male infertility and impotence. definition infertility is “inability to conceive after one year of...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Male Infertility and Impotence

Definition Infertility is “inability to conceive after

one year of conjugal life without use of contraceptive methods.”

The term "primary infertility" is applied to “the couple who has never achieved a pregnancy.”

"secondary infertility" implies that “at least one previous conception has taken place.”

origin of problem: 35% female 35% male 20% both partners 10% unexplained

Major Causes

Etiology of Male InfertilityMulti-factorial Prevalence Varicocele 35% Idiopathic 25% Infection/injury – genito-urinary tract 10% Genetic/systemic disease 10% Endocrine 1 - 5% Immunologic 1 - 5% Obstruction 1 - 5% Developmental 1 - 5% Lifestyle: smoking, diet, heat ???%

Aetiological Classification 1.Disorders of spermatogenesis: A)Hormanal Hypothalamic disorder Pituitary secretion of FHS and LH Hyperprolactinaemia causing Impotence or

diminished libido. B) Primary testicular disorders: Idiopathic, Varicocele Chromosomal defect, i.e. klinefilter’s syndrome Crytorchism

Drugs,radiations Orchitis (traumatic,mumps, TB,gonorrhoea) Chronic illness Immunological disorders . 2) Duct obstruction: Congenital absence, inflammatory block, surgical

trauma, 3)Accessory glands disorders:Prostitis, vasiculitis,

congenital absence of vas in cystic fibrosis.

4.Disorders of sperms and vesicular fluid: Sperms antibodies and low fructose in seminal plasma.

Sperms acrosome defect Zona pellucida binding defect Zona penetrations defect Oocyte fusion defect 5. Sexual dysfunctions: Low frequency coitus- wrong time Impotence, hypospadias Premature Ejaculation, retrograte ejaculation

6.Psychological factors and environmental factors like smoking,alcohol consumption,tobacco chewing,diabetes,

Drugs: antihypertensive,antipsycotis,sex steroids, chemotherapy, beta-blockers, spirolactone,oestrogen

Female Infertility EtiologiesUnexplained






10% 2-3% 2-3% 5-10% 30-50% 40%

Other Etiologies PID Cx conization/cautery Smoking IUD Endometriosis Genetics

Aetiology 1.dyspareunia and vaginal causes 2.Congenital defect in the genital tract. 3.infection in the lower genital tract. 4.Cervical factors 5.Uterine causes 6.Tubal factors 7.Ovaries 8.Peritoneal causes 9.Chronic ill health – especially thyroid


The Most Important Factor in the Evaluation of the Infertile Couple Is:


History-General Both couples should be present Age Previous pregnancies by each partner Length of time without pregnancy Sexual history Frequency and timing of intercourse Use of lubricants Impotence, anorgasmia, dyspareunia Contraceptive history

Male Infertility: Evaluation History (Questionnaire) Physical examination Standard semen analysis Hormonal evaluation Genetic counseling and evaluation Imaging studies

History-Male History of pelvic infection Radiation, toxic exposures (include

drugs) Mumps Testicular surgery/injury Excessive heat exposure


Physical Exam-Male Size of testicles Testicular descent Varicocoele Outflow abnormalities

(hypospadias, etc)

Male Factors-Semen Analysis Collected after 3 days of

abstinence Evaluated within one hour of

ejaculation If abnormal parameters, repeat

twice, 2 weeks apart

Semen Analysis:World Health Organization Guidelines

Parameters Normal range Volume 1.5 - 5 mLSperm conc. >20 million/mLSperm motility >50%Sperm morphology >30% normal formsLeukocyte density <1 million/mL

Need at least 2 S/As

Fresh sample (to lab within 30 mins.) –most sperm in initial ejaculateMale should be abstinent for 48 to 72 hours

Semen Analysis

Abnormal semen results Azospermia Oligospermia Athenospermia Teratospermia

Sperm Terms Normozoospermia Normal ejaculate





Normal ejaculate Sperm concentration

<20 × 106 /ml <50% spermatozoa

with forward progression

<30% spermatozoa with normal morphology

No spermatozoa in the ejaculate

No ejaculate

Hormonal and others GnRH FSH LH TSH Prolactin level

Rule out genetic diseases.

Chromosomal study

Immunological study

Imaging Studies Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) Vasography Testis Biopsy

Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS)

Seminal vesicle dilatation.

Ejaculator ductal stones

Vasography Indication

Assessment of vasal obstruction or ejaculatory duct obstruction.

An inguinal vasal obstruction should be suspected in an azoospermic patient with normal spermatogenesis and a history of prior inguinal or scrotal surgery.

Testis Biopsy Indication

Distinguishing between obstruction and testicular failure.

Identification of mature sperm for ICSI

Treatment- Male Factor Hypogonadotrophism:-GnRH Ligation Retrograde ejaculation Testosterone for spermatogenesis Clomiphene 50 mg daily for 3 months for

oligospermia. Empierical medical therapy by administration of

vit.c , B 12, folic acid. Varicocele:- surgical treatment Obstruction:-short-cut operation IVF/IUI :- last option.

Female Infertility: Evaluation History (Questionnaire) Physical examination Ovarian factor Tubal factors Hormonal analysis Immunological test Postcoital test

History-Female Previous female pelvic surgery PID/Infection Medical diseases:-TB, diabetes,STD IUD use/MR done Ectopic pregnancy history Proven fertility Endometriosis

History-Female Irregular menses, amenorrhea,

detailed menstrual history Vasomotor symptoms Stress Weight changes Exercise Cervical and uterine surgery

Physical Exam-Female Pelvic masses Uterosacral nodularity Abdominopelvic tenderness Uterine enlargement Thyroid exam Uterine mobility Cervical abnormalities

Ovarian factors Fern test Endometrial biopsy in secretory

phase Serial USG Serum progesterone Laparoscopy D & C.

Tubal factor

Tubal patency test by:-

Tubal insufflation test Hystero-salphingo-graphy Laproscopy dye insufflation test Hydrotubation

Hormonal Immunological FSH LH Estrogen Progesterone TSH Prolactin Testosterone

Antisperm antibody

Treatment for female factor

Anovular :- clomiphene citrate bromocriptine

D&C:- histopathology, bacteriology Reconstructive surgery:- developmental

defect Surgery:- tubal block If all method fails, then go for….

Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) In Vitro Fertilization(IVF) IVF and Intra Cytoplasmic Injection of S


Intrauterine insemination (artificial insemination)

•definition: Artificial introduction of semen into the vagina, cervix or uterus by means other than coitus to produce pregnancy is called artificial insemination.

•sperm can come from husband or donor or pool donor.

IUI, cont’d. 6000 babies / year born in US. as result of

artificial insemination


1. Impotent husband.2. Sterile husband.3. Husband suffering from hereditary disease.4. Rh-incompatibility between husband and wife.

In vitro fertilization test - tube babies” 1st performed in 1978 (Louise Joy

Brown) often performed on infertile

women with tubal blockage

Test tube babies/ in-vitro fertilization

Techniques:-I. The ovum is removed from ovary through

abdominal wall and is fertilized with the sperm in a small laboratory dish in artificial medium..

II. At the stage of blastocyst, the embryo is return to uterus through cervix.

III. Blastocyst is implanted in endometrium.

Artificial insemination in laboratory disc


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