logos bnw culture week 2010

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Brave New World Aldous Huxley BiographyReligionCloningWWI


Brave New World

Aldous Huxley

Genesis Correa, Rafael Aguirre and Kristel Altamirano

BIOGRAPHY He was born in 1894 in

Surrey, England, into a family of brilliant scientists and educators.

He went to Elton College in 1908 with the intention to study medicine, but he suffered an attack of keratitis punctata and became for a period of about 18 months totally blind. By using special glasses and one eye recovered sufficiently he was able to read and he also learned Braille.

Huxley continued his studies at Balliol College, Oxford University, where he studied English Literature.

During his studies his brother suicide when he escape from the hospital he was in by suffering a deep nervous depresion.

Another great shock Aldous suffered was when his mother (to whom he was very closed) died of cancer when he was 14 years old.


He start working as a journalist and then he was able to make a living from his other writings and no longer needed to work as a journalist.

In 1937 he moved to the United States in Hollywood where he hoped that the climate would improve his eye condition.

He wrote books, poetry, critical essays, movie films, and he also developed interest in philosophies, religion and spiritual matters.

He wrote books about his drug experience, most famously The Doors of Perception (1954, from which the 1960s rock group The Doors took their name).

Huxley lived in California until his dead from cancer in 1963.

Huxley was a young man in the 1920s and the climate of hopelessness felt by many at that time had a great effect on his work. These were the years after World War I, the most destructive war in human history.

Weapons of mass destruction were first used in this war, destroying the late nineteenth-century belief that science could only improve the quality of people’s life.

BIOGRAPHYThe fact that science can also be put to evil uses is a central idea in Huxley’s writing.

Brave New World represents Aldous Huxley reflections on the state of the society he lives in.

He questioned the value of a generation that, in its search for happiness, spent its money on material possessions and its time on selfish pleasures and shallow relantionships.


He observed that there was an urgent need for social stability, but he was also anxious about current political trends and possible future world domination by one powerful country.

This are serious issues, but they are presented in Brave New World in a highly readable, often humorous, way.



Alexandra Davila and Valeria Rugel

RELIGION• Religion has been an issue that

we have many years ago that has been increasing its number of followers as well as the variety of religions that we find today.One of the most important aspects of the religion is how he sees cloning as there are many aspects about the soul and ethical issues that are accompanied with fully discover this and are creating a major controversy between the scientific and religious world.


• According to the Catholic Church which he represents, research using human embryos are absolutely immoral.

• According to the Catholic Church's position from the moment of conception an embryo is a person and deserves to be preserved and not subject to scientific manipulation.

Nelly Marriot and Ma. José Gomez

• Cloning can be defined as the process by which identical copies are already developed a body, so asexual. These two features are important:

It is part of an animal and developed because cloning responds to an interest in obtaining copies of a specific animal that interests us, and only when an adult know their characteristics.

On the other hand, it is asexually. Sexual reproduction allows us to get identical copies, as this type of reproduction by its very nature generates diversity.



Ian Wilmut was convinced of the usefulness of cloning human cells from embryos that will never be born

cloning would bring benefits to create new tissues for transplantation into humans


church condemns human cloning, freezing of embryos and ova, the deliberate destruction of embryos, the morning after pill and the use of embryonic stem cells for research.

A sect called "The Raelians” states that human beings on this planet Earth from extraterrestrial beings of superior intelligence, and certainly we are the product of a clone of them.


• As we have seen the cloning has many aspects but also against other aspects that have not been able to explore more and that at some point in our existence could help move forward scientifically and healing to people especially through the reconstruction of tissues and the creation of new cells that could save lives. We may also get to the point to start changing our way of thinking and begin to build a society and we could brave new world and organization and no ambition to achieve a more controlled and more positive


Andrés Molina and Alejandra Lascano

The World War I was one of the most conflict battles in 1914 and it end in 1918. It’s been more than 80 years. And now in 2010 we are reading the book The Brave New World, a lot have change since that event happened in the war 7 million were permanently disabled, and 15 million were seriously injured.

Introduction to the War

Home or Homeless

By 1922, there were between 4.5 million and 7 million homeless children in Russia as a result of nearly a decade of devastation from World War I, in the book we can find that every person it was created by the Central London Hatching And Centre have a home, doesn’t matter is Alpha the high social class or de Epsilons that were the workers in the factory, they all have a home

No more diseases

Russia had about 25 million infections and 3 million deaths from epidemic typhus, in the future the author Aldous Huxley make the DHC that all babies were born in fertilizers room and created a world with no infectious so it’s a healthy world,

A New Place to Live after a big massacre

Equal but not the same In Brave New World

everyone is like communism everyone is equal in every form, they try to create that.

In the book we can find that everything is in mass production that is one of the similarities with the war everyone died in mass, just that in the book they create for good and in the war they died innocent an evil people.

World War I (also known as First World War, Great War or War of Wars, abbreviated WWI) was a military conflict centered on Europe that began in the summer of 1914. The fighting ended in late 1918.

This conflict involved all of the world's

great powers, assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies and the Central Powers.

More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history.

More than 9 million combatants were killed, due largely to great technological advances in firepower without corresponding ones in mobility. It was the second deadliest conflict in history.

World War I

The story is set in a London six hundred years in the future.

People all around the world are part of a totalitarian state, free from war, hatred, poverty, disease, and pain. They enjoy leisure time, material wealth, and physical pleasures.

The Controllers, eliminate most forms of freedom and twist around many traditionally held human values. Standardization and progress are valued above all else.

These Controllers create human beings in factories, using technology to make ninety-six people from the same fertilized egg and to condition them for their future lives.

Children are raised together and subjected to mind control through sleep teaching to further condition them.

As adults, people are content to fulfill their destinies as part of five social classes, from the intelligent Alphas, who run the factories, to the mentally challenged Epsilons, who do the most menial jobs.

Brave New World

Kristhel Altamirano

Huxley also worked for a time in the 1920s at the technologically-advanced Brunner and Mond chemical plant in Billingham, Teesside. In his famous science fiction novel Brave New World (1932) he states that this experience of "an ordered universe in a world of planless incoherence".

Huxley decision of the invention of the Bokanovsky process, that include the bottling room and the organ store, because in the book he created a future world that its all about scientific methods

Aldous Huxley

Aldous HuxleyThe characters in Brave New World Huxley

used the youth in his society and held his opinion about the fear of losing indivilual identity in the fast paced world of the future

Differences Brave new world was printed during the

World War I, in 1932. In this time there was conflict, deaths and hurt people. But this book reflects the pacific time of a new era, where people where always happy working in what they like.

Similarities The mass production of society. Intense time of work.Military structure.

To The Futureee….

To conclude this book is like the opposite of the war, and the author make us have a conscience that a better world is been creating and it’s a place where everyone can live.

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