list part2 dr. bernard chen ph.d. university of central arkansas spring 2009

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List Part2

Dr. Bernard Chen Ph.D.University of Central Arkansas

Spring 2009


linked lists implementation An Array-Based Implementation of

Linked Lists

List Implantation by Linked list In any structure used to store the

elements of a list, it must be possible to perform at least the following operation:

1. Locate the First element2. Given the location of any list element,

find its successor3. Locate the end of the list

Linked List

Linked list nodes contain Data part – stores an element of the

list Next part – stores link/pointer to next

element (when no next element, null


Design the list class

Should contain at least the following function members Constructor empty() insert() delete() display()


To construct an empty list, we simply make first a null link to indicate that it does not refer to any node:

first = null_value;


We can then perform the Empty operation--- determining whether a list is empty, simply by checking whether first is null:

first == null_value?

Traverse We begin by initializing an auxiliary

variable ptr to point to the first node: Initialize a variable ptr to point to first


Process data where ptr points


Traverse (ctd) set ptr = ptr->next, process ptr->data

Continue until ptr == null


To insert a new data value into a linked list, we must first obtain a new node and store the value in its data part

The second step is to connect this new node to existing list Two cases in this situation: (1) insertion

after some element in the list and (2) insertion at the beginning of the list


Insertion To insert 20 after 17 Need address of item before point of insertion predptr points to the node containing 17 Get a new node pointed to by newptr and store 20

in it Set the next pointer of this new node equal to the

next pointer in its predecessor, thus making it point to its successor.

Reset the next pointer of its predecessor to point to this new node



Insertion Note: insertion also works at end of list

pointer member of new node set to null Insertion at the beginning of the list

predptr must be set to first pointer member of newptr set to that value

(Where first points to) first set to value of newptr

In all cases, no shifting of list elements is required !


For deletion, there are also two cases to consider: Deleting an element that has a

predecessor Delete the first element in the list


Delete node containing 22 from list. Suppose ptr points to the node to be deleted predptr points to its predecessor (the 17)

Do a bypass operation: Set the next pointer in the predecessor to

point to the successor of the node to be deleted

Deallocate the node being deleted.

predptr ptr

To free space


The second case is easier Just set the first points to the

second node in the list and then returning the deleted node to the storage pool

Linked Lists - Advantages

Access any item as long as external link to first item maintained

Insert new item without shifting Delete existing item without shifting Can expand/contract as necessary

Linked Lists - Disadvantages

No longer have direct access to each element of the list Many sorting algorithms need direct

access Binary search needs direct access

Access of nth item now less efficient must go through first element, and then

second, and then third, etc.


linked lists implementation An Array-Based Implementation of

Linked Lists

Pointer Based Node Since each node has two different parts, a

data part and a next part, it is nature to have a node class with two data members.

class Node{

ElementType data;Node *next;


Pointer Based Node To declare a pointer to a node:

Node *ptr

To allocate a new node pointer to by ptr:ptr = new Node;ptr = new Node(data_nalue);ptr = new Node(data_value, link_value);

To access the data nad next part of the node pointed to by ptr:ptr -> dataptr -> next

Array-Based Implementation of Linked Lists

Given a list with names

Implementation would look like this

How to do it???

First of all, define a 2D array

int array[10][2];

How to do it??? Constructor( )

we make “first” variable equals to 7 to indicate we start with position 7

first ==7;

How to choose a start point??

How to do it??? Put 88 into data

position and set next position to NULL


How to do Insertion??? Find a empty position (in

this example it’s node 1)

Insert(array, 1){

ptr==1; // find a empty positionpre_ptr==7; // you need a function to

find pre_ptrarray[new_node][0]==54;array[new_node][1]==array[pre_ptr][1];array[pre_ptr][1]==ptr;size++;



Insertion To insert 20 after 17 Need address of item before point of insertion predptr points to the node containing 17 Get a new node pointed to by newptr and store 20

in it Set the next pointer of this new node equal to the

next pointer in its predecessor, thus making it point to its successor.

Reset the next pointer of its predecessor to point to this new node



How to do Deletion???

Implementation Details For Insertion, there are also two cases

to consider: insertion after some element in the list and insertion at the beginning of the list

For deletion, there are also two cases to consider: Deleting an element that has a predecessor Delete the first element in the list

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