mahabharata and gita synopsis

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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The Essense of Mahabharat and The Gita










The Mahabharata, written by sage Vyasa, is an epic story of the conflict between

the five Pandava brothers, and their one hundred cousins, the Kauravas. The

story drives home, as nothing else does, the futility and sad outcomes of anger,

ambition, hatred and vengeance. "Revenge" at all levels is the central core of this

epic story.

It is also a romantic story telling the tales of heroic men and women and some

"realized" beings. It is a literary thesis containing a code of life, a philosophy of

social and ethical relations, and an observation of human frailties that continue to

recur through the centuries.

The conflict between the Pandavas and Kauravas ultimately brings them to the The conflict between the Pandavas and Kauravas ultimately brings them to the

battlefield at “Kurukshetra” and a war is fought that practically destroys a whole battlefield at “Kurukshetra” and a war is fought that practically destroys a whole

generation. Incorporated in this melodrama of human events, is embedded the generation. Incorporated in this melodrama of human events, is embedded the

jewel, "The Bhagvad Gita."jewel, "The Bhagvad Gita."


At the onset of the battle, Krishna preached the Bhagvad-Gita to Arjun.

In this dialogue Lord Krishna touches on every aspect of life and in great detail maps out four paths that could lead one to "moksha“.  

– JYANA YOGA: The path of Knowledge.

– BHAKTI YOGA: The path of Devotion and love.

– KARMA YOGA: The path of Action or Work.

– DHYANA YOGA: The path of Meditation.

The Gita consists of eighteen chapters of seven hundred stanzas and

each chapter has a specific message.

The first chapter deals with Arjun’s dilemma about the war.

The second chapter outlines the art of blending work, knowledge, devotion, and meditation into a way of life.

The third chapter is entirely devoted to "Karma Yoga".

The sixth chapter explains meditation as a way of life in great detail.

The tenth chapter elaborates on the presence of God in everything

in the Universe.

The twelfth chapter deals with "Bhakti Yoga”

The fourteenth chapter has a magnificent explanation of the three "GUNAS" or

modes of living.

• "SATTVIC," is the enlightened or pure way.

• "RAJASIC," is a life of passion, desire and attachment

• "TAMASIC" is a lazy, ignorant existence.

The fifteenth chapter gains insight into the nature of the Supreme Being.

The eighteenth chapter is a beautiful summary of the entire Gita plus a final word on how to completely "surrender" to God to attain "moksha".

Essence from the Gita

1. Work without attachment. Relinquish the fruit of your labor to Me. "Karma Fala Tyaga."

2. Follow any one of these paths, it will bring you to Me.

"Jyana Yoga",

"Bhakti Yoga"

"Karma Yoga",

“Dhyana Yoga,”

3. Perform all action (karma) keeping the body and mind centered and poised, “Stithapradyna”

4. See Me in everything and strive continuously to attain the “Sattvic” way of life.


Stephen P. Huyler: Meeting God, 1995.

Alain Danielou, The Gods of India, Hindu Polytheism, 1985,

Ram Dass: The Only Dance There Is, 1974

Frijtof Capra: The Tao of Physics, 1975

Radhakrishnan: The Hindu View of Life, 1954

Pramod Chandra The Sculpture of India, 3000B.C.-1300 A.D. 1985

Prasad Gokhale: Chronology and Antiquity of Indian History, 1994

Wendy O’Flaherty: The Rig Veda, 1981Ernest G. McClain: The Myth of Invariance

Sanderson Beck: Hindu Philosophy, Ethics and Chronology 2001Robert Hume: The Upanishads, Ways of Mysticism, 2000

Cornelia Dimmitt and J.A.B. van Buitenen: Classical Hindu Mythology 1977

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