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SYSTEM OVERVIEW I n t h i s o v e r v i e w …

§ Introduction

§ Equipment

§ Inventory

§ Tasks

§ Work Orders

§ Scheduling

§ Purchasing

§ Reports and Graphs

§ Requirements andRecommendations


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Datastream Systems Inc.50 Datastream PlazaGreenville, SC 29605

Printed in the United States of America.November, 98MaintainIt Pro System Overview


INTRODUCTIONMaintainIt Pro is a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) that provides all the tools you need to manage yourmaintenance operations while using the power and flexibility of the Microsoft Windows® 95 operating system.

MaintainIt Pro is a unique combination of power and simplicity. Datastream structures each MaintainIt Pro module to provide awide variety of management tools. The program is easy to use—icons activate most modules, and a context-sensitive help systemassists you with any form, field, and procedure.

Other convenient features of MaintainIt Pro include lookup tables and a quick work order update data entry function. Lookuptables store maintenance codes at your fingertips for easy reference, and with quick data entry you can easily enter parts, laborinformation, and notes for several work orders at once.

System Features§ Native 32-bit processing on Windows 95

or Windows NT 3.51

§ Microsoft Access database

§ Increased performance speed

§ Available on CD and diskettes

§ Uninstall function

§ User-defined button bar

§ 40 user-defined fields

§ ASCII database and Microsoft Excel fileimport compatibility

§ Access to Datastream’s web page fromMaintainIt Pro’s on-line help, including e-mail capability to several Datastreamdepartments and groups such asTechnical Support and Training (Webbrowser such as Internet Explorer orNetscape required)

§ On-line help for fields, forms, and tasks

§ Data Collection Forms within MaintainItPro’s on-line help

§ On-line wizards for work orders, tasks,and purchase orders


INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED )MaintainIt Pro is a completely integrated system that consists of these functions and modules.

§ Equipment—Store information on and track the maintenance history of all your facility’s equipment.

§ Inventory—Track inventory (including suppliers, prices, and part numbers) for maintenance operations. When you use an inventory item to complete a task, enter the itemnumber and quantity used in the Work Orders form. MaintainIt Pro adjusts inventory accordingly and notifies you when it’s time to reorder items.

§ Tasks—Schedule tasks (by meter or by date) that your facility performs repeatedly, and MaintainIt Pro automatically generates work orders or scheduled tasks according tothe meter reading or the due date.

§ Work Orders—Create on-demand, repair, emergency, or non-repetitive work orders simply by accessing the Work Orders form and entering information about the work tobe done.

§ Purchasing—Create purchase orders to print and distribute to suppliers. MaintainIt Pro tracks items ordered and received and adjusts inventory information accordingly.

§ SchedulingSet up MaintainIt Pro to automatically generate repetitive work orders and tasks with the MaintainIt Pro Calendar.

§ History—Record closed work orders and purchase orders in history. Use Work Order History and Purchase Order History in reports and graphs to track equipmentmaintenance and inventory stock replacement, to project equipment repair and replacement, and to analyze costs.

§ Reports and Graphs—Visually display different aspects and summaries of your maintenance tasks. Sort and query reports and graphs, and print the reports and graphs,view them on the screen, or export them to a spreadsheet. You can also send reports and graphs via e-mail within your facility with Microsoft Mail.


EQUIPMENTIn MaintainIt Pro, the term “equipment” refers to any item on which you track maintenance. Equipment may be vehicles,construction machinery, freezer units, etc. Equipment may also be any of the sub-assemblies, or components, of larger pieces ofequipment, and you can list these as separate pieces of equipment as well.

For example, an automobile is one piece of equipment. The engine in that automobile could also be a piece of equipment. You caneven create an equipment record for the carburetor on the engine. This hierarchy helps you better organize equipment records inMaintainIt Pro. Keep a separate history and track costs for each component.

The equipment number is the focal point for most MaintainItPro functions.


Features§ ComponentView the hierarchical

relationships between pieces ofequipment and their components.

§ MeterTrack meter readings bycumulative run time or usage cycles.Define the units of measure so thatMaintainIt Pro tracks the data that ismost relevant to your operation.

§ History/NotesView the work orderhistory of each piece of equipment.MaintainIt Pro displays any notes orspecial instructions for each work order.

§ Custom FieldsMaintainIt Pro givesyou maximum flexibility in defining yourmaintenance system.


INVENTORYWith MaintainIt Pro’s inventory module, create inventory records for all your facility’s maintenance parts and then track parts usageand costs. Inventory records contain basic information about parts, such as quantities, vendors/manufacturers, and reorder points.Enter reorder points and default reorder quantities. MaintainIt Pro checks these quantities when you generate a Reorder Parts Listand notifies you to reorder the item. The inventory system helps gain complete control over your inventory by reducing downtimeresulting from emergency part ordering. Also, MaintainIt Pro keeps a complete history of inventory transactions for you to view.

The vendor record tracks all vendor information. Assign a user-defined Vendor ID to each vendor. The vendor record containscontact information, tax rates, and notes about the vendor. The item number tracks each inventory item and may be the partmanufacturer’s number, the vendor stock number, or a user-defined number. Use account codes to allocate inventory items tospecific processes or departments. Identify, classify, and track expenses related to each inventory item with these codes.

Features§ Physical inventory count—Enter a

count of inventory items, and thencheck the actual counts againstinventory records. MaintainIt Proautomatically adjusts quantities tomatch the physical count.

§ Part check out and return—Check outand return parts to work orders, costcenters, equipment numbers, oremployees.

§ Item SpecificationsEnter specialinstructions or detailed information foreach item. Notes and specifications willbe printed on purchase orders.

§ Transaction History—Inventoryrecords contain a history of alltransactions for each item.

§ Custom FieldsEnter additionalinformation (up to 10 fields) for eachinventory item, according to your needs.


TASKSWith MaintainIt Pro’s task system, schedule repetitive tasks to be performed at regular intervals based on dates, meter readings, orboth. When the equipment reaches the scheduled meter reading and/or date, MaintainIt Pro automatically generates a work order.MaintainIt Pro obtains task information from the Tasks form and generates a new work order with the information. MaintainIt Prokeeps the scheduled task in the Tasks form and generates the task the next time the equipment reaches the scheduled meter readingand/or date.

To develop a preventive maintenance schedule, first, create task records for all recurring maintenance tasks your facility performs.Second, schedule these tasks for optimal times. Finally, determine work schedules by assessing employee availability and facilityoperation days.

Features§ Schedule—Define your schedule by

frequency (days), meter readings, orboth (such as 90 days or 3000 miles,whichever occurs first).

§ Instructions—Each task contains user-defined instructions, which MaintainIt Proprints on each work order. MaintainIt Prooffers unlimited space for each set ofinstructions. Include information such asprescribed safety procedures, requiredtools, specialized maintenanceinformation, and repair procedures.

§ Required PartsEnter all parts requiredto perform the maintenance task.


WORK ORDERSWith MaintainIt Pro’s work order module, create work orders for maintenance on your facility’s equipment or locations. A workorder is a form that supplies information about needed maintenance, including information about equipment, labor, and partsnecessary to complete the maintenance. Work orders serve as actual “orders” for maintenance.

Create two types of work orders with MaintainIt Pro—repetitive and non-repetitive.

§ Repetitive work orders—for tasks that occur regularly (tasks that you enter into the Tasks form). Maintenance personnel oftenrefer to repetitive work orders as “planned” work orders or as “preventive maintenance tasks (PM tasks).”

§ Non-repetitive work orders—for tasks that occur with no regular frequency. Maintenance personnel often refer to non-repetitive work orders as “emergency,” “unscheduled,” or “one-time” work orders.

Print work orders and refer to them when performing maintenance. Once you complete the maintenance, add additional informationto work orders, such as task instructions, comments, and required parts. When you close work orders, indicating their completion,MaintainIt Pro updates relevant task records and then saves the work orders in Work Order History so that you can trackmaintenance operations.

Features§ Preventive maintenanceGenerate

preventive maintenance work ordersfrom tasks.

§ Equipment or location workordersCreate work orders formaintenance on your facility’sequipment or locations.

§ SchedulePreview and scheduleworks orders. MaintainIt Pro displayscontact and crew information for eachwork order.

§ Labor/PartsEnter information aboutthe employees and parts needed tocomplete this work order.

§ NotesEnter special deliveryinstructions or vendor information.MaintainIt Pro prints your notes on eachwork order.

§ Custom FieldsCustomize your workorder form with 10 user-defined fields,according to your needs. MaintainIt Proprints these custom fields on workorders.

§ Equipment history viewView historyof an equipment item directly from thework orders form.

§ Closed work order archiveRemoveinformation from work order history orsave it to a diskette to free hard drivespace. Later, restore archived data andcreate reports and graphs.


SCHEDULINGSchedule and generate repetitive work orders for planned maintenance taskstasks that occur with regular frequency, such as thebi-annual inspection of a facility. MaintainIt Pro generates work orders according to the task information entered in the Tasks form.MaintainIt Pro automatically generates work orders with tasks, eliminating both the need to remember which tasks are due and theburden of entering work orders for these tasks. When you generate work orders, MaintainIt Pro finds all preventive maintenancetasks that are due, assigns work order numbers to the tasks, and then releases the tasks as work orders.

Verify the workload for a particular day, craft, and/or employee before scheduling or creating work orders by using MaintainIt Pro’sScheduling module.

Features§ Include unscheduled work

ordersSelect to include all workorders that do not have a scheduledstart date.

§ CraftSelect to view all work ordersscheduled for a particular craft.

§ EmployeeSelect to view all workorders scheduled for a particularemployee.

§ Create WO, Close WO, GotoWOCreate, close, or access a workorder directly from the calendar.


PURCHASINGWith MaintainIt Pro’s purchasing function, order inventory and non-inventory items. Create purchase orders by enteringinformation into the Purchase Orders form, and then print the purchase orders and send them to the specified vendors. As vendorsdeliver items, receive the items to MaintainIt Pro. After you receive all of the items, close the purchase order. MaintainIt Prorecords the purchase order in Purchase Order History.

MaintainIt Pro keeps a complete history of purchase order transactions, which you view and edit. You can also create new purchaseorder history records for transactions that occurred before you purchased MaintainIt Pro and include that data in reports and graphs.

Features§ Cost InformationCalculate the total

cost of the purchase order, including taxand shipping and handling.

§ NotesEnter special deliveryinstructions or vendor information.MaintainIt Pro prints your notes on eachpurchase order.

§ Line ItemsEdit and view the lineitems and specifications for eachpurchase order.

§ VendorEdit and view vendorinformation specified for a particularpurchase order.

§ Receipts—Receive purchases to anemployee, an equipment item, a costcenter, a work order, or directly intoinventory.

§ Custom FieldsCustomize yourpurchase orders with 10 user-definedfields.


REPORTS AND GRAPHSAnalyze your data with MaintainIt Pro’s reports. Sort and query reports, and either view the report on the screen, print the report, or export the report to a spreadsheet file. Sendreports via e-mail within your facility with Microsoft Mail. In addition to the reports listed below, create custom reports by filtering records with a specific field. Save thesereports in the Report Center and use them at a later date.

MaintainIt Pro offers several graph types, such as bar, pie, and line. You may either graph all the data in a table, or you may specify which criteria to graph. Group and distributedata over the time period you choose. With the graph function, MaintainIt Pro compares selected data to another group of data, such as the costs incurred, the time required toperform tasks, or the number of tasks performed.




Report Name DescriptionEquipment All equipment records

Equipment (with Custom Fields) All equipment records (including Custom Fields)

Equipment Type Identification number and description of all equipment types


Report Name DescriptionStandard Inventory All current inventory records

Standard Inventory (with Custom Fields) All current inventory records (including Custom Fields)

Inventory Value by Item All inventory items, the cost of each item, and the total cost of all items

Inventory Value by Location Location of all inventory items, the cost of each item, and the total cost of all items

Supplier List Suppliers and the items they supply

Inventory Stock Movement Issue date, employee, equipment number, work order number, and cost center information for all inventory transactions

Reorder List Items that have reached or exceeded heir reorder point and are marked for restock

Physical Inventory Shrinkage Item description, issue date, adjusted quantity, unit of measure, and unit cost at time of issue for all inventory

Counting Sheets (with Qty on hand) All items currently in inventory, and their current quantities; useful when counting physical inventory

Counting Sheets (without Qty on hand) All items currently I inventory; useful when counting physical inventory

Inventory Type Identification numbers and descriptions of all inventory types

Account Codes Identification numbers and descriptions of all account codes

Cost Center List Identification numbers and descriptions of all cost centers


Report Name DescriptionTask All task records


Work Orders

Report Name DescriptionWork Order Summary Summary of all current work orders

Work Order Summary (with CustomFields)

Summary of all current work orders (including Custom Fields)

Work Order Type Summary Total cost of work done, sorted by work order type

Craft Summary Total cost of work done, sorted by craft code

Reason for Outage Summary Total cost of work done, sorted by RFO code

Cost Center Summary Total cost of work done, sorted by cost center

Equipment Summary Total cost of work done, sorted by equipment number

Work Order Print All current work orders that are selected for printing

Work Order Print (with Custom Fields) All current work orders that are selected for printing (including Custom Fields)

Work Order Backlog Open work orders and tasks currently due

Work Order Projection Future workload; useful for planning staff schedules

Work Order History Detailed history; useful for determining work done on equipment

Work Order History (with Custom Fields) Detailed history; useful for determining work done on equipment (including Custom Fields)

Work Order History Labor Labor information from all closed work orders

Work Order History Parts Parts used for tasks; including information from Work Order History

Work Order History Notes Comments from records in Work Order History

Work Order Type Identification numbers and descriptions of all work order types


Report Name DescriptionPurchase Order Print All current purchase orders that are being selected for print

Purchase Order Print (with Custom Fields) All current purchase orders that are being selected for print (including Custom Fields)

Purchase Order History Print All closed purchase orders

Purchase Order History Print (withCustom Fields)

All closed purchase orders (including Custom Fields)

Vendor List All vendor records




Report Name DescriptionWork Order Types Identification numbers and descriptions of all work order types

Reasons For Outage Identification numbers and descriptions of all reason for outage (RFO) codes

Equipment Types Identification numbers and descriptions of all equipment type codes

Departments Identification numbers and descriptions of all department codes

Cost Centers Identification numbers and descriptions of all cost center codes

Inventory Types Identification numbers and descriptions of all inventory type codes

Locations All locations and sub-locations

Employees Identification numbers and descriptions of all employee codes

Crafts Identification numbers and descriptions of all craft codes

States Identification numbers and descriptions of all states and provinces

Account Codes Identification numbers and descriptions of all account codes



Graph Name DescriptionGroup by Cost Center Information about cost centers. This graph is useful for analyzing cost centers by total cost, material cost, labor cost, labor

hours, downtime, or number of work orders.

Group by Craft Information about craft codes. This graph is useful for analyzing craft codes by labor cost, labor hours, or number of workorders.

Group by Equipment number Information about equipment items. This graph is useful for analyzing equipment by total cost, material cost, labor cost, laborhours, downtime, or a number of work orders.

Group by Reason For Outage Information on Reason For Outage (RFO) codes. This graph is useful for analyzing RFO codes by total cost, material cost,labor cost, labor hours, downtime, or number of work orders.

Craft Hours Projection Information about future workloads within a specified time frame. This graph is useful for planning staff schedules andestimating inventory requirements.

Group by Work Order Type Information about work order types. This graph is useful for analyzing work order types by total cost, material cost, labor cost,labor hours, downtime, or number of work orders.


REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSThis table outlines the hardware and operating system requirements and recommendations for MaintainIt Pro’s optimum speed and performance.

WorkstationOperating System Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 (or higher)

Processor Pentium 90 (min.); Pentium 120 rec.)

RAM 16 MB (min.); 32 MB (rec.)

Hard Disk Space 20 MB for installation

Floppy Disk Drive 1.44 MB 3½” high density

Monitor VGA Color or SVGA

Graphics Adapter 1 MB RAM

Parallel port for printer output recommended

Communication port and modem recommended

Laser Printer recommended

Mouse required

Network card speed 540 K

CD-ROM drive recommended

Network File ServerProtocol IPX/SPX



Named Pipes

System Novell NetWare 3.11 or higher

Windows NT 3.51 or higher

Windows 95

Processor Pentium 120 (min.); Pentium 166 (rec.)

RAM 32 MB (min.); 64 (rec.)

Hard Disk Space 20MB for installation

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