m. trice. the question speech act as: web page news article query of related comments this...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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M. Trice

The Question

Speech act as:

Web PageNews ArticleQuery of related comments

This study’s focus:

Individual Comments

By Annoyed by neighbors who are annoyed by noise.

January 10, 2008 2:56 PM | Link to thisI really think it is a shame when neighbors complain about noise from First Thursday. A lively arts and music scene is what attracts so many to live in the neighborhood. It seems like if you require so much peace and quiet maybe you should live out in the burbs.

By Austin music lover January 10, 2008 3:03 PM | Link to thisI can’t believe people who live close enough to hear live music from their houses would actually complain about it!

Perils of Online Content Analysis Sampled Over 300 Posts, 6 Websites, 11 Articles

Focus on Comment Field Content Selection: Date Range, Key Word, Comment Field Presence

Local, National, Global

Content Interaction: Referred to main article content

Comment Interaction: Quoted another comment field or referred to username

Multiple Ideas Expressed: Two full stops of punctuation: period, colon, semicolon, dash or end of comment.

New Ideas Expressed: Fact or cited opinion

Wow. Nice endorsement for Obama.


"he Democratic caucus is about looking at the candidates through a lens focused on the party and its goals. It also is about looking past the primary season and choosing the individual who can win in November. It must be someone who can unify the nation on domestic issues, successfully uphold its democratic ideals and restore its reputation as a global force. Obama should be the party's choice."


Clintonia must be freaking out. --USA Today Poster, zb95

--- Midge, dear....when you freeze animals...they generally die.

If we froze animal embryos we would be perpetuating the same kind of genetic selective breeding that is most likely to kill off our domestic species. Selective breeding is great short term, but removes the resiliency of the population caused by all those "undesirable" traits that we keep trying to breed out of our domestic herds. -CNN Poster, Pat

--- I just typed in Portland Oregon and Boise Idaho in the weather search. As usual, the weather channel can't see anything west of Chicago and the rest of up has to stick up a finger to find out which way to point the aircraft. I travel to Portland every 'wed.,would someone tell them folks the Ohio river is not the east boundary of the US?

--USA Today Poster, dorward

--- Jennifer Kim and Randi Shade are not the only one’s running for place 3.

Vote for Ken Weiss for Place 3! Ken Weiss is a leader and has leadership experience from being in the military.

Ken Weiss would like to hear your concerns about Austin!

weissforplace3.com --AAS Poster, JW

Deliberation as meaning making occurs at each intersection:

Reading articleConstructing commentReading the commentConstructing a comment about a comment

However, intersections are clearly uneven, thus favoring quite particular intersections in this formation

Analysis Restricted to Comment Fields on News Sites

Analysis largely Individual The Pluck Factor Significant National Focus The Growing Comment Ecology of Social Networks

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