loosening exercises

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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suúm iziwlIkr[ Vyayam

Group of exercise concerned with loosening up the joints of the body.

Voluntarily giving slow movement to the joints with awareness.

Each and every part of the body including the organs & muscles are taken into consideration.

Stiffness in the physical level

Energy blockages in the pranic level

Peace, balance and one pointed awareness which inturn brings harmony in the physical level.

Since the movement is done slowly it slows down the brain waves, further enhancing relaxation and awareness.

It has a great influence at the physical and pranic levels and useful for harmonizing and improving the function of the internal organs.

Alpha – in the morning Beta – active Theta – extreme relaxation Delta – deep dreamless state, the body is

healing itself.

Loosening exercises which are done very fast.

Principles – To flex the back portion by stretching and

relaxing the spine.

Objective – To move from TAMAS – RAJAS (lethargy)Bring body mind complexKeeps the spine healthy and errectImproves the stamina. To develop the strength and stamina of the

body. Toning the body in repetition involving the

spine spinal column.

Forward bending Backward bending Bending and twisting Twisting Side bending

To be practiced step wise. Be aware of your breathe and the parts of

the body. Be aware of your thoughts and feeling. Count the steps. Learn to synchronize each step in a group. After every two – three movements relax

quietly in leg stretch position with eyes closed.

As with the bones, the shape of the joints reflects their function (and their function reflects their shape). Joints come in a spectrum of shapes, depending on the mobility or stability they require. For example, the hip joint is a ball and socket while the knee joint is a hinge. A ball and socket type hip joint confers the greatest mobility in all planes and is useful for activities such changing direction while walking and running (or reaching in various directions to grasp objects, as with the shoulder). A hinge type knee joint provides greater stability and is useful for propelling the body forward (or drawing an object towards the body, as with the elbow).Other joints such as the intervertebral between the vertebrae allow for limited mobility between individual vertebrae but great stability to protect the spinal cord. Mobility of the spinal column comes from combining the limited movement of individual intervertebral joints as

ball and sockethinge


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