lord jocelyn the novel

Post on 30-Aug-2014






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https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/284860 a sequel of the novel Silver Thread Spinner by Lara Biyuts. Set in Europe, nowadays, the novella is a tasteful collection of stories. Some of the plots are centered around the novel's main character, some of them are from his writings, historical, paranormal adventures and gay romances. The detective subplot of the previous volume is finished in the book and a new book of fiction as a part of the next volume is announced. The main plot of the book Lord Jocelyn continues the story of the boy of the name of Jocelyn Lindenridge.



Introduction This excerpt of the novel “Lord Jocelyn”,

by Lara Biyuts, is dedicated to Count Stanislaus Eric Stenbock (1860-1895), author of THE TRUE STORY OF A VAMPIRE a.k.a. The Sad Story of a Vampire.

1 [...] Anthony went on, “The manuscript will be

complete no sooner than by autumn.” When talking of it in order to say something entertaining to his boy, Anthony came to the decision to begin and complete this work indeed. The main character of the novel would be his alter ego Oscar Maria Graf, an observant globe-trotter and younger contemporary of Oscar Wilde and a compatriot to Eric Stenbock, who died in 1895.

2 The shadow of death covered Count Eric Stenbock on the day,

when Oscar Wilde appeared before the court of law for the first time. Eric was said to die in accident; as though he was drunk and furious, when he tried to strike someone with a poker and then he toppled into the grate. But Anthony’s theory was that Eric was killed, perhaps, by his relative, his stepfather, most probably. It’s not a secret that any criminal offence could be easily concealed, covered up and sink into oblivion, if it was committed in the midst of the high class families. Remaining “in camera” if need were and whatever gravity of the crime, it could be so, nowadays too. Do you think the law and society could be hesitating long before choosing between the two: the single, unemployed drug-addict and his stepfather, the esteemed gentleman who was to be elected as the Permanent Secretary of the Treasury?

3The fact that Eric’s mother did not outlive her son could be

regarded as supportive to Anthony’s theory. As we know, “at the time of his death, it was reported that his uncle and heir, far away in Esbia, saw an apparition of his tear-stained face at his study window.” Perhaps, as a person and relative, Count Stenbock, as he was, queer and heavily addicted to opium and alcohol, was of use to nobody but the uncle and his mother, and he could be disturbing and troublesome to someone. Anthony’s firm belief was that Eric Stenbock was disturbing for someone so much that he was simply wiped off, and the case of his death was but an imitation of an accident. Really, the world is an unbearable place for living, but we have no choice.

4 Remembering of all this, by the by,

Anthony said to Jocelyn, who was sitting in the chair vis-a-vis, “The weather is unbearable, nice for those who need losing some weight, but not for us whose physique is perfect. I’m hardly fit for talking, today, but I’ll tell you two or three things, and you don’t risk being bored into a condition of coma.” Jocelyn smiled. Anthony went on,

5“Learning how to study and to play the wanton,

you need acquire only one habit: living in society. Don’t make fun of the word ‘society.’ Personally I never was fond of high life, knowing oh so well that it’s a mere nought. But this Nought increases One tenfold. Does the pompous term ‘high life’ frighten you? Relax; it’s much like a manege horse. The horse is quiet, only looking dangerous with all the habits which we need to adjust ours to.”

6 Jocelyn said, “Should I get ready for the

next meeting with Miss Doumbadze?”

7 Agape, Anthony stared at the boy, “No,

not at all. We’ve got rid of the woman for long if not for ever.”

8 “All right then. I love riding horses.” [...]

(the end of the excerpt)

Available at http://amzn.com/e/B0072ETW74




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