love letters june 2011

Post on 03-Mar-2016






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Love Letters provides content designed to activate, educate and empower you to bring even more Love into your Life.


The Love More Project Magazine June 2011

Embrace the Healing Powers of Mother Earth

Connect with Mother Earth and yourself in your Garden

Reclaim Your Power: Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Celebrate the Summer Solstice with Essential Oils

All logos, branding and content © Megan Gala 2009-2011 as representative of The Love More Project . Content may be reprinted and disseminated only with written permission from the copyright holder.

June 2011 2

contents June 2011


7 namaste

Our exclusive reading supports you in navigating the month’s energies in order to experience even more Love in your life.

8 recommends

The Love More Project Contributors share their favorite books and products.

17 100% responsible

Empower yourself; take responsibility for your life.

20 harmony gardens

Developing a healing connection with Mother Earth

7 20

8 Editor’s letter (5)

Support (56

Follow us on:

June 2011 3


contents June 2011

9 stop and smell the...

Embrace the power of Mother Nature to improve your health, enhance your well-being and connect you to your Higher Wisdom.

This month: Summer Solstice & Purification

10 soulseeds

A seed of Inspiration created exclusively for The Love More Project

11 tools for your transformation

Create and embrace change in your life with this holistic and heartfelt guide.

13 chakra talk

Learn about this ancient energy system and the healing properties of color to bring balance and clearing on a multitude of levels.

This month: The Powerful Yellow Sun Chakra

15 angel fairy tales

Explore the magic and mystery of the realms.

16 voices of the animals

Learn about Love from our guides in the Animal Kingdom 15



June 2011 4

The Love More Project Magazine

Founder and Executive Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Editorial Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Publisher The Love More Project

Production Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Art Director Megan Gala, M.A.

Web Design and Production Megan Gala, M.A.

We love receiving feedback about how our content. If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at:


Or call: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

Have an article or artwork you would like us to publish?

Please email for our submission policy.

About The Love More Project

The Love More Project is an Inspired Media Company and Gathering Place for the next stage of human and planetary evolution. As a holistic merging of media and the metaphysical we deliver content designed to activate, educate and empower you to experience even more Love in your life. Through this work we fulfill our mission to serve as a sacred portal for the transmission of even more Love in this realm.

Dear Readers,

For many the transitions of the seasons represents a time of change and transformation for us individually and in many areas of our lives. Change can be big and change can be small. It can also be healing and cathartic, whatever it looks like for you at this time, it is important to navigate it with an open heart and self-compassion. In this month’s issue, we present a wide variety of ways to navigate change throughout your life, giving you tools to open to a compassionate self-love and curiosity to yourself and the world around you.

Moving in to the summer season we are naturally feeling more connected to Mother Earth, the days are warmer and we want to get outside, explore and move our bodies. In this vein, both Kathie Groomes and Angela Lawson deliver delicious article on how to celebrate the Earth and connect with the Joy and Purity inherent in Her and this season. If you find yourself spending more time by the sea this summer, take to heart the

beautiful lessons on Abundance channeled by Christina Mosberger from the mer-people in her inspiring and healing column, Angel Fairy Tales.

Wherever the roads of summer take you, I hope that this month’s issue gives you the inspiration to do so with a Joyous and Open Heart!

As always, I look forward to hearing your feedback and experiences with our content. You can email me at

Founder of The Love More Project

editor’s letter Megan Gala, M.A.

June 2011 5

support June 2011

To Our Beloved Community,

Thank you for allowing us to support you.

From its inception, The Love More Project has been 100% community funded. We choose to make our media platforms and content accessible to ALL who seek it, regardless of economic circumstances. And we hold the vision for this beautiful, thriving community to be self-sustaining and self-supporting.

We are proud to serve as a positive resource and community for you. We are grateful to be a source of Love, Peace and Inspiration in your Life.

Our community thrives on your participation and commitment.

Here are some ways you can interact and give back to the community for the nourishment you receive here:

• Express your Gratitude on our testimonial line: (512) 827-0505 ext 8760

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We affirm that all that you give in support of this vibrant community is returned to you 1,000 fold.

We don’t seek to profit from the work we do here at The Love More Project, however, we are committed to meeting our expenses and to be engaged in balanced and harmonious relationships with those we serve and work with. The Love More Project is a for-profit company and your donation is not tax-deductable. Your in-kind donation will contribute to our company as a whole. We are NOT a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, but a for-profit enterprise taking part in this donation-based program.

Thank you for supporting us.

Blessings & Namaste

June 2011 6

I invited the Angels and Higher Guides of our readers to bring forward guidance on what opportunities they could follow through on this month in order to experience even more Love in their lives. This month I am using Cheryl Richardson’s Grace Cards (Hay House, 2005).

There has been a lot of change, transition and turmoil happening in our private lives and extending out in to the world; the dreams in our hearts seem to be getting farther and farther away rather than closer. Our hearts and minds are filled with a feeling of Anticipation which at times borders on anxiety and fear. It is okay to feel these emotions. Allow yourself to experience the wide range of your emotions this month, for in Honoring and fully expressing ourselves we will move beyond our self imposed barriers and borders. Through the expression of our emotions, whether they be “positive” or “negative” we are releasing energy, and allowing Source to move through us that much quicker. The energy we are working with this month, is deep rooted, not just in our own psyche, but in the collective consciousness as well, so as you purge and purify your own mind, know that you are doing it in service to all others. The more you can move from doubt to belief, the easier it will become for others to do the same. As we process and polish away the dusty cobwebs from our minds and hearts and flow with Spirit we will embrace our Inner Radiance and Shine it more brightly in to the world. This month will teach us much about ourselves and cause us to dig deep, but ultimately we will be victorious.

Tune in to Megan’s YouTube channel for the extended reading:

Megan Gala, M.A. supports people making positive change in their lives. Using her holistic “toolbox” she provides her students and clients with practical, easy to implement strategies to transform their lives. A life long clairvoyant, clairsentient and student of the Mystic, Megan began her private practice after the miraculous healing and reawakening she experienced working with the modalities she now lovingly refers to as her Toolbox:. Megan is an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, Reiki Master, Atlantean Healing™ Master and Certified Yoga Instructor. To learn more, please visit her website:

Megan Gala, M.A.

June 2011 7



Laura Galvin:

Chakra Clearing by Doreen Virtue Ph.D

This extraordinary book explains many aspects of our chakra system and how we can clear any negative energy to balance and awaken our spiritual powers. Many of the techniques which are taught in her Angel Therapy Practitioner class are written for your understanding to bring our angels to assist us on our path of awakening. Enclosed is also a Chakra Clearing CD, a twenty minute morning mediation to start your day and twenty -five minute mediation for the evening. This will soothe and relax your energy to bring in your angels so you may sleep well with pleasant dreams. You will awaken feeling refreshed and ready to start your day in a positive way.

Lauren Friedman:

Saint Germain: Master Alchemist by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

I picked up this book after having been introduced to Saint Germain during a session with Megan Gala, hoping to learn more about who this Ascended Master was during his lifetimes on our planet. To my elation, I learned much more than that. This book not only delineates Saint Germain’s roles in his different incarnations, and details the pivotal role Saint Germain is playing in bringing forth the age of peace and enlightenment through the gift of his violet flame, but also has brought to my conscious awareness his beloved twin flame, Portia, who is such a blessing in my life. This book also teaches how to use the violet flame to work with Saint Germain to help direct our world towards ascension. I know that this is a book I will read and re-read in order to soak up every bit of its wealth of information. I am reading this book on my Kindle, and purchased this ebook version on very affordably ($2.99)! The paperback version is also available on

Angela Lawson:

Animal Speak by Ted Andrews

I am in the middle of a Ted Andrews love fest. I'm currently reading Nature Speak, Animal Wise and Animal Speak simultaneously. Ted Andrews is wonderful because he incorporates all facets of spirituality to include angels, fairies, and animals creating a holistic and complete approach to connecting to our Divine. His topics span anywhere from aura reading to the Qabala and his meditation suggestions are vivid and effective. I love him and his work and I am so happy that although he has transitioned, his works are available to all of us.

June 2011 8

Our Contributors Share their Favorite Books & Products

Ahhh, the smell of sweet summer is beginning to waft through the house. That subtle, warm wind that blows in and transports you back to long, lazy days filled with the butterfly-stomach-filled anticipation of summer adventures. I think when we take the time to really sit and breathe in the aroma of the air, to truly take in its gift of healing and connection, we trigger memories that make us fondly rediscover our true essence. Spring awakens our sleeping sensors and by summer, we are fully charged and tuned into our empowered connection.

The Summer Solstice has long been celebrated and doing so out in the beauty of Source allows us to genuinely feel our grounded connection by planting our bare feet firmly on the newly mown green grass. We reach our hands up to heaven and feel the sun and wind warm our skin and blow across us allowing each and every aspect of our human form to take part in this natural dance. As always, essential oils magnify our rituals not only by their beautiful smells but by their potent chemical composition. These bottles of energy clear and reprogram our cellular receptor sites and heal us on every conceivable level of our being.

This year’s solstice occurs on June 21, 2011 at 17:16 UT and working with essential oils and the Fairy Realm

is a perfect way to celebrate. This is the season ruled by Cancer which signifies the balance and harmonizing of the yin and yang within us and a bridging of the pineal and pituitary. The Solstice represents the marriage of the male and female and the birth of the Holy Child within each of us. For a brief moment in time, spiritual, etheric, astral and mental planes are aligned and we have an opportunity to ascend and connect to our celestial family in an intense and almost effortless way. Lavender, Bergamot, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Spruce and Rosemary come to mind. These evoke smells of all the seasons and placing them on the major chakras can help develop a deeper connection and focus during your Midsummer Eve observance. Wherever you feel guided to apply them is absolutely perfect.

Strangely enough, this feels like a natural segue to talk about the Young Living Purification™ blend. I absolutely love it’s sweet, clean smell and its benefits are sensational. Why this comes to mind is because of its bug repellent properties and lovely fragrance. This is a perfect choice for a Solstice night celebration. Purification™ is a blend of Citronella, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Melaleuca (or Tea Tree), Lavandin (same family as Lavender but contains more camphor making it a more intense smelling fragrance), and Myrtle. (Continued on the next page)

stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

Summer Solstice & Purification

June 2011 9

June 2011 10

Compared to other oils, it’s frequency is quite low so if you choose to use it during meditation, I would recommend adding Frankincense, Fir, or Spruce oils to raise the vibration. By applying Purification™ on the bottoms of your feet and around your ankles, you activate your chakras AND deter--not harm—insects. What a great bonus while being out and connecting with Mother Earth! Purification™ has also been beneficial in

neutralizing poison from spider, bee, hornet and wasp bites and stings. The Purification™ blend is a powerful antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and sanitizing combination. It can aid the digestive system, bring emotional balance and cleans and heals the skin. When diffused, it acts as an air purifier and is an excellent companion oil to Thieves®. Alternate diffusing them in your home, office, or car as it not only kills airborne viruses and germs it actually converts the air molecules into a wonderful smelling fragrance. These oils don’t mask odors, they kill the odor causing bacteria, molds, and fungus. I have experienced first hand Purification’s™ ability to neutralize cigarette smoke. Simply put a drop on a tissue and wave in the air. That’s all it takes!

It can even be added to paint before applying to walls to reduce unpleasant fumes. It is an excellent addition to your medicine cabinet and is perfect for applying topically for infections and wound cleansing.

May this time of year provide you with an opportunity to work and feel one with Nature and the beings who desire to work with us to reconnect to all that is One.

The Fairy Realm’s veil is very thin during this hallowed season for those who choose to see. So, kick off your shoes, don your favorite essential oil, take a deep breath, and head outside with eyes and heart wide open. The angels of summer are waiting for you. Blessed Be.

stop and smell the... Angela Lawson

Angela Lawson is an independent distributor of Young Living, therapeutic grade essential oils and certified in the Raindrop Technique™, a healing method using reflexology, massage and essential oils to align the energy centers of the

body. Passionate about the ability of plant essences to enhance her healing and intuitive work, Angela now incorporates this modality into her holistic practice. Her website is:

Seed of Abundance Achieving your dreams means focusing your intention on

abundance right now. You are surrounded by blooming flowers, sweet fruits and luscious green leaves, just as you are filled

with teeming life and potential. Nurture all this new life now and enjoy the harvest to come.

Say to yourself: All that I need for a life of abundance is within

and around me.

This is a soulseed exclusively for The Love More Project community. For further information about soulseeds and how they can benefit your life, visit

their website:

June 2011 11

“I’m just really not that interested in twisting myself up like a pretzel. I don’t think yoga is for me.”

I frequently hear this response when I tell people that I am a yoga instructor and to be perfectly honest, it is the farthest thing from my mind when I think about yoga. Yes, I’ve been practicing yoga for over 17 years and teaching for over 3, but I rarely “practice” yoga in the traditional sense. When I say this, I mean that I have a highly irregular physical yoga practice. I’ll go on kicks where I practice asanas (the physical poses of yoga) daily and then my need for it will wane and I will move on to some other physical activity. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the physical practice, whenever I do attend a class or partake in a personally guided practice, I always think, “Why don’t I do this more often?” I love the way that yoga makes my body feel. And yet to me, yoga is so much more.

From the onset the physical practice of yoga provided me with a tool to grapple with and transform myself more on an emotional and metal level than a physical one. Perhaps this is because I

am inherently more intellectual and emotional than I am physical. That’s a polite way of saying that I’m a dreamer who is perpetually “in my head.” When I fell into yoga rather by happenstance during high school this more internal philosophy of yoga was the one that influenced me the most, serving me much like a map, guiding me as I navigate the winding road of life.

While we in the West identify yoga as a more physical practice, at its heart, it is a philosophy that shares with us a variety of tools to assist us on a holistic level: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. So how do I practice yoga without “practicing?”

It sounds ironic, but the first thing I would recommend is participating in a class and doing the physical poses. Yes, this may appear to contradict everything I just wrote, but there is merit to learning the asanas when you are beginning your yogic journey. My theory is that yoga influences the mind by effectively distracting it as we put our body in those “crazy” poses. (Continued on the next page)

tools for your transformation Megan Gala, M.A.

Downward Facing Mind

June 2011 12

While we’re thinking, “You want me to balance how and do what with my arm?!” we are actually bypassing a lot of those restricting mental and emotional patterns that may be keeping us stuck in our daily life. By stepping out of our traditional mental routine and moving our body in new ways we open ourselves up to new thought patterns.

As we practice yoga we build important mental and emotional “muscle memory.” We have challenged ourselves and broken though, creating not only space in our physical body, but in our minds as well. The wonderful thing about practicing yoga is that these “memories” are now embedded at a deep, subconscious and instinctual level. This means that these new habits stay with you; and you will find yourself responding in more “yogic” ways. In yoga, we learn balance, strength, relaxation and breath. This applies on a mental and emotional level, too, and these are techniques that we take off the mat with us. It’s in this capacity that I speak of my yoga “practice.”

It is because of my previous physical practice I now have new mental and emotional skills, or practice, that I use in everyday life, with or without asana. When I find myself running up against old patterns, I take a breath and just like I would settle into a physical pose like Warrior II, I am now able to settle in to a “mental pose.” I feel strong, confident, resilient and free.

Yoga has also increased my self-awareness. If you are balancing in Tree pose (a pose which involves standing on one foot) you must be aware of every aspect of your body, mind and self and the world around you in order to avoid toppling over. This expanded focus also moves with you off the mat. It allows you to take in a great deal of information and to stay present despite the potential maelstrom that may be swirling around you.

It is in precisely this way that yoga becomes so much more than a series of physical poses and moves in during class, and

infuses and enhances your life experience. Every moment of every day I practice yoga, running mental asana sequences, focusing, breathing and remaining present and aware. I have learned to have clarity, balance, peace and well-being at every level and this, to me, is the true testament of a yoga practice. So if you think twisting your body up like a pretzel isn’t for you, why not shift your perspective and use your yoga practice as a way to untwist your mind?

tools for your transformation Megan Gala, M.A.

Megan Gala, M.A. supports peo-ple as they make positive, life-affirming change. Using her holistic “toolbox” of Yoga, Reiki and Readings, Megan provides you with the catalyst and skills needed to maintain the change long beyond your work together.

As the season warms to midsummer June it is the perfect time to energize our Powerful Sun Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra with the sunshine’s bright rays. This chakra is found behind the navel and up to the diaphragm. When balanced this chakra is seen as a ball of sunshine that spins faster than the root and the sacral chakra. It connects to more organs than any other energy center. The Solar Plexus represents the element of fire (the Hara) which stands for light, warmth, energy and activity. It is through this center that we absorb the ray of the sun that nurtures our aura and vitalizes our body.

The third energy center is about our self-esteem, our ego, personal power, will, responsibility and our gut intuition. This is where we access our confidence to stand in our own power and express our

power appropriately. When this chakra is unbalanced physical problems can emerge in stomach upsets and loosing the will to move forward in life by family or professional impasse.

A well balanced healthy third chakra is energetic and full of vitality. The feeling is enjoyment and enthusiasm for life. With this positive outlook we are empowered to venture into the unknown and take risks. When this chakra is strong we have faith to take on challenges and move ahead in our world.

The yellow color of this chakra strengthens our nerves, thoughts and our positive interactions with others. It is the color of “Honor On-Self” and “I Think.” Yellow is the stimulator for your digestive system which supports the liver, gallbladder and assists

better nutrition for optimal health. It is the color that assists with clarity and mental processes. This brings the feeling that all is right in your world.

Strengthening and Balancing a Powerful Solar Plexus Chakra

Sound and vibration played with instruments such as singing bowls, tuning forks, reed and horns in the note of E is an excellent way to open, cleanse and balance the third chakra. This will build a strong sense of self to be able to move the energy into the heart chakra.

Crystals and minerals act like a magnet for the yellow light ray. They bring in light and sound to the wearer. These stones are good to cleanse and slowly open and balance the yin and yang energy (Continued on the next page)

chakra talk Laura Galvin

The Sun Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra

June 2011 13

of this chakra. As this is the season of the bright yellow sun, we can utilize the sun ray to cleanse and recharge your stones with natural light. Stones for the third chakra are:

Aromatherapy essential oils that benefit the third chakra are citrus like orange and lemon that are stimulating and refreshing to the senses. These essences inspire wisdom and promote wise judgments and include:

Foods filled with yellow energy stimulate the digestive system, liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines to function at its natural flow. Sun yellow foods are:

Affirming positive thoughts confirm to your mental self what is true. By repeating these thoughts your body and cells will naturally start to vibrate at a higher octave. Settle into a comfortable position to center and ground yourself, breathe and envision yourself surrounded in the healing ray of the yellow sun activating your own yellow solar plexus chakra freeing yourself from fearful thoughts and shining brightly at your abdomen area. Bring this energy out into your aura empowering your self-esteem into be-ing confident and strong in who you are in your world while repeating one of these affirmations:

*My personal power is becoming stronger and stronger every day.

*I deeply love and approve of who I am.

*I listen to and trust my deepest insights

*I honor myself and the power within me.

Sunshine Solar Plexus Chakra Blessings!

chakra talk Laura Galvin

Laura is a warm hearted Lightworker with extensive experience and training to support your Healing journey. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, a Grand Master Reiki Teacher, a Certified Massage Therapist, an Atlantean Healer™ and a certified Colour Biopulsar Analyst. She synergizes

these powerful modalities to benefit your quest for guidance, healing and activating your soul purpose. In addition, Laura creates colorful and meaningful jewelry with the assistance of the Angels. Her website is






*Iron Pyrite




*Cedar wood








June 2011 42

Have you ever watched the Disney movie The Little Mermaid? If yes, then you may have noticed that there are not only mermaids, but also mermen. Mer-people are very beautiful creatures which humans have almost forgotten about. Humankind has lost connection to the mer-folk over the years, but now is the time for reconnection. The mer-folk have very important messages for us humans and we have a lot to learn from them. Mer-people live in the oceans in a higher dimension than we do - in the elemental realm like the fairies.

The mer-kingdom is a breathtaking world. It looks similar to what we see under water, but you have to imagine everything under the water's surface illuminated by light making the underwater world very beautiful. The colors look very much like what one might see on pictures from the Maldives - the most beautiful turquoise and blue. And there is not just one shade of turquoise and blue, there are thousands of shades of turquoise and blue. Have you ever found a picture of a secluded island surrounded by the ocean in the most beautiful colors and found yourself unable to take your eyes off that picture? That is how beautiful it is.

The mer-people are the wisdom keepers of the waters. They protect the wisdom of the oceans. There is so much wisdom stored in the water, the mer-people say - wisdom from ancient countries like Atlantis and Lemuria that sank into the waters. Their purpose is to

oversee and protect this wisdom and to hide it from humankind until we are ready for this wisdom to be rediscovered. They say very soon there will be many people who can apply this wisdom, but it can only be applied by people who live from the heart. That is the condition and this is exactly what they want to teach us - to live from the heart. To live from the heart is the secret for abundance the mermaids tell me. It is the secret to true abundance, not only financial abundance. It is much easier to be financially abundant if we see the abundance in every aspect of our live. There are so many ways to abundance in this world, but we barely notice them. For now I want to take a step back and give the mermaids a voice for a message they are eager to share with us:

You have to know there is no mermaid and no merman who doesn’t have an extremely abundant life. “Why is that?” you may ask. It is because we live from the heart. That is the real secret. In order to see the abundance that is already around you, you have to open your heart to recognize it. For most humans abundance is not so obvious. Most of you just consider money and luxury to be abundance. But abundance can be found in every aspect of your life. We want to give you some examples

The abundance of beauty:

We live in the most beautiful waters with the most amazing colors. We see beauty all around us. What an abundance of beauty we have. (Continued on the next page)

angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

Mermaids & True Abundance

June 2011 15

Do you see the abundance of beauty you have in your life? Go outside into nature, go to the ocean and just open your eyes for the abundance of the beauty Mother Earth provides for you. Beautiful flowers, beautiful colors, beautiful smells. It is all there ready to be experienced.

The abundance of time:

We don’t use watches, we don’t make plans, we don’t go to work. We ARE. We live in the moment. When you live in the moment there is always enough time for everything you want to do. On your schedule there are so many things that bring stress into your life and they are not even necessary. Have you ever thought about kicking just one thing out of your schedule that you don’t like to do and see what happens? You have to notice that you, too, have an abundance of time and you alone can choose what to do with your time. Most of you do things all day long to satisfy wishes and expectations of other people. But who is there to satisfy you? Ask yourself, what do you really want to do with your time?

The abundance of freedom:

Look at the abundance of freedom we have. We have time all day long to do what we want, to swim where we want and to spend time with whom we want. And so do you. You have to recognize that it is you who robs your own freedom. Freedom is a choice, not a gift. Recognize all these social rules you are obeying. You don’t have t;, it is your choice to do so. Recognize where you restrain yourself and recognize that it is you who chooses to be unfree, no one else. Only if you see

that you can make the rules for your own life, not others, can you be really free.

The abundance of joy:

Did you ever consider joy as abundance? Ask yourself, could you be happy if you have everything you want but you would not have joy? What point is there to life if there is no joy? We see that your society doesn’t encourage you to have joy. It even tries to deny joy from your life. We would definitely not want to live one day without joy. Joy is such an important aspect of life that if you don’t have it, you will miss it. We see many of you trying to fill that hole with things like clothes or alcohol or whatever you think you desire, but you must realize that joy only comes from a place within and it wants to be expressed. When was the last time you felt real joy? Maybe it was when you were singing in the shower, playing with children or splashing in the water. Remember.

The abundance of peacefulness:

Have you ever felt the relaxation that took place inside of your body when you were laying on the beach listening to the sound of the waves? Have you felt peacefulness in a moment like that? Have you noticed that it is so much easier to see the beauty and to enjoy the pleasures of life when you are in a peaceful state? These moments are the ones you normally remember as the happiest. So why would you deny that in the most time of your life? We surely wouldn’t.

(Continued on the next page)

angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

June 2011 16

The abundance of love:

When was the last time you really felt loved? When was the last time you felt loved by yourself? Do you look into the mirror in the morning and tell yourself that you love yourself? If not, we ask you why? Why would you wait until someone is coming around to overflow you with love, when you can have that love in every moment of your life? Abundance begins with self love, because when your heart is not open, it is not open for love from someone else and it is not open to experience the love from this universe - the abundance that is all around you.

Can you see now that life is full of abundance? The only thing you have to do is to invite all this abundance into your life is to start living from the heart. You can start by listening to the sound of waves on a CD. It will help you to relax. And when you are relaxed, you are more in the moment. When you live more in the moment your heart begins to open up - for love, for beauty, for joy. You can start today.

A while ago someone told me: “The more loving we are, the more intelligent we become.” I realize that true intelligent doesn’t come from the mind, but from the heart. And so does abundance.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot, change the circumstances, the seasons or the wind, but you can change yourself.”- Jim Rohn

Most of us feel entitled to a great life. We expect satisfying personal lives, careers and we place the responsibility for attaining this life on anything and everyone but ourselves and we

have been conditioned to blame something or someone outside ourselves if we fail to live the life we expect. Being 100% responsible for our lives means that we take our life circumstances and see them as opportunities to find gifts, or find reasons to stay victims.

It is human nature means to live in a state of survival. It’s a base existence. In this state, we react to situations and circumstances from fear. Fear that we won’t have enough or be enough. Fears include being wrong, dominated or hurt. This is living life in a reactive state and it is conditioned in to us from a very young age. Being responsible means we have to start reconditioning ourselves to choose how we want to respond. We must know we are creating our lives and how we respond to the conditions of our lives creates how our lives will be spent. Do you want to spend your life more effectively?

According to the book “The Success Principle” by Jack Canfield, in order to achieve success in your life you must be 100% responsible for everything. You must know you create your life and everything that happens to you. Does that mean you are responsible for bad things that happen? (Continued on the next page)

C h r i s t i n a i s a compassionate intuitive counselor, spiritual teacher and healer with an open and loving heart. She is intimately c o n n e c t e d w i t h the Angelic and Elemental

Realms. She is also an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD. and holds a Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of Zurich. Her website is:

angel fairy tales Christina Mosberger

100% responsibility Robin Richardson

June 2011 17

Yes and no. What it means is bad things happen. They are the circumstances. How you respond makes the difference. Do you choose to blame or do you choose to find the gifts? Do you take responsibility for your failures as well as your successes. In order to be responsible and create your life in a way that is empowering, you must give up blaming, complaining and all excuses.

We have a lot of events that happen in our life times, circumstances and things we have no control over. What we do have control over is how we respond. Humans are stimulus reaction machines. By tapping into our essence or our true selves we begin to understand that we can choose deliberately how to respond to circumstances of our lives. We can start at our core of who we really are and start responding to life rather than reacting to it.

In my work as an animal communicator, I’m blessed to have daily conversations not only with my own animal family, but with animals around the world, as well. Through the “magical” connection of technology (which is still necessary for the humans who are involved in the consultation), I can communicate with a horse in Argentina, a cat in Dubai, and a dog in Singapore...sometimes on the same day. Because telepathic communication knows no boundaries of time and space, I can also communicate with wild animals both near my home or physical location, and anywhere in the world. This allows me (and anyone else who wishes to uncover and use their telepathic abilities) to access the great storehouse of wisdom, grace, and divine love that our animal brothers and sisters have to share with us.

As I was meditating on this column, and asking for guidance about how to structure it and what to write, one of my spiritual guides and teachers, who is an Atlantic humpback whale, came to me. Several years ago, I had the rare privilege of spending many blissful hours with this whale and her calf in their ocean home in the Silver Bank marine sanctuary off the coast of the Dominican Republic. (This is one of the main breeding and calving grounds for Atlantic humpback whales. It one of the few areas in the world where it is legal to swim with whales, under strict regulation. I have traveled there with animal communication groups on spiritual pilgrimages with these magnificent cetacean elders.) This whale gave her name to me as “Kaiya”, and has generously remained in touch with me and developed a relationship with me as a spiritual teacher and guide. At one point, she gave me a clear instruction from the whales: “Be Our Voice”.” (Continued on the next page)

voices of the animals Nancy Windheart

Accurate and compassionate, Robin Richardson has been working with clients and students since 1994. She is a Master Teacher of Reiki, Magnified Healing and the Akashic Records. She uses her gifts of intuition and spiritual connection to guide people to the

life they desire and richly deserve. Her purpose is to make a positive difference in people’s lives by facilitating connection with their highest good and is committed to furthering spiritual growth and assisting those in living life deliberately. Her website is

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100% responsibility Robin Richardson

And so, when I asked for guidance about the content of these articles, Kaiya said to me, “Let the animals write them.” For this first column, my beloved whale friend Kaiya has offered her wisdom:

This is a time of tremendous upheaval, change, and transformation for our beloved planet and all who live with her. We of the whale nations, and our beloved cetacean partners, the dolphins, have chosen to remain in our physical forms to assist humans and all life in this grand and magnificent awakening. This time has been known of for many eons. Our message is simple, and has remained unchanged throughout eternity: Love. Love is the key to unlocking everything, in every dimension, on every level. Love is all that is is all that is is all that is ever needed, by any being, in any time, in any place. Love is the greatest--and only--creative force in the Universe.

We cetaceans hold the records of this planet in our bodies and in the spiritual consciousness of our pods...and we work continuously for the energetic and physical healing and rebalancing of the earth and all who live on and in her. We transmute the effects of violence and war, poison and toxins, channeling them through our bodies and transforming hatred into love. We are in a continuous healing circle for those who are most in need. For example, we offered a tremendous and concentrated amount of healing energy after the earthquakes in Japan...our spiritual help was essential in transmuting and transforming this difficult time into more openness and love, and allowing the world to see the open hearts of the people and animals there who offered this service of love for the world in the middle of great chaos and destruction.

We fill the waters of the world with our love, our consciousness, our wisdom. We are here to teach anyone who wishes to connect with us the possibilities for more love, unity, and spiritual expansion than has ever been known. We are here in joyful service to all humans who sincerely desire to connect with us and to learn from us. It is our joy to teach and share in this way. We wish to show you how you may also live as a pod, in harmony with all life, in complete unity with your environment, in total harmony, abundance, and spiritual bliss.

This is not complicated or difficult. Start with these simple things:

1. Connect to the Earth through your feet on the ground...and to the stars through the top of your head. Feel the earth...the water...and your connection with all life through your feet....and feel the infinite galaxies through your crown.

2. Each day, as you wake in the morning, and before you sleep at night, focus on your heart area, and take some deep breaths directly into your heart. Feel your entire being open to receive our love for you...and the love of the infinite source for all beings, in body or in spirit.

3. If you desire to access our wisdom, simply ask us for our help. We can guide you and help you in many different ways. Be open to our wisdom as it may come in many forms.

Being human is not an easy path. We have infinite love and compassion for our friends who have chosen to walk on the Earth as human beings in this time. You are brave and courageous, and we offer you our love, support, and strength. Love. Feel the song of Love echo in every cell of your bodies....through the waters of our beloved Earth...and through each heart. We are One Heart, One Love, One Life.

Nancy Windheart is a p r o f e s s i o n a l A n i m a l Communicator and Animal Communication Teacher, Reiki Master-Teacher and Registered Yoga Teacher w h o t e a c h e s a n i m a l communication classes and

provides animal communication consultations for clients worldwide. She is on the faculty of the Animal Spirit Healing and Education Network, and trained professionally with animal communication pioneer Penelope Smith. Nancy lives in the mountains of Prescott, AZ, with her animal family of dogs, cats and chickens.

voices of the animals Nancy Windheart

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I was introduced to horticultural therapy through a mixture of intuition, instinct and luck. One afternoon, I found myself to be quite upset and sought solace in my gardens. I sat at the edge of a shaded flower bed in tears, asking the Angels for an outlet for any negativity and fear-based feelings I was harboring. After only a moment, I felt my heart slowing down, my shoulders relaxing and my breath becoming deep and cleansing. Slightly shocked at how quickly I had switched emotional gears, I thanked the Angels and asked them how they had managed it. "By re-connecting you with Earth" was the response. It was then that I realized I had been running my hands through the loose soil, letting it fall between my fingers, and then digging back in for more.

This simple exercise was my first dose of "garden healing," as I like to call it. It is incredibly effective, and I encourage everyone to try it, especially healers and sensitives. By working your hands into the soil, you're encouraging a strong flow of energy, which helps to remove blockages, releasing toxic negativity from your being and grounding your Self. Since we send energy with our dominant (masculine) hand, you can pour the energy that is not serving you into Earth for purification and transmutation. When put into a garden, this freshly renewed energy is used in part to "feed" plants (which are purifiers themselves) creating beauty out of heartache, frustration and any other ailment. With our non-dominant (feminine) hand, we receive energy, so you are able to draw in Love from the Earth. This energy has the ability to heal anything, and also has the wisdom from billions of years of life, long before we began coming here in human form. You can collect unknown and forgotten information, using nature's rhythm to help gain balance and strengthen the connection between your physical being and your spiritual Self.

After having had such a strong initial experience with horticultural therapy, I was inspired to begin exploring the subject by talking with experts, reading relevant materials and asking for instruction from the Angels and Nature Spirits. It didn't take long to become overwhelmed with information from all sources; since then I have been testing out theories and creating exercises; I have never felt so connected and energized!

I would love to share with you are some easy ways that you can use horticultural therapy to bring more Bliss into your life. The most important thing to remember is that nature isn't only found outside. An indoor garden or even a single plant will make a world of difference. Speaking to your plant,

nurturing it and watching it grow are soothing to your soul, giving you a connection with the natural world, purifying the air in your home and (if you've chosen to grow edibles) food, which allows your Green Baby to reciprocate the Love and nurturing energy you have given it. This is a perfect example of the non-verbal relationship that allows us to enjoy our true connection with all life. Once we become aware of it, we learn how to "listen" with our "inner" ear, and connecting with our High Selves, Angels and Guides becomes much stronger and clearer.

If you can't manage greenery in your home, a small bucket of topsoil and a few mid-sized stones (about the size of your palms) are great tools; sit comfortably in a chair in a quiet spot, with the container of soil at your bare feet. Hold the stones, either in your lap or in your palms (whichever method feels right for you), close your eyes, and then breathe deeply as you gently wriggle your tender tootsies into the soil. As you continue to breathe in fresh air, and exhale any heaviness that you feel, envision roots growing out (Continued on the next page)

harmony gardens Kathaleen Groomes

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from your f e e t , g rounding you into your soil. Feel the stones as they help give your b e i n g weight and s t a b i l i t y , keeping you present and s e c u r e . Picture a b r i l l i a n t rainbow of l i g h t showering down upon your whole Self, like

sunshine, and notice how wonderful it feels as the energy soaks into every level of your being. Finally, feel yourself grow tall, healthy and full of vibrant energy as your roots take up Earth's Love from the soil, and even more Love flows through you as you reach high into the sky, stretching out to the far reaches of the Universe.

Cultivate a patch of grass in a planter, or head outside to a lush area of your lawn, so that you can try this next healing technique. Again, you will need to find a quiet, cozy place to sit, and then place the grass at your feet. This time, put your bare feet flat on the ground, taking slow, deep breaths; noticing the sounds and sensations that surround you; the sound of birds singing outside, rain falling on the roof, the feel of the sun kissing your skin, or the breeze blowing through your hair. After your body feels relaxed and the tension has left your shoulders, lift your feet slightly, one at a time, running them along the blades of grass so that they gently caress your soles. I call this "Tickling your Soul".

I share these activities with you holding the intention

that you will use them (and alter them, of course, as you see fit) to create joy and balance in your Self, and in all areas of your life. Remember to release any fears, doubts, worries and negativity that you notice during your session to the Angels ~ they are always standing by your side, ready to help in any way they can. Pour energies that no longer serve you into Earth for transmutation, then draw in her revitalizing Love energy. Most importantly, enjoy yourself! There is no right or wrong way to heal with nature. Over time, you will find your own special techniques that will have a unique and profound effect on every aspect of your Self.

Kathaleen Groomes is the proud Mom of four beautiful daughters. She holds a diploma with highest honors in Gardening and Landscaping, a Master Gardener certification and ministry ordainment. She uses garden healing methods and has experience with color and candle healing, natural remedies and aromatherapy. It is her deepest desire to

manifest a tranquil have of nurturing and education for all those who would benefit from it. Her website is:

harmony gardens Kathaleen Groomes

Learn more at

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You are beautiful!

Photograph courtesy of Kathy Pimentel © 2011 all rights reserved.

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