looking for ways to get him to propose? here's what you need to consider

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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Looking for ways to get him to propose can be futile if he is simply not ready for a marriage. Read on to find out more.


Looking For Ways to Get Him to

Propose? Here's What You Need to


Looking For Ways to Get Him to Propose? Here's What You Need to Consider

Being in a relationship is not easy. Especially when the two people in the relationship have varying levels of commitment. And really that’s the key to the whole affair. If you are looking for ways to get him to propose, then your quest might be completely futile if his heart is not in it. According to several studies, it’s not just about finding the “one” for the guy. It’s also his mindset. If he’s simply not ready to settle down and get married, then there’s nothing you can do about it.

It can even be dangerous

In some cases, it can even be dangerous to start looking for ways to get him to propose if he’s not of the marriage mindset yet. In the worst case, he may even get freaked out and just move on. There is no “magic age” when a man is ready for this moment. It’s different for every one of them. While you can’t predict the age at which a man may commit and propose to you, if you are having fun together and really enjoying life, why rush things?

Especially if you are still young, in your twenties or thirties, is there a reason to rush? If your biological clock is driving you literally up the wall and he is not delivering on the commitment, then is it time to rethink your relationship?

Is it the right time or not?

According to leading psychologists, the main determining factor in men’s attitude towards commitment is whether it is the right time to settle down or not. Looking for ways to get him to propose can be an exercise in frustrating futility if he’s simply not in this mindset.

So how can you tell when your man is ready to settle down? Believe it or not, they will just tell you. The majority of men are quite forthright about their feelings and they will simply propose. Perhaps it will come out of the blue, perhaps they will be hinting at it for weeks, but it will simply be stated one day and you will have the joy of being a fiancée.

What are the factors why a man will commit?

In other words, instead of looking for ways to get him to propose, why not be alert when the clues come in showing he is about to commit to you?

One clear indicator of a man who is developing the capacity to commit and possibly propose is that his love for you changes to something more positive and caring. When a relationship starts out, the couple usually falls madly and deeply in love.

©Copyright 2012 C Stewart http://www.emotionalaffairadvice.com/makehimcommit Page 2

Looking For Ways to Get Him to Propose? Here's What You Need to Consider

This is what all the movies are about. There is an initial phase of a few months (or in some cases only a couple of weeks) often known as the “honeymoon phase” of a relationship. After this is over, you start to learn about the habits and true personality of your partner.

And this is the kicker — where the true test begins. If this falling in love turns to real love, it will be because you become more intimate with each other and appreciate the positive characteristics and accept and tolerate the negative characteristics of your partner. If you can’t tolerate them any more — it’s very simple: you’re simply not in love.

So looking for ways to get him to propose is counterproductive if you are not experiencing a renewal and growing love in the relationship after the initial phase of being in love. It’s only with time that you can find out the true strength of a relationship.

Sacrifice and selflessness

When you are starting out in the relationship, there is a lot of ego going on both sides of the coin. There is flirting and trying to impress — and then come the dutch ovens. Reality can be a relationship killer, but if it isn’t and you are able to sacrifice and think more of your partners needs and wants before your own, and vice versa, then you could be on the road to getting him to propose!

The key, as with anything that is significant and meaningful, is to take your time and be patient.

Ready for the next step? Grab your complimentary copy of Coleta’s “How to Get Engaged to the Guy of your Dreams” ebook. Find out a much better way to get him to pop the question WITHOUT using threats and dangerous ultimatums..

You can get your free ebook at: http://www.emotionalaffairadvice.com/main-report.pdf

©Copyright 2012 C Stewart http://www.emotionalaffairadvice.com/makehimcommit Page 3

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