main mayan periods using specific dates including ... · children will listen to a piece of mayan...

Post on 10-Feb-2021






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  • Children will learn all about the main features of the Mayan Society.

    They will sequence independently the key events, objects, themes, societies and people of

    main Mayan periods using specific dates including chocolate, housing, agriculture and

    trade links before comparing them with other civilisations in order to find out which

    civilisation was the most successful.

    Useful Websites

    Children will consider the implications of the Spanish

    conquest on the Mayan people they found living in

    Mesoamerica, explore the concept of a hierarchy and how

    our social structure compares to that of the ancient Maya. In

    addition, they will compare the lifestyles of the Maya with our

    modern lifestyles to assess which is healthier.

  • Children will locate cities in Spain (Valencia, Seville, Malaga, Alicante, Las Parmas)

    and in Mexico (Mexico City, Guadalajara City, Puebla City, Ecatepac) on physical and

    political maps before building their own map which will highlight and label all

    continents and seas plus the countries of Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Canada,

    Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Russia and Mexico.

    They will locate Spain and Mexico in relation to the Equator, the Tropics of Cancer

    and Capricorn, longitude and latitude to understand and explore their time zones,

    climate, seasons and vegetation. Using their knowledge, children will compare the

    physical environment, climate and economic activity of Spain to Mexico in the form of

    a postcard in which they describe holidays to both Spain and Mexico.

    Children will highlight the key mountain ranges in Spain and Mexico, adding the highest points of

    each country to their own maps. They will research the northernmost, southernmost, easternmost

    and westernmost points in Spain and Mexico. In maths, they will order mountain ranges from

    highest to lowest points, converting units of measurements.

  • Children will explore the funerary mask of Lord Pakal that was found at Palenque and the story of

    how it was discovered then share their knowledge of why the Maya wore masks by including

    examples. They will annotate their own drawings to show techniques, likes, dislikes, suggestions for

    improvements/changes to be made to those studied when recording their own ideas for a Mayan


    Children will examine the Maya's

    stone-carving and pottery-making

    skills, (from examples that have

    survived from the Mayan

    civilisation) and consider what we

    can learn from them before

    recording their own ideas.

    Children will be challenged to

    work with clay to create their

    own artwork in the style of the

    Maya, e.g. create a Mayan tile,

    stele or coil pot and will create

    their own Mayan mask using

    papier mache.

  • Useful Websites


    Naturally, children will be given the opportunity to taste test

    some delicious and healthy Mayan foods before planning,

    preparing and making their own Mayan feast.

  • This term’s focus will be Ball Skills. Children will move into a strategic

    place to catch a moving ball and learn how this can be applied in game

    play to accurately pass a ball to a team mate, learn how to travel when

    dribbling a ball and change direction whilst dribbling a ball.

    This term, children will participate in a thematic study:

    From life to death, what role does religion play?

    They will use their knowledge of the rites of passage

    studied last term to explain the purpose for a

    community for each rite of passage, using key


    They will suggest why all cultures have rites of passage

    and make comparisons across cultures.



  • Children will listen to a piece of Mayan music and write

    down all the sound effects or musical instruments they

    hear before using this to help them recreate some of

    their own mystic music, considering the instruments that

    could replicate or come near to the sounds heard.

    Children to watch a Mayan ceremonial dance to music

    and listen for examples of a crescendo (rise in volume

    ). Children to redevelop the piece, following the beats,

    rhythms and patterns. Following on from this, they will

    develop a score and record their own music.


  • Computing

    Linked to our relationships and health focus, children will

    learn about internet safety and harms as well as the

    advantages and disadvantages of social networking.

    Relationships and Health Education

    Following on from last term, children will learn to recognise bullying and abuse in all its forms (including prejudice-based bullying both

    in person, online and through social media) and how to critically examine what is presented to them in social media and why it is

    important to do so. Children will gain an insight into how information contained in social media can misrepresent or mislead and

    recognise the importance of being careful of what they forward to others.

    Campaigning/Global Goal

    Linked to our Science topic of electricity, we are

    campaigning to reduce the amount of electricity we

    use in school and at home.

    Rights Respecting Focus

    Article 17 - Access to information from the media (linked to our Computing and Relationships and

    Health Education)

    Every child has the right to reliable information from a variety of sources, and governments should

    encourage the media to provide information that children can understand.

    Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them.

  • Reading regularly at school and at home is essential to children’s

    language development: it increases their vocabulary and develops their

    understanding of age-related texts.

    In school, children will use Reading Plus three times per week and as a

    result, they will be exposed to a vast range of texts across a range of


    Whilst they will have regular reading sessions in school, children will also benefit further by sharing and discussing texts at home.

    To support your child, you should encourage them to access Reading Plus at home and when sharing non-fiction texts, ask them to

    consider how the structure and layout helps make the information clear for the reader.

    Bespoke Book Focus

    The Arrival – the story of an immigrant's life in an imaginary world.

    Without the use of dialogue or text, the author portrays the

    experience of a father emigrating to a new land


  • Children will examine the literary features and structure of

    explanation texts, non-chronological reports, letters and

    comic strips before writing their own versions of these texts.

    As they write, they think very carefully about their use of

    grammar and apply their understanding of new word and

    phrases, especially those during Word Power lessons.

    Whilst children will learn and

    consolidate a range of

    spelling rules and patterns,

    they can practise their

    spellings using Spellodrome

    at home.



  • Children will continue developing their knowledge of number, statistics, geometry and

    measures. They will solve problems, reason and investigate how they can apply their

    knowledge in a variety of contexts including topic-based activities and situations in

    everyday life.




    In order to support your child with their learning, it would be helpful if you


    • Support them with any home learning tasks

    • Ensure that they access Mathletics at home at least 3 times per week


  • Please assist your child in ensuring they get some

    fresh air and take some form of exercise each day

    (whilst following lockdown restrictions).

    Please try to listen to your child read at least three times a week and discuss key

    themes, events and characters.

    Please comment on your child’s reading in the Home School Book.

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