małgorzata dyszlewska małgorzata samsonowicz - friendly grammar gramatyka języka angielskiego dla...

Post on 31-Oct-2015






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MAtG ;:-.-. J 'SZLEW5KA MAtGORZA-;' S~ 'SO a ICZ


I , •

Projekt gra iczny okladki i strony tytulowej

Agata Jaworska

Rysunki Beata Batorska. Hubert Ronek

Konsultaqa J~zykowa

Graham Carr

Konsultacja polonistyczna

Krystyna Dlugosz-Kurczab


dr Andrzej Omiejka. Zafia Grudzinska

Redaktor inlqujqcy Mafgorzata Gutowska

Redaktor merytoryczny Anita Korzeniowska

Redaktor technlczny

Jolanta Oqbrowska

Redaktor graflczny Joanna Plakiewlcz

ISBN 978-83-02-09555-9 ISBN 83-02-09555-9

© Copyright by Wydawnlctwa Szkolne Pedagog czne Spot a A cYJna Warszawa 2006

Wydawnlcrwa Sz olne Pedagoglczne Spolka AkcYJna 02-305 Warszawa. AI. Jerozolimsk,e 136

Adres do orespondenCJI: 00-965 Warszawa. P poczt. nr 9

Wydanle plerwsze (2006)

Ar uszy dru arskich 1 1 ,7 5

S tad lamanle: S udio Grafiki Komputerowej ARTPRESS sp.j. T. Waloch, E. Waloch 88-100 Inowroclaw. ul. Poznanska 281

Druk oprawa: Zaklady Graficzne im. KEN, Brzoza k. Bydgoszczy

Contents Spis tresci


Spis tresci ...... .. .. .. ..... .... ... .. ..... .. ........... .. ........... . ........................... 3

List do uczni6w .......... .. ........... .... ....... . .. ........... .. .. . .. . ................ 7

1. Basic grammar terms

Podstawowe poj~cia gramatyczne ............ ..... ..... .. .............. ........... 8

2. Articles

Przed imki

2.1. Indefinite article a/an

Przed imek nieokreslony a/ an .... .................................. 12

2.2. Definite article and "zero- - c e

Przedimek okreslony i przec ~=-

2.3 . Articles and place names Przedimki i nazwy miejsc .

3. Singular, plural and cardinal nur-

=~ ·I ......... 15

.. .. . .. ................... .......... . 19

Liczba pojedyncza i mnoga oraz IC:~- ?:i,·,ne .. ...... .......... .. ... .... .. ... .. . 22

4. Verb to be and personal prono~~

Czasownik to be i zaimki osobo ·.e

5. Demonstrative pronouns

Zaimki wskazujqce ............... ..

6 . Substitute words: one/ones

. ..... .... .. ..... ...... ... .. .... ....... .... 26

.. . .................. . ........... . ........... 32

Slowa mogqce zast~powac inne ' -. ~~ one/ ones ................... .... .... ..... 34

7 . There islThere are and prepos - of place

There is/There are i przyimki mie,:::.2. .. .. .. ............. ........................ 36

8 . Verb have got

Czasownlk have got .............. .. . ...................... . ............... 40

Friendly Grammar

4 four

9. Possessive Forms

Formy dzieri:awcze

9.1. Gen itive's

Dopetniacz 's .......................................... .. .. ............ .. . ........... 44

9.2 . Possessive adj ectives

przymiotniki dzierzawcze ....... .. ... ......... .................. .. .. ..... ......... 48

9.3. Possess ive pronouns

Zaimki dzierzawcze ............ . .. . .. .................. .. ................... ..... 51

10. Comparison of adjectives

Stopniowanie przymiotnik6w ........... . ................. . ......................... .... 54

11. Countable and uncountable nouns

Rzeczowniki pol iczalne i niepoliczalne ........ . ................. ........ ............. 60

12. Pronouns some, any, a lot of

Zaimki some, any, a lot of

1 3. Present Simple

Czas terazniejszy pros

14. Adverbs of freq uency

.. 64

................................... ........... ....... . 68

Przysl6wki cz~sto . wosc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 74

15. Verb can

Czasowni can

16. Verb must

........................ .............. 78

Czasownik must .......... . ............ .. ........ ...... .. ....................... .. . . ...... 82

17. Verb have to Czasowni have to ...... " ..... " ..... "" ....... .......................... .............. 86

18. Would you like . .. ? 90 Czy chciatbys .... ....................... . .. ..... " ............ .

19. Imperatives Zdania rozkazujqce ............... .. . .. ... .. ...... . . ....... . ..... .... . .. ................. 94

20. Prepositions


20.1. Prepositions of movement


Przyimki okreslajqce ruch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

20.2. Prepositions of time

Przyimki czasu ... ... . . .... . .. . ........................ ... .. .. . ........... 101

21. Like + -ing

Konstrukcja like + -ing ... . .. . .. . . ...... .............. .... . .. ......... .. ... ...... . ....... 104

22. Subject and object pronouns

Zaimki osobowe w funkcji podmlo u dopelnienia ...... ............. .............. 108

23. Present Continuous

Czas terCiZn iejszy ciqgly

23.1 . Present Continuous for present actions

(zas erazniejszy ciqgly: DleZqCe wydarzenia ....................... . . ... .. 11 2

23.1. Present Continuous for future plans

Czas teraZniejszy ciqgly: plany na przyszlosc ....................... ....... 11 7

24. Present Continuous and Present Simple

Czas terazniejszy ciqgly i czas terazniejszy prosty ........ . ........................ 1 20

25. Past Simple: to be

Czas przeszly prosty czasownika to be .................................. .. ... ...... 124

26. Past Simple

Czas przeszly

26.1. Regular verbs Czasowni i regularne ....... . ..... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ........... . ..... . .... ....... .. . 1 28

26.2. Irregular verbs Czasowni n eregularne .. ...... . ....... 133

27. Had to For~G. ad to .. .. ... .. . ... ...... ........... . .... ... ..................... ............... . 1 38

28. 0 _ -- - ...... bers and dates GC::- • :::-::qdkowe i daty ................... ................... . .. . ............... 142

Friendly Grammar

6 six

29. Going to

Forma going to

29.1. Going to fo r future plans

Going to: plany na przysztosc . .. .. .

29.2. Going to for predictions

.. ............ . 146

Going to: przewidywan ia dotyczqce przysztosci .................. . .... 150

30. Future Simple

(zas przyszty prosty ..................... . ... . ...... .......................... ... .... .... 152

31. Verb should

Czasowni should ............. ........... ...... ........ ............. ...... ...... .. .. .. 156

32. Present Perfect

Czas Present Perfect

32.1. Present Perfect for experience and recent actions

Present Perfect: doswiadczenia zyciowe oraz ,., eda""ne wydarzenia .. . 160

32.2. Present Perfect w ith since and for

Present Perfect z przyimkami since i for ..

33. Subject and obj ect questions Pytania 0 podmiot i dopelnienie . . ...... .. .

Answer key Klucz odpowiedzi .... .. ..................... .. .....

..... ... .. .. .. ... .. . .. . 164

...... ................. 168

............. .. ... ..... . .... . 17 2

Czasowniki nieregularne ............. .................... . . . ...... ...... .. ... .. . 184

Drogi uczniu,

Czy uwazasz, ze uczenie s ~ 9 amatyki to nuda i niepotrzebna strata czasu?

Sprobujemy przekonae ci~. ze :a ie musi bye, a nawet moze to bye ciekawa przygoda. Z a ~osC gramatyki pozwoli ci pre­cyzyjnie przekazae infor ac.? ./II j ~zyku obcym i dobrze rozumiee informacje kiero are 0 o ebie.

Nauka kazdego j~zyka obceg :>'7)'pomina budowanie z kloc­kow Lego. Klockami Sq s' Co ore poznajesz, ale to nie wystarcza, aby zbudowae ;:-~e statek kosmiczny czy dom. Musisz jeszcze skorzystac z a'1U pokazujqcego, jak nalezy pofqczye elementy danej -s-r-:.. cji. Zasady gramatyczne Sq wfasn ie takim planem, kt6 ::' ala poprawnie tqczye stowa, czyJi budowae zdania.

W tej ksiqzce podstawy gra ..... a- · ,~zyka angielskiego Sq przed­stawione w sposob bardzo --==.7 sty, a eWiczenia towarzyszqce objasnieniom pozwolq ci narYa- :>rawy i pewnosci w stosowa-niu poznawanych zasad. ZJ . ~_ c· wytrwafosci.

Zaprzyjaznij si~ z gramaty..... :..-raNd~ warto! Good luck!

Mafgorzata Oyszlewska Mafgorzata Samsonowicz

Friendly Gran1n1ar

Basic grammar terms Podstawowe pojfi!cia gramatyczne

1. Nouns - rzeczowniki. Sq to nazwy rzeczy, zwierzqt, ros lin, zjawisk itp., a takze imiona wlasne.

Australia is a small continent. Dogs and cats are popular pets. Peter is my little brother. Many girls like beautiful roses .

2. Adjectives - przymiotniki. Sq to slowa, kt6re m6wiq nam wi~cej 0 rzeczown ach. okreslajq je.

Austral ia is a small continent. Dogs and cats are popular pets. Peter is my little brother. Many girls like beautiful roses.

3. Articles - przedimki. Nie majq odpowiednika w j~zyku polskim. S aw,amy je przed rzeczo­wnikiem lub przed przymiotnikiem okreslaJqc)m en rzeczown ik.

There is a bookshop near my school. I can see a big dog. The dog is black.

Susan is the best singer. An apple a day is good for you.

4. Pronouns - zaimki. Sq to slowa. kt6re mogq zast~powac rzeczo· i' i.

Andrew plays vo lleyball. He plays it .

Magg ie I'kes fl owers. S h e likes the m .

5 . Verbs - czasownik i. Informujq 0 co os lub cos robi albo co s i ~ z nim dzieje.

re are ave go ::=..

=.ra.~ . 's ' ed cers c.a SI

I. Basic grammar t:erms

6 . Adverbs - przystowki. Te slowa m6wiq, jak, kiedy lub 'a cz~sto jest wykonywana dana czynnosc.

Tigers can swim very wel l. I watched TV yesterday. Ann often helps her Mum. My brothers shout loudly.

7. Prepositions - przyimki.

Te slowa m6wiq, gdzie zra_:::~A s i ~ osoby lub przedmioty oraz w jakim

kierunku s i ~ poruszaja,. =>-=-_ mki uzywane sa, takze z wyrazeniami m6wia,cymi, kiedy cos si~ z~--=jlo .

Mr Brown is in the garden. He is running down the stairs We have Biology on Monday. The party starts at seven o'e oc .

8 . Word order - szyk wyrazow.

W j ~zyku angielskim wyrazy r-a_q wyraznie okreslone miejsee w zdan iu.

Zmiana miejsea wyrazu moze z ..... e Ie sens zdan ia lub u rudnic jego zrozu­

mienie. Okreslenie miejsea i ezas~ CJmieszczamy na koneu lub na poeza,tku zdan ia.

Who Alex I

Action went buy fruit

Mozna takze powiedziec:


-0 he cinema n the market

Last Friday Alex went to the c ~e~a.

Every Saturday I buy fruit in e -~ et.

Look at other examples: Popatrz na inne przyktady:

a.~ ::: _ 5 olay footb­Afte

SC 00 1.


In e all there is a b::: - ~::'

Th;"e 0; a big mirror in e all

(\112..- _ == ole go to the c~ _-:::~ on Sunday. o $_ ay many people 9:J :~ ~'1urch.

When last Friday. every Saturday.

riendly Grammar

II Put the words in the right order., . Napisz wyrazy we wlasciwej koleJnosCl,

1, got/mountain /I/new /have/ a/ bike

. ,I . hc:t"e. 9.0:t .. Q. ~.e~ . ~o,u~tQ. i .~ . ~ .i ~~:, .. , .. , ...... , .... , .. , .. " ...... , ... " .... '.·'

2 . films/I/TV /Iike/horror/on/don't

..•..•..•••.•....•..•• .• •..•....•...•..•....•..•..• • ..•.•..•• , .••• • •• , •••••.••..•••••.•• 0.

3. go/Bialystok/ Adam/ school /in/Ewa/to/and

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 •• 0. 00 • • 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• ,

4, after/friends/play /my /school /often/football

....... ........... .. .. .. ... , ................................ , ..... . .. ,., .... . ............ .

5. on/there/ floor / my /is/ bedrom/ carpet/the/ a/in

6 , talking/ my / the/ on/ mother / the/is/ phone/moment/ at

7. eats/vegetables/he/ and/ a lot of/fruit

•••••••••• , •• 00 •••• 0 • • 0. 0 0 ••• • ••• ••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••• 0 •••••••• •••

ED Put the words and expressions into the given categories, Przydziel te slowa i wyrazenia do podanych ategoriL

Sf€€'FT • in the garden · in spring • Eats • dogs ' yellow ' red ' walk '

In the sky • waH • kids • sleep • in the sea • in autumn • soft •

birds • run • on the first day of the holidays • on Sunday afternoon •

in the park • flowers • are • fast • happy • on the table • t ired •

at the weekend • apples ' under the tree ' at eight o'clock '

dance • litt le • big • bananas • swim • in the street • black ' white •

in the even ing • juicy • play · strawberries ' on the beach ' tasty •

sad • sit • in the morning • hungry • near the door ' clouds • dirty •

on a lovely day • clean • fly • sharks • naughty • in the basket • funny •

on a rainy day • nice

adj ectives nouns

.. . 9.r~e!1 .... cats

.. .. ...... .. 1


al k

I. Basic grammar terms


of place


of time

aD Look at the examples, then fo lio' the pattern and wri te your own poems using t he phrases from the chan above. Sp6jrz na przy lady i napisz wlasre • ersze wedlug podanego wzoru, uzywaj'l:c zwrot6w z tabel i powyzej.

adject ive + p lural noun

verb + express ion of place

expression of t ime

adjective + adjective

Sad sha ks swim in he sea on a love day hungry and big.

Gr een apples wait on the table on Sunday afternoon juicy and tasty .

... ... .. ... .... ........... .

Friendly Grammar

Articles Przedimki

Indefinite article a/an przedimek nieokreslony alan


















Well done, Witty! Dobra robota, Witty!

2. Articles

The Wise Owl Says:

Stowa a i an nie majq odpowiea ow w j ~zyku polskim. W j~zyku angiel­skim stawiamy je przed rzeczowni kami policzalnymi w Ip. , kt6re nie Sq doktadnie okreslone i 0 kt6rych IC Jeszcze nie wiemy .

• Przedimek a stawiamy przed rzeczownikami zaczynajqcymi s i ~ od sp6tgtoski, np. a table - przeG""" ot, kt6ry jest stotem, jakis st61.

Przedimek an stawiamy przeG rzeczownikami zaczynajqcymi si~ od samogtoski, np. an apple - 0 oc:. kt6ry jest jabtki em, jakies jabtko.

W j~zyku angielskim y nie jest samogtoskct - a yacht, a year, a yard.

Litera u na poczqtku wyrazu bywa V'j awiana jako samogfoska -an umbrella, an uncle, lub jako spotgtoska - a un icorn, a uniform.

D Put in a/ an. Wstawa/ an.

~~ . insect

.. ... end



..... animal

..... plane

..... exam

..... tiger

Look at t hese examples. Popatrz na podane przy lady.

an oak tree a big oak tree

a book an interesting book

a box an enormous box a table an oval able

an author a famous author

an answer a good answer

The Wi se Owl Say s:

.. ... boy

.. ... idol

.. ... parrot

..... angel

..... tree

.... . city

..... owl

..... evening

Jesli do -::eczownika ::z.emy przymiotnik, to przedimek a/an przenosimy przed :Y=-Jmiotnik. MC=e: czasami spowodowac zmian~ tego przedimka.

Friendly Grammar

e Match the captions with the pictures and complete them with a/ an. Dopasuj podpisy do rysunk6w i uzupelnij je przedimkami a/ an .

. ~ . new car

.... American flag

.. .. old car

.... closed window

.," open window

. , " Brit ish flag

II Put in a/an then rewrite the rhyme w ithout adj ectives. Change the articles where necessary, Wstaw a an, a nast~p ni e napisz ten wierszyk bez przymio now.

Zmien przedimki. jesli jest to konieczne .

2 I ~ ~ 7


.. A .. green apple and .. q .. yellow pear, ... . ........... .. .................. .. . . . ..

, , , . . , African ostrich and ., . ... brown bear,

...... left eye and ...... right leg ,

...... new tractor and ." . .. big farm .

. .. .. , oval head and ...... long arm,

". ' ,. small ear and ...... short neck,

, , " " open bank and ,. ,'" signed cheque,

, . . .. , orange pencil and . , .. . . empty box,

.. ' ... white eagle and ...... red fox, . . ... . ..... ... ... . . . .. ... ... ..... . .. . .... .

. . , , . . tennis racket and " . . ,' rubber ball, . . ...... . .... . .. ... . ..... . ... . .......... ..

. , .... expensive bike and .... .. ugly doll. ... . ... . . . .. . .. . ... .............. .. ... . ...

2. Articles

Definite article and "zero" article Przedimek okreslony i przedimek "zerowy "

Professor Brain, there are

two more boxes with articles!

Profesorze Brain,

tu Sq jeszcze dwa pudelka z przed imkami!

Look at the examples and try to work out

w hen we use these articles. Popatrz na przyklady i odkryj , jak

uzywamy tych przedimk6w.


" ,,-

Friendly Grammar

Th is is a cat and a dog. The cat is white and the dog is black.

Apples are usually green , yellow or red.

The apples on your table are red and green.

Ann likes soft toys. She has got a teddy bear,

a monkey and a hippo.

The teddy bear is old , the monkey is funny

and the hippo is very big.

The sun is a star and the moon isn 't.

Monday is the first day of the week.

Today is the tenth of June.

She is the nicest girl I know.

These are the most interesting books

about Africa.

I don't drink tea or coffee.

I usually drink mineral water.

The Wise Owl Says:

I think, I can understand it! Mys l ~ , ze to rozumiem!

Przed imek the nie ma odpowiednika w j ~zyku polskim. W j ~zyku angielskim stawiamy go przed:

• rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedynczej i mnogiej, 0 ktorych juz cos wiemy i ktore nie pojawiajq s i~ po raz pierwszy,

• rzeczownikami oznaczajqcymi rzeczy, ktore w danej sytuacji Sq jedyne -the floor, the ceiling , the sky, the sun, the moon,

• liczebnikami porzqdkowymi - the th ird , the eleventh , the twenty-fifth ,

• przymiotnikami w stopniu najwyzszym - the longest, the most difficult.

Nie stawiamy przed imka the przed rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi oraz rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej w znaczen iu og6lnym, kt6re pojawiajq s i ~ po raz pierwszy i 0 kt6rych jeszcze nic nie wiemy, przed imionami wlasnymi i przed nazwam i dni tygodnia oraz miesi~cy.

16 sixteen

2. Articles

a What are the missing articles? Jakich przedimk6w brakuje?

There is .. ~ .. boy and ...... girl .

...... boy is wearing ...... T-shirt.

...... girl is wearing ...... dress.

There are .... .. toys on .. .... floor:

...... ball, ...... doll

and .... .. teddy bear .

. . . . .. doll is under ...... chair.

a Put in a/an or the where necessary. Wstaw a/an lub he tam, gdzie to 0 eczne.

Cameron is .. <;1 .. . small village in .. ... south of .... .. country. John's house is in

...... middle of ...... village. Around . . . . .. house there is ...... big garden with

..... . tall rees and .... .. wild flowers. ow, John is stand ing in ..... . hall of ..... .

house. He can see .. .... big spider on ...... ceiling, ... . . . old newspapers on

..... . floor and ..... G S e erywhere . .... .. grey mouse is sitting under ......

bro e~ chair .... ... mo se s looking at John. It has got ...... black eyes and

'19 tail. ...... tail is I

Friendly Grammar

II Put in articles a/ an or the where necessary. Wstaw przed imki a/an lub the tam, gdzie to konieczne.

1. What .. . ~ . . nice day. . . T~.~ .. sun is shi ning.

2. In my room there is .. . . .. desk, ..... . bed and ..... . wardrobe.

3. Frank is . . .. . . tallest boy in my class.

4 . . . . . . . flowers, ... . .. trees and . .. . . . bushes are .. .. . . plants.

5. Tom has got .. .. .. new car and his litt le sister has got . . . .. bike.

6. . . . . . . elephants are . . .. .. biggest land an imals.

7. I can't open it! Have you got .. .. .. opener?

8 . A: What kind of bird is it?

B: I th ink it is .. . .. . eagle.

9. A: What do you keep in these boxes?

B: I keep ... ... salt , . .. .. . sugar and .... . . flour there.

10 . My birthday is on .... . . fifteenth of September.

:ffle an

e a

an the

a a

the a

~~ ~.::,. .. -- ..

Articles and place names Przedimki i nazwy miejsc

Witty, look at the map. I fee l lost with all these

geog raphical names! Witty, popatrz na map~. Nie m09~

dojse do ladu z tymi nazwam


The W ise Owl Says:


2. Ar1:icles

Gosh, you 're right. Let's ask the professor.

There must be some rules! Rety, masz racj~ .

Zapytajmy profesora. MusZq bye jakies zasady!

Przedimek the stawiam) n -=e~ ~~ ami oceanow, morz, rzek, grup wysp, pasm gorskich, kanalow ....., zeow, kin , teatrow i hoteli. Nie stawiamy przedimka e orzed nazwami kontynentow, krajow, miast i miejscowosci. Wyjqtki to: e USA, the UK, oficjalne nazwy kraj6w -The Republic of Poland (R=ecoospolita Polska), the Republic of Hungary (Republika W~gierska) itp., ora= 'lazwa stolicy Holandi i - the Hague (Haga). Nie stawiamy przedimka the orzed nazwami jezior, szczyt6w gorskich, park6w, ul ic, uczelni i lotnis .

Friendly Grammar

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

Poland Ireland Great Britain Spain


Glasgow Berlin

Africa Europe

Lake Mamry Lake Victoria

Mount Etna lazienki Park Central Park

Warsaw University St. Paul's Cathedral Heathrow Airport

Oxford Street Franklin Avenue

the Republ ic of Poland the Republ ic of Ireland the United Kingdom (the UK) the United States (the USA)

the Hague

the Pacific Ocean the Baltic Sea the River Narew

the English Channel the Suez Canal

the Himalayas the Sahara desert

the National Museum the Grand Hotel the Relax (Cinema)

the Cayman Islands the Bahamas

Jeszcze inne zasady uzywania przed imk6w poznacie podczas dalszej nauki j ~zyka ang ielskiego.

There are some rules but there

are some exceptions as well!

Sa, pewne zasady, ale jes r6wniez

iI a wyjqtk6w!

II Put in the where necessary. Wstaw the am, gdzie to onieczne.

1. We are from .... 7 . ... Poland, P;erre is from .... 7 ... . France

and Tim is from .. th? .. USA.

2 . ......... Dead Sea is small and very salty.

3 ......... . Alps are higher than ......... Tatra Mountains.

4 . . ........ River Odra is on ......... oorder between ......... Poland

and ...... .. . Germany.

5 .......... Sahara desert is in ......... Africa .......... Gobi desert is

in ......... Asia.

6. Now my ship is cross ing ..... .... Pacific Ocean .

7. What film is on today in ...... ... Relax Cinema?

8 . There are many interesting objeas in .... . . . .. Briti sh Museum

in ......... London.

2. Articles

9. Tomek lives in .... ... .. Poznan. His friend Steffen lives in ........ . Mainz.

10. My school is in .. .. .... . Kielce, in ........ . Wesola street.

11 . . . ....... Central Park is in ........ . New York, .. .... . .. Hyde Park is

in ..... .... London.

12 .......... Bal ic Sea is in .. ....... Europe.

13. . .. .. . ... Washington DC is ...... . .. capital of .. ....... United States.

14. I think ha . .. . .... . Lake Nidzkie is really beautiful.

1 5. Chris and Carol spen last weekend in ... . .. .. . Hague.

16 ...... .... Orkney Islands are in ......... North Sea.

17 .......... Moun Everes 's ......... highest mountain in ... .. .... Himalayas.

18 . .. ..... .. English Channel is between ......... France and ..... .... UK.

19. . .. . .. ... River Thames and .. ... . ... River Severn are big rivers

in ........ . England.

20. Young people don't often visit .. ....... National Museum.

Friendly Grammar

Singular, plural and cardinal numbers Liczba pojedyncza i mnoga oraz liczebniki gt6wne

Aleck, what does it mean?

Aleck, co to znaczy?

The Wise Owl Says:

I've underlined your mistakes!

Podkreslilam twoje bl~dy!

Liczb~ mnoga, rzeczownik6w tworzymy na og61 przez dodanie -s do formy liczby pojedynczej. Przed rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej nie stawiamy przedimka a/an.

Professor Brain, you told me

to add "-s" to a noun! Profesorze Brain, powiedz ial pan. aby dodac ,, -s " do rzeczown·-«1.

a man - two men a woman - four women a child - many children a person - many people

Spelling Tips ;

3. Plurals

Yes, Witty. We usually form plurals in this way,

but not always. Look! Tak, Witty. Zwykle tworzymy

liczb~ mnogq w ten spos6b, ale nie zawsze.


a foot - two feet a tooth - some teeth a mouse - five mice a re indeer - six reindeer

• Rzeczowniki z konc6wkq -x, -s, -ch , -sh otrzymujq w liczbie mnogiej -es, np.: a dress - dresses, a church - churches, a fox - foxes, a bench - benches;

• rzeczowniki z konc6wkq -f lub -fe zm ieniajq p i sown i~ w liczbie mnogiej, np.: a wife - wives, a leaf - leaves, a le uwaga: a roof - roofs ;

• rzeczowniki zakonczone literq -y po spotgtosce takze zmieniajq pisowni~, np. : a lady - ladies. a party - parties. a city - cities.

Friendly Grammar

II What are singular forms of the underl ined nouns? Jaka jest liczba pojedyncza podkreslonych rzeczownik6w?

Henry and Ellen are my next-door neighbours. They are interesting people.

Henry likes watching basketball games on TV He collects toy buses, penknives,

and old watches. His wife Ellen collects small boxes and toothbrushes. She likes

watching her babies playing with her two small puppies. Henry and Ellen li ke

going to part ies and read ing. On the shelves in their living room there are

hundreds of books and many dictionaries. They have also addresses of the

most famous bookshops in many European ci ies. In heir garden they grow

delicious cherries and peaches.

1. neighbours - .. q . ~.~.i9h.~.<?~r. .... . 2 . people - .... ...... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .

3. games - ... .. ..... ... .. ........... .. .. ..

4. buses - ..... .. .... ... .. ..... ..... ... .. .

5 . penknives - ....... .. ... ... ....... ..... .

6. watches - .. ........ ..... .. ...... .... .. .

7 . boxes - .... .. ..... ....... ...... .. ...... .

8 . toothbrushes - ........ .... .. .. .. ... ..

9 . babies - .. .. ................... .. .. .. . ..

10. puppies - .. .. .. .... . .. ........ ...... .. .

a Do the crossword and read t he hidden word.

ozwiqz krzyz ow ~ odczytaj hasto.

1 . 2x 6. 1 1 2 . 4 7. 2 3 . 2 8 . 50

1x 9. 40 5. 14 10. 100

1. par ies -

1 2 . shelves - ............... .. .. ....... ... .

13 . hundreds - ................. ... .... .. ..

14 . boo<s - ..................... ... .. .. .. ..

5 . 00:0 aries - .................. .. .... ..

6 a resses - ................... ..... .. .

.. 7. DOOKShops - .................. .. .. .. ..

- 8 c - es - ... .... ................. ........ . .

i 9 cernes - .. .. .... ............. .... ... ..

20 eaches - .... . .. .. .. .......... ..... ... .

[' T W I C E 2

l3 4

5 I 6


l8 1 9 I

/10 I I

3. Plurals

II Find 20 plurals in the wordsearch. What are their singular forms? Znajdz 20 wyraz6w w liczbie mnog ej w tej wykreslance. Jaka jest ich liczba


1 . . . I<;l.~ ! ~s . ~ .. I~~'y .... .

2 .......... .. .. . ......... .

3 ...... .... .. . .......... ..

4 . ... ... ... .. . ... . . . . .... .

5 ... .. . ...... .. .. ...... .. .

6 ... .. ..... . ...... . . . .. . . .

7 . .......... .. .. .. .. .. ... .

8 ......... . .......... . .. . .

9 ......... .. .. . ......... ..


11 .







a What numbers are these? Jakie to liczby?

1. five

2 . twelve

3 . sixty-four

4. forty

5. th irteen

6. ninety-nine

7. twenty-seven

8. a hundred and e leven

9. four hundred and fifty-one










I !... A D

I F 0 X

I I N H I p w 0







E 0 P

10. one thousand. two hundred and eighty-six






































0 P D





S 0 E




Friendly Grammar

Verb to be and personal pronouns Czasownik to be i zaimki osobowe

Do you know Clara? She is so clever and so pretty! No, I don 't.

Czy znasz Klar~? Jest taka mqdra i taka pi~kna!

Yes, she's my best fr iend .

Look at the photo. Tak, ona jest mojq najlepszq

przyjaci6tkq. Popatrz na zdj~cie .

Is Clara your friend? Nie, nie znam. Czy Klara jest

twojq przyjaci6tkq?

Clara is a cat! I thoug ht .....

Klara jest kotem! Ja myslaiam ...

She's not my friend.

Ona nie jest mojq


Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane zdania.

I am a girl. He is a boy. I'm a girl. He's a boy.

She is my sister. It is my toy. She's my sister. It's my toy.

We are from Poland. You are from Spain . We're from Poland. You're from Spain.

They are from Scotland. Who is from Ukraine? They're from Scotland. Who's from U raine?

He is not a girl. I am not a boy. He isn't a girl. I'm not a boy.

She is not my sister. It is not my oy. She isn't my sister. It isn't my oy.

A tak tworzymy pytania z czasown ikiem to be:

Is she your sister?

Is it your toy?

Are you from Poland? Are they from Scotland?

4. t:o be

You can also use short forms

of the verb "to be". Mozna takze uzyc form skr6conych

czasownika "to be".

Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says:

Zaimki osobowe I, you , he, she, it, we, you , they Ua, ty, on , ona, ono/to, my, WY, oni) mogq w zdaniu zastqpic podmiot. Mr Brown is a teacher. He is a teacher.

Zaimk6w he i she uzywamy na og61 w odniesien iu do os6b, a zaimka it uzywamy w przypadku roslin , zwi erza,t i rzeczy w liczbie pojedynczej . This room is big. It is b ig.

M6wiqc 0 zwierz~tach domowych, mozemy takZe uzyc zaimk6w he oraz she.

II Rep lace the underl ined words w ith personal pronouns. Podkreslone slowa zastqp zaimkami osobowymi.

1. My sister is seven ... ?~.~ ... is seven.

2. Kasia and I are good fr iends ..... . ....... are good fr iends.

3. My uncle is very tall . .......... is very tall.

4. All boys love football ................ love football.

5. Miss Szulc is my English teacher .. . .. . . ..... is my English eacher.

6. Little puppies are sweet. .............. . are swee .

7. My cat is black. .. ........ ... is black.

8 . The trees in the garden are old ..... ....... ... are old.

9 . That boy over there is French .............. is French.

10. Your new dress is fantastic ........... is fan as ic.

The Wise Owl Says:

Drzeczenie czasownika to be tworzymy przez dodanie do formy osobowej S ONa not. I am not Basia. He is not tall. We are not hungry. They are not flowers.

Pytania, na kt6re odpowiadamy "tak" lub "nie" , tworzymy przez i nwersj~ , tzn. stawlamy form~ osobowa, czasownika to be na poczqtku pytania Is he tall? No, he isn 't . . Are you hungry? Yes, we are. Are they flowers? No, they aren 't .

4. to be

Czasown ik to be - fo rmy petne i s r6cone:

Twierdzenia Pytania Przeczen ia

I am I'm Am I? I am not I'm not

You are You're Are yo ? You are not You aren't

He is He 's Is he? He is not He isn't

She is She's Is s e? She is not She isn't

It is It's Is ? It is not It isn't

We are We're Are \e? We are not We aren 't

You are You're Are l. You are not You aren't

They are They're Are} ? They are not They aren't

fJ Put in the ri ght fo rms of the verb to be. Wstaw wlasciwe ormy czaso .... r ..a ~o be.

My name .. !? ... Chris. I ........ E 9 sh. Ewa and Antek ...... ... Polish. They

........ . twins but hey ......... d ~eren . Ewa's hair ......... blond, Antek's hair

..... . . . . black. Ewa's eyes ......... green, Antek 's eyes . .. . .... . brown. Ewa

.. ...... . tall, Antek ......... ra her shor . I ......... their best fri end. We .. .......

in the same class a school. I ... .. .... a Briti sh school in Warsaw. The ch il dren

in this school ...... . .. from many coun ries.

o Finish t he short answers to t he quest ions. Dokoncz kr6tkie odpowiedzi na podane pytania.

1. Is Mark a good pupil? he isn't. No, .. ... ... ............ .

2. Are Peter and Mark at school? No,

3. Is Kate busy oday? Yes,

4 . Is Frank Alice's brother? Yes,

5. Is th is a pen? No,

6. Is Tom 's father a doctor? No,

7. Are they your friends? Yes,

8. Are you and your riend Po /ish? yes, ................ ... ..

9. Are you a pupil? Yes, ........... ........ ..

Friendly Grammar

Jak przechodzimy od pytan wymagajqcych

odpowiedzi "tak" lub "nie"

(w j~zyku polskim pytania te zaczynajq s i ~

od "czy") do pytan wymagajqcych

szczegotowych odpowiedzi?

Are you angry? Yes, I am.

Why are you angry? Because I'm late.

Is this a sweet? No, it isn 't.

What is it? It is a chocolate.

Is Anna at home? No, she isn't.

Where is Anna? She 's at the cinema.

Are they happy? Yes, they are.

In English , questions haven 't got a word

like Polish "ezy". Pytania w j~zyku angielskim nie

zawierajq slowa odpowiadajqcego polskiemu "czy".

Why are they happy? Because it's their birthday.

II Answer the questions. Odpowiedz na pytania.

1. Where are you from?

.. ~' .m .. f~~~ .. ,',' .. .............................................................. ...... .

2. Where is your school?

3. Wha ime is i now?

••• " ••••• • ••• • •••••• • ••• •• ••• • •••• • 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 •••• ,., •••••••• • •• •• •••

4. What is on your desk?

........... ' . ................... .......... . ......................... , ................. . .

5. Who is your best friend?

6. What is your favourite colour?

•••••• ••••• •• • ••••• •• • ••••• ••• • ••••• ••••••• ••• •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• " 0 •• 0 •••• •••

7. What is your Eng lish teacher's name?

•••••••••• , ••• • •••••••• • • ••• ••• • • •• • •••• •• ••• II • • ••••••• ••••• , •••••••••••••• 1 0 •••• ••••••

4. to be

a Put the words in the right order. Ustaw wyrazy we wtasciwej kolejnosc·.

1. yellow/this/ a/ umbrella/is

.. ! .. i ~ .. ~ . y~ ~I .~~ . ~~.~:.~~Ip : ... . .... ... ..... ... .. . .... .. ... ..... . .. . ... .. . ..... . .

2. good/ am/pupil/I/very / a

" • •• • t o •••• " ••• , •••••• " •• •••••••• • • • , . •••• ,. ,0' . , • •••• , • ••• '0. ,,0 ••• • •• • •• t o •• • 0 ••• •

3. your/number /what/ favourite/is ?

•••••• " •• " •••• •• ••••••• " •••••••• • , •• ••••• •••• 00 • • •• ••• , ••••••• • •••••• , • • 0 0 . "0 • • , •• ••

4. at/ today/they / school /are/ ?

, ••••• • ••••• •••• , •• •• •• , ••• • • , •• • , • •••• • •••• •••• , •• •• •••••••••• "0 ••••• • • •• I " . , • • ,1 , t ••

5. school / friend/Ola/ my/ from/is

• • •••• , • • •••• •• •••• ••••• ••••••••• •••• •• , ••••• •• • 00. ,0' •• ••• • , ., 0 0 ••• • •••••• • •• ' 0 . , . , • • ••

6. capital /not/France/is/Warsaw/o e

CI Complete the sentences wi th the g iven words and match the questions to the answers. Uzupetnij zdania podanymi wyrazam aooasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.

she's • are • I'm • It's • She's • HT! • is • are • They • she · I'm • we • it • Are

1. Hi, Im Ala. What's your name? a. Yes, ............ are.

2 . Where ....... . .. .. you from? b. . ... .. .. ... . from Kroscienko.

3. Where is ............ ? c. ......... are over there near the car.

4. Is .. . .. . . . .... your sister? d. Hi, ............ Dorota.

5. How old ............ she? e. .. ........ .. in the south of Poland.

6 ............. you on hoi ida 5 -e"e? f. yes, ............ my little sister An ia.

7. Where ............ your pG1"e-cs? g. .. .......... four years old.

Friendly Grammar

Demonstrative pronouns Zaimki wskazujqce

The Wise Owl Says:

Pirate, look at this. Th is is a ball

and that is a stick. ' \ Popatrz, Pirat.

I \. To jest pilka, a tamto ;,l 1'-.., to patyk.

~ ~

Phew, these are bones and those are sausages.

Phi, to Sq osci, a tamto to kielbaski.

Wskazujqc na cos / kogos blisko nas, w zas i~gu r~ki, uzywamy zaimk6w wskazujqcych this (dla Ip.) oraz these (dla 1m.). Gdy te osoby/rzeczy znajdujq s i ~ dalej od nas, uzywamy zaimk6w wskazujqcych that (dla Ip.) oraz those (dla 1m.).

This pen is blue, that pen is black. These apples are red, those apples are green.

S. Demonstrative pronouns

This is a desk, That is a chair.


This is a computer, That is a teddy bear.

" o


a Help Tom descri be his room using this , that, these and those. Pom6z Tomkowi opisac jego pok6j , uzywajqc zaimk6w this, that, these i those .

.. . !~.i~ ... is my desk. .. .. .. ....... "

is my computer, ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .

is my discman, .. .. .. .... .. .. . are my

headphones and ........... . .. ... .

are my favourite CDs. Look over

there - .. . .. .. ...... .. is a fantastic

poster, .. .... , ........ .. .. .... . are the

books I like, ,. t ., •• • .•• • • ••••••• •• ••• . •

is my plane, . , ' •• 0 •••• • • ••••••••••• • • ••

is y oed and .... ................... .

ca- are cal led Smo y ano fly.

Friendly Grammar

Substitute words: Stowa mogqce zast~powac inne wyrazy: one/ones

Hey, Pirate, fetch the ball!

Pirat, przynies pilk~!

Which ones? The o ld ones

or the new ones? Kt6re? Stare czy nowe?

Which one? The black one or the white one? Ktorq? Czarnq czy bialq?

Hey Pirate, fetch my sli ppers!

Pira . przynies moje kapc,e!

6. one/ones

The Wise Owl Says:

Aby uniknqc powtarzania tego samego rzeczown ika, mozna zastqpic go wyrazem one w Iiczbie pojedynczeJ lub wyrazem ones w liczbie mnogiej .

This TV set is big. The one over ere is small. He loves cartoons, especially the ones about Bolek i Lolek.

a Put in one or ones. Wstaw one lub ones.

1. This is my new Engl ish book bu where is myoid .. ~.r:'~ ... ?

2. Which dress is nicer? Th is red . . ..... or that yellow ....... . .. ?

3. These red roses are beautifu l b I prefer the white ... . . . . ....... .

4. Don't buy these oranges. Buy he ... ..... . . . .. over there.

5. My glass is dirty. Can I have a c ean .. .......... ?

6. I don't like soap operas espeCially Brazilian ...... ...... ..

7 . These chocolates are delicious. Wh ich . .... .. . .. . .. do you want?

8. I like songs but the . . . ... .. . . . . about love are boring.

a Use the information from the table to answer the questions. Wykorzystaj informacje z tabelkl. aby odpowiedziec na pytania.

shorts T-shirt socks baseball cap

Alice pink white pink black

Chris orange green white green

Carol blac I blue black red

1. What are Alice 's favouri e shorts? Her favourite ones are pink. ..... ............. ....... .. ...............

2. What is Alice 's favouri e --shir ?

3. What are Chris's avour' e socks?

4. What is Chris's avouri e baseball cap?

5. What is Carol's favouri e baseball cap?

6. What are Carol's favouri e shor s?

Friendly Grammar

There is/There are and prepositions of place There islThere are i przyimki miejsca

What a mess! What's up? Ale balagan! Co siy dzieje?

I have looked for it in my desk, under my bed . ..

Szukalem go w biurku. pod 16zkiem ...

There are old comics, my dirty socks

and trainers but where 's my project?

Sq stare komiksy, moje brudne skarpetki i adidasy. ale gdzie

jest m6j projekt?

Witty, look what's under Pirate!

Witty, popatrz ,

co jest pod Piratem!

7. There isfThere are

The Wise Owl Says:

Wyrazenia there is/ there are pozwalajq nam powiedziec, ze cos lub ktos gdzies s i ~ znajduje.

There is Batman on the poster. There isn 't a pen on the table.

II Put in there is or there are. Wstaw there is lub there are

I h· k' h there is ntis Itc en ... ... . .. ........... .

There are apples in the basket. Are there big shops in this town?

a big window . ..... .... . ........... a cupboard,

a sink, a cooker and a fridge ......... . .. ..... . ..... . .... plates in the cupboard .

. . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . also a table and a lamp .... ........ .. . .. ... .. a cat sleeping on the

floor . ....... .. . . .... . ... . . apples In the basket and flowers in the vase.

Where is the butterfly? Gdzie jest motyl?

on the flower over the table near the table

under the table in the cup in front of the cup

behind the cup between the cup and the vase next to the vase

Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says:

Preposit ions of place (przyimki miej sca) pozwalajq opisac, gdzie znajdu­jq s i ~ omawiane osoby lub rzeczy.

My bag is under the chair. The kids are in the garden .

B Rewrite the jumbled letters in t he brackets to get prepos itions of place. Przestaw litery w nawiasach tak, aby powstaly przyimki miejsca.

My school is . n.~~! .. ~<? (noxtet) the park ..... .. . .... . ... . .. (nofrinfot) the school

there is a fountain, .......... ......... (dehnib) the school there is a playg round .

After school we often go to the park. We play .... . ..... . .......... (no) the grass

.. ............ .... (renud) the big trees. We watch birds flying ............... (v reo)

the bushes and ducks diving .............. .. .. (ni) the pond ................. .. .. .. ..

(rena) the park gate we can buy ice creams and lollies. Sometimes we go to

the Re lax cinema. It is ...... ........ .. ..... . ...... .. (we eben) the bank and the

su permarket in Forest Street.

D Look at the picture and answer the quest ions. Popatrz na rysunek i odpowiedz na pytania.

1. Where 's the cooker? .. I!.' ~ .. ~~~~.~~~ . t.~ .~ . ~.i ~~ .. ~~.~ . ~~.~ . f.~! ~9~· .. .... . 2. Where 's the fridge?

3. Where are the plates?

4. Where 's the able?

5. Where are he apples? ............. .. .......... , .. . .... .... . . . . .. . .... , ...... .... .

7. There is/There are

6. Where's the baske ?

7. Where are he flowers?

8 . Where's the vase?

9. Where 's the lamp?

10. Where's the cat?

II Look at the picture again and answer the questions. Popatrz ponownie na rysune i odpowiedz na pytania.

1. Is there a big window in he ki chen? . 'ye.~ , .th~.r~ . i.~ , .... , ... . , .... , ..... ,

2. Is there a sink under he window?

3. Is there a dog in the ki chen?

4. Are there apples on he able?

5. Are there plates on the table?

6. Is there a fridge next 0 the cooker?

The Wise Owl Says:

Czasami w j~zyku ang ielskim uzywamy innych przyimkow niz w j~zyku polskim - np. on television (w telewizji), in the picture (na obrazku), in the sky (na niebie).

a Write the underlin ed expressions in Po lish . Napisz, co znaCZq po polsku podkreslone wyrazenia.

There are stars in the sky,

There are films on TV,

There is music on the rad io,

There are birds in the tree,

There 's a vase in the picture,

In the photo there's my class,

There are cars in the street,

There are people on the bus.

no nieb ie

Naucz si~ na pam i ~c pOwyZszego wierszyka, a un ikn iesz bt~d6w.

Friendly Grammar

Verb ve Czasownik have got

I've got a magic wand ,

I've got a magic box!

Have you got a black cat?

Have you got flying socks? Mam czarodziejskq r6Zdzk~,

mam magiczne pudelko! Masz czarnego kota?

Masz latajqce skarpetki?

I haven 't got a black cat, I haven 't got

flying socks but with my magic wand I'll turn you into a fox!

Nie mam czarnego kota ani la ajqcych skarpe ek, ale mojq czarodziejskq

rozdzkq zam i eni ~ c i ~ w lisa!

She has got a magic wand.

She hasn't got flying socks.

Has she got a black cat?

Has she got a magic box?

Twierdzenia Pytania

I have got Have I got? I've got

You have got Have you got? You've got

She has got Has he got? She 's got

He has got Has she got? He 's got

It has got Has i got? It's got

We have got Have we got? We've got

You have got Have you got? You've got

They have got Have hey got?

They 've got

8. have go t


I have not got I haven't got

You have not got You haven't got

He has not got He hasn't got

She has not got She hasn't got

It has not got It hasn't got

We have not got We haven't got

You have not got You haven't got

They have not got They haven't got

Friendly Grammar

a Which obj ects has each child got? Jakie przedrn ioty rna kazde z dzieci?

a skirt

Ewa Jurek

The Wise Owl Says:

Pytania, na ktore odpowiadamy "tak" lub "nie", budujemy, stawiajqc have/ has na poczqtku pytan ia. W krotkich odpowiedziach na taki e pytania nie wyst~puje forma got. Have you got a cat? Yes, I have. Has he got a sister? No, he hasn 't .

Przeczen ia budujemy za pomocq slowa not, ore wstawiamy pomi~dzy have i got. Uzywamy na ogol form skroconych. You haven 't got a car. She hasn 't got a dog.

fJ Give short answers to the questions. Odpowiedz r6 ko na podane pytania.

1 . Has Ewa got a notebook? Yes , she has.

2 . Has she got a basebal l cap? No , she hasn't . . ... . . . . . ... ... .. . . . .... . .. . . .... .

3. Has she got a kite?

4 . Has she got a ball?

5. Has Jurek got a kite?

6. Has he got a jacket?

7. Has he got a pencil case?

8 . Has he got a ru ler?

8. have got

II Put in have got or has got. Wstaw w luki have got lub has got.

I .... ~.9Y~. 9?~ .... two friends - Sue and Tony. They live in a nice house.

It .................. .. a garden wi h many trees and flowers. Some birds

nests in his garden. In his room Tony .. .. .. .. ...... ...... .. ..

a collection of toy cars. Sue ............ . ... .. a big doll's house in her room .

They .. ................ .... two dogs and a cat. The cat ........ .. .. .. ..... three funny


II Answer t he quest ions. Odpowiedz na pytan ia.

1. What have you got in your schoolbag?

.. ~'y~. g~.~ .. ,': .... ................... ...................... .. .... .. .. .. ... ....... ... .... .

2. What have you got in your pockets?

• •• • •• • ••• •••••••• • •••• •• ••••• , ••••• • • •• •• • ••••• 0 •••• • •••••••••••••• ••• •• • •• • 0 ••• •• •••• • • •

3. What have you got under your bed?

........ ..... ... ............. .... ........... .. ..... ........... ...... ..... ............. . ...

D Look at the table and complete the text wi t h: have got, has got, haven 't got, hasn 't got. Popatrz na tabe lk~ i uZv::le'~ . -'" <:C' .vyrazami: have got, has got, haven 't got, hasn't got.

I Balloons Computer Kite Mountain bike Rabbit

Tomek , ./ ./ X ./ ./

Sara and Felix I ./ ./ ./ X X

Tomek ...... . ~.~? g~.~ .. .... .... a compu er 0 he .......... ................. a kite.

He .. .. .... ...................... .... .. a moun ain bi e and a rabbit, too. Sara and

Felix ............ ............ a computer and a i e but they .... ...... ...... .. .... .... .

a mountain bike and hey .... .. .. ........ ........ a rabbit. They .... .. ........ ..... ..

balloons and Tome ............ ......... balloons, 00.

Friendly Grammar

Possessive forms Formy dzierzawcze

Genitive Dopetniacz 's

This is Pirate's blanket. To jest kocyk Pirata.

44 forty-four

This is Witty 's vest and Aleck's skirt.

To podkoszulka Witty'ego i sp6dn iczka Aleck.

9. Possessive forms

~ Here are the children's

Oh, no!

socks but where's my sh irt? My best shirt!

Oh, nie! Tutaj sa, dz i ec~ce skaroe .. ae

gdzie jest moja oszu a7

Moja najlepsza koszula!

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przykfady.

Tom has got a bike.

Susan has got a doll.

Jim and Frank are friends.

Carol and Anna go to th is school.

These boys have got colourful kites.

These books belong to students.

Whose toys are these?

The Wise Owl Says:

It 's Tom's bike.

It's Susan's doll.

Jim is FranK's friend.

It's Carol and Anna's school.

These are the boys' kites.

These are students' books.

These are the children's toys.

Forma genitive 's umozliwia m6wienie 0 relacjach pomi~dzy ludzmi i 0 tym, ze cos do kogos nalezy. W Ip. dodajemy do rzeczownika -s po apostrofie, np. Mary's blouse, dog 's tail , Peter's brother. W 1m. tworzonej przez dodanie -s, w form ie dzierzawczej (czyli okreslajqcej posiadanie) mamy jedyn ie apostrof po koncowej literze, np. the Browns' house, girls ' clothes. Rzeczowniki, ktore w 1m. nie majo, koncowki -s, tworzo, formy dzierzawcze tak, jak rzeczowniki w Ip., np. people 's rights, men 's interests, children 's

Friendly Grammar

II Whose are these objects? Czyje Sq te przedmioty?

Ewa Jacek Aleck and Witty Pirate girls

~----------------------------~---\ ~

1. Th is is ... :T ~c.E7~' ~ .... boat.

Z. Th is is .................. bone.

3 . These are .................. comics.

4 . These are .................. flowers.

5. Th is is ..................... cat.

a Change the short forms into full forms where possible. Zamieri formy skr6cone na dlugie am. gdzle Jes to mozliwe.

1. Tom 's sister 's got a big house .

. . !?~'~ .. ~ ! ~.~~.~ . ~':l~ .. g~t . Cl . ~. ig . ~<?~S~"""""" " """""""""""" """'" 2. Frank's a good pupil.

•••••••••••••••••• • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••• •• • •••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •• •• • ••••••• •• • 0

3. Ewa's got her mum's eyes.

4. Andy's friend 's Polish .

••••••• • • •••••••••• •••••••• ••••• _.0 •••••••• , ••• • •• •••• 0 ••••••••••••• ••• • 0 ••• • •• •• , •• • ••• • •• ,.

46 forty-six

9. Possessive forms

3. Magg ie's tall but Magg ie's mum 's sho'": .

. .... . ...... ..... . ..... . .. . . ... ... . ........ ... . .... ... ... ... ..... ..... .... .. .... .. . ,., ... , .

6. My father 's got Peter 's book .

.. ... .. . .. .. ...... . ... . . . . . ......... ...... .... .. ..... .... ...... .. ... .. . .. ........ .... . .. .. , .

a In the given t it les 's can mean is or has or can be a possessive form . Match the t itl es with the correct categories. W podanych tytulach 's moze znaczyc is lub has lub bye forma, okreslaja,ca, posiadanie. Dopasuj tytuly do wlasc.wych ategorii.

is has possessive

2. What·s Ouer There?

4. ~ea tJot 4 s~

5. My Best Friend's Story 6. Dog's Heart

7. What's Andy Got?

8. Vampire)s Dance

9. It's Time To Go 10. Who's there?

11. With Mother's Help

12. Carol's Got It for You

Friendly Grammar

Possessive adjectives Przymiotniki dzierZawcze

I'm looking for my su itcase. It must be

somewhere here. Szukam mojej walizki. Musi bye gdzies tutaj.

This one must be Witty's. This is his suitcase. Ta musi bye Witty'ego.

To jego walizka.

48 forty-eight

This one is Aleck's. I'm sure this is her suitcase.

Ta nalezy do Aleck. Jestem pewien, ze to jej wali zka.

And this is my suitcase at last!

I wreszcie jest moja walizka!

ook at these examples. Dopatrz na podane przyklady.

I have got a mountain bike.

This is my bike.

You have got a hamster.

This is your hamster.

Susan has got a Barbie doll.

This is her doll.

Robert has got a Ch inese kite.

This is his kite.

A bird is build ing a nest here.

This is its nest.

We live in a semi-detached house.

This is our house.

These books belong to my parents.

These are their books.

The Wise Owl Says:

9. Possessive forms

Possessive adjectives (przymiotn iki dzierzawcze) wyst~pujq zawsze Iqcznie z rzeczownikiem, ktory okreslajq. W j ~zyku angielskim nie uzywamy odpowiedn ikow polskich okreslen "swoj" , "swoje". Zamiast nich uzywamy takich okreslen jak "moj" , "twoj" , "jego" itd. : my book, your cat, her dress.

a Put in my, your, his , her, its, our, their. Some of these words will be used more than once. Wstaw my, your. his. her. its, our, their. Niektorych z tych slow musisz uzyc wi~cej

niz raz.

1. I have go a dog and a alking parrot.

They are .... my ..... pe s.

2. Karina and Wite collect badges.

It is ............ hobby.

3. Peter usually meets Jack and Paul after school.

They are ............ friends.

Friendly Grammar

4. I like the clothes you are wearing today.

Is this .... ........ new jacket?

5. My parents and I often watch nature f ilms on TV

They are ... .. .. ... .. favourite films.

6. Look out! This chair has got a broken leg .

. .. .. .. .. ... leg is broken.

7. She is a famous American singer.

This is ... ....... .. new CD.

8 . I like listening to classical music.

It is . .. . ..... favourite music.

9 . Paul is inviting us to a party.

This is .. . .. .... tenth birthday.

10. My brothers share a bedroom upstairs.

e This is .. ....... bedroom.

Put in my, your, his , her, its, our, their. Some of these words w ill be used more t han once. Wstaw my. your. his, her, its, our, their. Niekt6re Z tych sl6w mUSZq bye uzyte wi~cej niz raz.

I want you to meet Han ia and Wojte k. I like them very much . They are .. tnY ...

best friends. We all go to the White Eagle School in Warsaw. Have a look at th is

photo - this is .... .. ... ... school. It is big and . .. ....... .. walls are yellow and

brown. Hania is in year five .. . . . . . . .. .. . favourite subject is English. Miss Black

is .. .. . . .... .. teacher. She is nice and fr iendly. Wojtek and I are in year six. Miss

Thomas is .. ... .. .. .. . teacher. She is rather strict. Wojtek plays the guitar and

favourite subjects are music and PE. I like maths and science but

favourite subject is history. I coll ect f igures of knights.

I know a lot about ........ . .. . li fe, old castles and famous battles. In

bedroom there is a model of a castle on the desk.

How about you? Wh ere is ..... ... . school? What is . .. . . .. . . favourite subject?

Possessive pronouns Zaimki dzieriawcze

What a mess! Are these socks Aleck 's?

Ale balagan! Czy to skarpetki Aleck?

Whose are these books on the floor?

Czyje Sq te ksiqzki na podlodze?

They are yours! Sq twoje!

9. Possessive forms

No, they aren 't hers. They are mine. Nie, one nie Sq jej .

Sq moje.

Friendly Grammar

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

Th is is my mountain bike.

This is your hamster.

Th is is her Barbie doll.

Th is is his kite with a long tail.

Th is is our new house.

These are their English books.

The Wise Owl Says:

This bike is mine .

This hamster is yours .

This dol l is hers.

This kite is his.

This house is ours .

These books are theirs .

Possessive adjectives (przymiotniki dzierzawcze) wyst~pujq zawsze

razem z rzeczownikiem.

Th is is her pencil.

Possessive pronouns (zaimki dzierzawcze) wyst~pujq samodzielnie, nie

lqczymy ich z rzeczownikami.

Th is pencil is hers.

II Match the sentences. Dopasuj do siebie zdania.

1. I've got a tennis racket. a.

2. These are Alice's dolls. ~ b.

3. We all go to th is school. ~ c. 4 . It's your new bicycle. d.

5. Look at these books on my shelf. e.

6 . Andy's T-sh irt is yellow. f.

It's ours.

It 's his.

It's mine. They are theirs.

They are hers.

It 's hers.

7. Hanna has got a hamster. g. They are ours.

8. These are Mark and Pau l's kites. h. It's yours.

9. These are our Lego bricks. i. They are mine.

10. This is my parents' bedroom. j. It's theirs .

I : 12131415161718191101


9. possessive forms

fJ Put in mine, yours, his, hers, ours. theirs. Some of these words will be

used more than once. Wstaw mine. yours. his, hers, ours. the rs. iekt6rych z tych st6w musisz uzyc

wi~cej niz raz.

We went for a school rip 0 France by plane. In Paris we couldn't get our

luggage at the airport. By mista e i was sent to Moscow! After two days our

suitcases were returned .

Tom: There are so many bags and suitcases. Where are .... C?~r:~ ..... ?

Andy: That big red suitcase is ............... . I think.

Mark: There is another red sui case over here. Which one is ................. . ?

Andy: I must have a look. How about Tom and Henry's luggage? Can you


see ...... .... ..... ?

No, but I can see Kate's bag. That pink one is

Kate, your bag is here!

Kate: Thank you, Mark. I've found Tom 's bag. It is ........ " .. " .. '" isn't it?

Tom: Henry. have you got your su itcase?

Henry: Yes, I've got"" .. "",, .. ,," Let 's go back to the hotel.

II Rewrite the jumbled words in each row of the table to get correct sentences. Ustaw wyrazy w kazdym wierszu tabel i tak. aby powstaly poprawne zdania.

1. more dress hers than Your elegant is

2. ours computer Two are these of games

3. smaller guinea is yours pig My than

4 . on photos table Those mine are the

5. over house is That theirs big there

6 . bike his rusty but Th is isn't mine

1 .. y~.~~ .. ~r.~?~ . !? .~<?t~ .. ~!~9~.~~ .~~9~ . ~.~~.~ : ..................... ................. .

2 ...... ..................... . .. . . ... ....... . .. ... .. ... ....... ....... . .......... .. ............. .

3 .. . .................... .......... .................................. .......................... .

4 ....... ......................... . .. .. ....... ..... . ... ................ ........................ .

5 .. .... . . .. .. ................... ....... . . . .. .. ...... ..... ........... ............ .. ..... .... . .. .

6 .......... . .. .. ... ...... . .... ....... ... ... ...................... ............. ..... ...... . .... .

Friendly G r ammar

Comparison of adjectives Stopniowanie przymiotnik6w

Today is warmer than yesterday. It's going to be the warmest day in May. Dzisiaj jest cieplej niz wczoraJ

To b~dzie najciepleJszy dzien w maju.

~ Pirate is ready

54 fifty-four

fo r a :val . Soo)r:: D 'a: Jest

go ow 00 ,)Jsc,a.

Let's have a picnic! Jedzm) "'a :J • '" ;

You are the most clever dog in the world!

Jestes najmqdrzejszym psem na swiecie!

I o. Comparison of adject:ives

Look how beautifu l it is around here. Popatrzcie, jak

::; ~kni e jest wok61.

Yes, the trees are higher and

the grass is greener. Tak, drzewa sq wyzsze

i trawa jes bardz ej zielona.

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

It was warm yesterday.

Today is warmer than yesterday.

July is the warmest month of the year.

Betty's sister is a pretty girl.

Betty is prettier than her sister.

She is the prettiest girl in the class.

Tom is a fat boy.

Peter is fatter than Tom.

John is the fattest boy in the class.

German is a difficult language.

Polish is more difficu t than German.

Chinese is the most difficult language.

The flowers are more colourful. Kwiaty Sq rv

bardziej kolorowe.~~

And my bone is bigger than usual! I moja kosc jest wi~ksza

niz zwykle!

Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says:

Stopien wyzszy przymiotnik6w jednosylabowyc oraz dwusylabowych konczqcych s i ~ na -y tworzymy przez dodanie 0 cow i -er, a stopien najwyzszy przez postawienie przedimka the przeG :::>rzymiotnikiem oraz dodan ie konc6wki -est (long - longer - the longest Wi~kszosc przymio nik6w dwusylabowych oraz pc:/"'" : : wielosylabowe stopniujemy stawiajqc przed przymiotnikiem w stOD~ ~ • , zszym more, a w stopniu najwyzszym most (modern - more moder~ - the most modern).

Spelling Tips:

• Jednosylabowe przymiotniki konczqce si~ literq -e $lopniu wyzszym otrzy-mujq konc6wk~ -r, a w stopniu najwyzszym ko c ? -st (nice - nicer - the nicest).

• Jednosylabowe przymiotniki, w kt6rych samog' 5 - $loi przed. sp61~loskq (z wyjqtkiem sp6tgloski w), podwajajq t~ spor ~ ~s ·? w stopnlu wyzszym i najwyzszym (big - bigger - the biggest, ale re - ~ewer - the newest).

• Jednosylabowe i dwusylabowe przymiotniki korC:::q~e 5 ~ literq -y, w stopniu wyzszym i najwyzszym zmieniajq -y na -i (nols. - ~ sier - the nois iest).

II Complete the table.

Adjective Comparative

I Superlative

(przymiotn ik) (stopie" wyzszy) (stopie" najwyzszy)

cold colder 1 the coldest happier

~ fantastic 1

more dangerous I t the craziest

sunny 1 hotter I

I :~e most popular

wet I drier J

small I comfortable 1

Look at these examples. Popatrz na po dane przyklady.

Ann is good at swimming.

I o. Comparison of adjectives

Kate is a better swimmer han Ann.

Mary is the best swimmer in our group.

The results of my final exam are bad .

Henry's resu lts are worse han mine.

Carol 's results are the worst.

The Wise Owl Says:

/ Przymiotn iki good, bad, far stopniujemy inaczej. Sq to przymiotniki nieregularne:

good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst far - further - the furthest lub far - farther - the farthest


e Put in the gaps: good, the best, bad, the worst. Wstaw w luki: good, the best. bad, the worst.

Paul: I'm very .... g?~~ ... . at English but I want to be ............. .. I'm really

...... at maths - frankly speaking l'm ............... J

The Wise Owl Says:

W por6wnaniach uzywamy slowa than, kt6re odpowiada slowu "n iz " w j~zyku polskim lub konstrukcji as ... as, kt6ra odpowiada konstrukcji "tak ... jak" w j~zyku polskim .

London is bigger than Warsaw.

Tom is as tall as his bra her.

You aren't as fat as Carol.

D Put in the right forms of the adjectives in brackets.

Wstaw wlasciwe formy przymio n ow oodanych w nawiasach.

1 . Ju ly is .. ~h~ .. ~~t:t.~~t ... (hot) mon h of the year.

2 . 1his --' "':'35 s ..... .... . ....... ............ (expensive) than that red one.

3. The crocoa lle 5 as ..... ..... ..... . . ...... . (dangerous) as the shark.

Friendly Grammar

4. Football is ................. .. ...... ....... .... (popular) soor n the world.

5. Kate is a .......... .... ............. (good) student than 'ary.

6. Which planet is . ................... ........ ..... (far) frolT' Ear h?

7. Mount Everest is .................. ....... .. ... (high) mOl ..... 'la ln in the world.

8. Wroclaw is a ......................... .. (big) town than 3 alystok.

9. My brother wants to be as ............ .... ......... (fa ...... loS) as Ronaldo.

10. Is the climate in Africa .... ................. (dry) tha" ~ ::urope?

11. Last Monday was ........................ .. · (bad) da ~ ...... y life!

12 . Dolphins are ........ .. ............................. (in:e ;e"'-) than sharks.

1 3 S . II (sur r I :-. a:- autumn. . ummer IS usua y ........ .. ........ ........ -

14. I am as ..................... (tall) as my father

1 5. The cheetah is ..... .................. .... (fas and.

a Look at the pictures and complete the se e ces.. Popatrz na rysunki i uzupetn j zdania.

Tom age: 14

Chris age: 10

1. Tom is ..... ~~~. ~!~.~~.~ ..... 2 . Chris is .................. than Susan.

3. Anna is as .... .. .. .......... as Chr s.

4. Tom is .................... . than Anna.

Susan age. ' 2

Anna age: 10

I O. COnlparison of adjectives

5. Box A is ...... . .................. . .

6. Box B is .......... .. ....... ..... .. .

than box A.

7. Box C is .......................... .

8. Box B is ............. . .... ....... ..

than box C.

Rose Carol Felix

9. Felix 's hands are ......................... ..

10. Carol 's hands are ...... ..... .. ... .. ......... than Rose's.

11. Rose's hands aren't as ..................... as Felix's.

:p"2 ? 2 Z 2 ;


12. Line A is .......................... .

13. Line D is •• •••• eo ••••••••••• , •••••••

14. Line B is as ........................ as line C.

1 5. Line 0 is ........ .................. than line A.

Friendly Grammar

Countable and uncountable nouns Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne

How man Y black spiders? . ?

H w many white mIce. o ?

How much cold water. . ?

How much brown rIce.

How many slimy wormS

and how much moonlight

do we need to make . right?

this magic potIon .

e 's make some ag ic potion.

~ _ . JO ujmy troch~

I I. Countable and uncountable nouns

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przy lady.

There is an apple and two pears in he bas et.

There is snow everywhere.

These boys and girls work toge her as a group.

My brother loves spaghetti

You must buy a bottle of oil and a carton of milk.

I like coffee with m Ik and sugar.

The Wise Owl Says:

Countable nouns (rzeczowniki policzalne) tworzq liczb~ mnogq, a w liczbie pojedynczej mogq wyst~powac z przedimkiem a/an -

an orange - oranges; a bott le - bott les.

Uncountable nouns (rzeczowniki niepoliczalne) nie tworzq liczby mnogiej i nie wyst~pujq z przedimkiem a/ an .

Sugar is sweet. Snow is white. I like pasta.

Look at some more examples. Popatrz na jeszcze kilka przyklad6w.

How many oranges are there on the table?

How much cheese is in the fridge?

How many girls are in that group?

How much water do you drink?

How many trees are there in the garden?

How much flour do we need?

The Wise Owl Says:

Zwrotu how many uzywamy w pytaniach z rzeczownikami policzalnymi. Odpowiada on polskiemu zwrotowi - "jak wiele, ile".

Zwrotu how much uzywamy w pytaniach z rzeczownikami niepo/icza/nymi. Odpowiada on polskiemu zwrotowi - "jak duzo. ile".

Friendly Grammar

D Wh ich of these nouns are countable and which are uncountable? Kt6re z tych rzeczownik6w Sq policzalne, a ktore nleoo czalne?

milk water a cat vJ\C~~S

0.11- eg$ S»..14U

~ carl 0\\ ~ bl.Jtt


\\a\f e1'

hoofs ham leaves

.,.\C:J 0-1:)~'<-\ sugar ~

o~ flour

~ cqffie fbfb?~ Sq/t ~

rollS a kitchen '1J.,S"'-


air an orange bonl -

a cuy Dre\\'3. snow CO"" 01) a{\ uf(\

Countable Uncountable

a pear 1 ....... ........ . sa d

9 .............. .. I. 9 .............. ..

2 ............... . 10 ............... . 2 ........... .. .. 10 .............. . .

3 ............... . 11 ......... ...... . 3 ............. . 11 ............. . ..

4 .... . .... . .... . . 12 ....... ....... . .! 12 . . ........... . . .

5 ............... . 3 ........... .. 5 ........ .. 13 .............. ..

6 ............... . 1.1 .......... . 0 ... .......... .. 14 ... .......... . . .

7 .............. .. 5 . ..... .. .. .... .. /. ........ ." 15 ......... .. ... ..

8 .......... . .. .. . 16 . .. .... .... .. . .. 8 . . .. . .. . . .... . 16 .... . ........ . . .

I I. Coun1:able and uncoun1:able nouns

e Put in how much, how many. Wstaw how much. how many.

1 .... ~~~ . . ~~~y. ....... no eboor<.5 have you got in your schoolbag?

2. .. ...... " .. ......... , , 0 ayers are here in a basketball team?

3. "'"'' '''''''''''''''' ea do you drn in a day?

4. .., .. .. , .... , ... ,', ..... apo e jUice s here in that big carton?

5. "" .. , .... , .... . , ...... sandw'ches should we make for the party?

6. """' ......... , ..... ,. bo .es o£ I'll era a er should we buy?

7. """' ......... , ....... mea can a Iger eat n a day?

8 .... , .... , ............... eggs would you like for breakfast?

9 . .. .... , ................. cheese is here in the fridge?

10. .. .............. ... .. .. . shampoo is leh in the bo Ie?

a In the letter snake f ind all the uncountable nouns and write down their first letters, Then do the same with the countable ones.

W w~zu literowym odszukaj rzeczowniki niepoliczalne i zapisz ich pierwsze litery. Nast~pnie zr6b to samo z rzeczownikami policzalnymi.

2. H --- --- -

Friendly Grammar

Pronouns so e, a y, a lot of Zaimki some, any, a lot of

Let's make spaghetti. We need some tomato sauce

and some pasta. Zrobmy spaghetti. Potrzebny jest

nam sos pomidorowy i makaron.

There 's some cheese in the fridge but there

isn 't any oil. W lodowce jest troch~ sera.

ale nie ma oleju.

Great! Do we need any cheese?

Wspaniale! Czy potrzebujemy sera?

I can do some shopping.

Mog~ zrobic zakupy.

Spaghetti , YukI Spaghetti , obrzydliwos::

12. some, any, a 101: of

_ook at these examples. :::l :::>a rz na podane przyklady.

ere is an apple.

- here is some milk.

There is some butter.

There is a roll .

There are some apples.

Is there any tea?

Are there any oranges?

Is there any coffee?

Are there any eggs?

The Wise Owl Says:

There are some cartons of milk.

There are some packets of butter.

There are some rolls.

No, here isn't any.

Yes, there are a lot of oranges.

Yes, there is a lot of coffee.

Yes, there are some.

/'Okreslen ia some, any, a lot of Sq uzywane zar6wno z rzeczownikami'" policzalnymi, jak i niepoliczalnymi. W zdaniach twierdzqcych uzywamy some, co odpowiada polskiemu "kilka", "troch~ ". W pytaniach oraz zdan iach przeczqcych na og61 uzywamy any, co odpo­wiada polskiemu "jakies", "jacys", "zadne", "zadn i".

, A lot of odpowiada polski emu okres leniu "duzo", "wiele". ~

II Look at the p icture and complete the sentences wi th some or any. Popatrz na rysunek i uzupelnij zdania wyrazami some lub any.

Look at the table. There are . . . ?C?~.e .. rolls

and ........ .... bread. There aren't .......... ..

cakes. There is ............ " butter and

...... .. .... " " cheese. There isn't .... .. ...... .

orange juice but there is ............ . . . apple

juice. There are ................ eggs but there

aren't .. .. ... ........ oma oes. There isn'

.............. " milk bu here is ................ ..

mineral water

Friendly Grammar

fJ Complete the questions. Use Is there any, Are .there any, look at the picture in exercise 1 again and answer t he questions. Uzupelnij pytania. Uzyj Is there any, Are there an} 009a rz Jeszcze raz na obrazek

w cwiczeniu 1. i odpowiedz na pytania.

Is there any bread? 1. . ..................... .

Are there any .. tomatoes? 2 .. . ... . .............. .

3 ............. .. butter?

4 ... ...................... sugar?

5. . . ...................... mineral water?

6 ..... .................... eggs?

7 ......................... milk?

8 ......................... apple juice?

9 ... .. .................... rolls?

10 ......................... cheese?

11. .. ...................... oranges?

12 . .. ...................... meat?

The Wise Owl Says:

Yes , e e is some.

There is a loaf of bread .

No , tee a en't any.

. .... .. , . . . ... . .. , ... .. ..... .. .

... .. . " ... .... . . .. ........... ....... .... . .

.. ... . .. .. .. . . . ........ ..

· ....... , ............. ....... .... ... .. ........ .

· .......... . . ................... ...................... .. .

· . . .. . . . . . . ... .. ............. .. ................ .. .. .

Wyrazen much (dla rzeczownik6w nieoo c:::anych) i many (dla rzeczo­wnik6w policzalnych) uzywamy na ogo' • pytaniach i przeczeniach. W zdan iach twierdzqcych, zar6wno z rzeczownikami policzalnymi jak i z niepoliczalnymi, stosujemy zazwyczaJ vyrazen e a lot of.

Do you drink much milk? We haven't got much t ime. We need a lot of water.

Have you got many friends? There aren't many cars. She reads a lot of books.

II Put in the gaps much, many, a lot of Wstaw w luki much, many, a lot of

I 2. some, any, a lot: of

Th 't many b" b h . a lot of h I 1. ere aren .. .. .. .... ....... ISCUltS ut t ere IS ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. coco ate.

2 . My father is interested in polit ics so he reads ........ . , ..... . .. newspapers

and magaz ines.

3 . There aren't ...... . .. .. ... . ...... new buildings in this part of the town.

4 . The f ilm starts at six o'clock so we don't have to hurry. We have

. .. .. . ............... t ime.

5. A: Do we need ..................... meat?

B: Yes, I want to buy ..................... sausages.

6 . There is ........ .... . .. . .. fresh air in that small village in the mountains.

7. A: Are there .................. trees in the garden?

B: Yes, and there are ............... flowers.

II Put in the gaps a, some, a lot of Wstaw w luki a, some, a lot of

In the picture I painted last night,

There are .... ?~t:t:'~ .... white clouds

And .. ............. blue ki te.

There are .. .. ........... flowers,

There are ............... bees.

There is .. .. ........ cosy house

And there are ............... trees.

There is ............... sunshine

And ................... peace.

I painted ............ summer day

You would always miss.

Friendly Grammar

Present Simple Czas terai:niejszy prosty

Do you like your present, Witty?

ezy podoba ci s i ~

tw6j prezent, Witty?

They eat seeds and they drink water.

This parrot talks! Jedzq ziarenka i pijq wod~.

Ta papuga gada!

Yes, I do. What do parrots eat and drink? - a . Co papugi

jedzq i pijq?

'our homework! 'our homework!

Look at these examples. Popatrz na po dane przykfady.

I visit Granny once a week.

You read a lot of books.

He plays basketball.

She watches TV in the evening.

We watch football matches together.

You get up at half past six.

They spend holidays at the seaside.

This bee flies over the flower beds.

The Wise Owl Says:

I 3. Present: Simple

Czas Present Simple (terazniejszy prosty) uzywany jest do opisu czynnosci powtarzajqcych s i ~ z pewnq regu larnosc iq, opisu czynnosci dnia codziennego, upodoban i zwyczaj6w.

We meet on Mondays. I get up at six o 'clock. She likes pizza.

W czasie Present Simple czasownik uzywany jest w formie podstawowej, a w 3. os. Ip. (he, she, it) otrzymuje konc6wk~ -so

Spelling Tips:

• Czasownik konczqcy s i ~ li terami -s, -sh , -ch , -x, -0 , otrzymuje w 3. os. Ip. konc6wk~ -es, np.

He watches. She washes. It passes quickly. He does. She goes.

• Jesli czasownik konczy s i~ spotgtoskCl + y, wtedy -y zamieniamy na -i i dodajemy konc6wk~ -es np.

He studies. The bird flies. She cries.

Friendly Grammar

a Write the right forms of the verbs in brackets. Napisz wlasciwe formy czasownik6w podanych w a.\ asach.

1. My parents .... ..I.i k~.. ...... (like) dancing roc -a'1d-roll.

2 . Tom ........................ (ry) to climb up he -ree

3. Tom and Kate .......... .............. (go) to sc 00 b bi e.

4. Andrew ........................ (go) to schoo 0 :00:.

5. My sister and I ....................... . (help) 0 r • ~ n he itchen.

6 . The chi ldren ........................ (play) in ne garee .

7. Mr Brown ........................ (buy) a lot of ne ·. S:Jagers and magazines.

8 . I ........... .......... ... (write) e-mails to my frienos ~ Great Bri aln.

9 . Ewa ...... .... . .. .. .... .. (mix) blue and ye llow pain :~ e a green colour.

10. His little brother ... .. ... .... .. .. .. (wish) you all re:>es;: on your bir hday.

a Write the given verbs into the third person si g ... ar. put ese forms in the crossword and read the hidden word. Napisz po dane czasowniki w trzeciej osobie Ircz::. :-. e-::;.~ce·. woisz je do

krzyzowki i odczytaj haslo.

washes wash - .......... .... .






watch - ......... .... ..


study - .............. .


miss - .............. .









F E I I I I s sl

I H r J u E


0 T

W A S H E 5 X S



L luI I E

I 3. Present Simple

The Wise Owl Says:

Do budowy pytan i przeczen w Present Simple uzywamy czasownika pomocniczego do. W 3. 05. Ip. czasowni ten ma form~ does, a glowny czasownik w zdaniu wraca do swoJeJ 'ormy podstawowej.

Do you like tea? Does she live there? I don 't like pizza. She doesn 't help me.

II Complete the table. Uzupelnij tabel~.

Zdan ie twierd zqce

I cook dinner.

She brushes her hair.

We go shopping.

Do hey write poems? Does he sing? They don 't sing songs. He doesn 't see.

Zdanie przeCZqce Zdan ie pytajqce

I don't cook d inner. Do I cook dinner?

You don't play the piano.

Does he fix cars?

It doesn't make noise.

Do you drink Coke?

They don't walk to school.

The Wise Owl Says:

f Pytania rozpoczynajqce s i ~ od do/ does odpowiadajq w j~zyku polskim"' pytaniom zaczynajqcym s i ~ od slowa "czy". Na takie pytania odpowiadamy

kr6tko - "tak" lub "nie".

Do you go to school? Does he like apples? Do they learn German?

, Does she play tenn is?

Yes. I do. Yes, he does. No. they don 't.

o. she doesn 't .

Friendly Grammar

D Put do or does in t he gaps and finish the short answers. Wstaw w luki do lub does i dokoncz kr6 kie odpo " edz ,.

1 ... ~?~~ ..... Mr Paxton come from Canada? Yes, .. h~ . ~.C?~~ : .... ... .. .

2 .............. his dog like cats? o ......... ... ........ .... .

3 .............. your friends wa ch MTV? es, .................. .. ... .

4 . .. ........... her aunt work in a bank? o .................... .... .

5 . ............. you read many books? es ............... . ... ... . . .

6 . ............. your cat like milk? o ............. ... ....... . .

7 .............. they live on the second floor?

8 .............. these people speak English? es . .. .. .. .. ............ ... .

9 . .... . .. ...... his brother play the gu itar?

10. .. ........... your sister want to be a singer? es .... .... ........... ..... .

11 . .. ..... .. .... your uncle work in hospital? o ...................... .. .

12 .............. your parents often go to the cine ....... a? Yes .................... ... ..

a Correct the information. Popraw podane informacje.

1. Cats like apples. Co s

2. Storks spend the winter in Poland.

3. You buy to ilet paper at McDonald 's.

4 . Harry Potter lives in Canada.

5. The sun goes round he Earth.

6. Polar bears eat pengu ins.

7. Water boils at 750 C.

8 . Kangaroos live in Africa.

9. Polish pupils p lay cricket at school.

10. Koala bears eat bamboo.

1 1. Elephants lay eggs.

12. Babies drink Coca-Cola.

I 3. Present Simple

CI Match t he English words wi~h th.eir. Po li s ~ equ ivalents. Dopasuj do siebie s!owa anglelskle I POlS Ie.

I d I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 : 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I

2. what

3. where 7. whose

8. how

a. gdzie f. co I jaki

, . ktory g. kiedy

h. kto

fJ Put correct questi on words in the gaps. Wstaw w luki wlasciwe wyrazy pytajqce.

1. Bab ies sleep a lot. . . . yyhy .. do babies sleep a lot?

2. My favourite colour is blue. .. .... .. .. . . is your favourite colour?

3. We play basketball aher school. . ........... do you do aher school?

4 . They live in Ireland. .. ... ... . . .. do you live?

5. The summer holidays start in Ju ly. · ........... do the winter holidays start? 6. The film finishes at ten o'clock. · . ..... .. . .. does it start?

7. I've got two presen s or you. · .. . .... . .. . one do you want?

8 . Boys sing 10 diy, .. . ... . ... .. do girls sing?

Friendly Grammar

Adverbs of frequency Przystowki cz~stotliwosci

Witty, it 's not fai r! You never help me!

Witty, to nie w porzqdku!

Nigdy mi nie pomagasz!

The Wise Owl Says:

Because I aI • ays have someth ing else to do.

s=e am cos innego G - .:) e ll a.

d he sometimes es me for a walk!

Adverbs of frequency (przys/owki cz~stotl iwosc :_ - . :::s enia pozwala­jqce nam powiedziec, jak cz~sto wykonujemy danq c J -osc. Przyslowki: always, usually, often , sometimes, rarely never stawiamy w zdaniu m i~dzy podmiotem a orzeczeniem. Jesli or:ec::e em jest czasownik to be, to przys/owki te stawiamy po orzec.::e"

She often goes to the disco. They never eat meat. We are sometimes sad.

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przy lady.

I 4. Adverbs of frequency

Every day my brother and I wasn up he dishes.

They usually meet Ewa a he bus SlOO.

We never go to the hea reo

I watch television every evening .

He always stays late in bed on Sunday.

My dog sometimes sleeps on my bed.

The News programme on TV star s at 7.30.

She often visits her grandparen S.

It is rarely cold and ra iny in June.

II Complete the table. Uzupeln ij tabe/k~ .

1. every week

2 . ............ .... .....

3 . . . ... . .. .. .. .. . . .....

4. ohen

5. . ..... ........... ....

6 . rarely

7 . . ...... .. ............

8. . ............. " .....

The Wise Owl Says:

. ... <;:~ .. ty9.~ ! ~.~ ... zawsze


. ....................



codz iennie

/ Przysl6wki takie jak every day, every week, every year stawiamy na"'" poczqtku lub na koncu zdania, podobnie jak okreslenia: at 7.30, in July,

on Sunday itp.

We have lunch every day. The shop opens at six. On Sunday I go to church.


Friendly Grammar

a Put the words in the sentences in t he right order. Ustaw wyrazy w zdaniach we wlaSciwej olejnosc

1. attack/ sometimes/ Polar bears/ people

Po lar bears somet imes attack people . .. ..................... .... . , .... ... .... . ...... . , . . .

2 . lunch/My brother/ a McDonald 's/ often/ has

.................. ........ .................. ..... .... ............ .... .... .............. .. .. .

3. at seven/every day/ Frank/ o 'clock/ gets up

•••• •••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••• '.0 •••••••• • • • • • ••• •••••••••••• •••• ••• • •••• • ••• •• 0 ••• • •••

4 . to the mountains/ go/ Every year/ my parents

•• • •• • ••• • • •• •••• ••••••• 0 •• •• · ···· ··· ·· ···,·· ····· · ...... .

5 . sometimes/ for school/am/late / I

.................................... . ..... . , .. .. . -......

6. ch ildren/g%n Sundays/In Poland/ never 0 --~ool

. .. . . . ... . ... . . . ................ . . ... . ........ . .. ............ . .. , . . .. ........ ....... ..... . .. .

7. t ired/ the match/are/ after/They/ usually

... .......... .. ........ .... .......... ..... ... .. ......... ... ........... , ...... ..... , , , . , . , .. .

8. in winter/ rarely/ go/ swimming/They

• •• • , • •• • • •• " • •• • ' •• , • •• ,., ••• ,',.,.", ••• ••••••••• ••• • , •• • , ' . ' •• , ••• ••• • • ••••• •• • ,., . 0"

9. a maths test/ have/ every Monday/We

•• ,." •••• 0"' • ••• •••• · ·· ,',· ····,·· · ·· , • •••••• •••• ••••• • • • ••• • ••••••••••• •••• ••••• •• • • • '

10. his homework/always/ in the after .... does/ Harry

II Six adverbs of frequency are mixed together and ew words are created. What adverbs are there? Szesc przysl6wk6w cZfi!stotliwosc zmieszalo sifi! ze SObq orzqC nowe slowa. Jakie to przysl6wki?





5. RA YS

6. NETIMES •• • • • ••• ' •• • • ,. ' • • 0 •• •••

14. Adverbs of frequency

Complete the sentences with information that is true for your family. Uzupelnij zdania prawdziwymi informacjami 0 oJeJ rodzinie.



sometimes .. . . . . ............. ... .. .. ....................................... .. .. .. .. ... .... .

every day I ...... . ...... . .. .......... .. .. ................................. .......... . ...... .

lvIy Mum always

My Mum never

My Mum usually

. ...... . .. .. ...............................................................

.. . ... . .. .. . . ....................................... . .......... . .. . ........

. . ... . .. . .... . ............ . ........... . .... . .............. ............... . .

Every Saturday my Mum . . .. . ................... . ...... . . . . .............. . ..... .. .. .. . . .. .

My Dad sometimes

My Dad never

................ . .. . ..... . .. .... ........ .. ..... . .. .. ... .. . ... ..... . .. . . .

....... . ............. . .. . .. .. . . .... . ... . .............. .. . .. .... . ........ . .. . ..

My Dad rarely . ....... . .. . .................... . .............. ... . .. . . ........ . , ..... . .. . .. . .

Every weekend my Dad

My sister/ brother often

My sister/ brother never

... . ........ . .. . ........................ .. . . ....... ... . ......... . .. .

.............. . ............. . ..... . ... . .. . .. .............. . .......

... . . . ............ . .... . .. . ...... . ............ . ....... . . . . ...... ..

My sister/ brother usually . .... . ..................... . .... . ....... . .. . ....... . .. . .... . ...

Every Friday my sister/ brother ... .. ....... . ..................... . . .. .... . ... .. .. . .. . .. ...

My grandmother/ grandfather always .......... . ....... . .. .. ......... .. . ... . ........... .

My grandmother/ grandfather sometimes .......... ... .. . .. ........... .. . .............

My grandmother/ grandfather never ..... . . .. . .. .......... . ........... .. ...... . .. . .... .

Every Sunday my grandmother/ grandfather ........ . .... . .. ........ .. .............. ..

Friendly Grammar

Verb can Czasown i k can

I can run fast and I can cI i m b trees.

Biegam szybko i potrafi~ wspinac si~ na drzewa.

Can I mix these liquids?

ezy mog~ zmieszac 'r>-U ... ~tlA

te plyny? ~ ~

~(; ~~~ " 0.° II.~· 0 -- ) j , • <"'>

~~~ 0 ~l ~ \ .. . :t~~)~ \.'\ ~

You can 't dance and you can 't play the piano.

I can! Nie potrafisz tanczyc ani grac na pianinie.

Ja potrafi~!

I can 't look at it! Nie mog~ na to patrzec!

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przy lady.

Ewa can swim very well.

My sister can't cook spaghe i.

Can your father play the gu i ar?

What language can you speak?

The Wise Owl Says :

We can organize a disco.

He can't talk to strangers.

Can you draw on the walls?

Where can you go on your own?

Czasownik can pozwala powiedziee 0 tym, co potrafimy lub czego nie potrafimy robie. Pytan ia i przeczen ia buduje samodzielnie. Marek can ski. Can Marek p lay volleyball? Marek can 't play tenn is.

Czasownik can pozwala takZe powiedz iee, co mozemy robie, a czego nam nie wolno. I can answer the phone. Can you wear make up at school? He can 't be rude.

II Look at the table and write down what the ch ildren can or can 't do. Na podstawie tabelki napisz, co dzieci potrafiq, a czego nie potrafiq robie.

ride a horse play basketball ride a bike fly a kite

Kate X ./ ./ X Harry X ./ X ./ Alice ./ X ./ X Danny X X ./ ./

IS. can

1 . Kate . . c~n . pl.'?-y. .~~~~et.~~I. I . ~r:'~ . r.i ~e. ~ . ~.i ~~: ... ......... . . . . . . .......... . .. .

.. ?~.~ .' ! . . ~ i.~~ .':1. ~?r~~ . <? ~ .~ ! y. ~ . ~ .i !.~ : ................... .................... .

2. Harry . ... ............. . ..... . .. .. . .. ... . ... ... . ... .. . . . . .. . ...... . ...... .... ... . ..... .

3. Alice

•• • ' 00 ••••• • , •••••• , •••••• , • ••••• • , • ••••• •• • • • , •• •• • 0 ' ••••••• ••• • ••••••••• •• ••• • • '0_ 0', •••

4 . Danny • ••••• • •• • •••••••• "0 •••••• • •••••••••••••• • ••••• •••• , •• , •••••• , •••••• ,, 0 ' 0 •••••••

Friendly Grammar

fJ Correct the information . Popraw podane informacje.

1. Pengu ins can fly. . .. ... ..... . P.~.~9~ .i '!~ . ~~'! '~ .f!y· ........ .. . 2. Kangaroos can climb trees.

3. Polar bears can't sw im.

4. Giraffes can 't run .

5. Tigers can bu ild nests.

6 . Camels can eat sand.

7. Lions can 't roar.

II Wri te w hat you can and can't do. Use the verbs in the box. Napisz, co potrafisz, a czego nie potrafisz robie. Uzyj czasownikow z ramki.

dance • speak English • cook • play football • swim • paint • ski • run fast • play computer games • make a snowman • cl imb trees • ride a horse • sing

I can ...

•••• ••• ••• • • • • •••••• •• • • • •••••• , ••• •• •• • • ••••• • • I • •• ••• • ••••••••• • •••••••••• • • • e •••••• 1 1 •• • •••• •

I can't ...

D Finish the short answers to the questions. Dokoncz krotkie odpowiedzi na podane pytania.

1. Can Sally cook some tomato soup? Yes, she can.

2. Can we go to the park together? No, .. .......... . . .. . .

3. Can you switch on the radio? No, . .. .. . ... . ..... . . .

4 . Can my friend come to me? Yes, .. . ... . . .... ..... .

5. Can I watch this film on TV? No, .......... . ...... .

6 . Can Mum drive me to school? Yes, ... . ........ .. ... .

7. Can I take the dog for a walk? Yes . ......... .. . .. ... .

IS. can

a Match t he questions wi t h the answers. Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.

1. Can you help me with my mathS?\ a. No, it's not suitable for kids.

2 . Can we go to the cinema? b. No, you have a class test tomorrow.

3. Can Tom sleep in my room? c. Yes, but how much is the course?

4 . Can I watch th is reality show? d. Sure, it's your birthday.

5. Can I go to the disco? e. Yes, you can. What fi lm is on?

6. Can I open my presents? f. Ok, but don't climb up the trees.

7 . Can we play in the garden? g. Yes, there is a spare bed.

8. Can I start learn ing French? h. No, I'm bad at maths.

CI Put in can or can 't. Wstaw w luki can lub can 't.

1. We .... . <;q t:J ..... . ask questions at school.

2. We .. .. .. .... .. ... cheat in the test.

3. We .. .. .. . ........ copy each other 's homework.

4. We .... ........... have dinner at school.

5. We .... .. .. ....... be late for school.

6. We .. .... .. .... .. . work in groups.

7. We .... .... .. .. ... talk in the lesson.

8. We .. .. ...... .. .. . make mistakes.

Friendly Grammar

Verb Czasownik must

Witty, we must hurry up.

It's late! Witty, musimy s i ~ pospieszyc.

Jest pozno!

OK. You needn 't shout. I'm ready.

OK. Nie musisz krzyczec.

Jestem got6w.

Let's go. We mustn 't be late.

Chodzmy. Nie mozemy s i~


_ook at these examples. ::lo:Ja rz na podane przyklady.

e must leave our jackets in he hall.

ou must finish work at half past fou r.

ou needn't go there. You can stay at home.

needn't read the book. I can watch the f ilm.

Children mustn't eat sweets before dinner.

You mustn't touch it. It can be dangerous.

The Wise Owl Says:

16. must:

Czasown ik must pozwala na m6wienie 0 czynnosciach, kt6re muszq bye wykonane. You must wake up. He must stay in bed.

Pytania tworzymy przez inwersj ~ , tj. postawienie must przed podmiotem. Must she go now? Must they work so hard?

Forma przeczqca mustn 't wyraza zakaz wykonania danej czynnosci. You mustn 't talk to a stranger. We mustn't eat food in the class.

II Put in must or mustn 't. Wstaw w luki must lub mustn't.

1. You ... ~~S~ . . drink a glass of blood every day.

2. you . ... . ....... be back in your coffin before dawn.

3. you . . ........ . . bite more than one person a night.

4. you ............ keep your coffin t idy.

5. You .. .......... eat garlic.

6 . You . . .... . ... . . be rude to other vampires.

7. You .. .. .. .. .... brush your teeth with

worm toothpaste.

8, You , ........... wear colourfu l clothes.

9. you ... . ... .. .. . dance rock-and-roll.

10, You .. .. .. ...... sing jolly songs.

Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says :

Aby powiedziee, ze czynnose nie musi bye wykonywana, mozemy uzye czasownika pomocniczego need .

You needn't wash it. It isn't dirty. I needn 't get up early today.

fJ Put in must, mustn 't or needn 't. Wstaw w luki must, mustn't lub needn't.

1. You .. .. ~~.~~~ '.t .... speak loudly in a library.

2. you .................. touch the paintings in a museum.

3. You .................. eat if you aren't hungry.

4. You .................. wear a sweater on a sunny day.

5. You .................. eat fruit and vegetables.

6. You .................. buy this dress if you don't like it.

7. You ......... ...... ... play computer games for many hours.

8 . You .................. copy homework from others.

9 . You .................. be at school on time.

10. You .......... .... .... go there on foot. You can take a bus.

II Read the instructions for the game and play it with a partner. Przeczytaj informacje 0 grze i zag raj z partnerem.

Find a partner. You both write a t imetable for some housework you must

do every day but each of you decide individually on which day and when

you do your da ily chores (only one chore a day) and you don 't look at

each other 's table. Then ask your partner questions to find out what

he/ she must do on different days of the week. The person who is first

to find out his/ her partner's chores is the winner.

Znajdz partnera. Oboje piszecie plan prac domowych, kt6re musicie codziennie

wykonywac, ale kazdy z was sam decyduje ktorego dnia i kiedy je wykonuje

Uedno zadanie dziennie). Nie zaglqdaj do tabeli par nera. Nast~pnie zadaj mu

pytan ia, aby dowiedziec s i ~ , jakie Sq jego obowiqzki w poszczegolne dni tygod­

nia. Wygrywa osoba, kt6ra pierwsza odgad/a rozktad obowiqzkow partnera.

16. must

Look at the sample table with all the chores wh ich should be put down and

read the beg inn ing of the d ialogue to fo llow. Popatrz na przykfadowa, tabel~ ze wszystkimi pracami, ktore powinny bye tam wpisane

oraz przeczytaj pocza,tek rozmowy, jaka, masz przeprowadzie.

morning afternoon evening

Monday water the plants

Tuesday hoover the carpets

Wednesday clean the bathroom

Thursday do the shopping

Friday tidy your bedroom

Saturday set the table

Sunday wash up the dishes

A: You must wash up the dishes on Saturday afternoon.

S: No, you're wrong. You must water the plants on Monday morning.

A: Yes, you're right. You must set the table on Sunday morning.

morning afternoon evening








Friendly Grammar

Verb o Czasownik have to

Witty, help me to set

the table. Witty. pomaz

mi nakryc stat.

We have to blow up the balloons. Musimy nadmuchac


And we have to decorate the room.

In a moment! I have to finish

this first. Za chwi'~ !

f\1usz~ to najpierw skonczyc.

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

17. have to

We have to finish our work on Friday and Chris has to finish his work on Monday.

Do we have to read th is text? Yes, you do but you don't have to write anything.

Does Wojtek have to go to Gdansk? No, he doesn't have to go there.

The Wise Owl Says:

Wyrazenie have to ma podobne znaczen ie jak czasownik must, ale wyrazenia tego mozemy uzywac we wszystkich czasach gramatycznych, natomiast czasownik must ma tylko form~ czasu terazniejszego. W wyrazen iu have to czasown ik have wyst~puje jako czasownik zwykly, co oznacza, ze do tworzen ia pytan i przeczen kon ieczny jest czasownik

pomocniczy do.

We have to go there. Do we have to go there? We don't have to go there.

W 3. os. Ip. uzywamy form has to oraz does w pytaniach i przeczeniach.

Kasia has to go there. Does Kasia have to go there? Kasia doesn 't have to go there.

II Look at t he table. What do t he child ren have to do? Sp6jrz na tabe l ~ . Co dzieci m USZq zrobiC:?

tidy the bedroom water the plants feed the dog go to the dentist



Janek ./

Basia ./

1. Karol has t o t idy his bedroom. . . .. ..... . ......... . ........ .. .. ... .. •.•. . ...•••.••••.• • • • •. . ' 0 •....••.• , •••••••••••

2. Monika . . .. .... .. .. ... .. .. . . . ......... .. .... ... .. . . • •• ••••• •• •• , ••••••• • ••• • '" '0 •••••••

3. Monika and Janek ... ........ ...... .... ... ... .. .... .... ... . .... .. ... ......... .. ... .... .

4 . Janek and Basia ... ........ .... ..... " .... ....... ........ ... .... ........ ..... .......... .

Friendly Grammar

II Put in do or does and finish the short answers. Wstaw do lub does i dokoncz kr6tkie odpowiedzi.

1. . P~~.~ . Karol have to water the plants?

. N..~ !. ~.E7 . ~~.E7?~:! : .. ... .. ......................... ... .. .. ..... .. .... ... .... .. .... ....... .

2 . . P~.~~ . Karol have to tidy his bedroom?

. '! ~~ ! . h~. '~~~'~ " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" .. ... .. . 3 ... ....... Monika have to t idy her bedroom?

... .. ...... ......... .... ........ .. .................. ............ ....... .... .. ... .. ... ........

4 . .. .. . ... . Janek have to go to the dentist?

.... .. ... ... ... .. .. ... ........... ..... ..... ... ...................................... ... ......

5 . ........ . Janek and Basia have to water the plants?

... ... .. ... ............... ..... .... .. .... .... .... ... .... .. .. .. ........................ ..... ..

6 ...... .... Karol and Monika have to feed the dog?

.............. .. .. ....... ..... ................ ......................................... ......

7. . ........ Basia have to go to the dentist?

........ . .............. .... .. . . .......... , ........ .... ... ........................... ..... .. . .

8 ....... . .. Monika have to water the plans?

.. ....... .. ..... .. .. .............................................................. ........ ...

II Put in have to, has to, don't have to, doesn 't have to. Wstaw have to, has to, don 't have to, doesn 't have to.

1. A good pianist ...................... practise a lot.

2. Andy ..................... help his father in the garage.

3. Ela ................ ..... go to school on Sunday.

4 . Little children ................... go to bed early.

5 . Students ............... ...... study hard before exams.

6. Teachers .... .. .... ........... give only good marks.

7. In Poland pupils ......... . ..... ...... wear uniforms at school.

8 . Dogs ...... ....... ........ go for walks every day.

17. have to

Put in don 't have to, have to or mustn 't to match the text with the pictures. Wstaw w luki don 't have to, have a ub mus n · . aby dopasowac teksty do


Version 1

I ... .. .. h9.Y~ .t9 ...... . get up early,

I .. . ..................... go to school.

I ...... ...... ............ be very polite,

I .. .. . .... ............... be nice and coo l.

I ... ......... ............ drink Coca-Cola,

I ......... .... .. ......... eat pizza and ch ips.

I .............. .......... be lazy and rude,

I ........... .. .. . .. ...... play silly tricks.

Version 2

I .. .. ........ .... .. .. .... get up early,

I ... ....... .. ........... . go to school.

I ........... .. .... .. .. .. . be very polite,

I ..... .. .. .. .. ... .... . ... be nice and cool.

I ....... ....... .. ........ drink Coca-Cola ,

I ........ .. .............. eat pizza and chips.

I .. .. .. .. .... .. ..... .. .. . be lazy and rude,

I ..... .. .. .... .. .... .. ... play silly tricks.

Friendly Grammar

Would you like ••• l Czy chciatbys ... ?

Would you like a cup of tea? Moze chcialbys

f ili zan k~ herbaty?

No way! I would like

to stay alone. Nie ma mowy. Chcialbym

zostac sam.

ook at these examples. :::>opatrz na podane przyklady.

I 8. Would you like

ould you like to meet Harry Potter? Yes. I'd love o! I'd like to go to Ch ina. Would you like some juice?

The Wise Owl Says:

Wha would you like to see there? No. hank you.

Zwrotu would like uzywamy do wyrazenia naszych ch~c i i zyczen, do pyta­nia 0 nie i do proponowania czegos. Odpowiada on polskim formom "chciatbym, chciatby" itp. Do tworzenia pytan i przeczen nie jest potrzebny zaden czasown ik pomocniczy.

Would you like an apple? What would you like to eat? I wouldn 't like an apple.

Formy petne

I would like a sandwich .

I would like to play tennis.

Formy skr6cone

I'd like a sandwich.

I'd like to play tennis.

II Match the questi ons to t he answers. Dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi.

1. Would you like some ice-cream? ( a. Some mineral water, please.

2. Which sandwiches would you like? b. On Friday evening.

3. What would you like to drink? C. To Florence and Rome.

4 . Would you like to watch TV? d. Yes, van illa please.

5. Where would you like to go?

6. When would you like to meet Ann?

7. Would you like a sweater?

8. What would you like to do tonight?

9. Would you like to go shopping?

e. With ham and cheese, please.

f. Thank you. It's cold here.

g. Yes, switch it on, please.

h. Not really. I haven't got much money.

i. Well, what about watching a video?

I ~ I 2 I 3 i 4 I 5 I 6 ! 7 I 8 I 9 I

Friendly Grammar

a Complete the rhyme with the verbs from the wordsearch. Uzupelnij wierszyk czasownikami z wykres an I.

I'd I'k swim '. I e to .. .. ...... .............. like a fish in he sea.

I'd like to ........................ as high as a flea,

I'd like to .. ...... .. ... .. ......... Spain and France, B E A J U W

I'd like to ...... , .. .. ............. , I'd like to ........... .. .. , U T V U T E

I'd like to .. .... , ................. medicine, S W I M E P

T 0 S P A L I'd like to ........................ the violin, A S I N G A

I'd like to .... ............ ........ happy and clever, Y S T U D Y

And I'd like to .................. young forever! M D A N C E

You can change each verse of the rhyme into a question. With a partner you can practise asking questions and g iv ing short answers. You can also change each verse of the rhyme into a negative sentence. Look at t he examples. Mozesz zamien ic kazdy wers wierszyka w pytanie, Mozesz Docwiczyc z partnerem zadawanie pytan i udzielanie kr6tkich odpowiedzi. Mozesz akze zamienic kazdy wers wierszyka w zdanie przeczqce. Popatrz na podane przyklady,

Would you like to swim li ke a f ish in the sea?

Yes , I wou ld.lNo, I wou ldn't .

I wouldn't l ike to swim like a f ish in the sea.

II What wou ld the peop le li ke to do in the presented situations? Use some of the g iven suggestions. Co te osoby chcialyby zrobic w przedstawionych sytuacjach? Wykorzystaj kilka z podanych pomysl6w.

a, It's a winter even ing, An old man is waiting a the bus stop. What is he thinking about?

I'd like to ...... ....... ..... . .. ........... , and

I'd also like to ........ .. .. . .. ....... .. ... and

b, A castaway on a desert island is sad and lonely. Wha is he hinking about?

I'd like to ',., ' ,.,', . . ,',., . . ". , .. , .. " .. , and .......... , ... , ...... , .... "."." .. ,"

I'd also like to .......................... . and • ••••••••• • • • •• •••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••

I 8. Would you like

-a.e some hot tea · see a rescue ship ' mee a friend ' ear my warm slippers ' learn some irregular verbs ' ma e a bonfire '

:-:: n my armchair ' know how to cook • have a sleeping bag ' ::2.0 my favourite newspaper • have a mobile phone • eat a hamburger • ::;.a he guitar ' take a shower ' go to the dentist· watch the news on TV • -a e a pair of gloves

Answer the questions. Odpowiedz na pytania.

i. What present would you like to get?

. r~. U~~ .to. 9~t. :.,' .... .. ......................................... .. ......... ... ... '" 2. Where would you like to spend your winter holidays?

•••••••• ••• •• •••••••• •• • • •• • ••• ••• •••••••• ••• ••• • ••• •••• •••• • • 0 •• •• , • •••• , • • ••••• • •••••• 0.

3. Which country would you like to visit?

. .. ......... .. .. .......... . .. ... ... . ..... , .... . ..... ..... . . .. , .. ..... .. .......... .. . ... .. .

4. What film would you like to see?

• • ••••• ••••• ••• • •• ••• •• •• • •• ••••• •••• • ••• , •• •• •• •• ••• ••••• • •••••• ••• • •• •••• "0 ••••••••••••

5. Where would you like to live?

•• ••••••••••••••••• •• •• •• , • • , • •• ••• ••• • •• • • •••• •• ••• •• , •• •• •• •••• •• •• • f • • •••• •• ••• • ••• •• ••

6. What famous person would you like to meet?

........ , .......... .... . ..... . ........ .. . , ............ . .. .. . .. ........... .......... .. .. .. .

7. What pet would you like to have?

• ••• • •••••••• •• • ••••••••••••• , ••••••• ••• ••• • , " 0 •• ,. o . , •• ,' 0 •• 0 •• " • • 0."'. 0., . o •••• ,. 0 •••

8. What would you like to have for dinner tonight?

0 ••• 0 0." 0 " . 0 0 0 0 ••• 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • • • , ••• • •• 0 t • •• • ••••••• •• ••••• • ••••••• 0 o.

9. Who would you like to be in future?

000 0 ••••••• •• ••• 00 •• 0 •••••• •••• 0 0 ••••••• •••••• 000 ••• • ••••• • 0 t •• •• ••••••••• ••• 0 000 •• • t •••• 0

10. Would you like to be famous?

Friendly Grammar

Imperatives Zdania rozkazujqce

Dance, dance to the party music .. .

Tancz, tancz do muzyki ...

Turn the music down and stop singing!

I have to learn for my history class!

Scisz muzyk~ i przestan spiewac! Musz~ si~ uczyc

historii !

Don 't open it ! Give me some liver and don't forget the bone! Nie otwieraj tego! Daj mi

troch~ wqtr6b ki i nie

_ook at these examples. :lopatrz na podane przyklady.

Open the book!

Eat this apple!

et's take part in it!

et's do it with them!

The Wise Owl Says:

Don't open the book!

Don't eat th is apple!

Let's not take part in it!

Let's not do it with hem!

19 . Imperatives

Imperatives (zdania rozkazujqce) stUZq do wydawania polecen, instrukcji I zach~cania do wykonania czegos. Jesli chcemy wyraznie podkreslic, do kogo kierujemy polecenie, mozemy je potqczyc z imieniem danej osoby lub z takimi zaimkami, jak somebody, everybody, nobody. Come here! Mark, come here! Come here everybody! Somebody come here!

Przeczenia tworzymy za pomocq wyrazenia don 't. Don 't put it here! Don 't be rude! Don 't tease your little sister! Don 't touch the painting!

II Where are you likely to see these orders? Gdzie mozna znaleze takie polecenia?

1 . Switch off your mobile phone. 6. Don't touch the paintings.

2. Keep off the grass. 7. Don 't litter.

3. Don't swim when the black flag is up. 8 . Look right.

4 . D on' t feed the animals. 9. Mind the gap.

5. Fasten your seatbel ts . 10 . Don't lean out of the window.

a. on a beach f. in a museum b. on a plane g. on a tra in c. in an underground station h. in a park d. in a theatre i. on a street in London e. in a zoo j. anywhere

I b~d 1 213141516 1 7 1 8 1 9110 I

Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says :

Do tworzenia zdan rozkazujqcych w 1. os. 1m. stuzy konstrukcja Let's + infinit ive. Przeczenia w tych zdan iach tworzymy za pomOCq stowa not. Let's move it! Let's not move it ! l et's dance! let's not dance!

a Writ e these imperat ives in their negative form s. Napisz te zdania rozkazujqce w form ie przeczqcej.

1. Close the door. Don't close the door.

2. Let's go there.

3. Let's buy her flowers.

4. Watch this programme.

5. Water the flower-beds.

6. Go upstairs.

7. Let's stay here.

8. Send th is letter.

9 . Let's play th is game.

10. Be a good gir l.

••• • • ••• • •• •• • • • • •••• , • • ••• • ••••••••• 0 • •••• , •• • ••••• • ••••• 0 • • •• e o ••• , •••• • 0 •••••• • • • ••• , ••

1 1. Tell them about it.

•••• ••• •• , ••• • •• ••• •• •• • •• ••• ••• ·.0 •••• • • • • ' .0 ••••••• • •••• • •• 0 . , •••••••• 0 ••• '.' •• • " " " "

12. Let's have some Coke .

• •• •• •• ••• • • •• • •• • " 0 . 0' • •••• • •• ••• •• ••• • ' •• f ••••• • • • ••• •• •••• f •• • , •• "0 " " ' " I"", 1 0. "

19. Imperatives

Put the jumbled words in the ri ght order and write down the rhyme. Ustaw wyrazy we wlasciwej koleJnosci i zapisz wierszyk.

:J er/ your/don't/on/ put/head

9pt!'~ .P~t . ~':l~t~~ . ~t:' . Y'? l!~ . h~.~~ ~ ................................. .................. . Jour/ tooth pastel spread/ bread/ don 't/ on

....... ............ ......... .. ........................................ . .......... ..............

.vi h/ don't/jam/stuff / pockets/ cherry /your

..... .... ... ... , ............................................................................... .

cheese/the/with / don 't/ham/feed/ dog/and

.... .............. .. . ........... . ...... ... ..... . ....... .. , ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ......... ... .. . .

potatoes/ the/ don't/ floor / mash/ on

•••• • • • • •••••• • • • • ••••••••• ••••••• ••••• • •• • ••••• • ••• •••• ••••••••• • ••••• • • ,. , ,0 • ••••••••• • ••• •• ,.

door / at/th row/ strawberries/ don 'tithe

•••••••• , .oj , • •••••••••••• •• •••••• ••• ••• • , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • • • ••••••••••

chocolate / salt/cream/ don't/to/add

..... ..... , ........ ........................................ ............. ........... ... ......... .

a/ from/child /dream/ be/a/don't/bad/!

.. , ........... ............................... ..... ... .. ........ ............................... ,.

Friendly Grammar

Prepositions Przyimki

Prepositions of movement Przyimki okreslajqce ruch

I have to walk across the playground then

along the fence ... Musz~ przejsc przez bOIS o.

potem wzdluz plotu ...

Co teraz?

Can I go with you? Czy mog~ isc z tobq?

\ have to climb up there.

The message must be in that hole in the tree. Musz~ si~ tam wspiqc. Wiadomosc musi bye

w tamtej dziupli.

Look at the pictures. Popatrz na rysunki .

The mouse is running to its mouse hole.

The mouse is running up the hill.

The mouse is jumping over the furrow.

The mouse is running through the grass.

The mouse is running

20. Prepositions

The mouse is running from its mouse hole.

The mouse is running down the hill.

The mouse is running under the branch.

The mouse is running round the tree.

The mouse is running

Friendly Grammar

II Complete the instructions for th is race. Uzupelnij instrukcje tego wySCIgu.


Craw .. :t. ~.r<?ug.~ .. . the tunnel and then

e !ence. Jump .. ...... " ..

ne wall. Cl imb

and hen cl imb

the ladder

the ladder.

Run . ...... ........ . .. .. .. " the tree and

hen ....... .......... .... . the high fence

and at last ........ .. .... .... the road.

e Complete the text with the prepositions from e box. Uzupeln ij eks przyim am z ramki.

along • up • et::It-ef • through · to • to • to • to • d • • on • across· under

Alice is a sleepwalker. In the middle of the night she so etimes gets .. <?~t. 9f. . her bed and goes ..... .... ......... the door ............. .... the landing. She

walks .. ". .... ......... the wall, then ...... ..... . . the stairs, straight

............. .. .. . the front door. She opens the door arc runs ......... ........ . the

garden .. . ........ . ... . .. the oak tree near the erce. There is a tree house

between the branches with a rope ladder leading . "'"''' '''''' ' it. Alice climbs

.. . ........ .. ..... the ladder and lies .... .............. e 900r of the tree house

....... .... . . . . ... the table. She spends the rest 0 he night there.

a Use the given letters to build 10 preposit ions. You can use the same letters for different prepos itions. Wykorzystaj podane litery do utworzenia 10 przyimkow. Mozesz wykorzystac te same li tery do tworzenia rMnych przyimkow.



0 E H W M

20. Prepositions ~------------------------------------------~~ .

Prepositions of time Przyimki czasu

Is Aleck 's birthday next week?

Czy w przyszlym tygodniu

Sq urodziny Aleck?

No, it's at the weekend ,

on Saturday. Nie, to w czasie weekendu,

w sobotfi!.

Yes, on the 1st of June.

It's on Friday, isn 't it? Tak. 1 czerwca.

To w piqtek, czyz nie?

Oh , I see. So, how about

a party at 4 pm? Ach tak. Wi~c moze zr6bmy

przyjfi!cie 0 1 6 .00 ?

Friendly Grammar

Look at the examples. Popatrz na po dane przyklady.

In many countries the school year starts n September.

In Poland children start school on the frst of September.

Short school holidays are in w·nter. Long holidays are ' n summer.

In Polish schools lessons start at 8.00. In the UK essons start at 9.00.

The Wise Owl Says:

Z okresleniami relacji czasowych uzywamy najcz~scieJ ,rzech przyimk6w: in , on , at. In - stawiamy przed okresleniami p6r dn ia, p6r roku . "" es ~cy, lat, stuleci,

epok. On - stawiamy przed okresleniami dn i miesiqca i dn " godnia. At - stawiamy przed okresleniem godziny, kofKa 9 a, nazwami swiqt

i pewnych p6r dn ia. At - uzywamy takZe z takimi wyrazeniami, jak: at e moment, at any


in on at

the morning/afternoon/evening 1 st May seven o'clock summer/autumn the las day of Ma) half past six May/March/July Monday noon 1410/ 1956/ 2000 Monday evening midnight the 15th century Christmas DayEasi.e' ~onday the weekend

the Victorian times Christmas/Easter

the Middle Ages

D in each sentence choose t he co rrect preposit ion of t ime. W kazdym zdaniu wybierz wlaSClwy przyime czasu.

1. Summer holidays usually start (7jy!at/ on June.

2 . Peter and Susan go to bed in/at/on 9 o'clock.

3. It's better to do homework in/at/ on the afternoon than in, at/ on the evening.

4. Her birthday is in/at/ on the 11 th of February.

5. Her birthday party is in/at/ on Saturday in/at/ on 6 o 'c lock.

6. I hate getting up early in/at/on the morning.

20. Prepositions I~-------------------------------------------------------··

7. In/At/On the weekends we o'ten go cycling in the countryside.

8 . In many countries children ge presen s in, 'at on Chris mas Day,

9 . Pupils don't go to schoo in. a on Christmas and in, aon Easter,

10, Are you doing anyth ing specia, in, at on the momen ?

fJ Put in the ri ght preposition of t ime. Wstaw wlasciwy przyimek czasu.

1. We have History once a week ... <?!"! .... Tuesday.

2. I go swimming ......... Thursday mornings.

3. Hurry up! Our train leaves ........ . a quarter past nine ..... .. .. the even ing.

4. . . .... . .. the Victorian times many children worked in factories.

5. His parents are going to France and Spain ......... the summer.

6 . Lots of friends call me ..... . ... my birthday.

7. . ........ New Year's Eve people drink champagne ......... midnight.

8 . Sleepwalkers can do very strange things ........ . night.

9 . . .. ... ... the 18th century people didn't use electricity.

10. The battle of Grunwald was ... . ... . . 1410 ......... the 15th of July.

II Answer the questions. Odpowiedz na pytania.

1. When do you have your English lessons?

2. When does school finish?

.... , ........ ... .. ..... ... , ....... ... . .. ............. , ........... .. .. . ................... .

3. What time is your favourite programme on TV?

,., ... ............. , .... . ........................... . ... , ........... .. ....... .. ........ .. .

4. When does it usually snow?

'" " •••• """ •• , ., •• to " •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••• " • •• • , •••••••••

5. When do you usually do your homework?

•••••••••••• """ •••• ••• ••••••••. •• ••• . ••••••.••••••••••• . ••••• •. ••••••• • • . .•.••••• . .•• 0'

Friendly Grammar

Structure Konstrukcja like + -ing

I hate learn ing stupid things.

Ni enawidz~ uczyc s i ~ glupot.

I love doing experiments.

Kocham przeprowadzanie


+ -ing

I enjoy visiting shopping centres.

bi~ odwiedzac centra hand lowe.

I don 't like walking on cold rainy days. Nie lub i ~ spacerowac w zimne, deszczowe


Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyktady.

I hate drinkmg warm milk.

Tim loves playing basketball.

We enjoy singing in English.

I prefer working in the evening.

She likes swimming in the sea.

He doesn't like skiIng .

Do you enJoy read'ng comics?

They d slike staying at the hotel.

The Wise Owl Says:

2. I. like + -ing

Po czasownikach love, like, dislike, enjoy, hate, prefer uzywamy najcz~s­

ciej formy czasownika z konc6wkq -ing .

D Complete the text with the correct fo rms of t he verbs in brackets. Uzupelnij tekst wtaSciwymi formami czasownik6w podanych w nawiasach.

On winter days ch ildren prefer ...... ?~~y.i~g ...... . . (stay) at home. They enjoy

..................... (watch) TV and ........................ (play) computer games.

Some of them like ............ . ............... (read) books or ........ .............. ..

(listen) to music. But when it is cold and snowy outside, most children

love ........................ (make) snowmen , .............. . ............... (ski) or

.................. ...... (skate).

B Complete the d ialogue wi th the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Uzupelnij dialog wtasciwymi formami czasownik6w podanych w nawiasach.

K· Wh d li ke do ing (I'k) 7 1m: at 0 you.............................. I e/ do on hot days.

Chris: I ................................. (love/go) swimming. When it isn't too hot

I also ........................................... (like/play) tennis or volleyball.

Kim: Do you ........................... (enjoy/fish)?

Chris: No, I ................................. (not like/spend) long hours by the


Friendly Grammar

Kim: Do you like school?

Chris: quite ....... ................ . .. .......... . ........ (enjoy/go) to school.

I ....................................... (like/learn) English and Science but

I .................................... (hate/do) homework.

Kim: When do you usually do your homework?

Chris: I .......... .. ........ .... ...... (prefer/do) it in the afternoon. In the

evening I .. .......... .. .......................... .. (like/watch) te levision .

I ......... ........ .. .......... .. (not like/ go) to bed early.

II Write a few true sentences about yourself using expressions from the table. Napisz kilka prawdziwych zdan 0 sob ie, wykorzystujqC wyrazen ia z tabeli.

love doing, eating, horror fi lms, my friends

like going, listening, the wash ing up, my homework

don't like playing, reading, books about Harry Potter, pizza

enjoy meeting, staying, basketball, my bedroom hate tidying, watch ing at home, to disco music

... ~ . ~~.~~ .. ~~~~~i.~9 .. ~~~T?~ .. f! ! ~~ : .... ................................................... .......... .... .

I ••••• • • ••• ••••••••••• •• •• •• ••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• •• •••• • ••

....... .. ........ ...... .......... .. ......... .. . .... ," ... ....... ... ...... .. ................................... .......... ... .. .

2 I. like + -ing

II Which of these activities do you do in your Engl ish lessons? What are your favourite ones? What don't you like doing? Ktorymi z tych aktywnosci zajmujesz s i ~ na lekcji j~zyka ang ielskiego? Jakie Set twoje ulubione czynnosci? Czego nie lubisz robiC?

by heart learn poems write short compositions use a dictionary

write poems ask and answer questions in English

read aloud sing songs in English do crosswords

do projects act out s hort scenes ao grammar exercises

read English magazines read English books

translate from Polish into English watch films

draw a picture dictionary play language games

translate from English into Polish learn grammar rules

learn new \\-ord and e).'Pre ion do raps in English

In my English lessons I love .. pl.9y i.t:'9 . 1.9n.9~~9~. 9~tn€:s : ................ .. ...... .

... . ... . . . .. ... . , . ...... . ................................................. , .................... .

.. , .... , .... ... , .................................................................... . , .. ... .... .

I like .. ... ...... ....... ..... .. ..... ......... ....... ... .. .... ......... .... ... ... ... .. ...........

""" ..... .......... '" ......... ........ , ........ . ..... .. ........ .... ....... ..... .. '" ..... . '"

........ ........... ................ . .......................................................... .. I don't like ................. ...... ............................................ ....... ..........

..... .... ... ... ... .......... ........ ..... . .... . . . . . . .... ......... .... .. .. . ...... .... .. ... .... . .

...... ...... ... ... ........ . ........ . ...... ......... ...... ... '" ...... .. ...... .. .... ....... ·f . ' " I hate ......................... . ... ...... .. .................. ... .. ...... .. ........ . .... . .. . .....

••• ••• ••• • ••••• • •••• ••.• •• • ••• ••• '1' '" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • , ••••••••••••••••

....... .. ... ... ......... ... ......... ...... ...... .. . '" '" ......... '" ............... ' " ... .... . .

Friendly Grammar

Subject and object pronouns Zaimki osobowe w funkcji podmiotu i dopetnienia

Aleck is a pretty girl. I like her very much.

Aleck jest tadnq dziewczynq.

Bardzo jq l ub i ~ .

Witty is really nice. I like him a lot.

Witty jest naprawd~ mity. Bardzo go l ub i ~ .


For me? I like them , thank you . Dla mnie? Podobajq mi s i ~ .

These flowers are for you. Te kwiaty Sq dla ciebie.


22. SUbject and object pronouns

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

Could you phone me tomorrow?

I can't come to you in the afternoon.

Andrew decided to te ll her everyth ing.

Did you see him at the disco?

Put it on the table, please.

Mark helped us to bu ild a new fence.

I don't read comics because I don't li ke them.

The Wise Owl Says:

W j~zyku angielskim nie ma odmiany przez przypadki, ale zaimki osobowe I, you , he, she, it, we, they majq swoje odpowiedn iki, ktorych mozemy uZYC: w funkcj i dopeln ien ia: me, her, him, us, them. Formy zaimkow you oraz it pozostajq niezmien ione.

I love you. He loves her. She loves him.

I like it. Come to us. Can you see them?

II Choose the correct form of the pronoun. Wybierz wlasciwq form~ zaimka.

1. (j)/Me like (1)/ its.

2. You/ Your must do it/its.

3. She/ Her often meets he/ him after school.

4 . We/ Us have got Valentine cards for they/ them.

5. They/ Them sometimes visit she/ her in Kroscienko.

6. He/ Him always goes to the mountains with I/ me.

7. It/ Its is a fantastic present for we/ us.

8. You/ Your cat doesn't like I/ me.

9 . We/ Our often drive my/ me parents ' car.

10. He/ His grandchildren really enjoy spending time with he/ him.

Friendly Grammar

a Put in me, you, him, her, it, us, them. Some of these words will be used more than once. Wstaw me, you, him, her, it, us, them. Niekt6rych z tych sl6w musisz uzyc wi~cej

niz raz .

1. Mike, there are two sandwiches for . . . Y<?u .. . .

2. Kate lives in Koszalin. You can visit .. . . .. ... ... in the summer.

3. We like Tom and Mary and they also like .. . .... . .. ... . .

4. I've got a butterfly in my hands. Can you see .. . .. . .. . . ... ?

5. This is my e-mail address. Send .. . .. . . .. .. . your text, please.

6. Andrew is carrying two heavy bags. Can you help ... .. ... ..... ?

7. We have a house in the country and our grandparents stay with

........ . . .. in July.

8. I visit him once a month, but he doesn't want to visit . . .... .. . . .... .

9. They'd like to know what happened. Can you tel l . .. . .... .. . .... ?

1 O. This is our phone number. Call . . ..... . .. .. when you want to talk

about it.

a Put in me, my, you, your, him, his, her, us, our, them, their. Some of these words will be used more than once. Wstaw me, my, you, your, him, his, her, us, our, them, their. Niektorych z tych slow

musisz uzyc wi ~cej niz raz .

1. A: Is this your dog?

B: No, . . . ~Y .... .. dog is black.

2. I like John. He is .............. . friend. He often helps . ............ ..

3. Susan is Henry's sister. She is ....... . ..... .. sister.

4. Meet Mr and Mrs Bell and ..... .. ........ two children.

5. Yesterday I left .. .. . . ......... keys in the hall. Did you find ... .. ..... ..... ?

6. A: Do you like Ann?

B: Yes, I like ............... and I like .. . ... .. . .. ... . sister, too.

22. Subjec1: and objec1: pronouns

7. A: Is Peter downstairs?

B: Yes, I th ink I can hear ............. ..

8. We didn't go to work yesterday because ... . .. . ........ car was broken.

9. John, where do .. .... . ... ... .. live? Wha 's .... ..... ... .. , address?

10 . We're going to the lake at the wee end. Would you Ii e 0 go w ith ..... .. . . ?

II Read the sentences, find 5 mistakes and correct them . Przeczytaj ponizsze zdania, znajdz 5 bl~dow i popraw je.

1 . A: Is th is ~ dog? their

B: I don't know. Ask them.

2. He can 't do it. Help him with his homework.

3. Peter, take my bag and open the door for me.

4 . I can't hear you. Repeat your question , please.

5. We are waiting for the results of us Eng lish test.

6. If you come to me I'll show you me new bike.

7 . Our trip to Austria is the most important for we.

8, Can you see Andy? He is going to my place with him friends.

9 . My dog enjoys going for walks with me.

10. They always spend their holidays in the mountains.

Friendly Grammar

Present Continuous Czas terai:niejszy ci~ty

Present Continuous for present actions Czas terain iejszy ciqgty: biezqce wydarzenia

Is that you Witty? You sound strange.

Czy to ty, Witty? Tw6j 910s brzmi dziwnie.

What are you doing there? Are you

playing hide-and-seek? Co tam robisz? Bawisz s i ~

w chowanego?

I'm in the wardrobe. Mum is looking for me.

Jestem w szafie.

lJ-~-I'm hiding from

my Mum. She wants to take me to the dent'­

Chowam s i ~ przed mamq. Chce zabrac mnie

do dentysty.

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyktady.

I am learning grammar now.

Are you helping your father?

Tom isn't sleeping at the moment.

Look! Ann is sitting over there.

The Wise Owl Says:

23. Present continuous

We aren't p ay"ng computer games.

In the picture girls are sk pping .

ow hey are atch ng a film.

Listen! The Rasmus are s nging !

Czas Present Continuous (terazniejszy ciqgly) pozwala opisac czynnosci , kt6re wykonywane Sq w danej chwil i oraz to, co dzieje s i ~ dookola nas. Czasu tego uzywamy r6wniez wtedy, gdy opisujemy czynnosci przedsta­wi one na rysunku , obrazie czy ez na zdj ~ciu.

Orzeczenie w czasie Present Continuous sklada s i ~ z odpowiedniej formy czasownika to be (am , is, are) oraz czasownika gl6wnego z konc6wkq

-ing .

Now the pupils are sitting at the desks. In th is photo I am sailing in Greece.

Wyrazenia cz~sto wyst~pujqce w tym czasie to: now, at the moment, look!, listen! , today.

II Complete the sentences. Use am, is, are and the verbs from the box. Uzupetnij zdania. Uzyj am, is, are i czasownik6w z ramki.

drinking • waiting • listening • watching • ~ • throwing • making • doing

1. Listen! Somebody .... .. ! ~ .. ~ry i.~g ...... over there.

2. They """""" "" """"" "'"'' television now.

3. I th ink he """""" """""" for Paul.

4. Look! Your little sister" " """ "" """ . " " " " .. "." her bucket in the pond.

S. I ."""""" .. "".",, .. "".",,. sandwiches at the moment.

6. The boys "" ... "".""."" .. "".""""". some orange juice.

7. She " .. ""."" .. ,," .""""" to music a the moment.

8 . They" """"""."".".""" . their homework now.

Friendly Grammar

Spelling Tips:

Dodan ie koncowki -ing do czasownika Iqczy s i ~ czasami z pewnymi zm ianam i w pisowni:

• czasowniki, ktore majq na koncu li ter~ -e gubiq jq: make - making, take - taking ,

• czasowniki z koncowkq -ie zmieniajq jq na -y: lie - lying , tie - tying ,

• jednosylabowe czasowniki, w ktorych samogloska stoi mi~dzy dw iema spolgloskami, podwajajq ostatn iq spolg losk~ : skip - skipping, hit - hitting, dig - digging . Podwojen ie nie nast~puj e w przypadku spolgloski "w": row - rowing.

II Write -ing forms for t he g iven verbs. Napisz podane czasowniki z korkowkq -ing.

1. play - ... . ... p' 1 .~y' i .~~ ... .. ... . .... . 8 . talk - . ........ . .... . .... . ...... .

2 . put - 9. shake - .. ........ .. .. .. . ......... .

3. eat 10. sit - ........... . .. .. . ... .. .. .. .. . .

4. dance - 1 1. swim - .......... .. . . . ..... . ..... .

5 . teach - 1 2 . write - ............ .. . .. .. .. ... .. .

6. buy - 13. run - ....... . .. .... . .. . . .. . .. . ... . .

7 . die 14. cry -

II Use the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous. Czasowniki w nawiasach napisz w czasie Present Cont inuous.

is f lying (fl) b' II k' Frank.. ......... .. ...... .. ........ . y a 19 ye ow Ite,

Two litt le boys ...... .. . .. .. ...... .. .. . .. .... (start) a fi ght,

Mark ................. .. ......... .. (learn) to write on the walls,

Pat and Betty .. .. ....................... .. . (dress) their dolls.

Susan .... .... .. . .. ... .. .... .. ... .. .... Uump) up and down.

Kate ............... .. . .. . .. .......... (shout) "Let's have some fun!",

A few ch ildren . . ... ... . .. . .. ... . ... . .. . .. (play) "hide-and-seek",

Sara ............... .. . ...... . .... .... (feed) her snake, nice and meek.

23. Present continuous

enr 's and John .......... .. .. .. .. . .. .... . ... ... . (bu ild) a rocke,

- im .. .. .. ...... .. .......... .. .. ..... (put) a ~og n h s poc e .

- ne school yard is boil ing WI h laugh. noise and scream.

- he school break tastes as swee as an ce cream.


The Wise Owl Says:

Pytan ia i zdan ia przeczqce w czasie Present Continuous tworzymy tak jak w zdaniach z czasownikiem be (patrz unit 4)

Is he working now? Are you listening to music? Are they going home?

He isn 't working now.

I'm not listening to music. They aren 't going home.

Friendly Grammar

II Read the rhyme from exercise 3 again and give short answers to the

questions. Przeczytaj jeszcze raz wierszyk z cwiczenia 3. i odpowiedz kr6tko na podane pytania.

1. Is Frank flying a kite? .. ~~~ ( . ~~ . i.~ ... .... .... .... ...... .. .... .

2. Are two little boys fi ghting? • ••••••••••• •• ••••• • •••••• ••• • •• • • •• t •• , • •

3. Is Mark read ing a comic? • •••••• • • • •••• • 0 ••• • • 0 •• • • • • 0 •• 0 •• • • • • • ' "

4. Are Pat and Betty skipping?

5. Is Susan dancing?

6. Is Kate shouting?

7 . Are any ch ildren playing football?

8 . Is Sara feed ing a snail?

9 . Are Chris and John bu ilding a rocket?

10. Is Tim putting a snake in his pocket?

a Complete the text. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous. Uzupelnij tekst. Czasowniki w nawiasach napisz w czasie Present Continuous.

I'd like to show you some photos from the summer camp. In this photo we

.... . ~~~ . p.u!.~i.~g . ~P .. .. . (put up) our tents. Here, I ................ .. .. .. ...... ..

(get) ready for the swimming competit ion. Look at he sky! The sun

(not shine), it is rather cold. Now, we

Uump) into the water and in the next photo we

(swi m) to the other side of the lake. Look here!

I .. ...... .. .... almost ........ .. .............. (drown) because of the pain in my

foot. Here the li fe guards .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .................... (take) me out of the

water. In this photo the swimmers .................................... (cross) the

finish line but I am in a boat! I .. .... .. .................... (not cry) but I am reall y

angry. In th is last photo, we ................................. (sit) around a bonfire

and everybody ........ .......... .. ........ .... . (sing). How about your holidays?

Did you enjoy them?

23. Present Continuous

Present Continuous for future plans Czas terainiejszy ciqgty: plany na przysztosc

Hi, Witty. What are you doing

on Saturday? Czesc: Witty. Co robisz

w sobot~?

Tim and I are playing basketball on Saturday

morning. Will you join us? W sobot~ ranG Tim i ja gramy w koszyk6wk~. Przylqczysz s i ~?

I'm go ing swi mming in the

even ing. Wieczorem i d~

na basen.

Why not? It sounds like a good idea.

Czemu nie? To dobry pomysl.

Friendly Grammar

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

We are taking an exam next month .

Tina is leaving for Paris tomorrow.

They are having a party on the 1 st of October.

Are you meeting Mr Black on Monday?

I'm not going on the school trip next week.

Is she taking Tom to the park tomorrow?

The Wise Owl Says:

(zas Present Continuous (terazniejszy ciqgly) sluzy takze do m6wienia o czynnosciach zaplanowanych na najblizszq przyszlosc. Odpowiada to takiej samej konstrukcj i w j ~zyku polskim.

My cousin is coming to dinner tomorrow. (M6j kuzyn przychodzi jutro na ob iad .)

I'm leaving on Friday. (Wyjezdzam w piqtek. )

II Complete the sentences with what, when, where. Uzupelnij zdania wyrazam i what, when, where.

1. . ... ~~.~~.e .. .. . are you go ing after school?

2 . ........ .. ........ are you doing at the weekend?

3. .. .. . ...... .. ..... is Peter leaving hospita l?

4 . .... .. .......... .. are you meeting Sara?

5. .. .... . .. .... .. .. . is Fe lix taking you next week?

6. .. ............ .. .. are they com ing to dinner?

7 ..... .. .... ... ... . . museum is Joan visit ing tomorrow?

8 . .. .. .......... .. .. are you moving in spring?

9 ... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. is he taking his Biology exam?

10. . ..... . .... . . .. . .. are you having for breakfast tomorrow?

23. Present Continuous

a The verbs in brackets use in Present Continuous. Czasowniki w nawiasach podaJ w czasle Present Continuous.

The last days of the school year are going to be hard for me. In the last week

of June I . . ~.~ .!~~.i ~g ... (take) two difficult exams but then I ........ . .. . . . .. . ... .

(go) to Italy. I ...... .. ......................... (plan) to visit Florence and Ven ice.

In Ven ice I .... ... .. .... .................. ........... (meet) my cousins from France.

We .... ..... . ................ . ............... ". (l eave) for Budapest together.

We .. .... ..................... (stay) at the Duna Hotel there. On the 20th of July

my cousins .. . . .. . .. ................... .. ............... ( ake) part in The International

Chess Championship. Then we .. ..... . .................. .. ..... (spend) a week at

Lake Balaton. I ......... .. .. .. .. . ............... (come back) to Krakow at the end

of July. I .... .. ...... . .......... . .. .. .... . .. .. (look forward) to the summer holidays!

II Use the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous. Decide which sentences tell about present actions (PA) and wh ich tell about future plans (FP). Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w czasie Present Continuous. Zdecyduj , kt6re zdania dotyczq czynnosci biezqcych (PA). a kt6re plan6w na przyszlosc (FP).

1. Next Friday I .. ~t:1!!t19 .. . (fly) to Toronto. ( .. PP .) 2 . Where's Ann? She . ..... . .. .. ... .. .. . .. ... (sleep) on the sofa. ( ...... )

3. Look! Th is cat .................. . .. .. .. .. (chase) a mouse! ( ...... )

4. On Friday afternoon we ........................... (go) to the disco. ( ... .. . )

5. Tomek .......................... . (play) scrabble with Olek now. ( .. . .. . )

6. At the weekend I ............ ... .. .......... (revise) for the final test. ( ...... )

7. Listen! Our parents ....................... . (talk) about holiday plans. ( ...... )

8 . What a nasty day! The sun .................. (not shine) and it is cold. ( .. .... )

9 . Tomorrow, at six o'clock Sam ............... (have) a date with Carol . ( ...... )

10. We can 't meet on Monday. I ...... .. .. .............. (help) my Mum. ( .. . .. . )

11. Zuza and Kasia .. .. ... ................. .. . (not learn) English now. ( ...... )

1 2. They aren't at home. They .. ...... .. .. . .. . .. . .. (visit) uncle George. ( .. .. .. )

Friendly Grammar

Present Continuous and Present Simple Czas terai:niejszy ciqgty i czas terai:niejszy prosty

I usually have some toast and eggs

for breakfast but today I'm having cornflakes with milk.

Zwykle na sniadanie jem grzanki i jajka, ale dzisiaj jem platki

kukurydziane z mlekiem.

' 12 Q ~ , 'lr

I usually drink tea in the morning but today

I'm drinking coffee. Zwykle p ij ~ ranD herbat~,

ale dz isiaj p ij ~ kaw~ .

.-=~ -~c---l

Hey, Pi rate! Why are you sleeping

in Witty's bed? You usually sleep on the floor.

Hej , Pirat! Dlaczego sp isz w t6Zku Witty'ego? Zwykle

sp isz na podlodze.

J \ u( Are we going for

a walk? You always walk me in the morning.

Idz iemy na spacer? Rano zawsze zabierasz mnie na spacer.

24. Present: Cont:inuous and Present: Simple

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

It is Tuesday.

Mrs Long is doing the shopping today but she usually does the shopping on Friday.

Tom and Frank are playing football todaf but they usually play football on Monday.

Mr Forest is washing his car today but he usually washes his car on Saturday.

The Wise Owl Says:

Czas Present Continuous (terazniejszy ciqgly) sluzy do:

• opisu czynnosc i, kt6re dz iejq s i ~ teraz np. : Mum is cooking dinner now. I am reading a book at the moment.

• opisu plan6w na przysztosc np.: Tomorrow I'm meeting Darek. Next week he's going to Gdansk.

Istnieje jednak grupa czasownik6w, kt6rych nie uzywamy w tym czasie. Najwazniejsze z nich to: want, like, love, hate, know, mean , understand, believe, remember, forget .

Czasu Present Simple (terazniejszego prostego) uzywamy do: • opisu trwalego stanu rzeczy, np.:

I don't smoke. He lives in L6dz.

• opisu czynnosci powtarzajqcych si~, np.: I ride a bike every day. She never gets up at 6.00.

• opisu umiej~tnosci , zwyczaj6w, stanu uczuc i przekonan, np.: You speak English very well. I drink coffee in the morning.

• opisu prawd uniwersalnych , np.: Water boils at 100°e. The Earth goes around the sun.

II Use the verbs in brackets in the right grammar tense. Czasowniki w nawiasach podaJ we w/asciwym czasie gramatycznym.

1. Ju lia usually .. .. .. ... ~~~.~~ ........ (meet) me in the afternoon but today we

..... 9:.~ . ~.~~t!~9 .... (meet) in the morning.

2. I .................... . (like) Ewa and I .... .......... ....... (believe) that she

.... .. .. .. ...... ........ (like) me.

Friendly Grammar

3. My fath er sometimes ..... ... .. . .. ........ . .. (work) in the garden. At the

moment he ........................ (water) the flowers.

4. Our teacher (read) us a book now.

We ............................ (not do) any grammar exercises!

5. My parents often ........................ (go) to a restaurant in the evening.

My aunt Kate sometimes .......... .. ...... . ..... (go) with them , too.

6. Frank usually ........................ (take) a shower in the morning but today

he ................. . ...... (have) a bath.

7. Your cat never ........................ (fight) with my dog. Look! Now

they ........................ (play) in the garden together.

fJ Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense. Czasowniki w nawiasach podaj we wlasciwym czasie gramatycznym.

My parents are fantastic because they let me keep different pets at home.

I've got a guinea pig, a snake. some goldfish and a cat. I look after

(look after) all of them.

When I ............ (whistle), the guinea pig ........ .. .. (come) to me like a dog.

It ............... (be) a female. She .............. · .. · (like) carrots, apples, lettuce

and grass. She also ............... (like) seeds and fresh water. She .... .. .. ...... ·

(not drink) milk. Now she ........................ (bite) a piece of carrot.

My snake ............... (not be) very long. It .. .. ........ (eat) insects, mice and

eggs. It .................. (sleep) a lot. Now it .................. (sleep) on my desk.

I .................. (keep) my goldfish in a small fish tank. It always ........ ...... ·

d k I ft (watch) the fish. (stand) on the shelf next to my es . 0 en ................. .

At the moment I .. .. .................... (sit) at the desk but I .............. . .... ... ..

(not do) my homework. I ..................... (watch) the fish swimming.

BI k· (watch) them with me. He ............ (love) it. My cat ac Ie .................... .

Blackie ............. (be) very clever and very friendly to other pets. He never

. .... . ......... (try) to catch the guinea pig or the snake,

~4 . P .... @>~@>nt: Cftnt:inuftus and Present Simple

a Answer the questions. Odpowiedz na pytania.

1. What time do you usually get up?

.. ~ .. ~~.~a.I .ly .9~t . l!P . ~t .: : : ..... ..... . .... .................. ......... ... .. ... .. . ... .. .

2 . What are you doing now?

.. .. .. .... ...... .............. .. ....... .. ........ .................... ..... ... .... .. .......

3. What does your Mum usually do in the afternoon?

.. .. ..... ... ... ....... ... .. .......... ......... . ................... .. .... ... ... .... . . ..... .

4 . What is your Mum doing now?

•••••••• ••• ••• • •••• •• • •••••••• 0 ••••• • ••• • • • ••• • •• • ••• •• •••••• • •••••• •••• •• ••• • ••••• 0 • •••••

5. What programmes do you watch on TV?

• • ••• •• •• ••• • • • •• ••• •• •• ••••••• I • • •• • •••• ••• •• •• •• ••• •• • •••••••••• • •• ••• • • • •• , ••• • • , ••• • ••

6. Are you watch ing TV at the moment?

•• • •••• • ••••• •••••••••••• •• • • ••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••• • •••• • • •••••• • • • • • •• •• • • • 0 ••••

7. What do you do at school?

8 . Do you read books in English?

9. Is your Dad watching any sports event on TV now?

10. Is the sun sh ining at the moment?

1 1. What sports do you do at school?

12. Does your best friend speak Eng lish?

• • ••• • • • •• • •• • • • •••••••• • •••• ••• •• • • • •• • ·. 0 ••••• •• 0 0 • • •• • • 0 •••• • ••• •••• ••• •• • ••••• •• • 0 ••••

Friendly Grammar

Past Simple: to be Czas przeszty prosty czasownika to be

I was in a jungle. There were parrots and snakes

in the trees and there was a crocodile in the river.

By/em w dzungli. Na drzewach by/y papugi i w~ze,

a w rzece by! krokodyl.

I was in a rocket flying in space.

There were many stars outside the window and there was

the Moon ahead of the rocket. By!am w rakiecie leca,cej w kosmos.

Za oknem bylo wiele gwiazd, a przed rakieta, by! ks i ~zyc.

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

I was ill yesterday and I wasn't at school.

Were you at the doctor's? Yes, I was .

They were in Zakopane last week.

Were they on a school trip? No, they weren't.

He was very tired after work yesterday.

The Wise Owl Says:

25. Past: Simple: t:o be

Czas Past Simple (przeszty prosty) opisuje czynnosci, kt6re zdarzyty siy w okreslonym czasie w przesztosci. Czasownik to be ma w tym czasie dwie formy:

was (dla uzywanych w czasie terazniejszym form: am i is) oraz were (dla uzywanej w czasie terazniejszym formy are).

I am at home today. I was at home yesterday. You are happy today. You were happy yesterday. She is ill today. She was ill yesterday.

II Complete the text with the forms of the verb to be in Past Simple. Uzupelnij tekst formam i czasownika to be w czasie Past Simple.

Last Sunday I .. . ~~~. .. . at the zoo with my little brother Mike. There

. .. . .......... . lions and tigers roaring and showing their sharp teeth. Mike

.. ...... .. .. really afraid of them. There . .. .. . .. .. . . elephants with big ears and

long trunks. There . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . funny monkeys and kangaroos jumping al l

around. There .. .... . ... .. snakes and fish and there ... . ..... also a big tortoise

walking laz ily around in his ank. There ........ ..... lots of birds: colourful

parro s, elegant pengu ins, proud eag les and many, many others. After some

time fv1i e ... . ..... .. . ired so we sat in a cafeteria and had some ice cream

and Coke. It .... ...... .. delicious but it ...... ...... expensive, too. We ....... .. .. .

home quite late and Mum ... . ........ angry.

Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says:

Czasownik to be w czasie przesztym, podobnie jak w czasie terazniejszym, nie wymaga czasownika pomocniczego do tworzenia pytan i przeczen. Pytania tworzone Set przez inwersj ~ , a przeczenia przez dodanie slowa not do czasown ika.

Was it cold yesterday? Were you tired after the run? Were there many people? It wasn't cold yesterday. I wasn 't tired after the run. There weren't many people.

e Complete the description of the pictu re and answer the questions. Uzupelnlj opis rysunku I odpowledz na pytanla.

In the park yesterday

Yesterday the weather ..... . w.~~ .. ...... warm and sunny. There ...... ... .. some

clouds in the sky but there """" .. " ...... , any puddles. There .. " .... " .. .. .

ducks on the pond and there ......... . ...... birds sitting on branches in the trees.

Paul and Tina ............ in the park yesterday. Their Grandma ........... . with

them. Near the bench there ...... .. . ... a squirrel playing in the grass. There

............... any dogs in the park.

2. S. Past Simple: to be

1. Was it rainy yesterday? No it wasn't.

......... ! ........... . , , .. .

2. Was the sky clear? ...................... . ... .

3. Were there birds in the park? .................. ... . .....

4 . Were Paul and Tina's parents in the park? .. ......... .. ... ....... ....

5. Were there any dogs in the park? ...........................

6 . Was there a squirrel near the bench?

II Look at the table and complete the questions and answers. Popatrz na tabe l~ I uzupelniJ pytania i odpowiedzi.

Name Place Time

Mark at school two days ago

Frank at Ron's birthday party on the 2nd of April

Susan in Sopot in the summer

Kel ly and Andy in the park last Saturday

Paul at the shopping centre last Friday

Pat and Tony in the mountains last week

Ron a he dentist yesterday

Harry and Liz at the seaside at the weekend

1. Where ... \N~~ .... Mark two days ago? He ............ ~~-? ~~, ~~h~.~I: ..

2. When ...... .. .... Frank ........................... ?

He . .. , .. .. . ". there .. " ................. , .. , ........ . ..... , .. .. .

3. Where ............ Susan ............................ ? She ........... .. in Sopot.

4 . . .. ............ Kelly and Andy at the seaside last Saturday? No, they ...... .... ..

5. .. .. ........ Paul in the park las Friday? No, he ................. , .... .... ...... ..

6. .. .......... Pat and Tony ........................... last week? Yes, they ........... .

7. Where ..... .......... Ron ........................ ? He .. .......... at th e dentist.

8. When .. , .. , .. .... Harry and Liz at the seaside?

They", ..... , ... here , ." .. , .... .. . ......... ··.····· · ··· ···· · ··

Friendly Grammar

Past Simple Czas przeszty prosty

Regular verbs Czasowniki regularne

Yesterday I watched a film about a little boy and his

pony. It was a very sad story. I cried . Oglqdalam wczoraj film 0 matym chtopcu

i jego kucyku. To byta bardzo smutna historia. Ptakatam.

The boy loved his pony but after

an accident the pony died . Chloplec kochal swoJego kucyka,

ale ten zginqt w wypadku.

Why was it sad? What happened to the boy?

Dlaczego byta smutna? Co si~ przydarzyto chtopcu?

Cheer up! I' m sure that one day

the boy loved another pony. Rozchmurz s i ~! Jestem pewny, ze

pewnego dnia ten chtopiec pokochat innego


26. Past Simple ----------------------------_._,

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

Marek phoned Chris yesterday.

Marek didn't phone Chris yesterday.

Did Marek phone Chris yesterday?

Who did Marek phone yesterday?

The Wise Owl Says:

They visited Kielce in August.

They didn't visit Kielce in August.

Did they visit Kielce in August?

When did they visit Kielce?

(zas Past Simple (przeszly prosty) czasownikow regularnych tworzymy przez dodanie kor'lc6wki -ed do podstawowej formy czasownika: jump - jumped visit - visited want - wanted

Spelling Tips:

• Jesli czasownik konczy s i ~ li terq -e, to dodajemy tylko konc6wk~ -d : love - loved .

• Jesl i czasownik konczy s i ~ li terq -y po spolglosce, to -y zmieniamy na -ie : try - tried .

• Jesli czasownik konczy s i ~ li terq -y po samoglosce, to dodajemy tylko konc6wk~ -ed : play - played, stay - stayed.

II Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple. Czasowniki w nawiasach podaj w czasie Past Simple.

The English writer Roald Dahl ..!.~~ .. (create) a girl called Math ilda in one

of his books. She was a very unusual girl. She .. ........ ........ (start) to read

when she was four years old. She . .. ........... . ... (love) books. Every day

Mathilda .... .............. (walk) to he library and ......... .... .. .. . (borrow) new


Her parents were differen . They ............................. . (like) television and

.................. (watch) it every evening. They .... .. ...... ...... (want) Mathilda

to watch stup id qu izzes on TV The girl was very angry. She ................. .

(play) a trick on her parents and ........ .. . . ...... (destroy) the TV set. Later,

Mathilda ...... ...... (discover) how to use her secret power. She ............ .. .. ..

(try) out other tricks and ........... .... ............... (help) her friends at school.

Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says:

Do tworzen ia pytan i przeczen w czasie Past Simple uzywamy we wszy­stkich osobach czasownika pomocniczego did . Czasown ik glow ny (orzeczen ie) wyst~puje w takich zdaniach w formie podstawowej, a nie w formie czasu przeszlego.

Did he watch TV yesterday? What did he watch yesterday? He didn 't watch TV

a Read t he text from exercise questions.

Did they ask for help? What d id they ask for? They didn 't ask for help.

again and give short answers to the

Przeczytaj jeszcze raz tekst z cwiczenia 1. i odpowiedz kr6tko na pytania.

1. Did Roald Dahl create Mathilda in one of his books?

2. Did Mathilda love reading books?

3. Did Mathilda borrow books from a friend?

4. Did Mathilda's parents read books in the evening?

5. Did Mathilda's parents watch stupid quizzes on TV?

6. Did Math ilda destroy the TV set?

7. Did Mathilda help her friends at school?

The Wise Owl Says:

Czasowniki to be (w czasie przeszlym was i were) oraz can (w czasie przeszlym could ) nie wymagajq czasownika pomocniczego. Tworzq pyta­nia przez inwersj ~ , a przeczenia przez dodanie slowa not do czasownika.

Was he at school? He wasn 't at school .

Were they happy? They weren 't happy.

Could you swim at the age of f ive? I couldn 't swim at the age of five.

26. Past: Simple

o Finish the questions to the g iven sentences. Dokoncz pytania do podanych zdar

1. Maria enjoyed walking in the par .

What .. ~!? .0~~.i ~ .~~j?y. .......... ... ...... .......... .... ................ ....... 7

2. The model of the plane landeo he tree.

Where ................ .......... ........... ..... .. ... . .......... . .... .... ... ......... 7

3. I wanted to go to Australia last ,ear.

When .............. .. .. .......... ................. .... ... ............................. 7

4. Everybody looked out of the window to see the demonstration.

Why ....... . .. ............. ... ... ... . ....................... . ..... ...................... 7

5. Franek and Wojtek loved singing fOI songs.

What ... .................................................. . ......... ............. ... .. 7

6. Susan answered all the questions n the qu iz correctly.

What .. . ... ......... .... .. ..... . ................... ... . . . .. . .... .... .................. 7

7. The students shouted loudly to sUDport their university team.

Why ........ . ... .. . .. .. .. ..................... .. ..... . .... ... .. . . ........... ............ 7

8. I stud ied biology at Warsaw Unr.e~s ty.

Where . . .............. .. . ....... .......................... ... .. . ......... .. . ......... 7

9. I watched ski-jumping competi on yesterday.

What ................. ...... . .... .......... . . . . .. ............. . . . ... ........ . .. .. . .... 7

10. Carol waited for Kate after school on Monday.

When ................................. .. .................. .. . .. .............. .... ... .. 7

Friendly Grammar

a Put the words in the right order. Ustaw slowa we wlasciwej kolejnosci.

1. at his/we/ funny stories/ laughed

.. w.~ . !~.~9h~~ .. 01'. h(~ . f.~~.~y .~1'~~ ! e.~ ... ............ ................... .. .. ... .... . 2. watch / on Friday/I/ a film / didn't

••••••• ••••••••••• •••••• • •• • ••• •• •• •••••• •••••••••• •• •• •• •••••• 0 0 •• ••••• •••••••• •• 0 •••• 'f '

3. you /in your bedroom/did/the walls/ green/ paint/7

••• • •••••••• •• ••••• ••••••••••••••••• '0' .' •••• 00 ••••••••••••••••••• • •• ,,0 • • • • •••••••• ••••••

4. volleyball/Alex/last week/ played

• •••• , •• •• •• ••••• , ••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• , ••• ,,0 ••• • ,. , •••••••••••••• ••• • •• • •••• •• • •

5. stay/where/he/in Great Britain/did/?

6. a new house/didn't/to buy/ they/want

II Translate the given verbs into Engl ish , then write down their past tense forms in the crossword and read the hidden word . Podane czasowniki przetlumacz na j~zyk angielski , nast~pnie wpisz do krzyz6wki

ich formy w czasie przesztym i odczytaj haslo.

1. kochac

2. pomagac 'L 0 V E D

2 3. pr6bowac

4. wsp inac s i~ 3

5. usmiechac s i~ 4

6. te lefonowac 5

7. odkrywac 6

8. wierzyc 9 . rozpoczynac

l7 I 8

Are you a - - - - - - - __ 7 9

Irregular verbs Czasowniki nieregularne

Where did you go yesterday? I saw you

at the bus stop. Dokqd pojechales wczoraj? Widzialam ci~ na przystanku


A china cup? What for? You always

make tea in a mug. Porce/anowa fi/izanka? Po co?

Zawsze robisz herbat~ w kubku.

26. Past Simple

I went to the shopping centre to buy a ch ina cup.

Pojechalem do centrum hand/o­wego. aby upic porcelanowq

f ili zank~ .

I bought it for you . I broke your favourite cup

yesterday. I'm sorry. Kupilem jq d/a ciebie. Stluklem

wczoraj twojq ulubionq filizank~. Przykro mi.

Friendly Grammar

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

I got many presents at Christmas.

What presents did you get?

My little sister sent a letter to Father Christmas. Did she send that letter to Finland?

I didn't meet Ann last week.

We didn't read that magazine.

Did she go there by car? No, she didn't.

The Wise Owl Says:

/' Wszystkie czasowniki angielskie mozna podzielic na dwie grupy: "'" • czasowni ki regularne, kt6re w czasie przeszlym majq konc6wk~ -ed , oraz • czasowniki nieregularne, ktorych form czasu przeszlego trzeba nauczyc

si~ na pami~c , np.

, take - took, go - went, cut - cut, run - ran , catch - caught, write - wrote",""

II Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple. Czasowniki w nawiasach napisz w czasie Past Simple.

Yesterday after school I ....... m.~~ .... .. (meet) some aliens in the park. They

.......... . ...... . (not be) afraid of me. They .................. (can) speak English

and .. ............. . (te ll) me a lot about their planet Xantos. I .... .... ... .. ...... ..

(take) a geography book out of my schoolbag and .. .. ................. (read)

them some basic information about Earth. I also .. ......... . ........ . (show) them

a map of the world. Then we .... .... ................... (go) to the ir spaceship and

.... . .. .. ......... (fly) over the town. We .................. (have) a nice t ime.

I .. ................ (teach) the aliens my favourite song and we .. ...... .. .... .. .... .

(sing) it together. When I .... .. .... .... ...................... (come back) home

I ..... .. .. ...... . . . .. . (tell) my parents about my unusual afternoon but they

..... . ....... .. ....... .. (say) it ........ .. .......... . (be) a good joke.

26. Past: Simple

The Wise Owl Says :

Do tworzen ia pytan i przeczen w Past Simple uzywamy we wszystkich osobach czasownika did. Czasown ik gl6wny wys ~puje w takich zdaniach w fo rmie podstawowej , a nie w form ie czasu przeszlego.

Did he write to Ann yesterday? Did hey drive 0 Plock? What did he write? Where did hey drive? He didn't write to Ann. They didn 't drive 0 Plock.

D Read the text from exercise 1 again and g ive short answers to the questions. Przeczytaj jeszcze raz teks z cwiczenia 1. i odpowiedz kr6tko na pytania.

1. Did you meet aliens in the park? ......... ye:~ ! .r .. d.i~ ......... .. 2 . Were they afraid of you?

3. Did they speak English?

4 . Did you te ll them more abou our planet?

5. Were you in the ir spaceship?

6 . Did you have a nice t ime together?

7. Did you te ll your parents about he aliens?

8. Did they believe you?

II Look for 22 past tense forms of irregu lar verbs in the wordsearch . Poszukaj w wykreslance 22 form czasu przeszlego czasownik6w nieregularnych .

..•.. . . 9.<?:r ....... •..

0 R G 0 T G P C R

S E N T 0 R I 0 A


0 D I D D W R L F

B N G A V E 0 D E


0 0 T R K W E N T

K 0 E S A W M E T


Friendly Grammar

a Finish the questions to the given sentences. Dokoncz pytania do podanych zdan.

1. My little sister said "mummy" for the f irst t ime yesterday.

What . ~~~ .. ~Y. !~~~. I.~ . ~.i ~.~~~ . ~.~y .. ~o.~ . ~h~ .. ~!~~.~ . !.i~.~ . y'~s.~~.r~~y ........ 7

When ........ .. .... . ...... . .. . ........ .. .. ... .... .. ........... . ............ . . .. .......... 7

2. Chris bought a present for Sue at a small shop nearby. ?

What ." ......... ,., .. . . . . , .. , ........ . .. . .. . .................. .... .. , . . , . . . ......... "

Where ? .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . .... . .... . ...... . .................... . .... ..... , ........ ... ... .

3. At midnight Witty woke up because he heard a noise.

When ...... ................... . .......... . .... . ............... . ............ ..... .. , ... 7

Why ... . ...... .. .................. . ............... . ....... . ...... . ....... .. ..... ........ 7

4. Tom and his friends were at the disco on Friday even ing.

When ............... . .. . ...... .. . ..... . . .. ................ ... .......... . . ...... ....... 7

Where .. ... .................... ............. . .... ..... ..... . .. ... ........ ..... ......... 7

5. He was in Madrid last year.

Where .............. . ........ . . .. ... .. ........... . . . ......... . . . .... . .. ...... .. ........ 7

When ..... . ........... ... . ..................... .. ........... . .. .. .. . . . . ......... . ... . . 7

6 . George lost his keys yesterday.

What ..... . ........... . .. ................... . ........... .. ......... . .. ............. . ..... 7

When .............. .......... .. ....... .. .......... . ........ ... .. . .... . .. ............ .. ... 7

7. They spent summer holiday in the country last year.

When . .. ........... . .. . ................ .... . .. . .. . .............. ................ '" ... 7

Where ....... ... .. . ........................................... ... ...... .. ... ..... ...... 7

8 . Julie had an awfu l headache on Sunday.

What ........ ..... .. . .................................................. ... . ..... .. ....... 7

When ........... .. ............................... . ......... . .... ....... .. ......... ... ... 7

26. Past Simple

a Use the given clues to write the correct information. Wykorzystaj podane wskaz6w I do napisania poprawnych informacji.

1. Terry Pratchett wrote books abou Harry Potter .

. . ~~. ~i~.~'~ .~y~i.~~ .. ~~.~~.~ .f:"!~r.ry. ~?~~~'~" .~.E7- . ~~~~~ .~~~~.~ .~~~ . ~!s.~~~r.I~ .. .

(The Discworld)

2. Picasso was a famous composer.


3. Harry Potter bought his magic wand in New York.

(in London)

4. The Second World War began in 1950 .

(in 1939)

5. The Beatles were a famous band from Australia.

(from Brita in)

6. The USA got the Statue of Liberty from Spain .

... ..... ....... .... ... .. .... .. . ... .. ..... ............ .... ...... ......... ...... , ... . ...... . .

(from France)

7. Tadeusz Kosciuszko fought in America in the 19th century.

(in the 18th century)

8 . George Lucas made the film The Lord of the Rings.

(Star Wars)

9 . eo~: ~:::: e ()() ..... - 9 - J .

(i - --_ • • - " - " -' -- _ •• - ...... / -_.-.. __ I

Friendly Grammar

Had to Forma had to

" Iron Boys Competition "

- Is it a new sport? "Zawody Chtopc6w z Zelaza"

- To nowy sport?

What was the distance? Did you have to keep to

any time limit? Na jakim dystansie to by to?

ezy musiates zmiescic s i ~ w jakims limicie czasu?

Not quite. We competed in three different sports during just one event.

We had to swim, cycle and run . Nie calkiem. Wsp61zawodniczylismy w trzech

roznych konkurencjach w czas ie jednych zawod6w. Musielismy plywac, jezdzic

na rowerze i biegac.

I had to swim 1 km, I had to cycle 25 km and

I had to run 3 km. And I had to complete it all in 4 hours!

Musialem przeplynqc 1 m. przejechac na rowerze 25 km i przebiec 3 km. I musialem ukonczyc wszystko

w ciqgu 4 godzin! How about

"Iron Dogs"? Chasing a cat, digging a hole . . . I like the idea.

A moze "Psy z Zelaza"? Gonienie kota, kopanie dziury ..

Podoba mi si« ten pomysl.

27. had 'to ~------------------------------------------------------------------

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyktady.

I had to stay longer a home yes erday.

We had to take two exams las wee .

Did you have to cook dinner yesterday? What did you have to revise for the exams?

I didn't have to bake a cake.

We didn't have to revise history.

The Wise Owl Says:

Wyrazen ie had to pozwala powiedziec 0 koniecznosci wykonan ia danej czynnosci w czas ie przesztym. Czasownik must ma tylko form~ czasu terazniejszego. W wyrazeniu had to czasownik have wyst~puj e jako czasownik zwykty, co oznacza, ze do tworzen ia pytan i przeczen konieczny jest czasownik pomocniczy did .

She had to leave yesterday. Where did she have to leave for? She didn't have to leave.

II Use had to and the verbs from the box to complete the text. Uzyj had to i czasownik6w z ramki do uzupetnienia tekstu.

solve • catch • write • answer • ~ • run • be • take

Wojtek and Franek were extremely busy two days ago. They. hCld .. ~<? g~~ . ~.P .

at 5.30 in the morn ing because they .. .. .. .. .. ............ .. . the 6.45 tra in to

Warsaw. Unfortunately, the ra in was la e, so in Warsaw they

.. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . a taxi to get 0 the television stud io. The boys

............ .............. . there at 10.30. They took part in the contest "Unusual

Kids". They .. . ..... .. .. ......... . .. many dlfficul ques ions on different subjects.

In the second part of the programme all he compe i ors .... .. .. ........ .......... .

mathematical puzzles. After he con es Woj e and Franek were very tired

but they .. ........ .... .. .... .... 0 catch the bus 0 he railway station. Wh en they

got back home, they wen 0 bed immediately because they ..................... . . .

an important test a school he next day.

Friendly Grammar

II Read the text in exercise 1 again and answers the questions. Odpowiedz krotko na pytania dotyczqce teks u z cwiczenia 1.

1. Did Wojtek have to get up early7 ...... '!~.~ ~ .~~ .~.i~" "'" 2. Did Franek have to go to Krakow7

3. Was the train to Warsaw on t ime7

4. Did the boys have to go to the TV s ud io by taxi7

5. Did they have to be at the TV stud io at 10.307

6. Did they take part in a sports contest7

7. Were the boys tired after the programme 7

8. Did they have to write a test at school7

II Finish the questions to the g iven sentences. Dokoncz pytania do podanych zdan.

1. After school Ewa had to buy a present for Michael.

When .. ~ i ~ .. ~.~.~ . ~~~~. ~~ .. ~~Y . ~ . P.r.~.~~.n! .. ~~.~ . 0.i.~h~.e ! .... ..... .. .... ....... 7

What .. . .................................................................. . . ........... . . 7

2. Mr Bloom had to come to school because of his son's bad behaviour.

Why ....................................................................... ... .. . ... . ... 7

Where .. . ..... ......... ...... .. . .......... .... . .. .. ... . ......... .... . .... ..... ... .. . .. . 7

3. I had to be at school at 7.1 5 yesterday.

What time ........ . .. . ...... .. . ...................... .. .. . ........ .............. .. . ... . . 7

Where ... .. .. .. . .. ... .. . ..... ... .. .. .. .. .... ................... ... . .. . .... . . . . ... ...... 7

4. In the Middle Ages people often had to travel on foot.

How .......................................................... . .... . ................. 7

When ............. . .... ... . ....... .. . .. .. ................................. ........... .. 7

5. He had to drink a glass of milk evey day when he was a child .

What ...... ......... .. ............ .. . ...... ......................... .... . . . ..... .. . .. . ?

When . ....... . ..... . . ... . .... ...... . .... . . .. .. ........... . ........ .. ..................... 7

CI Look at the list of duties and correct t he information. Popatrz na l ist~ obowiqzk6w . poc)'aw podane in or aCJe.


uncle Tom


Mum and Dad

aunt Emily



1. Uncle Tom had to buy oranges .

buy fish

bake the cake

cook bigos

clean the windows

decorate the

Christmas Tree

send the Christmas


27. had ~o

.. ~~~!~ .. T.C?~ . ~ i.~~ ·.~ . ~~y~ . ~~ . . ~.l!Y. ~~~':19~~:. !':l.~ . ~9~ . t~ .. ~.~y. fi.~~: ......... . 2. Aunt Emily had to clean he oor .

•••••••••••••• • • •• • • • •• • •• • • • • • •• • •• • • • '" ••• '" ••••••• ••••••••• ••• • • • ••• • •• • • '.0 • • 0 ••• , ••

3. Grandma had to make salad .

. . ........ , . . ... . ... . .. . .. .. ....... .. ..... . .. .... .. . . ...... ................. .

4. Ewa had to set he able .

•••• • • ••••••••• •• • •• • •••• ••• •••• • '" •••••• •• , • • , ••• • •• •• •• , • • ,. 0 •• •• •••••••••••••

5. Mum and Dad had to prepare herr ngs.

" " " • •• • ••••• •• ••• , • • •• , ' to , '" _Of ' " '" '" •• , , •• • • • ••• •• ••• • ••• • ••••• ••••••••• t ••••••••

6. Peter had to wash the car.

t .,." ••.•..• o. ". 11 • • 0 •• ' , '" . t, '" '" '" .. ' • . '.0 • • ' • • • ,." • •• • • • •• ••••• • ••• ••• •• •••• • •• •

Friendly Grammar

Ordinal numbers and dates Liczebniki porzqdkowe i daty

Did you watch the film "Henry the Eighth"

on TV yesterday? Oglqdalas wczoraj, w telewizj i

film "Henryk Osmy"?

Gosh! Biology is the first lesson today.

It won 't be my lucky day! Rety! Biolog ia jest dzisiaj na

pierwszej lekcji. To nie b~dz i e

m6j szcz~sliwy dzien!

No, I didn 't. I revised for

the biology test, instead, Nie. Uczytam si~ do klas6wki z biologii .

I'm afraid you are right. Look at the date - it's the thirteenth! Obawiam siy. ze masz racjy.

Popatrz na daty - jest trzynasty!

I; / / /


28. Ordinal numbers and dates

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

I live on the tenth floor. You are the twenty-fifth on the lis . Queen Elizabeth the Second lives in Buc ingham Palace. My birthday is on the third of May.

The Wise Owl Says:

Ordinal numbers (liezebniki porzqd owe) wyst~pujq przy imionaeh wlad­c6w lub papiezy, przy slownym poaa '.aniu daty, okreslan iu kolejnosci itp. Z wyjqtkiem liczebnik6w: pierwszy (the fi rst) , drugi (the second) , trzeci (the third) pozostale tworzone Sq peez dodanie kone6wki -th do liczebni­ka gl6wnego. W przypadku liezebn 0 ... oowyzej 20, zmianie ulega tylko drugi czlon liezebnika gl6wnego. Przed liczebnikiem porzqdkowym za.· s:e stawiamy przed imek the.

Charles the First the twentieth century the twelfth of January the forty-second floor

II Complete the sentences. Uzupetnij zdania.

1. .. ..... F.~.i~a'y ............ .. is the fi h day 0 he week.

2 .................. .. ........... is the six on h of the year.

3. .. .. .... ...... .... ...... .... .. is the firs da of the week.

4. .. ................... ......... is the seeo a on h of the year.

5. .. .. .. .... .. .. ............ .... ;5 the eleventh month of the year.

6 W d d . . e nes ay IS ...... ........ ....... ......... day of the week.

7. January is .. .. ......... ................. mon n of he yea.r.

8 . Sunday is ....... ...... ................. day of the week.

9. August is .......... ........... ......... mon h of he summer holiday.

10. Christmas Eve is on .............................. of December.

Friendly Grammar

Spelling Tips:

Przy tworzeniu liczebn ik6w porzqdkowych czasami zmien iamy pisowni~.


• (5) five - (5th) the fifth

• (9) nine - (9th) the ninth

• (12) twelve - (12th) the twelfth

• (20) twenty - (20th) the twentieth

• (30) thirty - (30th) the thirtieth

a Match the dates. Dopasuj daty.

1 . 20. 02 a. the twenty-seventh of May

2 . 15. 06 b. the twenty-second of March

3 . 27 . 05 c. the first of July

4. 04. 11 d. the twentieth of February

5 . 01 . 07 e. the fifteenth of June

6. 22. 03 f. the fourth of November

D Change the ord inal numbers in brackets into words. Liczebniki porzqdkowe w nawiasach zapisz slowami.

1. Henry was (9th) ..... . !h~ . ~ .i ~~h ...... . . ru nner to cross the fini shing line.

2. Take the li ft. I live on (25th) ...... .. .. ....... .. ......... .................. .. fl oor.

3 . Pope John Paul (2nd) ........ .. .... . .. .. .. .... .... .......... died in April 200 5 .

4 . King Henry (8th) ........ .. . . ..... . .. . .. . is famous because of his six wives.

28. Ordinal numbers and dates

S. I never travel by plane on ( 3 ) ...... .... ...... .................... .. ........ .. .

6. What's the da e oday? I 's (2nd) ................................. of February.

7. (11th) ........................ o! ovember is Independence Day in Poland.

8 . (3rd) .................................... of May is a national holiday in Poland.

9 . (14th) ........................ of July is celebra ed as Bas ille Day in France.

10. I was born on (21 s ) ................................... .. .. .... . .... of October.

CI Do the crossword and read the hidden word . Rozwiqz krzyz6wk~ i odczytaj haslo.

11 F I R 5

12 1 3


15 I 6


r 1. January is the ......... month of he year.

2. The third day of the week.

3. The last month of the summer holidays.

4 . March is the . ... ..... month of the year.

S. The day before Friday.

6. The first day of the weekend.

7 . Tuesday is the ......... day of the wee

8. The month after January.



What 's your number in the school _ _ ___ __ -.J


Friendly Grammar

Forma going to

Go n for future plans Going to: plany na przysztosc

Have you made any New Year's Resolutions?

Czy podja,les juz jakies postanowienia


It 's time for our New Year's

Resolutions -I'm going to get

the Nobel Prize this year. Czas na postanowienia

Yes, I have. I'm going to be better at French

and I'm going to help my Mum more. Tak. Mam zamiar bye lepszy z francuskiego imam zamiar

wi~cej pomagae mamie.

I'm going to get next door's cat at last!

ook at these examples. Dopatrz na podane przyktady.

Claire is going to visit Ch ina next year.

s she going to travel by plane?

0, she isn't. She's going to go there by bike!

We are going to move house in June.

Where are you going to move to?

My Mum's going to buy a house in Pisz.

The Wise Owl Says:

29. going to

Forma going to w polqczeniu z bezokolicznikiem pozwala opowiedziec o planach, podj~tych decyzjach i zamiarach, kt6re chcemy realizowac.

I'm going to learn German. She isn't going to buy a car.

Are you going to study law?

II Make complete sentences from the following words to say what the people are going to or not going to do.

WykorzystujqC podane wyrazy, utw6rz peine zdan ia, aby okreslic':, co wymienione osoby majq zamiar zrobic': lub czego nie majq zamiaru robie.

1. Mark/ buy/a new pair of jeans .

.. . 0~r.~ . ! ~. 9.?i~~. ~.~ . ~~y .c:'. ~.~~ . pc:'!r. ~f.J~a.~~: ... '" ........................ .. . 2. Ann and Susan/ not/take part/in a beauty contest.

••• '" '" 0 ••••• '" •• , .,. ' " • • , •• , •• , ., •••• '" • • , '" • ••• • , • • , • • ••• , . , •••• "0 "0 '0, • • , '" '"

3. I/ help/ my parents with the housework .

•• , ' " ••••••• ••. , ••• . •••••••• , '" ., •••• '0 •••.••••••• . •• . , • . , • . , .• • .•. ' " • . , • .. ••. .. , •.•• . ,

4. Chris/not/tidy/ his bedroom .

• , •••• " •• , • •• , •• , • ••• • •••• ••• '" • ••••••• , ••••• • •••• • •••• •• •• • , •• , ••••• , •• , •• , • • , '" ••• "0

5. Andy's brother/ bel a vet in the future.

'" '" •• • ••••••• •• • ••• ,. '" •• , •• , '" ., • • , • • , •• , •• , ••• , "0 • •• • , • •• , ,0, • • , '" '" ••••••• •• ' "

6. I/ not/spend/ my holidays abroad this year .

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . '" ............. .. ..... ....... ..... ... .... ' " ........ .. . .

7. Most of my friends/ study/at Warsaw Un iversity .

•.. .•• ..• ••• •.• ••• .•• .•• ••• ••• .•• ••• ••• • •• '0, • •••••••• '" . •• •.••••••••..•••• • ••• •• • •••• ' "

Friendly Grammar

II Put the words in the right order to make correct questions. Uporza,dkuj wyrazy tak, aby powstaly poprawne pytanla.

1. study/Are /going to/you/medicine/? d d·· ? Are you go.i.~g. :t.~ .~~.~ . y. ~~ .. I~I.~~ ................................. .. .•....•.... ... " ... .. , . .. .

2. is/ learn/language/ going to/What/Tomek/?

, •• • •••••••••••••• , ••••• ••••••••••• , , • •• , • • , ••••••• , • • , • •• , •••• ". , •••••••• ," t o . 0.' , t. '"

3. going to /are/your summer holidays/you/ spend /Where/?

•••••••• •••••• • ••• • , ••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••• •• • •••• ,0, • • , ••••••• •• , •••• •• •••• , , • •••••••

4. Ela/ her project/When/going to/ is/ finish /?

, ............ . ... , .......... , ........... , ..... ..... .. ..... , ........ .... .. ,. , ..... .. ..... ,.

5. help/ How/he/going to / is/Mrs Brown!?

.,., ••• , • • • •••• , • ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• , •••• , •• •••••••• , ••••••• •• ••••• • •••••• , • •••••• 0

6. going to/are/leave/ Why / they / the town/?

•••••••••• ,. 0" , •••• • , ••••••••••••• , •• • •• • • , •••• 0" . 0 ••••• •••••••••••••••••• • • • , . , •• • •••••

II Complete the text. Use going to and the verbs from the box. Uzupelnij tekst. Uzyj going to i czasownik6w z ramki.

cycle • visit • ~ • not spend • spend • keep • take turns • buy • have • not make • take • show • go

Janek and his friends ..... ~~.e:- . ~.~!~.~ . :t.~ . ~.P~~.~ .. .... two weeks in Italy. They

............ ......... . .. to Milan by train but they ....... .. . . ....... . ........ their bikes

with them and they ........................... from one place to another. They

.......... .......... . .. .... a lot of money on eating in restaurants. They ...... ..... .

all ....... .............. ... in cooking and making sandwiches. Janek is interested

in history so he ..... ..... ...... . . ......... his friends some famous historical places

and museums. Piotr is a football fan and ..... .. ........ ... ....... .. San Siro - a big

footbal l stad ium in Milan. Kasia and Ewa ..... . ..................... some days on

the beach. Zuza .. .. ...... .. .. ............ . a diary and describe everything, day by

day. Adam .. . .. .. ..... . .............. any notes but he ... . ..... . ........... . .... .

a digital camera and take hundreds of photos. They all .... .. ....... ...... ..... .. .

a fantastic time.

29. going t:o

CI Read the text from exercise 3 aga. ... -"'d give short answers to the questions. Przeczytaj jeszcze raz tekst z ( Wlc e- a = powiedz krotko na pytania.

1. Is Janek going to go to Italy wi h 5 - =-::57 .. .. y~~ ~ . ~~ . .i?: ...... 2. Are they going to go to Milan by -= - -

3. Are they going to cycle in Italy?

4. Are they going to eat in restaurants?

5. Is Piotr going 0 visi San Siro?

6. Is Zuza going to take a 10 0 pho os?

7. Is Adam going to keep a diary?

8 . Are they going to have a good ime in I aly?

a Make your own way through the maze. Use sentences start ing with I 'm going to or I'm not going to. Przejdz przez labirynt dowolnq trasq. Uzywaj zdan zaczynajqcych s i ~ od

I 'm going to lub I'm not going to.

have two learn Japanese have two cats

try bungee START

ch ildren jumping

live in a big live abroad travel a lot be a model be a pop singer


have a big dog build a house be famous get married drive

a spor scar

be a teacher study medicine be happy go to Canada write books

have sail around the help other a big garden

eep horses world FINISH


For example: Na przyklad:

I'm g? ing to have two ch ildren. I'm not going to live abroad I'm . to budd a house. I'm not going to be famous. ... . gOing

F';~lttlly Gl'amma,

Going to for predictions Going to: przewidywania dotyczqce p

How about our walk? It's going to rain .

Co z naszym spacerem?

B~dz i e padac': .

The Wise Owl Says:

We should stay at home. I'm afraid

there's going to be a storm.

Powinnismy zostac

w domu . Obawiam s i~ ,

ze b~dzie

Konstrukcj~ going to stosujemy takze dla wyratenia opinii 0 tym,"" co wedlug nas s i~ wkr6tce zdarzy, na podstawie tego, co obserwujemy

w danej chwili .

It is going to rain . \..(Widz imy ci emne chmury i sqdzimy, ze b~dz i e padac': deszcz).

Look at the examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

Look at that man . He s going to h't the lamp post. Hurry up! We are go ng to be late. Hanna is running to the bus stop. She 's going to miss the bus.

II Write down what's go ing to happen in the park. Use the express ions from the box. Napisz. co wydarzy s i ~ w parku. Uzyj wyraZen z ramki.

29. going to

fly a kite • have a pizza • catch a butterfly • tread on the sandwiches • fight· have a race

What's going to happen?

1 ... ~~~ .9.i:. I~ .~:.~ . 9.~ !~9 . ~? .~~~~ . ~ . pi.~~~ : ..... .. ...... ... .. .. ..... ..... ...... .... .

2. The woman .............. ························ · ········ ········· · ··· · ··········· ··· ···

3. The boy . .. .. ............................. . ........... .. ............ .. ....... .. .. .......... .

4 . The boys ... . ..... .. .... ... ............. . ... . .. ...... .. .... ...... .. ........ . .. .. .... ... . . .

5. The cat and the dog ......... . .... ... .... ........ ......... .......... ...... .. . ....... ..

6 . The bird . . .. .. .... . .. ..... . .. . ...... .............. . ...... .... .. . .. ..... ... .. ............ .

Friendly Grammar

Future Simple Czas przyszty prosty On 1 5 August.

Leo is my sign. Will you read my horoscope? 1 5 sierpnia. Moim znakiem jest Lew.

What's your zodiac sign?

When were you born? Jaki jest tw6j znak zodiaku?

Kiedy s i ~ urodziles?

You will visit an exotic country.

Your friend will give you a present. You will meet a pretty girl but you wil l

have some problems at school. Odwiedzisz egzotyczny kraj . Dostaniesz prezent od przyjaciela. Spotkasz pi~knq

dz i ewczyn~ , ale b~dz i esz mial klopoty w szkole.

Przeczytasz m6j horoskop?

How about you? Will you meet

a handsome boy? A ty? Czy spotkasz

przystojnego chlopca.

30. Future Simple

Look at these examples. popatrz na podane przy laay.

We haven't got any b l er. Will you go to

Yes, I will.

Will I be a famous spor sman? No, you won't but you wil marry a famous oce

In the future people will travel to distan planets

Tomorrow, it will be sunny in he nor h 0 Polana 0

in the south .

The Wise Owl Says:

e e:

Czas Future Simple (przyszly prosty) pozwala nam mo . C 0 naszych przypuszczeniach co do przyszlosci oraz 0 dZ lalaniach. ore spo anicznie decydujemy s i ~ wykonac (a kt6re nie zos aly wczesniej zaplanowane). Zdania w tym czasie tworzymy, s awiajqc czasownik pomocniczy will pomi~dzy podmiotem a czasownikiem gl6wny . ania orzymy przez inwersj~ , czyli przestawienie w ill przed podmio , a przeczenia przez dodanie do will slowa not.

She will be sixteen nex year. We will not smoke cigarettes.

Will you help me?

II Complete the text with the verbs from the box in Future Simple. Uzupelnij tekst czasownikami z ramki w czas ie Future Simple.

stay • visit • ~ be • travel go meet • see

I ho I will spend h " . pe ..... .. ....... . .. my next olldays In Aus raila. My aunt Zuza lives there.

I think about that journey a lot. I . . .. ..... . .. . .. .. . . . . by plane for the first time in

my life. I ... ...... . ..... . .. . .. at my aunt 's house near Sydney, so I'm sure that we

. , ... " ..... " . .. .... to this city and I ..... . .. ..... .. ...... the famous Opera House

and the Olympic stad ium. I hope that we .... . ....... . .. .. .... the Great Reef

3arrier and do some scuba diving. And of course I . .. . . . . . ...... ....... kangaroos,

'Jala bears and other Australian animals. I bel ieve that these holidays

Friendly Grammar

Formy petne:

\ will tell him.

He will call you .

We will not help her.

Formy skrocone:

\'11 tell him.

He'll call you .

We won't help her.

a Read t he text in exercise 1 , again and f inish ,t he s~ort answers .. Przeczytaj jeszcze raz tekst z cWlczenla 1. I dokoncz krotkle odpowledzl.

1. Will you go to Australia next year? Yes, . . r . ~!lI:, .......... . 2. Will you go there by ship?

3. Will your aunt take you to Sydney?

4 . Will you visit the Great Reef Barrier?

5. Will aunt Zuza go with you to Melbourne?

6. Will you want to see kangaroos?

7. Will you stay in Australia forever?

II Put will or won't in the gaps, Wstaw W luki williub won't.

1. A: '" .Wi.I.' .. . it be cold tomorrow?

B I, f'd 't will b f . : m a ral I ............ e reezlng.







2. Frank is leaving for Paris on Monday so he .......... .. , .. come to school.

3. Because you aren't good at maths, you., ...... . ..... . pass the exam.

4 . If you take an umbrella, you .. . .. . ......... get wet.

5. A: .... . ..... ... .. your grandparents come for the weekend?

B: Yes, they ........ .

6. Don't eat so much! you ...... ... ... '" have stomach ache.

7. We ......... ...... buy this car. It's too expensive.

8. Peter .. . ..... ....... be on time. He's never late.

9. Don't worry. I .............. .. call you when I get home.

10. I ............... tell you what I know about it because it's a secret.

30. Fut:ure Simple

a Match the sentences from the right and left column. Dopasuj zdania z prawej i lewej kolumny.

1. This bag is very heavy. a. I'll explain everything to you.

2. The taxi is late. I'm in a hurry! b. I'll make you some sandwiches.

3. It 's hot and stuffy in here. c. Don't worry. I'll do it.

4 . I don't understand a word. d. I'll give you a lift.

5. I'm too tired to wash up the dishes. e. I'll lend you some money.

6 . I'm hungry. I could eat a horse. f. I'll open the window.

7. I've left my purse at home! g. Give it to me. I'll carry it.

e Read t he sentences and offer your help in these sit uations. Przeczytaj zdania i zaproponuj swojq pomoc w tych sytuacjach.

1. I don't know how to use that camera .

. . ~'. I.' . ~.~~~ .Y~.~ : ............ .............. .. .... ....... .. .......... .... .... ........... .

2. I left my pencil case at home and I need a pen.

3. My dog needs a walk but I don't have much time.

4. I'm bored and nobody wants 0 play wi h me.

5. I'm ill and I can ' leave 0 e but I have to post th is letter.

6 . My parents don't want 0 e- me go to the disco on Friday .

••• " •••••••• ,' ••• , •• , •• , ••••• , , 1 ... . ... ... . .. " . , ........... , . .. " .

Friendly Granll11ar

Verb should Czasownik should

I'm getting into a pan ic about the final exams. What should I do?

Zaczynam panikowac przed koncowymi egzaminami. Co powinienem robiC?

First of all you should write a revision

plan. You shouldn't work late and you should have some rest.

Przede wszystkim powinienes napisac plan powtorki . Nie powinienes pracowac do

pozna i powinienes takze odpoczywac.

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

Pupils should work hard at school. You should wear warm clothes.

He should help his parents.

Pup ils shouldn't talk during the lesson.

You shouldn't forget your promises.

He shouldn't be so se lfish.

The Wise Owl Says:

31. should

Czasownik should pozwala wyrazic naszq opini~ na temat koniecznosci takiego, a nie innego post~powan ia oraz doradzic, jak nalezaloby s i~

zachowac w danej sytuacj i. Czasownik should stawiamy w zdan iu pomi~dzy podmiotem a orzeczeniem, kt6rym jest zawsze czasownik w formie podstawowej. You should be kind to other people. She should put on a more elegant dress.

II Match the locations with the descriptions of appropriate behaviour. Dopasuj miejsca do wfasciwych zachowan.

1 . In Poland 2. In Japan 4 . In BUlgaria

3. In Polynesia 7. '111 SillfJayore

5. In Musl im countries

a. You should use on ly your right hand to ouch food.

b. You should stick your tongue out after you say "hello".

e. You should keep your hands on he table during meals.


d. You should leave some ood on your plate if you don't want any more.

e. You should bow when you say "thank you".

f. You should nod your head when you say "no".

g. You should always s:a."d a the end of the queue at the bus stop.

Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says:

Czasownik should ma takq samq form~ dla wszystkich os6b. Pytan ia tworzymy przez i nwe rsj ~ , czyli przestawienie should przed podmiot, a przeczenia przez dodanie do should slowa not. W przeczen iach uzywamy na og6\ formy skr6conej shouldn't.

Should I phone him? Where should I go? They shouldn 't behave li ke that.

a How should children behave at a summer camp? Put in should or shouldn 't. Jak dzieci powinny zachowywac': s i~ na letnim obozie?

Wstaw should lub shouldn 't.

ITS YOUR PLACE Now 1. YoU .. ~~.,?~. I .~ .. .. make your bed in the


2. you .. ... ..... ..... drop litter.

3. you .. .. .... .... ... keep your th ings tidy.

4. you ... ... ...... wash your hands before


5. you ............... take plates and mugs

out from the canteen.

6. You .. .. .... .. .... . wr ite to your parents .

7. you .. .... .. ..... .. be rude to your


8. you ............... help each other.

9. you ............. .. take part in group


10. you .. ............. use bad


31. should ~--------------------------------------------------------~

a Put in gaps should or shouldn't. Wstaw should lub shoUldn' .

( h'ld shouldn't f f 1 . I ren .. .. .. ..... ...... .. ........ eat ast ood every day.

2. you ......... .. . .. ........ .. ... play computer games for hours.

3. People .. ... .. .... ..... ........... donate some money to charity campaigns.

4 ............................ I buy flowers or a box of chocolates?

5. What .. ...... .. .. ............... we cook for the party?

6 . Kate ........................... buy this blouse. It doesn't suit her.

7. Your brother ..... .. .................... watch this film. He's too young.

8. Where ........................... I look for information about wolves?

9 . you ................. . ......... drive so fast. The fog is getting th icker.

10. Why .......... ........ ......... I be polite to her? She doesn't li ke me.

II Make your own way through the maze. Use sentences starting with I should or I shouldn 't. Przejdz przez labirynt dowolnq trasq. Uzywaj zdan zaczynajqcych si~ od I should

lub I shouldn't.

START surf the Internet

figh eat in lessons return home

for hours late

cheat in tests eat a lot of call people use bad read more

sweets names language books

be pol ite to drink milk

help other wear a woollen be more active

teachers people hat

always do my eat more tidy my brush my teeth

eat chips every homework vegetables bedroom day

save some learn some English walk the dog

smoke FINISH

pocket money every day cigarettes

For example: Na przyklad:

I shouldn't cheat in ests. I shouldn't eat a lot of sweets. I should drink milk. I should he lp other people. I shouldn't call people names. I shouldn't fight. I s houldn't eat in lessons. Etc.

Friendly Grammar

Present Perfect Czas Present Perfect

Present Perfect for experience and recent actions Present Perfect: doswiadczenia Zyciowe

oraz niedawne wydarzenia

I've decided to go on a camping tour to Italy.

Have you ever slept in a tent?

Zdecydowalam s i ~ na kempingowq wycieczk~ do Wloch .

Spales kiedys w namiocie?


No, I haven 't , but I have been to Italy.

I can recommend some places worth seeing.

Nie, ale bylem we Wloszech.

Mog~ polecic ci kilka miejsc wartych obejrzenia.

How about me? I have never been abroad!

A co ze mnq? Nigdy n:: bylem za granicq!

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przykfady.

I have lost my wallet.

We haven't seen any snakes in the zoo. Have you ever played baseball?

The Wise Owl Says :

32. Present Perfect

Peter has visited Berlin twice.

Ann hasn't been to France.

Has Susan got a letter from Tim?

Present Perfect tworzymy wykorzystujqC czasownik have/has oraz trzeciq form~ czasownika (Past Participle) . I have met John.

She has given me a presen They have listened to jazz.

Dla czasownik6w regularnych Past Participle jest taki sam jak forma czasu Past Simple (np. stay - stayed - stayed)

a Complete the table wi th the right forms of the verbs. Uzupelnij tabe l~ wlaSciwymi formam czasownikow.

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle

be was , were been



decora ed











Friendly Grammar

The Wise Owl Says:

(zas Present Perfect uzywany jest do:

• opisywania naszych doswiadczen zyciowych i wydarzen z przesztosci ; nie wiemy lub nie jest istotne, kiedy te zdarzen ia miaty miejsce, wazne jest ty lko to, ze si~ w og61e kiedys odbyly, np. I have won a CD player in a lottery .

• opisywania czynnosci, kt6re wydarzyty si~ niedawno i kt6rych skutki Sq nadal widoczne lub odczuwalne, np. My neighbour has had an accident and he 's in hospital now.

fJ Use the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect . Czasowniki w nawiasach napisz w czasie Present Perfect.

Th t' h d" . f . W have worked e par y In t e gar en IS gOing to start In a ew minutes. e .................... .

(work) hard to make everything ready in t ime. I ........ . . .......... . .. . (send)

invitations to our friends. Tom and Harry .............. ...... ....... (bring) plastic

chairs and tables. Ewa ................... ..... (set) all the tables and Susan

........ ................ (put) a vase with flowers on each of them. Frank

.............................. (collect) a pile of CDs with disco music. Andy and his

brothers .............................. (blow up) over a hundred balloons. Joan and

Alex ............................. . (decorate) the garden with the balloons and

lanterns. Mum and Aunt Mary .............................. (cook) some delicious

food .

The Wise Owl Says:

Zdania przeczqce tworzymy przez dodan ie slowa not do czasownika have/ has:

We have not visited Gniew. John has not bought today's newspaper.

Pytania tworzymy stawiajqc czasownik have/ has przed podmiotem: Have you visited Gniew? What places have you visited? Has he bought a magazine?

32. Presen't Perlec't

II Use the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect. Czasowniki w nawiasac napisz w czas ie Present Perfect.

I have eaten ( . 1. .. ............. never.......... ........ eat) Chinese food.

2 . Wislawa Szymborska ....... ...... ...... .. .. ............ . (write) many poems.

3 ......... , ......... you ......... ...... .. , (make) any mistakes in your dictation?

4. Pupils .. ........................ .. .. (decorate) the classroom with balloons.

5. Mr Black .. ..................... . (not buy) a mountain bike for his son .

6. Where ..................... Frank .. . .. ................ (leave) his wal let?

7. We ....... . .. ................. (not be) to any African countries.

8. My parents .. .. .. .. ................. .... .. .. (speak) to my English teacher.

9. I .......... ........ ......... (not send) th is e-mail to your sister.

10. What .. " ......... Anna ........ , ...... (find) in the garden?

a Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets in the right form . Then

answer the questions. Uzupelnij pytan ia czasownikami we wlasciwych formach. Nast~pnie odpowiedz

na pytan ia.

drunk 1. Have you ever .... " ......... ( drink) Coca-Cola? Yes , I have.

2. Have you ever ............... (see) a ghost?

3. Has your best friend ever ............... (be) abroad?

4 . Has your father ever ............... (catch) a fish?

5. Have you ever ...... .. .... ... (read) a book in English?

6. Have you ever ............... (play) golf?

7. Have your parents ever .......... ..... (meet) a film star?

8 . Has your Grandma ever ............... (ride) a horse?

9 . Have you ever ............... (hear) an owl hooting?

10. Has your teacher ever .. . .... . ..... .. (tell) you a joke? one hundred and sixty-three lb.j

Friendly Grammar

Present Perfect with since and for Czas Present Perfect z przyimkami since i for

Do you li ke my new bike? I've had it since

my birthday. It's a present from my Grandpa.

Podoba ci si~ m6j nowy rower?

Mam go od urodzin.

To prezent od dziadka.

It's super. I've had mine for four years.

I'd li ke to get a new one. Jest 5wietny. Ja mam sw6j od czterech lat. Chciatbym

dostac nowy.

I'd like to get a present, too. I haven't got

anything for ages Ja takze chciatby

dostac prezent. Od wiek6w nic

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

32. Preseni: Perfeci:

Franek has collected coins from different countries since he went abroad for

m e first time.

ave learned English at school for five years .

.= zanna hasn't seen Pia r since Ewa's bir hday party. e haven ' t heard from them for many y ear s .

- ow long have you been ill? I have been ill for a wee

ave been absent from school since last Tuesday.

The Wise Owl Says:

Czasu Present Perfect uzywamy r6wniez m6wiqc a czynnosciach, kt6re zacz~ty s i ~ w przesztosci i trwajq nieprzerwanie do chwili obecnej. Gdy chcemy powiedziec jak, dtugo cos ma miejsce, postugujemy si~

przyimkiem for, a gdy chcemy powiedziec, od kiedy to s i ~ dzieje, ad jakiego dn ia, daty, wydarzenia itp., uzywamy przyimka since.

I have met Tim many times since he moved here. My parents have been married for fifteen years.

II Add for or since to t he given expressions. Dodaj for lub since do podanych wyraten.

1 . for .. .. ........ many years 7. .. .......... ages

2. . .. .... .. ... seven hours 8 . .. .......... the end of the school year

3. .. .... ....... last weekend 9 . .. .......... a month

4. .. ........ .. two weeks 10. .. .......... the first of May

5. .. .. .. .... .. Tom' party 11 . . ........... Wednesday

6. .. .. .. . .. ... a long time 12. .. .......... Sunday morning

Friendly Grammar

a Look at the information about Adam Kordan and complete the text wi t h the expressions from the box. Popatrz na informacje 0 Adamie Kordanie i uzupetnij tekst wyrazeniami z ramki.


He was born in Kielce. He started to play basketball in 1982.

He married Anna Lokis in 1995. His wife plays volleyball for Poland .

His son Marek was born in 1997.

In 2000 he organized the first basketball competition "Go For It" .

In 2002 he started to support the charity "Give Them a Hand".

In 2004 he became a sports presenter on TV Kielce.

The Kordan family live in Kielce.

Adam and Anna play for the club "Avanti - Kielce".

32. Present Perfect

since 1997 • since the las year • for ten years • for three years siAce he ' .... as bOFA · or ' Ive years • since 1982 • for many years

Adam Kordan has been declared "The Man of the Year 2005" in Kielce, He is

not only a popular sportsman but he also does a lot for the local community,

especially for ch ildren,

Adam has lived in Kie lce .... .. .... ~i.~~~ .. ~~ . ~<;I~ . ~.O:.~ .......... .. . He has been a

basketball player ...... ,,, ....... .. ............. .. ,, ... ,, .. ,,. He has been married

" .... " ....... .. " .. . " .... " .... " His wife, Anna Lokis, has played volleyball

.. , . , , , , , .. ......... , . .. ... , , .. , .. . , Adam has been a father . ......... . . , .... .. .. , .. " .. ,.

His son Marek wants a be a spar sman, too. He trains in the swimming pool ,

.. .... .. .. ..... .. " . " .... " .. " .... Adam has organized the basketball competition

"Go For It" for the youngest basketball players, Every year many school teams,

boys and girls, compete on the court. ........... " ... " " " ",, .. ,," " " he has also

supported the local charity "Give Them a Hand" which takes care of children

from poor fam ilies, "."" ... " .. " .. " .. " ...... ". ". he has been a popular sports

presenter on TV Kie lce, He is very busy but he still finds time for sport. Adam

and Anna play for the club "Avanti - Kielce ".

II Finish the sentences, Use expressions with for and since, Dokoncz zdania. Uzyj wyrazen z for i since.

1, I have lived here "~ !~,~~ .... "" ... " .. ,,. 2, I have learned English".""".""" .. . """"

3, I have known my best friend ",,,,,,,,, ... ,, ,, ..... ,,"

4. I have been a pupil '''" ... " ." ."""".""

5, I have surfed the in erne "" ." .. "" ... " ."."" .

~ _ . . . , -_ .. _ .... _,

Friendly Grammar

Subject and object questions Pytania 0 podmiot i dopetnienie

Is Mary your girlfriend?

Do you love her? Czy Mary to twoja

dz iewczyna?

Kochasz j'l? ~

Who loves Mary? Who does Mary love?

I'd like to know the answers. Kto kocha Mary? Kogo ocha

Mary? Chcialabym znac odpowledzi.




~-, .--. 1 _

No, no no! Stop kidding!

Nie, nie, nie! Przestan

zar owaC:!

And I'd like to know who loves

you. Look! A ja chciatbym

wiedziec, kto kocha ciebie. Popatrz!

33. Subject and object questions ----------------------------------------------------------.~

Look at these examples. Popatrz na podane przyklady.

Peter plays the guitar.

Who plays the guitar?

What instrument does Peter pay?

This table usually stands near e window.

What stands near the window?

Where does this table usually s al1d?

The Wise Owl Says :

Tom and Mark live in Gdansk.

Who lives in Gdansk?

Where do Tom and Mark live?

A snail went across my desk.

What went across my desk?

Where did the snail go?

Subject questions (pytania 0 poo 10) to pytania 0 wykonawc~ czynnosci. Pytania takie tworzymy, zast~pujqC oodmiot lub jego cz~sc przez odpowiedni wyraz pytajqcy, Do budowy tych p nie jest potrzebny zaden czasownik pomocniczy. Sq one zadawane zawsze w 3. os. Ip.

Adam Mickiewicz wrote " Pan Tadeusz". A grammar test is difficu l . Five dogs are barking outside. Chi ldren like sweets.

II Ask questions about the subject. Zadaj pytania 0 podmio .

1. Christmas is com ing soon .

Who wrote " Pan Tadeusz"? What type of test is difficult? What is barking outside? Who likes sweets?

. , .":Yh~.~ J~ . ~~~!~9 . ~~~.~? ............ ..... .......... .. ..... ...... .... .. .. ...... .. .. 2. My brother drives a spor scar .

••• " •••• •• ••• • •••• •••••• •• ••••••••••••••••• •• •• •• , •• , •••••••••••• , •••• •• " ••• , •• '0 ' •• • ".

3, Horse rid ing is becoming more and more popu lar .

••• ", , ••••• • ••••••••••• , ••••• , • • , •• , •• , •• , ••••••••••• " •••• • •• •••••• ,., ", •• •• ,. 0 " 0 " • ••

4. Peter gave Ann a red rose on her bir hday .

••• • • , •• •• •• , •• " •• ••• • •••••••••• , ••••••••• • • ••••••• •• •• • • , • •••••••• •• " •••••• • 0 ••••• , •• • ,

5. Andy and Paul have met an alien in he park .

.... ............. ..... ............................. ... ...... ..... .. .. ...... ........... ..... .

Friendly Grammar

6. Susan baked a delicious cake yesterday.

7. Your friends are going to visit Warsaw.

8 . His schoolbag is under the desk.

9 . I will go to the shop.

10. The meeting starts at 9 .00 in the morning.

The Wise Owl Says:

Object questions (pytania 0 dopelnienie) wymasa_q .... zycia czasownik6w pomocniczych (be, do, have itp.), kt6re stawia J ::>-=eo podmiotem.

Harry took his litt le brother for a walk. Who did Harry take for a walk?

My Mum cooks bigos for Christmas. What does my Mum cook for Christmas?

We have finished the project. What have we fin ished?

He is writ ing an e-mail to Chris. What is he writing?

II Ask questions about the underli ned words. Zadaj pytania 0 podkreslone wyrazy.

1. Kasia wants a piece of cake .

.. ~~.'? ~~.~!~ .<:t. pJ.~~.~ . ~t ~.c:t~.~? .... .. ... ..... ................. .... .............. .

2. I often have scrambled eggs for breakfast.

.. ~h~} .. ~~ .Y~~. ~.f !.e~ .. h~~~ .f~.~ . ~.~~.0~f~.~!?

3. They have seen a UFO i he sky .

. . . ... ........ . ... . ... ...... _-- ........ . ... ...... .......... __ ......... .. .... ....... , ... .. ,

33. Subjec't and objec't ques'tions

4, Franek is playing chess w' h Marek .

•• , • •• I •••• •• •••••••••• ••••••••• •••• 0 ••• •• ••• •••••••••••••• •••••• • ••••• •• •• , •••••••••••• •

5. The accident happened as night.

••••• •• ••••• , • •• •••••• , •••• , •• , • ••• •••••••• •• • ••• •• ••••• • ••• • •• • ••••••••• •• •• • 0 ••• • •••••••

6. Zosia is going to send any Christmas cards .

•••••• ,., • • •••• ••••••••• 0" ••• 0 ••• •••••••• '0 • • 0 •• ••• ' ••••••••• • ,··· , •• •• •••• 0 ••••••• • • •• 0

7 . We asked our neighbours 'or help .

•••••••••••• • • • , • •••• •• •• • • • ••• • • •••••••• •• ••• •• •• • •••• •• ••••• , 0" ••• ••• • • • ••••• ••• •••• ,"'

8. My grandparents live in an old house .

• ••• •• • • • •• •••• • •• , •• •• • •••• • •••••••••••••• • •••• •• • • •• • ••• • ••• • ••• •••••• ••• • •• •• 0.


•••• •• ,

9 . The boys often play basketball after school.

•• •• •• •••• • ••• • ••• 0 ' · •••••••••••••••••• , •• , • • • •• • • ••••••••••••• • •••• •• • •• • ••• •• • •••• •• , •• •

II Finish the questions to the g iven sentences.

Dokoncz pytania do podanych zdan.

1 . We eat cornflakes in the morn ing.

Who , ~~~.~ . ~p~nf.l.~~.~~ .. i .~ . ~h~ .~~.~~i.~9. .... .. , ...... , . ..... .. .. . .. . .. . .... .. .. . 7

What . ~~ . . "'!.~ . ~~! .i.~ . t.~~ . ~~~~i.~g . ................... ... . ....... . ....... ...... . . ·7

2. Boys love computer games.

Who .... ... . . .. .. . ..... .. . ..... .. .................. .. .. . ..... . .. ... .... . .. .. . . ....... . .. 7

What .. . . ..... . ... . ............................................. . ... .... . .... . .. ... . .... . 7

3. The bank opens at nine o'clock.

What .. .. . ... ....... .. ....... .. .. .. ... . .. .. .......... ..... .. .. ....... ....... .. . .. ...... .. 7

What t ime .. .. .... . ....... , .................................. . .. .. ... ...... . . ... . . .... .. 7

4. Sue lear s French ec:c.-..Se s"e . es his language. '7




. , .......................... , .......... ....... ... ... ......... ..... ... .. . , ........ ... . '7

., ... , .......... ................... ...... .................. ..... ............. ... .. .. . '7

.. , ....... ...... .. ................ .. .. ......... .... ... ... .. ..... . ,., · .... , ... , .. , ... ,

Friendly Grammar

Aswer key Klucz odpowiedzi

Unit 1

1. 1. I have got a new mountain bike. 2. I don't like horror films on TV 3. Adam and Ewa go 0 school in Bialystok. 4 . My friends often play football after school.

/ After school my riends often play football.

5 . There is a carpet on the floor in my bedroom.!ln my bedroom there is a carpet on the oor.

6. My mother is tal ing on the phone at the momen .! At the mom en my mother is talking on he phone.

7. He eats a lot 0 frui and vegetables.

2a. Adjectives: green. yellow. red . soft. fast. happy. tired. little. big. black. white. juicy. tasty, sad. hungry. dirty. clean. naughty. funny. nice; Nouns: cats. dogs. kids. birds. flowers. apples. bananas. strawberries. clouds. sharks; Verbs: walk. wait. sleep. run. are. dance. swim. play. sit. y: Expressions of p lace: In he garden. in the sky. in the sea. in he park, on the table. under the tree, in the street. on he beach. near the door. in the bas e ; Expressions of time: in spring. in autumn. on Sunday afternoon, a he wee end, a eight o'clock, on the Irs day 0 holidays. in the even ing. in he morning. on a ove ly day. on a rainy day:

2b. Odpowiedz i dowolne

Unit 2 . 1

1. an insect. an anima. a boy, a fee.

an e"d. a plane. an 001. a a baby. an exam. a parro , an ow , a pilot. a tiger, an angel, an e enlng

2 . a new car. an American flag. an old car. a closed window. an open window. a British flag

3. a greer a:::: e a-a a yellow pear. an A. ca.- ~c- a'ld a brown bear. an old -2:" a"'d a heavy bag a Ie';: e e a."C a rg leg, a ne -rae'" a-a a big farm an 0 ~ "'eac a

an aDD e "'C a :>ear, an os C" a: c a bear. a wo er anc a oag an eye erc a eg, a traao' a"'c a :arm a heao er::; a arm. an ear erc a "'eel<. a ban erG a creque. a pene er a oox. an eag e anc a :ox, a rac e: a"'lc a oa , a bl e a."O a 0

Unit 2 .2

J a d a girl. s ear"lg a T-shirt.

e g ~ 5 ear g a dress.

ere are (-) , ys on the floor: a ba , a c¥ a"lC a eddy bear. The C'" .5 _- _e' e chair.

2 . c.arre~- a :;-a.. village in the south of -- souse is in the middle of

the house there is a big garce'" -:.- - :a rees and (-) wild flow­ers. -- 5 S".dflding in the hall of the

o...s.e.. - :0 :a.-- see a big spider on the ee -:: - :::: -e ..... spapers on the floor anc (- ::..s- e :orJ " ere. A grey mouse is s '''9 _-::e' a :;"0 en chair. The mouse is 100 S a;: --- ,nas got (-) black eyes ano a :-:: -: ail is pink.

3. 1. a, The 2. a. a, a 3. he 4 . -. -, -, - 5. a. a 6. -, the 7. an 8 . an 9 . -. -. -, 10. he

Unit 2.3

1. 1. -, -, the 2. The 3. The. he 4. The. the. -, -, 5. The, -, The. -. 6. the 7. the 8 . the, -9. -, - 10. -, -, 11. -. -, -. -, 2. The, -

13. -, the, the 14. - 15. the 16. The, he 1 7. -, the, the 18. The. -, the 19. The, he,

-, 20. the

Unit 3

1. 1. a neighbour 2 . a person 3. a game 4. a bus 5. a penknife 6. a watch 7. a box 8. a toothbrush 9 . a baby O. a puppy 11. a party 12. a shelf 13. a hundred 14. a book 5. a dictionary 16. an address 17. a bookshop 18. a city 9. a cherry

20. a peach


IT W I c El Q u A R I TIE R I



IF I F T yl F 0 R T 1 y 1



3. 1. ladies - lady 2. foxes - fox 3. women -woman 4. lives - Ii e 5. teeth - tooth 6. eyes - eye 7. days - day 8. ma ches -match 9. people - person 10. fee - roo 11 . famil ies - fam ily 12. cities - City 1 3. wives - wife 14. houses - house 1 5. men - man 16. Ives - knife 17. monkeys - monkey 18. apples - apple 19. toys - toy 20. addresses - address

4 . 1 . 5 6. 99

2. 12 7. 27

10. 1286

3. 64 4 . 40 5.1 3 8. 111 9. 45 1

Answer key

Unit 4

1. 1. She 2. We 3. He 4. The, 5. She 6. They 7. It (He/ She) 8. They 9. He 10. It

2. My name is Chris. I am Eng lish. Ewa and Antek are Polish . They are twins but they are di erent. Ewa's hair is blond, Antek 's hair is black. Ewa's eyes are green, Antek's eyes are brown. Ewa is tall, Antek is rather short. I am their best friend. We are in the same class at school. It is a British school In Warsaw. Children in this school are from many coun·ries.

3. 1. No, he isn' . 2 . No, they aren't. 3 . Yes, she IS. 4. Yes, he is. 5. No, it isn't. 6. No, he isn' . 7. Yes, they are. 8 . Yes, we are. 9 Yes, I am.

4. Odpowiedzi dowolne

5. 1. Th is is a yellow umbrella. 2. I am a very good pupil. 3. What is you r favourite number? 4 . Are they at school today? 5. Ola is my friend from school. 6. Warsaw is no he capital of France.

6. 1. I'm 2. are 3. it 4. she 5. is 6. Are 7. are a. we b. I'm c. They d. I'm e. It's f. she's g. She's 1 d. 2b, 3e, 4f, 5g , 6a, 7c

Unit 5

1. This is my desk, th is is my computer, this is my discman, these are my headphones and these are my favourite CDs. Look over there - that is a fantastic poster, those are

the books I like, that is my plane, that is my bed and those cats are called Smoky and Jolly.

Unit 6

1. 1 nne 2. one. one 3. ones 4. ones 5. one 6. ones 7. one 8 . ones

2 . 1. Her favourite ones are pink. 2. Her favourite one is white. 3. His favourite ones are white. 4. His favourite one is green. 5. Her favourite one is red . 6. Her favourite ones are black.

Friendly Grammar

Unit 7

1. In th is ki chen there is a big window. There is a cupboard, a sink, a cooker and a fridge. There are plates in the cupboard. There is also a table and a lamp. There is a cat sleeping on the floor. There are apples in the basket and flowers in the vase.

2. My school is next to the park. In front of the school there is a fountain, behind the school there is a playground. After school we often go to the park. We play on the grass under the big trees. We watch birds flying over the bushes and ducks diving in the pond. Near the park gate we can buy ice creams and lollies. Sometimes we go to the Relax cinema. It is between the bank and the supermarket in Forest street.

3. 1. It's between the sink and the fridge. 2. It's next to the cooker. 3. They are in the cupboard. 4. It's near the window. 5. They are in the basket. 6. It's on the table. 7. They are in the vase. 8. It's behind the basket. 9 . It's over the table. 10. It's under the table.

4 . 1. Yes, there is. 2 . No, there isn't. 3. No, there isn't. 4 . Yes, there are. 5. No, there aren't. 6 . Yes, there is.

5. na niebie, w telewizji , w radiu , na drzewie, na obrazku, na zdj~ciu , na ul icy, w auto­busie

Unit 8

1. Ewa - a skirt, a notebook, a hat, a ball, a pencil case Jurek - a schoolbag, a kite, a baseball cap, a ru ler, a jacket

2. 1. Yes, she has. 2 . No, she hasn't. 3 . No, she hasn't. 4 . Yes, she has. 5. Yes, he has. 6. Yes, he has. 7. No, he hasn't. 8 . Yes, he has.

3. I have got two friends - Sue and Tony. They live in a nice house. It has got a garden with many trees and flowers. Some birds have got nests in this garden. In his room Tony has got a collection of toy

cars. Sue has got a big doll 's house in her room. They have got two dogs and a cat. The cat has got three funny kittens.

4. Odpowiedzi dowolne

5 . Tomek has got a computer but he hasn't got a kite. He has got a mountain bike and a rabbit, too. Sara and Felix have got a computer and a kite but they haven 't got a mountain bike and they haven't got a rab­bit. They have got balloons and Tomek has got balloons, too.

Unit 9.1

1, 1. Jacek's boat 2. Pirate's bone 3. the girls' comics 4. Ewa's flowers 5. Aleck and Witty 's cat

2 . 1. Tom's sister has got a big house. 2. Frank is a good pupil. 3. Ewa has got her mum 's eyes. 4 . Andy 's friend is Polish. 5. Maggie is tall but Maggie's mum is short. 6 . My father has got Peter's book.

3 . is (2 . 3, 9 , 10), has (4, 7, 12), possessive (1, 5, 6, 8 , 1 1 )

Unit 9.2

1. 1. my 2 . their 3. his 4. your 5. our 6. Its 7. her 8. my 9 . his 10. their

2. I want you to meet Hania and Wojtek. I like them very much. They are my best friends. We all go to the White Eagle School in Warsaw. Have a look at this photo - this is our school. It is big and its walls are yellow and brown. Hania is in year five. Her favourite subject is English. Miss Black is her teacher. She is nice and friendly. Wojtek and I are in year six. Miss Thomas is our teacher. She is rather strict. Wojtek plays the guitar and his favourite subjects are music and PE, I like maths and science but my favourite subject is history, I collect figures of knights, I know a lot about their life, old castles and famous battles, In my bedroom there is a model of a castle on the desk, How about you? Where is your school? What is your favourite subject?

Unit 9.3

1. 1 c, 2e, 3a, 4h, 5i, 6b, 7f. 8d, 9g. 10j

2. Tom: There are so many bags and suitcases. Where are ours?

Andy: That big red suitcase IS mine yours , I think.

Mark: There is another red suitcase over there. Which one IS yours mine?

Andy: I must have a look. How abou Tom and Henry's luggage? Can you see theirs?

Mark: No, but I can see Kate's bag. That pink one is hers. Kate. your bag is here!

Kate: Thank you Mark. I've found Tom's bag. It is his. isn't it?

Tom: Henry, have you got your suit case?

Henry: Yes, I've got mine. Le 's go bac to the hotel.

3. 1. Your dress is more elegant than hers. 2. Two of these computer games are

ours. 3. My guinea pig is smaller than yours. 4. Those photos on the table are mine. 5. That big house over there is heirs. 6. This rusty bike isn't mine. his bu hiS


Unit 10

1. cold - colder - the coldest happy - happier - the happiest fantastic - more fantastic - he most fantastic dangerous - more dangerous - the mos dangerous crazy - crazier - the crazies sunny - sunnier - the sunniest hot - hotter - e 0 es;:

popular - more popu ar - ~e - • ::>opular wet - wetter - he we es;:

dry - drier - the dr'est small - smaller - e sma es;:

comfortable - more comfortaDe -the most comfortable

2. I'm very good at English bu "'a"~ to be the best. I'm really bad at ma s - ' ankly speaking, ,'m the worst!

AnslNer key

3 . 1. the hottest 2. more expensive 3. dangerous 4. the most popular 5. better 6. the fur hest/the farthest 7. the highest 8. bigger 9. famous 10. drier 11 . the worst 12. more intell igent 1 3. sunnier 14. tall 1 5. the fastest

4. 1. the oldest 2. younger 3. old 4. older 5. the biggest 6. smaller 7. the smallest 8. bigger 9. the dirtiest 10. dirtier 11. dirty 12. the longest 13. the shortest 14. long 15. shorter

Unit 11

1 . countable - a pear, girls, a cat, a flower, an umbrella. an egg, babies, leaves, rolls, sandwiches, an orange, bottles, a cup, a itch en, cartons, books

uncountable - sand, hair, flour, oil, sugar, coffee. air. cheese, ham, water, toast, milk, snow. cotton, butter, salt

2. 1. how many 2. how many 3. how much 4. how much 5. how many 6. how many 7. how much 8. how many 9. how much 10. how much

3 . 1. How much 2. How many

Unit 12

1. Look at the table. There are some rolls and some bread. There aren't any cakes. There is some butter and some cheese. There isn' any orange juice but there is some apple juice. There are some eggs but there aren't any tomatoes. There isn't any milk but there is some mineral water.

2. 1. Is there any bread? Yes, there is some. There IS a loaf of bread. 2. Are there any toma oes? No. there aren't any. 3. Is there any bu er? Yes. there is some. There is a packe 0 bu er. 4. Is there any sugar? No, there isn' any. 5. Is there any mineral water? Yes. there is some. There are two bottles of mineral water. 6. Are there any eggs? Yes, there are some. There are six eggs. 7. Is there any milk? No, there isn't any. 8. Is there any apple juice? Yes, there is some. There is a carton of apple juice.

Friendly Gral11l11ar

9. Are there any rolls? Yes, there are some. There are three rolls. 10. Is there any cheese? Yes, there is some. There is a p iece of cheese. 11. Are there any oranges? No, there aren't any. 12. Is there any meat? No, there isn't any.

3. 1. many, a lot of 2. a lot of 3. many 4 . a lot of 5. much, a lot of 6 . a 10 of 7. many 8. a lot of

4. In the picture I painted last night. There are some white clouds And a blue kite. There are a lot of flowers, There are some bees, There is a cosy house And there are some trees. There is a lot of sunshine And a lot of peace. I painted a summer day You would always miss.

Unit 13

1. 1. like 2. tries 3. go 4. goes 5. help 6. play 7. buys 8. write 9. mixes 10. wishes

2. 1. washes 2. kisses 3. rushes 4 . tries 5. goes 6. fixes 7. watches 8 . finishes 9. studies 10. lies 11. misses 12. mixes 1 3. cries 14. plays 1 5. does

F I X E 5

C R I E 5

K I 5 5 E 51 D 0 E 5

F I N I 5 H E 5

Is T U 0 I E 5

L I E 5

/p L A Y 5

G 0 E 5

T R I E 5

W A S H E 5




R U 5 H E S


3. I cook dinner. I don't cook dinner. Do I cook d inner?/You play the piano. You don't play the piano Do you play the piano?./He fixes cars. He doesn't fix cars. Does he fix cars? / She brushes her hair. She doesn't brush her hair. Does she brush her hair? It makes no ise. It doesn 't make noise. Does it make noise?/ We go shopping. We don't go shopp ing. Do we go shopping?/ You drink Coke. You don't drink Coke. Do you drink Coke?/They walk to school. They don 't walk to school. Do they walk to school?

4. 1. Does/Yes, he does. 2. Does/ No, it doesn't. 3. Do/Yes, they do. 4. Does/ No, she doesn't. 5 . Do/ Yes, I do. 6 . Does/ No, it doesn't. 7. Do/ No, they don't. 8 . Do/Yes, they do. 9. Does/N o, he doesn't. 1 O. Does/Yes, she does. 1 1. Does/ No, he doesn't 12. Do/Yes, they do.

5. 1. Cats don't like apples. 2. Storks don't spend the winter in Poland. 3. You don't buy toilet paper at McDonald's. 4. Harry

Potter doesn't live in Canada. 5. The sun doesn't go round the Earth. 6 . Polar bears don't eat penguins. 7. Water doesn't boil at 75°C. 8. Kangaroos don't live in Africa. 9 . Polish pupils don't play cricket at school. 10. Koala bears don 't eat bamboo. 11. Elephants don't lay eggs. 12. Babies don't drink Coca-Cola.

6. 1 d, 2f, 3a, 4g, 5b, 6h, 7c, 8 i, 9d

7. 1. Why 2. What 3. What 4. Where 5. When 6. What time 7. Which 8. How

Unit 14

1. 1. every week - co tydzien , 2. always -zawsze, 3. usually - zwykle, 4 . often -cz~sto, 5. sometimes - czasami, 6. rarely­rzadko, 7. never - nigdy, 8 . every day -codziennie.

2. 1. Polar bears sometimes attack people. 2. My brother often has lunch at McDonald's. 3. Frank gets up at seven o'clock every day. 4. Every year my parents go to the mountains. 5. I am sometimes late for school. 6. In Poland chi ldren never go to school on Sundays. 7. They are

usually tired after the match. 8. They rarely go swimming in w inter. 9 . We have a maths test every Monday. 1 O. Harry always does his homework in the a ·ernoon.

3. 1. always 2. usually 3. 0 en 4 . some Imes 5. rarely 6. never

4. Odpowiedz i dowolne

Unit 15

1. 1. Kate can play bas e ball and ride a bi e. She can't ride a horse or fly a kite. 2. Harry can play basketball and fly a kite. He can't ride a horse or ride a bike. 3. Al ice can ride a horse and ride a bike. She can't play bas­ketball or fly a kite. 4 . Danny can ride a bike and fly a kite. He can't ride a horse or play basketball.

2. Penguins can't fly. 2. Kangaroos can't climb trees. 3. Polar bears can swim. 4. Giraffes can run . 5 . Tigers can' bu ild nests. 6 . Camels can' ea sand. 7. Lions can roar.

3 . Odpowiedz i dowolne

4 . 1. Yes, she can . 2 . No. we can't. 3. No, I can't. 4 . Yes, he/ she can. 5. No, you can't. 6. Yes, she can. 7. Yes. you can.

5. 1 h, 2e, 3g, 4a, 5b, 6d. 7f. 8c

6. 1. can 2. can 't 3 . can ' 4. can 5. can 't 6. can 7. can't 8 . can

Unit 16

1. 1. must 2. mus 3. mus n't 4. must 5. musn't 6. mustn' 7. must 8 . mustn't 9. mustn't 10. mustn'

2_ 1. mustn't 2. mustn't 3. needn' 4. needn't 5. must 6. needn't 7. mu 9. must 10. needn't

3. Odpowiedzi dowolne

Unit 17

1. 1. Karol has to tidy his bedroom 2. Monika has to water the plants and go 0 the

Answer key

dentis . 3 Monika and Janek have to go to the dentist. 4 . Janek and Basia have to feed the dog.

2 . 1. Does/ No. he doesn't. 2. Does/ Yes he does. 3. Does/ No, she doesn 't. 4. Does/ Yes, he does. 5. Do/ No, they don't. 6. Do/ No, they don't. 7. Does/ No. she doesn't. 8. Does/ Yes, she does.

3. 1. has to 2. has to. 3. doesn't have to 4 . have to 5. have to 6. don't have to 7. don't have 0 8. have to

4. version 1: have to, have to, have to, have to, mustn't, mustn't, mustn't, mustn't

version 2: don't have 0 , don't have to, don't have to, don't have to, have to, have to, have to, have to

Unit 18

1. 1 d. 2e, 3a, 4g, 5c, 6b, 7f, 8 i, 9 h

2 . swim, j ump, visit, sing, dance, study, play, be, stay

3. Odpowiedz i dowolne

4. Odpowiedzi dowolne

Unit 19

1 . 1 bi d, 2h. 3a, 4e. 5b. 6f, 7j, 8 i, 9c, 10g

2 . . Don't close .. . 2. Let's not go .. . 3. Let's not buy... 4 . Don't watch .. 5. Don't wa er ... 6. Don't go ... 7. Le 's not stay .. . 8 . Don't send 9 . Let's not play .. . 10. Don't be ... 11. Don't tell . .. 12. Let's no have ....

3. Don' put butter on your head, Don', spread toothpaste on your bread, Don't stuff your pockets wi th cherry jam, Don' feed th e dog with cheese and ham, Don't mash potatoes on the floor, Don' hrow strawberries at the door, Don' add salt to chocolate cream, Don't be a child from a bad dream!

one hundred and seventy-seven 1/ /

Friendly Grammar

Unit 20.1

1. Crawl through the tunnel and then under the fence. Jump over the wall. Climb up the ladder and then climb down the ladder. Run around the tree and then along the high fence and at last across the road.

2 . Alice is a sleepwalker. In the middle of the night she sometimes gets out of her bed and goes through the door to the landing. She walks along the wall, then down the stairs, straight to the front door. She opens the door and runs across the garden to the oak tree near the fence. There is a tree house between the branches with a rope ladder leading to i . Alice climbs up the lad­der and lies on the floor of the tree house under the table. She spends the rest of the night there .

3. on, to, out, rom, up, down, over, under, through , round

Unit 20.2

1. 1. in 2. at 3. in, in 4. on 5. on, at 6. in 7. At 8. on 9. at, at 10. at

2. 1. on 2. on 3. a , in 4. In 5. in 6. on 7. On, at 8. at 9 . In 10. in, on

3. Odpowiedzi dowolne

Unit 21

1. On winter days children prefer staying at home. They enjoy watching TV and playing computer games. Some of them like reading books or listening to music. But when it is cold and snowy outside, most children love making snowmen, ski ing or skating.

2. Kim: What do you Ii e doing on hot dayQ

Chris: I love going swimming. When it isn't too hot I also like playing tennis or volleyball.

Kim: Do you enjoy fishing? Chris: No, I don't like spending long hours

by the river. Kim: Do you like school?

Q-lIi s: c ... Ie enjoy going to school. I like English and Science but

r=e doing homework. Kim: ~~- usually do your

Chis: g I in the afternoon. - --: e.e Ing I li ke watching

:e ~ s:r don't like going to bed

3. Odpo ""-- -- _-e

4. 0dpo,

Unit 22

1. 1. I, " 2 : 3 . She, him 4 . We, them 5. T e -:. :: - e. me 7. It, us 8. Your, me 9 . We - s. him

2. 1. yo :2 -,:,,:3 0 S 4. it 5. me 6. him 7. us 8 . me 9 _ -e- -0. us

3, 1. IT' 2- -: -e 3. his 4. their 5. my, them 6. er. -~ - - 'T1 8. our 9. you, your 10. us

4. 1. A 5::- 5 eir dog? B: I don't know. Ask he- 2 3 . OK 4. OK 5. We are waiting

for :-e 'es_ :s of our English test. 6. If you COf"e :0 -e 'II show you my new bike. - 0_' :;:0 Austria is the most important for us . Can you see Andy? He is going o - J :; a~e with his friends. 9 . OK 10. OK

Unit 23.1

1 . - s ~ "g 2. are watching 3. is waiting -! 5 _r;:; '1g 5. am making 6. are drinking - 5 5:e- g 8. are doing

2 . - :;:.- -: 2 putting 3. eating 4. dancing ; 6 . buying 7. dying 8. talking

9 5-2,: -; 10. sitting 11. swimming -; - 3. running 14. crying

3 . =..-"..- a big yellow kite, - -:: - -, s are starting a fight,

=- to write on the walls, p--.,,: ::.-:. --_ are dressing their dolls. S~ 'ng up and down, Ka:e "Let's have some fun! ", A. '-e ~ :.~., are playing

Chris and John are building a rocke , Tim is putting a frog in his poe e . The school yard is boiling with laugh, noise and scream, The school break astes as sweet as an ice cream.

4. 1. Yes, he is. 2. Yes. they are. 3. No, he isn't. 4. No, they aren' . 5 . No. she isn' . 6. Yes, she IS. 7. No, they aren' . 8. No. she isn't. 9. Yes, they are. 10. No. he Isn·t.

5. I'd like to show you some photos from he summer camp. In this pho 0 we are putting up our tents. Here, I am getting ready for the swimming competition. Look at the sky! The sun isn 't shining, it is ra her cold. Now, we are jumping into the wa er and in the next pho 0 we are swimming to he other side 0 the lake. Loo here! I am almost drowning because 0 the pain in my foot. Here the life guards are taking me out of the water. In his pho 0 he swimmers are crossing he inish line bu I am in a boat! I am not crying but I am real ly angry. In this last photo, we are sitting around the bonfire and everybody is singing. How about your holidays? Did you enjoy them?

Unit 23.2

1 . 1. Where 2. What 3. When 4 . Where/When 5. Where 6. When 7. Wha 8 . Where 9. When/Where 10. Wha

2 . The last days of he school year are going to be hard for me. In he las wee of June I am taking two dl icul exams but then I am going to I aly. I am planning to visit Florence and Venice. In Venice I am meeting my COUSinS from France. We are leaving or Budapes toge her. We are staying at the Duna 0 el here. On he 20th of July my COUSinS are taking par In The Interna ional Chess Championship. Then we are spending a wee a Balaton Lake. I am coming bac -0 Krak6w at the end 0 July. I am 100 'ng forward to summer holidays!

3 . 1. am flying (FP) 2. is sleeo "g PAl 3. is chasing (PA) 4. are go "g FP) 5. is playing (PA) 6. am re s ~g (FP) 7. are talking (PA) 8. isn' s'" n g (PA)

AnslMer key

9. is having (FP) 10. am helping (FP) 11. aren't learning (PA) 1 2. are visiting (PA)

Unit 24

1. 1. meets, are meeting 2. like, believe, likes 3. works, is watering 4 . is reading, aren't doing 5. go, goes 6. takes, is having 7. fights. are playing

2. My paren s are fantastic because they let me eep different pets at home. I've got a guinea pig, a snake, some goldfish and a cat. I look after all of them. When I whistle , the guinea pig comes to me like a dog. It is a female. She likes carrots, apples, lettuce and grass. She also likes seeds and fresh water. She doesn't drink milk. Now she is biting a piece of carrot. My sna e isn't very long. It eats insects, mice and eggs. It sleeps a lot. Now it is sleeping on my desk. I keep my goldfish in a small fish tank. It always stands on the shelf next to my des . I often watch the fish swimming. A he moment I am sitting at the desk bu I am not doing my homework. I am watching the fish. My cat Blackie is watching them with me. He loves it. Blackie is very clever and also very friendly to other pets. He never tries to catch the gu inea pig or he snake.

3. Odpowiedzi dowolne.

Unit 25

1. Last Sunday I was at the zoo with my little brother Mike. There were lions and tigers roaring and showing their sharp teeth. Mike was really afraid of them. There were elephants with big ears and long trunks. There were funny monkeys and kangaroos jumping all around. There were snakes and

sh and there was also a big tortoise waJ Ing lazily in his tank. There were lots of birds - colourful parrots, elegant penguins, proud eagles and many, many others. After some time Mike was tired so we sat in a cafe eria and had some ice cream and Coke.

was delicious but it was expensive, too. We

were home quite late and Mum was angry.

one hundred and seventY-nine 179

Friendly Grammar

2. Yesterday the weather was warm and sunny. There were some clouds in the sky but there weren 't any puddles. There were ducks on the pond and there were birds sitting in the trees. Paul and Tina were in the park yesterday. Their Grandma was with hem. Near the bench there was a squirre l playing in the grass. There weren 't any dogs in the park.

1. No. it wasn·t. 2. No, it wasn't. 3. Yes, there were. 4. No. they weren't. 5. No, there weren't. 6. Yes. there was.

3 . 1. Where was Mark two days ago? He was at school.

2. When was Frank at Ron 's birthday party? He was there on the 2nd of April.

3. Where was Susan in the summer? She was in Sopot.

4. Were Kelly and Andy at the seaside last Saturday? No. they weren 't.

5. Was Paul in the park last Friday? No, he wasn't.

6. Were Pat and Tony in the mountains last week? Yes, they were .

7. Where was Ron yesterday? He was at the dentist.

8 . When were Harry and Liz at the sea side? They were there at the weekend.

Unit 26.1

1. The Eng lish writer Roald Dahl created a girl called Mathilda in one of his books. She was a very unusual girl. She started to read when she was four years old. She loved books. Every day Math ilda walked to the library and borrowed new books. Her parents were different. They liked television and watched it every evening. They wanted Math ilda to watch stup id quizzes on TV The girl was very angry. She played a tri ck on her parents and destroyed the TV set. Later, Mathilda discovered how to use her secret power. She tried out other tricks and helped her friends at school.

2 . 1. Yes, he did. 2. Yes, she did. 3. No, she didn't. 4. No. they didn't. 5. Yes, they did. 6 . Yes, she did. 7. Yes, she did .

3. 1. What did Maria enjoy? 2. Where did the model of the plane land? 3. When did you want to go to Australia? 4. Why did everybody look out of the window? 5. What did Franek and Wojtek love singing? 6. What did Susan answer? 7. Why did the students shout loudly? 8. Where did you study biology? 9. What did you watch yesterday? 10. When did Carol wait for Kate after school?

4 . 1. We laughed at his funny stories. 2. I didn't watch a film on Friday. 3. Did you paint the walls green in your bedroom?/Did you paint the walls in your bedroom green? 4. Alex played volleyball last week. 5. Where did he stay in Great Britain? 6. They didn't want to buy a new house.

5 .

L 0 V E 0

fH E L P E 0

T R 1 E 0

r c L I M B E 0

5 M I L E D

P H 0 N E 0

f 01 1 5 C 0 V E R E 0 1

1B E L 1 E V E 0

5 T A R T E D

Hasto - Are you a verb lover?

Unit 26.2

1. Yesterday after school I met some aliens in the park. They weren 't afraid of me. They could speak English and told me a lot about their planet Xantos. I took a geography book out of my schoolbag and read them some basic information about the Earth. I also showed them a map of the world. Then we went to their spaceship and flew over the town. We had a nice time. I taught the al iens my favourite song and we sang it together. When I came back home I told my parents about my unusual afternoon but they said it was a good joke.

2. 1. Yes, I did. 2. No, they weren't. 3. Yes, they did. 4. Yes, I did. 5. Yes, I was. 6. Yes, we did. 7. Yes, I did. 8. No, they didn't.

3. got, read. taught, wro e. wen. took. gave, knew, me, ate, told. flew. saw, heard, could, had, broke, fel, ran. grew. sent. did

4. 1. What did my little sis er say or he irs time yesterday? When did my little SIS er say "mummy" for the first Ime? 2. What did Chris buy a a small shop nearby? Where did Chris buy a present for Sue? 3. When did Witty wake up? Why did Winy wake up? 4. When were Tom and his friends at the disco? Where were Tom and his friends on Friday evening? 5. Where was he last year? When was he in Madrid? 6. What did George lose yes erday? When did George lose his eys? 7. When did they spend their summer holiday in the country? Where did hey spend their summer holiday las year? 8 . Wha did Julie have on Sunday? When did Julie have an awful headache?

5. 1. He didn't write about Harry Po er. He wrote about he Discworld. 2. He wasn't a composer. He was a amous painter. 3. e didn't buy his wand in ew Yor. He bought it in London. 4. The Second World War didn't beg in in 1950. It began In 1939. 5. The Beatles weren't a famous band from Aus ralia. They were from Britain. 6. The USA didn't get the Statue of Liberty from Spain. They got i from France. 7. Tadeusz Kosciuszko didn't ight in America in the 19 h century. He ought there in the 18 h century. 8. George Lucas didn't make he film The Lord of the Rings. He made S tar Wars. 9. People didn' go to the Moon in 959. They wen here in 1969.

Unit 27

1. Wojtek and Frane' were e e~e j busy two days ago. ney had to get a: 5.30 in the morn ing because they the 6.45 rain 0 Warsaw. ,..' '7J~a ely, the train was la e, so In Warsa ~ _ eJ had to take a taxi to get to the elev s ~ • .;dlo. The boys had to be there a . 0.30. ey took part in the contest "Un s a as". They had to answer many d'" cu questions on different subjects. n the second part of he programme all he

Answer ke

competitors had to solve mathematical puzzles. After the contest Wojtek and Franek were very tired but they had to run to catch the bus to the railway station. When they got back home, they went to bed immediately because they had to write an important test at school the next day.

2 . 1. Yes, he did. 2. No, he didn't. 3. No, it wasn't. 4. Yes. they did. 5. Yes, they did. 6. No. they didn't. 7. Yes, they were. 8 . Yes, they did.

3. 1. When did Ewa have to buy a present for Michael? What did Ewa have to buy after school? 2. Why did Mr Bloom have o come to school? Wh ere did Mr Bloom

have to come? 3. What time did you have to be at school? Where did you have o be at 7.1 5? 4. How did people

o en have to ravel in the Middle Ages? When did people often have to travel on foo ? 5. What did he have to drink every day when he was a child? When did he have 0 drink a glass of milk every day?

4. 1. Uncle Tom didn't have to buy oranges. He had to buy fish. 2. Aunt Emily didn't have 0 clean the floor. She had to clean the windows. 3. Grandma didn't have to ma e salad. She had to bake the cake. 4. Ewa didn't have to set the table. She had to decorate the Christmas tree. 5. Mum and Dad didn't have to prepare herrings. They had 0 cook bigos. 6. Peter didn't have 0 wash he car. He had to send the Chris mas cards.

Unit 28

1. 1. Fnday 2. June 3. Monday 4. February 5. November 6. the third 7. the first 8. the seventh 9. the second 10. the twenty­our h

2 . 1 d, 2e, 3a, 4f, 5c, 6b

3 . 1. the ninth 2. the twenty-fifth 3. the second 4. the eighth 5. the thirteenth 6. the second 7. the eleventh 8. the third 9. the fourteenth 10. the twenty-first

Friendly GranuTiar


F I R 5 T

[w I E D N E 5 D A V

A U G U 5 T


r T I H U R 5 D A V

5 A T U R D A vJ 5 E C 0 N D


What's your number in the school register?

Unit 29.1

1. 1. Mark is going to buy a new pair of jeans. 2. Ann and Susan aren't going to take part in a beauty contest. 3. I'm going to help my parents with the housework. 4. Chris isn't going to tidy his bedroom. 5. Andy's brother is going to be a vet in the future. 6. I'm not going to spend my holidays abroad this year. 7. Most of my friends are going to study at Warsaw University.

2 . 1. Are you going to study medicine? 2. What language is Tomek going to learn? 3. Where are you going to spend your summer holidays? 4. When is Ela going to finish her project? 5. How is he going to help Mrs Brown? 6. Why are they going to leave the town?

3. Janek and his friends are going to spend two weeks in Italy. They are going to go to Milan by train but they are going to take their bikes with them and they are going to cycle from one place to another. They aren 't going to spend a lot of money on eating in restaurants. They are going to take turns in cooking and making sandwiches. Janek is interested in history so he is going to show his friends some famous historical places and museums. Piotr is a football fan and he is going to visit San Siro - a big football stadium in Milan. Kasia and Ewa are going to spend some days on the beach. Zuza is going to keep a diary and describe everything, day by day. Adam isn 't going to make any notes but he is going to buy a digital camera and

take hundreds of photos. They all are going to have a fantastic time.

4 . 1. Yes, he is. 2. Yes, they are. 3. Yes, they are. 4 . No, they aren't. 5. Yes, he is. 6. No, she isn't. 7. No, he isn't. 8 . Yes, they are.

s. Odpowiedzi dowolne.

Unit 29.2

1. 1. The girls are going to have a pizza. 2. The woman is going to tread on the sandwiches. 3. The boy is going to fly a kite. 4. The boys are going to have a race. 5. The cat and the dog are going to fight. 6. The bird is going to catch a butterfly.

Unit 30

1. I hope I wi ll spend my next holidays in Australia. My aunt Zuza lives th ere. I think about that journey a lot. I will travel by plane for the first time in my life. I will stay at my aunt's house near Sydney, so I'm sure that we will go to this city and I will see the famous Opera House and the Olympic stadium. I hope that we w ill visit the Great Reef Barrier and do some scuba divi ng. And of course I will meet kangaroos, koala bears and other Austral ian animals. I believe that these holidays will be the most exciting I've ever had so far.

2. 1. Yes, I will. 2. No, I won't. 3. Yes, she will. 4. Yes, I will. 5. No, she won't. 6. Yes, I will. 7. No, I won't.

3. 1. Will, will 2. won't 3. won't 4. won't 5. Will, will 6. will 7. won't 8. will 9. will 10. won't

4. 19, 2d, 3f, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7e

s. Proponowane odpowiedzi: 1. I'll show you. 2. I'll lend you mine. 3. I' ll walk it/him/her for you. 4. I' ll play with you. 5. I'll post it for you. 6. I'll talk to them about it.

Unit 31

1. 1 c, 2e, 3b, 4f, 5a, 6g, 7d

2. 1. should 2. shouldn' 3. should 4. should 5. shou ldn't 6. should 7. shouldn't 8. shou ld 9. should 10. shouldn't

3. 1. shou ldn' 2. shouldn't 3. should 4. Should 5. should 6. shouldn't 7. shouldn't 8 . should 9 . shouldn' 10. should

4. Odpowiedzi dowolne

Unit 32.1

1. be, was were, been: blow, blew, blown: buy, bought, bough: decora e, decorated, dec­orated; eat, ate, eaten; find. found, 'ound; leave, left, left: ma e, made, made: play, played, played: put, pu, pu; see. saw, seen; send, sent, sent visit. visi ed, visi ed: write, wrote, written;

2. The party In the garden is gOing to start In a few minutes. We have worked hard to make everything ready In time. I have sent invitations to our riends. Tom and Harry have brought plastic chairs and abies. Ewa has set all the tables and Susan has put a vase with flowers on each 0 hem. Fran has collected a pile of CDs With disco music. Andy and his brothers have blown up over a hundred balloons. Joan and Alex have decorated the garden With he balloons and Ian erns. Mum and Aunt Mary have cooked some delicious ood.

3. 1. have never ea en 2. has written 3. Have you made 4. have decorated 5. hasn' bought 6. has Frank left 7. haven't been 8. have spo en 9 . haven't sent 10. has Anna found

4. 1. drunk 2. seen 3. been 4. caught 5. read 6. played 7. me 8 . ndden 9. heard O. told

+ Odpowiedzi dowolne

Unit 32.2

1. 1. for 2. for 3. since 4 . 'or 5. since 6. 'or 7. for 8 . since 9 . or . O. since < since 12. since

2 . Adam Kordan has been declareo -- he Man of the Year 2005" in Kielce. e s

Answer key

not only a popular sportsman but he also does a lot for the local commun ity, especially for ch ildren. Adam has lived in Kielce since he was born . He has been a basketball player since 1982. He has been married for ten years. His wife, Anna Lo is, has played volleyball for many years . Adam has been a father since 1997 . His son Marek wants to be a spor sman, too. He trains in the swim­ming pool. For five years Adam has organized he basketball compet ition "Go For It " for the youngest basketball players. Every year many school teams, boys and girls, compete on the court. For three years he has also supported the local charity "Give Them a Hand" which takes care of children from poor families. Since the last year he has been a popular sports presenter on TV Kielce. He is very busy bu he still finds t ime for sport. Adam and Anna play for the club "Avanti - Ki elce".

3 . Odpowiedz i dowolne.

Unit 33

1. . What is coming soon? 2. Who drives a spor scar? 3. What is becoming more and more popular? 4 . Who gave Ann a red rose? 5. Who has met an alien in the park? 6. Who baked a delicious cake yesterday? 7. Who is going to visit Warsaw? 8 . What IS under the desk? 9. Who will go to the shop? O. What starts at 9.00 in the morning?

2 . 1. Who wants a piece of cake? 2. What do you often have for breakfast? 3. What have they seen in the sky? 4. Who is Franek playing chess with? 5. What happened last night? 6. What is Zosia going to send? 7. Who did you ask for help? 8 . Who lives in an old house? 9. What do the boys often play after school?

3. 1. Who eats cornflakes in the morning?/ What do we eat in the morning? 2. Who loves computer games?/ What do boys love? 3. What opens at nine o'clock?/ What time does the bank open? 4. Who learns French?/What does Sue learn?/Why does Sue learn French?

one hundred and eighty-three 183

Friendly Grammar

Bezokolicznik Verb I Past Tense Past Participle

w j~z. polskim

be was, were been bye become became become stae s i ~ , zostae kims blow blew blown wiae, dmuchae break broke broken ztamac, sttuc bring brought brought przynosie broadcast broadcast broadcast nadawac program bu ild bui lt built budowac burn burnt (burned) burnt (burned) spalic buy bought bought kupowac can cou ld - moc, potrafic catch caught caught tapac choose chose chosen wybierac come came come przychodzic cut cut cut ciqc, kroic deal w ith dealt with dealt with post~powac z czyms,

radz ic sobie do did done rob ie dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) marzyc, snic draw drew drawn rysowac drink drank drunk pic drive drove driven kierowac pojazdem eat ate eaten jesc fall fell fallen spadac feed fed fed karmic feel fe lt felt czue f ight fought fought walczye, bie si~ find found found znaleze fly flew flown latac forget forgot forgotten zapominac freeze froze frozen zamrazac get got got dostawac give gave given dawac go went gone isc, jechae grow grew grown rosnqe, uprawiae hang hung hung wieszac have had had miec hear heard heard styszec hide hid hidden chowac hit hit hit uderzac hold held held trzymae hurt hurt hurt ran ie, bolee keep kept kept utrzymywac,

przechowywae know knew known wiedziee, znae lead led led prowadzic, przewodzic learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) uczye s i ~

Irregular verbs

Verb Past Tense Past Participle Bezokolicznik w j~z. polskim

leave left left opuscie, wyjechae, zostawie

lend lent lent pozyczye (komus) let let let pozwalae lie lay lain lezee lose lost lost zgubie, przegrae make made made wykonywae mean meant meant znaczye, miee na mysli meet met met spotykae

pay paid paid placie put put put klase read [ri :d] read [red] read [red] czytae ride rode ridden jezdzie ring rang rung dzwonie run ran run biegae say said said powiedziec see saw seen widziee sell sold so ld sprzedawae send sent sent wysylae set up set up set up zorganizowae, zalozye shine shone shone swiecie shoot shot shot strzelae show showed shown pokazywae shut shut shut zamykae sing sang sung spiewae sink sank sunk tonqe sit sat sat siedziee sleep slept slept spae smell smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled) pachniee speak spoke spoken m6wie spend spent spent sp~dzac , wydawac stand stood stood stac steal sto le sto len krase sweep swept swept zam iatae swell swelled swollen puchnqe swim swam swum plywae take took t aken brae teach taught taught uczye kogos tell to ld to ld opowiadac, kazac think t hought thought myslee throw t hrew t hrown rzucae understand understood understood rozumiee wake up woke up woken up budzie wear wore worn nosie (ubranie) win won won I wyg~ywae write w rote wri tten pisac one hundred and eighty-five 185

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