logipharma 2015 - agenda

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September 28 - 30, 2015 • The Westin Princeton at Forrestal Village • Princeton, NJ

Where Supply Chain Leaders Unite to Drive Best-in-Class Performance

Sponsors: Knowledge Partner: Content Partner: Organized By:

Evolving the Supply Chain, Together

Michael Daly Director, Supply Chain Valeant Pharmaceuticals

I come every year because of the agenda, the venue and because the people who come are veterans of the industry who openly share their thoughts.

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

Welcome to LogiPharma!Dear Colleague,

In now its 14th year, LogiPharma is the go-to resource for 300+ senior supply chain executives within the Life Science industry. The program content provides examples of biopharmaceutical companies innovating the supply of their products. It’s also aimed at challenging the traditional thinking around what constitutes supply chain success and how to achieve it. A few key areas we’ll focus on include:

· &XVWRPHU�&HQWULFLW\�DV�D�%XVLQHVV�'LHUHQWLDWRU� The current healthcare landscape has created enormous pressure to meet the “unmet” need DQG�SURYH�GLHUHQWLDWHG�FOLQLFDO�RXWFRPHV�WR�MXVWLI\�FRVW���7KLV�\HDUȇV�SURJUDP�HPSKDVL]HV�WKH�ways biopharma can become more customer-centric within the supply-chain, utilizing specialized FRRUGLQDWLRQ�DV�D�EXVLQHVV�GLHUHQWLDWRU�

· Mergers and Acquisitions Create Disparate Systems Pharmacyclics, Allergan, Par, Dr. Reddy’s, Ikaria and the list goes on. The global coordination of disparate supply chains and managing product life cycles has become a necessary FRPSHWHQF\���7KLV�\HDUȇV�SURJUDP�ZLOO�H[DPLQH�KRZ�RUJDQL]DWLRQV�DUH�HɝFLHQWO\�PDQDJLQJ�WKHVH�transformations.

· Specialty Distribution and Personalized Medicine Seven of the top eight best selling drugs in 2014 were biologics. Specialty drugs account for 1% of all prescriptions in the US, but 32% of drug spend. As medicines become more complex and specialized, supply chains also require a new level of visibility and monitoring. This year’s program prepares companies for the distribution of these pharmaceuticals, using temperature controlled ORJLVWLFV��VPDOOHU�YROXPH�SURGXFWLRQ�DQG�PRUH�ȵH[LEOH�PDQXIDFWXULQJ�YHUVXV�WUDGLWLRQDO�ODUJH�VFDOH�distribution.

There’s plenty to talk about! We’re pleased to bring you the 14th Annual LogiPharma conference DQG�WKDQN�RXU�H[WHQVLYH�VSHDNLQJ�IDFXOW\�UHSUHVHQWLQJ�WKH�LQGXVWU\ȇV�OHDGLQJ�ȴJXUHV�

Look forward to greeting you in Princeton this September.

The LogiPharma Team

We would like to extend a special thank you to our 2015 Advisory Board!

Paul Clayton VP Supply Chain, Logistics and IT, GlaxoSmithKline

Carl Accettura VP and GM PharmoRx Therapeutics

Michael Trocchia Supply Chain Global Lead for Cell Therapy Products Novartis

Michele Johnson Director, Strategic Products & Programs, Third Party Operations Sandoz

Kevin Hickman Senior Manager, US Distribution CSL Behring

-H�6LPPRQV Contract Material Lead Johnson & Johnson

Robert Douglass CGT Strategic Sourcing Novartis

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

Jim Cafone VP, Supply Operations 3ȴ]HU

Kevin Cook Vice President & Head of North America Supply Chain Sandoz

Jen Wang Vice President, Global Planning Actavis

0DQL�6XQGDUDUDMDQ VP & Head of Global Pharmaceutical Technology Shire

1DWDOLH�*HUGW�/RWLHU VP of Global Product Strategy Bristol-Myers Squibb

Vance Moore Senior Vice President – Operations Mercy

Michael Altman Former Vice President & Head of North American Supply Sandoz

Aaron Graham Executive Director - Brand Safety & Security Boehringer-Ingelheim

Julio Feliciano AVP, Supply Chain Management Merck

Paul Clayton VP Supply Chain, Logistics and IT GlaxoSmithKline

7RGG�$SSOHEDXP Vice President of Technical Operations OvaScience

Paul Nelson Executive Director, Supply Chain Auxilium

Miguel Pitarch Strategic Product Leader, Executive Director BMS

Carl Accettura VP and GM PharmoRx Therapeutics

Greg Magnusen Senior Director, Global Supply Chain Eli Lilly and Company

Mark Wessel Director Engineering - Global Serialization Program Leader 3ȴ]HU

Charles Forsaith Director of Supply Chain Security Purdue Pharma

Michael Trocchia Supply Chain Global Lead for Cell Therapy Products Novartis

Michael Daly Director, Supply Chain Valeant Pharmaceuticals

(G�5DP Senior Director, Supply Chain Sagent Pharmaceuticals

Michele Johnson Director, Strategic Products & Programs, Third Party Operations Sandoz

Kevin Hickman Senior Manager, US Distribution CSL Behring

Amir Reichman Head, Resource Planning and Strategy, Global Supply Chain Management GlaxoSmithKline

Marcelo Couto Director, Global Logistics Services Bristol-Myers Squibb

-H�6LPPRQV Contract Material Lead Johnson & Johnson

Robert Heinrich 6U��7UDɝF�$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ�$GYLVRU Novartis

Prashant Kulkarni Director, Supply Chain Applications Allergan

5RQ�*XLGR &KLHI�([HFXWLYH�2ɝFHU ExxPharma Therapeutics

Christine Matthews Advanced Sourcing Lead Janssen Supply Group

&KDQGUD�3DQGH\ Supply Chain / ERP Thought Leader Biogen Idec

9LMD\�5DMDQ Executive Director, SAP Alexion

3UL\D�*RSDO Associate Director, Strategic SODQQLQJ��SURMHFWV Novartis

'DYLG�)ULVFKH Manager - Transportation, North American Logistics Operations Eli Lilly and Company

Robert Douglass CGT Strategic Sourcing Novartis

0DUN�+ROGHU Executive Director, Regional Supply, NA AstraZeneca

Kenneth White Information Security Specialist Open Crypto Audit Project (OCAP)

Speakers include:

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


5DYL�$QXSLQGL Faculty Director of Master of Supply Chain Management & Professor University of MichiganDr Ravi Prakash Mathur Senior Director Supply Chain - Head of Logistics Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories%UDG�(OURG Director, Global Conveyance Security 3ȴ]HUWill Millhiser Associate Professor of Management Baruch Zicklin School of Business

7KRPDV�)ULHGPDQ Industry Engagement Manager, Surface Air Cargo TSA6WHYH�/XEHVNL� Manager, Global Security Alexion Pharmaceuticals

'DQD�6WLɞHU Managing Vice President Gartner

Jim Yarbrough Global Intelligence Program Manager BSI Supply Chain SolutionsRobin Hooker Director, Marketing, Healthcare Sector UPSHenry Ames General Manager Sensitech Life Sciences

0DQLN�6KDUPD Vice President, Industry Strategy and Innovation Kinaxis6WHIDQ�+RFNHQEHUJHU Managing Board & Global Lead Track & Trace Movilitas Consulting6KDEELU�'DKRG President and CEO TraceLink0LWFKHO�6\S Vice President Country Head of Industry Vertical Healthcare, USA Panalpina, Inc.Diane Palmquist Vice President Industry Solutions, Manufacturing GT Nexus6WHSKHQ�0DLHWWD Head of Global Key Accounts Envirotainer

Yinka Oyinloye Global Supply Director AstraZeneca

3DUL�6DQJKDYL Sr. Director, Supply Chain & Manufacturing Cognizant Life Sciences6DQGHHS�*LGZDQL Principal / Director, Cognizant Business Consulting - Life Sciences Cognizant Life Sciences

100% of 2014 Attendees said they would recommend LogiPharma to a colleague

Speakers Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

Featured Sessions

Supply Chain Control Towers to Enable Greater Visibility and Control the Entire Supply Process

Jim Cafone VP, Supply Operations 3ȴ]HU

3ȴ]HUȇV�WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ�FRQWURO�WRZHU�HQDEOHV�the company to monitor and measure the supply of a product, including the orders and global shipments, to then determine trends in how the supply chain will react in the future. This control tower leverages real-time information from existing, analytic systems to better coordinate processes across the end-to-end supply chain and drive business value.This Keynote will discuss building a lasting supply chain control tower solution, and how an all-encompassing information resource KDV�EHFRPH�VXFK�D�FULWLFDO�DVSHFW�RI�WKH�3ȴ]HU�global supply chain.

Voice-of-the-Customer: How Life Science Organizations can Become more Customer-Centric

Vance B. Moore Senior Vice President – Operations Mercy

Healthcare systems are transforming. Fee-for-service is slowly becoming phased-out as pay-for-performance methodology takes center-stage. The healthcare supply chain has been found to be a function that is leading the way, using operational improvements that result in nimble, responsive patient-centered service that better leverages resources and technology. This session will discuss this transformation at Mercy with a focus on what Life Science organizations can do to best align with this operational transformation and become more customer-centric.

Product Life Cycle Management

1DWDOLH�*HUGW�/RWLHU VP of Global Product Strategy Bristol-Myers Squibb

Currently at BMS, Natalie Gerdt Lotier is driving the Life Cycle Management process HRUW�WKDW�ZRUNV�LQ�XQLVRQ�ZLWK�WKH�VXSSO\�FKDLQ�SODQQLQJ�V\VWHP�WR�SURYLGH�VLJQLȴFDQW�HɝFLHQFLHV�DFURVV�WKH�FKDLQ���)URP�FRQFHSW�through design, manufacturing processes and delivery to the patient, this session ZLOO�GLVFXVV�WKH�HRUW�DQG�KRZ�WKH�SURGXFW�lifecycle management system at BMS has increased coordination and communication with suppliers resulting in a more responsive supply chain.

Transforming the Global Supply Chain to Accommodate Disparate Systems Acquired through an Acquisition

Jen Wang Vice President, Global Planning Actavis

The ability for an organization to rapidly transform itself and integrate other businesses has needed to become a core competency as more and more acquisitions occur throughout the pharma space.Actavis is no stranger to this, with a history of integrating other organizations and products into its portfolio and core business. This .H\QRWH�ZLOO�H[DPLQH�VSHFLȴFDOO\�WKH�VXSSO\�chain challenges and considerations when managing integrations.

Supply Chain Visibility Customer-Centricity Life Cycle Management Mergers and Integration

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma


Session Formats that Promote Interaction

Concise Keynotes, Interactive Discussion Tables, Expert Panels, Fire-Side Chats, Break-Out Tracks. It’s about providing you with the appropriate platforms to participate and engage.

Cocktail Receptions and Networking Activities

NFL Welcome Reception, Craft Beer Tasting, LogiPharma Charity Challenge, Cigar and Scotch Reception, McKinsey VIP Think-Tank, Charity Golf Outing and much more!

Certainty You’re Joining the Right Audience

We ensure the right balance of professional functions within the audience so that 65% of the 300+ LogiPharma attendees represent executives from biopharma and generic companies

Engage Before, During and After the Conference

The LogiPharma Mobile App features DWWHQGHH�SURȴOH�LQIRUPDWLRQ��DJHQGD�XSGDWHV��the ability to engage other participants prior to and during the event.

BENEFIT: An agenda designed to give more content, help engage with colleagues, and work together to develop solutions.

BENEFIT: Learn alongside other supply professionals and then unwind and get to know them. Facilitated network activities (and fun) assist to ensure you make new connections.

BENEFIT: Your peers will be in attendance and solutions can be considered on your terms.

BENEFIT: You can meet the people you want to, stay involved with the onsite experience and make sure your questions are answered.

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma


KEYNOTE: Supply Chain Control Towers to Enable Greater Visibility and Control of the Entire Supply Process



Sunday, September 27th: 8:00pm – 10:00pm

LogiPharma Sunday Night Football Welcome Reception


VIP Think-TankHosted by

New Ways of Thinking and Operating to Drive Business ValueMonday, September 28th

6XSSO\�&KDLQ�(HFLHQF\�$FURVV�WKH�Global NetworkTuesday, September 29th

Creating a Simple, Coordinated and Visible Supply ChainWednesday, September 30th

Track A: Security and Risk-Mitigation

Track B: Taking a Holistic Approach to Serialization

Solutions for Mitigating CMO Risk

The Time is Now for A Holistic Global Serialization Program

PANEL DISCUSSION: How Industry is Securing Both In-Transit and Storage of Pharmaceutical Goods

PANEL DISCUSSION: Achieving True Interoperability by Sharing Transaction Information with Trading Partners

REENGINEERING THE TRADITIONAL PHARMA SUPPLY CHAINPANEL DISCUSSION: Pharma Supply Chains have Moved from Vertical to Network Environments – What Role does Supplier Relationship Management Play in this Transition?


Track A: Personalized and Segmented Supply Chains

Track B: Global Network Design and Emerging


CASE STUDY: Managing Cold Chain Logistics for Cell Therapies – The Epitome of Personalized Medicine

Filling the Void of Global Talent and Resources Needed to Execute Sophisticated Supply Chain Models


CASE STUDY: Managing Relationships with Key 3PL, Transportation, and Temperature-Controlled Supply Chain VendorsBuilding an Active System and Controlling Door-to-Door Distribution is Necessary for Market Viability



PANEL DISCUSSION: Organizational Readiness – How do Organizations Best Transform their Workforces to Use New Processes and Systems?

Upgrading the Global S&OP Process by Using an Advanced Planning System for Network Capacity Planning


Unknown unknowns: Auditing Trust in the Cloud Software Supply Chain





To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

Sunday Night NFL Football Welcome ReceptionAre you ready for some football? Join us the night before the conference begins for informal introductions, and catch some of the Broncos versus Lions action alongside your fellow conference attendees!

Sunday, September 27th: 8:00pm – 10:00pm

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

Day One – New Ways of Thinking and Operating to Drive Business Value Monday, September 28th

7.30 Breakfast & Registration

8.30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks


8.40 KEYNOTE: Supply Chain Control Towers to Enable Greater Visibility and Control of the Entire Supply Process

Jim Cafone VP, Supply Operations 3ȴ]HU

A control tower can act as an integrated command center that uses real-time information from existing, analytic systems to coordinate processes across the end-to-end supply chain and drive business value. 3ȴ]HUȇV�WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ�FRQWURO�WRZHU�enables the company to monitor and measure the supply of a product, including the orders, and global shipments to determine trends in how the supply chain will react in the future.

A Supply Model Transformation (SMT) program helps manage the supply FKDLQ�PRUH�HHFWLYHO\�E\�KDYLQJ�greater visibility and control of the entire supply process, from sourcing raw materials to delivery of products to customers and consumers.

9.20 KEYNOTE: Voice-of-the-Customer: How Life Science Organizations can Become more Customer-Centric

Vance B. Moore Senior Vice President – Operations Mercy

Healthcare systems are transforming. Fee-for-service is slowly becoming phased-out as pay-for-performance methodology takes center-stage. The traditional ways health systems manage the healthcare supply chain is also changing by the extension to the patient’s bedside improving patient care and saving lives. These changes impact the quality of the care provided as physicians and nurses are freed up to spend more time on clinical decision making and less on ancillary supply chain activities.

This session will guide manufacturers to the following: · What provider networks and

hospital systems need from industry to operationally align

· Using the supply chain to drive the best possible care to patients within the new pay-for-performance model

· How to best engage with customers to improve supply chain processes

9.40 Morning Networking Break

This talk will discuss building a lasting supply chain control tower solution, and how an all-encompassing information resource has become VXFK�D�FULWLFDO�DVSHFW�RI�WKH�3ȴ]HU�global supply chain.

9.00 KEYNOTE: Unveiling the 8th Annual UPS Pain in the (Supply) Survey

Robin Hooker Director, Marketing, Healthcare Sector UPS

Regulatory Complexity? Temperature-Controlled Logistics? Winter Storms? What’s been your greatest 2015 pain in the chain? Whatever it is, you are not alone facing the challenge. In this talk, Robin Hooker, the Director of Marketing within the Healthcare Sector at UPS will provide insight around the challenges uncovered from the 2015 UPS Pain in the (Supply) Chain survey results as well as the solutions that best-in-class companies are using.

10.10 Voice of the Customer Panel Discussion – Aligning the End-to-End Supply Chain

Kevin Cook Vice President & Head of North America Supply Chain Sandoz

Vance B. Moore Senior Vice President – Operations Mercy

Distributor Perspective Pending This discussion between the key

stakeholders across the supply chain will discuss the current challenges facing successful industry collaboration: · The mental model and availability

of talent within respective organizations to handle today’s operational model

· Disparate metrics and the incentives in place to drive successful collaboration – how DUH�LQGXVWU\�JRDOV�GLHUHQW�WKHQ�customer utilization goals?

· How can supply chain collaboration GULYH�HɝFLHQF\�E\�OLPLWLQJ�VDOHV�and marketing spend to the docs/physicians/specialists

· What are some of the unique ZD\V�GLHUHQW�VWDNHKROGHUV�DUH�collaborating together to optimize supply chain value?

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


10.50 AstraZeneca Case-Study: Implementing a Lean Planning Concept for a Complete Plant to *HQHUDWH�6DYLQJV��6LJQLȴFDQWO\�Improve Lead Time and Drive Inventory Reductions

Yinka Oyinloye Global Supply Director AstraZeneca

11:10 Topic to be Announced 6KDEELU�'DKRG

President and CEO TraceLink

11.30 Networking Team Activity – Work Alongside other Attendees and Test Your Supply Chain Coordination Capabilities at the LogiPharma Supply Chain “Beer Game”

Led by: Will Millhiser

Associate Professor of Management Baruch Zicklin School of Business

From CEOs to high-school students, the MIT Supply Chain Beer Game is used regularly to teach the principles of supply chain coordination that remain so critical in today’s super-connected, electronic-data-interchange focused, ERP/MRP-controlled world.

Work alongside your fellow attendees WR�ȴ[�W\SLFDO�VXSSO\�FKDLQ�SUREOHPV�during this interactive role-playing supply chain simulation. The aim LV�IRU�HDFK�JURXS�WR�IXOȴO�LQFRPLQJ�orders of beer by placing orders with the next upstream party. At the end, hear from your peers on the bottle-necks that were encountered and why they occurred.

12.45 Lunch for all Attendees & Private Luncheon

Hosted by:

Track A: Security and Risk-Mitigation Track B: Taking a Holistic Approach to Serialization

1.55 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

2.05 Building a Supply Chain Contingency Plan for When Disruptions Occur

Aaron Graham Executive Director - Brand Safety & Security Boehringer-Ingelheim

Reducing risks and the possibility of disruption can be synonymous with spending money. Along with added cost comes pressures on overall cost management and because of these pressures, many supply chain managers VWUXJJOH�EDODQFLQJ�WKH�EHQHȴWV�RI�WKHVH�expenses against the need.This talk will cover the following: · The most common disruptions on the

supply chain · The greatest risks manufacturers take on · Steps to minimize costs associated with

risk management while being prepared for the likelihood of these disruptions

The Time is Now for A Holistic Global Serialization Program

Mark Wessel Director Engineering - Global Serialization Program Leader 3ȴ]HU

Serialization requirements vary VLJQLȴFDQWO\�IURP�FRXQWU\�WR�FRXQWU\�DQG�FDQ�DGG�VLJQLȴFDQW�FRPSOH[LW\�DQG�FRVW�WR�implement a customized solution within each market.As the Serialization Program Leader at 3ȴ]HU��0DUN�:HVVHO��IRFXVHV�RQ�D�KROLVWLF�approach to solving this problem in order to best leverage existing data structures, standards, systems, and technology versus the development of a unique requirement within each market.This session will discuss: · What serialization requirements are in

play throughout the world · What upcoming requirements

manufacturers should be prepared for · What it means to develop a holistic

approach to serialization and what EHQHȴWV�WKLV�DSSURDFK�FDQ�FUHDWH

I’ve been going to LogiPharma now for 10 years. It’s the people. Its the most comprehensive meeting where from a supply chain perspective, strategic sourcing, procurement, all the way through customer, all of the disciplines are addressed. With the event there are also break out sessions which means you can adapt your schedule to meet whatever your individual needs within the supply chain base which is what attracts me and makes me want to come back to the meetings...

Robert F. Douglass, CGT Strategic Sourcing, Novartis

Day One Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


2.25 Understanding In-house Security Dangers

6WHYH�/XEHVNL Global Security Manager Alexion Pharmaceuticals

$V�LQGXVWU\�UHȴQHV�VHFXULW\�DQG�ULVN�mitigation strategies to limit outside interference, the often overlooked “soft-spot” can be a companies internal security as most breaches are orchestrated from an internal resource.In this unique session, Steve Lubeski will GLVFXVV�WKH�HRUWV�WDNHQ�DW�$OH[LRQ�WR�ensure this risk-factor is managed and through a case study involving outside parnerships, will provide your organization with takeaways and considerations for what you can do to also secure your internal risks.

Rx360 Working-Group Pilot Update – Traceability and the Architecture of a Global Interoperable Solution

/OR\G�0DJHU Manager Strategic Initiatives Supply Chain Operations AbbVie��SHQGLQJ�FRQȴUPDWLRQ�

5[�����LV�D�QRW�IRU�SURȴW�FRQVRUWLXP�OHG�by volunteers from the Pharmaceutical and Biotech industry including both manufacturers and suppliers. With a purpose to enhance the security of the pharmaceutical supply chain and to assure the quality and authenticity of the products moving through the supply chain, this session will be a review of the most recent data collected by the organization related to the development of a global interoperable solution.This update will review the following: · Where does the industry stand with

implementing a global solution? · How do these benchmarks measure up

with where your organization currently stands with serialization standards?

· What steps can you take to support LQGXVWU\�HRUWV�DQG�VWD\�SUHSDUHG"

2.45 With the Regulations in Place, How Manufacturers can use Serialization as a Value-Add for the Business

3DUL�6DQJKDYL Sr. Director, Supply Chain & Manufacturing Cognizant Life Sciences*LGZDQL Principal / Director, Cognizant Business Consulting - Life Sciences Cognizant Life Sciences

Meeting Global Serialization Regulatory Mandates remain a top priority for Manufacturers. The question is how do FRPSDQLHV�ORRN�EH\RQG�MXVW�FRPSOLDQFH�to utilize the technology and functionality for other business gains? Industry has WR�EHFRPH�FRPSOLDQW�DQG�QHHGV�WR�ȴQG�D�silver lining.7KHUH�DUH�PDMRU�EXVLQHVV�RSSRUWXQLWLHV�from serializing products, including: · Inventory accountability · Forecasting and supply demand balancing · Commercial management of new product

sales and reorders · Improved productivity in the warehouse ZLWK�RUGHU�IXOȴOOPHQW�DQG�GDWD�DFFXUDF\

· Identifying sources of product diversion in their supply chain and more targeted product incident reporting

This session will closely examine the EXVLQHVV�EHQHȴWV�RI�VHULDOL]DWLRQ�DQG�KRZ�organizations can better leverage their serialization solutions.

With the Regulations in Place, How Manufacturers are Using Serialization as a Value-Add for the BusinessAs industry relies more and more on suppliers and sourcing to distribute pharmaceuticals globally, companies incur considerable risk for the performance and quality of these partners. With patient safety the priority, the quality oversight and standards used for ensuring safe raw materials within the supply chain is crucial.This session will examine how to detect VLJQLȴFDQW�VRXUFHV�RI�ULVN�EHIRUH�WKH\�enter the supply chain and ensure products remain compliant. Tools will be discussed that are used to ensure end-to-end visibility and high-performance of CMO partners.

Day One Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


3.05 PANEL DISCUSSION: How Industry is Securing Both In-Transit and Storage of Pharmaceutical Goods

'DYLG�)ULVFKH Manager - Transportation, North American Logistics Operations Eli Lilly and Company%UDG�(OURG Director, Global Conveyance Security 3ȴ]HU

Charles Forsaith Director of Supply Chain Security Purdue Pharma

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 1% of medicines available in the developed world are likely to be fraudulent. Based on this estimate, of the approximately 4 billion prescriptions written in the United States in 2011, 40 million of those were likely to have been fraudulent.As long as there’s money to made counterfeiting pharmaceuticals, criminals will evolve and continue to attempt to do so.This panel will address the following: · Current best practices for securing the

pharma supply chain · Updates on global regulatory supply

chain integrity and steps taken with agencies to ensure integrity throughout the entire pharma lifecycle

· Technology innovations and the future of supply chain security

PANEL DISCUSSION: Achieving True Interoperability by Sharing Transaction Information with Trading Partners

Miguel Pitarch Strategic Product Leader, Executive Director BMS3UL\D�*RSDO Associate Director , Strategic SODQQLQJ��SURMHFWV Novartis5RQ�*XLGR &KLHI�([HFXWLYH�2ɝFHU ExxPharma Therapeutics-H�'HQWRQ Sr. Director, IT Global Secure Supply Chain AmerisourceBergen (invited)

One of the biggest challenges of creating a secure supply chain network is synchronizing inventory and money transfer between network partners. 7KLV�SDQHO�ZLOO�GLVFXVV�KRZ�GLHUHQW�stakeholders within the supply chain can share data and create true business intelligence through interoperability. · How business is intelligence can be

gained through shared data · How lost revenue due to diversion can

be recovered through shared data · The current hurdles in the way of

achieving this transparency

3.45 Afternoon Networking and Refreshment Break

4.15 Intimate Roundtable Discussion Groups

The Total Cost of Loss led by Henry Ames

General Manager Sensitech Life Sciences

Managing Complex Procurement Challenges

led by 0LWFKHO�6\S

Vice President Country Head of Industry Vertical Healthcare, USA Panalpina, Inc.



Industry Engagement Manager, Surface Air Cargo TSA

Commercial Engagement led by 0DUN�+ROGHU

Executive Director, Regional Supply, NA AstraZeneca


Senior Director, Global Supply Chain Eli Lilly and Company

5.15 Craft Beer and Wine Tasting Cocktail Reception

6.15 Close of Day One

LogiPharma has already proven its relevance as the best conference of its kind due to its content, speakers and relevance to today’s and tomorrow’s issues. An excellent place to meet colleagues and exchange ideas

Daniel Scheidegger, Vice President Euopean Operations, Genzyme Pharmaceuticals

Day One Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

'D\�7ZR��Ȃ�6XSSO\�&KDLQ�(HFLHQF\�$FURVV�WKH�*OREDO�1HWZRUN� Tuesday, September 29th

7.30 Breakfast & Registration

8.30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks


8.40 CASE-STUDY: Using Near Real-Time Performance Metrics to Ensure a Robust and Resilient Supply Chain

0DQL�6XQGDUDUDMDQ VP & Head of Global Pharmaceutical Technology Shire

Shire has transformed its supply chain for the synthetically derived drug products in its portfolio to a completely outsourced model with the underlying principle that excellent safety, quality, and availability will achieve improved patient RXWFRPHV�b�ΖQ�RUGHU�WR�H[HFXWH�RQ�this, the company has focused on FUHDWLQJ�XQLȴHG�SDUWQHUVKLSV�ZLWK�LWV�suppliers to ensure that it remains one of the gold-standard supply and manufacturing organizations.

� ΖQ�WKLV�VHVVLRQ��0DQL�6XQGDUDUDMDQ��WKH�VP & Head of Global Pharmaceutical Technology, will discuss the following: · How Shire is utilizing their Process

Management Informatics platform for oversight of their processes

WKDW�FDQ�QRW�MXVW�VWD\�DȵRDW�EXW�WKULYH�within. There are a number of key capabilities service providers should be equipped with and although routine can be comforting, can another company serve your needs better?

This session will examine the performance capabilities a supplier should be providing in today’s market: · Speed – can a solution be LPSOHPHQWHG�TXLFNO\�DQG�GRHV�LW�ȴW�the business?

· Safety – has the solution been tested? · Scale – can your solution grow and

is it ready for long-term investment? · Cost – what is the ROI on the service? · Practicality – is the solution proven?

9.40 PANEL DISCUSSION: Pharma Supply Chains have Moved from Vertical to Network Environments – What Role does Supplier Relationship Management Play in this Transition?

Michele Johnson Director, Strategic Products & Programs, Third Party Operations Sandoz

Robert Douglass Strategic Sourcing Novartis

· The Product Quality & Technical Teams role for reviewing performance and proactively driving continuous improvement

· Ways that Shire and its partners have created a collaborative and transparent relationship to drive process robustness and supply resiliency

· Attained 100% OTIF performance and a Lot Acceptance Rate of greater than 99.7%.

9.00 Case Study: Product Life Cycle Management

1DWDOLH�*HUGW�/RWLHU VP of Global Product Strategy Bristol-Myers Squibb

Currently at BMS, Natalie Gerdt Lotier is driving the Life Cycle Management SURFHVV�HRUW�WKDW�ZRUNV�LQ�XQLVRQ�ZLWK�the supply chain planning system to SURYLGH�VLJQLȴFDQW�HɝFLHQFLHV�DFURVV�WKH�chain. From concept through design, manufacturing processes and delivery to the patient, in this session, Natalie ZLOO�GLVFXVV�WKLV�HRUW�DQG�KRZ�WKH�product lifecycle management system at BMS has increased coordination and communication with suppliers resulting in a more responsive supply chain.

9.20 New Innovations Suppliers Need to Succeed in Today’s Market

Quickly changing markets demand ȵH[LEOH�DQG�ZHOO�SUHSDUHG�FRPSDQLHV�

Jim Yarbrough Global Intelligence Program Manager BSI Supply Chain Solutions

With continued rise in the use of contract manufacturers, supply chain networks have become more complex then ever before. Traditionally, the supply chains built for vertical integration must be transitioned to a network environment. This panel will uncover how companies are managing that change. Historically, there has been hesitation to treating suppliers as strategic partners, but keeping them at arms length is a path to disaster.

The panel will examine the following: · What are the fundamental success

factors for a network environment? · What communication best practices

within a network design? · What should the expectations be

for suppliers within this new model?

10.20 Morning Networking Break

10.50 Outside Industry Case-Study: The City-Meals Delivery Network

Citymeals is one of the largest meals-on-wheels programs in the U.S., providing 2 million meals to 18,000 elderly New Yorkers each year. In addition to nutritionally balanced VHQLRU�PHDOV��WKH�GHYRWHG�VWD�DQG�

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


volunteers also deliver vital human companionship. Hear from the 2015 LogiPharma Charity Partner on the challenges they face with the storage and delivery of the meals delivered. +HDU�KRZ�WKH\�XWLOL]H�WKHLU�VWD�WR�HQVXUH�TXDOLȴHG�UHFLSLHQWV�UHFHLYH�care from 30 meal centers including on weekends and despite emergencies.


11.10 Case Study: Transforming the Global Supply Chain to Accommodate Disparate Systems Acquired through an Acquisition

Jen Wang Vice President, Global Planning Actavis

The ability for an organization to rapidly transform itself and integrate other businesses has needed to become a core competency as more and more acquisitions occur throughout the pharma space.

Actavis is no stranger to this, with a history of integrating other organizations and products into its portfolio and core business. In this session, Jen Wang, the Vice President of Global Planning at Actavis will H[DPLQH�VSHFLȴFDOO\�WKH�VXSSO\�FKDLQ�challenges and considerations when managing integrations including:

· How does a company quickly and properly align technical capabilities?

· How can the right expertise from both sides of the organization be aligned to create a cross-functional team that best manages the transition?

· What type of cultural integration needs to occur to avoid instability and hidden surprises?

· Technology transfer · Methodology · Change management · Cultural integration

11.40 Movilitas Spotlight Session 6WHIDQ�+RFNHQEHUJHU

Managing Board & Global Lead Track & Trace Movilitas Consulting

11.50 PANEL DISCUSSION: Mergers & Acquisitions Impact on Supply Chain Management – Managing the Supply Chain to Avoid Instability and Achieve a Steady State

Michael Daly Director Supply Chain Valeant Pharmaceuticals

Paul Nelson Executive Director, Supply Chain Auxilium

Dr. Ravi Prakash Mathur Senior Director Supply Chain - Head of Logistics Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories

0DQLN�6KDUPD Vice President, Industry Strategy and Innovation Kinaxis

Track A: Personalized and Segmented Supply Chains

Track B: Global Network Design and Emerging Markets

1.40 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks Track Chair to be Announced

Chairperson’s Opening RemarksDiane Palmquist Vice President Industry Solutions, Manufacturing GT Nexus

1.50 CASE STUDY: Managing Cold Chain Logistics for Cell Therapies – The Epitome of Personalized Medicine

Michael Trocchia Supply Chain Global Lead for Cell Therapy Products Novartis

Cell therapies are one of the most promising new classes of biopharmaceutical treatments available WRGD\�EXW�UHTXLUH�D�YHU\�VSHFLȴF�VHW�of conditions for transportation and distribution.In this session, Michael Trocchia, Supply Chain Lead for Cell & Gene Therapy Unit, ZLOO�GLVFXVV�WKH�GLHUHQFHV�LQ�FROG�FKDLQ�logistics, including Small Molecule

FIRE-SIDE CHAT: Cost & Complexity in the Global Market

Paul Clayton VP Supply Chain, Logistics and IT GlaxoSmithKline

:LWK�PDUNHW�ȵXFWXDWLRQV�RFFXUULQJ�LQ�WKH�(8��WKH�8NUDLQH��DQG�RWKHU�NH\�PDUNHWV��VLJQLȴFDQW�GRZQVL]LQJ�DURXQG�FRVW�LV�WKH�ULSSOH�HHFW�which causes complexity within the supply FKDLQ���ΖQ�WKLV�ȴUH�VLGH�FKDW��3DXO�&OD\WRQ�ZLOO�share thoughts on current market trends he foresees on the global supply chain, such as: · As businesses expand into new markets

with diverse portfolios, managing new suppliers can mean substantial cost and potential risk. What methods are available to monitor the performance of suppliers and get in front of possible disruption?

Day Two Continued

12.30 Lunch & VIP Think-Tank

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


(Ambient transport), Biologics Large Molecule (Cold Chain 2-8C) and his area of focus, Cell and Gene Therapy very cold chains LN2(-190C).6SHFLȴF�WR�&HOO�7KHUDS\�/RJLVWLFV��WKH�talk will cover the factors related to the transportation of Cell and Gene Therapies: · Temperature Ambient/Dry Ice/LN2 · Transport White Glove/Overnight Carriers · Tracking Active vs passive · Cost

· Working within a global landscape means continually changing demand patterns. These changing patterns and reliance on an expanding supplier network make it very QHFHVVDU\�WR�DGMXVW�ORJLVWLF�QHWZRUN�GHVLJQV�on a periodic basis.

· Volatility in the market place can instantly create cost pressures on the various components of a product. How can companies grasp a complete understanding of the costs that go in to their supply chain so they can better negotiate cost and avoid disruption?

2.10 Utilizing the Shipping and 7KHUPDO�3DFNLQJ�(ɝFLHQFLHV�LQ�the Cold ChainWith the proliferation of packaging providers, the underlying question becomes, how many times can you redesign a box? Getting the product whereis needs to be, when it needs to be there,and maintaining temperature regularity arethe key functions, but what are theapproaches that industry will be taking inWKH�IXWXUH�GR�WR�VR�PRUH�HɝFLHQWO\" · :KDW�DUH�WKH�EHQHȴWV�DQG�GUDZEDFNV�RI�

passive and disposable containers versus reusable packaging within a close-looped system?

· The value behind temperature analytic systems and web-based software platforms for managing temperature data

Conducting Audits and Constructing an Audit Game Plan for Global Transportation PartnersAs the global supply chain becomes increasingly sophisticated, companies must manage the growing number of suppliers they work with. But with expansion comes increased exposure PHDQLQJ�PRUH�DQG�PRUH�ULVN�WDNHQ�RQ���and therefore more audits needed to be performed for a wide variety and reach of vendors.This session will discuss considerations for conducting audits: · The challenges and complexity

surrounding today’s global supply chain · Creating strong internal visibility to

avoid repetition and redundancy of supplier audit programs


2.30 Using the Specialty Pharmacy Channel to Shorten and Control the Supply Chain7KHUH�LV�VLJQLȴFDQW�JURZWK�LQ�WKH�DSSURYDOV�and use of specialty medications. These products also require the greatest amount of oversight as they may cost more, their regiment can be more complex, and they can require a REMS program. These combined criteria can make limited points of distribution very attractive to manufacturers due to the ability to accurately monitor patient data. For example, Genentech announced that it will be using only authorized specialty distributors for its infusible oncology portfolio.In addition to channel control, specialty QHWZRUNV�SURYLGH�VXSSO\�FKDLQ�EHQHȴWV��This talk will discuss how manufacturers FDQ�OHYHUDJH�WKHVH�EHQHȴWV� · Aligning suppliers with other patient-

focused services to manage inventory · “Direct” delivery options that provide

convenient delivery to the patient · Data-management and better visibility of

the supply chain

Filling the Void of Global Talent and Resources Needed to Execute Sophisticated Supply Chain Models

'DQD�6WLɞHU Managing Vice President GartnerAs the supply chain for

Life Science companies evolves and experiences a shift in maturity, there is a massive gap between demand and supply of global talent. With most organizations experienced with a push model, there is also a need to ensure current workforces manage the transition to network models.This talk will examine what industry needs to do to catch-up their internal resources to new environments and supply chain models. · Sourcing talent from other industries

with a similar knowledge-base · Meeting the core requirements within a

market such as salary expectations and demand of critical skills

· Baking-in skill and capability requirements into overall strategy

Day Two Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


2.50 PANEL DISCUSSION: The Spectrum of Traditional Large Batch Molecules to Personalized Therapies and the Impact on the Supply Chain

7RGG�$SSOHEDXP Vice President of Technical Operations OvaScienceMichael Trocchia Supply Chain Global Lead for Cell Therapy Products NovartisCarl Accettura Vice President and General Manager PharmoRx Therapeutics

Traditionally, the pharmaceutical supply chain has delivered scalable and conventional biopharmaceuticals. However, as more and more personalized products enter the market and immunology continues to deliver promising clinical therapies, smaller scale, alternative manufacturing and distribution approaches, PHWKRGV�RI�SUHVHUYDWLRQ��DQG�ȴW�ZLWK�WKH�HQG�to-end supply chain will become the norm.With this continuum spanning from traditional large batch manufacturing of small molecule products to specialty treatments, there is VLJQLȴFDQW�GLHUHQFHV�LQ�KRZ�VXSSO\�FKDLQV�should be managed and segmented.This panel will discuss: · Approaches needed to manage the variance

of supply chains · What to expect from the integration of

specialty pharmaceuticals, temperature controlled logistics, smaller volume SURGXFWLRQ�DQG�PRUH�ȵH[LEOH�PDQXIDFWXULQJ

· Lessons learned and examples of how customized supply chains were managed

PANEL DISCUSSION: What Does a Mature, Functioning Vendor Relationship Look like Within an Emerging Market?

Marcelo Couto Director, Global Logistics Services Bristol-Myers SquibbRobert Heinrich 6U��7UDɝF�$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ�$GYLVRU Novartis 5DYL�$QXSLQGL Faculty Director of Master of Supply Chain Management & Professor University of Michigan

(PHUJLQJ�PDUNHWV�KDYH�EHHQ�LGHQWLȴHG�as an immediate source of growth as well as potential sources of supply. The cost, FDSDFLW\�DQG�PDUNHW�DFFHVV�EHQHȴWV�RI�these markets emerging market supply networks will be critically important to most large pharmacos over the next decade. The performance of those global networks tomorrow is rooted in the decisions companies make at home today · How should manufacturers be thinking

about selecting supply partners when data on capabilities may not be available?

· How to ensure a transparent relationship so that quality goals are met

· Developing a hands-on approach to monitor supplier performance and manage the relationship

3.30 Afternoon Refreshment Break


4:00 CASE STUDY: Managing Relationships with Key 3PL, Transportation, and Temperature-Controlled Supply Chain Vendors

Kevin Hickman Senior Manager, US Distribution CSL Behring

Managing the end-to-end process of getting the product where is needs to be, when it needs to be there, on time and in the proper condition is the challenge all supply chain professionals face. Data management is a key element of temperature controlled logistics but along with this mass of data comes challenges in collection and management.

In this session, Kevin Hickman from CSL will discuss how his company is managing cold chain processes and systems · 0DQDJLQJ�SURMHFWV�WR�VRXUFH�TXDOLȴHG�DFWLYH�DQG�SDVVLYH�distribution systems that meet all quality and regulatory requirements

· Data collection and leveraging data once you have it

· Working across business functions to ensure goals are met

4:20 The Balancing Between Air and Ocean Temperature Controlled Distribution

Recently, a number of manufacturers have begun to rethink their approach to air versus ocean distribution. Although there are obvious variations between the two methods like cost, speed, and temperature excursion risk, the right balance can save costs without missing a beat when it comes to distribution timing and quality.

This session will closely examine the GLHUHQW�YDULDEOHV�EHWZHHQ�DLU�DQG�ocean transport and how they can be utilized in unison. · What types of distribution product SURȴOHV�EHVW�PDWFK�HDFK�FKDQQHO"��

· What are the biggest drawbacks of each and how might these be managed to leverage advantages?

· What is the likelihood and reason for excursions?

Day Two Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


4:40 PANEL DISCUSSION: Taking an Active versus Passive Approach to Temperature &RQWURO�LQ�'LHUHQW�0DUNHWV�- When Building an Active System and Controlling Door-to-Door Distribution is Necessary for Market Viability

(G�5DP Senior Director, Supply Chain Sagent Pharmaceuticals

Kevin Hickman Senior Manager, US Distribution CSL Behring

6WHSKHQ�0DLHWWD Head of Global Key Accounts Envirotainer

Active systems provide a strong defense against temperature excursions and protect products through very proactive handling. The draw-backs can be limitations on direct distribution to hard-to-access destinations. Alternatively, SDVVLYH�V\VWHPV�RHU�WKH�DELOLW\�WR�reach diverse destinations, but might require a much more developed UHFHLYLQJ�FDSDELOLW\�DW�WKH�VSHFLȴF�location. This panel will discuss when each system is appropriate and considerations when evaluating market viability:

· What characteristics of the destination or market necessitate an active system?

· How can internal expertise within a country impact your supply chain approach?

· When is controlling door-to-door transportation needed to make sure a product reaches the customer in the right conditions?

5.30 Cigar and Scotch Cocktail Reception!

6.45 Close of Day Two

Day Two Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

VIP Think-Tank Hosted byThe McKinsey VIP Think-Tank is your opportunity to discuss the pressing supply chain issues your facing alongside you peers. An agenda of topics will be developed but the main goal is to have an unscripted and candid discussion. · 15-20 of the industry’s top thought leaders to discuss the future of the pharmaceutical


Tuesday, September 29th: 12:15pm

2014 Past Participants Include:Kevin Cook, Vice President & Head of North America Supply Chain, SandozDennis Even, IT Manager, 3ȴ]HU7RGG�$SSOHEDXP� VP of Technical Operations, OvaSciencePaul Clayton, VP Supply Chain, Logistics and IT, GSK'DYLG�/RZQGHV��SVP Global Supply Chain & Quality, Shire Pharma/LQGD�%U\DQW��Vice President, Global Strategy and Business Excellence, J&J James Kneece, VP Supply Chain Management, LFB

Greg Magnusen, Senior Director, Global Supply Chain, Eli Lilly Marcelo Cuoto, Director, Global Logistics, Latin America, BMS 6WHYH�+\G]LN��Head of Global Manufacturing and SC IT, EMD Millipore -HUU\�6DOW]PDQ��Director, Global Supply Chain Planning, 3ȴ]HU�(G�5DP��Senior Director, Supply Chain, Sagent Prashant Kulkarni, Director, Supply Chain Applications, Allergan 'RQDOG�.OLQH��Sr. Director Supply Chain, Alkermes

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

7.30 Breakfast & Registration

8.30 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks


8:40 Upgrading the Global S&OP Process by Using an Advanced Planning System for Network Capacity Planning

Amir Reichman Head, Resource Planning and Strategy, Global Supply Chain Management GSK Vaccines Global Industrial Operations

Pharma manufacturing is characterized by highly complex processes with long lead times and very expensive capital investments needed for capacity expansion. With increasing size and global span of global drug manufacturing DQG�UHGXFWLRQ�LQ�JURVV�SURȴW�GXH�to patent expiries, high attention should be put on operational H[FHOOHQFH�DQG�VSHFLȴFDOO\�RQ�HɝFLHQW�supply chain design and operation. Traditional S&OP planning using non-integrated systems that are unable to support accurate optimization and scenario planning create risk for slow and potentially wrong decision making. Additional risk is growing

disconnection between S&OP and other management planning processes such as budget and target setting and strategic planning.

In this talk, Amir Reichman, the Head of Resource Planning and Strategy will examine: · How APS systems can be used

for integrated, optimized S&OP planning

· How APS can support better implement and usage of portfolio prioritization guidelines

· How APS can be used to bridge EHWZHHQ�GLHUHQW�SODQQLQJ

9:20 Most IT Projects in the Supply Chain End Up as Failures. Is Yours?? The Reasons Why and What you Should be Thinking

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured into technology ERP systems, but is industry getting back the value they deserve from these investments? Cheap ERP and technology implementation can actually end up being a disconnected, giant waste of time.

This session will examine the ways to gain supply chain value from investments in technology:

Day Three – Creating a Simple, Coordinated and Visible Supply Chain Wednesday, September 30th

· How it’s the organizations who have paired the right technology capabilities alongside a vision from VHQLRU�OHDGHUVKLS�KDYH�DFKLHYHG�success

· Why technology should or should not be a priority prioritized for investment (and process redesign)?

· What steps your organization should be thinking about taking

9.40 Unknown unknowns: Auditing Trust in the Cloud Software Supply Chain

Kenneth White Security Researcher Informatics Security Expert

Kenneth White is a security researcher whose work focuses on networks and global systems. His experience in FDA-regulated clinical research space spans preclinical to global phase IV (post-marketing surveillance) for sponsors ranging from startups to top 10 ten pharma.

He is co-director of the Open Crypto $XGLW�3URMHFW��2&$3���FXUUHQWO\�managing a large-scale audit of OpenSSL on behalf of the Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative. Previously, he was Principal 6FLHQWLVW�DW�6RFLDO��6FLHQWLȴF�6\VWHPV�where he led the engineering team that designed and ran global operations and security for the largest

clinical trial network in the world, with research centers in over 100 countries. White co-founded the CBX Group partnering with BAO Systems WR�SURYLGH�VHFXULW\�VHUYLFHV�WR�PDMRU�organizations including World Health Organization, UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, the US State Department.

10.00 PANEL DISCUSSION: Organizational Readiness – How do Organizations Best Transform their Workforces to Use New Processes and Systems?

Prashant Kulkarni Director, Supply Chain Applications Allergan

&KDQGUD�3DQGH\ Supply Chain / ERP Thought Leader Biogen Idec

9LMD\�5DMDQ Executive Director, SAP Alexion

For those organizations who are in the SURFHVV�RI�LPSOHPHQWLQJ��RU�KDYH�MXVW�completed a long and sophisticated implementation of a new ERP system for MRP, Procurement, Forecasting and Demand Planning, this discussion ZLOO�H[DPLQH�KRZ�WKH�LQWHUQDO�VWD�FDQ�best be trained and prepared for the transition over to these systems.

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma


· &OHDUO\�GHȴQLQJ�DQ�DQDO\WLFV�VWUDWHJ\ · Changing the organizational

mindset to be ready for implementing analytics

· Assuring the necessary skills are in place

· Focused workforce training and change management

10.40 Morning Networking Break


11.10 Emerging Markets Supply Chain Best Practice Study – Identifying The Gaps

5DYL�$QXSLQGL Faculty Director, Master of Supply Chain, Management (MSCM), Chair, Advisory Committee on Labor Standards and Human Rights University of Michigan

While emerging markets are the leading opportunity for growth for manufacturers, running a supply chain in emerging markets creates many challenges.

The University of Michigan is interested in identifying the gaps in emerging markets supply chain best practices and then studying these gaps over the next year in partnership with the LogiPharma community.

Learn how this study may look and share your input on what you’d like to see examined within emerging markets. The results will be shared in 2016!

11.30 PANEL DISCUSSION: Coupling Supply Chain Innovation with the Patient-Centered Journey - Mitigating Downstream Supply Chain Risk while Driving Value from Early Customer Engagement


Advanced Sourcing Lead Janssen Supply Group

Pharma has begun to include the SDWLHQW�FHQWHUHG�MRXUQH\�LQ�WKHLU�GUXJ�and device design approach with the goals of understanding how to best PLWLJDWH�ODXQFK�ULVNV�DQG�IXOȴOO�WKH�unmet needs that patients have.

But what does this design innovation mean for the supply chain? From an advanced sourcing perspective, supplier relationship management PHDQV�ȴWWLQJ�D�SURGXFW�LQWR�FXUUHQW�manufacturing lines and with external manufacturers, so understanding downstream investments is critical to execution success.

This session will provide attendees with a unique look at how companies can best couple patient-centered value with design and supply chain execution.

11.50 Closing Town Hall Panel Discussion

12.30 Grab-and-Go Lunch and Close of LogiPharma 2015

1.30 Post-Event LogiPharma Charity Golf Outing!

Course to be announced

Day Three Continued

LogiPharma is one of my personal favorites. You have a great mix of people, a good size and the topics are always germane to the issues we are facing.

Scott Cubbler, Vice President, Exel

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

Accenture Website: www.accenture.com

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately 289,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net UHYHQXHV�RI�86������ELOOLRQ�IRU�WKH�ȴVFDO�\HDU�HQGHG�$XJ�����������

� $FFHQWXUH�+RVSLWDOLW\�6HUYLFHV��$+6��SURYLGHV�HQG�WR�HQG�ȴQDQFH�DQG�DFFRXQWLQJ�VHUYLFHV�WR�ORZHU�FRVW�DQG�LPSURYH�FRQWUROV�DQG�HɝFLHQFLHV�using best-in-class operating, consulting, and technology practices. Accenture’s extensive experience of working with the biggest names in the industry over the last 15 years has helped shaped the AHS business service and its unique combination of skills, assets, software platforms and processes.


Are you looking for a better way to manage your temperature data? Do you want the data presented in ways that help you make informed decisions fast? Do you want to avoid outrageous monthly service fees and data analysis charges? Couldn’t you save hours of administration WLPH�ZLWK�D�XQLȴHG�GDWDEDVH�WKDW�DOORZV�\RX�WR�PDQDJH�WHPSHUDWXUH�excursions in a Part 11/Annex11 environment with a complete audit trail? The Smartview data management system from Berlinger will do all of this DQG�PRUH��$VN�D�%HUOLQJHU�UHSUHVHQWDWLYH�KRZ�6PDUWYLHZ�FDQ�ȴ[�\RXU�daunting cold chain data management problems. Our reliable Q-tag® CLm doc family of data loggers and indicators make collecting data easy. Experience the power of control Info.us@berlinger.ch www.berlinger.com/smartview


BSI Supply Chain Solutions is the leading global provider of supply chain intelligence, auditing services, audit compliance and risk management software solutions, and advisory services. Our mission is to help corporations, governments and associations identify, manage and mitigate global supply chain risks and maintain world class governance risk and compliance programs. Our holistic supply chain risk management suite is designed to help organizations predict and visualize risk, and develop robust risk mitigation and compliance management programs to protect their supply chain, brand and reputation. Our intelligence-infused supply chain solutions and global network empower our clients to understand global supply chain risk with unequaled precision.


Cognizant’s Life Sciences practice is committed to helping change millions of lives for the better by partnering with clients to build solutions to healthcare challenges, continually improve the way they do business, set the pace in clinical development, strengthen their regulatory infrastructure, and increase competitiveness. Cognizant serves 28 of the top 30 global pharmaceutical companies, 9 of the top 10 biotech companies, and 12 of the top 15 medical device companies. With a team of dedicated professionals including doctors, pharmacologists, physicians, biomedical engineers, pharmacists, biostatisticians, medical writers, and GxP consultants, the practice provides domain-aligned consulting, IT, business process and analytics solutions globally.

About Our Sponsors

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma



Envirotainer is the world-leader in secure cold chain logistics solutions within the life science industries. The company manufactures and leases active temperature-controlled container solutions for air transportation, including validation, support and service.Envirotainer operates through an open, global network of airline companies and logistics partners. The company is represented in over 50 countries around the world with KHDGTXDUWHUV�LQ�8SSODQGV�9¦VE\�MXVW�RXWVLGH�RI�6WRFNKROP��6ZHGHQ��Envirotainer is a registered trademark of the company Envirotainer AB.


FusionOps is a supply chain analytics company that brings together the world’s most advanced cloud and Big Data infrastructure with over ������RXW�RI�WKH�ER[�FRQȴJXUDEOH�DQDO\WLFV�WR�TXLFNO\�GHOLYHU�UHPDUNDEOH�insights into the pharmaceutical supply chain. The FusionOps application is highly integrated, and includes enterprise data (ERP and other data sources) integration, an integrated data warehouse, and a powerful, stunning self-service presentation layer. Pre-built analytics are provided LQ�VXFK�DUHDV�DV�3URFXUHPHQW��2UGHU�)XOȴOOPHQW��ΖQYHQWRU\��6XSSOLHU�Delivery, Leadtime Analysis, Schedule Adherence, and more. FusionOps’ customers include manufacturers from a variety of industries, and include Merck and HD Smith.


� *7�1H[XV�RHUV�D�FORXG�EDVHG�SODWIRUP�WKDW�WKH�ZRUOGȇV�ELJJHVW�FRPSDQLHV�XVH�WR�GULYH�HɝFLHQF\�DQG�DJLOLW\�DFURVV�WKH�JOREDO�VXSSO\�chain. Leaders in manufacturing, retail and logistics services all share GT Nexus as their standard, multi-enterprise collaboration platform. Users operate against a core set of information across multiple supply chain IXQFWLRQV�WR�RSWLPL]H�WKH�ȵRZ�RI�JRRGV�DQG�WUDGH�LQIRUPDWLRQ��IURP�RUGHU�SRLQW�WR�ȴQDO�SD\PHQW��&XVWRPHUV�LQFOXGH�3ȴ]HU��5HQDXOW��1HVWO«��DHL, Sears, Caterpillar and Zara. For information, visit www.gtnexus.com


Infor is fundamentally changing the way information is published and consumed in the enterprise, helping 70,000 customers in 194 countries improve operations, drive growth, and quickly adapt to changes in EXVLQHVV�GHPDQGV��ΖQIRU�RHUV�GHHS�LQGXVWU\�VSHFLȴF�DSSOLFDWLRQV�DQG�suites, engineered for speed, and with an innovative user experience GHVLJQ�WKDW�LV�VLPSOH��WUDQVSDUHQW��DQG�HOHJDQW��ΖQIRU�SURYLGHV�ȵH[LEOH�deployment options that give customers a choice to run their businesses in the cloud, on-premises, or both. Learn more at: http://www.infor.com/


Kinaxis delivers a cloud-based solution at the heart of planning and response management for value chain operations. Large manufacturing companies with complex supply chain networks and volatile business environments rely on RapidResponse for collaborative planning, continuous performance monitoring, and coordinated response to plan variances across multiple areas of the business. With RapidResponse, enterprises are able to attain a control tower solution that encompasses a full spectrum of supply chain related business processes, including such functions as: S&OP, supply and capacity planning, demand planning, and supplier collaboration.

As a result, Kinaxis customers have replaced disparate planning and SHUIRUPDQFH�PDQDJHPHQW�WRROV�DQG�DUH�UHDOL]LQJ�VLJQLȴFDQW�RSHUDWLRQV�performance breakthroughs. From a single product, customers are able to make both long-term and real-time demand and supply balancing decisions quickly, collaboratively, and in line with the shared business REMHFWLYHV�RI�PXOWLSOH�VWDNHKROGHUV�

Sponsors Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma



Movilitas Consulting, an SAP software and services partner, provides end-to-end SAP Supply Chain, Track & Trace and Mobility Solutions. Movilitas Consulting solutions enhance customer’s control of their extended supply chain, ensure compliance with global regulations and RSWLPL]H�ȴHOG�EDVHG�EXVLQHVV�SURFHVVHV�KHOSLQJ�WR�DFFHOHUDWH�WKH�SDFH�of business performance.

OM Partners

OM Partners is a software and consulting company delivering Supply Chain Planning Solutions for Mill Products (paper and packaging, PHWDOV��ȵRRU�FRYHULQJ�������DQG�6HPL�3URFHVV�LQGXVWULHV��FKHPLFDOV��pharmaceuticals, consumer products...). With 250 customers and over 550 implementations, OM Partners has established solid partnerships with customers all over the world. With annual group sales revenues of more than 23 million EUR and a workforce of over 250 people in RXU�RɝFHV�LQ�$QWZHUS��$WODQWD��6KDQJKDL��'XEDL��3DULV��5RWWHUGDP��Köln and London, the company has become a top player in the supply chain planning market. OM Partners’ product OMP Plus is an integrated solution for all planning related issues, from the strategic down to the operational level seamlessly integrated with SAP. It is aimed at reducing logistic costs and throughput times and at increasing reliability of delivery dates and customer satisfaction. The revolutionary technology of OMP Plus makes integrated demand planning, supply planning and scheduling a reality.


The Panalpina Group is one of the world’s leading providers of supply chain solutions, combining intercontinental Air and Ocean Freight with comprehensive Value-Added Logistics Services and Cold Chain Supply Chain Services. Operating in a global network with 500+ branches in over 70 countries, Panalpina provides integrated end-to-end supply chain solutions.


� 3RODU�/HDVLQJ�RHUV�D�QDWLRQDO�UHQWDO�ȵHHW�RI�ZDON�LQ�UHIULJHUDWLRQ�XQLWV�IRU�WKH�IRRG�VHUYLFH�LQGXVWU\��8QLWV�DUH�FRQVWUXFWHG�RI�VHDPOHVV�ȴEHUJODVV��ensuring a sanitary storage environment. Shipped from more than 75 US locations, units are available for short and long term applications. Fast becoming the clear alternative to refrigerated semi-trailers, units are more logically sized in 8’x10’ and 8’x20’ models and arrive on a tilt bed truck for quick and easy delivery. Available with operating temperatures ranging from -10 degrees Fahrenheit to +40 degrees Fahrenheit, units FDQ�HDVLO\�EH�FRQȴJXUHG�IRU�WHPSHUDWXUH�PDSSLQJ�DQG�YDOLGDWLRQ�V\VWHPV�required for highly sensitive products.

Priority Solutions International :HEVLWH���KWWS���ZZZ�SULRULW\VROXWLRQV�FRP�

Priority Solutions International has been in the business of life sciences logistics and delivering hope for over 30 years. Our background in enhancing supply chain value and integrity for pharmaceutical product via our skill in distributing clinical trial and commercial product where delivery whether critical or routine must be on time, every time is built upon our call to excellence: “There is a patient waiting…” While we have WKH�VXSSRUW�DQG�VWUHQJWK�RI�7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLȴF�EHKLQG�XV��ZH�GLUHFWO\�VHUYLFH�RYHU����SKDUPDFHXWLFDO�FRPSDQLHV��IXOȴOOLQJ�RYHU����0�VKLSPHQWV�DQQXDOO\��2XU�LQQRYDWLYH�QHWZRUN�SURYLGHV�ȵH[LEOH�SLFN�up, transport and delivery of time sensitive, valuable and controlled substance shipments globally. We have prepared for next generation pharmaceutical/biotechnology products with our secure climate controlled storage and globally optimized transportation solutions embracing products sensitive to temperature and/or humidity. Our client focused solutions meet the needs of your customers and the patients they serve are core to us and our business.

Sponsors Continued

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma

25Sponsors Continued

Sensitech Website: www.sensitech.com

Sensitech Inc. is a leading provider of supply and cold chain visibility solutions that enable our customers – global leaders in the food, life sciences, and industrial markets – to track, monitor and protect the quality and integrity of their temperature-sensitive products across complex supply chains. Through its logistics security division, )UHLJKW:DWFK�ΖQWHUQDWLRQDO��6HQVLWHFK�DOVR�RHUV�RULJLQ�WR�GHVWLQDWLRQ�services that provide customers with real-time cargo transparency, helping them to mitigate such risks as theft, diversion, counterfeiting, and chain of custody. Sensitech Inc. is an ISO 9001:2008 company based in Beverly, Mass., with more than 30 sales, service and distribution locations around the world. Sensitech is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp., a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide. Visit www.sensitech.com for additional information.

Tracelink Website: www.tracelink.com

TraceLink is the world’s largest track and trace network for connecting the Life Sciences supply chain and eliminating counterfeit prescription drugs from the global marketplace. Leading businesses, including 16 of the top-20 global pharmaceutical companies, trust the TraceLink Life Sciences Cloud more than any other track and trace solution to improve the visibility and traceability of pharmaceuticals from ingredient to patient. A single point and click connection links any pharmaceutical company to hundreds of thousands of supply chain trading partners to deliver the information, insight and collaboration needed to comply with global serialization and regulatory requirements anywhere in the world.

TSS Website: www.tss.se

TSS is a leading provider of temperature monitoring solutions with more than 20 years of experience within the life science industry. Thanks to close customer interaction and an outstanding technological know-how, TSS is able to continuously introduce pioneering solutions for end-to-end supply chain visibility, facilitating the daily operations for global pharma companies around the world. TSS’ cloud-based temperature monitoring system, CCIS, is developed in close collaboration with leading pharma companies. &&Ζ6�LV�D�OHDQ�DQG�LQWHJUDWHG�VROXWLRQ�WKDW�SURYLGHV�ȵH[LELOLW\��VLPSOLFLW\��reliability, and above all, full visibility, throughout the whole organization. By focusing on information, TSS enables decision makers all over the world to gain insight into the modern supply chain in order to develop an all-encompassing corporate strategy for fast and intelligent temperature PRQLWRULQJ��7KLV�LQ�WXUQ�UHVXOWV�LQ�JUHDWHU�HɝFLHQF\�DQG�UHGXFHG�FRVWV��while allowing for compliance with regulatory requirements.


� 836�RHUV�ZRUOG�FODVV��KHDOWKFDUH�RSWLPL]HG�JOREDO�FROG�FKDLQ�transportation, distribution and best-in-class information management. (YHU\�GD\��ZH�PRYH�KHDOWKFDUH�PDWHULDOV�HɝFLHQWO\�DQG�VDIHO\�WKURXJK�RXU�ȵH[LEOH��LQWHJUDWHG�PXOWL�PRGDO�WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ�QHWZRUN��DQG�distribute products through our 42 temperature- and humidity-controlled environments facilities worldwide. We also provide top-tier regulatory expertise and a broad portfolio of unique services including: · UPS Temperature True®, a door-to-door, temperature-sensitive freight

service · UPS Proactive Response®, which provides 24/7 monitoring of

shipments from global “Control Towers,” allowing intervention and remediation of packages at risk of temperature excursion.

· The PharmaPort™ 360 air freight container—exclusive to UPS—the world’s most advanced active shipping container for high-value, temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals, vaccines and biologics.

At UPS we live by the motto: “It’s a patient, not a package®.” Our aim is to ensure that your product reaches the right patient, at the right time and in the right condition for the best possible patient outcome.

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com @logisticsus #logipharma



McKinsey & Company :HEVLWH���KWWS���ZZZ�PFNLQVH\�FRP�

� 0F.LQVH\��&RPSDQ\�LV�D�JOREDO�PDQDJHPHQW�FRQVXOWLQJ�ȴUP�ZLWK�unparalleled expertise and experience, deeply committed to helping clients achieve substantial and lasting improvements in their performance. With FRQVXOWDQWV�GHSOR\HG�IURP�PRUH�WKDQ�����RɝFHV�LQ�QHDUO\����FRXQWULHV��ZH�ZRUN�FORVHO\�ZLWK�FOLHQWV�LQ�WKH�SULYDWH��SXEOLF��DQG�QRQ�SURȴW�VHFWRUV�to shape direction, mobilize organizations for long-term transformation, build capabilities and support execution. For over eight decades, we have dedicated ourselves to our clients’ success. Our Operations practice provides highly tailored solutions for our clients, enabling them to achieve lasting and substantial performance improvements across all aspects of their operations. Blending strategic thinking with hands-on implementation, we help our clients around the world solve their most critical operations challenges. For more information, please visit www.mckinsey.com/client_service/operations.


Camelot Management Website: www.camelot-mc.com

Camelot is a leading global management consultancy delivering strategic DQG�RUJDQL]DWLRQDO�VHUYLFHV�WR�PDMRU�JOREDO�EXVLQHVVHV�DFURVV�WKH�$PHULFDV��(XURSH��0LGGOH�(DVW�DQG�$VLD�IRU�RYHU����\HDUV��:H�RHU�H[WHQVLYH�UHIHUHQFHV�WR�UHȵHFWLQJ�RXU�VXFFHVVIXO�GHOLYHU\�LQ�OLIH�VFLHQFH��chemicals and consumer goods industries.

Our experienced teams specialize in the following: Strategy & Business Model Innovation, Business Transformation & Organization, Sourcing & Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing, Logistics & Transportation, Customer Service Management, Financial Performance Management, IT Strategy & Information Management.

We support our customers with an end-to-end consulting approach that encompasses everything from strategy and organizational recommendations through business process design to the implementation of appropriate technology solutions together with our process-oriented IT consulting partner Camelot ITLab (www.camelot-itlab.com). Get more insights on hot topics such as LEAN Supply Chain Planning, cutting edge tools such as SAP HANA and the Camelot ITLab’s developed Rhythm Wheel, delivering a paradigm shift in asset utilization, inventory optimization and lead time reduction.

� 0DLQ�&RQWDFW��'U��-RVHI�3DFNRZVNL�(PDLO��MS#FDPHORW�PF�FRP���6HH�PRUH�at: http://logipharmaus.wbresearch.com/sponsors#sthash.iTxrDW6O.dpuf


To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

The Westin Princeton at Forrestal Village201 Village BoulevardPrinceton, NJ 08540(609) 452-7900 www.westinprinceton.com Hotel Room Information Room Rate: $189 plus tax

LogiPharma has secured a special conference rate of $189 a night (plus tax) for attendees. In order to make your reservation, please call the Westin Princeton at 1-888-627-7036 and identify yourself as a LogiPharma attendee. Rooms are limited and DUH�RQ�D�ȴUVW�FRPH��ȴUVW�VHUYHG�EDVLV��VR�PDNH�\RXU�UHVHUYDWLRQV�DV�VRRQ�DV�SRVVLEOH��The special rate expires September 6, 2015. After this date, rooms may still have DYDLODELOLW\��VR�LQTXLUH�ZLWK�WKH�KRWHO�LI�\RX�KDYH�PLVVHG�WKH�FXW�R�GDWH�

Venue and Accommodations

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

September 28 - 30, 2015 • Princeton, NJ • www.logipharma.com • 1-888-482-6012 • logipharma@wbresearch.com


@logisticsus #logipharma

Pricing & DiscountsPharmaceutical, Biotech, and Medical Device Organizations

Group Discounts for Pharmaceutical, Biotech and Medical Device Organizations

Solution Providers*

Book by 30 June

Book by 31 Jul

Book by 31 Aug Standard Price

Full Access Pass (September 28-30, 2015) $1499 Save $300

$1,599 Save $200

$1,699 Save $100 $1,799

Standard Price

Full Access Pass (September 28-30, 2015) $3,199


Team of 2+ ����R�FXUUHQW�UDWH

*Solution Providers Include: Any service provider to a pharmaceutical, biotech or medical device manufacturer or organization, including software vendor, technology vendor, solution provider, 3pl or consultants.

Pharmaceutical, BioTech, and Medical Device Organizations include companies such as Branded Pharmaceuticals, Bio- Pharmaceuticals, Generics, Vaccines, Diagnostics, Medical devices, Consumer Products – OTC.

Worldwide Business Research (WBR) reserves the right to HQIRUFH�SULFLQJ�EDVHG�RQ�MRE�WLWOH�DQG�FRPSDQ\�W\SH

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WBR CANCELLATION, POSTPONEMENT AND SUBSTITUTION POLICY:You may substitute delegates at any time by providing reasonable advance notice to Worldwide Business Research USA, LLC. Any cancellations received in writing not less than eight (8) days prior to the conference, you will receive a 90% credit to be used at another Worldwide Business Research USA, LLC conference which must occur within one year from the date of issuance of such credit.

An administration fee of 10% of the contract fee will be retained by Worldwide Business Research USA, LLC for all permitted cancellations. No credit will be issued for any cancellations occurring within seven (7) days (inclusive) of the conference.


Please contact our customer service team to book your group - 646.200.7530; WBRCS@wbresearch.com

To Register: Call Ellen Rapoport - Tel: 646 200 7482 email: ellen.rapoport@wbreseach.com

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