logos quiz power point 2

Post on 27-May-2015






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slideshow discribing whether website such as logos quiz answers need a usp like a business.


Do Websites need a USP?

Investigation into niche subject Logo Quiz answer sites.


* The game took the iPhones and Android mobile app world by storm in 2012.

* Courtesy of an unknown developer Javier Perez it hugely popular over the world.

* Over 1 million downloads.


How to play Logos Quiz

Guess the names of hundreds of logos from different brand and companies over a number of levels using half edited images.

What is a USP? Why is it important?

* A USP is a ‘Unique Selling Point’.

* Defined by entrepreneur.com as‘The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition’.

* Should help a business (or Website) outdo their competition as it's offering something others aren't.

The Science Bit....

Logo Quiz Answers

USB = 'Promise to have the answers up within 24 hours of any update'

This applies to both iOS and Android.

Stick to their word! Answers usually up before 24 hour deadline

Does it make a difference?

No.In Google search world this counts for nothing.

Could help with returning customers if only they found them.

Too many spammers within this niche.


A website, unlike other businesses does not necessarily need a USP to make it successful.

Needs good marketing instead.

Unfortunate from a customer point of view.

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