you, the elfs and the riandeer. We apresheeat that.

Your friend, Jaycee

Dear Santa,I would like a fingerling,

and my baby brother would like a car, and my cusin’s wish for a taybl, my m om wish for love, and my dad wish a tv. Thank you for aver thing so much.

Your friend, Pilar

Dear Santa,I would like to have a new

tablet, and a bayblade set, and I would like to have a new x-box one x for my mom for Chtistmas. And thank you for last year.

Your friend, Anthony

Dear Santa Clause, Thank you for all the toys

you gave me. Every one of them is speshal to me, but this year I would like an squishe unacorn, a mini gum ball mishine, last but not least a snoopy dall.

Your friend, Jilliam

Dear Santa,I would like to have a new

tablet. I will love for you to give my brother and me a new ipod. This is all I want for Christmas. Kya would like a doll for Christmas.

Your friend, Makenzee

Dear Santa,I would like to have a

Ipod, and PS4, and a spider man game for the PS3, and thank you for they stuff you are redty givin to us, thank you Santa.

Your friend, Jeremyah

Dear Santa,I would like a PS4 stick.

Thanks for all the gifts last year.

Your friend, Rajon

Dear Santa,I fut Christmas I would

hav LOL wusm jep. Nex pes gps a brim four, I wot a no ring tig.

Your friend, Ariel

Dear Santa,I would like to have an elf

of yours. And thank you for all the gifts you have given me, even my brothers and sis-ters. May I have an Iphonexe please can it be rose gold and also can I have a case for it? My baby sister Lydia might waht a new baby backpack and also can I please have a Lova Bella?

Your friend, Isabella

Dear Santa,Thank you for comeing

last year. And I hope you will come back, I could not wate for you to come back. Evee-ry biteeee likey you even me, but sum don’t, but I do and I would lik to tell you sum thang I would like, I would like a lot of v bux and I would like a dog, and a Iphone.

Your friend, Khonor

Dear Santa,I like that we have Christ-

mas and all the toys too, and Hayden has been asking for a dirtbike, so can you try too get him one pls. And too help nan-ny too sez again, and I realy realy like a scooter, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Your friend, Aubrey

Dear Santa,Thank you for all the toys

from last year. I really enjoyed playing with them. For this Christmas I would like a new slime kit and a make up kit, and that would be all for this year. Thank you.

Your friend, Jolett

Dear Santa,I would love to have a play

house that is big that I can go inside. I also would love to have pen every color. I would love to have the lol bigger su-pris and the coffetie pop too. This is the last things for me. I would like stuff for slime and shopkins. I would like a xbox card and a new sockerball. Thank you for last year.

Your friend, Abby Jackson

Dear Santa Clause, Thank you for the stuff last

year, and I would liike a bike please.

You friend, Iker

Dear Santa,I love what you gave

last year becese it was good what you gave us. So I like to have a bikz for Crist-mas and thet is all I like for Cirstmas.

Your friend, Jayel

Dear Santa Clous,I am thank of the toy ot

last year, and I hope w you have a Merry Christmas. I would like to have boll. I would like to have tablit of Christmas. I hope you have a good Merry Christm.

Your friend, Francis

Dear Santa,I would like to have a

bike and a laptop. Thank you for last Christmas PS4.

Your friend, Jaelyn

Dear Stard,I would like to have a

boevhaoos and a bike and a codr and be the chigin toys who don’t have flamy to.

Your friend, Saydie

Hartsell - Second Grade Malvern Elementary

Dear Santa,I would really like some

orga beads for Christmas. I also want American girl doll food and just stuff for my dolls. I drew a picture of you in pottery class. I want a new song book. Can I have a crayon sharpener too? At last, I want a house for me and my mom.

Love, Carli

Dear Santa,I would like to talk to

rudolph for Christmas. I would like onerf bigster for Christmas. I would like a incrediblesz dvd for Christ-mas, I would like a wreck-it ralph bruks the internet dvd for Christmas, I would like a mighty pups dvd.


Dear Santa,I want some barbies for

Christmas. I want lol dolls and I want some posable dolls. Can you get a new tablet for my sis? Your the best Santa!

Love, Nora

Dear Santa,I would like a new bike

for Christmas, I would like it to be pinkish purple please. I like bikes because they are a healthy way to get around. Bikes are fast and cool. I would like a chrome book please. I think chrome books are good way to do

Love, Allison

Dear Santa,I would like an Lol doll

suprised, I would also like a tea table. I would love a new barbie doll. I want one more thing for Christmas that it an American girl doll.

Love, Aaliyah

Merry Christmas!

MAGNET COVE SCHOOL DISTRICTFriendly People • Small Community • Big Hearts




6B- Saturday, December 22, 2018 - Malvern Daily Record

Dear Santa,I would like toy’s for

Christmas. I want a spidelr man figure. Can I have an Iron man figure too? Can I have the dig zomlie nerf gun?

Love, Vance

Dear Santa,I wondered if I could get a

4x4 becawse it can go throw mud and water and also dirt. That is all I want.


Dear Santa,I would like a drone for

Christmas. I will like you to come to our school play at Malvern Elementary School Thursday. I would like a robin suit, and I wish you a Merry Christmas. Please get something for my dog Brody.

From, Bentley

Dear Santa,I would like a LoL doll,

American Doll, my life pic-mi pop, my look, rolile my kissing puppy, and a dog man book, I want to meet ru-dolph!


Dear Santa,I would like some Amer-

ican Girl doll stuff. I love things to play with so I would like it. I would like something for my room too. I would also like some cloths too. I really want a computer. Santa you are so good at your job too. Merry Christmas.

Love, Brooklyn

Dear Santa,I would like a lol doll

house, I would like lol dolls, I would like JoJ Siwa stuff, I would like hatchimals stuff, I would like a unicorn, I would like a unicorn stuff.

Merry Crhismis, Kyleigh

Dear Santa,What I would like for

Christmas is an Iphone 10 and tablet. I love you san-ta. You are the best santa. I won’t to be an elf so I can make toys with your elves. Your elves are super cool. I wish I can come up there, but it’s super cold. I love you Santa and your elf and Mrs. Clause and you reindeer. My mom and did love you too.

Jailen Baker

Dear Santa,I would like a hoverboard

for Christmas, I would like four lol dalls, I would like high heels boots at the mall, I would like a new backpack, I would like a scooter, I would like my teacher to have new shoes, I would like Mrs. Har-sell’s kids one is a girl so she is going to get a teddy bear and one is a boy so he is go-ing to get two cars. I love Mrs. Hartsll!

Love, Amity

Dear Santa,I would like to give Mrs.

Harsell something. Santa, can I meet Rudolph? Can I have a lot of legos? I want legos so I can built, I also want a nintendo switch. Can you bring me a cake? I will leave extra cookies and ex-tral milk. Santa your awe-some!

Love, Dakota

Dear Santa,I would like a dog for

Christmas because I love dogs. They are so cute. Do you know why I want a dog? They cuddle with you and it’s adorable, I love dogs so much. I would always want a dog for Christmas.


Dear Santa,I would like new house

shoes for Christmas. Can my dog have a new leash for Christmas? I want a new ipad for Christmas, and a new what for Christmas, a new teddy bear for Christmas. Have a good Christmas Santa Clars. I love you.

Love, Nora

Dear Santa,I would like to have a baby

reborn for Chrismas! Because they look like a real baby, they are cute. They have clothes, I want mine 50 pounds because that is the best for me. They have the best little face ever. I love you Santa.

Love, Jaecelyn C.

Dear Santa,I would like to have a lol

doll, I would like to meet Ru-dolph, I want a car to drive, I want a marker board and a doll.

Love, T’nizja Carter

Dear Santa,I would like a barbie

dream house & my lil fairy garden, baby alive doll, my rolly puppy & my kissing puppy. I like Santa because he gives evry one presents. He’s funny because he wrote mus-taches on our faces two tims.

Love, Kierra

Dear Santa,I would like a four wheler,

I would like a motorcycle, I want a bike, I love you Santa and Mrs. Clause. I want a dog man book.

Love, Terrence

Dear Santa,I want a PS4, a ninten-

do swich, every game in the world. a fancy trampaline, a pet reindeer, my mom to feel better, every fancy car in the world, every system in the world, to be the coolest kid and I want every book in the world.

Love, Hendrix

Dear Santa,I want a new iphon and

a new ipad, want som lego and a robot, I want some new shoes and a book.

Love, Brice

Dear Santa,I would like a phone, I

would like a pet, I would like socks, I would like a pokemon, I would like a ps2, I woud like a tablet.


Mrs. Brosius - Second Grade Malvern Elementary

Dear Santa,I have been very good this

year. I would like a baby alive and I would also like some candy canes and 2 lol dolls. Like I said I have been very good, so I deserve this. Merry Christmas.

Love, Sarah

Dear Santa,I have been good this

year. Can you could get me slime and if you do can you also get a art kit. I fyou will, I still have four more thing I wont for Christmas. I would like shoes, and a bike, I also waould like a cat and three bowes.

Love, Sariah

Dear Santa,I’ve been good for my

teacher and I’ve been good to my mom this year. So I want a bunch of chapter books. I also want xbox and something that can play music and a trip to ingland.

Love, Evan

Dear Santa,I want a dog because it has

energy. It is fast when you call for help. It would come to you. Also it will run quick in. That is all.

Love, Jayden

Dear Santa,I have been good this year.

i would like a art set and a pottery set, art sketch, slime, smart watch, clear glue, makeup, babies and ‘orbkle.

Love, Isabella

Dear Santa,I would like to get a cross-

bow for Christmas and tell ru-dolph that i said hi.

Love, Brody

Dear Santa,I love Christmas. I love

Christmas presents. I want new shoes and a puppy. I love Christmas because Jesus was born. I also want a lego set, and a barbie rv, new books, and a phone.

Love, Brenna

Dear Santa,I have been very good

to my techer so can I have a snowglobe for Christmas, please?

Love, Kinley

Dear Santa,I have been good this year.

I would like a computer to do coding.

Love, Adelyn

Dear Santa,I want a morfbord for

Christmas, and I want a school play mobil too. I have been good. I love Christmas so, so, so, so, so, much. I want a football. I love Santa be-cause he is so, so, nice. I want a xbox 360 2k19 NFL19.

Love, Ja’Quest

Dear Santa,I been good at home and

at school and I would like to have a mermaid tail and to be on your nice list. I will be nice every day at home and at school to my mom and dad.

Love, Madilynn

Dear Santa,What is your favorite

cookie? My daddy’s is chaco-late chip. I want a lol surprise please Santa Clause. I want a ipad, so does my brother Davis. My mom wants a new purse. My dad wants a new pair of gloves. I know you are busy Santa, but I want one more thing for evry one to have a good Christmas. You to Santa.

Love, Taryn

Dear Santa,This year I want an elec-

tric guitar for Christmas. Also I want a game for PS4 and a cowboy hat.

Love, Brady R.

Dear Santa,I want a dog for Christmas

and my brother wanta thom-as super station. My mom Christmas list is about me and my brother geting blessed by Jesus and we have a great Christmas.

Love, Ayanna

Dear Santa,I have been very good this

year. I’d like a four wheeler, New England Patriots hat, trampoline, razorback hat, and a cross bow.

Love, Riley

Dear Santa,What I want for Christmas

is a wwe wresting 2k18 and 2k19 that goes to the PS4. I want a toy train, a teddy bear, and I want some more clothes. Thanks Santa.

Love, Payten

Dear Santa,This year I want a game

named call of duty black ops. Also for me and my mom to have fun.

Love, Hayden

Dear Santa,I’ve been good this year,

so I would like a micrascope, telescope, and a xbox one game. Also, I would like you to surprise me. After all, you know me well enough by now to know what I like.

Love, Gabe

Dear Santa,I have been good for my

mom and dad. I want a four wheeler with 35 inch tires.

Love, Rhett

Flores - 2nd Grade Malvern Elementary

Dear Santa,I would like to have an iP-

hone becuz I’ve been wanting it for a long time, but I want a xbox one becauz it is olsm. And it has fortnite on it, but I want my to have a cap with a j on it. I also want call of duty black ops IIII becawse it is awesome.

Love, Jeremy

Dear Santa,I want to tell you what I

want for Chrisms. I want an apple wach for my mom be-cause she want it. I would like an Imac because it can help me with my homework. I would like a kiten because my cat is lonely. I would like a wach because I lose track of time.

Love, Molly

Dear Santa,For Christmas, I want naru-

to games for my brothe. For Christmas I want pokemon games, a phone and a nintendo swich.

love, Jamarian

Dear Santa,I want a two hundred lol

dolls for Christmas and a xobox and I want to ask you something. My sis basketball coch is homeless can you give him a home pleases.

Love, Lamariya

Dear Santa,This year I would like a

trahsformera, yoki watch, a hlasiens play kit, for I a toy truck.

Love, Damian

Dear Santa,I’m going to tell you I

want. I want a skylands super charger gs xbox one edition. I want sehsei flare wolf from skylands imaginators. And a mega charzard set, two neck-leces for my mom and dad.

Love, Kameron

Dear Santa,May I please have a big

bike, nintendo switch, shark bite, pop the pid and candy. My mom would like sume earrings.

Love, Shianne

Dear Santa,I want a drone and a call

of doty black ops 4. I want a bunk bed, I woold like my dad to have his own game.

Love, Jaylen

Dear Santa,What I want for Christmas

is a dog, I want a lol doll, I want a baby kitten, I want a Iphonex, I want a tablit, I want a tea set.

Love, Kairi

Dear Santa,I want a barbie car because

you cant play barbies with-out a barbie car, and I want a slime set because I really like slime a lot, and I want dols because I relly like dals a lot and I want and I want to get my mom a walfle set because my mom and dad relly want a wulfle maker so dad.

Love, Lailah

Dear Santa,I want a lol surprise doll

set, an ipad, a hoverboard, I want to spread in a sqish joy all over the world.

Love, Samariya

Dear Santa,I want a iptlonelo, I want

a truck, I want a toy truck, I want a to get my grandpa a new truck.

Love, Von

Dear Santa,1. I wunt something I’t

for Chistmas. Is a iPhone six for Chistmas. The resin I want that for Chistmas is I haven’t had a iphone. 2. The nesx, thing is some shous for Chistmas. The resin I wunt ne shous for me. 3. The last, thing for Chistmis is a toy car. The resin I wunt a toy car for chistmas. 4. For my nefyou he wunt a toy car for chistmas. The resin he wunt a toy car to play with.

Love, Marlon

Dear Santa,I’ma big fan St. Nicklis. I

love hou you startid giveing presintis. I rilly want a two weelid scooter. I alwso want a lol doll. I alwso need rian boots. For my sister teenager books. I love you.

Love, Mir

Dear Santa,I’m going to tell you what

I want for Christmas. I would like to have a kitten. I would like to have a big art kig, a Iphonex. I want to give my teacher a necklace.

Love, Bryenca

Dear Santa,My name is Raylee and I

am 7 years old. This year I’ve been good. Sometheng good I did this year was be nis to my sister. I would like to give my sister a ball. This year I might like to receive a elf my crismis with this year for a lol supris and tadlit. I also have a ques-tion fo you! If I can see you?

Love, Raylee

Dear Santa,I want a printer camera. I

want a lol surprise and a nin-tendo switch. I want a tablet, a bed for my mom becase her bed is old. It’s falling apart.

Love, Kenadee

Dear Santa,I want a pixle 3 and in-

tendo switch game. I want a toy pleas give my brother a pokemon and my mom a Ip-onex made out of gold.

Love, Blaine

Dear Santa,I want my mom and dad

to have that plate that I have pantdid on, I want me to have that bout race that I saw at alles, I want a remote control car, I want my bruth to have renote control car too.

Love, Gabbie

Dear Santa,I am going to tell you what

I want for Chrismis, I waht a ps4. I waht a pntone, I waht a tablet. My sister wahts a lol doll.

Dear Santa,I want a watcht, I want

a fom, I want phone, and a com. I want my sister to have a phone too.

Love, Madison

Dear Santa,I would like a drone, a wii,

and a new nintendo switch game. I want everyone to have a Merry Christmas!

Love, Lawson

Dear Santa,I want a new barbie house,

a monster high bus, a mon-ster high dolls. I would like for Mrs. Flores’ son to have a new Elmo book.

Love, Naomie

Mrs. Henderson - Third Grade Malvern Elementary

Dear Santa,Can I have a elf and a hov-

erbord, I realy want one oh! and can I get a phone I know how to work it.

Love, Jelisa

Dear Santa,I want fallout 76 and fall-

out 4, and a big rseever to doer my spedkss.

Love, Alexei

Dear Santa,Pokemon toys, yvltal toy,

and a zekrom toy. Have a good flit?

Love, Caleb

Dear Santa,For Chrismas I rely wont

a magic pad for chrsmas. And I wont a rose gold back pack, black hover-bord that is all and thank you, and scatebord

Love, Hannah

Dear Santa,Pleses read you are great

and you and roodolf can do it. Im 1.00 $ sure your real. Can I have a bad mitin, or a nerf gun plese. You are my foverit and roodof.

Love, Ayden

Dear Santa,I’m just giving idea of

what I want for chrismas. I rilly want a lago batman set and a lago spiderman set and a rc car and a nerf gun and and a water gun.

love, Solomon

Dear Santa,I rely wunt a legog set.

Also, and a huver boad, and a trampaling four crismes. If you could get me all to these I will love it thank you Santa.

Love, Shane

Dear Santa,For chrismas I only want

one thing for chrismas that is my dad, and a lego set, and a mincraft lego set pleas.

Love, Sabino

Dear Santa,How are you doing. I only

want 4 things. First, I want a Iphone and clotches and toy and for wiler. Thank you.

Love, Raven

Dear Santa,I always wanted anipod,

and I want a book about Santa, and a teddy bear. Last, I want-ed a good Christmasce.

Love, Desmend

Dear Santa,I really want a rose gold

hove-board with blue-tooth speaker and LED lights. I want a game called splton two on the Nintindo switch and pink and green controllers on the Nintindo switch. Also, I want alot of candy.

Love, Karli

Dear Santa,I just wan’t a computer, my

sister has one and me to one that 200 $ or 100 $ pls. thank you.

Love, Cristion

Dear Santa,My name is Noah, some

people call me NoNo, I don’t like people call me NoNo. So what I want for Cristmes is a gun and a Lebron James short pluse. I want my mom have a other baby, but I don’t know why my mom don’t won’t a nother baby. And I want a phone but my mom and dad don’t give me a phone and I have to tell you a quation. But why is you so fat?

Love, Noah

Dear Santa,I want a dirtbike for Cris-

mes. I want a TV for Crismes. I want candy for Crrismes, dirtbike stuff and a cupendet for crismes.

Love, Sawyer

Dear Santa,I don’t want nothing I want

to spend time with family and celebrate Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Peace, Church, Bible. My name is Jake I’m 9 years old and I am very grateful that God sent his sun Jesus to earth. It’s not about was is wrapped, it’s about family time and Je-sus.

Love, Jake

Dear Santa,Can I have a xbox gift card

for 10 dollars and a computer, a camera so I can vlog, gam-eing set up, and a chad wild clay wheel.

Love, Zachary

Dear Santa,I want a truly real baby doll

with all the baby real stuff and dipers and baby bag. The next thing I is the new iphone with a girl case. Then I want a hov-erboard with blue tooth. Next thing I want a et cat that a girl. Last thing is a big board with markers.

Love, Maekya

Dear Santa,I only want one thang and

that one thang is a lot of candy and the tipe of candy I want is like 10 kinds that are suckers, candy cans, gumy beers, cok-let and any thang.

Love, Xander

Dear Santa,I want a hoverboard and a

pear of skates with knee pads and elbow pads and one more thing a pupply to KEEP!

Love, Bella

Dear Santa,Can I have a iphone, a

cool case, a Santa stachum a tray with weels, hatchamal toy, a appel computer, a apple tablet, a tv, cool headphones, cool boots, toys, xbox PS4, and LED lights controlers, cool cloths, a lot of squoishes, a cool gold huverbord, LED lights, lot of cand, lot of gum, a printer with cool cases on the side, cool back packs, and a real elf doll, and a speaker with a micipohone, and a book of an elf, blanklet, pillows, hand sanatiser.

Love, Delaney

Dear Santa,I wan’t a toy cat. I wan’t

a toy dog. I wan’t a toy goat. Hoverbord.

Love, Haleigh

Dear Santa,I would like some spi-

der-,am stuff you don’t need to give me too much, but you can if you want to. I’m 9 years old and I’m in 3rd grade and when I’m 10 years old then I’ll get a phone, but taht will be when I’m in 4th grade, but I can wait for a phone. I’m a little excited for Cristmas. *No sisters*

Love, Adam

Dear Santa,Hoverbord, xbox1, iPhon-

ex, scatbord. Have a good day Santa!

Love, Daishawn

Mrs. Schultz - Third Grade Malvern Elementary

Dear Santa,I want a L.O.L. Surprise

kit, and a bike, and a art kit, and a computer, and some headphones, shopkins, and can I keep Rordoff the red nose rain deer?

Love, Fortune

Dear Santa,I want you to bring me

Arana Groday to me, and a huvuerbord, and a big bar-be hose. Do you relae have rudoof? And, I want you to bring me a pupy and a pony and a art set. Can I keep Ru-doof?

Love, Monica

Dear Santa,I whant a micrscope and

a phone and a good famiy and a bety life, and a Mary Christmis, and a big ho, ho, ho, Santa.

Love, Thatcher

Dear Santa,I want a new game for

xmas for my PS4. How do your raindeer fly. How are you doing.

Love, Andrew

Dear Santa,How is Rodolph? I want a

fingerling and a box of candy. I also want notebooks, and markers. I would like a com-puter.

Love, Ahmilee

Dear Santa,You are my friend and

what I want for Chismes is xbox and intendo switch that you can biuld on, and a ghost busters game, and a vr, and mony, and a new zombe game and playstation.

Love, Myshia

Dear Santa,I would like a robot ball

for Christmas and a bell from your slay, also a big tote full of JoJo Siwa bows! I have questions can I have a phone? How is Rudolph doing? Make sure he has enough food!

Love, Laila

Dear Santa,I wish I could see you in

person. Now, Santa I hope I’m on the nice list. So if I am can I please Have a phone and a robot ball please and thank you.

Love, Addacyn

Dear Santa,I want a computer, and a

some book, and I want some color pencil, and notebook to draw in, and I want to go back to my old school, and I want a phone, and why do you live in the North Pole? And I love to book, write, and draw.

Love, Tiana

Dear Santa, I want a pony and a new

barby doll, and a I want it to be sumer again, and new bar-by clothes and a happy Chir-mas. And how does your rain deer fly? And if you touch a elf on the shelf why do thay lose ther magice?

Love, Hayli

Dear Santa,I want a plastic pokemon

grening a toy. Santa how many elvs do you have?

Love, Robert

Dear Santa,I think you like me be-

cause I always say thank you! Christmas makes everybody smile. I will love anything you bring me.

Love, Carphy

Dear Santa,I wan’t a hoverboard for

Chrismas, and a new pear of shoes and clothes, playstation 4 and intendo switch, and a new iphone. I want a new tab-let and curry shoes, and a cur-ry pillow, Lebrons and some Micheal Jordans, James Har-dans. Merry Christmas.

Love, Tyrese

Dear Santa,I want a doll house, and a

doll and a baby’s doll, and a bike, and a computer, and a I want a sligh. And how are your raideer’s are doing!

Love, Yareli

Dear Santa,I want a new remote con-

troled car and a computer, and some matchbox cars. Santa people think your not real, but I think you are real.

Love, Xander M.

Dear Santa,I would want a big art set,

and 100 L.O.L. dolls, big sis-ter little sister the pets, and the lol bags, and a adidas back pack. 12 convers, 2 adidas, a phone, 14 hatchimals. 400 popsie suprice. 10 little pop-sie suprise. I also want you to bring bts to me! How does your house look like?

Love, Kimberly

Dear Santa,I whant a phone, and a

xbox360, and gta5, a nerfgun, a flat skreen tv, a shotgun, and a tablit. Am I on the nody list? And I whant a play stayshiny.

Dear Santa,What is your real name,

what is your story? I want a hoverboard and new shoes, iphon xs, and a snake. How fluffy are you? Am I on the naughty list?

Love, Travis

Dear Santa,For Chrismas I want

pokemon, lets go pikachu, and super smash brothers brawl for nintendo switch. Also, I want to know how your raindeer can fly. How you can deliver presents in one night?

Love, Asher

Mrs. Efird - Third Grade Malvern Elementary

Dear Santa,My name is Jamira Ames,

and I am and 3 grade in my school is Malvern Elemen-tary School. An I want a ip-hone 8, and a JoJo Cy shoes, and a dream tent, and a new lunch box with a new bach-pack, and a hoverboad, and a new lol dolls, and a new clean up pack. How was the North pole and how are you doing? A new camra, and a new big gumey bear. And a new bike, and some new close, and a new baby alive, and a new camp book.

Love, Jamira

Dear Santa,I am Lydia and I have 3

sisters and a brother. May I get a Yorkie dog and a cu-ple sueters for a Yorkie dog. Yorkie dog shoes, and barbie dolls, a bicycle. I also want a adidas outfit, some onesies, hoverboard, iphone xs, cam-era. I LOVE Christmas.

Love, Lydia

Dear Santa,My name is Aiden and her

is some stuff about me. I have 2 brothers and 1 dog. This is wan’t for Chrismas roodof, PS4 with a game cald fornt-night, electrek skooter, and a elf on the shelf.

Love, Aiden

Dear Santa,Hi, I want 3 things for

Christmas. Rolex, and com-puter, and hoverbard. Thats what I want for Christmas.

Love, Dalton

Dear Santa,I donit want much. So I

want a new call of duty game, nintindo swich, and a pro controlor for the swich, and a red controler.

Love, Hayden

Dear Santa,Santa, if you can, may i

have a iphonex? From the nightmare befor crismis can I have the mar and fakenalls, and a whash. Santa I love u and if I could I whould talk to u all the time. And if you could wack me up and let me see you that is all I ask for. Have a good crismis!

Love, Marissa

Dear Santa,How do you go all the way

around the wold in one night? I wan’t a drone. I wan’t a elf.

Love, Tucker

Dear Santa,I want a off the road hov-

erboard, a stuffed animol Car-ter has made it to our house! He ate our pumpkin pie! He also ate some chocolate, but he has been a very good elf. I hope I can still get presents because me and Sawyer have been fighting a little bit. I hope Sawyer can get presents too! I really like reindeer. Can you get me something from all of them! I hope you have a very good xmas!

Love, Hattie

Dear Santa,What I want for Crismis

is a game that is called gang beast. Can you also get my baby sister the best baby toy ever? And I’ve tryed to be good. And I ‘v tryed to be hap-py. Why do your elfs stall sill?

Love, Clint

Dear Santa,I want a crome book, drone

with a camra, binder with pa-per, a book, a coloring book, a fake dimond, and a apple. I love to draw, read, and my fav-eret color is blue.

Love, Jeremiah

Dear Santa,I want a phone, and a bike,

and a computer, and a owl, and a smart wach, and ruhph, and a elph, and a drone, and a play-stanen.

Love, Avanna

Dear Santa,I want a PS4, and a huver-

bord, I want fortnite, I want a tv, and pokemon kards, I want a cat, a dog, and bake in.

Love, Curtis

Dear Santa,I want a hoverbord, and

a new phone, and a ipad, and a computer, and a piana, and a new dog, and a cat, and a chicken.

Love, Delamar

Merry Christmas!

MAGNET COVE SCHOOL DISTRICTFriendly People • Small Community • Big Hearts

Malvern Daily Record - Saturday, December 22, 2018 - 7B

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would lake a food truck set, twin baby

set with a bunkbed, animal hospital cart, Doc McStuffin bag, books.

Love, Cyraina

Dear Santa,This Raylan Kane. I would like this year for Christmas

is two lego sets, a new fire truck, new drone, a magnet thing that turns into a car and a bone for Raven and Izzie.

Thank you, Raylan Kane - P.S. Have a Merry Christmas

Dear Santa, I’ve been good this year. Can I have a remote Christmas

monster truck.Thank you, Eli Hefner

Dear Santa,For Christmas this year I want a tablet and a magic pad. I

also want you to make sure every kid in the world gets a toy. Thank you Santa! Caden Self

8B - Saturday, December 22, 2018 - Malvern Daily Record

Dear Santa,For Christmas I want a

phone, tablet, baker oven, Yorkie. Hey Santa, I have a mom that wants a ticket to Las Vegas. Oh Santa, I for-got to tell you that I am 3rd grade, I am 8 years old and I live in Malvern. Have a nice day Santa!

Love, Elayshia

Dear Santa,I am Jadynn and I am in

the third grad and I want a iphone7, and a computer, and adidas, and a canapy, and a new lunch box, and pant, and a reborn, and pool table, and new tabal, and popajake hudy, and Nike, and a una-corn backpack, and a big salf baby bear, and some candy, and a new baby sis, and a new camra case, and a new book, and a new tablet, and a camp book, and bunck bed, a slime kit, and a big bucet of slime.

Love, Jadynn

Dear Santa,I am leaving the reindeer

carrots. In my stocking, I want a figit spiner. I also want a watch and a basketball. I also want a nintendo switch. I also want a chromebook. I also want a shoe NIKE. I also iphone.

Love, Sam

Dear Santa,I’m back again. Tell Dash-

er I said Hi! I like to play volleyball. I’m in 3rd grade. Happy Christmas! Tell Hallie my friend not to be bad. Can I have some new art stuff. Bye Stanta! Hope you have a good Christmas!

Love, Addison

Dear Santa,I would like a bed set, a

bed set, a computer with free minecraft on it! A headphone set that has a mikrofhone, a new phone, I hope you have a grate to give out to kids. Mar-ry Cristmas!

Love, Selena

Dear Santa,Don’t over do yourself at

Christmas, have a holly jolly Christmas this year. Please be holly jolly this year.

Love, Ritter

Dear Santa,I wish I could see you and

Rudolph. I want a BB 8 from Santa. It’s like you play on your phone.

Love, Elise

Mrs. Heather Conde - Age 4, Hippy - Poyen

Dear Santa, WHy do you have a bushy

beard? Why do you have glasses? Why do you wear fluffy fur boots? I love you so much. Your presents are so fun. I know its cold at your house. I love the Grinch and his dog Max but I love you most of all because you bring me presents and you can get through fire in my fireplace and that is magic. Merry Christmas! I will make you cookies with sprinkles and fudge.

Love, Aliza

Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas

is boots, and I want a ball.

Dear Santa,I have bin very good. For

Crismis I want a ntido swick. for crismis and a I phone 10 and a tablit. to.

Love, Landn

Ausley - Fourth GradeBismarck

My name is Lilyanne, I am ten years old. I have been very good, I helped my mom with my sister. My sister is very good, and so I want to get her a doll. I want a bike, art stuff, and a horse. I wish my mom can feel better and be happy. Can you come to dinner? Merry Christmas!

Sincerely,Lilyanne K.

I’m sorry to jump right into questions but do you really fo around the whole entire world in one night de-livering presents? I’m onloy nine and I just don’t really get it! Is it Christmas magic or what? I don’t get how you fly around the whole world in one night. Is there more than one Santa; where all the Santas go to one place?

I have tried my very best to be good. I would like t give food to the hungry this year so they too ca have a Christmas dinner and may-be get them a tree, or at least invite them over for a Christmas dinner. Do you think that would be a good idea? I hope it is because a lot of people don’t have enough food to have three meals a day. I can’t even imagine what some people go through just to get food.

I really want just these things for Christmas: dirt bike, Xbox One X, and Sky-rim for Xbox. I have two Christmas wishes though, I want my mom’s knee to be healed and my dad to be able to recover fully from being in Belize. I have one last question for you. Do you re-ally anser all the leters kids send you or do you have people and or elves that help you? This year U thgink I am foing to leave you some money. Merry Christmas Santa!!!

Sincerely, Micah G.

My name is Myleigh. I am 10. I want a hatch a baby, camera, nerf gun. For Fly-nn, AVENGERS!!!! MOM/DAD MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to give a home-less person food, water. I played with Flynn. How are you and the elves? Have I been good? Yes!

Love, Myleigh

My name is Michael and I am nine years old.

I am only asking for two things this year. I hope you have been watching me. I have been good this year. I have helped my parents, brothers, and also stranger. I really love helping people. i am also thankful for you and all your friends at the North Pole.

I really want a new room, bed, and also gaming setup. That would be very nice if you could get that for me. If you really get that for me you are the best I have just one more special gift. It is about my parents. They have done way much stuff for me, and I want you to help them. If you do that I will be very happy.

I hope you can afford all of that stuff. If you can’t I will send you some money. I don’t have a lot of money, but I have enough to share.

Your Friend, Michael S.

My name is Kaylynn M. I am ten years old I have been good. Something good I did was pick up trash at school. I would like to give some-one a unicorn. I want a real living unicorn, dog, and a leopard for Christmas. My Christmas wish is to sleep outside. How is your beard so white and fluffy? Do you have any pets other than reindeer?

Sincerely, Kaylynn R.M.

My name is Yarely. I am 10 years old. I haven’t been so good but I would f like some three things. So, Id have helped my mom with her chores so I would like thee three things. First I would like a stuffed an-imal for my sister to play with. Something else would be get a computer to do my work and me and my sister play games. One last thing would be a phone maybe a samsung or a iphone to play games and not get bored or tired. Thank you! I hope you can get me that stuff and have a Merry Christmas. One last thing, how are your elves doing? All right down there, no one sick, hopeful-ly not. How many toys have you made for the kids that are good and bad? THANK YOU and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sincerely, Yarely

My name is CaylinB and I’m none years old. I have been really good this year. One thing that I did good this year was I helped put up the Christmas lights and blow-ups. One thing that I want to give you, Saint Nick, is a great big hug. The first thing that I would like for Christmas is a 10-foot french bulldog stuffed animal. The next thing that I wouold like is a bunch of Lego friends lego sets. Last but not least a touch screen laptop.My Christmas wish is that every-body will have good will in them on Christmas day and eve.

P.S. How many elves do you have?

Sincerely, CaylinB.

Mrs. Clamon’s

If you have time to red this letter. Hi I am Shaley. I am nine. I would be very glad to get a basketball goal, a girl’s basketball goal, a girl’s bas-ketball, I have been asking for a house with some fence. i would like to give some Christmas cards to some peo-ple. This is a Christmas wish, can you help build my house? A question why do you wear red if you don’t want nobody to see you?


I’m Cheyenne. I am 10 years old. I have been good this year. One reason I have been good this year is I put up the food and ornaments last night. I would like a hamster, a hair set and a art set. I want to give my mom money to buy a house. My one wish is for everyone to have a good Christmas. My question is how old are you? I hope you have a good Christmas. Tell Mrs. Clause I said hi!

Sincerely with love,Cheyenne L.

How are you this year? My name is Kaylee. What I want for Christmas is a iphone, po-laroid camera, hoverboard, and the most thing I want is for people to not be so mean and be happy and believe in Jesus and just please get me that iphone that is all I ever wanted my whole life please. That is not all I wanted to ask you though…how old are you?

Your friend, Kaylee A.

This is Izzy just wanted to tell you I have been good this year. In fact last weekend I helped Jaycee’s family put up their Christmas decorations. This year I am nine years old. This winter I want to give everybody a warm place to sleep while it is cold outside. This Christmas my wish is for everybody to understand the true meaning of Christmas, For Christmas I would like a boy pig. Also for our cheer squad to win cheer competi-tion. I have a few questions for you. How old are you and how many elves work in your workshop? Have a good Christmas, Santa Clause!

With love, sincerely,Isabella C

Santa I have a question for you. Why do you wear red and white? This year I would like every thing for an iguana cage, pooper-scooper, food bowl, and 5 years worth of food, a mansion would be more room for out family. I’ve helped Ryleigh get to a towel. This year I am 9 years old.

Your friend, Rhett H.

My name is Kailin, I am 10 years old. I have been very good this year. One thing I did is helped my mom and grand-ma with Thanksgiving dinner. You know I wonder where you get your magic? Most people say it’s from a crys-tal. Is that true? I wonder are you well? Will I get a present from you this year? You know I would like a camera to take pictures this year of my fami-ly. I would like to try earrings again. but not all that fancy please. The last thing I want for Christmas is some extra batteries for my camera. One thing I would like to give to the homeless is food. Then I want every child to get a toy this year. Santa if you can grant this all I’d give you big thanks.

Your friend,Kailin H.

My name is Jaden and I am ten years old. I have been kind of good this year. I throw out the trashes every week day. I also feed the dogs every day. I would like to give someone a special high five this Christ-mas. High fives are awesome! In return I would like a cam-era and another baby sister. I also wish for my cousin Jarred to come and stay at my house or the summer. It’s very fun to spend time with my 15 year old cousin. Two ques-tions though, how do I help my mom with college, and how old are you?

Sincerely,Jaden S.

How are you this year? My name is Olivia and I am 9 years old. For Christmas this year I want a new basketball goal, some squishies, and a kitten. My biggest wish is to get a kitten! I am pretty sure I have bee good this year. One thing I want to give someone is earrings for my friend, Izzy. The last thing I want to say is, why can’t everybody be nice to each other every once in a while?

Love, Olivia H.

I’m nine years old. I think I have been good all year. One of the things I have done is give away my toys. One of the things I want to give is the best birthday for my mom-mom and the three things I want is not to move away legos, and my parents will move back here. My Christ-mas wish is to not move from everyone I know and love. I have one more question. Do you think I have been good all year long?

Love, Jovie

My name is Dahlia and I am nine years old. I have been good this year, and played nice with my sibling. I would like it if you could find time to read this letter. This is what I want a portable mp3 player, penguin onsie, and a digital camera. My Christmas wish is a elf pet for Ted my elf. I was wondering if you are al-lergic to any kind of cookie? One more thing Santa I would like to tell you that I donated all of the clothes I can’t wear any more.

XOXO,Dahlia M.

My name is Ethan S. and this is my letter. Age 9 I have been good. I helped my sister one time. I would like to give my cousin black ops 4. Things I want are season 4 max battle pas v bucks, and a mic. Are you real?? Ho ho ho. How old are you and Mrs clause? How many elves are there? Have a Merry Christmas.

Your Friend,Ethan S.

My name is Mckayla B. I am 9 years old and I would like for you to decide if I have been good or not. What I did good was helping new peo-ple. I would love to give many things like clothes, shoes, food, and family to the home-less. This year I would like to have a pair of high heels, a big, fat, fluffy unicorn, and I would like to have love. I have an question for you. Do you really watch over the elfs just in case they accidentally do something bad to the toys? So if you give the presents to the children they don’t get a messed up present.

Sincerely,Mckayla B

Hi my name is Victor ad I wish you could get me a suit like yours. I wish I was one your elfs. Speaking of elfs, how are they? Is business going good? How is Mrs. Clause? I hope she doing fine as well. Have you been feed-ing the reindeer, and is ru-dolph’s nose shining bright?

What i really want is you to give the homeless people clothes, socks, jackets, pil-low, blanket, bed, and food. I’ve bee good, and I’m 11 years old. I hope you and the reindeer have a safe trip! MERRY CHRISTMAS!


My name is Drake. I am 9 years old. I have tried my best to be good. I hope you like my letter. I really want a phone and a new gun. I real-ly want to give Caleb a nerf gun and Mason some nerf gun ammo. I know you are real. How old are you How are the elfs? Wha kind of cokes do you want? I want to see you in person. I hope I have a good Christmas. I have helped my mom clean the house to be good.

Love,Drake M.

My name is Jacob. I have been very good this year. I have done my chores every day. I would love to give my family a $300 gift card this year. I might receive a drone, a dart gun, and a giant lego set. My Christmas wish is for a nintendo switch tomorrow. My next Christmas wish is to have an enormous t.v. for my video games. My third Christ-mas wish is to make my fami-ly happy. My fourth christmas wis os to make more friends. My fifth Christmas wish is to go to the north pole. My sixth Christmas wish is to get a puppy because that is my favorite gift. Santa, will you please get me a nintendo to-morrow?

Sincerely,Jacob L. age 9

How have you been all these years? My name is Jay-ala and I’m ten years old and yes I have been good. I gave my cat food so he wouldn’t starve. My main goal is to give money to the homeless so they can buy food and get clothes so they can get a job. Three present I want is make-up, a camera, and last but not least, an iphone x. Please bring back my aunt Brandie for me too.


My name is Levi A. and my age is 9 years old. I have kind of been good but not re-ally. I have really tried to help my mom with a lot of chores.I really want a lot of other kids to get clothes shoes and toys. I really want a iphone x, a basketball, and a xbox game. My one and only wish is that I want other kids to be good for you so they will get lots of presents. I got one more ques-tion. How old are you?

Love, Levi A

My name is Iris and I am 11 years old. I’m good sometimes but not always. One thing I have done good this year is I have helped my nephew with his math home-work. One thing I would like to give somebody this year is my brother a puppy. Santa how are you? Do you have a lot of fun up there? I al-ways wonder what you feed rudolph to make his nose so bright. Does your elves work all year? One more question before I tell you what I would like for Christmas. How do you get in people’s houses if they don’t have a chimney? Santa, for Christmas I would like a beautiful girl horse please. So I can gallop around the yard on it. Will you get me a girl cat please. So I can cud-dle it. One last thing I would like a side by side please. So I can ride it through the woods. My Christmas wish would be to be able to see my nephew. Do you ever run out of time to deliver presets to everybody in the world? I got another question for you is there a difference between a reindeer and a deer? Have a safe trip delivering presents, and have a lot of fun.

Merry Christmas with lots of LOVE,

Sincerely, Iris R.

My name is Skylah. I am nine years old. I have been fairly good this year. One good thing I have done is helped my sister with her homework. One thing I want to give someone is a good Christmas. What I want for Christmas is a pig, a cactus, and a pet fox. My Christmas wish is that orphans have a good Christmas. How are you?


My name is Mia W. I am 9 years old. How are the rein-deer? I have a christmas wish. It is to get everything I want for Christmas! Ok this is what I want, headbands, art stuff and sharpies. I just want ev-eryone to have happiness in there heart. I have been really good this year. I helped my mom make my baby sister’s bottles.

Sincerely, Mia

Hi Santa my name is Jesse and I hope that everyone has a great Christmas! I also hope my cousins get to come here and my uncles and my aunts can come to. I want everyone to get here safely and I get to play with my cousins. We all get something and we all get to have a great Christmas! I hope we all have a great time. How many presets do you de-liver each year?

Sincerely, Jesse L.

Hello!! I am Nathan, and I’m ten years old. I can not confirm or deny that I have been good…but I can con-firm I can help SOME people depending on how large the problem is, or if they have a few bucks. By the way is there a green Santa int eh south pile that helps you deliver toys?!?!? If there is wha is his name maybe Alfredo? Also here is the stuff I want on Christmas! I NEED a steam gift card, a nintendo switch, and the new Call of Duty world war 2! My Christmas wish is for my fam-ily to stop arguing. Also I have a few questions for you. How old are you? Probably a few hundred because people have talked about you for that long! Where do elves come from? Do they get made in a facto-ry or maybe they’re robots or just tiny people with pointy ears! How late do you stay up? It’s important to get enough sleep, but you probably don’t have time huh? This is my final question! Is there any pets in the north pole maybe cats, dogs, hamsters? I don’t know so I want you to tell me! Ok Santa, that’s all I have to say. I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sincerely, Nathaniel(aka Nathan or Nate)

I wonder how old are you? Are the elves doing good? I want you to help my dad a little in life. I have been very good this year. I wonder how many elves you have? What I want for Christmas is a bike, a black basketball # small, and a phone like my dad’s when he hurt his back.

Love, Joshua M.9 years old

My name is Ashton. I am 9 years old. I’ve been really good I helped my grandma clean the house and I gave my brother some of my cards. What I want for Christmas is a nintendo switch with 2 games, pokemon lets go Evee and pokemon lets go Pikachu. Your Christmas question is what is your favorite sweet? My Christmas wish is that the poor get food, shelter and money, and have a good Christmas


Thank you for giving me toys. I hope you get me some good toys. How are you doing and how are the elves doing?? If you want to see what I want here it is. Computer, 200000 v bucks, Call of duty ww11, Pokemon cards. Are you hav-ing fun making toys? How do you go all around the world in one night? How do you fit all those presents and yourself in my house? How do you fit all those presents in one bag? Also I promise I have been good this year.


May I please have, no homeless, starving, or de-pressed people in the world, no pounds, world peace, no one gets bullied and all of my family including pets to never pass away? I think I have been good enough for it. I hope I was good for it. I always will love my family including dogs. I hope I can meet you someday. I hope your other reindeers are being nice to Rudolph. Santa, how come you only come out when we are asleep? My mom thinks you are a vampire! I just want to meet you.

Sincerely with Christmas joy and love,

Izabell M.

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