look to the east for holistic progress

Post on 09-Oct-2015






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Look to the east


Look to the East for a holistic progress

1) Introduction a) Meaning: The rise of Asia b) Asian model of progress must be followed

2) Progressive Asian countries a) Japan, World Technology leader b) China, manufacturing giant c) Malaysia, truly Asia d) South Korea, an emerging economy e) Taiwan, a technology wizard f) Singapore, A trade master

3) What is holistic progress? a) Peace b) Progressive economy c) High standard of living d) Educated Masses e) Intact Moral values f) Sovereignty g) Conquest of happiness h) Peace of Mind i) Intact Natural milieu

4) Components of Asian model of progress: a) Peaceful advancement b) Economies of Scale c) Focus on optimal usage of Resources d) Value Maximization

5) Cultural factors behind Asian success: a) Hardworking and sturdy Masses b) Consistent and Tenacious approach c) Role of Confucius' thought

6) Conclusion: a) Asian model of progress must be the benchmark for all b) 21st century belongs to Asia

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