love alexander pushkin by:taija tillman per.5 5/20/09

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Alexander Pushkin

By:Taija Tillman



Table of Contents

Page 3:Biography

Page 5:No Tears

Page 6:I love you

Page 7:Dear chains

Page 8:A Moment Of Remember

Page 9:I Love You Once


Interpretation & Opinion

Biography• Alexander was born in Moscowpoor into a poor aristocratic family. In his childhood the future poet

was entrusted to a lady employed to take care of children , French tutors, and governesses. He learned Russian from household serfs and from his grandmother, Arina Rodionovna. Alexander started to write poems from an early age. His first published poem was written when he was only 14 ,and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. He became committed to social reform and became evident as a spokesman for literary radicals, in the early 1820s he clashed with the government, which sent him into exile in southern Russia. Pushkin’s dramas Mozart and Salieri and The Stone Guest, based on Don Juan’s life, were both published in 1830. The same year he wrote The Tale of the Priest and of his Workman Balda, a humorous look at a miserly priest willing to bear with tolerance to the forehead for free labour. Around the time of Eugene Onegin’s success, Pushkin made the relationship based on knowledge of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, with whom he would become great friends, mutual supporters to each other in life and their literary careers.

• While under the strict surveillance of government censors and unable to travel or publish at will, he wrote his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov, but could not publish it until years later. His novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, was published from 1825 to 1832.

• Alexander and his wife Natalya Goncharova, that he married in 1831, became regulars of court society. In 1837, while falling into greater debt amidst rumors that his wife had started conducting a shocking affair, he challenged her alleged lover, Georges d'Anthès,to a duel. Mr. Pushkin was fighting his death but died two days later. In 1937, the town of Tsarskoe Selo was renamed Pushkin in his honor.


Introduction The poem

• “No Tears” is about a girl an a boy and their feelings.

• “I Loved You” is about relationship.• “Dear Chains” is about a girl and flowers.• “A Moment of Remember” is about a happy

moment he remember.• “I Loved Once You” is about him getting his hear

broken again he don’t want to love someone again.

No tears

• Under the blue skies of her native landShe languished and began to fade...Until surely there flew without a soundAbove me, her young shade.But there stretches between us an un-crossable line;In vain my feelings I tried to awaken.The lips that brought the news were made of stone,And I listened like a stone, unshaken.So this is she for whom my soul once burnedIn the tense and heavy fire,Obsessed, exhausted, driven out of my mindBy tenderness and desire!Where are the torments? Where is love? Alas!For the un-returning days'Sweet memory and for the poor credulousShade, I find no lament, no tears.


I Loved You

• I loved you; even now I may confess,Some embers of my love their fire retain;But do not let it cause you more distress,I do not want to sadden you again.Hopeless and tonguetied, yet I loved you dearlyWith pangs the jealous and the timid know;So tenderly I loved you, so sincerely,I pray God grant another love you so.


Dear Chains

• Rose-maiden, no, I do not quarrel With these dear chains, they don't demean. The nightingale embushed in laurel, The sylvan singers' feathered queen, Does she not bear the same sweet plight? Near the proud rose's beauty dwelling, And with her tender anthems thrilling The dusk of a voluptuous night.


A Moment of Remember• A magic moment I remember: 

I raised my eyes and you were there. A fleeting vision, the quintessence Of all that's beautiful and rare. 

• I pray to mute despair and anguish To vain pursuits the world esteems, Long did I near your soothing accents, Long did your features haunt my dreams. 

• Time passed- A rebel storm-blast scattered The reveries that once were mine And I forgot your soothing accents, Your features gracefully divine. 

• In dark days of enforced retirement I gazed upon grey skies above With no ideals to inspire me, No one to cry for, live for, love. 

• Then came a moment of renaissance, I looked up- you again are there, A fleeting vision, the quintessence Of all that`s beautiful and rare.


I Loved You Once

• I loved you once, nor can this heart be quiet;For it would seem that love still lingers there;But do not you be further troubled by it;I would in no wise hurt you, oh, my dear.I loved you without hope, a mute offender;What jealous pangs, what shy despairs I knew!A love as deep as this, as true, as tender,God grant another may yet offer you.


The Glossary

• Embers:A small, glowing piece of coal or wood, as in a dying fire.

• Languished:To be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor.

• Tonguetied:The fleshy, movable, muscular organ, attached in most vertebrates to the floor of the mouth, that is the principal organ of taste, an aid in chewing and swallowing, and, in humans, an important organ of speech.

• Thrilling: To cause to feel a sudden intense sensation; excite greatly.

•  Tenderness:Easily crushed or bruised; fragile

• Offender:One that offends, especially one that breaks a public law:

• Esteems:To regard as; consider: • Renaissance: A revival of intellectual

or artistic achievement and vigor :

• Quintessence: The pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing.

• Torments:Great physical pain or mental anguish.

Interpretation My Opinion

• My interpretation on No Tears was that I do not like it but its an okay poem for older people. It can be more detailed about his feeling about that girl his cant cry for. But it’s a interesting poem to read if your down and sad and you want to be in a happy mode.

• My interpretation on I Loved You is I like that poem because it reminds me of our love life. How a boy falls for an girl and they fall in love and they be together forever. Its base on a real persons life and I think all poems should be like that.

• My opinion on Dear Chains:I also like this poem because Alexander is telling us about a girl and flowers. How does she not bear the same sweet plight? Near the proud rose's beauty dwelling? I think is poem is very interesting to read to a woman or an young lady.

• A moment of remember I like this poem the best because Alexander is talking about him remembering how a girl treated him and how she left him. He sat up in the dark in depression till the girl of his life came back to him he just wanted a moment to remember about her if she didn’t come back.

• I Loved You Once:I really like his poem. I like how he explain him self's to the reader. He cant loved you again and that’s how I feel and I understood the poem very while. That’s how a person in a real world feel if they loved you, you left them than you tried to come back but ya’ll relationship wasn’t how it was the firs time because he cant love you again he already did once.It’s the best poem he wrote to me because its true.

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