
Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 lordsavemesktchbrd



    Good afternoon, boys and girls. My name is ________. I am going to

    be teaching you today a true story that happened 2,000 years ago. I

    read this story in the Holy Bible so I know it is true. Holy Bible

    means perfect book. Have the kids repeat after you that Holy Bible

    means perfect book. Then ask the kids what does Holy Bible mean?

    Wait for answers to see if they get it correct.


    --The story today is about Jesus boys and girls

    1. Paint in black with ladder lettering "Jesus" and paint in Jesus' head

    healing the sick, making blind people to be able to see again, making

    crippled people walk again and even bringing people back from thedead. Ask the kids, "Does anyone know what you call it when Jesus

    was doing these supernatural acts? You are looking for "Miracle"

    2. Complete partial lettering paint in black, "MIRACLES."

    Only God can do miracles so Jesus was proving He is the LORD GOD


  • 8/13/2019 lordsavemesktchbrd


    3. Paint in "LORD" in the title

    God the Son. And because Jesus was doing all these many miracles

    large crowds would follow Him everywhere He went.

    One day Jesus was teaching at the Sea of Galilee and the people who

    were listening to Him had been there all day long.

    4. As you are talk ing paint on the heads of the crowd.

    They missed their breakfast and lunch and now it is around supper

    time. Have any of you ever gone without breakfast and lunch in the

    same day? How hungry would you be? The Bible tells us there were


    5. Paint in black "5,000

    men there and that is not including all the women and children, so

    there could have been 10,000 people or more who are very hungry.

    Jesus asked Philip, His disciple, (tell the children now that Jesus had

    12 disciples and the word "disciple" means "student") how are we

    going to feed all these people? Jesus knew what He was going to do

    but He wanted to test Philip. There in the crowd was a lad or a little

    boy who had brought for dinner two fish and five loaves of bread. (You

    can ask the boys is there anyone here around 10 years old? If someboy raises his hand say to him, the boy was just around your age.)

    Jesus asked His disciples to sit the crowd down on the grassy hillside.

    Jesus took the two fish and five loaves and lifting them up towardsHeaven blessed the food. Jesus then broke up the loaves of bread and

    had His disciples pass it out to the huge crowd. When Jesus gave the

    food to His disciples to pass out to the crowd, they never ran out of

    fish or bread. The food just kept increasing more and more. The more

    they gave out the more the fish and bread multiplied. At the end

    Jesus told His disciples to gather up all the leftovers. There were 12

    baskets leftover full of food. Ask the kids what did Jesus just do?

    Something only God can do. (You are looking for the word "miracle).

    So Jesus is proving once again that He is the LORD GOD. After dinner

    Jesus told His disciples (paint on heads of the three disciples in the

    boat) to go across to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus wentup into the mountains to pray to God the Father. Jesus' disciples being

    obedient to Him, got in their boat and started to row across the Sea of


  • 8/13/2019 lordsavemesktchbrd



    --It is late now and probably very dark out. After the disciples

    6. Paint in black their heads

    were rowing for a few hours, they were about three or four miles out onthe sea. The winds started to get stronger and stronger, faster and


    7. Now paint in blue the waves crashing over the boat.

    What happens to the sea when the winds blow faster and faster? It

    causes huge waves. They were in the middle of a fierce storm. Their

    boat must have been rocking and rolling around in the waves being

    tossed to and fro but they kept rowing. Maybe even some of the watergot into the boat and they had to bail water out of the boat in fear of

    them all drowning.


    --Here are all of Jesus' disciples in the middle of a ferocious storm

    8. Paint in 12 black heads while teaching

    in the middle of the sea at 4:00 o'clock in the morning. Can you

    imagine how dark it was out? Would you have been scared? All of a

    sudden someone screams, (I do mean to scream this out-the kids love

    it) "It's a ghost, it's a ghost!!"

    9. Take black paint and paint over the waxed figure of Jesus to appear

    But it was no ghost, Jesus said to His disciples, "Take courage, it is I;do not be afraid." Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, if it is you, command me

    to come to You on the water." Jesus said to Peter,

    10. Finish now painting in black the partial lettering that says "COME"

    Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. But

    when Peter took his eyes off Jesus

  • 8/13/2019 lordsavemesktchbrd


    11. Paint in blue, water coming up to Peter's chest as he is sinking

    he looked at the huge waves. When Peter took his eyes off Jesus he

    started to sink in the waves

    12. Complete ladder lettering and finish painting in the title "LORD

    SAVE ME"

    and screamed out, "LORD SAVE ME". Immediately Jesus grabbed Peter

    by the hand and got into the boat. When they got into the boat the

    wind stopped. Jesus stopped the storm. What do we call it when Jesus

    does a supernatural act like walking on water and stopping the storm?

    Wait to see if kids say, "Miracle", if they don't, tell them Miracle. Thedisciples in the boat witnessing these miracles said to Jesus, "You are

    certainly God's son!"


    Transition statement from the story to the gospel: Just as Peter yelled

    out, LORD SAVE ME, we too need to say, LORD SAVE ME. Save you

    from what?

    We need to be saved from our sins because they will keep us out of

    Heaven. Tell the kids to raise their hand if they have ever lied before?

    Wait for the kids to raise their hands. What do you call someone wholies? A liar! God says lying is a sin. Tell the kids to raise their hands if

    they have ever stolen before? Even if it was just a penny or a candy

    bar? What do you call someone who has stolen something? A thief!

    God calls stealing a sin. So because we are all lying thieves no one

    deserves to go to Heaven. So how are we going to get to Heaven?

    Jesus, God's son, loves us so much, this same Jesus that did all these

    miracles in the story today, came to earth and lived a perfect life.

    Jesus never once told a lie. Jesus never once stole something. Jesus

    never once disobeyed or disrespected His earthly mother. Jesus is holyand perfect because He is God in the flesh. John 3:16 says: "For God

    so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever

    believes in Him will not die but will have everlasting life."

    13. Draw in the cross

    God also tells us "For the wages of sin is death (Hell and separated

    from God forever) but the free gift of God is eternal life." God is telling

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    us here that because we sin we earn death and separation from Him

    forever in Hell.

    The good news is that this same Jesus in the story today, is really God

    in the flesh. Jesus came to earth and lived a perfect life. Jesus never

    lied or stole anything! Because Jesus was PERFECT AND HOLY He could

    take what we deserve for our sin--DEATH--Jesus died in our place on the

    cross 2,000 years ago. Jesus allowed Roman soldiers to nail spikesthrough His hands and feet to nail Him to the cross. God tells us

    14. Now take your red paint and press firmly on the cross where Jesus'

    hands and feet would be so that red blood pours down the page

    that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. (Hebrews

    9:22) God loves us so much that He tells us if we will "TURN"

    15. Paint in red the word TURN

    or repent of our sins...repent or turn means to realize our sins are bad,and God doesnt like it. Most people think sin is okay. But we need to

    realize how bad our sin is.

    God also tells us if we will TRUST

    16. Paint in red TRUST

    in Jesus to save us from our sins, we will be forgiven. Other words forTRUST are: BELIEVE or FAITH. Jesus died for our sins and was buried

    for three days. But Jesus did not stay dead!

    17. Now take the yellow paint and paint yellow glory coming from the


    Jesus rose from the dead, He conquered death, and is alive today. We

    trust a living Savior. ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOUR SINS.

    Tell the children thats the story for today, and you are going to pray.

    Ask them to bow their heads and close their eyes.

    Conclusion: Close in prayer by thanking God for Jesus and what he did

    for us. Then give the children a minute silence to talk to Jesus in theirown words.

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